CERTIFER Academy Trainings EN 2023

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2023 Training program

Railway and Urban transportation systems

Seminars • Workshops • Trainings
2 The CERTIFER Group is Global specialist in testing, inspection and certification in the railway & urban transportation sector of mobility for 25
With the strong experience and expertise built up over the decades, CERTIFER Academy is proud and pleased to announce the new 2023
training program, which will include more than 50 training modules divided into 7 different areas of the expertise. We hope that this new and
updated 2023 training program will meet your, and your teams needs to improve and develop your skills.
Our training program is based on the experience of all entities within the CERTIFER Group, our experts, all together specialists in their re-
spective railway and urban fields; therefore, each module is based on the expertise acquired during the various projects in over 60 countries
worldwide. Our approach based on the project experience allows us to offer you real value according to your operational needs.
Whether in person, remotely or via our complementary online training course, we continue to provide you with the professional and local
support from our experts. The CERTIFER Academy is multicultural institution and we are happy to offer courses in a wide range of different
languages: German, English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese, Polish, Danish, Chinese and more.
We are looking forward to offer you our courses soon!

Selda Biyikli Klaudia Weber

Managing Director Head of CERTIFER Academy

Adam-Klein-Str. 26 • 90429 Nuremberg
E-Mail: academy@certifer.eu


650+ Top 3 worldwide

24 Experts from the Railway & Testing, Inspection & Certification of rail-
locations worldwide Urban Transportation way & guided transportation systems

7 accredited bodies:
ISO/IEC 17020 Type A
over 50 ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17025 Projects in
Seminar topics ISO/IEC 17021 +50 countries
Our testing, inspection and certification areas

NoBo DeBo AsBo

With five notified bodies in the Certifier In addition to the International and Euro- With our ‘know how to guide’ of the vari-
Group according to the European Directive pean regulations, our Group is active in 13 ous methods and our practical experience,
2016/797/EU, we intervene in the assess- countries (Germany, France, Belgium, Net- we are also available to you as an indepen-
ment of all subsystems and interoperabi- herlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Aust- dent assessment body for the application
lity constituents for all areas listed in the ria, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Denmark, Norway of the CSM Regulation (EU 402/2013 and
Technical Specifications for Interoperability and Sweden) and recognized as a desig- EU 2015/1136) and as a type A inspection
(TSI): Rolling Stock, Control Command and nated body or equivalent to assess the na- institution accredited in accordance with
Signaling, Infrastructure, Energy, Operation tional notified technical rules (NNTR). With DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020.
and Maintenance and Global System. these recognitions, our group offers you a
‘turnkey’ solution for Europe and beyond.

ECM Light rail systems Management systems

CERTIFER Group provides ECM certificati- For light rail systems, we act as a recogni- In addition to the various certification ser-
on services in accordance with Regulation sed expert body in Germany in accordance vices for subsystems, products and also
(EU) No 2019/779 to workshops and ent- with §5 (2) BOStrab. ECMs, the Group offers international ma-
ities in charge of the maintenance of both For more than 20 years, we have been sup- nagement system audits according to ISO
freight wagons, locomotives and multiple porting manufacturers, contractors, opera- 9001 (railway activities) and according to
units. tors and also safety authorities in carrying the SCC and VA-keur requirements (for the
With a large number of certified work- out safety assessments and testing of met- non-railways) under EN ISO/IEC 17021
shops, our group is a leader in this field. ro and tramway systems. accreditation.

Test center Non-Destructive Testing Hoisting and Lifting

For the testing and validation of your ve- Due to the criticality of the services, the The Group's activities are not limited to
hicles, vehicle components or software, main key players in the railway sector (ope- the railway and urban projects. For railway
our test centre in Germany is at your dis- rators, infrastructure managers and main- construction machinery and lifting and
posal with a high level of technical know- tenance entities) need to ensure the safety hosting equipment, we provide a full ran-
ledge. of equipments, products and systems and ge of testing, inspection and certification
therefore perform upstream inspections, services of lifting and hoisting equipment,
We carry out the validation of the vehicle
such as NDT. Our teams, qualified from bulk containers, agricultural equipment,
and the safety functions for you on site or
level I to III, provide accredited inspections gardening parking machines, etc. Our ser-
on our partner's test tracks.
of wheels, axles, rails, rail welds, drawbars vices include both accredited, according
and other parts of railway systems under to EN ISO/IEC 17020, and non-accredited
EN ISO/IEC 17020 accreditation. inspections.

Seminars & Trainings In House Seminars Online Trainings
The CERTIFER Academy program offers you We conduct our seminars as in-house Online training offers you the opportunity
over 50 seminar topics, which are divided events at your convenience. to learn at your own convenience.
into seven main areas. Our expert speakers will be happy to de- Multifunctional tools allow you to learn
Our multiple choice offers provide you with velop a seminar with you that is specially wherever you are. Find the right format for
the opportunities to learn about current tailored to your needs. Let us know your you on the digital learning journey.
topics in the railway sector and to expand needs for your further training.
your knowledge.

www.certifer.eu academy@certifer.eu www.certifer.eu

Expertise areas 7

Safety in the Railway Sector 13

Approval & Certification 25

Railway Systems and Technologies 43

Expertise and qualified assessors 59

Railway legislation 69

Urban transportation systems 77

Innovation 83

8 Safety in the Railway Sector Page

01.01 Functional safety case according to current CENELEC standards 14

01.02 EN 50126 CENELEC standard 15
01.03 EN 50129 CENELEC standard 16
Standards-compliant development and assessment of Safety-related software according to
01.04 17
EN 50128:2011/A2:2020 / EN 50657:2017
01.05 Safety management in daily railway practice 18
01.06 Fundamentals for future safety managers in the railway manufacturing sector 19
01.07 Practical seminar fault tree analysis and FME(C)A 20
01.08 CSM-RA regulation - process and evidence management 21
01.09 Assessment of significance and safety relevance for changes on railway subsystems 22
01.10 CSM-RA EU 402/2013 and EU 2015/1136 in the area of RUs: What operators need to consider 23
Approval & Certification Page 9
02.01 Overview of the 4th Railway package, interoperability directive and vehicle authorization 26
02.02 The Technical Specifications for Interoperability: Overview of the current status of TSIs 27
02.03 TSI LOC&PAS (Locomotives and passengers) 28
02.04 TSI Energy 29
02.05 TSI PRM (Persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility) 30
02.06 TSI CCS (Control-command and signalling) 31
02.07 TSI Infrastructure 32
02.08 Certification in the railway sector 33
02.09 Approval process in Germany and the EU 34
02.10 Certification of entities in charge of maintenance (ECM) 35
02.11 "ECM officer" training in Europe 36-37
The high level structure of management systems and its application or implementation in a maintenance system
02.12 38
according to Regulation (EU) No. 2019/779

02.13 Project management in railway projects 39

02.14 Certification process of a railway infrastructure project 40

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10 Railway Systems and Technologies Page

03.01 Fundamentals of rail vehicle systems engineering 44

03.02 Braking fundamentals 45
03.03 Extension seminar brake technology 46
03.04 Fundamentals of control and safety technology (LST) for railway systems 47
03.05 Practice day vehicle technology and maintenance 48
03.06 EMC and electrical safety in rolling stock 49
03.07 Basics overhead contact line current collectors 50
03.08 Safety and reliability of electrical / electronic and programmable systems 51
03.09 ETCS Workshop: Basics and practical Experience on the ETCS Simulator 52
03.10 Occupational health and safety, worker protection and passenger safety in rail vehicles 53
03.11 Fire protection and evacuation for rail vehicles according to DIN EN 45545:2013 54
03.12 Fundamentals of railway operation 55
03.13 Practice day in railway operation 56

03.14 Rolling stock accident investigation 57

Expertise and qualified assessors (specific for Germany) Page

04.01 Railway law for experts according to § 33 EBO and experts 60

04.02 Theoretical training of experts in the field of "Installations for flammable liquids on rolling stock" 61
04.03 Theoretical training of experts in the field of "Compressed air systems on rolling stock" 62
04.04 Theoretical training of experts in the field of "Battery systems on rolling stock" 63
04.05 Exam preparation for recognition of EBA experts / inspection experts § 4b AEG 64
04.06 Training for train drivers and shunters according to EBOA/BOA 65
04.07 Preparation for the technical interview for railway operations managers according to EBOA (Bavaria) 66
Railway legislation (specific for Germany) Page

05.01 Railway law workshop 70

05.02 Railway construction / commissioning licences Infrastructure, energy, CCS 71
05.03 Vehicle registration law (EU / nat.) and liability 72
05.04 Technical planning law for railways (General Railway Law - AEG) 73
05.05 Exam preparation for recognition of EBA experts / inspection experts § 4b AEG 74
05.06 Railway law for experts according to the German § 33 EBO and experts 75

Urban transportation systems Page

06.01 Safety management of trams according to BOStrab 78

06.02 Registration management for trams according to BOStrab 79
06.03 RAM, LCC and obsolescence in light rail systems 80
06.04 Safety management for Urban Guided Transports according to STPG/STRMTG (French OQA mission) 81

Innovation Page

07.01 Cybersecurity - IT Security Demonstration in Railway Systems 84

07.02 Cybersecurity for Railway - cybersecurity assurance according to CLC/TS 50701 85
07.03 Safety assessment of hybrid systems 86
07.04 Autonomous vehicles 87

Adam-Klein-Str. 26 • 90429 Nuremberg

E-Mail: academy@certifer.eu
Safety in the railway sector 13
Safety in the railway sector

Functional safety case management according to current CENELEC standards

14 Seminar-No. 01.01 The seminar provides information on the procedure for successful RAM management during all stages
of design, taking into account the CENELEC standards relevant to rail transport (EN 5012x). Based on
the numerous requirements expressed by the customers, the applicable laws and directives, the regu-
Online-Seminar * latory requirements of the safety authorities, the standards, operator guidelines, leaflets and working
groups (e.g. safety guideline vehicle SIRF), an efficient application of the EN 5012X series of standards
as a basis for safety verification will be demonstrated.
A selection of methods from the CENELEC series of standards used in practice is presented, with the
22.-23.03.2023 Nuremberg emphasis on safety case management. The process of the preparation for risk analysis, the assignment
18.-19.10.2023 Nuremberg of safety requirement levels, the qualitative and quantitative fault tree analysis (FTA), as well as the
On-demand Valenciennes qualitative and quantitative failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA or FMECA) are covered in this
Length: 2 Days seminar.
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Safety Manager
• Safety authorities staff
• NoBo, DeBo, AsBo
• Technical Project Manager
• Safety Case, Development, SEMINAR CONTENTS
Quality Assurance Staff DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Introduction, legal fundamentals
• RAMS management (system life cycle, safety manager, SIRF)
LANGUAGES • Risk analysis and safety targets
(Preparatory risk analysis to identify hazards and safety objectives)
• SiRF, CSM and EN 50126 correlations
• Qualitative and quantitative FME(C)A at rolling stock level
• Return of experience and discussion
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Qualitative and quantitative FTA at rolling stock level
• Safety verification for subsystems, components and hardware according to
EN 50129, EN 61508, EN 13849 and SIRF
• Software and assessment, development, validation, expert opinions according to the
new EN 50128:2011 / EN 50657:2017
• Functional safety assessment or OQA safety report
• Final discussion

