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First Regular Session ) i:f tl)f gs, crftnrp

SENATE *19 JUL-4 A9 -27

rece :




Article II, Section 15 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides that:

"The State shall p ro te ct and prom ote the rig h t to health o f the
people and instill health consciousness among them ."

One of the essential health services in the delivery of pre-and post-hospital

care to emergency patients is the provision of ambulance service. The ambulance are

designed to transport critically sick or injured persons.

Memorandum Circular No. 107, series o f 1989, issued by the Department of

Health, provides for the guidelines in restricting the use of government ambulances
for purposes only for the transporting of patient, save in cases wherein there is no
other motor vehicle available which could be utilized for the purpose of withdrawing
money from the bank, transport of personnel on night duty to and from pick-up/drop-

in centers and for medical outreach missions.

However, several complaints have been received regarding the misuse of

government ambulances; that government ambulances are being used for personal
purposes and that during emergency situations patients have to pay for the gasoline

expenses for these vehicles.

The unauthorized use or misuse of ambulances denies sick constituents and

patients requiring immediate medical attention of its use. It must be noted that the
safety and protection of the patient as well as the medical care providers shall be of
primary consideration and that the vehicles must be available to respond to

emergencies at all times.

The proposed measure aims to institutionalize proper utilization of

government-owned ambulance, whether acquired using government funds or donated

for government use, in order to protect and save the lives of patients. Government
ambulances shall be under the "joint custody" of the local chief executive and health
officer in the local government unit. Hence, it is within their duty to make available to
the intended beneficiaries the ambulance with an appointed driver, sufficient gasoline

and without unnecessary delay.

Furthermore, the bill penalizes the unlawful use and misuse of government
ambulance for purposes that is inconsistent with the purposes for which it is use, the
use o f government ambulance for private use with a fee, and the denying a patient
entitled for the use of the government ambulance. In the last Congress, the bill was

filed by Senator Joseph Victor Ejercito.

In view of the foregoing, approval o f this bill is earnestly sought.


First Regular Session ) tC 'flu f of ilic' iWi f - f t a r p

SENATE ’19 JUL-4 A 9.-27

S. No. 229
RECiiV .!



Be i t enacted b y the Senate and the House o f Representatives o f the Philippines in

Congress assembled:

1 SECTION 1. Declaration o f Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the State

2 that the right o f the people to health shall be protected and promoted. In this regard,
3 the State shall extend such assistance in the most expeditious manner where there is

4 immediate danger on the life of the people.

5 SEC 2 . Definition o f Terms. - As used in this Act, the following terms shall

6 mean:
7 a) Government ambulance refers to a vehicle equipped with emergency life-

8 saving devices and equipment and properly designated as such, used to

9 carry or transport seriously sick or injured persons or patients in
10 emergency situations requiring immediate medical treatment to a
11 medical facility or from one medical facility to another; or for diagnostic
12 or therapeutic treatm ent where, by the nature of the patient's sickness
13 or injury, conveyance by ambulance is necessary. These vehicles are
14 acquired using government funds or donated for government use,

15 regardless of source.

17 b) Emergency refers to a condition or state of patient wherein based on the
18 objective findings of a prudent medical officer on duty for the day, there
1 is immediate danger on the life of the patient where delay in initial

2 support and treatm ent may cause loss o f life or permanent disability to

3 the patient.
4 SEC 3 . Join t Custody o f Government Ambulances Assigned o r Donated to Local
5 Government Units. - Any government ambulance assigned or donated to Local
6 government units shall be under the jo in t custody of the local chief executive and the
7 health officer concerned. Each shall be Jointly liable for any violation of the provisions
8 of this Act committed by the of the provisions of this Act committed by the other.
9 Upon the end of the local chief executive's term of office or in case he is
10 disqualified or removed from office for whatever cause, he shall turn over the custody
11 of the ambulance to the proper authority within fifteen ( 15) days from his last day in
12 office. In the same manner, in case the health officer of the local government unit
13 retires, is separated or disqualified from office, he shall turn over the said custody to
14 the proper authority within fifteen ( 15) days from his last day in office.

