Biology Biology IX Classification QS & MS
Biology Biology IX Classification QS & MS
Biology Biology IX Classification QS & MS
Coral Reef
Ecology Curriculum
This unit is part of the Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum that was developed by the Education Department of the Khaled bin Sultan Living
Oceans Foundation. It has been designed for secondary school students, but can be adapted for other uses. The entire curriculum can
be found online at
©2014 Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise noted, photos are property of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans
Foundation and authors disclaim any liability for injury or damage related to the use of this curriculum. These materials may be
reproduced for education purposes. When using any of the materials from this curriculum, please include the following attribution:
Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum
The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) was incorporated in California as a 501(c)(3), public benefit, Private
Operating Foundation in September 2000. The Living Oceans Foundation is dedicated to providing science-based solutions to protect
and restore ocean health through research, outreach, and education. The educational goals of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans
Foundation and development of the Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum are generously supported by Prince Khaled bin Sultan of Saudi
Arabia. For more information, visit
This unit explains how to organize the millions of organisms on Earth.
• CCSS: RST.9-10.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10; RST.11-12.1, 2, 3, 4, 7,
8, 9, 10; W.9-10.2, 4, 7, 8, 9; W.11-12.2, 4, 7, 8, 9; SL.9-10.4, 6;
KEYWORDS SL.11-12.4, 6
• Archaea • NGSS: HS-LS4-1
• Bacteria (plural) • OLP: 4.B.1, 4.B.2, 5.C.22
• Binomial Nomenclature
• Branches (cladogram)
• Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) MULTIMEDIA RESOURCES
• Carolus Linnaeus • Naming Nature YouTube video (
• Clade • What Clade R U? interactive is located at the bottom of the How
• Cladogram to Build a Cladogram tab (
• Classification (biological) classification/).
• Cnidaria
• Common Name
• Daughter Lineages (plural) • Define taxonomy.
• Derived Character • List and organize the eight divisions of classification from broad to
• Dichotomous Key specific.
• Eukarya • Understand who Carolus Linnaeus was and be able to describe his
• Evolutionary Tree contribution to science.
• Hexacorals (plural) • Apply the rules of binomial nomenclature.
• Internal Node • Identify how corals are classified.
• Latin Name • Describe the two main subclasses of corals.
• Leaves (cladogram; plural) • Differentiate between taxonomy and phylogenetics.
• Medusa • Define phylogenetics and determine the evidence used to determine
• Octocorals (plural) evolutionary history of organisms.
• Outgroup • Define cladogram and identify what it’s used for.
• Phylogenetics • Identify the parts of a cladogram.
• Phylogenetic Tree • Learn how to build and read a cladogram.
• Polyp • Recognize the important role clades of zooxanthellae play in
• Radially Symmetrical determining coral’s survival as climate change takes effect.
• Scientific Name
• Sclerites (plural)
• Shared Character
• Speciation
• Systematics
• Taxa (plural)
• Taxonomy
• Terminal Node
• Tips (cladogram; plural)
• Vernacular Name
• Zooxanthellae (plural)
2. Teach Background Information section A) How Do We Classify Organisms? and B) Linnaean Naming System.
a. Complete Lesson 1A: Classify This! and Lesson 1B: Rules, Rules, Rules student worksheets.
There are millions of organisms on Earth. In this unit, we will learn how to organize them. Scientists
classify organisms by putting them into groups that have the same characteristics and a common ancestry.
Classification is a broad term that means organizing information. The science of classifying organisms is
known as taxonomy. Taxonomy is a type of classification.
There are eight divisions used to classify all life on Earth (figure 2-1):
Greatest # of
Let’s take a look at the following example of organisms in the Domain Eukarya (figure 2-2). Remember that
each organism is grouped by the same characteristics and a common ancestry. As we descend down the
list, we eliminate organisms that do not fit into that particular division. For example, Phylum Echinodermata
contains only sea cucumbers, sea stars, and a few other organisms not pictured; however it does not contain
sharks, sea turtles, and sea slugs. Sea turtles and sharks are in the Phylum Chordata because they have
a backbone. Nudibranchs are in the Phylum Mollusca because they have soft bodies. Now, let’s look at the
Family Ophidiasteridae. Notice that the pink sea star, known as the granular sea star, has short, thick arms.
