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Inter-Service Data Integration for Geodetic Operations

Project INDIGO

Prepared for:


Dr. Lucia Tssaoussi, HQ
Dr. John LaBrecque, HQ
Dr. Rob Sherwood, JPL

RTOP: 428-88-04-40
JPL Account: 102390-E.1

Report for 9/2004 through 12/2005

Ruth E. Neilan, INDIGO PI

California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California 91109

Angelyn Moore/JPL, Carey Noll/NASA-GSFC, Mike Pearlman/CfA, Dave Stowers/JPL,
Dirk Behrend/NVI, Frank Webb/JPL, Tom Yunck/JPL

Inter-Service Data Integration for Geodetic Operations


The main objective of INDIGO is to enable improved performance, accuracy, and efficiency in
support of NASA’s Earth science and international user community by developing and providing
uniform access to heterogeneous space geodetic data systems. This collective effort will be built
upon data and information systems of space geodetic observations that come from the techniques
of the Global Positioning System (GPS), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and Satellite
Laser Ranging (SLR), which are fundamental for defining and maintaining the precise reference
system. The system will be flexibly designed to be able to include or incorporate other geodetic
techniques data and products, and have comprehensive links to other data system holdings.

The community-based international scientific services - the International GNSS Service (IGS -
formerly the International GPS Service), International VLBI Service (IVS) and International
Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) - are committed to support and evolve data information systems.
INDIGO is a collaborative activity led by JPL and GSFC, the homes of these three service
information systems. These geodetic services fundamentally support the International Earth
Rotation and Reference System Service (IERS) and therein the generation and maintenance of the
International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). Recognizing current scientific concepts and
requirements of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), a program of the International
Association of Geodesy (IAG) and acknowledged participant of the GEOSS, unification of these
data systems is very timely and the first steps towards identify scientific users needs has been
taken in order to implement an architecture best suited to serve the community.

Extensive user participation in the formulation of the new system has been undertaken resulting
in an assessment report and concept notes to guide development. INDIGO website has been
established. INDIGO principals are engaged in the GGOS activities and to a large extent are
leading the developments towards realizing an inter-technique data information system. We
foresee the user interface and access as streamlined and seamless with state-of-the-art web-based
service. This is because INDIGO will extend the GPS Seamless Archive (GSAC) philosophy to
all data types, creating a Global Seamless Archive for geodetic data, products, and information.
Data and products can be made readily available to a user from globally distributed data systems
without the user searching through multiple systems.

Accomplishments since inception

1. Finalize task details and budget (30 July 2004) secure HQ approval, funds on contract.

2. INDIGO www presence established, see: http://indigo.nasa.gov/

3. Assessment of current services, review existing structures, data and product holdings,
information, meta-data, and services. Service data and product comparison tables on website :

4. User Assessment conducted, report available (July 2005).

4. Static collocation table developed as first step to dynamic database on station catalog and
observations; http://indigo.nasa.gov/sgp_colocations.html

5. Establish the Inter-Service WG and lead the Data and Information System Working Group of
the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). INDIGO principals lead the Ground Networks
and Communications Working Group of GGOS to work toward integration of the networks.
People from many different disciplines and organizations, including gravity field, are engaged
and communicating regularly. The WGs collaborated in putting together papers for the IAG
meeting in Cairns and its proceedings. INDIGO team is involved in unprecedented approach to
network integration and is working towards developing quantitative measurement user
requirements, which will certainly impact the data systems. Continuous since mid-2004.

6. Science Advisory Team set up, March 2005

INDIGO Science Advisory Team

Zuheir Altamimi <altamimi@ensg.ign.fr>
Don Argus <Donald.F.Argus@jpl.nasa.gov>
Gerhard Beutler <beutler@aiub.unibe.ch>
Geoff Blewitt <gblewitt@unr.edu>
John Dow <John.Dow@esa.int>
Herman Drewes <drewes@dgfi.badw.de>
Richard Eanes <eanes@csr.utexas.edu>
Remi Ferland <ferland@geod.nrcan.gc.ca>
Richard S. Gross <RSG@logos.jpl.nasa.gov>
Werner Gurtner <gurtner@aiub.unibe.ch>
Tom Herring <tah@chandler.mit.edu>
Bob King <rwk@chandler.mit.edu
Steen Klosko <Steven_M_Klosko@raytheon.com>
Chopo Ma <Chopo.Ma@nasa.gov>
Arthur Niell <aen@bashful.haystack.edu>
Ericos Pavlis <epavlis@helmert.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Jim Ray <jimr@ngs.noaa.gov>
Christoph Reigber <reigber@gfz-potsdam.de>
Markus Rothacher <markus.rothacher@bv.tum.de>
Wolfgang Schleuter <schlueter@wettzell.ifag.de>

Findings, Actions and Plans Stemming from Assessment Report

The technical team noted that development of a metadata specification for geodetic sites is
necessary for achievement of several goals presented in the assessment report:
- Provide authoritative tables of inter-technique tie vectors. Offer vectors between each pair
of reference points, whether measured or calculated. Time dependence must be considered.
- Provide upgraded site information, including anomalous periods for each data type.
- Provide ability to discover suitable spatiotemporally coincident multi-technique data sets.

