Thomasin 1998
Thomasin 1998
Thomasin 1998
Contribution from the Deparment of Pharmacy, ETH, Winterthurerstr. 190, 8057 Zuerich, Switzerland.
© 1998, American Chemical Society and S0022-3549(97)00048-8 CCC: $15.00 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences / 269
American Pharmaceutical Association Published on Web 01/31/1998 Vol. 87, No. 3, March 1998
for all samples. Dichloromethane (DCM) and ethyl acetate (EtAc) 12, Haake, Karlsruhe, FRG). For this, the coacervate dispersions
(analytical grade, >99.5%) were from Merck, Darmstadt, FRG. were centrifuged at 3500 min-1 in sealed vials and cooled to 10
Hexane (Hex) and silicone oil DC-200 (PDMS) of different viscosity °C. Shear stress was recorded in a solvent saturated atmosphere
(110, 375, 1070 mPa s) were obtained from Fluka, Buchs, (glass chamber sealed over the sensor; Contraves, Oerlikon,
Switzerland. Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMCTS) was from Switzerland) for 1 min by increasing automatically the shear rate
Scheller, Zürich, Switzerland. PDMS of 3000 mPa s was prepared from 100 to 1000 min-1. The temperature was maintained at 15
by mixing aliquots of PDMS of 1070 and 10 700 mPa s (Plüss & ( 1 °C for all experiments.
Stauffer, Oftringen, Switzerland) according to a viscosity-nomo- The viscosity of the continuous liquid was determined in a
gram.15 DCM and EtAc served as polymer solvents, PDMS as cylinder-type viscometer (VT 501, Haake, Karlsruhe, FRG) at
coacervating agent, Hex and OMCTS as hardening agents to increasing and decreasing shear rates of 27-2700 s-1.
solidify the microspheres. Turbidity of Coacervation DispersionssThe stability of
Solubility ParameterssThe Hansen parameters of PLA were coacervate droplets against merging and sedimentation was
determined theoretically according to a group contribution method.16 characterized by monitoring light transmission at 600 nm (UV/
The theoretical values were compared to those estimated experi- VIS-200, Perkin-Elmer Überlingen, FRG) of coacervate dispersions
mentally through the solubility behavior of PLA in three solvent prepared at different solvent/nonsolvent ratios.
classes differing in their hydrogen-bonding capability.17 Typically, Preparation of MicrospheressEmpty and BSA-loaded mi-
200 mg of polymer was mixed with 4 mL of solvent, and the crospheres were prepared by dissolving the polymer (2 g) in DCM
mixture was shaken vigorously and examined for complete solubil- or EtAc at concentrations of 2.5, 5.0, or 10% (w/w). Half of the
ity at 20 ( 1 °C. All solvents that did not completely dissolve the volume of the respective solutions was transferred into a jacketed-
polymer were also tested at 50 °C. Solvents inducing only polymer vessel (250 mL) equipped with baffles and an anchor stirrer. The
swelling or causing turbidity were classified as nonsolvents. For protein solution (500 µL) was emulsified in the other half of the
the copolymers PLGA 75:25 and 50:50, the solubility parameter δ polymer solution by ultrasonication, and this dispersion was also
was estimated experimentally rather than calculated from group added to the vessel. Coacervation was induced by introducing a
contributions. predetermined amount of silicone oil at a rate of 4 g min-1 to obtain
Phase Diagrams of PLA/PLGA CoacervationsA 20 g stable coacervate droplets according to established phase dia-
portion of 2.5, 5.0, or 10.0% (w/w) polymer solutions in DCM, using grams. Unless specified otherwise, stirring was set at 1000 min-1
different PLAs and PLGAs 75:25 and 50:50, was mechanically and the temperature maintained at 10-15 °C. The coacervation
stirred at 250 rpm in an airtight two-neck round-bottom flask kept dispersion was slowly transferred into 1200 mL of hardening agent
at 15 ( 1 °C. Methylene blue (Fluka, CH-Buchs) was dissolved to solidify the microparticles. Stirring was continued for 30 min
in the organic solution to enhance optical contrasts in the whereafter the microspheres were collected on a sintered glass
coacervation mixtures. Aliquots of PDMS were added at 2 min filter and washed with 100 mL of hexane. The microparticles were
intervals to increase the amount of nonsolvent by 2-5% relative air-dried for 5 min and resuspended three times in water contain-
to the total weight. Before each new silicone oil addition, 0.2 mL ing 0.1% poloxamer F 68 (ICI, Cleveland, UK). After washing,
of the mixture were withdrawn, examined, and photographed the powder was dried for 12 h under laminar air flow followed by
under an optical microscope (Optiphot with Microflex UFX, Nikon, vacuum-drying at 0.5 mbar.
