Shortened Fiscal Year/changing Fiscal Periods: Symptom

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SAP Note

672255 - Shortened fiscal year/changing fiscal periods

Component: CA-LT-SRV (Landscape Transformation Services), Version: 56, Released On: 11.09.2023


You want to:

Set up a shortened fiscal year (for example, in Germany in accordance with § 240 Sec. 2,
sentence 2 GCC) or
Set up an extended fiscal year (for example, in Poland) or
Group the fiscal periods by weeks (for example, according to the 4-4-5 rule commonly
used in Anglo-American countries) or
Change the fiscal periods in another way.

Other Terms

Fiscal year, fisc. year, FY, enterprise fiscal year,

Shortened fiscal year, shortened FY, shortened-FYEAR, shortened fisc.year,
Extended fiscal year,
Non-calendar fiscal year, non-calendar FY, fiscal year, non-cal. fiscal year, non-cal. FY,
Fiscal year = calendar year, fiscal year=calendar year,
Period count, number of periods, number of fiscal periods,
Non-calendar fiscal year, non-calendarFY,
Fiscal year change, fiscal year conversion, FY change, FY conversion,
Year-end closing, YE closing,
Fiscal year variant, FYvariant, FY variant, fiscal yr variant, FY var., FYV, FV,
4-4-4, 4-4-4 rule, 4/4/4, 4\/4\/4,
5-4-4, 5-4-4 rule, 5/4/4, 5\/4\/4,
4-5-4, 4-5-4 rule, 4/5/4, 4\/5\/4,
4-4-5, 4-4-5 rule, 4/4/5, 4\/4\/5,
Non-calendar periods, non-calendar fiscal periods, non-calendar months posted, period end,
Year shift,
Period frequency, posting frequency,
Posting period, fiscal period, fiscal year period, settlement period, month posted, period,
main period, normal posting period,
Mid Quarter, fast close,
RWIN, RW interface, COIN, CO interface,
OB29, OBY6, OB37, OF30, OKKP, KEA0, OB45, FB01, FB03,
T009, T009B, T009Y,
AF003, F5567, F5275, AF002, GU508, FGV618, FGV567, FGV, FGV002, FGV003, FGV581, FGV602,
FGV606, FGV608, FGV615, FGV618, FGV547,
AF 003, F5 567, F5 275, AF 002, GU 508, FGV 618, FGV 567, FGV 002, FGV 003, FGV 581, FGV
602, FGV 606, FGV 608, FGV 615, FGV 618, FGV 547

Reason and Prerequisites

The background to this is generally a change in the corporate conditions caused by an action
such as selling the company, a merger, splitting the company or a takeover of another
The fiscal year or the fiscal periods of the company must be adjusted to the new conditions.
In SAP S/4HANA, a change to the fiscal year is currently available only upon request and as
a proof of concept approach. This may lead to a shift in your schedule if there is not
enough time for any development activities required before the expiration of your key date.
Key date expiration = last day of your shortened fiscal year. Minimum recommended lead time
for request to SAP before expiration of key date in SAP S/4HANA: six months.
In the ECC system, on the other hand, you can use SAP Consulting to request the solution.
Here, we recommend a minimum lead time of four months before the key date expiration for the
request to SAP.
The change of fiscal year or fiscal periods in a live SAP system affects many modules (for
example, FI, FI-AA, FI-SL, FI-LC, EC-CS, IM, CO, EC-PCA, MM, PP, SD, PS, PM).

Corresponding risks (for example, data inconsistency, system standstill) may arise from
incorrect changes to the fiscal year or fiscal periods in a live SAP system.

System Landscape Optimization (SLO) provides consulting services for changing the fiscal
year and fiscal periods.

The consulting services consist of analysis and support. We recommend that you contact us at
the earliest possible time to schedule the service on time.

- Analysis
The team analyzes the specific situation in your live SAP system (for example, modules used,
organizational structures, customizing, master data, transaction data).
They determine whether the necessary prerequisites for the intended change of the fiscal
year or fiscal periods are fulfilled.

- Support
Based on the analysis results, you receive specific support for your intended change of
fiscal year or fiscal periods.
We provide support for setting up a shortened fiscal year, mapping the external fiscal year
reporting as an extended fiscal year (for example, in Poland), grouping the fiscal period by
weeks (for example, according to the 4-4-5 rule), and any other change of the fiscal

We recommend the "Shortened Fiscal Year Consulting" service when you need to change the
fiscal year and have to implement the following:
A shortened fiscal year and
an 'extended' fiscal year in local legal reporting in order to meet the legal
requirements of some countries. The reporting solution is an option that SAP DMLT
can offer.
The term 'extended fiscal year' refers to the required external fiscal year
reporting for a normal fiscal year AND a shortened fiscal year. From a technical
point of view, it is always two fiscal years in SAP for which the reporting
solution enables alternative external reporting, for example, for Poland, India,
Russia, China, and so on. Be aware that shifting the fiscal year start to a new
date ALWAYS forces a shortened fiscal year. There is no 'fiscal year extension',
so it is always a normal fiscal year and a shortened fiscal year in this
context. Technically, there is no option in SAP to extend the period over more
than ~ one calendar year.
Note: The reporting solution can also be used for customers as a retroactive
emergency solution if the required lead time for implementing a shortened fiscal
year is no longer sufficient or has already passed.
The retroactive implementation of a technical shortened fiscal year is

You can obtain information about the "Shortened fiscal year Consulting" service as follows:
Download the relevant attachment that is attached to this SAP Note. These attachments
contain the service description and a questionnaire for the "Consulting for Change of Fiscal
Periods" service. A presentation is also included.

We recommend the "Consulting for Change of Fiscal Periods" service when you need to change
the fiscal periods and have to implement, for example, the:
5-4-4 rule
4-5-4 rule
4-4-5 rule
4-4-4 rule
Rebuilding of monthly periods
Note: The reporting solution does not work for the representation of external
reporting if an existing unchanged, month-like period is to be represented in
reporting as one of the specified alternative rules.
Note 2: Even in a system with fully set up leading ledger and non-leading ledger,
correct system reporting can be achieved only if the period definitions are based on
the same start date and end date. The Gregorian fiscal year and a 4-4-5 fiscal year
therefore do not fulfill this condition, while the Gregorian fiscal year and a
simple non-calendar fiscal year fulfill the condition.

You can obtain information about the "Consulting for Change of Fiscal Periods" service as
Download the relevant attachment that is attached to this SAP Note. These attachments
contain the service description and a questionnaire for the "Consulting for Change of Fiscal
Periods" service. A presentation is also included.