The other sea stars in this family have long semi-tubular arms.
A major group of organisms
that contains all animals.
Marine animals including sea
cucumbers, sea urchins, sea
stars and sand dollars.
Contains sea stars.
Taxonomy: FICATI
ORDER Science of ON
Valvatida: g organism
Sea stars that have
marginal ossicles s are grou
the same ped by
(calcareous plates). cha
common an racteristics and a
-There ar try.
e 8 divisio
(Domain n ns.
ot picture
-Ranked d).
FAMILY from gene
specific c ral to
Ophidiasteridae: ategories.
Sea stars that have long,
semi-tubular arms.
GENUS Dear - Domain
Linckia: King - Kingdom
Sea stars that have the ability Philip - Phylum
to regenerate new individuals.
Come - Class
Over - Order
For - Family
SPECIES Great - Genus
laevigata: Spaghetti - Species
A sea star characterized by five *Domain in this example is
arms and a fine cobblestone Eukarya
texture extending from
the oral disc.
All of the organisms in figure 2-2 are classified in the Domain Eukarya, which is made up of organisms that
have cells containing complex structures enclosed within membranes like a nucleus. By the time we reach
species (specific), only one organism fits the description. The only characteristic that sets the blue sea star,
Linckia laevigata, apart from other sea stars is the body pattern. That’s really specific!
The naming system that is used today was first established in the 18th century by a Swedish scientist named
Carolus Linnaeus. He was the first to develop a hierarchical naming system, which included kingdom, class,
order, genus, species, and variety. The original naming system has since changed; however, this was a huge
breakthrough for modern science, which is often why Linnaeus is referred to as the Father of Taxonomy.
Additionally, the naming system is sometimes called Linnaean taxonomy.
Linnaean naming system also led to the adoption of modern binomial nomenclature, which means two-
name naming system. It is often referred to as the Latin name or scientific name. This is the formal naming
of organisms that includes the genus and species name. There are specific rules when writing binomial
nomenclature. Let’s follow the rules using the scientific name, Amphiprion ocellaris. You may know this animal
to be Nemo, a clownfish, from the movie Finding Nemo. The rules are as follows:
There are over 1,000 known coral species all of which live in the ocean. Corals are a member of the Domain
Eukarya because they have cells that contain complex structures.
a) b) c)
Historically, classifying corals at the kingdom level was misunderstood. Scientists used to believe that corals
were plants (Kingdom Plantae); however, today we know that they are animals (Kingdom Animalia).
Corals are part of the Phylum Cnidaria. Anemones, hydroids, and jellyfish also belong to this phylum.
Cnidarians share several common characteristics. NOTE: We will learn more about most of these
characteristics in other units.
1. Two different forms exist: medusa and polyp (figure 2-5).
2. Radially symmetrical (figure 2-8 and 2-9).
3. Diploblastic (two cell layers) with mesoglea (Unit 3: Coral Anatomy).
4. Body contains an internal cavity (gastrovascular cavity) and a mouth, but no anus. This is called a blind
gut (Unit 3: Coral Anatomy).
5. Lack excretory, circulatory, and respiratory systems (Unit 3: Coral Anatomy).
6. Reproduction is asexual and/or sexual (Unit 5: Coral Reproduction).
7. Have simple netlike nervous system.
8. Have a distinct larval stage, which is planktonic (Unit 6: Life Cycle).
9. Live in aquatic environments, mostly marine.
10. Mostly carnivorous, otherwise filter feeders (Unit 4: Coral Feeding).
11. May have a minimal skeleton of chiton or calcium carbonate (Unit 3: Coral Anatomy).
12. Contain nematocysts, specialized stinging cells (Unit 4: Coral Feeding).
Cnidarians have two different body forms – polyp and medusa (figure 2-5). Polyps are cylindrical in shape and
they have a mouth surrounded by tentacles on top of their body. Medusae are shaped like a bell, or they are
concave or convex, and possess tentacles, which usually hang from the bottom of their body. Throughout a
coral’s life cycle, they only possess a polyp body form, though many members of the phylum alternate between
the two.
a) b)
FIGURE 2-6. a) Coral = polyp; b) Jellyfish = medusa; c) Hydroid = polyp; and d) Anemone = polyp
Whether cnidarians have a medusa or a polyp body form, they are both radially symmetrical. To help us
understand this definition, let’s break down the word. Radial refers to lines that meet at a common center.
