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Foxboro Control Software: ® Product Specifications

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Foxboro® Control Software

Product Specifications

PSS 21S-10B3 B3
Foxboro® Control Software Configuration Tools

The Foxboro® Control Software Configuration Tools are a powerful and integrated engineering software
package for designing and maintaining I/A Series control strategies and configuring the I/A Series system.

FEATURES  Bulk generation of control strategies from stored

The Foxboro Control Software Configuration Tools templates and external project data
enable:  Bulk migration of control strategies from installed
I/A Series systems
 Graphical construction and deployment of
 Ability to import and export control strategy
I/A Series control strategies
 Construction of re-usable control strategy
 Ability to create and deploy ArchestrA® IAS
component and composite designs
Platforms, Engines, Application Objects.
 User-defined renderings of re-usable control
 Support for configuring FOUNDATION™ fieldbus
strategy components and composites
and PROFIBUS-based intelligent devices and
 Printed reports of control strategy drawings and
fieldbus networks
supporting information
 Support for concurrent access to the database
 Live updates/edits of real-time values
using a combination of network-based clients
superimposed on control strategy drawings
and server-based Terminal Services (for stations
with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003) or

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Remote Desktop Services (for stations with The FCS Configuration Tools offer exceptional value
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2). to current users of I/A Series systems wanting to
upgrade their existing system to the latest technology
BENEFITS by providing utilities to convert the intellectual
The Foxboro Control Software (FCS) Configuration property residing in their existing system to the
Tools offer substantial engineering productivity and paradigms of the new system. This can include
quality gains to application designers and project graphical representations of control strategies.
engineers during: This tool set is built upon and conforms to industry
 Initial project engineering through programmatic standards including Microsoft .NET Framework and
interfaces to third-party applications and external Invensys ArchestrA Framework. Graphical editors
file systems supporting XML information within the configuration tool set utilize and take
exchange advantage of Microsoft Visio® application as the
rendering engine.
 All project lifecycle stages, where the
documentation is kept in synch with the The FCS Configuration Tools provide graphical
configuration, as modifications are made design, configuration, deployment and
commissioning tools for I/A Series Version 8.6 and
 Large scale expansions and modifications to the
later systems, such as PROFIBUS and FOUNDATION
current designs Fieldbus (FF). The graphical design tool for Strategy
 Interoperability with other Invensys and third- construction is shown in Figure 1.
party applications. The server for the FCS Configuration Tools supports
They also offer enhanced value to those users who concurrent client access with record locking.
want to use the I/A Series system in more than one
project. They provide the ability to migrate intellectual
property from one installation to another with
extensive tools to edit that intellectual property to fit
the circumstances of the new project.
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Strategy View Tabs Strategy Input Declarations Strategy Output Declarations

Title Bar
Menu Bar
Tool Bar


Strategy Editor

Network Strategy Drawing Window Tabs


Figure 1. Foxboro Control Software Configuration Tools Navigation

OVERVIEW Control strategies are assigned to compounds,

The Foxboro Control Software (FCS) Configuration which are in turn assigned to I/A Series control
Tools are constructed using the Microsoft® desktop stations with a distributed network.
metaphor and include several menus, tool bars and  A control station is the hardware platform that
views, such as the Template Toolbox and Network executes the regulatory, sequential, logical and
View as shown in Figure 1. The Strategy Editor Area supervisory control strategies contained in a
provides a drawing canvas and associated tables compound assigned to the station.
and Winforms used for the graphical construction of
 A compound is the top most control container
control strategies.
and is assigned to a physical control station. The
The FCS Configuration Tools enable the user to compound contains a set of user-designed
design: I/A Series Control Strategies, I/A Series strategies.
System Configuration, and Application Objects.
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 A strategy template is a configured object STRATEGY CONSTRUCTION

representing a functional control entity, A new strategy is developed by deriving a new
engineered to be reusable. The Strategy is a template or instance from the base or derived
collection of Blocks and inner Strategies that are Strategy, naming it and opening it. This creates a
typically linked together. A Strategy may be new drawing canvas for constructing the Strategy.
instantiated as a control entity such as a Loop. Base or user-derived Block templates are dropped
 A Block is the fundamental control element and onto the drawing canvas and linked together by
represents a specific type of control function. connecting exposed parameters on the Blocks via a
I/A Series systems support over a hundred line drawing. Strategy connectors (inputs or outputs)
different base types of Blocks. are created and dropped onto the canvas and linked
to block parameters. These connectors link
Strategies together either from an inner to outer
Strategy as discussed earlier or from a peer-to-peer
Strategy connection as shown below.

Figure 2. Constructing a Strategy

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Execution Order of Strategy Components The order of execution of Blocks/Strategies within a

The FCS Configuration Tools enable the user to containing Strategy is important to avoid introducing
determine the order of execution automatically based unwanted dead time into the strategy execution
upon the data flow through the strategy or by order.
manually selecting the order of execution.