If you need to change the fiscal year (for example, by introducing a shortened fiscal year)
or fiscal periods (by introducing the 4-4-5- rule, for example), proceed as follows:
1. Read the relevant overview presentation and the relevant service description in
2. Make sure that all prerequisites are fulfilled for the "Shortened Fiscal Year
Consulting" or "Consulting for Change of Fiscal Periods" service. The prerequisites are
listed in the relevant service description.
3. Complete the questionnaire.
4. Send the completed questionnaire to

Key Value

Other Components SD-BIL (Billing)

Other Components SD-BIL-IL (Invoice Lists)

Other Components SD-BIL-IV (Processing Billing Documents)

Other Components SD-SLS (Sales)

Other Components SD-BIL-IV-DP (Down Payments)

Other Components IS-HT (Industry-specific Component High Tech)

Other Components XX-CSC-CZ (Czech Republic)

Other Components BC-SRV-ASF-FYV (Service functions for fiscal year versions)

Other Components PSM (Public Sector Management)

Other Components PM (Plant Maintenance)

Other Components PS (Project System)

Other Components QM (Quality Management)

Other Components XX-CSC-IN-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-IN)

Other Components XX-CSC-BE-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-BE)

Other Components MM-IS-PU-RPT (Reporting)

Other Components IS-DFS-MM-MISC (Defense - Miscellaneous)

Other Components XX-CSC-GR-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-GR)

Other Components IS-MIN (Industry-Specific Component Mining)

Other Components XX-CSC-CZ-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-CZ)

Other Components XX-CSC-SK-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-SK)

Other Components XX-CSC-HR-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-HR)

Other Components XX-CSC-HU-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-HU)

Other Components XX-CSC-RO-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-RO)

Other Components XX-CSC-SI-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-SI)

Other Components XX-CSC-NL-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-NL)

Other Components XX-CSC-RU-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-RU)

Other Components XX-CSC-KZ-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-KZ (Kazakhstan Financial Accounting))

Other Components XX-CSC-RS-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-RS)

Other Components PT-CE (Concurrent Employment)

Other Components SV-SMB-AIO-BP-ACC (Best Practices Conversion Tool)

Other Components XX-CSC-BR-FI (FI-LOC-FI-BR)

Other Components IS-BEV (Industry-Specific Component Beverage)

Other Components MM-IV-FIV (Vendor Invoice)

Other Components PA-BC (Authorization and HCM Basis)

Other Components XX-CSC-ES (Spain)

Other Components XX-CSC-BE (Belgium)

Other Components XX-CSC-VE (Venezuela)

Other Components XX-CSC-US (United States of America)

Other Components XX-CSC-AU (Australia)

Other Components FI-AA (Asset Accounting)

Other Components FI-GL (General Ledger Accounting)

Other Components FI-LC (Legal Consolidation)

Other Components PY-XX (Payroll: General Parts)

Other Components IS-H (Hospital)

Other Components IS-OIL (Oil)

Other Components IS-M (Media)

Other Components IS-R (Industry-Specific Component Retail)

Other Components IS-T (Industry-Specific Component Telecommunications)

Other Components IS-U (Utilities)

Other Components PP-BD (Basic Data)

Other Components SV-ASA (ASAP (AcceleratedSAP) Methodology)

Other Components XX-CSC-BG (Bulgaria)

Other Components XX-CSC-GR (Greece)

Other Components XX-CSC-HR (Croatia)

Other Components XX-CSC-IL (Israel)

Other Components XX-CSC-KR (South Korea)

Other Components XX-CSC-NL (Netherlands)

Other Components XX-CSC-PL (Poland)

Other Components XX-CSC-RO (Romania)

Other Components XX-CSC-SI (Slovenia)

Other Components XX-CSC-TR (Turkey)

Other Components XX-CSC-JP (Japan)

Other Components MM-IM-GF (Basic Functions)

Other Components MM-IS (Information System)

Other Components MM-SRV (Services Management)

Other Components SD-BF-AC (Availability Check)

Other Components SD-BF-CM (Credit Management)

Other Components XX-CSC-CL (Chile)

Other Components XX-CSC-PE (Peru)

Other Components XX-CSC-CN (China)

Other Components XX-CSC-TW (Taiwan)

Other Components XX-CSC-PH (Philippines)

Other Components XX-CSC-SG (Singapore)

Other Components XX-CSC-AT (Austria)

Other Components XX-CSC-PL-FI (use FI-LOC-FI-PL)

Other Components XX-CSC-GB (Great Britain)

Other Components XX-CSC-FI (Finland)

Other Components XX-CSC-DK (Denmark)

Other Components XX-CSC-SE (Sweden)

Other Components XX-CSC-UA (use FI-LOC-LRQ-UA (Legal Requirement Clarification))

Other Components XX-CSC-KZ (Kazakhstan)

Other Components XX-CSC-IT (Italy)

Other Components XX-CSC-HU (Hungary)

Other Components IS-PS-CA (Public Sector Contract Accounting)

Other Components IS-REA (Recycling Administration)

Other Components XX-CSC-FR (France)

Other Components MM-FT (Foreign Trade)

Other Components XX-CSC-SK (Slovakia)

Other Components XX-CSC-CO (Colombia)

Other Components XX-CSC-PT (Portugal)

Other Components XX-CSC-MX (Mexico)

Other Components XX-CSC-RU (Russia)

Other Components FI-AR (Accounts Receivable)

Other Components MM-PUR-GF (Basic Functions)

Other Components XX-CSC-AR (Argentina)

Other Components XX-CSC-BR (Brazil)

Other Components XX-CSC-IN (India)

Other Components XX-CSC-TH (Thailand)

Other Components XX-CSC-MY (Malaysia)

Software Components
Software Component From To And subsequent

SAP_APPL 600 600

SAP_APPL 602 602

SAP_APPL 603 603

SAP_APPL 604 604

SAP_APPL 605 605

SAP_APPL 606 606

SAP_APPL 617 617

SAP_APPL 618 618

This document refers to
SAP Component Title


1736628 PM Error IK000 'PMIS period cannot be determined'

1708484 BW-BCT-MM-BW Incorrect Fiscal Year Variant Maintenance

1655209 FI-GL Error F5234 Fiscal year variant is incorrect when using transaction FB50L

1555027 CO-PA-SPP How to delete CO-PA planned values

996035 PM-WOC-MO-ACC Estimated costs after changing the fiscal year variants

989553 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Field 'Month' is not filled correctly

98745 PS-REV-PLN Repair of incorrect planned revenues from SD documents

986903 FI-GL-IS RFBILA00: Check & display reporting period/comparison period

980393 CO-OM-CCA-A KS02: Mid-year change to fiscal year-dependent fields

978545 SD-BIL-RR Incorrect posting period for shortened fiscal year

977439 FI-GL-IS RFBILA00: Alternative period selection

964452 MM-IM-ST-ST Error KI241 cross-company-code transf posting acc assignment

958246 SD-BIL-RR Duplicate posting periods determined incorrectly in fiscal y

956943 FI-SL-SL-G GWUL - no translation for certain periods

949927 BW-BCT-FI The value of the 0FISCPER characteristic is not plausible.

945634 CO-OM-CEL-E KB14N/KB17N/KB44N/KB64: Reversal to corrupt special period

943554 FI-GL PERIOD_DAY_DETERMINE: Incorrect error message (2)

94259 EC-PCA-BS Planning data transfer uses incorr. posting periods

939181 MM-IS-IC BCO: Problems with a shortened fiscal year

93326 CO-OM-CEL-E Shortened fiscal year without special periods in CO

931005 CO-PA-TO KEDU: Performance update of summarization levels

930799 FI-GL-GL-D New balance display: Ledger with more than 16 periods

92320 EC-PCA Transfer statistical key figures CCA -> PCA

922583 FI-AA FAA TENV Debbuger:Missing reduction in shortened fiscal year

918218 SD-BIL-RR Incorrectly determined posting period/fiscal year variant

916285 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Transaction terminates with error message FGV002