Symmetrical means that there are even parts mirrored on each side. For instance, if we evenly fold a piece of
paper that is circular or square, no matter which way we fold the paper, it will be symmetrical (figure 2-7).
Therefore, radially symmetrical means that an object can evenly be divided around a central axis. Let’s use a
pie as an example (figure 2-8). A pie can be evenly divided into pieces. No matter which way we slice the pie
through the center, the cut will produce two even sides.
Let’s continue using the pie example. There are multiple ways we can slice a pie to get even pieces (figure
2-9). We can make two even slices through the center, creating 4 slices of pie. We can also evenly slice the
pie four times through the center, giving us eight pieces. The same is true for cnidarians. Some cnidarians
have what is called four-fold symmetry, which means that they can be divided into four even parts or multiples
of four (figure 2-9a). Others have six- or eight-fold symmetry (figures 2-9b and c).
a) b) c)
The class Scyphozoa include the true jellyfish (figure 2-10), but do not contain corals.
a) b)
The class Cubozoa are the box jellyfish. They differ from Scyphozoans because they have a cube-like shape.
This class also does not include corals.
The class Hydrozoa contains organisms such as hydroids, Portuguese man-of-wars, and some corals
including fire corals and lace corals (figure 2-11). CREDIT: PAULINE BOSSERELLE
a) b)
FIGURE 2-11. a) Portuguese man-of-war, Physalia physalis; b) Distichopora sp. lace coral
Most corals are in the class Anthozoa, which also includes anemones. There are two main subclasses:
• Octocorallia (octocorals)
• Hexacorallia (hexacorals)
Now think back to math class: what does the prefix octo- mean? That’s right, eight. So octocorals means that
corals in this class have eight-fold symmetry.
What type of symmetry do you think hexacorals have? That’s right, these corals have six-fold symmetry
because the prefix hexa- means six.
Hexacorals and octocorals not only have different symmetry, but they also are very different from one another
in structure. Hexacorals are hard or stony corals, meaning they secrete an outer skeleton composed of
calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This is the same mineral that is in limestone (which is often composed of coral
skeleton fragments; figure 2-12b).
a) b)
FIGURE 2-12. a) Photo of a living mushroom coral; b) Calcium carbonate
skeleton of a mushroom coral
Octocorals are soft corals (figure 2-13) and do not have a limestone structure. Instead, they secrete calcium or
aragonite (minerals) sclerites. Sclerites are microscopic spicules (shards) that help to support the structure of
the corals and anchor them to the substrate. Sclerites can be used to identify different species of soft corals.
From this point on, the taxonomic classification of corals becomes more divided. Remember that there are over
1,000 species of corals worldwide. Please see the list of cnidarian taxonomy classified to suborder below.
Domain – Eukarya
Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum – Cnidaria (anemones, corals, hydroids, jellyfish)
Class – Scyphozoa (true jellyfish)
Class – Cubozoa (box jellyfish)
Class – Hydrozoa (hydroids, Portuguese man-of-war, lace & fire corals)
Order – Stylasterina (lace corals)
Order – Milleporina (fire corals)
Class – Anthozoa (corals and anemones)
Subclass – Octocorallia (soft corals with 8-fold symmetry)
Order – Alcyonacea (soft corals)
Suborder – Calcaxonia (gorgonians)
Suborder – Holaxonia (gorgonians)
Suborder – Scleraxonia (gorgonians)
Suborder – Alcyoniina (true soft corals)
Suborder – Stolonifera (stolon corals)
Order – Helioporacea/Coenothecalia (blue corals)
Order – Pennatulacea (sea pens and sea pansies)
Subclass – Hexacorallia (hard corals with 6-fold symmetry)
Order – Scleractinia (stony corals)
Order – Actiniaria (sea anemones)
Order – Corallimorpharia (disc anemones)
Order – Zoanthidea (colonial anemones)
Subclass – Ceriantipatharia
Order – Antipatharia (black corals)
Order – Ceriantharia (tube anemones)
Historically, biologists grouped, identified, and named organisms solely based on physical evidence, which we
learned is called taxonomy. With modern technology, taxonomists not only use the physical evidence, but they
also use evidence such as DNA. A more modern method of classifying organisms is called phylogenetics, the
study of an organism’s evolutionary history.
