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Science PT 3 Class 6th

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(iii) The SI unit of measuring length is metre.

BRAHMANAND PUBLIC Q.4: Choose the correct options: (3M)

SCHOOL (i) Which one of the following does not grow ?
Examination 2022-2023 (a) Tree (b) Baby (c) Snail (d) Rubber band
Periodic Test-III (ii) Which of the following animals does not have gills ?
Class: VI
(a) Squids (b) Octopus (c) Fish (d) Dolphin
Subject: Science
(iii) Which of the following modes of transport is not based on the invention of
Time :45 Minutes Maximum Marks:25 wheel ?
(a) Bullock cart (b) Boat (c) Bicycle (d) Bus
Q.5: Give the answer in one word: (4M)
Q.1: Read the paragraph carefully and write the answers for the following:
(4M) (i) What type of motion is shown by a spinning top ?
(ii) Name the process by which living things(organisms) obtain energy from
Habitats can be broadly categorized into two types. They are terrestrial food.
habitats and aquatic habitats. The animals that live in land are said to be in
terrestrial habitats. There are wide range of terrestrial habitats like forests, (iii) Name one plant which can be produced from cuttings.
grasslands, deserts, mountain ranges, coastal regions, wetlands, ice caps and (iv) Name one unit of length which is bigger than a metre.
wetlands.The main components of a habitat are shelter, water, food, and
space. A habitat is said to have a suitable arrangement when it has the correct Q.6: Give the answers of any two questions: (4M)
amount of all of these.
(i) What is periodic motion? State two examples of periodic motion.
(i) What is a habitat?
(ii) How are potato plant produced ?
(ii) What are the main types of habitat?
(iii) What is meant by adaptation and acclimatization ?
(iii) Which habitat has most animals?
Q.7: Draw a well labelled diagram of an aquatic habitat. (4M)
(iv) What is the living organisms characteristics and habitats?
Q.2: Fill in the following blanks with suitable words: (3M)
(i) The place where a plant or animal lives called its…………….
(ii) The length of forearm from elbow tofinger tips is called…….
(iii) A falling stone exhibits………..motion.
Q.3: State whether the following statement are true or false: (3M)
(i) Living organisms adapt to their surroundings.
(ii) Length of a curved line cannot be measured with a metre scale directly.

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