910149 MM-IS-IC Self-defined standard analyses (INVCO): Too many periods

908365 MM-IS-IC INVCO standard analysis: Unnecessary periods

90712 CO-OM-CCA-F ALLOCATION: Fiscal year variant changed

90240 CA-LT-SRV SLO Conversion Services

901357 MM-IS-IC Supplement for Note 895188

895188 MM-IS-IC Posting period with fiscal year variant

888875 MM-IM-VP MRN1 MRN2 error when stock quantities are weighted

87793 FI-AA-AA-F RAALTD11: NDABJ not taken over/cum. depr. incorrect

873095 FI-GL Change to shortened fiscal year not possibly

868267 SD-BIL-RR Taking fiscal year Customizing into account


862763 CO-OM RKACOR04: error while reading period date

849016 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29: FGV556 (period gaps) incorrect


845640 MM-IM-VP MRN1 MRN2 incorrect weighting with very old stocks

845304 MM-IS-IC Inventory Controlling stndrd analysis: Too many periods - 2

844773 EC-PCA-ACT 9KE9: Value displayed as zero

844029 FI-AA Alternative fiscal year variant for ledgers in General Ledger Accounting (new)


83213 FI-AA-AA-B Incor.deprctn during half periods & shortnd fisc.yr

82499 FI-AA-AA-E No reversal function for depreciation posting run

822073 LO-MAP Value from previous period not transferred


80963 FI-AA-AA-B Incorr. depr. start date for year-dep. fiscal years

806953 CO-PA SETTLEMENT: Results are posted to special periods

800129 BW-BCT-FI The value of the 0FISCPER characteristic is not plausible.

800060 FI-GL-GL-ACE ACE: Error message FGV003 during periodic accrual run

799719 FI-AA Shortened fiscal year and half periods

791586 BW-BCT-FI-AA 0FI_AA_002: Error in special periods in shortened years

78471 PS-CAF-ACT (MM) Mixed acct assignment cat. in PO: doc. header missing

780436 CO-OM-CCA-A KS01: Moderating check w/ non-calendar fiscal year

779166 EC-CS-CSF-E Currency translation not possible - error GU506

771604 SD-BIL-RR Performance problem when editing SD documents

771151 FIN-SEM-BCS-MD Consolidation unit: Fiscal year variant

757424 FI-GL Neues Hauptbuch ERP 1.0: GLU2 hat zu wenige Periodenfelder

752704 BW-BCT-FI 0FI_GL_1: Implausible value for 0FISCPER characteristic

744408 CO-OM BAPI_COAREA_GETPERIODLIMITS: Incorrect error message

742308 BW-BCT-CO-OM CO extractors: Data from non-existent periods

726276 FI-SL-SL GU506 : Undo correction of Note 685318

719597 TR-CB Cash Budget Management: Change of fiscal year variant

718991 XX-CSC-CL Year-dependent fiscal year variant, period texts not found

711873 FIN-SEM-CPM-BSC TA UMB_CUST: Shortened fiscal year in Balanced Scorecard

69384 CO-PA Information: Account-based Profitability Analysis

688190 FI-GL-GL-G SAPF100: Balance Calculated for Period 12 Incorrect

67641 CO-OM-OPA-F Settl. ignores spec. periods in shortend fisc. year

676337 FIN-FB-MDF Financials Basis: Primary fiscal year variant

661434 LO-LIS-PLN MC94: MA120 during the access in the planning


6556 FI-AR Periods for fiscal year not maintained

648400 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Maximum display of planned values is 100 years

642551 FI-GL-GL-F F7214 - RFUVDE00 - Checking fiscal year variant in detail

62138 CO-OM-IS Message GU506 when branching to line item report

618935 CO-OM-CEL-E COIN: incorrect message KI242

606715 FI-SL Period texts for year-dependent moved fiscal year

594628 MM-IS-IC BCO standard analysis: Too many periods

591708 EC-EIS-DB EC-EIS: Interactive Excel: Selection via 7-character period

587116 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV Year shift by 2 or 3 years

584443 FI-AA-AA-B Complete depreciatn in shortened year in spite of Customzng


576147 LO-LIS-PLN Update of table TMC4 is missing when you save in MC7F

575992 LO-LIS-PLN Technical fiscal year variant with period W and P

574958 IM-FA Terminatn of mainten.of depr.simulation data of WBS elements

573823 EC-CS-INT SAP Kons.: Different GJV for integrated KonsEinheiten

570081 FI-GL-IS RFBELJ10: Error message F5559

564866 CO-PC-OBJ Special periods are ignored in shortened fiscal year

563940 LO-MAP Texts of posting periods of a fiscal year variant

563570 BW-WHM Transferring period texts from an OLTP System

560306 SD-BIL-RR Total of the revenue lines is not the revenue amount

557891 SD-BIL-RR Problems when changing the fiscal year variant

549830 FI-AR-AR-G RFDOPR20:Incorrect OI-volume with non-calendar fiscal year

546846 CO-OM-IS CCSS: Period texts with shortened fiscal year

546438 CO-OM-CCA-B Termination message GU506 not authorized

537571 CO-PA-ST Exception I_LOGNR_INVALID with reduced fiscal year

535168 CO-OM-ACT-F Error GU506 during activity valuation

531623 CO-OM-CCA-A KS133 unjustified when deleting a cost center

52963 PS-IS-ACC Reconstruction of project info database (Transaction CJEN)

525150 CO-OM-IS Message GU506 when calling EP report from summary report

520918 CO-OM-CCA-B KP06 and foll.: Termination or message GU508 or K9018

520431 SD-BIL-RR Problems when changing the revenue account

52011 FI-AA-AA Error in period determination

515571 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Incorrect remaining life with shortened fiscal years

507636 CO-OM-CCA-B KP06ff: Check of fiscal year variant

506632 FI-AA Incorrect depreciation in shortened fiscal year

505738 CO-PA-ACT Termination I_LOGNR_INVALID with settlement reversal

504918 FI-GL-IS FI drilldown reporting: incorrect text for period


500165 CO-OM-CCA-D Incorrect period after reversal of a commitment carried forw

497034 LO-LIS LIS: Changing the fiscal year variant

486884 FI-GL-GL-G SAPF100 - Balance is not valuated at end of year

486699 CO-OM-OPA-F WIP calculation + results analysis ignores special periods

485155 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown reporting:incor.calculatn for shortend fiscal year

