Cement Mantles Grading - Barrack

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From the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston

To assess the effect of improved methods of femoral cementing on the loosening rates in young patients,
we reviewed 50 ‘second-generation’ cemented hip arthroplasties in 44 patients aged 50 years or less. The
femoral stems were all collared and rectangular in cross-section with rounded corners. The cement was
delivered by a gun into a medullary canal occluded distally with a cement plug. A clinical and radiographic
review was undertaken at an average of 12 years (10 to 14.8) and no patient was lost to follow-up.
No femoral component was revised for aseptic loosening, and only one stem was definitely loose by
radiographic criteria. By contrast, 11 patients had undergone revision for symptomatic aseptic loosening of
the acetabular component and 11 more had radiographic signs of acetabular loosening.

Aseptic loosening ofthe components is the most common Dorr, Luckett and Conaty 1990) and for this reason many
long-term complication of cemented total hip arthro- surgeons changed to cementless femora! stems. The
plasty. At five-year follow-up, radiographic loosening of question remained, however, whether the improved
the femora! component was reported in 20% to 24% of cementing technique which had reduced the incidence
cases in which the cementing methods initially advocated of loosening in the elderly would be effective in younger
by Charnley, which we call first-generation techniques, patients.
had been used (Amstutz et a! 1976 ; Beckenbaugh and We now report the results of improved cementing
Ilstrup 1978). The figures increased to 30% to 40% at ten techniques of 50 hips in 44 patients aged 50 years or
years (Stauffer 1982 ; Sutherland et a! 1982). Improved younger at an average follow-up of 12 years (10 to 14.8).
cementing techniques can substantially reduce the mci-
dence of femora! loosening (Harris and McGann 1986;
Roberts, Poss and Kelley 1986 ; Russotti, Coventry and
Stauffer 1988) to as little as 3% at 1 1 years (Mulroy and Between January 1, 1976 and January 1, 1979, 234
Harris 1990). cemented total hip replacements were performed on 206
In young patients the incidence of failure of patients by the senior author (WHH), using ‘second-
cemented hip replacements is reported to be even higher generation’ cementing techniques and stem design. The
(Chandler et a! 1981 ; Dorr, Takei and Conaty 1983; specific improvements included the use of a methylme-
thacrylate femora! medullary plug, delivery of a doughy
mix of cement (Simplex P ; Howmedica Inc, Rutherford,
R. L. Barrack, MD, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and
New Jersey) in retrograde fashion by a cement gun, and
Division of Reconstructive Surgery, Tulane University School of the use of a collared cobalt-chrome femoral stem with a
Medicine, 1430 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112, USA.
rectangular cross-section and rounded corners. The
W. H. Harris, MD, Chief, Hip and Implant Surgery Unit
medullary canal was irrigated and packed with sponges
Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratories, Massachusetts General Hos-
pital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. until immediately before cementing. Pulsati!e !avage and
R. D. Mulroy, Jr, MD, Director, Joint Replacement Unit adrenaline-soaked sponges were not used, nor was a
Waltham Weston Medical Center, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154,
cement pressuriser. A large stem was preferred and the
largest rasp which could be comfortably inserted was
Correspondence should be sent to Dr W. H. Harris.
used to prepare the socket in the upper femur. The rasp
© 1992 British Editorial Society ofBone and Joint Surgery
030l-620X/92/3339 $2.00 was usually about 3 mm oversized compared with the
J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1992; 74-B : 385-9. stem.

VOL. 74-B, No. 3, MAY 1992 385


There were 50 hips in 44 patients (21 women, 23

men) with an average age of 40.9 years (18 to 50) at the
time of surgery. The patients’ average weight was 69 kg
(45.5 to 107).
The original diagnoses ofthe 50 hips were congenital
dislocation and/or dysplasia (19), ‘pistol-grip deformity’
causing osteoarthritis (5), osteoarthritis which was too
far advanced to determine the cause (4), avascular

Figure la - A postoperative radiograph

shows excellent cement distribution
(‘white-out’) graded as ‘A’. Figure lb -

Thirteen years later fixation is secure

despite adaptive remodelling of the femur.