Figure 3. Setting the Execution Order

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Live Data Updates on Strategy Diagrams Blocks/Strategies are selectable for editing purposes.
The FCS Configuration Tools provide a graphical The user can then upload values in the target
display that superimposes real time updated values controller to the database or download settable
at the connections between blocks in a deployed parameters in the database to the target controller
strategy. It also provides the capability to access without implementing a deploy procedure.
deployed control strategies from the Strategy Editor.

Figure 4. Live Data Updates on a Strategy

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Block Properties and Behavior Specification A new Derived Block Template represents a
Once a control Strategy has been designed, its specialization of the original Block type. Typical
behavior and properties have to be specified. This examples include specializing a base Analog Input
primarily consists of specifying its constituent parts, block template to represent an iron-constant and
namely base and user-derived Blocks. thermocouple input block type as shown below.

Blocks are available as either base or user-derived

templates which are available for reuse in Strategy
templates or instances. In all cases specifying the
properties and behavior of these blocks is the same.

AIN U $Thermocouple U
[AIN] [$Thermocouple]
AIN # $AIN #


Base Analog Input Block Type Derived Thermocouple Block Type

Figure 5. Derived Thermocouple

Other specializations include modifying the

appearance or exposing certain features of various
function blocks. One example would be to derive a
base PIDA block into a specialized SAMA
representation of a control entity as shown below:


Base PIDA Control Derived SAMA Control

Figure 6. SAMA Representation
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Strategies Notice the yellow connectors in the two inner

The Strategy editor enables users to nest Strategies. Strategies become connectable properties of the
This specialization process enables the user to create blocks in the outer Strategy.
libraries of Strategy Templates that are composed of
sets of connected blocks.
To illustrate this capability, consider the example
below where a Reactor Temperature Control Strategy
template that is constructed from inner Strategy
templates called CasHOL and SplitRange. These
inner Strategy templates are formed from I/A Series
block types.

Reactor Temperature Control

$PIDA 1 AOUT_600842
DESCRP : 0.0000
DEV_ID : No Data
CALCA_827297 PNT_NO : 1
Primary MEAS BCALCI Input RI01 RO01
OUT AOUT_283641
DESCRP : 0.0000 PIDA_718395 MA TIMINI : Initial...
$PIDA 3 MA OUT Reverse
RSP OUT Output
Secondary MEAS BCALCI DEV_ID : No Data
PNT_NO : 1
DESCRP : 0.0000

Control w/ High Output Override Split Range Control Valve

Figure 7. Construction Process
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Programmable Block Editors The FCS Configuration Tools provide a text editor for
I/A Series systems offer programmable block types programming the High Level Batch Language and a
including several choices of general purpose graphical editor for programming Sequential Function
calculator style block types [MATH, LOGIC, CALC, Charts and Ladder Logic Diagrams as shown below.
CALCA]; a series of block types programmed in the
High Level Batch Language [HLBL]; block types
programmed in Sequential Function Charts [FoxSFC]
and a block type that is programmed in a Ladder
Logic Diagram that executes in I/O Modules.

High Level Batch Language Editor Sequential Function Chart Editor Ladder Logic Diagram Editor

Figure 8. Programmable Block Editors

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SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The Foxboro Field Device Manager for PROFIBUS is

The FCS Configuration Tools enable the user to used in the same way for PROFIBUS device
construct an I/A Series configuration from standard management. Detailed information regarding
I/A Series workstation, Control Station and Fieldbus FOUNDATION fieldbus integration is provided in

Modules by instantiating these base types and Foxboro Control Software Field Device Manager for
renaming them according to user preferences. Then FOUNDATION™ fieldbus (PSS 21S-10B6 B3), with
an engineer uses the Network View to assign these additional Control in the Field functionality provided in
stations and modules to their designated Unit Areas. Foxboro Control Software with FOUNDATION™
fieldbus (PSS-10B10 B3). Detailed information
The example below shows five user defined Unit
regarding PROFIBUS integration is provided in
Areas in addition to the Unassigned Hardware node.
Foxboro Control Software Field Device Manager for
These are Centrifugation, Purification, Reaction,
Profibus Devices (PSS 21S-10B4 B3).
Solvent Recovery, and Tank Farm. It further shows
two workstations and three Controllers assigned to
Bulk Generation of a Project
the Reaction Area and two FBMs assigned to the
RX0100 Controller. The FCS Configuration Tools offer extensive
engineering productivity tools such as the ability to
bulk generate a project database from user defined
templates combined with project specific information
stored in Microsoft Excel® or CSV format, I/A Series
SaveAll format, IACC Export format, SysDef Export
format, or in a proprietary XML document.
The FCS Configuration Tools can also migrate control
strategies stored in existing I/A Series system
installations from the data stored in existing control
stations. The bulk data is first imported into a data
grid allowing the user to inspect it and make any
necessary additions or modifications.