484048 FI-AA-AA-B RAPERGEN: last period in shortened fiscal year

481938 CA-LT-SRV System Landscape Optimization Services

481770 SD-BIL-RR Missing periods in VBREVE (Revenue Recognition Lines)

451359 FI-GL-GL OB29: Maintain period texts for shortened fiscal years


447265 CA-EUR-CNV-FI-LC RGCEUR30: Error GU506 for shortened fiscal year

442174 SD-SLS-OA-SCH Change of fiscal year variant in scheduling agreement

441790 EC-CS-INT SAP Cons: Message GU506 for consolidation reconciliation



434558 CO-PC-PCP Changing the fiscal year variant -> error message CK163

433367 FI-SL-SL-J CO plan data in ledger with alternative fiscal year

431437 EC-PCA-PLN-PE 1KE0:planning data transfer for shortened fiscal year

428292 FI-AA-AA-B Period weighting and depreciation keys based on NBV

427920 CA-LT-CNV Analysis program for fiscal year conversion

425314 PP-MRP MRP and fiscal year variant: Incorrect dates and quantities

423106 CO-OM-CCA-B KP9R/KP9S: Errors and performance problems

418953 CO-OM-CCA-F ALLOCATION: GA099 for creating a cycle

418730 CO-OM-OPA-F Incorrect values in revaluation with shortened fiscal year

413198 CO-PC-ACT Order settlement to material in special period

412091 FI-SL-IS FI-SL Reporting: Conversion of a date into the period

408778 FI-AA-AA Period control rule not completely generated

407950 FI-GL-GL-D Bal.displays FI: Error message FDBL010/shortend fiscal year

403152 MM-IM-VP MRN1 MRN2 Stock - release upgrade and Short.FYr

399549 FI-AA AW01N short dump

397925 FI-AA Generate period controls in shortened fiscal year

397187 FI-AA-LM AU207 for shortened fiscal year

395980 PS-IS-ACC Line item report: constraint on special periods

395117 SD-BIL-RR Performance problem while processing SD documents

390466 CO-OM-CCA-D Commitment that was carried forward is reversed

390274 CO-OM-OPA-G CO-EP reports: No line items in Transaction KOB4

386846 MM-IM-GF-REP xxx data selection redesign RM07MMFI

383789 SD-BIL-RR Settlmnt period depnds on year-specific fiscal year variant

38285 CO-OM-OPA-F KD206 when spec.period of short.fisc.year

382747 CO-OM-IS CO line item reports: Missing postings in special periods

381430 CO-OM-OPA-B Copy plan version: Projects and orders


374801 CO-PC-OBJ Overheads in special periods w/ shortened fiscal year

374446 FI-SL Error GU506 with shortened fiscal year

373894 FI-AA Collective note: introdctn to prblm solutn in FI-AA


359815 FI-AA Error message FGV002 for special periods

357901 IM-FA-IP Connection FY variant invstmt prgm <-> ctrlng area

357375 FI-AA Settlement: AA613 for AuC intracompany transfer

356191 IM-FA-IP FY variant program definition/controlling area different


339043 PP-MP-DEM Demand management and change of calendar

337994 PS-COS-PLN-PLN Update termination HFPT_COEJA_PP_ORDER_RPSCO_V2


333711 FI-GL-GL OB29: Missing table keys in the transport request

332515 CO-OM-OPA-B CJ9B, CJ9F: Copy planning elements, billing elements

325985 CO-OM-IS CO-EP reports: postings missing in special periods

319049 FI-AR-CR RFDKLI41:Wrong highest balance at end of 6/12 mnths

313683 CO-OM-ACT-E BAPI for CO actual postings: Error GU506

312003 CO-PC-OBJ FOKP/KK16: Message GU508 is unjustified

308685 FI-AR-IS Balance display FI: Period text not displayed

301784 EC-EIS-DB Data entry EIS Raise Exception I_ERROR KED2

26891 FI-AA-AA Depreciation not reduced in shortened fiscal year

2585336 MM-IM-VP Determination of lowest value: Incorrect inventory values for shortened fiscal year

2542750 CA-GTF-DRT FTW1A with non-leading ledger Error message GU506 (2)
2531929 CA-GTF-DRT FTW1A with non-leading ledger Error message GU506

2391390 AC-INT-ECS ECS: Error message FGV 003 when posting in a shortened fiscal year

2367090 SD-BIL-RR Incorrect distribution of the total value for time-based revenue recognition

2362374 FI-AA-AA-B AS02: Depreciation start date is deleted in shortened fiscal years

23502 LO-MD-MM MMPV - Error: Table T009B incomplete.

2232474 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV Incorrect issue of error message FGV003: "Period 012 is not valid in financial year variant


2220251 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29: FGV572: "First period in calendar year 9999 is 012 999" without justification

2220152 FI-AA Ledger approach and Asset Accounting (new): Alternative fiscal year variant for parallel

216776 CA-EUR-CNV-FI RFEWA011 selects old fiscal year (ANALYZE)

216653 CO-OM-CCA Archiving cost centers: message GU506

2156740 CO-OM-OPA-D Performance problems with RKANBU01

215119 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown report: error AF003 for curr. translation

2146813 PS-ST Statistical Key Figures are deleted if you try to update the existing SKF values.

213773 IM-FA-IP Changing currency or fiscal year variant in controlling area

2112634 CA-RT-AP Maintain Fiscal Year Variant for SAP Assortment Planning for Retail

210861 CA-LT-SRV Changing fiscal year variant in production system


210214 FI-AA-SVA Period weighting in shortened fiscal years

207859 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown report: error AF003 for curr. translation


202738 CO-OM-CCA-B KPZ2: periods for shortened fiscal year

202687 FI-GL-GL OB29: FGV(600) / FGV(602) in fiscal year variant maintenance

200877 FI-AA-AA-B Daily depreciation w/ period weighting does nt work

20017 FI-AA EAA613: No period determination possible

198834 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown reportng: FGV003 for currency translation

198772 PY-AT No CP entitlement at the start of the year if shortened fiscal year rule applies

198767 FI-AR-AR-J SD FI: Postings in special periods

1987623 FI-AA-AA-B Depreciation to the day: Incorrect period values for different fiscal year variants

197254 CO-PA-ACT FI: KE 507 with different fiscal year variant

197211 SD-SLS-OA-SCH Fiscal year change in scheduling agreements

196067 CO-PC-OBJ Results analysis and shortened fiscal years

1954535 FI-AA-IS RASIMU_ALV01: Modeling of fiscal year with odd number of periods



191962 CO-OM-CEL KSAZ: Message KI216

191461 PS-COS-PER-IC CJZ1: AF003/ Problems w. non-calendar fiscal year

1901566 PS-ST SKF- Period distribution incorrect when fiscal variant used

189761 FI-FM-IN Reconstruction of data in Funds Management as of Release 4.5A

1871308 FI-SL-SL-K FAGLGP52N - copy to different target periods

1849708 PP-REM-PLL MF60: Wrong requirement date for stock transfer reservations

1847996 FI-GL Preparing the change of the leading valuation in ERP

183546 FI-AA Shortened fiscal year and depreciation by fiscal year

1810891 FI-AA-AA-B No consideration for shortened fiscal year for indexed replacement values
180501 PS-REV-PLN-CAL AF-003 when changing SD documents