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Safety in the railway sector

EN 50126 CENELEC standard

One important fact for railways is the notion of generic product, generic application and specific appli- Seminar-No. 01.02 15
cation, these notions will be introduced and the rules related to the reused contents of the preexisting
system will be described. During this training, RAMS concepts and the whole RAMS lifecycle will be
presented. As well as the concept of THR and SIL and in particular the usage of the basic integrity. In Online-Seminar *
addition, some transversal activities such as quality management, verification, validation and assess-
ment will be introduced. By the end of the training the trainee will understand the content of the
CENELEC EN 50126 and the changes compared to the previous version. DATES & COSTS
12.04.2023 Nuremberg
26.09.2023 Nuremberg
On-demand Valenciennes
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Software engineers
• Safety engineers
• Systems engineers
• Quality engineers
• Everyone involved in the realization of the
SEMINAR CONTENTS system with a SIL objective (Design, V&V,
DAY 1 09.30-17.00 quality and RAMS )
• Scope of EN 50126
• Link with the IEC 61508 and other standards
• RAMS concepts in EN 50126 LANGUAGES
• THR, SIL and basic integrity
• Whole RAMS lifecycle
• Risk management
• The principles of risk acceptance
• Presentation of the standard implementation
• System safety analysis (SHA, IHA, etc.)
• Management of RAMS
• RAMS activities
• Identification of key points of EN 50126
• Annexes

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Safety in the railway sector

EN 50129 CENELEC standard

16 Seminar-No. 01.03 During the training, the link between EN 50129 and the other railway standards will be presented, but
the training will mainly, focus on the contents of the proof of safety, based on EN 50129, as well as on
the description of all new requirements within the updated version of the norms:
Online-Seminar *
• Security and cyber-security
DATES & COSTS • Qualification of used tools
13.04.2023 Nuremberg • FPGA-draft based
27.09.2023 Nuremberg • Reused contents
On-demand Valenciennes
Length: 1 Day Based on the notion of the generic product, generic application and specific application, different
Fee: 700,00 € proof of safety needs to be established. Another important part of the process is called Cross-Accep-
incl. lunch and certificate of participation tance, all of the above mentioned will be covered in the training.
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Software engineers
• Safety engineers
• Systems engineers
• Quality engineers
• Everyone involved in the realization of the SEMINAR CONTENTS
system with a SIL objective (design, V&V, DAY 1 09.30-17.00 Uhr
quality and RAMS) • Scope of EN 50129
• Reminder on safety analysis (PHA, FMEA, failure tree analysis)
• Generic product vs generic application vs Specific application
LANGUAGES • Declination of THR to SIL and SSIL
• Structure of the safety case
• Reused of pre-existing product
• Safety a hardware architecture
• Tools qualification
• Demonstration of the safety of an equipment
• Link with software and hardware
• Cross-Acceptance
• Identification of keys points of EN 50129
• FPGA design
• Annexes

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Safety in the railway sector

Standards-compliant development and assessment of

Safety-related software according to EN 50128:2011/A2:2020 / EN 50657:2017
This seminar is aimed at the persons who are confronted with the development of safety-relevant Seminar-No. 01.04 17
software or who have to ensure standard-compliant development within the framework of the quality
management. You will get an overview of how a standard-compliant development of safety-relevant
software must be structured, documented and proven before an expert. Case studies and exercises Online-Seminar *
illustrate the implementation of the normative requirements in daily practice.

The following points are addressed:

• Basics EN 50128 / EN 50657 DATES & COSTS
• Classification/scope of EN 50128 and EN 50657 14.-15.03.2023 Nuremberg
• Safety integrity and SIL derivation 07.-08.11.2023 Nuremberg
• Software development models On-demand Valenciennes
• SW quality assurance as a key aspect
Length: 2 Days
• SW requirements, architecture and design
• Implementation, integration, test, acceptance, maintenance Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
• Review process and the role of the reviewer plus VAT
• Cross-cutting issues: * On-demand
- Relationship between verification and validation (V & V)
- Dealing with supplies and development tools
- Testing, test coverage TARGET GROUP
- Generic software and configurable systems • Safety manager
• Technical project manager
• Safety case, development,
quality assurance staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Scope and principles of EN 50128 / EN 50657
• Safety integrity and SIL derivation
• SW development models and SW quality management
• Requirements management, architecture and design
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Implementation, integration, test, acceptance, maintenance
• Process and the role of the reviewer
• Cross-cutting issues
• New features of EN 50567 compared to EN 50128

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Safety in the railway sector

Safety management in daily railway practice

18 Seminar-No. 01.05 The topic of "safety management" is a central issue in everyday life for rail transport and rail infras-
tructure companies.
Your company has already received a safety certificate/authorisation and you would like to know how
Online-Seminar * to proceed the further steps?
We would like to answer this question for you not only from a theoretical point of view, but also
DATES & COSTS present practical examples of how regular changes and reviews can be implemented. The further
development of your safety management system is a central part of strengthening the safety policy
01.-02.02.2023 Nuremberg
and culture in your company.
25.-26.07.2023 Nuremberg
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Railway Operations Manager
• Technical Project Manager
• Employees of the departments Railway
Operations, Vehicle Engineering,


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• General legal fundamentals, including the new version of the Railway Safety Directive
• Specific requirements of the authorities
• Documentation methods
• Internal communication
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Obstacles
• Round of discussions
• Review and questions about DAY 1
• Solutions approach based on case studies

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Safety in the railway sector

Fundamentals for future safety managers in the railway manufacturing sector

This seminar will provide you with a basic knowledge of relevant European and German legal regulati- Seminar-No. 01.06 19
ons and their correlations as well as familiarity with the aspects of safety and safety-related tasks and
activities. This gives you the best prerequisites to take on the role of Safety Manager at a manufacturer
(Rolling stock, components). Online-Seminar *
Seminar content:
• General legal Fundamentals, CENELEC standards, CSM, RAMS DATES & COSTS
• Definition of the role of "Safety Manager" and its tasks/activities On-demand Nuremberg
• Contents of the safety plan
• Practical application of safety activities in the product life cycle
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Safety Manager
• Manufacturer and operator of Rolling stock
• NoBo, DeBo, AsBo
• Technical Project Manager
• employees involved in Admission,
Vehicle Technology, Railway Operations

DAY 1 09.30-17.00 LANGUAGES
• General legal Fundamentals
• CENELEC standards, CSM, RAMS
• Preparation of Hazard and Risk Analysis
• Creation of a hazard logbook
• Round of discussions
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Review and questions about the previous day
• Create a safety plan
• Preparation of other verification documents
• Elaboration/distribution of checklists
• Round of discussions

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Safety in the railway sector

Practical seminar fault tree analysis and FME(C)A

20 Seminar-No. 01.07 As part of the work in the topics of safety analysis and safety demonstration, there is a need for
structured procedures. The seminar offers an introduction to fault tree analysis (FTA) as a top-down
Online-Seminar * With the fault tree analysis you will answer the question: What leads to the undesired event under
which circumstances? The seminar also offers an introduction to FME(C)A as a bottom-up procedure.
With the FMEA, you and your team have the opportunity to answer the questions such as: What ha-
zards are relevant in my system/process?
21.03.2023 Nuremberg
Adding the criticality analysis (FMECA) enables you to estimate importance of the identified failures.
05.09.2023 Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Safety Manager
• Technical Project Manager
• Safety Case, Development,
Quality, Assurance Staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Basics FTA / theory part Qualitative FTA and quantitative FTA
• Creation of Qualitative FTA with Microsoft Visio
• Presentation of the creation of quantitative FTA with the tool RELEX
• Basics FME(C)A - documentation and application possibilities
• Case study for the creation of FME(C)As
• Limits of the procedures
Which procedure is sensibly used and when? Level of detail - when is the procedure completed?

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Safety in the railway sector

CSM-RA regulation - Process and evidence management

The legal requirement at European level for the implementation of risk management for changes to Seminar-No. 01.08 21
subsystems of the railway system in accordance with interoperability Directive was obtained in 2009
with the introduction of Regulation (EC) No 352/2009 - CSM-RA (Common Safety Methods -Risk As-
sessment). Online-Seminar *
The application of appropriate risk management in the sense of the CSM Regulation must therefore
be taken into account in the event of changes to all subsystems - for example to rolling stock, infra-
structure, operation or maintenance processes.
28.-29.03.2023 Nuremberg
Thus, a structured and documented procedure for the identification of hazards, the risk assessment,
10.-11.10.2023 Nuremberg
the determination of safety management measures as well as the appropriate verification is required.
With the Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 402/2013 and the Implementing Regulation (EU) No. Length: 2 Days
2015/1136, Regulation (EC) No. 352/2009 has now been replaced and extended. Fee: 1.400,00 €
In this seminar, you will be familiarised with background and possibilities for the application/imple- incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
mentation of the required risk management. Furthermore, you will get to know the application in * On-demand
• Manufacturer and Operator
• Technical Project Manager
• Approval, vehicle technology,
development, commissioning, maintenance,
railway operations departments staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Fundamentals of risk management
• Origin of the CSM regulations
• Contents of the CSM regulations
• Application guidelines
• Connection to EN 50126 and safety management
• Round of discussions, clarification of open questions
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Day 1 summary
• Contents and preparation of CSM verification documentation
• System definition, hazard and risk analysis, safety requirements
• Approaches from the practice
• Final discussion, clarification of open questions

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Safety in the railway sector

Assessment of significance and safety relevance of changes on railway subsystems

22 Seminar-No. 01.09 Any modification to the trans-European railway system requires authorisation in accordance with the
European Interoperability Directive (EU) 2016/797. This requires, among other things, the application
of the European Regulation 402/2013 EU "Common Safety Methods on Risk Assessment" in conjunc-
Online-Seminar * tion with Regulation 2015/1136 EU, also known as the CSM Regulation, CSM-VO or CSM RA.
The risk management procedure described therein is to be applied in the course of the unification of
the European railway for any modification of a railway subsystem which belongs to or connects to the
trans-European network in order to ensure a common adequate safety level.
01.03.2023 Nuremberg
The system to be described in the form of a system definition shall be subject to a significance
05.12.2023 Nuremberg
verification. Any significant change shall result in further entry into the procedure of the CSM Regula-
Length: 1 Day tion. As an application in the sense of this regulation, one must therefore answer the question whether
Fee: 700,00 € the desired change to a subsystem of the railway is to be regarded as safety-relevant and significant. In
incl. lunch and certificate of participation doing so, various aspects and criteria have to be considered with regard to the system to be changed
plus VAT and the organisation carrying out the change.
* On-demand
In this seminar, the necessary fundamentals as well as possible procedures are covered, those are
necessary for the assessment of the safety relevance and significance of a change to a subsystem of
TARGET GROUP the European Railway.
• Approval manager
• Applicants in compliance with the
CSM Regulation
• Railway undertakings` staff
• Rolling stock manufacturer