Figure 9. Network View of System Configuration

Intelligent Device Configuration

Configuration tools in combination with the Foxboro
Field Device Manager for FOUNDATION fieldbus is used
to provide Fieldbus device management throughout
the asset's lifecycle, including function block and
device configuration, calibration, commissioning,
startup, diagnostics and replacement.
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Figure 10. Bulk Generation of a Project

Bulk generation has the capability for applying Visual There are three targets updated in the deployment:
Basic® scripts to selected portions of the grid such
 Compounds and blocks are downloaded to the
as specific strategies or compounds to make bulk
I/A Series system including the assigned
edits to the information. Once the user is satisfied
Controller and the Compound Summary Access
with the structure and content, this grid is then used
to generate the requisite control strategies and
system configuration.  Security access settings for compound and block
attributes are loaded into ArchestrA Security.
CONTROL STRATEGY DEPLOYMENT  ArchestrA History is updated with the collection
Once a Strategy is correctly assigned to a points configured in the Compounds and blocks.
Compound and the Compound to a Controller, it can When a Strategy or Compound is later modified
be deployed using commands selected from the using the FCS Configuration Tools, it must be re-
object in the Deployment View, or one of the other deployed to implement the changes in the runtime
FCS Configuration Tools Application Views. system. When a Strategy or Compound is re-
deployed, only the affected targets are updated, and
only the modified parameters are downloaded.
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CONCURRENT ACCESS TO THE DATABASE network architecture and can be used in combination
The FCS Configuration Tools support multiple clients to achieve optimal performance.
concurrently accessing the database via a
combination of networked clients and server-side USER DEFINED APPLICATION OBJECTS
Terminal Services (for stations with Windows XP and The FCS Configuration Tools enable the user to
Windows Server 2003) or Remote Desktop Services construct Application Objects and deploy them to
(for stations with Windows 7 and Windows Server the FCS Application Environments hosted by AW70
2008 R2). Networked clients execute their platforms and ArchestrA Industrial Application
application independently from the server and only Servers. These are created by the Configuration
communicate when a client session is opened or Tools Galaxy Repository. The following example
closed. Terminal services and Remote Desktop depicts an OLEDB database application created as
Services use the resources of the server to perform an Application Object.
their operations and remote clients to provide a user
interface. These utilize different resources within the

Figure 11. FCS Application Object to Read/Write to a Database

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The FCS Configuration Tools utilize an ArchestrA
Role-based security model where users subscribe to
different roles depending upon their job requirements.
Roles have associated access permissions and
security groups. Security groups have various plant
areas assigned to them.
A user’s subscription to a particular role provides
access to specific security groups (plant areas) with
specified access permissions (Operate, Secured
Write, and so forth) in those groups.
The authentication process is user_name and


The FCS Configuration Tools provide an integration
with FoxCTS Change Tracking software. All control
configuration and program changes deployed to
Control Processors from the FCS Configuration Tools
are reported to FoxCTS software to provide tracking
of control system changes to help meet regulatory
body requirements. Examples of program changes
are HLBL or FoxSFC program changes in Sequence
Blocks or Ladder Logic Diagram (LLD) program
changes in PLB Blocks.


Further details regarding functionality provided within
the Configuration Tools can be found in:

 PSS 21S-10B8 B3, Foxboro® Control Software

Logic Block Editor and Troubleshooting Tool

 PSS 21S-10B9 B3, Foxboro® Control Software

Scripting with Direct Access
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Foxboro Control Software Configuration Tools Foxboro Control Software Configuration Tools
Server Client
 I/A Series Software Version: Supports I/A Series  I/A Series Software Version: Supports I/A Series
software v8.7 or later software v8.7 or later
 I/A Series Station type: H91, P91, H90, and P90  I/A Series Station type: H92 or P92

• Intel Pentium® 4, 1.8 GHz (or higher)  Operating System: Microsoft Windows® 7,
processor Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft
Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows XP®
 Operating System: Microsoft Windows® Server
2008 R2, and Microsoft Windows Server® 2003
Software(1)  Computer: Intel Pentium® 4, 1.8 GHz (or higher)
 Database Software: Microsoft SQL Server®
2008(1)(2)  Memory: 2.0 gigabytes of main memory

 Memory: 4.0 gigabytes of main memory  Hard Disk: Recommended: 16.0 GB free disk
 Hard Disk: Recommended: 16.0 GB free disk
space  Video Graphic Accelerator Card: 32 MB of
 Video Graphic Accelerator Card: 32 MB of
memory  Communications Network: 100 Mbps TCP/IP
Switched Ethernet
 Communications Network: 100 Mbps TCP/IP
Switched Ethernet Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services
 On Platform Station Type: H91, P91, H90, and
 Off Platform Station Type: For Remote Desktop
Services, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.
For Terminal Services, Microsoft Windows Server
2003 Software
 Memory: 4.0 gigabytes of main memory

 Database Software: Microsoft SQL Server

 Hard Disk: 32.0 GB free disk space

(1) Microsoft SQL Server™ 2008 is included as part of the Foxboro Control Software Configuration Tools installation.
(2) Requires Microsoft .NET 2.0 to be installed. Microsoft .NET 1.1 is included as part of the Foxboro Control Software Configuration
Tools installation.
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