180067 FI-GL-GL OB29: Calendar year>2200 is incorrect

1787685 FI-GL Preparing the change of the leading valuation in ERP

1755708 FI-GL-IS Customer Info System: Shortened Fiscal Year

1739708 SD-BIL-RR Revenue distribution in correction process

173220 FI-AA Half-year rule and shortened fiscal year

1698292 BW-BCT-RE-REFX Termination due to missing fiscal year periods

169808 CO-OM-CCA-B KP06ff: Deficient check for shortened fiscal year



164999 FI-AA Error message AF002, FGV002 FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET

163998 SCM-APO-FCS Working with fiscal year variants

1623306 FI-GL Message in Customizing for non-leading ledgers

1620005 FI-AA-AA-D Transport of fiscal year: Values zero

161562 LO-MD-MM Display o.prev.period/year fr shortened fiscal year

1603145 FI-AA-AA-B Error in depreciation calculation in a shortened fiscal year

1598547 FI-GL FAGL_MIG075 when changing a non-leading ledger FY variant

1589384 FI-GL-GL-RP FAGLCORC: Error message GU506 for shortened fiscal year

158248 CO-OM Primary data price variances and short FY

158124 SD-SLS-GF-CO Correction of incorrect planned revenues from SD

1580227 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: "Month" field incorrect for individual account

1572545 FI-AA-AA-B Wrong reduction of depreciation in a shortened fiscal year

1571928 FI-AA-AA-B Expired life is not correct after a shortened fiscal year

1561514 CO-OM-OPA-B Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X (K9 806) in prim. cost/act. input plng.

1539300 BW-BCT-FI-GL BW-BCT: FI extraction with shortened fiscal year

152888 FI-AA-AA-E Different fiscal year variants in FI-AA

1493253 FI-AA Different fiscal year variants in FI-AA (II)

1491641 MM-IM-VP Date incorrect for shortened fiscal year


143345 FI-AA-AA-C Expired useful life: transfer and post-capitalization

1429487 FI-AA-AA-B Shortened fiscal year and percentage rate key


1408334 MM-IS-IC RMCBS039 / posting period: Missing dates

1407784 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Special periods nt dsplyd crrctly (addtional chars)

1400993 FI-AA-AA-B Incorr. deprec. in short. fiscal year in case of weighting

1399615 LO-LIS LIS update:Incorrect periods during company code change

139650 FI-SL-SL-J GI132 when you enter statistical key figures

139552 FI-SL-SL-A GB01: Special period and shortened fiscal year

1394296 FI-GL-GL-G SAPF100: Period balance valuation in shortened fiscal year

1385783 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLL03: Fiscal year variants with large number of periods

137893 FI-SL-IS-A Text variables for the period show the previous period

1375438 FI-LOC-I18 Globalization Collection Note

1364062 IS-M-SD-PS-BL Shortened fiscal year in periodic revenue deferral

1362621 FI-AP-AP-D SAPDBBRF: Period end accrual/deferral in non-leading ledger

1353774 FI-SL-SL-K GP12N: no data posted for periods, which are multiple of 16

134381 CO-OM-OPA-F Invoiced quantity is not settled correctly

1340365 CA-EUR-CNV-FI FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE: Values from incorrect period

1326321 EC-EIS-DD Wrong year for period/year in case of shifted periods

130869 CO-OM-OPA-A Settlement rule: Validity period for shortened fiscal year

129337 CO-OM-CEL Archiving CO_ITEM: Year-dependent fiscal year variants


1281578 CO-OM-OPA-B Plan to plan copy for multiple years

1267774 FI-AA-AA-B FGV 003 when recalculating or changing fixed asset

1266394 FI-AA-AA-A FGV 002 when maintaining time-dependent depreciation terms

1258470 CO-PC-PCP Costing: Customizing for transfer control

1239568 FI-AA-AA-B Problems with period weighting and depreciation to the day

123026 FI-AA Shortened fiscal year is not recognized/AA653

12243 SD-IS-DC SIS: Update termination with error M2012

121478 CO-OM-OPA Settlement/overheads: in special periods

1178736 CO-OM-CCA-A GU 505 unjustified when deleting cost element

1178233 CA-EUR-CNV-FI FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE: Values selected from incorr period

1174360 EC-PCA-ACT Deleting transaction data at company code level

1172042 FI-AR-IS Customer Info System: Shortened Fiscal Year



1168350 FI-GL MESSAGE_TYPE_X with BK 830

1165448 FI-GL-GL-A FBCB: Non-leading ledger with different fiscal year

1161405 XX-PART- Accumulative Note for "SAP CPS for SAP NetWeaver"

1159925 XX-CSC-CH-IS-H CH, AT: Probleme mit verschobenem Geschäftsjahr in Hon.vb.


1158498 BW-WHM Characteristic value not plausible (BRAIN 027)

1153251 FI-AA-AA-B AA 662 when posting or in Asset Explorer

1150706 CO-OM-ACT-B Cost estimate creation: BCD_ZERODIVIDE short dump

1148384 FI-AA-AA-B No depreciation in shortened fiscal year

1136919 FI-SL-SL-K Message GU506 still raised after applying note 1119290.


112690 FI-AA Generating period control w/t transport connection

1126591 CO-OM Message type COTOTL - error in shortened fiscal year

1125512 CO-OM-CCA-F KSU2: check for deviating posting periods

1119290 FI-SL-SL-K GP12N: shortened fiscal year, error message GU506.

1115841 FI-AA-IS AW01N - Display expired useful life (add. to Note 1021326)


110903 FI-AA-AA-A AA654 Entering an investment support key

1103940 FI-GL-CP Fiscal year variant in consolidation staging ledger

1098213 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29: incorrect error message for the year 9999

1097156 LO-LIS-REP Periods above 53 (fiscal year variants)


10945 FI F4554: Entry for 12/31 is missing

1093866 FS-RI-B CORR: Error corrections in P&E add-on

10891 SD-IS-DC SIS: Update of S014 terminated with error M2012

1082378 FI-AA Corporate tax reform 2008 - consequences for FI-AA

1081700 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29 and date formats

1073253 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29 and date formats

107293 CO FAQ: cross-company-code cost accounting

107211 CO Different fiscal years in FI and CO

1070629 FI-GL-MIG-BO FAQs: Migration to General Ledger Accounting (new)

1062934 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Error when you display the depreciations posted

1062329 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: 'Month' in ledger with more than 16 periods

1056150 CO-OM-CCA-A KS01: Cost center creation not possible

1047254 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Drilldown for 'Total' incorrect with periods < 12

1041753 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Special periods are not displayed correctly

104155 FI-GL-GL OB29: Maintenance of more than 16 period texts

103635 CO-PA-ST CO-PA: Different fiscal year variant for weeks


1029639 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Drill down incorrect despite Notes 999742/1005736