Together, taxonomy and phylogeny are used to determine modern classification. Both of these fields are part of
an even larger field called systematics. Systematics is the study of biological diversity and its origins.
Let’s take a closer look at phylogenetics. All organisms come from a shared heritage that dates back 3.8
billion years ago, when life originated. That means that even extinct animals such as dinosaurs are included.
We didn’t live during the time of dinosaurs, or prior to that time, so in order to understand an organism’s
evolutionary history, we must first get evidence. This evidence comes from:
• Fossil records (e.g., carbon dating, entire organisms, skeletal remains, molds and casts, impressions)
• Anatomical and morphological evidence (i.e., shape and size of body structures and their functions)
• Embryological evidence (i.e., development of different body parts)
• Molecular evidence (i.e., DNA, protein, and amino acid sequences)
Let’s look at an example. Do you remember the part in the movie, Jurassic Park, when paleontologist, Dr. Alan
Grant claims that “birds may be more closely related to dinosaurs?” Well, he wasn’t wrong. Birds evolved from
a group of dinosaurs called theropods, which includes velociraptors (figure 2-14).
FIGURE 2-14.
Shared features
between birds
and dinosaurs;
evidence for
the changes in
dinosaurs’ digits
to that of birds’
© 2014 Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation • 11
Unit 2: Classification
In the 1860’s, the first known bird, Archaeopteryx, was discovered. Scientists noticed that the hands, shoulder
girdle, pelvis, and feet were not fused and reduced, which is more like dinosaurs than what is seen in today’s
bird characteristics (figure 2-15). This provided the first piece of fossil evidence linking birds as descendants
of dinosaurs. Since then, lots of evidence has been discovered supporting the theory that birds descended
from dinosaurs. As more evidence becomes available, scientists can continue to narrow down the evolutionary
history of different organisms.
a) b) c)
FIGURE 2-15. a) Velociraptor skull; b) Fossil of feather impression found near Archaeopteryx fossils; c) Model
of Archaeopteryx sp.
In order to understand evolutionary history, a diagram is used to demonstrate the relationships among
organisms. This diagram is called a cladogram or sometimes it’s referred to as a phylogenetic/evolutionary
tree. There are some differences between these terms depending on how the cladogram is being used. For
example, the cladogram in figure 2-26 does not depict the evolutionary history of these organisms, but shows
the characteristics that they have in common.
This ‘tree’ is much like a family tree. It exhibits current organisms and their relationship to all of their past
relatives, including those which are extinct. The phylogenetic tree below represents all organisms on Earth and
their relationships to each other. It has been termed the tree of life because it encompasses all life on Earth.
The tree represents the three domains: Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria (figure 2-16; see Glossary).
FIGURE 2-16.
Phylogenetic tree of
life depicting the three
A clade (figure 2-17) is a group of organisms that includes ancestors and descendants of that ancestor. There
may be many ways to show the relationship between organisms.
a) b)
There are many ways to draw a cladogram. Figure 2-18 shows two common ways:
Here are some basic words that are important to understanding cladogram terminology (figure 2-19):
1. Branches: the evolutionary lineage.
2. Leaves, tips, or terminal nodes: represent the taxa (taxonomic groups such as phylum) in the study or
the end of the ancestral lineage. This can be a group such as a kingdom or genus or it can be as specific
as an individual species.
3. Outgroup: lies outside of the group being studied. There is less relatedness to the other groups.
When looking at a cladogram (figure 2-20), you will notice that the branches at the bottom are the ancestors of
the branches that are at the top of the cladogram. A cladogram, reads from past ancestors (bottom) to the most
recent descendants (top). Note that most cladograms do not specify the timing of these events.
Descendents 1 2 3 4 Recent
Ancestor Past
When a diagram splits into two different organisms or groups this area is known as an internal node (figure
2-19). This occurs when a lineage splits, which is known as speciation (figure 2-21). On the cladogram,
notice that the node is the speciation event and the line below the node is where there is a common ancestral
lineage. In this case, the speciation event results in two daughter lineages, or taxa that descend from the
same ancestor.