The metadata specification was therefore identified as an early goal which will in several ways
enable the stated specific goal of INDIGO services: easy comparison of single and multi-
technique results with one another in sensible ways. This will also meet INDIGO's extensibility
goal of allowing related data providers (such as other geodetic techniques) to participate by
providing information in a standardized way. The team noted related developments in this area:

- XML development at the IERS CB, related to ISO 19115/19139
- XML development at SOPAC, including a full specification of a geodetic monument

The team has developed a prototype based on the SOPAC geodetic monument definition, with
extensions for identifying geodetic technique, vectors between nearby monuments, and operating
status. The team has also identified sources of input data to populate the database once defined.
This initial set of information will allow INDIGO to begin providing valuable information to the
multi-technique community such as site tie information and technique co-location information.
Further developments in the phased approach will include anomalous periods and specific
operating periods.


INDIGO Budget Guideline is $500K Funds split between JPL and GSFC at NASA HQ,
FY05/FY06 request:
JPL: $248K
GSFC: $252K inclusive of full cost accounting per NASA HQ direction (~$72K)

Plans CY 2006

1. Architect and begin implementing the phased design for INDIGO services and capabilities.
Design including Global Seamless Archive System (GSAC) approach for INDIGO and continue
to propagate approach and methods to benefit GGOS as appropriate.

2. Develop catalog of stations and observations; provide a central template to collect station meta-
data and encourage all Service network coordinators, managers and stations operators to provide
information and adhere to the convention

3. Prepare space geodetic colleague directory.

3. Meeting with Science Team for review of the design and implementation for the above (3rd
quarter 2006)


Service System Unification and Integration

Develop a common catalog of existing services and products
Analyze interdependencies and identify synergies between current services
Develop and implement the structure to unify the services’ data information systems via website
Re-architect the independent services’ data information systems
Develop and implement common interfaces for user access at each service where synergistic
Foster an international working group for the development and promotion of data and metadata
Present similar products side-by-side and uniformly formatted
Explore and implement 're-use' of GPS Seamless Archive philosophies/tools, extend to all
techniques creating a Global Seamless Archive Center
Support and implement data processes for 'deep' inter-technique data integration
Provide reference frame data and products in support of IERS
Design flexible data system for future inclusion of emerging technologies: altimetry, InSAR,
space gravity, and magnetometry.
INDIGO Support to the Earth Science User Community
Provide precise geospatial/temporal data search as well as word search of information
Implement a station coordinate/velocity plots for all sites in cooperation with the IERS
Create a new Site Ties catalog that is inter-technique and flexible to incorporate other techniques
in the future
Prepare and publish the INDIGO Catalog of Observing Instruments and Stations (including
GNSS constellation info)
Investigate and prototype approach to quality assurance of INDIGO
Combine and upgrade the web based directory of colleagues for the few thousand current users,
enable expansion for many new users
INDIGO Responsiveness to Science Drivers
Establish a Science Advisory Team for direction on developments closely associated with
developing scientific requirements of GGOS/NGO; INDIGO directly supports these activities
(of expert users) while continuing to serve broad Earth science users

 Completed or action in process

INDIGO High Level Tasks CY 04 CY 05 CY 06 CY 07

and Milestone Chart
revised 12.2005
Phase 1 2 3 4
Jun Dec Jun Dec Jun Dec Jun Sep
1 Funds on contract

2 Task plans finalized

3 Secure formal approvals of Service

Governing Boards

4 Establish Inter-service WG on Data

and Information Systems within IAG

5 Establish a Science Advisory Team,

annual reviews/reports

6 Assess current services, prepare report

on data and products, Assess inter-
technique network architecture & mix
of data
7 Develop and implement website
INDIGO, on-going

8 Re-architect service information

systems, maximize multi-technique
9 Compile and distribute INDIGO
publications: Catalog of Observations
and Stations
10 Develop & implement Global
Seamless Archive Center services

12 Prototype quality assurance approach

INDIGO (descope – June 2004)

13 Provide Annual Reports/e-newsletters

Progressive task action - light grey

Deliverables, or task completion
period - dark grey

Related publications and presentations

Noll, C.E. and M. Dube "Archiving Space Geodesy Data for 20+ Years at the CDDIS", EOS Trans. AGU,
85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G53A-0124.

R.E. Neilan, A. Moore, J. Dow, G. Gendt, and R. Weber (2004), "International GPS Service - 10 Years
History, New Directions for GNSS and Space Geodesy", EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.,
Abstract G53A-0124.

Thomas P Yunck, T.P, and R. E. Neilan “Integration of Space Geodesy: A US National Geodetic
Observatory”, Journal of Geodynamics, in press, 2005

Noll, C.E. "The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System: NASA'S Archive of Space Geodesy Data",

Pearlman, M., et al., “GGOS Working Group on Ground Networks and Communications”, Proceedings
IAG/IAPSO Assembly, Cairns, Australia, August 22-26, 2005, in preparation, 2006.

Neilan, et al., “Integrated Data and Information System for the Global Geodetic Observing System”,
Presentation, IAG/IAPSO Assembly, Cairns, Australia, August 22-26, 2005

Moore, A.W. et al., "INDIGO: Inter-service Data Integration for Geodetic Operations”, Potsdam,
Germany, March 01-02, 2005.

Moore, A.W. et al., "INDIGO: Inter-service Data Integration for Geodetic Operations” at IERS
Combination Pilot Project (CPP) Workshop, Napa, CA, December 11, 2004.

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