1028882 SD-BIL-RR Total of the revenue lines is not the revenue amount

1026615 IM-FA RASIMU02: Simulation for a max. of 12 years or periods only

1025605 FI-GL Ledger-specific posting in ledger with more than 16 periods

1024356 SCM-APO-FCS Year dependent Fiscal Year Variant

1021326 FI-AA-IS AW01N - display expired useful life and remaining useful life

1010159 FI-AA-IS Asset Explorer - incorrect display of posted values

1007458 FI-AA-AA AC 518 when maintaining unit-of-production depreciation

This document is referenced by

SAP Note/KBA Component Title

3224074 SAP S/4HANA: Change of Fiscal Year Variant

1375438 FI-LOC-I18 Globalization Collection Note

1150706 CO-OM-ACT-B Cost estimate creation: BCD_ZERODIVIDE short dump

1070629 FI-GL-MIG-BO FAQs: Migration to General Ledger Accounting (new)

427920 CA-LT-CNV Analysis program for fiscal year conversion

1849708 PP-REM-PLL MF60: Wrong requirement date for stock transfer reservations

1174360 EC-PCA-ACT Deleting transaction data at company code level

1493253 FI-AA Different fiscal year variants in FI-AA (II)

433367 FI-SL-SL-J CO plan data in ledger with alternative fiscal year

1871308 FI-SL-SL-K FAGLGP52N - copy to different target periods

1739708 SD-BIL-RR Revenue distribution in correction process

1847996 FI-GL Preparing the change of the leading valuation in ERP

1787685 FI-GL Preparing the change of the leading valuation in ERP

332515 CO-OM-OPA-B CJ9B, CJ9F: Copy planning elements, billing elements

1810891 FI-AA-AA-B No consideration for shortened fiscal year for indexed replacement values

546846 CO-OM-IS CCSS: Period texts with shortened fiscal year

931005 CO-PA-TO KEDU: Performance update of summarization levels

123026 FI-AA Shortened fiscal year is not recognized/AA653

688190 FI-GL-GL-G SAPF100: Balance Calculated for Period 12 Incorrect

945634 CO-OM-CEL-E KB14N/KB17N/KB44N/KB64: Reversal to corrupt special period

1755708 FI-GL-IS Customer Info System: Shortened Fiscal Year

158124 SD-SLS-GF-CO Correction of incorrect planned revenues from SD

98745 PS-REV-PLN Repair of incorrect planned revenues from SD documents

78471 PS-CAF-ACT (MM) Mixed acct assignment cat. in PO: doc. header missing

90240 CA-LT-SRV SLO Conversion Services

1698292 BW-BCT-RE-REFX Termination due to missing fiscal year periods

90712 CO-OM-CCA-F ALLOCATION: Fiscal year variant changed

213773 IM-FA-IP Changing currency or fiscal year variant in controlling area

676337 FIN-FB-MDF Financials Basis: Primary fiscal year variant

1539300 BW-BCT-FI-GL BW-BCT: FI extraction with shortened fiscal year

390466 CO-OM-CCA-D Commitment that was carried forward is reversed

845304 MM-IS-IC Inventory Controlling stndrd analysis: Too many periods - 2

189761 FI-FM-IN Reconstruction of data in Funds Management as of Release 4.5A

1172042 FI-AR-IS Customer Info System: Shortened Fiscal Year

1598547 FI-GL FAGL_MIG075 when changing a non-leading ledger FY variant

1620005 FI-AA-AA-D Transport of fiscal year: Values zero

1623306 FI-GL Message in Customizing for non-leading ledgers

1589384 FI-GL-GL-RP FAGLCORC: Error message GU506 for shortened fiscal year

1603145 FI-AA-AA-B Error in depreciation calculation in a shortened fiscal year

481938 CA-LT-SRV System Landscape Optimization Services

210861 CA-LT-SRV Changing fiscal year variant in production system

1571928 FI-AA-AA-B Expired life is not correct after a shortened fiscal year

1572545 FI-AA-AA-B Wrong reduction of depreciation in a shortened fiscal year

1580227 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: "Month" field incorrect for individual account

197254 CO-PA-ACT FI: KE 507 with different fiscal year variant

381430 CO-OM-OPA-B Copy plan version: Projects and orders

1125512 CO-OM-CCA-F KSU2: check for deviating posting periods

1491641 MM-IM-VP Date incorrect for shortened fiscal year

1281578 CO-OM-OPA-B Plan to plan copy for multiple years

849016 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29: FGV556 (period gaps) incorrect

1385783 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLL03: Fiscal year variants with large number of periods

1115841 FI-AA-IS AW01N - Display expired useful life (add. to Note 1021326)

1340365 CA-EUR-CNV-FI FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE: Values from incorrect period

1429487 FI-AA-AA-B Shortened fiscal year and percentage rate key

908365 MM-IS-IC INVCO standard analysis: Unnecessary periods

1400993 FI-AA-AA-B Incorr. deprec. in short. fiscal year in case of weighting

594628 MM-IS-IC BCO standard analysis: Too many periods

910149 MM-IS-IC Self-defined standard analyses (INVCO): Too many periods

939181 MM-IS-IC BCO: Problems with a shortened fiscal year

1407784 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Special periods nt dsplyd crrctly (addtional chars)

1047254 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Drilldown for 'Total' incorrect with periods < 12

1408334 MM-IS-IC RMCBS039 / posting period: Missing dates

1153251 FI-AA-AA-B AA 662 when posting or in Asset Explorer

1394296 FI-GL-GL-G SAPF100: Period balance valuation in shortened fiscal year

441790 EC-CS-INT SAP Cons: Message GU506 for consolidation reconciliation

1399615 LO-LIS LIS update:Incorrect periods during company code change

980393 CO-OM-CCA-A KS02: Mid-year change to fiscal year-dependent fields

780436 CO-OM-CCA-A KS01: Moderating check w/ non-calendar fiscal year

1026615 IM-FA RASIMU02: Simulation for a max. of 12 years or periods only

1364062 IS-M-SD-PS-BL Shortened fiscal year in periodic revenue deferral

1362621 FI-AP-AP-D SAPDBBRF: Period end accrual/deferral in non-leading ledger

1178233 CA-EUR-CNV-FI FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE: Values selected from incorr period

1353774 FI-SL-SL-K GP12N: no data posted for periods, which are multiple of 16

1326321 EC-EIS-DD Wrong year for period/year in case of shifted periods

1056150 CO-OM-CCA-A KS01: Cost center creation not possible

844029 FI-AA Alternative fiscal year variant for ledgers in General Ledger Accounting (new)

587116 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV Year shift by 2 or 3 years

1266394 FI-AA-AA-A FGV 002 when maintaining time-dependent depreciation terms

1267774 FI-AA-AA-B FGV 003 when recalculating or changing fixed asset

1258470 CO-PC-PCP Costing: Customizing for transfer control

431437 EC-PCA-PLN-PE 1KE0:planning data transfer for shortened fiscal year

1159925 XX-CSC-CH-IS-H CH, AT: Probleme mit verschobenem Geschäftsjahr in Hon.vb.

922583 FI-AA FAA TENV Debbuger:Missing reduction in shortened fiscal year

573823 EC-CS-INT SAP Kons.: Different GJV for integrated KonsEinheiten

69384 CO-PA Information: Account-based Profitability Analysis

1165448 FI-GL-GL-A FBCB: Non-leading ledger with different fiscal year

505738 CO-PA-ACT Termination I_LOGNR_INVALID with settlement reversal

1178736 CO-OM-CCA-A GU 505 unjustified when deleting cost element

1168350 FI-GL MESSAGE_TYPE_X with BK 830

107211 CO Different fiscal years in FI and CO

180501 PS-REV-PLN-CAL AF-003 when changing SD documents

563570 BW-WHM Transferring period texts from an OLTP System

1098213 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29: incorrect error message for the year 9999