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Overview of European regulations and Common Safety Methods
• Joint discussion of the basis for safety relevance/significance
• Demonstrate the methods and techniques for assessing safety relevance/significance.
• Demonstration of selected practical examples
• Round of discussions and clarification of open questions from practice

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Safety in the railway sector

CSM-RA EU 402/2013 and EU 2015/1136 in the area of RUs:

What operators need to consider
In this seminar, you will learn how to deal with the CSM Regulation (EU) No. 402/2013 and how to Seminar-No. 01.10 23
implement and apply it in your company's existing processes. You will learn the principles and the
stakeholders involved in the application of the CSM and understand the interactions with Directive
(EU) 2016/798 (requirements for management of railway safety). Online-Seminar *
Based on a practical example, we will run a risk management process with you.
07.-08.02.2023 Nuremberg
06.-07.09.2023 Nuremberg
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Railway undertakings` Management
• Safety Manager
• Railway Operations Manager
• Other responsible persons from
railway undertakings


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• The CSM Regulation in interaction with Directive (EU) 2016/798 (Railway safety)
• Terms of Regulation (EU) No. 402/2013
• Scope of application
• Steps in the risk management process
- Review for safety relevance and significance
- Hazard classification and principles of risk acceptance
- Risk evaluation and assessment

DAY 2 09.00-13.00
• Case study
• Influence on the annual safety report
• Round of discussions

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Approval & Certification 25
Approval & Certification

Overview of the 4th railway package, interoperability directive

and vehicle authorization
26 Seminar-No. 02.01 The technical pillar of the 4th railway packet applied throughout the EU. The participants will receive
an overview of the new provisions of the Interoperability Directive 2016/797 and Vehicle Authoriza-
tion 2018/545.
Online-Seminar *


20.-04.2023 Nuremberg, SEMINAR CONTENTS
09.11.2023 Nuremberg DAY 1 09.30-17.00
On-demand Valenciennes • Overview of the 4th Railway packet
Length: 1 Day • Technical pillar of the 4th railway packet
Fee: 700,00 € • Individual European regulation
incl. lunch and certificate of participation • Interoperability Directive
plus VAT
* On-demand - Scope vehicles
- Definitions
- Essential requirements
• Technical project manager - Subsystem, certificate, putting on the market
• Safety authority staff - Interoperable constituent, certificate, putting on the market
• Certification and Authorization manager - Technical Specification for Interoperability
- Derogations
- Vehicle authorization for placing on the market
- Registration
LANGUAGES - Route compatibility
- Conformity Assessment Bodies
- Register
• Vehicle Authorization
- General process / main milestones
- Roles of stakeholders
- Cross border agreement
- Requirements capture
- Changes on an already authorized vehicle
- Variant and version
- Basic Design Characteristics
• Pre-engagement
• Questions, justified doubt, decision

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Approval & Certification

The Technical Specifications for Interoperability: Overview of the current status of TSIs

This seminar will provide a general overview of the current status of the TSIs as well as general Seminar-No. 02.02 27
fundamentals of the TSIs.
Case studies from practice:
• Which TSI requirements must my rolling stock comply with? Seminar-Online *
• Which modules do I choose?
Which standards are mandatory and which are "only" recommended?
• What is a Recommendation for Use (RFU)? DATES & COSTS
28.03.2023 Nuremberg
16.11.2023 Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• General principles of the TSIs
• DeBo, AsBo
- EU TFUE Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). Art 91 Part 3 & 4
• RU and EIU
- Rules applicable to international traffic to or from the national territory of a Member State • Rolling stock manufacturers
- Conditions for the authorisation of transport operators • Technical Project Manager
- Measures to improve the safety of transport • Approval, vehicle technology and
- Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). Art 170-172 railway operation department staff
- Development and expansion of trans-European networks
- Promoting interconnection and interoperability LANGUAGES
- Legally enforceable
- EU Directive
- EU Regulation
- Decision
• Emergence of TSIs, transposition into national law
- Directive 2008/57/EC and (EU) 2016/797
- Decision 2010/713/EU
• Overview of the current TSIs, Recommendation for Use (RFU)
• Verification of the requirement from the TSIs
- Tasks of a Notified Body (NoBo)
- Selection of the different modules by customers
• Contents of a „Module“

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Approval & Certification

TSI LOC&PAS (Locomotives and passengers)

28 Seminar-No. 02.03 This seminar covers the technical specification for interoperability relating to the “locomotives and
passenger rolling stock” subsystem of the rail system in the European Union (Regulation 1302/2014/
Online-Seminar * This seminar provides a general overview of the current status of the Loc&Pass TSI as well as general
basics on the TSIs. Case studies from practice:
DATES & COSTS • Which TSI requirements must my rolling stock fulfill?
09.05.2023 Nuremberg • Which modules do I choose? Which standards are mandatory and which are "only" recommended?
14.11.2023 Nuremberg
On-demand Valenciennes
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical project manager
• Safety authority staff
• Certification and Authorization manager
• Design and technical staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Rolling stock admission process
- Presentation of stakeholders in the rolling stock commissioning process
- Hierarchy of standards
- Identification of the referential applicable to a project
• Scope of application of the TSI according to the project
• Conduct of a notified body assignment.
• Use of TSIs to identify regulatory requirements.
• List and identification of the annexed texts

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TSI Energy

This seminar provides an overview of the application of Technical Specification for Interoperability for Seminar-No. 02.04 29
the “energy subsystem” adopted by the Commission Regulation (Commission Regulation 1301/2014
(EU) (from now on referred as ENE TSI).
The catenary system is split into different characteristics: Seminar-Online *
Voltage/Frequency, parameters of the supply system performance, current capacity, regenerative bra-
ke, electrical protection, harmonic, geometry of the overhead contact line, pantograph, etc. We will
see each of these points and their applications during this session. DATES & COSTS
On-demand Nuremberg,
At the end of this seminar, the people trained will be able to : Valenciennes
• Define the scope of application of the TSI according to the project Length: 1 Day
• Explain how a Notified Body mission is carried out Fee: 700,00 €
• Use the TSIs to identify the regulatory requirements incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
• List and identify the different annexed texts * On-demand

• Technical project manager
• Design and technical staff
• Engineers, technicians


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Scope of application of the TSI according to the project
• Notified Body mission
• Identification and assessment of the basic parameters and interoperability constituents
• Presentation of the different annexed texts

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Approval & Certification

TSI PRM (Persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility)

30 Seminar-No. 02.05 This seminar covers the technical specification for interoperability relating to the
accessibility of the Union's rail system for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility
(Regulation 1300/2014/EU). The following topics will be presented:
Online-Seminar * • Parking facilities
• Obstacle-free route
• Horizontal/Vertical circulation
• Route identification
On-demand Nuremberg,
• Doors and entrances
• Floor surfaces
Length: 5 hours • Highlighting of transparent obstacles
Fee: 500,00 € • Toilets and baby nappy changing facilities
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT • Furniture and free-standing devices
* On-demand
• Ticketing, Information desks and Customer Assistance points
• Lighting
TARGET GROUP • Visual information
• Technical project manager • Platform width and edge of platform
• Design and technical staff
• Interfaces with other subsystems
• Certification and Authorization manager


DAY 1 09.30-15.00
• Scope of application of the TSI according to the project
• Conduct of a notified body assignment.
• Use of TSIs to identify regulatory requirements.
• List and identification of the annexed texts

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Approval & Certification

TSI CCS (Control-command and signalling)

This seminar covers the technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command Seminar-No. 02.06 31
and signalling subsystems of the rail system in the European Union (Regulation 2016/919/EU).
The trainer will explain the application of TSI to control-command and signalling subsystems of ve-
hicles of the rail network of the European Union. Seminar-Online *


On-demand Nuremberg,
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical project manager
• Safety authority staff
• Certification and Authorization manager


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Introduction, technical scope
• Subsystem scope
• Essential Requirements
• Characterisation of the Subsystems
• Interoperability Constituents
• Assessing the conformity and/or suitability for use of the constituents and verifying the
• Implementing the TSI Control-Command and Signalling
• Annexes

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Approval & Certification

Infrastructure TSI

32 Seminar-No. 02.07 This seminar provides an overview of the application of Infrastructure Technical Specification for In-
teroperability adopted by the Commission Regulation (Commission Regulation 1299/2014 (EU). This
TSI covers part of the infrastructure structural subsystem (along with TSI PRM and TSI SRT) and the
Online-Seminar * part of the maintenance functional subsystem relating to the infrastructure subsystem.

At the end of this seminar, the people trained will be able to :

DATES & COSTS • Define the scope of application of the TSI according to the project
On-demand Nuremberg • Explain how a Notified Body mission is carried out
• Use the TSIs to identify the regulatory requirements
• List and identify the different annexed texts
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical project managers
• Design and technical staff
• Engineers, technicians


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Scope of application of the TSI according to the project
• Notified Body mission
• Identification and assessment of the basic parameters and interoperability constituents
• Presentation of the different annexed texts

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Approval & Certification

Certification in the railway sector

The railway industry is currently experiencing fundamental changes throughout Europe and there are Seminar-No. 02.08 33
increasingly higher demands on quality and safety. As a result, continuous development of all proces-
ses from production to operation is a must. The optimisation and standardisation of the entire produc-
tion chain up to commissioning increases the reliability and economic efficiency of the railway system. Online-Seminar *
This seminar will provide a general overview of accreditations, certifications and acknowledgements
in the railway sector. Which certifications does a railway rolling stock manufacturer, its staff and sub-
contractors need? Which accreditations are required for inspection bodies, notified bodies (NoBo),
designated bodies (DeBo), risk assessment bodies (AsBo), railway undertakings (RU) and maintenance 20.-21.06.2023 Nuremberg
bodies? 12.-13.09.2023 Nuremberg
On-demand Valenciennes
This seminar will give you answers to these questions, among others, and clarifies the correlations of
all certifications that are required in the "railway" system. Finally, you will be able to see the numerous Length: 2 Days
advantages of certification in the "railway" system, which will give your company a better positioning Fee: 1.400,00 €
on the market and thus a clear competitive advantage. incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical Project Manager
• Approval, Vehicle Technology and
• Development staff
• Assessors and experts


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• General quality management according to DIN EN ISO 9001
• IRIS: railway-specific quality management
• DIN EN 15085: welding certification
• DIN 6701: standard for adhesive bonding in rail industry
• DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024: QM in staff certification
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020: Requirements for inspection bodies
• CSM Regulation: Requirements for assessment bodies
• DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065: Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
• DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025: General requirements for the competence of testing
and calibration laboratories
• ECM Regulation (EU) 2019/779: Certification and requirements for Maintenance Workshops

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Approval & Certification

Approval process in Germany and the EU

34 Seminar-No. 02.09 Time-consuming - expensive - unreachable? From the first to the last step on the way to railway
approval, knowledge and correct application of the approval legal framework is the decisive factor
for success.
Online-Seminar * The seminar "Railway Approval" will bring you to this target.