Figure 2a - A postoperative radiograph

shows slight radiolucencies at the cement-
bone interface, graded ‘B’. Figure 2b -

Eleven years later the patient had an

excellent clinical result and stable radio-
graphic appearance.



tions were for revision of failed cemented components, with cement such that the tip ofthe stem was not covered,
two for failed femoral osteotomies, one for a failed cup was classified ‘D’.
arthroplasty, and one for a failed double-cup artjiropasty. Fixation of the acetabu!ar component was also
All patients completed a questionnaire and 13 assessed. Any cemented acetabular component which
patients (15 hips) were examined by the authors. Current had migrated or had a continuous radio!ucent line
radiographs were obtained for all. These and the regardless of its thickness, was diagnosed as definitely
postoperative intermediate radiographs were reviewed loose (Hodgkinson, Shelley and Wroblewski 1988).
for evidence of loosening.
‘Definite’ loosening was defined as migration, or a
change in position of the stem or the cement (Harris,
McCarthy and O’Neill 1982). This included fracture or The average duration of follow-up of the 50 hips was 12.0
bending of the stem, fracture of the cement, the years (10 to 14.8). No femoral component had been
appearance of a radiolucent line at the cement-stem revised for loosening. By contrast, aseptic loosening was
interface not present on the immediate postoperative the reason for revision of 1 1 acetabular components. At
radiograph, and a shift in the position of the cement 12 years, the average Harris hip score (Harris 1969) for
mantle relative to the femur. Radiographs that showed a the 39 hips that had not been revised was 88 points (41 to
continuous (100%) radiolucent line at the cement-bone 100), 24 were rated excellent, six good, six fair, and three
interface without evidence of migration were graded as poor. Of the three hips with a poor result, one was due to
‘probably’ loose. If a radiolucent zone was present that unexplained pain with negative aspiration arthrogram,
was not complete, but involved between 50% and 99% of normal radiographs and a norma! bone scan. In the other
the interface, the component was classified as ‘possibly’ two the low score was caused by functional limitations.
loose. One patient had recently been operated on for severe
The radiographic appearance of the initial cement- spinal stenosis and the other was paraplegic from
ing was graded on the immediate postoperative radio- rheumatoid cervical mye!opathy. Of the six hips rated
graph. Complete filling of the medullary cavity by fair, in three the low score was due to symptomatic
cement, a so-called ‘white-out’ at the cement-bone aseptic loosening of their acetabular components with
interface was graded ‘A’ (Fig. 1). Slight radiolucency of migration. One patient was being treated for osteomye-
the cement-bone interface was defined as ‘B’ (Fig. 2). litis of the tibia, unrelated to his hip arthroplasty, with a
Radiolucency involving 50% to 99% of the cement-bone resultant severe functional limitation which lowered his
interface or a defective or incomplete cement mantle was score.
graded ‘C’. Radiolucency at the cement-bone interface In the 50 current radiographs only one stem was
of 100% in any projection, or a failure to ifil the canal judged to be definitelyboose (Fig. 3): a 0.5 mm radiolucent

Figure 3a - The postoperative radiograph

shows good cementing. Figure 3b - Twelve
years later there is, however, a new radio-
lucent line at the cement-stem interface in
zone one. This stem was classified radio-
graphically as definitely loose.

