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Q Government of India balay toe i late 2 Unique Identification Authority of India PIAE"@ WEG") Enrolment No.: 2724/11809/72549 To Qe oa PRAKASH DEEP S/O Devendra Kumar, C/52 BONDAMUNDA, SECTOR-C, YTC: Bondamunda, PO: Bandomunda, ‘Sub District: Bondamunéa, District: Sundergarh, state! Ocisha, PIN Code: 770032, Mobile: 0861530550 alaag eicie a°ei4l / Your Aadhaar No. : 6662 0585 8480 VID : 9171 9506 1377 1162 6A ZAI, 6E ARGA oma : = § owade PRAKASH DEEP GIG! (DOB: 09/11/2005 a MALE, aiuls ead adeRA OME, PITAeEI en ee SIRE GFIA gedl ang coer OB (2PAIAG conRoEAR Fal GaIe Geigrarraing grandee aii) ake clenIA etic! Gee! ‘Aachaar is proof of identity, not of citizenship ‘or date of birth. It should be used with verification [anline authentication, or scanning of QR code /offine XML). 6662 0585 8480 SE ZNANA, 6A AAea Qe! / INFORMATION cin 62a ASDA gala, elses! FAI ae SM ged Bg] FAS TG SUPINE TA Cisin FAIIRAT! FAAISRIEA AGRA EAITIAAT GE SHA SGIENgA da gal ands gee! ace aiuee| @ <@ ania 60 gainGvain gal Gas griaiead Wem, Gal mAadhaar $i UIA GAIA WER Zid GBINGA OAg Fal wwwuidaigovin, 6a GARG Gade quia cag Sea Ziq] QUORIG BA QUIS 6aIG BF PAIZAAING JelaTeaa AieiArca, DIBRAANOSY @ AIUIAQES Wo" gaaie | mB adea ver Gaaig ande eAeig equenegse aiiacal SIMEASI GIRS O19. GS 10 ed asaaiuiacazacey eral Agg| m AUIA Adag FOG acini Wer aa-dagiol Qui / 62! AIASIEAICIAN GEA | BH 2RID6A TITASA GAITIAA AAA ae" AGAG zlNs g Based] eas 1 2ieiR6ACI AIS AKG mAadhaarAIASIATEAIG OG H ANIA CHELIA HRATICTER GORI FAs SAeig mg / AEM] BRUIG/ SIGDIGASGA TSS CERI SHG] & DNIAGSIGAT GA Ags euieig ery | Aadhaaris proof of identity, not of citzenship or date ofbirth (DOB). 008 {s basedon information supported by proof of D0 document specifedin regulations, submitted by Aadhaar number held. This Aachaor letter shouls be verified through ether oline ‘authertication by UIDAI-aproinied authentication agency or QR “le seaming using mAadhaar or Aachaar QR Scanner aop aval! 44 app stores or using secure QR code reader app available on vwuwuida govin 1 Aathaaris unique and socure. 1 Documents te support identity and address should be updated in ‘Aadhaar after every 10 years from date of enrolment for Aachaar. 1 Aadhaar helps you aval of various Government and Non- ‘Government benefis/services. Keep your mobile number and email id updated in Aedhaar. Download mAadhaar apo to avai of Aachaor services. Use the feature of Lock/Unlock Aachaaribiomaties to ensure security nen not using Aachaar/biometrics 1 Eniites seeking Aadhaar are obligated to seek consent. “UfiqUE\IdENtificationsAuthority of India” BY. go so06 renga, 152.6 BIg rica FS 88S! s Brattess: #80 Sevendia kumar. C52 BONDAMUNDA, SSECTOR-C, Bondamunda, PO: ‘Bandomunda, DIST: Sundercarh, gOdisha 770032 6662 0585 8480 VID : 9171 9506 1377 1162

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