25.04.2023 Nuremberg
28.11.2023 Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical Project Manager
• Approval, Vehicle Technology and
• Development staff
• Assessors and experts SEMINAR CONTENTS
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Introduction Railway Approval law
• Types of Approval
• Applicant
• Approval bodies
LANGUAGES • Test centres
• Mainline and BOStrab approvals
• Regulations in European and national lawtypes of vehicle registration
• Types of approvals Infrastructure / TA Formal approval requirements Responsibilities,
applications, deadlines
• Substantive licensing requirements Basic requirements
• Levels of evidence
• First-time admissions
• Upgrade and renewal
• Legal standards of technical standards

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Approval & Certification

Certification of entities in charge of maintenance (ECM)

Based on the European Railway Safety Directive, the certification of the Entity in Charge of Mainte- Seminar-No. 02.10 35
nance (ECM) for freight wagons was made mandatory in 2013. New challenges arises especially for
railway undertakings, keepers of railway vehicles and workshops.
The tasks of the entity in charge of maintenance can be performed by the entity itself or transferred to Online-Seminar *
a third party under the contract. Anyone wishing to act as an entity in charge of the maintenance of
freight wagons, or who only works on certain areas, must deal with the Regulation (EU) No. 2019/779.
This seminar covers the general legal provisions and requirements relevant for maintenance bodies as
11.07.2023 Nuremberg
well as the specific requirements on the part of the authority or certifier.
In this context, the obstacles are documentation possibilities, leads to solutions and the effort involved
Length: 1 Day
will be discussed with the help of several practical case studies. Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
In addition, an insight will be provided regarding how the quality can be maintained at a consistently plus VAT
high level after certification, and what the implications might be for the forthcoming revision of the * On-demand
ECM Regulation.

• RU and EIU
• Workshops
• Maintenance workshops of rolling stock
• Rolling stock manufacturers
• Technical Project Manager
• Approval, vehicle technology and
railway operation department staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• The ECM Regulation (EU) 2019/779
• Certification requirements
• Requirements for the maintenance points
• Certification process
• Specific requirements of the authority or certifier
• Documentation, scope and content
• Approaches

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Approval & Certification

"ECM Officer" training in Europe

36 Seminar-No. 02.10 Regulation (EU) No 2019/779 developed a system for the certification of entities in charge of mainte-
nance of freight wagons operating on the railway network of the European Union.
The purpose of this certification scheme is to establish a framework for the harmonisation of require-
ments and methods for these entities in charge of maintenance accross the European Union.
The extension of the scope of this regulation to other railway vehicles has already been set and
will enter into force the latest by 2022. The applicable maintenance workshops require staff who
On-demand Nuremberg have appropriate competencies in the implementation, maintenance and further development of a
Length: 5 Days needs based maintenance management system on the basis of Regulation (EU) No 2019/779.
Fee: 3.500,00 € In order to be able to objectively prove these competencies, a special certification program was
incl. lunch and certificate of participation developed by experts according to the specifications of DIN EN ISO 17024. The certified staff will be
plus VAT well trained to implement, research and do further developments of a maintenance system.

• Quality and environmental management
staff in railway companies
• People who plan and conduct maintenance
• Process managers, department and division
managers who want to deepen their
knowledge in the area of ECM
• People who create ECM documentation
• External consultants who want to deepen
their knowledge in the field of ECM
• "Prospective" ECM auditors


• Get to know management systems and their areas of application
• Be able to interpret definitions of terms: Accreditation, certification, system, process, procedure,
function, competence, information, document
• Understand maintenance functions according to Regulation (EU) No 2019/779 and be able to
implement the requirements in one's own organisation
• Be able to describe, implement and check required procedures on the basis of specified
• Continuously improve the organisation and its processes through the targeted use of tools and
methods, or be able to make a contribution to this
• Be able to plan and conduct or support internal ECM training and audits
• Be able to convince staff to actively participate in continuous improvement

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Approval & Certification


• Role/tasks of the workshop
• Rules of the teamwork COURSE
• Planning/implementation of a workshop Participation in the training allows the can-
didate to take the certification examination
• Accreditation and certification procedures
In addition to the training, a completed pro-
• Systems and delimitation fessional training and professional practice
• Processes and process orientation in the field of maintenance of rolling stock
• Definitions, e.g. procedure, function, competence, documentation Maintenance functions or freight wagons (at least 2 years and 20
• Management function hours/week) must be proven.
• Maintenance development function The examination consists of a multiple-choi-
• Fleet maintenance management function ce test and a task on a maintenance function
related to an organisation that implements
• Maintenance delivery function
or had decided to implement a maintenan-
APPLICABLE REGULATIONS REFERRED TO IN REGULATION (EU) NO 2019/779 ce system according to Regulation (EU) No.
• Directive (EU) 2016/798 2019/779 (ECM system).
• Implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 (replaces Regulation (EC) No 352/2019) Upon positive completion of this examinati-
• Regulation (EU) No 2018/762 on, the graduates will receive a certificate of
as proof of the acquired competencies for
the function of ECM officer.
• Flow Chart
• Ishikawa diagram
• FMEA The training takes place over four days from
09:00 - 17:00. The 5th day (09:00 - 14:00)
AUDITS is reserved for the examination.
• Types of audits and audit fundamentals
• CIP process
• Use of audits
• Use of information from stakeholders
• Measures due to deficiencies and new developments

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Approval & Certification

The high level structure of management systems and its application in a maintenance
system according to Regulation (EU) No. 2019/779
38 Seminar-No. 02.12 This seminar gives an overview of the "High Level Structure" as it is already used in the management
systems for quality according to ISO 9001:2015 and environmental management according to ISO
14001:2015. However, this structure is not used in the directives and regulations to be applied in the
Online-Seminar * railway sector and it is not foreseeable that this structure will be adopted.
Organisations that have implemented a maintenance system in accordance with Regulation (EU)
No. 2019/779 also have certification of one of the management systems listed above in many cases.
The purpose of this seminar is to show the possible assignment of the requirements of Regulation
On-demand Nuremberg
(EU) No. 2019/779 to the High Level Structure.
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Managers (Supervisors, heads of
• ECM responsible persons or staff in ECM
• Quality officers, quality managers
responsible for these functions within the
• Technical Project Managers
• Technical advisors

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Structure of the High Level Structure and its implementation using the example of ISO 9001:2015
• Application of the High Level Structure related to the management function of Regulation (EU)
No 2019/779
• Application of the High Level Structure related to the maintenance development function
of Regulation (EU) No 2019/779
• Application of the High Level Structure related to the fleet maintenance management function
of Regulation (EU) No 2019/779
• Application of the High Level Structure related to the maintenance provision function
of Regulation (EU) No 2019/779

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Approval & Certification

Project management in railway projects

Every railway project is a unique project, despite the recurring problems in many projects. Modern Seminar-No. 02.13 39
project management has been developed to handle projects effectively.
The purpose of this seminar is to provide Project Managers in the railway sector with methods and
techniques or tips that can be used to easily handle projects in the start-up phase. Online-Seminar *
The whole is underpinned by numerous practical case studies.
On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Professional and managers or staff:
- who are actively involved in projects as
Project Managers, project team members or
project assistants
- with project management experience who
want to deepen their knowledge


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• History, Yesterday's and Today's Projects
• Railway specific rules and regulations
• Project management
• Leading projects
• Group dynamics
• Leadership styles
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Project objectives
• Stakeholder-Analysis
• Risk analysis
• Group work
• Summary

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Approval & Certification

Certification process of a railway infrastructure project

40 Seminar-No. 02.14 This seminar provides the most relevant texts context within the framework of the certification process
of infrastructure project.

Online-Seminar *
At the end of this seminar, the people trained will be able to:
DATES & COSTS • Identify the regulatory context of interoperability certification
On-demand Nuremberg • Situate the project in the regulatory context
Valenciennes • Describe the certification process
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Applicant staff
• Infrastructure managers
• Contracting entity staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Regulatory context of interoperability certification EC
• The infrastructure project in the regulatory context
• Certification process
- Actors of an infrastructure project
- Identification of responsibilities/roles of each person
- Distinction of the stages of the different types of certification
- Elements to be provided (entry documents)
- Deliverables (output documents)

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Railway Systems and Technologies 43
Railway Systems and Technologies

Fundamentals of railway vehicle systems engineering

44 Seminar-No. 03.01 The seminar offers an introduction to the systems engineering of modern locomotives and multiple
In system engineering, vehicle and train-wide functions are considered, for which different discipli-
Online-Seminar * nes of engineering sciences are usually used. For example, the brake of a modern high-speed train
consists of mechanical, pneumatic, electrical, electronic and control functions. The desired vehicle
function is only achieved through their interaction.
The seminar describes rail vehicles in their entirety and you will be given a clear overview of how the
On-demand Nuremberg
essential system components function and how they interact in railway vehicles.
Length: 1 Day In this context, the points of contact with current approval processes and the relevant technical terms
Fee: 700,00 € are also explained.
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technician
• Engineers
• Project planners or developers in the
railway industry or intending
to work in this sector


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Operation of a rolling stock; explanation of the essential control and display elements
• Drive: Functions, concepts and systems
• Brake: function and mode of operation, systems
• Auxiliary and ancillary operations
• Driving supervision: Sifa and train protection systems
• Round of discussions

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Braking fundamentals

This training includes an introduction to the braking technology of rail vehicles. The participants Seminar-No. 03.02 45
will be given an overview of the technology of brakes on mainline railways - as they are referred
to in the relevant UIC leaflets. First day we will start with the introduction and explanation of the
essential basics and terms of braking technology as well as a physical outline will be given before Online-Seminar *
the main assemblies of the braking equipment of mainline railways. In this context are also covered
the operational aspects, such as train lengths and mass restrictions, as well as the associated brake
calculations and the correct execution of brake tests. DATES & COSTS
On the second day, the components of the braking systems will be dealt with in terms of their spe- 03.-04.07.2023 Nuremberg
cific areas of application. Both the classical friction brakes and the modern rail brakes as well as the Length: 2 Days
dynamic brakes will be explained. Fee: 1.400,00 €
The discussion round will offer the opportunity for a debate on current topics and interfaces with incl. lunch and certificate of participation
braking technology, such as the mode of sanding action and anti-slip devices. plus VAT
* On-demand
Of course, specific customer requests regarding braking technology for mainline railways can also be
taken into account on request. A separate seminar can be offered for Light Rail Vehicles (LRV) also
on request.
• Persons involved in the development,
manufacture, commissioning and operation
of railway vehicles


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Legal Fundamentals
• Origin and operating principle of today's Railway air brake
• Components of the Railway air brake
• Braking operation
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Additional braking systems on rolling stock
- Dynamic brake designs on traction units
- Braking system magnetic Railway air brake
- Eddy current brake system
- Digital brake controls of modern Railway air brake
• Round of discussions