VOL. 74-B, No. 3, MAY 1992


line had developed in zone one between the stem and the the femora! stems had been revised and another 8% were
cement mantle (Fig. 3b). No stem was classified as loose radiographically.
probably loose but nine hips were possibly loose. Six hips Cornell and Ranawat (1986), in their series of
had a small region of focal osteolysis adjacent to the cemented total hips in patients under 55 years of age,
femoral component without evidence ofboosening (Jasty found that by 13 years, survivorship of prostheses had
eta! 1986). decreased to 70%, mainly due to acetabular component
Femoral cementing was classified on the postopera- failure. The predicted rate of success for the femoral
tive radiographs as grade A in 32 cases and grade B in stems was 93%. No stem had been revised for aseptic
18. There were no cases in grades C or D. loosening but two acetabular components had been
In addition to the 1 1 acetabular components which revised. One other acetabularcomponent and one femora!
had undergone revision for aseptic loosening, there were stem were radiographically loose. The results ofour series
a further 1 1 acetabula classified as definitely loose are similar. We had 22% acetabular revisions and a
radiographically. A total of 44% of the acetabular further 22% were radiographically loose ; on the femoral
components had, therefore, loosened. side the corresponding figures were 0% and 2%.
During the course of acetabular revision, three of Based on the poor results of some early series, many
the femoral stems were changed. In each case the stem authors have advised against the use of cemented stems
was secure in the bone, but was removed to alter its in young patients (Aronson 1986 ; Dorr et a! 1990) and
position to improve access or, in one case, because of many surgeons have changed to cementless femoral
massive bone resorption caused by the granuloma from implants. Engh and Glassman (1990), however, found
the loose acetabulum. All three stems had been in situ for that there was a 2.6% failure rate at an average follow-up
more than ten years. of only 4.75 years in 303 AML (DePuy Inc, Warsaw,
Indiana) cementless femoral components in patients less
than 50 years old.
The use ofa PCA stem (Howmedica Inc, Rutherford,
In this group ofpatients, aged 50 years or less undergoing New Jersey) in patients aged 50 years or less, recently
cemented total hip replacement by second-generation reported by Davies and Hedley (1991), resulted in 2%
femoral cementing techniques, there had been no femoral femora! revisions and 6% radiographically unstable
stem revisions by 12 years and only one femora! femora! components in a series of 48 hips followed for
component was loose on radiographic criteria. This is a only 38 months.
striking change from the results reported using first- We attribute our reduced loosening rate to the
generation cementing techniques, particularly as five of introduction of improved cementing techniques and
the 50 arthroplasties were revisions for failed cemented better stem design. The cement gun allows more complete
implants. filling of the medullary canal, and reduces the voids and
Chandler et al(l98l) reported revised or radiograph- laminations in the cement mantle. The use of a
ically loose components in 57% of 29 patients aged 30 methylmethacrylate medullary plug not only allows
years or less. The incidence of radiolucent lines was 94% greater intrusion pressure of cement (Oh et a! 1978) with
on the acetabular side and 33% on the femoral side. The better filling and improved cement-bone interface
numberofrevisions for acetabu!ar and femoral loosening, strength, but also automatically extends the cement
however, were equal (five of each in seven patients). mantle 2 to 4 cm beyond the tip of the prosthesis.
Component migration or ‘ominous’ radiolucency (pro- Beckenbaugh and Ilstrup (1978) noted that this was an
gressive and more than 2.5 mm thick), was seen in nine important factor for improved fixation. The clear
acetabula, one femur, and in one case involved both evidence for the improvement in technique is that we
components (Chandler et a! 1981). had no hips with grade C or D cementing. Wrob!ewski
Dorr et a! (1983) described 81 patients aged 45 years (1990) has recently reported a reduction of stem revision
or less and followed up for an average of4.5 years. There for loosening from 6% to 0.9% since he added an
was radiographic evidence of impending failure in 29% intramedullary bone plug to his cementing technique.
and most of the problems were on the acetabular side Advances in cementing technique have greatly
where progressive radio!ucency was seen in 83% as improved thelong-term survival offemora! stem implants
against 42% in the femoral stem. Even in those hips in in young patients. For cementless methods of fixation to
which the cementing technique wasjudged to be adequate compete they must now match these results, not those of
(40%), there was progressive demarcation around 95% of first-generation cementing methods.
the acetabula and 53% of the femoral stems. The cement
technique was technically unsatisfactory in 60% of cases This study was supported by the William H. Harris Foundation.
One or more of the authors have received or will receive benefits
by the authors’ criteria. for personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly
In a series of cemented total hip replacements in or indirectly to the subject of this article. In addition benefits have also
been or will be directed to a research fund, foundation, educational
patients 49 years old or less using first-generation institution, or other non-profit institution with which one or more of
methods, Collis (1991) found at 14.9 years that 20% of the authors is associated.




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VOL. 74-B, No. 3, MAY 1992

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