JPN-Tokyo). From the appearance, size, and stability of the Residual Solvents in the MicrospheressBSA-loaded mi-
droplets, phase diagrams were established. For PLA R202, the crospheres prepared at three different DCM/PDMS ratios were
experiment was done in both DCM (Lewis acid) and EtAc (Lewis analyzed by GC for their solvent and hardening agent content.
base) to study the influence of the solvent type. Silicone oil Typically, 100 mg of each sample were weighed into screw-cap
addition and withdrawal of coacervation mixture was done through vials and dissolved in 2.0 g of 1,4-dioxane. The dispersions were
an inserted Teflon tube under rigorous precautions to prevent loss centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The solutions were cooled to
of the highly volatile solvents. 10 °C, and the clear supernatant subsequently transferred into 1
GPC of Coacervated PolymerssFor two different DCM/ mL HPLC vials and sealed. Analysis was performed on a GC 8500
PDMS ratios, the coacervate phases were separated by centrifuga- (Perkin-Elmer, Ueberlingen, FRG) using a 10 m wide bore fused
tion and collected with a syringe. DCM was evaporated to avoid silica column of 0.53 mm internal diameter, an additional retention
interference in the GPC chromatogram, and the polymer was gap of 1.0 m, a stationary phase of 5 µm methylsilicone (PS 255)
redissolved in tetrahydrofuran (THF) spiked with toluene. GPC cross-linked with 2% dicumyl peroxide (BGB, Adliswil, Switzer-
conditions were identical with those described elsewhere.14 land), and the carrier gas nitrogen with a flow rate equivalent to
Appearance, Volume, and Composition of Coacervate a retention time for methane of 35 s. The injected volume was
and Continuous PhasessThe influence of polymer type and 2.0 mL and the injector temperature set at 200 °C. The oven
molecular weight on the appearance and the volume of the temperature was set at 40 °C for 5 min and then increased to 200
coacervate phase was determined at 15 ( 1 °C for three different °C at a rate of 15 °C min-1. The total analysis time was 40 min.
solvent/nonsolvent ratios. For this, concentrations of 2.5, 5.0, and The solvents were detected by high-sensitivity FID at 250 °C.
10% (w/w) of poly(L-lactide) and poly(D,L-lactide) were dissolved Size Distribution of MicrospheressMicrospheres were char-
in DCM and supplemented by varying amounts of PDMS. The acterized for their particle size by laser light diffraction (Master-
dispersions were transferred into graduated vials and centrifuged sizer SX, Malvern, Malvern, UK), as described elsewhere.14
at 3500 min-1 for 15 min. The separated coacervate and continu- Calculations were based on Mie’s theory accounting for the optical
ous phases were examined for their appearance and volume properties of the polymer used. The refractive index of PLA and
fractions. The experiments were conducted in sealed containers PLGA was determined according to a group contribution method.16
to prevent loss of the volatile DCM.