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Extension seminar brake technology

46 Seminar-No. 03.03 This training is based on the seminar "Basics of braking technology" for rail vehicles (mainline rail-
ways and on track machines). The participants receive an overview of the performance requirements,
performance limits and design features of the individual braking systems and their interaction.
Online-Seminar * After a brief summary of the basics, the requirements from the set of rules are presented. In this
context, requirements from the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) and the Notified
National Technical Rules (NNTR) are compared and verification methods and connections to national
and European regulations are explained.
auf Anfrage Nuremberg
A principal issue of the training views to the processes involved in braking, especially the permanent
Length: 1 Day changes in technical braking parameters, because these discontinuities in turn have a significant
Fee: 700,00 € influence on how the brakes are handled during train operation.
incl. lunch and certificate of participation The participants learn the origin of the variable "brake weight", its significance and the practical
plus VAT
* On-demand application in train operation.
The concluding focus of the course is the design features of the brake systems with regard to their
influence on other subjects of expertise on the vehicle. The participants receive an overview of how
to roughly design brake systems and/or how to check them for correctness using simple methods.
TARGET GROUP Instructions for fine tuning with the help of DIN EN 14531 are given.
• Technicians, engineers The open discussion offers the possibility to deepen and debate training content. Extensive literature
• Project managers or developers in the will be handed over to the participants.
railway industry At the customer's request, special topics relating to braking technology can also be trained, e. g. to
• Prospective operating officers within the special on track machines. A separate seminar can be offered for trams, tram trains and metro trains.
meaning of § 47 EBO
• Manufacturers of railway vehicles


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Brake systems: Performance requirements and performance limits
• Standards, TSI and NNTR
• Brake performance and brake evaluation
• Design features, interfaces
• Open discussion.

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Fundamentals of control and command and safety technology (LST)

for railway systems
The main task of today's rail infrastructure and operations operators is the safe, on-time and econo- Seminar-No. 03.04 47
mical performance of train and shunting operations and the related responsibility to carry passengers
and goods.
To achieve this goal, it is primarily necessary to ensure safe and at the same time efficient train opera- Online-Seminar *
tions. In addition to providing an understanding of the basic correlations in rail operations, the focus
is on system knowledge of train control systems and their basic functionality.
In this context, an overview of knowledge will be presented to the attendees and the latest
auf Anfrage Nuremberg
developments and trends will be discussed.
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Introduction to railway operation TARGET GROUP
- Legal basis • RU and EIU staff
- System characteristics • Future operating officers within the
meaning of § 47 EBO (Germany)
- Railway systems
• Technical Project Manager
- Interaction of the involved actors
• Securing the train sequence
- Historical outline
- Route protection
- Basic features of signalling LANGUAGES
- Distance protection for trains on the open track
- Danger point and danger point distance
- Signal dependence
- Track vacancy message
• Round of discussions and conclusion
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Train control systems
- Types, tasks and functions
- Functionality PZB 90
- Basic features ERTMS
- ETCS: Function, components and outlook
• Round of discussions and conclusion

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Practice day vehicle technology and maintenance

48 Seminar-No. 03.05 At an entity recognised for maintenance (ECM) or a rail transport company, the participants of a small
group can experience the basics of vehicle technology of rail vehicles in practice.
In addition, vehicle movements or the demonstration of how the air brake works are possible. Indivi-
Online-Seminar * dual questions and requirements can be addressed.


On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 1.100,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technicians, engineers
• Project managers or developers in the
railway industry
• Prospective operating officers within the
meaning of § 47 EBO
• Manufacturers of railway vehicles


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
Depending on the availability of the vehicle, an experienced locomotive driver or vehicle mainte-
nance engineer will deal with the following subassemblies, for example:
• Running gear, bogie, suspension, vehicle frame
• Track guidance systems, wheelsets, wheelset bearings
• Traction and buffing equipment
• Drive system and auxiliaries
• Systems requiring monitoring, compressed air generation system
• Brake system and its components, brake monitoring systems
• Driver's cab, operating equipment, safety equipment

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Railway Systems and Technologies

EMC and electrical safety in rolling stock

Rolling stock is a highly complex technical system incorporating many subsystems, including electrical/ Seminar-No. 03.06 49
electronic systems. Due to their characteristics and tasks, these systems represent potential hazards for
people and the environment, which must be controlled in accordance with legal requirements.
In Germany, for example, §2 of the Railway Construction and Operation Regulations (EBO) states: Online-Seminar *
"Rolling stock must be designed in such a way that it meets the requirements of safety and regulation"
or in §3 of the Product Safety Act (ProdSG): "A product, insofar as it is not subject to paragraph 1, may
only be made available on the market if it does not jeopardizing the safety and health of persons when
used as intended or in a foreseeable manner". auf Anfrage Nuremberg
Furthermore, according to the Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 402/2013, an appropriate risk ma- Length: 2 Days
nagement with regard to the management of hazards to people and the environment must be carried Fee: 1.400,00 €
out and documented for new constructions and (significant) modifications to rolling stock. incl. lunch and certificate of participation
In this seminar you will be familiarised with potential electrical hazards due to e.g. excessive contact plus VAT
* On-demand
voltages or insufficient electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of systems in the rolling stock, learn how
to recognise these hazards and how to deal with them in practical situations.
• Safety Manager
(Rolling stock Manufacturer)
• Employees involved in the
Requirements engineering
• Vehicle engineering staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Physical fundamentals
• Legal basis for electrical safety/EMC
• Description of hazardous electrical influences and their effects on humans
• Overview of electrical & electronic components in rail vehicles
• Description of the environment of rail vehicles relevant for the considerations
• Derivation of electrical hazards in relation to the rail vehicle
DAY 2 09.00-16.00
• Risks related to electrical hazards
• Measures and derivation of safety requirements for hazard control
• Documentation for the safety case
• Safety-related interfaces to other specialist areas
• Reference to vehicle approval/product life cycle/risk management
• Round of discussions

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Basics overhead contact line current collectors

50 Seminar-No. 03.07 This seminar provides a general overview of the contact line systems of electric railways in Europe.
Starting with the railway energy generation of 16.7 Hz via the railway energy distribution and railway
energy supply, you will also receive an overview of the design of overhead contact line systems.
The pantograph, which acts as a counter-contact to the overhead line, is explained with regard to
its basic structure, the various pantograph profiles and its mode of operation. Another focus is the
function of the pantograph lowering device and the operational measures when the automatic pan-
tograph lowering device is activated.
10.05.2023 Nuremberg
Furthermore, the exemplary arrangement of pantographs on multi-system locomotives and the func-
16.11.2023 Nuremberg
tioning of the electrical separation between the power systems are explained.
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Technical project manager
• Employees of the departments
• Railway vehicle manufacturer
• Railway vehicle operators
• Career changers from industry


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Structure of the European overhead contact line systems
• Interaction of overhead contact line and pantograph
• Current collector designs
• Current collector mode of operation
• Automatic lowering device
• Pantograph arrangement on multi-system locomotives

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Safety and reliability of electrical / electronic and programmable systems

This seminar will provide an overview regarding which techniques and measures form the basis for Seminar-No. 03.08 51
safety-relevant E/E/PE systems according to EN 50129, EN 61508 or SIRF.
In addition, you will have an overview of which options you can consider in order to obtain trust-
worthy reliability values for subsystems, components or parts Online-Seminar *
The following points are covered:
Safety-relevant E/E/PES DATES & COSTS
• Fundamentals 13.-14.06.2023 Nuremberg
• Techniques and measures
• Standards-compliant development Length: 2 Days
• Standards-compliant verification before an assessor Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
Reliable E/E/PES plus VAT
* On-demand
• Fundamentals (terms of reliability, correlations of reliability variables,
How to deal with the requirements to the requirements (subsystem, component or part))
• Reliability analysis TARGET GROUP
• Reliability prediction • Technical project manager
• Procedure if analysis and predictive analysis are not possible • HW Development, E-Engineering,
• Approval department staff
• Safety authority staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Fundamentals EN 50129, EN 61508 and SIRF
• HW quality assurance, methology
• Hardware safety
• Requirements management
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Basics of the reliability of safety-relevant hardware
• Predictive methods for E/E/PES systems
• Analysis methods for E/E/PES systems
• Further procedure for the proof of reliability

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Railway Systems and Technologies

ETCS Workshop: Basics and practical experience on the ETCS simulator

52 Seminar-No. 03.09 The European Train Control System (ETCS) is the uniform European train control system. The aim of
introducing ETCS is to enable cross-border rail traffic in Europe by means of a uniform system. The ba-
sis for the implementation are the EU directives on the interoperability of the trans-European railway
Online-Seminar * system and the technical specifications for interoperability of the structural subsystem control-com-
mand and signalling (TSI CCS).
The seminar, prepared in cooperation with MEV Switzerland and AEbt, provides an overview of the
history, basic structure and mode of operation of this train control system and illustrates these with
On-demand Nuremberg the aid of ETCS simulators.
Length: 2 Days On the first day, we will teach you the theory and legal basics. On the second day, we will offer you
Fee: 1.400,00 € the opportunity to deepen your theoretical knowledge in practice with the help of an ETCS simulator.
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technician
• Engineers
• Project planners or developers in the
railway industry or intending to work in this


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Railway Systems and Technologies

Occupational health and safety, worker protection and passenger

safety in rolling stock
This seminar will give you an overview of the applicable regulations for worker protection and pass- Seminar-No. 03.10 53
enger safety in Europe, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, as well as the specific national differences.
It will show you how to implement the regulations and their requirements with regard to the safe de-
sign and operation of rolling stock from the point of view of occupational health, safety and passenger Online-Seminar *
safety. It is aimed specifically at rolling stock manufacturers or maintenance workshops that have to
comply with the statutory regulations and the recognised rules of technology when manufacturing or
retrofitting rolling stock, but also at railway undertakings that are responsible as railway employers for
occupational safety and worker protection in accordance with the statutory regulations. On-demand Nuremberg
Our experienced trainers deal with all types of rolling stock - from maintenance vehicles to freight Length: 2 Days
wagons and light rail vehicles to high-speed trains. Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Vehicle manufacturers of all
Rolling stock types
• Maintenance workshops
• Constructors
• Technical project manager
SEMINAR CONTENTS • Occupational health and safety staff
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Fundamentals of occupational health and safety and passenger safety in/on rolling stock
• National and European regulations LANGUAGES
• Special requirements Germany, Austria, Switzerland
• The rolling stock as a workplace and as work equipment
• Fundamentals of safe configuration
• Fundamentals of safe operation
• Differences between standard vehicles, auxiliary vehicles and track-laying machines
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Case studies and special requirements for the configuration of workplaces in and on rolling stock
• Safe configuration of driver's cabs on standard vehicles
• Safe configuration of interiors for passengers and workers in regular vehicles
• Safe configuration of ancillary vehicles (work trains, track construction machines, etc.) and
freight wagons
• Maintenance works to be considered in the rolling stock design