15 SEC 4 . Duties o f Local C hief Executives. -

16 a) I t shall be the duty o f any local chief executive having temporary custody
17 of any government ambulance, donated or otherwise, to deliver or cause
18 the delivery of the same to the intended beneficiary w ithout unnecessary

19 delay.
20 b) I t shall also be the duty of local chief executives assigned with any
21 government ambulance to appoint at least one regular driver for each
22 ambulance and ensure that a sufficient amount for gasoline and the
23 maintenance of their ambulance is appropriated every year.

24 SEC 5 . Prohibited Acts. - The following acts are hereby prohibited:

25 a) It shall be unlawful for any public official or employee to use any

26 government ambulance as office service vehicle, for recreation or for

27 personal use or for any other purpose whatsoever inconsistent with the

28 purposes of a government ambulance as defined in Section 1 of this Act;

29 b) I t shall be unlawful for any public official or employee to use any

30 government ambulance in the transportation of patients not in

31 emergency situation unless another ambulance is available to respond to

32 any emergency; or when no other means of transportation is available

1 which non-availability is jointly certified under oath by the patient or any

2 of his / her relatives or guardians and the responsible officer in charge

3 of the ambulance other than the driver; or when the nature o f the
4 patient's sickness or injury, though not life threatening, makes necessary

5 his / her transportation by ambulance;

6 c) It shall be unlawful for any public officer or employee to allow the use of
7 any government ambulance by individuals or entities for private use, for

8 a fee or not;
9 d) It shall be unlawful for any public officer or employee to refuse the use
10 of any government ambulance by any patient entitled to the use o f the
11 same as provided in this Act due to the patient's inability to pay any fee
12 collected for its use; or discriminate in its use on account of religious
13 beliefs, gender, economic status, political affiliations or whatever cause

14 contrary to law, public policy or good customs;

15 e) It shall be unlawful for any public officer or employee to paint over or
16 allow the painting over of any government ambulance to circumvent the

17 provisions of this Act.

18 Sec. 6 . Exceptions to the Prohibited Acts. - The provisions of Section 5
19 notwithstanding, the following use of any government ambulance in non-emergency

20 cases may be allowed:

21 a) Medical outreach missions; and,
22 b) Other related hospital operations.
23 SEC 7 . Penalty Clause. - Violations o f second paragraph of Section 3 hereof shall
24 be punished by perpetual disqualification from public service with forfeiture of

25 retirement benefits.
26 Violations of Section 4 and any of the prohibited acts enumerated in Section 5

27 hereof shall be penalized by suspension from office for thirty ( 30) days for the first
28 offense; suspension for six ( 6) months for the second offense; and termination from

29 service with forfeiture of retirement benefits and perpetual disqualification from public

30 service for the third offense

1 I f the violation of any of the prohibited acts be committed with the knowledge or

2 participation of the local chief executive and/or the responsible health officer in case
3 of local government units or the head o f hospital in case of government hospitals, the
4 said officials shall also be penalized with the same penalty provided in this Act.
5 SEC 8 . Im plem enting Rules and Regulations. - The Secretary of the Department
6 o f the Interior and Local Government, in consultation with the Secretaries of the
7 Department of Health and the Department of Transportation and Communications
8 and concerned sectors shall issue such guidelines, orders or rules and regulations as

9 may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.

10 SEC 9 . Separability Clause - I f any provision of this Act or the application of such
11 provision to any person or circumstance is declared unconstitutional, the remainder of
12 this Act or the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not

13 be affected by such declaration.

14 SEC 10. Repealing Clause. - All laws, orders, decrees, proclamations, rules and
15 regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby

16 repealed or modified accordingly.

17 SEC 11. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect after fifteen ( 15) days
18 following the completion of its publication in the Official Gazette, or in a newspaper of

19 general circulation in the Philippines.


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