The actual composition of the continuous and coacervate phases
was determined for the coacervation mixtures containing 1 g of Results
PLA R202, 19 g of DCM, and increasing amounts (5-46 g) of
PDMS. First, the theoretical solvent content of the continuous Solubility Behavior of PLA/PLGA in Different
liquid was calculated from the difference of volumes between the Solvent ClassessThe solubility range of PLA and PLGA
continuous phase and the added PDMS. This calculation was in solvents with different hydrogen-bonding capacity is
made under the assumptions that all PDMS remains in the presented in Table 1. All three polyester types were
continuous phase and no volume change occurs upon mixing DCM completely insoluble in solvents of strong hydrogen-bonding
and PDMS. The DCM content of the coacervate was calculated capacity. By contrast, the solubility range in solvents of
from the difference between the total amount of DCM used (19 g) poor or intermediate hydrogen-bonding depended on the
and the estimated amount in the continuous liquid. The calculated polymer type. Generally, moderate H-bonding solvents
results were verified gravimetrically with 5 mL of the continuous
phase, after evaporation of DCM at 150 °C.
showed the widest solubility range, which decreased in the
Rheological Behavior of Coacervate and Continuous order PLA > PLGA 75:25 > PLGA 50:50. Poor hydrogen-
PhasessThe rheological behavior of the coacervate phase, isolated bonding solvents with <17.8 MPa0.5 were classified here
at different solvent/nonsolvent ratios, was determined for poly(L- as nonsolvents.
lactide) and poly(D,L-lactide) at polymer concentrations of 2.5, 5, The thermodynamic parameters of the components used
and 10% (w/w) with a plate and cone sensor viscometer (Rheovisc in the coacervation process are compiled in Table 2. The
the repeating unit of the polymers. c Values calculated from group contributions.
True values not available; values adopted from EtAc. e True values not
available; values adopted from CH3OCH3. f Values adopted from PDMS.
(x 1 1
)( ) 1
∆δ ) [4(δd1 - δd2)2 + (δp1 - δp2)2 + (δh1 - δh2)2]0.5 (2) (χc)2a,2b ) 0.5 + (4)
1 - φ1
x2a xx2b
∆intE ) -nV1δd1δd2 - nV1δp1δp2 - (E1E2 + C1C2) (3)
This equation was explained in more detail in part 1.9
Generally, intermediate to strong interactions, as rep- Therefore, the critical condition for polymer phase separa-
resented by low χ (Flory) and ∆δ (Hansen) values or high tion was reached when the total polymer concentration
interaction energies, ∆intE (Hô), were found between the (PDMS and PLA) was >3%. With the initial PLA concen-
solvents and PLA, on one side, and between the nonsol- tration of 5-10% used here, phase separation started
vents and solvents, on the other side. Moreover, the immediately upon PDMS addition as a result of polymer
interactions of solvent-PDMS and solvent-PLA are of repulsion.
similar order of magnitude. This may indicate that poly- If, for simplicity, the PLA/PDMS/DCM mixture is con-
mer desolvation by PDMS proceeds slowly, which should sidered as an apolar system, phase separation was also
facilitate the control of coacervation and reduce the risk of supported by the Van Oss theory (part 1).9 Taking into
polymer precipitation. When analyzing the data by a account the surface tensions of DCM (γ1 ) 27.2 mN m-1),20
nonparametric correlation test (Spearman), highly signifi- of PLA (γ2 ) 40 mN m-1, as estimated from group
cant correlations, rs, were found between the rank order contributions),16 and of PDMS (γ3 ) 21.5 mN m-1),19 the
of values ∆δ and ∆intE (rs ) 0.7253), between χ and ∆δ (rs corresponding equations (eqs 23 and 24 in part 1)9 pre-
) 0.7321), and between χ and ∆intE (rs ) 0.6882) (with rtab dicted polymer phase separation.
) 0.643 for R ) 0.01). PLA/PLGA Coacervation Phase DiagramssThe dif-
So far, coacervation was treated here primarily as a ferent stages of PLA phase separation are illustrated for
desolvation process, for which interaction parameters PLA L206 in Figure 1. Phase separation of this high
predict potential PLA/PLGA desolvation by PDMS ir- molecular weight PLA could be divided into five stages,
respective of the solvent used. When considering PLA/ each of them characterized by a typical microscopic ap-
PLGA coacervation as a polymer 1-polymer 2 repulsion pearance, rheological behavior, and phase volume. Gener-