406-Article Text-1162-1-10-20220414
406-Article Text-1162-1-10-20220414
406-Article Text-1162-1-10-20220414
Research Article
The Electronic Class Record Used by The Cavite State University-Naic Faculty:
Its Prospects
when it can provide less effort and a more ef- instruments: questionnaire, observation, inter-
fective and timelier outcome. It is also neces- view, and documentary analysis.
sary to avoid disagreement from students and The researcher used the following instru-
parents. ments: questionnaire, observation, interview,
Students' grades needed to be accurate be- and documentary analysis in the conduct of the
cause it provides information in stepping to the study.
next year's level. Moreover, the grading system The primary research instrument for the
provides incentives for achievement and assist collection of data to obtain information about
in identifying problem areas of a student. It is the profile of the respondents. The first part of
also used to analyze the students’ performance. the questionnaire pertained to the profile of the
(Barreno, Arevalo et.al) respondents. The second part determines the
Many teachers feel that the time they take assessment of the respondents on the use of the
in recording and computing for the grades of electronic class record which served as the sa-
their students is time that could be better spent lient feature of the study. The part three con-
elsewhere, like preparing lessons, researching, cerned the problems encountered by the
or meeting with their students. With the advent teacher-respondents in the use of the elec-
of computer technology, more and more tronic class record. The fourth part pertained to
schools are taking advantage of a variety of the recommended solutions from teachers and
grading systems available both off-line and administrator to solve the problems encoun-
online that can help save time on administra- tered in the use of the electronic class record.
tive tasks and give teachers more time to attend Aside from the use of the questionnaire, the
to other important functions. However, a researcher also used observation as a data
greater majority, especially small schools, gov- gathering instrument to enable to see the ac-
ernment schools, and schools in remote areas, tual performance of the respondents while us-
still utilize the manual method of recording and ing the electronic class record. During the com-
computing for the grades of the students. putation of grades, he visited them and directly
https://www.academia.edu/6314564/Docu- observed the teachers using the electronic class
mentation_in_database record.
The objectives of this study were to: The data were tallied, tabulated, and sub-
1. determine the profile of the faculty mem- jected to statistical analysis. The statistical
bers of CvSU-Naic in terms of sex, civil sta- tools were: 1) the weighted mean – to compute
tus, highest educational attainment, de- for the mean of the data to measure the percep-
partment, length of teaching experience, tion of the respondents; 2) Ranking – to deter-
the status of computer literacy, the place mine the arrangement of responses from re-
where they prepare their class record, and spondents in part I to 4 of the questionnaire;
the person who prepares their e-class rec- and 3) Frequency Distribution – to determine
ord; the profile of the respondents, their assess-
2. assess the use of e-class record ment, problems encountered, and recom-
3. assess the problems encountered by mended solutions. All analyses and computa-
teachers on the use of e-class record; and tions were made using Microsoft Excel 2016.
4. recommend solutions for teachers and ad-
ministrators to solve problems encoun- Table 1. Rating scale
tered in the use of e-class record.
Ratings Interpretations
4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.50 – 4.49 Agree
The researcher made use of the descriptive
2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Agree
method in the conduct of this study. The
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
respondents in this study were all the regular,
0.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree
contractual, and part-time faculty members of
CvSU-Naic. The researcher used the following
The table showed the rating scale used electronic class record were married, seven-
by the researcher in interpreting the data in the teen (17) percent of them were single and none
survey questionnaire 2 to 4. of them was widowed or divorced.
0% 0%
Figure 4. Percentage of respondents per Depart-
Figure 4 disclosed that thirty-eight (38)
percent of the faculty members were from
Teacher Education Department, both Manage-
Single Married Widow Divorced
ment Department and Information Technology
Department had seventeen (17) percent, and
Figure 2. Percentage of respondents per Civil both Arts and Sciences Department and Fisher-
Status ies and Marine Science Department had four-
teen (14) percent.
Figure 2 explained that eighty-three (83)
percent of the faculty member who used the
3% 41%
Table 2. Percentage of respondents per Person who prepares their electronic class record
Person who prepared their electronic class record Percent (%) Frequency Distribution
Yourself 89 25
Co-teacher 7 2
Staff 0 0
Students 4 1
Others: ________ MIS Officer;
Table 3 showed that faculty members rank members favored the benefits of using the elec-
1 or believed that using the electronic class rec- tronic class record. Meanwhile, the lowest
ord lessens the amount of time spent by teach- mean of 3.79 is on the use of the electronic class
ers in grade computation. They also believed record to help update students about their aca-
that the e-class record made their computation demic strengths and weaknesses.
easier with a weighted mean of 4.62. All faculty
Table 4 revealed that most of the problems monitoring in the use of the e-class record with
met by the faculty members were in the hard- the weighted mean of 3.38 while most of the
ware like the insufficient unit of computers that faculty members did not have cyberphobia or
rank 1 with the weighted mean of 3.39. Second fear in computers with the weighted mean of
in the rank was the lack of continuous 2.36 ranked 8.
Table 5. Recommended solutions for Teachers and Administrators to solve the problems encountered
in the use of e-class record
Recommendations Weighted Interpretation Standard
Mean Deviation
1. Conduct training on basic computer skills 3.76 AGREE 4.09
2. Embrace Information Technology to become 4.28 AGREE 6.22
globally competitive individuals
3. Provide adequate computer facilities such as 4.38 AGREE 7.56
printers and computers
4. Conduct regular updates of the e-class record 4.41 AGREE 7.46
5. The immediate response from Technical per- 4.45 AGREE 7.33
sonnel regarding problems with the computer
6. Provide continuous monitoring in the use of e- 4.38 AGREE 7.16
class record
7. Acquire personal computer 4.00 AGREE 5.07
In table 5, the immediate response from knowledge in the operation of the computer
technical personnel regarding problems on the system, delayed response from technical per-
computer system with the weighted mean of sonnel regarding problems on the computer
4.45 rank 1 in the recommended solutions for system, and the last is the phobia in using the
Teachers and Administrators to solve the prob- computer.
lems encountered in the use of e-class record. Most of the recommended solutions in the
All the responses of the faculty members survey were agreed upon by the teachers. First
agreed to recommended solutions presented in on the rank was that there should be an imme-
the survey. The weighted mean ranges from diate response from technical personnel re-
3.76 to 4.45 which was interpreted as agree. garding problems with the computer system.
The second was the conduct of regular updates
Conclusion of the e-class record. The third was to provide
The study revealed that faculty members adequate computer facilities such as printers
benefited from the electronic class record. They and computers for the faculty to encode their
lessen the amount of time spent in the prepara- grades. And last on the recommendation was
tion and computations of grades. The electronic the conduct of training on basic computer
class record made it easy for the teachers to skills.
store and keep records. It helped also the teach-
ers submit their grades on time. Acknowledgment
While the faculty members benefited from The researcher wishes to express his grati-
the e-class record, they also encountered prob- tude to the following persons who have helped
lems. First is the insufficient number of com- and contributed to making this study:
puter units to be used in the encoding of grades Engr. Ervin Papa, for his assistance and con-
into the system. Second is the lack of continu- tribution as a statistician; and
ous monitoring in the use of the system. The Ms. Abigail C. Gomez, for her comments and
third is the unavailability of the printers to be suggestions and for her motivation to publish
used in the printing of their grades, inadequate this study.