451359 FI-GL-GL OB29: Maintain period texts for shortened fiscal years

412091 FI-SL-IS FI-SL Reporting: Conversion of a date into the period

1136919 FI-SL-SL-K Message GU506 still raised after applying note 1119290.

1158498 BW-WHM Characteristic value not plausible (BRAIN 027)

977439 FI-GL-IS RFBILA00: Alternative period selection

1148384 FI-AA-AA-B No depreciation in shortened fiscal year

1028882 SD-BIL-RR Total of the revenue lines is not the revenue amount

1021326 FI-AA-IS AW01N - display expired useful life and remaining useful life

1073253 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29 and date formats

333711 FI-GL-GL OB29: Missing table keys in the transport request

20017 FI-AA EAA613: No period determination possible

1126591 CO-OM Message type COTOTL - error in shortened fiscal year

1082378 FI-AA Corporate tax reform 2008 - consequences for FI-AA

1010159 FI-AA-IS Asset Explorer - incorrect display of posted values

726276 FI-SL-SL GU506 : Undo correction of Note 685318

1119290 FI-SL-SL-K GP12N: shortened fiscal year, error message GU506.

1025605 FI-GL Ledger-specific posting in ledger with more than 16 periods

888875 MM-IM-VP MRN1 MRN2 error when stock quantities are weighted

996035 PM-WOC-MO-ACC Estimated costs after changing the fiscal year variants

949927 BW-BCT-FI The value of the 0FISCPER characteristic is not plausible.

956943 FI-SL-SL-G GWUL - no translation for certain periods

10945 FI F4554: Entry for 12/31 is missing

1081700 BC-SRV-ASF-FYV OB29 and date formats

1103940 FI-GL-CP Fiscal year variant in consolidation staging ledger

1097156 LO-LIS-REP Periods above 53 (fiscal year variants)

1093866 FS-RI-B CORR: Error corrections in P&E add-on

868267 SD-BIL-RR Taking fiscal year Customizing into account

1062934 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Error when you display the depreciations posted

1062329 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: 'Month' in ledger with more than 16 periods

200877 FI-AA-AA-B Daily depreciation w/ period weighting does nt work

1029639 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Drill down incorrect despite Notes 999742/1005736

930799 FI-GL-GL-D New balance display: Ledger with more than 16 periods

103635 CO-PA-ST CO-PA: Different fiscal year variant for weeks

1041753 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Special periods are not displayed correctly

1024356 SCM-APO-FCS Year dependent Fiscal Year Variant

6556 FI-AR Periods for fiscal year not maintained

1007458 FI-AA-AA AC 518 when maintaining unit-of-production depreciation

986903 FI-GL-IS RFBILA00: Check & display reporting period/comparison period

978545 SD-BIL-RR Incorrect posting period for shortened fiscal year

989553 FI-GL-GL-D FAGLB03: Field 'Month' is not filled correctly

958246 SD-BIL-RR Duplicate posting periods determined incorrectly in fiscal y

964452 MM-IM-ST-ST Error KI241 cross-company-code transf posting acc assignment

943554 FI-GL PERIOD_DAY_DETERMINE: Incorrect error message (2)

918218 SD-BIL-RR Incorrectly determined posting period/fiscal year variant

916285 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Transaction terminates with error message FGV002

862763 CO-OM RKACOR04: error while reading period date

901357 MM-IS-IC Supplement for Note 895188

895188 MM-IS-IC Posting period with fiscal year variant

873095 FI-GL Change to shortened fiscal year not possibly

771151 FIN-SEM-BCS-MD Consolidation unit: Fiscal year variant

742308 BW-BCT-CO-OM CO extractors: Data from non-existent periods

129337 CO-OM-CEL Archiving CO_ITEM: Year-dependent fiscal year variants

216653 CO-OM-CCA Archiving cost centers: message GU506

845640 MM-IM-VP MRN1 MRN2 incorrect weighting with very old stocks

844773 EC-PCA-ACT 9KE9: Value displayed as zero

718991 XX-CSC-CL Year-dependent fiscal year variant, period texts not found

791586 BW-BCT-FI-AA 0FI_AA_002: Error in special periods in shortened years

822073 LO-MAP Value from previous period not transferred

800060 FI-GL-GL-ACE ACE: Error message FGV003 during periodic accrual run

806953 CO-PA SETTLEMENT: Results are posted to special periods

642551 FI-GL-GL-F F7214 - RFUVDE00 - Checking fiscal year variant in detail

800129 BW-BCT-FI The value of the 0FISCPER characteristic is not plausible.

799719 FI-AA Shortened fiscal year and half periods

560306 SD-BIL-RR Total of the revenue lines is not the revenue amount

771604 SD-BIL-RR Performance problem when editing SD documents

779166 EC-CS-CSF-E Currency translation not possible - error GU506

757424 FI-GL Neues Hauptbuch ERP 1.0: GLU2 hat zu wenige Periodenfelder

752704 BW-BCT-FI 0FI_GL_1: Implausible value for 0FISCPER characteristic

744408 CO-OM BAPI_COAREA_GETPERIODLIMITS: Incorrect error message

584443 FI-AA-AA-B Complete depreciatn in shortened year in spite of Customzng

719597 TR-CB Cash Budget Management: Change of fiscal year variant

711873 FIN-SEM-CPM-BSC TA UMB_CUST: Shortened fiscal year in Balanced Scorecard

197211 SD-SLS-OA-SCH Fiscal year change in scheduling agreements

618935 CO-OM-CEL-E COIN: incorrect message KI242

661434 LO-LIS-PLN MC94: MA120 during the access in the planning

648400 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Maximum display of planned values is 100 years

606715 FI-SL Period texts for year-dependent moved fiscal year

486699 CO-OM-OPA-F WIP calculation + results analysis ignores special periods

520431 SD-BIL-RR Problems when changing the revenue account

564866 CO-PC-OBJ Special periods are ignored in shortened fiscal year

413198 CO-PC-ACT Order settlement to material in special period

500165 CO-OM-CCA-D Incorrect period after reversal of a commitment carried forw

337994 PS-COS-PLN-PLN Update termination HFPT_COEJA_PP_ORDER_RPSCO_V2

52963 PS-IS-ACC Reconstruction of project info database (Transaction CJEN)

191461 PS-COS-PER-IC CJZ1: AF003/ Problems w. non-calendar fiscal year

531623 CO-OM-CCA-A KS133 unjustified when deleting a cost center

591708 EC-EIS-DB EC-EIS: Interactive Excel: Selection via 7-character period

574958 IM-FA Terminatn of mainten.of depr.simulation data of WBS elements

549830 FI-AR-AR-G RFDOPR20:Incorrect OI-volume with non-calendar fiscal year

575992 LO-LIS-PLN Technical fiscal year variant with period W and P

576147 LO-LIS-PLN Update of table TMC4 is missing when you save in MC7F

570081 FI-GL-IS RFBELJ10: Error message F5559

546438 CO-OM-CCA-B Termination message GU506 not authorized

557891 SD-BIL-RR Problems when changing the fiscal year variant

357375 FI-AA Settlement: AA613 for AuC intracompany transfer

507636 CO-OM-CCA-B KP06ff: Check of fiscal year variant

563940 LO-MAP Texts of posting periods of a fiscal year variant

481770 SD-BIL-RR Missing periods in VBREVE (Revenue Recognition Lines)

535168 CO-OM-ACT-F Error GU506 during activity valuation

515571 FI-AA-IS AW01N: Incorrect remaining life with shortened fiscal years

373894 FI-AA Collective note: introdctn to prblm solutn in FI-AA

537571 CO-PA-ST Exception I_LOGNR_INVALID with reduced fiscal year

525150 CO-OM-IS Message GU506 when calling EP report from summary report

485155 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown reporting:incor.calculatn for shortend fiscal year