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Fire protection and evacuation for rail vehicles according to DIN EN 45545:2013

54 Seminar-No. 03.11 This seminar provides an overview of techniques and measures used in the field of fire protection
in railway vehicle construction and evacuation according to DIN EN 45545:2013, including general
rules, fire resistance of fire barriers, structural design, protective measures for electrical equipment,
fire control and fire fighting equipment, as well as requirements for flammable liquid and flammable
gas installations.
You can then adopt and apply the techniques and measures presented in the seminar for your fire
DATES & COSTS protection tasks. The overview of DIN EN 45545 series of standards provides you with useful guidan-
ce and makes you acquainted with the essential requirements of the series of standards.
On-demand Nuremberg
Further seminars on material requirements from DIN EN 45545:2013-2 are also offered and only
Length: 1 Day shortly explained with in this seminar.
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Technical Project Manager
• Engineers
• Constructing Engineers
• Employees in the homologation or fire
protection departments


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Fundamentals of fire protection acc. to DIN EN 45545:2013 parts 1 and 3-7
• Procedure and constructive design of the rail vehicle design with a view to fire protection
• Determination of requirements for different types of railway vehicles
• Possible verification/evidence management using the example of an electric locomotive

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Fundamentals of railway operation

This seminar introduces the technical components of railway operation and explains the various Seminar-No. 03.12 55
The different operating procedures as well as the procedure for the realisation of individual operating
processes are explained. The aim of this seminar is to provide an overview of interrelationships bet- Online-Seminar *
ween railway operations and their interfaces.
27.-28.06.2023 Nuremberg
24.-25.10.2023 Nuremberg
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• RU and EIU Management staff
• Future operating officers within the
meaning of § 47 EBO (Germany)
• Rolling Stock manufacturers

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Interconnected railway system
• Legal basis of the railway system
• Vehicles and trains
• Driving regulations in stations and on the open track
• Timetables
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Interconnected infrastructure system
• Interlocking designs
• Basic information on traction power supply
• Technical protection of level crossing facilities
• Basic information on the superstructure

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Practice day in railway operation

56 Seminar-No. 03.13 As a supplement to the training "Fundamentals of Railway Operation" (03.11), an individual practical
day in the railway operation of a railway undertaking can be carried out. The content of the training
depends on the respective assignment and reflects the reality of a train driver. Due to the small num-
ber of participants (3-4), your questions can be answered individually.

DATES & COSTS Individual ideas can be incorporated and implemented if possible. Prerequisite is the completion of
the seminar 03.11 basics of railway operation.
On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 1.100,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Technicians, engineers
• Project managers or developers in the
railway industry
• Prospective operating officers within the
meaning of § 47 EBO
• Manufacturers of railway vehicles

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
Possible training contents depend on the train service to be performed:
• Operational train preparation, timetable documents
• Technical train preparation, wagon testing, preparation and final service
• Brake technical preparation service, brake tests
• Signals in railway operation, track observation
• Train and shunting operation according to timetable documents or order
• Safety technology in practice (Sifa, PZB, etc.)
• Operational communication with the infrastructure manager
• Securing and parking of vehicles

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Railway Systems and Technologies

Rolling stock accident investigation

• Definitions according to EBA (German NSA) and Directive 2016/798 Seminar-No. 03.14 57
• Types of accidents
• Causes (e.g. operational, vehicle-related, infrastructure-related, passenger-related)
• Possible traces and other evidence
• Accident consequences and prevention of collateral damage
• Behaviour at the accident place
On-demand Nuremberg
• Elimination of the accident impacts
• Investigation of the running ability of rolling stock after derailments Length: 2 Days
• Reappraisal in court Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
• Case studies from different countries plus VAT
* On-demand

• Regular further training for ÖBL and EBL
• Preparation for EBL examination
• Maintenance managers EIU and RU
• Emergency managers
• Damage assessors at railways or

DAY 1 09.30-17.00 LANGUAGES
• Types of accidents
• Theoretical foundations and definitions
• Causes with theory and examples from practice
• Traces at the accident site and evidence, evaluation ERA
• Roles of EIU and RU
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Elimination of the consequences of the accident
• Runnability, criteria
• DIN EN 12663 Strength requirements and DIN EN 15227 Collision scenarios
• Dealing with accidents in court, roles of the parties involved, costs
• Case studies from different countries

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Expertise and qualified assessors 59
Expertise and qualified assessors

Railway law for experts according to the German § 33 EBO and experts

60 Seminar-No. 04.01 This seminar covers the basic training for expert candidates according to § 33 EBO or experts and is
suitable as preparation for the recognition as an expert for installations requiring monitoring at the
Federal Railway Authority. In addition, this seminar is focused at all interested parties from the railway
industry who would like to deepen or update their knowledge of the current legal provisions and the
interaction of the various players.
The three-day seminar is divided into a general part, which extends over two days. The third seminar
day is relevant for experts and appraisers (candidates).
13.-15.06.2023 Nuremberg
The third day mainly includes preparation for written und oral exam at the Federal Railway Authority,
Length: 3 Days which has to be taken in frame of authority expert recognition.
Fee: 2.100,00 € After successfully passing the exam, you will receive a certificate of attendance.
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Expert candidate according
to § 33 EBO (Germany)
• Assessors and experts
• Technical project manager SEMINAR CONTENTS
• Approval & Development departments staff
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• International agreements
• Introduction to EU Law, EU Treaties
LANGUAGES • EU law, railway packages, actors involved & their tasks
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Transposition of EU law
• German national legislation
• Tasks and duties of the Federal Railway Authority
• General administrative law
• Key stakeholders and their tasks
DAY 3 09.00-17.00 (optional)
• Fundamentals of railway engineering
• Administrative law for experts
• Exam preparation
• Exam
• Round of discussions

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Expertise and qualified assessors

Theoretical training of experts in the field of Technical Expertise

"Installations for flammable liquids on rolling stock"
In this course, you will gain basic knowledge on how to handle safety data sheets, on fire/explosion Seminar-No. 04.02 61
and other hazards caused by flammable liquids, and on the manufacture, installation, equipment and
operation of fuel tanks. Furthermore, you will gain a brief insight into the relevant legal fundamentals.
After successfully passing the examination, participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
For your convenience we would like to offer you on site/in house Semiminars. Please contact us and
let us know what would work best for you!
On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Railway undertaking staff
• Maintenance workshop staff

DAY 1 09.30-17.00 LANGUAGES
• General legal fundamentals
• ATEX Directives 2014/34/EU and 1999/92/EC
• TSI requirements
• Relevant national German legislation, transport law, chemicals law, environmental protection,
industrial safety ordinance, product safety law, standards
• Basic technical knowledge
• Recognised rules of technology
• Explosion protection, marking
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Tank installations/installations for flammable liquids on rail vehicles, relevant contents from
the administrative guideline of the Federal Railway Authority
• Exam preparation
• Exam
• Round of discussions

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Expertise and qualified assessors

Theoretical training of experts in the field of "Compressed air systems

on rolling stock"
62 Seminar-No. 04.03 This course will provide you basic knowledge of materials, calculation, corrosion protection and
destructive or non-destructive testing as well as simple pressure vessels and pressure equipment on
Rolling stock.
Furthermore, you will gain an insight into the relevant legal framework. After successfully passing the
exam, participants will receive a certificate.
DATES & COSTS For your convenience we would like to offer you on site/in house Semiminars. Please contact us and
let us know what would work best for you!
On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Railway transportation company staff
• Maintenance workshop staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Legal fundamentals
• Compressed air systems in Rolling stock, components
• Simple pressure vessels, 2014/29/EU, DIN EN 286
• Pressure equipment, 2014/68/EU, DIN EN 764
• Destructive, non-destructive testing, marking
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Basic technical knowledge of compressed air systems, recognised rules of technology,
relevant contents from the German Federal Railway Authority and regulatory guideline
• Exam preparation
• Exam
• Round of discussions

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Expertise and qualified assessors

Theoretical training of experts in the field of "Battery systems on rolling stock"

This training will provide you in-depth knowledge about starter and on-board batteries, in particular Seminar-No. 04.04 63
the design and ventilation of battery boxes and the proper operation of battery systems, the handling
of safety data sheets as well as fire/explosion and other hazards.
Furthermore, you will receive a brief insight into the relevant legal principles. After successfully pas-
sing the exam, participants will receive a certificate of participation.
For your convenience we would like to offer you on site/in house Semiminars. Please contact us and DATES & COSTS
let us know what would work best for you!
On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Railway transportation company staff
• Maintenance workshop staff


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Legal fundamentals
• Installations in potentially explosive environments
• ATEX Directives 2014/34/EU and 1999/92/EC
• Relevant national German legislation, transport law, chemicals law, environmental protection,
industrial safety ordinance, product safety law
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Basic technical knowledge of compressed air systems, recognised rules of technology,
relevant contents from the German Federal Railway Authority and regulatory guideline
• Exam preparation
• Exam
• Round of discussions

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Expertise and qualified assessors

Exam preparation for recognition of EBA experts / inspection experts § 4b AEG

64 Seminar-No. 04.05 Depending on their level of knowledge and area of expertise, participants are will be prepared for the
examination as a recognised expert of the German Federal Railway Authority (Eisenbahnbundesamt)
/ inspection expert § 4b AEG in a presence training course of several days.
Online-Seminar *


On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Assessor candidates
• Design Review Candidate
• Inspection candidates
• Recognised assessors looking for an
extension to other areas and sub-areas of SEMINAR CONTENTS
expertise DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Authorities and Bodies within the railroad sector, as well as their tasks and powers
LANGUAGES • Administrative regulation for the recognition, deployment and monitoring of testing
experts in the railroad sector in the specialist areas of civil engineering, superstructure and
structural engineering and in the specialist areas of signalling, telecommunications and
electrical engineering (VV PSV and VV PSV-STE)
• Introduction Law, Railway Law
• Elaboration and systematisation of the legal norms of railway law
• Distinction of legal standards from technical standards (a.R.d.T.)
• Examination Knowledge "Rights and Duties of the Expert"
• Examination knowledge "European Railway Law"
• Examination knowledge "Administrative law 1“
• Examination knowledge "Specialist planning law“
• Examination knowledge "Administrative law 2“
• Examination knowledge "Construction methods STE, TEN“
• Examination preparation

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Expertise and qualified assessors

Training for train drivers and shunters according to EBOA/BOA

The EBOA requires that railway operating staff have sufficient knowledge. Drivers of connecting and Seminar-No. 04.06 65
works railways must additionally prove their skills and knowledge during a test run under the super-
vision of an expert.
In this seminar, the theoretical knowledge is imparted that railway operating staff need to work success-
fully. The railway system is explained from the ground up, the operation of the railway is explained and
the topics of wagon knowledge and safety in the track area are also dealt with. The railway operation is
taught in a practical way, especially in the area of shunting, the important basics are dealt with in detail.
We are also happy to offer you this seminar on site at your company as an in-house seminar. With On-demand Nuremberg
in-house training, special attention can be paid to the existing local conditions. Length: 2 Days
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT

• Prospective train drivers on connecting
sidings and works railways
• prospective shunters


• Railway operation
• Wagon knowledge
• Safety in the track area
• Round of discussions

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Expertise and qualified assessors

Preparation for the technical interview for railway operations

managers according to EBOA (Bavaria)
66 Seminar-No. 04.07 Railway operations managers according to EBOA are needed for connecting railways and industrial
railways in Bavaria. In most cases, the appointment of a railway operations in the vast majority of
cases a technical interview with the state railway supervisory authority.
This seminar prepares the participants for the interview with the supervisory authority and is also
suitable for participants without prior knowledge due to the condensed presentation of the overall
railway system. System is also suitable for participants without prior knowledge.
The aim of the training is to ensure a successful technical discussion with the supervisory authority
On-demand Nuremberg
and to to impart the knowledge required to run the railway operations in your connecting railway
Length: 3 Days and safely run the railway operations in your connecting railway in accordance with the regulations.
Fee: 700,00 € We are also happy to offer you this seminar on site at your company as an in-house seminar. Please
incl. lunch and certificate of participation do not hesitate to contact us!
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Prospective railway operations managers
according to EBOA


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Railway operation
• Wagon knowledge
DAY 2 09.30-17.00
• Safety in the track area
• Railway law for connecting and works railways
DAY 3 09.30-17.00
• Consolidation and round of discussions

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E-Mail: academy@certifer.eu
Railway legislation 69
Railway legislation

Railway law workshop

70 Seminar-No. 05.01 The course will provide you with thorough knowledge of national and European railway law and
procedural law. The Advantage for your manager is the ability to acquire a rapid understanding.

Online-Seminar *


On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical Project Manager
• EIU/EVU staff
• Professionally interested
• Parties involved in the construction process
• Career changers from industry
• Graduates of technical studies

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
LANGUAGES • Introduction to the legal fields of railway law, thematic areas and cross-sectional law
• System of standards and hierarchy of standards in railway law
• Supervision and regulation in the railway sector
• Key Players
• European legal framework, 4th railway package
• National legal framework, especially AEG, EBO, EBA administrative regulations
• The approval decisions under planning law according to §§ 18ff. AEG
• Legal knowledge of technical standards
• Demonstration of equal safety and introduction of changes to standards
• Approval procedure according to EIGV and VV IBG Infra (overview)
• Construction procedures according to VV BAU and VV BAU-STE (overview)
• Regulatory areas of further EBA administrative regulations (overview)

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Railway legislation

Railway construction / commissioning authorisations Infrastructure, Energy, CCS

The EIGV 2020 integrates German railway construction law and European law on authorisations for Seminar-No. 05.02 71
placing in service. An indispensable context of railway law for planners, (testing) experts, LOBs, IMs,
parties involved in construction and IMs in the area of responsibility of the German Federal Railway
Authority (EBA). Online-Seminar *


On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical project manager
• Safety authority staff
• RU and EIU staff
• Technically interested people
• Construction process stakeholders

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Overview EIGV
• Infrastructure approval procedure: EIGV, VV IBG Infra
• Basic requirements
• Classification of technical standards: From standards to harmonised standards
• TSI, NTV, TV: Relevance in the approval procedure
• Authorisation: Licensing bodies and types, systematics and obligations
• Construction procedure IOH / STE: VV BAU / VV BAU-STE
• IOH: Floor plan building product law
• Outline of administrative law

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Railway legislation

Vehicle registration law (EU / nat.) and liability

72 Seminar-No. 05.03 The vehicle authorisations have been restructured in the EIGV in conformity with EU law. In the
railway sector, there are now three types of authorisation for the rolling stock subsystem, namely
the authorisation to place rolling stock on the market (GIF), the vehicle type authorisation and the
Online-Seminar * authorisation for test runs, which can be issued by ERA in coordination with NSA.
Those responsible for approval projects, manufacturers/developers, railways/Project managers and
testing bodies know the processes in the approval procedure, their scope of duties and the existing
liability risks of those involved.
On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Managers of the (future) inspection
organisations DeBo, NoBo, AsBo
• Head of testing
• Safety manager of operater
• EBA experts
• Vehicle manufacturer
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Main features of railway law and main features of administrative law
LANGUAGES • Admission of rolling stock in the 4th railway package
• Key Players in Rolling stock registration
• Rolling stock segistration regulation (EU) 2018/545
• National Rolling stock approval according to EIGV
• Fundamentals of liability law
• Liability of testing organisations
• Order for reference of the BGH of 09.04.2015 - VII ZR 36/14
• European Court of Justice, Judgment of 16.02.2017 - C-219/15
• The liability of employees of testing bodies, manufacturers
• Product liability of the manufacturer
• State liability law

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Railway legislation

Technical planning law for railways (General Railway Law - AEG)

The introduction to the sectoral planning law of railways is aimed at engineers working in the field Seminar-No. 05.04 73
of railway construction who are involved, e.g. as planners or project managers, with the diverse
planning law issues.
Online-Seminar *


On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Technical project manager
• RU and EIU staff
SEMINAR CONTENTS • Technically interested people
• Construction process stakeholders
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Graduates of technical studies
• Overview of planning approval law and sectoral planning law
• Planning authorities
• Parties involved and affected in the planning approval process
• Plan approval decision, plan approval and plan waiver
• Plan changes LANGUAGES
• Planning principles
• Legal effects and legal nature of the approval decisions
• Main features of the theory of administrative acts
• Process flow
• Planning consideration and consideration error doctrine
• Mixed-use facilities: Station reception building
• Appeal procedure
• UVPG and preclusion
• Planning approval and correlating procedures: Crossing rights and decommissioning procedures
• Case law
• Case studies

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Railway legislation

Exam preparation for recognition of EBA experts / inspection experts § 4b AEG

74 Seminar-No. 05.05 Depending on their level of knowledge and area of expertise, participants will be prepared for the
examination as a recognised expert of the German Federal Railway Authority (Eisenbahnbundesamt)
/ inspection expert § 4b AEG in a presence training course of several days.
Online-Seminar *


On-demand Nuremberg
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Assessor candidates
• Design review candidate
• Inspection candidates
• Recognised assessors looking for an
extension to other areas and sub-areas of

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Introduction Law, Railway Law
• Elaboration and systematisation of the legal norms of railway law
• Distinction of legal standards from technical standards (a.R.d.T.)
• Examination Knowledge "Rights and Duties of the Expert"
• Examination knowledge "European Railway Law"
• Examination knowledge "Administrative law 1“
• Examination knowledge "Specialist planning law“
• Examination knowledge "Administrative law 2“
• Examination knowledge "Construction methods“
• Examination preparation

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Railway legislation

Railway law for experts according to the German § 33 EBO and experts

This seminar covers the basic training for expert candidates according to § 33 EBO or experts and is Seminar-No. 05.06 75
suitable as preparation for the recognition as an expert for installations requiring monitoring at the
Federal Railway Authority. In addition, this seminar is aimed at all interested parties from the railway
industry who would like to deepen or update their knowledge of the current legal provisions and the Online-Seminar *
interaction of the various players.
The three-day seminar is divided into a general part, which extends over two days. The third seminar
day is relevant for experts and appraisers (candidates).
13.-15.06.2023 Nuremberg
The third day mainly includes preparation for the written and oral examination at the Federal Railway
On-demand Valenciennes
Authority, which has to be taken if you want to be recognised as an expert.
After successfully passing the exam, you will receive a certificate of attendance.
Length: 3 Days
Fee: 2.100,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Expert candidate according
to § 33 EBO (Germany)
• Assessors and experts
• Technical Project Manager
SEMINAR CONTENTS • Approval & Development departments staff
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• International agreements
• Introduction to EU Law, EU Treaties LANGUAGES
• EU law, railway packages, actors involved & their tasks
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Transposition of EU law
• German national legislation
• Tasks and duties of the Federal Railway Authority
• General administrative law
• Key stakeholders and their tasks
DAY 3 09.00-17.00 (optional)
• Fundamentals of railway engineering
• Administrative law for experts
• Exam preparation
• Exam
• Final discussions

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Urban transportation systems 77
Urban transportation systems

Safety management for trams according to BOStrab

78 Seminar-No. 06.01 Basics and differences of the approval and safety process in terms of BOStrab and according to EN
50126. The process participants and their responsibilities in the individual project phases / system life
cycle phases. In order to reduce the hazards from the operation of the vehicle or another subsystem
Online-Seminar * in a light rail (BOStrab) system as far as possible and thus achieve the operational safety required in
the BOStrab, appropriate measures must be taken. This seminar will provide you with the necessary
basic knowledge about the approval and safety process as well as the methodology of verification
DATES & COSTS of safe operation from the derivation of the (safety) requirements to the corresponding verification
On-demand Nuremberg documentation.
Length: 2 Days We will show you the methods according to the relevant legal regulations and standards and give you
an overview of the system life cycle phases and the respective required RAMS and approval activities.
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Development, safety, quality and SEMINAR CONTENTS
authorization engineers
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Technical project managers,
Operation Managers • General legal fundamentals CSM,EU law, BOStrab
• Approval, Rolling stock • Relevant standards and VDV publications, RAMS
departments and operations staff • Comparison of processes in Germany and internationally (inside and outside the EU )
• Parties involved in the process (TAB, competent person/body or expert, manufacturer, contractor)
and their responsibilities in the individual phases of the project.
LANGUAGES • Safety process and responsibility
- Manufacturer vs. company responsibility
• The life cycle phases & the respective RAMS activities required for them
• RAM vs. Safety
• System definition, safety plan, approval plan
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Review and questions about the previous day
• Safety requirements (functional & non-functional requirements)
• Basics of hazard and risk analyses
• Safety requirement specifications
• Fundamentals of safety analyses
• Construction documents and safety verification
• Round of discussions

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Urban transportation systems

Registration management for trams according to BOStrab

This seminar will offer you all necessary basis for a successful authorization management process for Seminar-No. 06.02 79
light rail systems according to BOStrab, from concept to passenger operation as well as the approval
process fundamentals for light rail systems in Germany and Europe. In order to reduce the hazards
arising from the operation of a new vehicle or other new subsystem on/in a light rail (BO-Strab) Online-Seminar *
system as far as possible and thus achieve the operational safety required by BOStrab, appropriate
measures must be taken to demonstrate safety.
In addition to safety management, a structured and goal-oriented authorization process is the key
for ("authorization") success. From the timely involvement of all process stakeholders to the correct On-demand Nuremberg
provision of the required documentation, the necessary authorization activities must be implemented Length: 2 Day
using appropriate methods and at the right time. The goal of the seminar is to convey the procedures
for successful authorization management, taking into account the relevant regulations.
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
You will receive the necessary fundamentals and knowledge for the creation and implementation plus VAT
of an admission plan, which taking into account the areas of responsibility of those involved in the * On-demand

process, provides a "red line" through the admission process from the creation of the specifications
to the use of the passenger.
• Development, safety, quality and
authorization engineers
• Technical project managers,
operation managers
• Approval, Rolling stock
departments and operations staff
DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• General legal fundamentals, CSM, CENELEC standards LANGUAGES
• German Tramway Construction and Operation Regulations (BOStrab)
• Formal aspects of the application and processing
• System life cycle according to EN50126
• System definition, definition of safety requirements
• Requirements specification, functional specification
• Authorization process planning
DAY 2 09.00-17.00
• Authorization plan
• Risk analysis
• Safety specifications
• Verification and validation plan/test plan
• Construction documents and verification

