Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance
Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance
Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance
Provided, however, That such cash deposit made to, or surety bond
posted w/, the Commissioner shall be resorted to by him in cases of
accidents the indemnities for w/c to third-parties &/or passengers
are not settled accordingly by the land transportation operator &, in
that event, the said cash deposit shall be replenished or such surety
bond shall be restored w/ sixty days after impairment or expiry, as
the case may be, by such land transportation operator, otherwise,
he shall secure the insurance policy required by this chapter. The
aforesaid cash deposit may be invested by the Commissioner in
readily marketable government bonds &/or securities.
SECTION 378. Any claim for death or injury to any passenger or third
party pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be paid without the
necessity of proving fault or negligence of any kind; Provided, That for
purposes of this section —
a. The total indemnity in respect of any person shall not exceed five
thousand pesos;
(ii) The following proofs of loss, when submitted under oath, shall be
sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim:
(iii) Claim may be made against one motor vehicle only. In the case of an
occupant of a vehicle, claim shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle in
w/c the occupant is riding, mounting or dismounting fr.. In any other case,
claim shall lie against the insurer of the directly offending vehicle. In all
cases, the right of the party paying the claim to recover against the owner
of the vehicle responsible for the accident shall be maintained.
SECTION 384. Any person having any claim upon the policy issued
pursuant to this Chapter shall, without any unnecessary delay, present to
the insurance company concerned a written notice of claim setting forth the
nature, extent & duration of the injuries sustained as certified by a duly
licensed physician. Notice of claim must be filed within six months fr. date
of accident, otherwise, the claim shall be deemed waived. Action or suit for
recovery of damage due to loss or injury must be brought, in proper cases,
w/ the Commissioner or the Courts within one year fr. denial of the claim,
otherwise, the claimant’s right of action shall prescribe. (As amended by
Presidential Decree 1814 & Batasang Pambansa Blg. 874)