Robloxpro bk2 Int
Robloxpro bk2 Int
Robloxpro bk2 Int
dragon pet
Scholastic Australia
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Printed by McPherson's Printing Group, Maryborough, VIC. of the block to create world
Scholastic Australia's policy, in association with
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landmarks. I was sure Mr
forests, so as to minimise its environmental footprint.
which would have been a disaster OOF!
because I hadn't been listening.
'Watch it, BLOCKHEAD!' an
Talk about being saved by the angry voice sneered.
lunchtime bell!
I didn't even have to look up to
I walked out of History class and see who it was. Trip. The school
headed to my locker. I dumped bully who also happened to be the
my books inside and pulled out mayor's son.
my lunch bag. But as I turned
to leave, I SMACKED right
into somebody. The bang was so
hard I went flying backwards and
landed straight onto my butt. I
even slid down the corridor a
little and made a squeaky
stopping sound.
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He thought he was the biggest Weird.
pro around and got away with
everything just because his mum I cautiously took his hand as he
was the mayor. But I knew the pulled me to my feet, but as I was
truth about Trip. He wasn't a almost standing, Trip suddenly let
pro at all. He was the biggest go, sending me CRASHING
SCAREDY-AVATAR back down. Hard.
in the world. And he was a
total fake. I knew all his stories OOF!
about being cool and brave
were made up. 'Psych!' Trip cackled.
'You knocked me over!' I said angrily. His blockhead friends, Elle and
Levi, joined in as they walked off
Trip's block face softened slightly. down the hall.
He put out his hand to help me up.
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