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Urban transportation systems

RAM, LCC and obsolescence in light rail systems

80 Seminar-No. 06.03 Implementation of RAM(S) management taking lifecycle costs (LCC) and obsolescence into account
obsolescence from the specifications to disposal.
Whereas the fulfilment of legal and normative safety requirements is primarily and normative
Online-Seminar * safety requirements is a focal point in the approval process, the topics of reliability, availability and
-vehicles, the topics of reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM - Reliability, Availability,
Maintainability) are of decisive importance, Availability, Maintainability) are of decisive importance.
Already in the procurement phase, the costs incurred for maintenance and servicing over the entire
On-demand Nuremberg service life (life cycle costs) are also a (life cycle costs) serve as a basis for decision-making. The
Length: 2 Day RAM(S) process and the consideration of the LCC (Life Cycle Costs) are therefore an indispensable
basis for successful action in successful operation of light rail systems.
Fee: 1.400,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation The purpose of this seminar is to give the participants an introductory, but at the same time as
plus VAT comprehensive as possible overview of the relevant aspects of the RAM(S)/LCC process in light rail
* On-demand systems. In addition to the explanation of the terminology and the interrelationships of reliability,
availability, maintainability and safety, the respective activities related to the life cycle phases will be
dealt with and different management systems with regard to RAM(S)/LCC will be presented. RAM(S)/
LCC will be presented.
This seminar is offered as a two-day basic and as a three-day seminar:
• Employees, with a technical background
who are looking for an overview of the Basics plus deepening through practical implementation and exercises on the topic of RAM(S)/LCC.
subject area RAM(S)/LCC.

LANGUAGES TAG 1 09.30-17.00 Uhr TAG 2 09.00-16.00 Uhr
• History of the RAM(S)/LCC process • Life Cycle Cost:
• Advantages of the RAM(S)/LCC process - Basics
used in Light rail system regulations, their - Modeling and categorization
standards and literature on RAM(S)/LCC - Calculations, analysis and prognoses
• RAM(S)-Reliability, Availability, Maintaina • RAM(S) procurment process
bility, Safety according to EN 50126
• RAM(S) maintenance concept
• RAM(S) management
• LCC specifications
• Detailed view on the processing level
• Obsolescence Management:
• All necessary data and documentation
- requirements management
• Reliability requirements, risk and hazard
- information managament
- assessment for evaluation of substitutes
• Logistics and Materials Management
- warehouse and spares management

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Urban transportation systems

Safety management for Urban Guided Transports according to STPG/STRMTG

(French OQA mission)
French Decree No. 2017-440 of March 30, 2017 relates to the safety of guided public transport Seminar-No. 06.04 81
(STPG). This decree sets the safety rules relating to the design, construction and operation of guided
public transport systems defined in Article L. 2000-1 of the French Transport Code.
This seminar covers the OQA (French Recognized Qualified Body) mission. In addition, this seminar Online-Seminar *
will provide you with the necessary basic knowledge about the approval and safety process as well
as the methodology of verification of safe operation from the derivation of the (safety) requirements
to the corresponding verification documentation. We will show you the methods according to the
relevant French legal regulations and standards and give you an overview of the system life cycle On-demand Nuremberg,
phases and the respective required RAMS and approval activities. Valenciennes
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Development, safety, quality and
approval engineers
• Technical project manager, operation
manager, workshop manager
• Approval, vehicle technology
departments staff
• Agglomeration and department staff

DAY 1 09.30-17.00 LANGUAGES
• Scope of the OQA mission within the regulatory framework
• Organization of the OQA mission in interface with the interlocutors
• System approach in conjunction with EN50126
• Field of intervention of the OQA
• Global repository
• Risk levels
• Vigilance points
• Acceptability of risk coverage requirements
• Accidentology
• Examples of incidents / accidents
• STPG / BEATT recommendation

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu
Innovation 83

Cybersecurity - IT security verification in railway systems

84 Seminar-No. 07.01 The growing interconnection of rolling stock control technology with the infrastructure side is forcing
manufacturers and operators to establish preventive safety measures against external threats.
Regulatory authorities are addressing this issue more and more and require an expert assessment of
Online-Seminar * cybersecurity in the verification process. At the same time, EN 50129 requires an additional considera-
tion of cybersecurity in the proof of safety.
DATES & COSTS The seminar participants will receive an overview of the regulations that should be used for the verifi-
cation of cybersecurity in the functional safety verification.
26.04.2023 Nuremberg
12.10.2023 Nuremberg An overview of the further development of the standards landscape rounds off the seminar.
On-demand Valenciennes
Length: 1 Days
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Manufacturers and operators of railway
vehicles and installations
• Approval department staff,
development, operation

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
LANGUAGES • Key points of the EU Directive (EU) 2016/1148 and the implementation into national law
by the BSI Act
- Decision criteria: Am I affected as an operator?
- What are my tasks as an operator?
- How am I affected by this as a manufacturer?
• Overview of standards ISO/IEC 27001, IEC 62443
- Relationship between the standards
- Overview ISO/IEC 27001
- Overview IEC 62443
- Overview CLC/TS 50701
- Railway-specific standards
• Case studies
• Round of discussions & questions

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu

Cybersecurity for Railway - cybersecurity assurance according to CLC/TS 50701

With the publication of the CENELEC technical specification CLC/TS 50701, a guideline for cyber- Seminar-No. 07.02 85
security assurance of railroad systems including control and safety systems and rolling stock is now
CLC/TS 50701 provides instructions and specifications for railway undertakings, system Online-Seminar *
integrators and product manufacturers on how cybersecurity can be demonstrated in the context of the
EN 50126-1 RAMS life cycle on the basis of existing individual standards from the IEC 62443 series
of standards.
On-demand Nuremberg,
During the seminar, the main topics of TS 50701 will be presented and explained. The main focus is
on the synchronization points between cybersecurity assurance activities to the individual phases of
the V-model according to EN 50126-1. In addition, the newly introduced concept of Cybersecurity Length: 1 Day
Case as a counterpart to the Safety Case will be explained. Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Operators, system integrators, product and
component manufacturers.
• Staff of homologation, safety and
engineering department

DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Overview of the referenced standards environment
• Overview structure CLC / TS 50701
• Application scope, architecture and assets
• Zones/conduit models
• Cybersecurity within the EN 50126-1 RAMS lifecycle
• System definition and risk assessment
• Cybersecurity requirements
• Cybersecurity assurance / Cybersecurity Case
• Operation, maintenance and disposal
• Questions & Discussion

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu

Safety assessment of hybrid systems

86 Seminar-No. 07.03 As many new technologies are coming up recently, traditional ways of safety evaluation are not
always the best approach to evaluate safety as strict standards do not always cope with all require-
ments. In this scenarios, equipment and sub-systems from different domains are put together and
Online-Seminar * have to be evaluated as a whole.


On-demand Valenciennes,
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Manufacturers and operators of railway
vehicles and installations
• Approval department staff,
development, operation


TAG 1 09.30-17.00 Uhr
• Different domains involved
• General and specific standards
• Cross-acceptance inter-domains
• Important milestones
• Project examples

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu

Autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles should be understand as automated road transport technical system, deployed Seminar-No. 07.04 87
on predefined routes or traffic areas, and supplemented by operating, upkeep and maintenance
rules, for the purpose of providing a collective or private public road transport service for people, or
private passenger transport service. This workshop aims to develop the knowledge on how evaluate Online-Seminar *
this kind of system from the safety point of view targeting the authorization of operation.


On-demand Valenciennes,
Length: 1 Day
Fee: 700,00 €
incl. lunch and certificate of participation
plus VAT
* On-demand

• Manufacturers and operators of railway
vehicles and installations
• Approval department staff,
development, peration


DAY 1 09.30-17.00
• Operating safety of embedded systems
• Operational safety of connectivity or positioning equipment
• Cybersecurity
• Safety of road infrastructure and equipment
• Safe road behavior of vehicles
• Safety management systems in operation (necessary for “audit” mission)
• Overall assessment of system safety (necessary for the “safety demonstration” mission)

academy@certifer.eu • www.certifer.eu

Adam-Klein-Str. 26 • 90429 Nuremberg

E-Mail: academy@certifer.eu
Tel.: +49 911 - 520 99 2200

Technical information, Workshops and Trainings
Our diverse range of practical workshops and seminars offers you the opportunity to learn about current topics and innovations in the railway
sector and to be up-to-date or to deepen your already existing knowledge. Of course, we are also happy to conduct our seminars as in-house
courses on your premises or develop a seminar specifically tailored to your needs.

If you are interested or have further questions, please send us an e-mail to: academy@certifer.eu
90 The general terms and conditions of CERTIFER Detuschland GmbH apply.
Your registration is final once it has been confirmed in written form by the organizer (fax or e-mail).
Attendance fee
For seminars and other services the prices agreed in the contract apply. The seminar fees are due at the start of the seminar. The participation
fee is due without any kind of deduction upon receipt of the invoice. The amount is to be settled within 14 days after receipt. If the seminar
does not take place or is cancelled for other reasons, we will refund the full amount of the seminar fee already paid. Further claims are exclu-
ded, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence of the organizer.
The attendance certificate can only be issued after payment of the attendance fee. The contractual relationship is exclusively between the se-
minar participant and CERTIFER Deutschland GmbH.
If you are unable to participate in the seminar after registration, the cancellation must be made in writing and is free of charge only up to 15
days prior to start of the seminar.
In case of to few participants that due to the limited number of participants, we will charge the full seminar fee in the event of a later cancella-
tion or non-attendance. The date on which your written notice of cancellation is received by CERTIFER Deutschland GmbH will be the relevant
date. Cancellation fees do not apply if a substitute participant is named and takes part in the seminar.
CERTIFER Detuschland GmbH reserves the right to cancel or postpone the seminar if the minimum number of partici-pants required for com-
mercial reasons is not reached or for other reasons for which it is not responsible. We reserve the right to make changes or postponements
with regard to dates, content, instructors, seminar fees in case of any erratum.

CERTIFER Deutschland GmbH
Adam-Klein-Str. 26 • 90429 Nuremberg
E-Mail: academy@certifer.eu
Tel.: +49 911 - 520 99 2200
Copyright © CERTIFER Academy ALL Rigths Reserved
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2st edition - 20220907

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