520918 CO-OM-CCA-B KP06 and foll.: Termination or message GU508 or K9018

196067 CO-PC-OBJ Results analysis and shortened fiscal years

137893 FI-SL-IS-A Text variables for the period show the previous period

504918 FI-GL-IS FI drilldown reporting: incorrect text for period

62138 CO-OM-IS Message GU506 when branching to line item report

383789 SD-BIL-RR Settlmnt period depnds on year-specific fiscal year variant

407950 FI-GL-GL-D Bal.displays FI: Error message FDBL010/shortend fiscal year

308685 FI-AR-IS Balance display FI: Period text not displayed

506632 FI-AA Incorrect depreciation in shortened fiscal year

143345 FI-AA-AA-C Expired useful life: transfer and post-capitalization

374801 CO-PC-OBJ Overheads in special periods w/ shortened fiscal year

497034 LO-LIS LIS: Changing the fiscal year variant

486884 FI-GL-GL-G SAPF100 - Balance is not valuated at end of year

319049 FI-AR-CR RFDKLI41:Wrong highest balance at end of 6/12 mnths

12243 SD-IS-DC SIS: Update termination with error M2012

374446 FI-SL Error GU506 with shortened fiscal year

198834 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown reportng: FGV003 for currency translation

10891 SD-IS-DC SIS: Update of S014 terminated with error M2012

484048 FI-AA-AA-B RAPERGEN: last period in shortened fiscal year

202687 FI-GL-GL OB29: FGV(600) / FGV(602) in fiscal year variant maintenance

130869 CO-OM-OPA-A Settlement rule: Validity period for shortened fiscal year

382747 CO-OM-IS CO line item reports: Missing postings in special periods

390274 CO-OM-OPA-G CO-EP reports: No line items in Transaction KOB4

92320 EC-PCA Transfer statistical key figures CCA -> PCA

107293 CO FAQ: cross-company-code cost accounting

447265 CA-EUR-CNV-FI-LC RGCEUR30: Error GU506 for shortened fiscal year

359815 FI-AA Error message FGV002 for special periods

313683 CO-OM-ACT-E BAPI for CO actual postings: Error GU506

395117 SD-BIL-RR Performance problem while processing SD documents

442174 SD-SLS-OA-SCH Change of fiscal year variant in scheduling agreement

356191 IM-FA-IP FY variant program definition/controlling area different

26891 FI-AA-AA Depreciation not reduced in shortened fiscal year

434558 CO-PC-PCP Changing the fiscal year variant -> error message CK163

425314 PP-MRP MRP and fiscal year variant: Incorrect dates and quantities

423106 CO-OM-CCA-B KP9R/KP9S: Errors and performance problems

399549 FI-AA AW01N short dump

418953 CO-OM-CCA-F ALLOCATION: GA099 for creating a cycle

418730 CO-OM-OPA-F Incorrect values in revaluation with shortened fiscal year

397187 FI-AA-LM AU207 for shortened fiscal year

408778 FI-AA-AA Period control rule not completely generated

397925 FI-AA Generate period controls in shortened fiscal year

403152 MM-IM-VP MRN1 MRN2 Stock - release upgrade and Short.FYr

325985 CO-OM-IS CO-EP reports: postings missing in special periods

395980 PS-IS-ACC Line item report: constraint on special periods

386846 MM-IM-GF-REP xxx data selection redesign RM07MMFI

82499 FI-AA-AA-E No reversal function for depreciation posting run

198767 FI-AR-AR-J SD FI: Postings in special periods

164999 FI-AA Error message AF002, FGV002 FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET

134381 CO-OM-OPA-F Invoiced quantity is not settled correctly

67641 CO-OM-OPA-F Settl. ignores spec. periods in shortend fisc. year

38285 CO-OM-OPA-F KD206 when spec.period of short.fisc.year

357901 IM-FA-IP Connection FY variant invstmt prgm <-> ctrlng area

339043 PP-MP-DEM Demand management and change of calendar

312003 CO-PC-OBJ FOKP/KK16: Message GU508 is unjustified

83213 FI-AA-AA-B Incor.deprctn during half periods & shortnd fisc.yr

215119 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown report: error AF003 for curr. translation

301784 EC-EIS-DB Data entry EIS Raise Exception I_ERROR KED2

216776 CA-EUR-CNV-FI RFEWA011 selects old fiscal year (ANALYZE)

207859 EC-EIS-DD Drilldown report: error AF003 for curr. translation

139650 FI-SL-SL-J GI132 when you enter statistical key figures

210214 FI-AA-SVA Period weighting in shortened fiscal years

202738 CO-OM-CCA-B KPZ2: periods for shortened fiscal year

198772 PY-AT No CP entitlement at the start of the year if shortened fiscal year rule applies

180067 FI-GL-GL OB29: Calendar year>2200 is incorrect

173220 FI-AA Half-year rule and shortened fiscal year

191962 CO-OM-CEL KSAZ: Message KI216

139552 FI-SL-SL-A GB01: Special period and shortened fiscal year

93326 CO-OM-CEL-E Shortened fiscal year without special periods in CO

183546 FI-AA Shortened fiscal year and depreciation by fiscal year

169808 CO-OM-CCA-B KP06ff: Deficient check for shortened fiscal year

158248 CO-OM Primary data price variances and short FY

163998 SCM-APO-FCS Working with fiscal year variants

161562 LO-MD-MM Display o.prev.period/year fr shortened fiscal year

104155 FI-GL-GL OB29: Maintenance of more than 16 period texts

121478 CO-OM-OPA Settlement/overheads: in special periods

112690 FI-AA Generating period control w/t transport connection

110903 FI-AA-AA-A AA654 Entering an investment support key

94259 EC-PCA-BS Planning data transfer uses incorr. posting periods

87793 FI-AA-AA-F RAALTD11: NDABJ not taken over/cum. depr. incorrect

80963 FI-AA-AA-B Incorr. depr. start date for year-dep. fiscal years

23502 LO-MD-MM MMPV - Error: Table T009B incomplete.

52011 FI-AA-AA Error in period determination

File Name File Mime Type

2021_conv-serv-info-form-e.docx 631 application/vnd.openxmlformats-


shortened-fiscal-year-consulting-service-description- 321 application/pdf


ServDescrChangeOfFiscalPeriods.pdf 514 application/pdf

Presentation Consulting Change of Fiscal Periods.pdf 782 application/pdf

Shortened Fiscal Year Consulting 2023.pdf 1591 application/pdf

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