Speciation Event
Ancestral Lineage
Cladograms are grouped by their characters. A shared character is when two lineages have a trait in
common. A derived character is a trait that has evolved in a lineage, which trait appears in later organisms,
but not earlier ones. In the next section, we will learn how to build a cladogram using shared derived
Remember that cladograms are constructed by grouping organisms together based off of their shared
Step 1: Make a chart with the derived characters and the taxa (figure 2-22).
Step 2: Identify the characters of each organism (figure 2-23). Mark an ”X” in the box when the organism has
the character. In this example, hermit crabs, starfish, ctenophores, and jellyfish are all invertebrates meaning
they do not have a backbone. Only ctenophores and jellyfish are diploblastic meaning that they only have two
germ (cell) layers. Starfish, ctenophores, and jellyfish have radially symmetric body plans. This means that
they can be evenly divided around a central axis. The only animal that has comb rows, used for locomotion,
are ctenophores.
Characters that have a greater amount of X’s, are ancestral characters that are shared by many or all of the
organisms. In this example, invertebrate is the ancestral characteristic.
Step 3: Reorganize the cladogram chart (figure 2-24). Order the traits in the chart from most to least number of
X’s. Order organisms from most to least number of shared characters.
Step 4: Begin to make a cladogram. Using the same order from step 3, write the organisms at the terminal
node of each branch from left to right (figure 2-25).
Hermit Crab Starfish Jellyfish Ctenophore
Step 5: Finish cladogram. On the main line of the cladogram, place the characters in between each branch
from left to right (figure 2-26).
Hermit Crab Starfish Jellyfish Ctenophore
Comb rows
Radial symmetry
FIGURE 2-26. Completed cladogram
How are clades useful in coral classification? Corals have a single-celled algae called zooxanthellae (figure
2-27) that live inside their tissues. These symbiotic algae are crucial to the survival of corals, which provide
them with oxygen and other nutrients. We will learn more about this relationship in Unit 4: Coral Feeding.
a) b)
FIGURE 2-27. a) Symbiodinium are the yellow-brown algae that give the polyps their color. b) Isolated
Symbiodinium sp.
These algal cells are actually separate organisms known as dinoflagellates, and they are classified in the
genus Symbiodinium. There are eight genetic clades of Symbiodinium. They are each designated with a letter
from A to H. Symbiodinium are sensitive to different environmental stressors including high light levels, salinity,
and temperature. Various Symbiodinium species react differently to these stressors. For instance, clade C has
a wide temperature and salinity tolerance (Karako-Lampert et al. 2004), whereas, clade B has adapted to lower
light and higher latitude environments (Rodriguez-Lanetty et al. 2001).
Why is this important? Scientists study corals and Symbiodinium in order to better understand these organisms
and how they interact with one another. It’s especially important to understand how Symbiodinium react
to environmental stressors. As the effects of climate change take a toll on the ocean, corals are at risk of
facing higher temperatures, greater differences in salinity, and ocean acidification. If there are more tolerant
Symbiodinium, then corals will have a greater chance of survival.
Take the What Clade R U? to find out what clade you’re a part of. Go to the bottom of the How to Build a
Cladogram tab:
Figure 2-6c). By (WT-shared) Seascapeza at wts wikivoyage (This file was imported from Wikivoyage WTS.)
[CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], 5 May 2012 via Wikimedia Commons.
Figure 2-15.
a) By Thomas Vandenberghe from Leuven, Belgium (Velociraptor mongoliensis Uploaded by FunkMonk)
[CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], 5 August 2008 via Wikimedia Commons.
b) By H. Raab (User:Vesta) (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (
or GFDL (], 30 October 2009 via Wikimedia Commons.
c) Ballista at the English language Wikipedia [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0
(], 30 August 2006 via Wikimedia Commons.
Figure 2-17. Adapted from University of California Museum of Paleontology’s Understanding Evolution.
Figure 2-20. Adapted from University of California Museum of Paleontology’s Understanding Evolution.
Figure 2-21. Adapted from University of California Museum of Paleontology’s Understanding Evolution.
Figures 2-27 & 2-28. By C.S.Chen National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Taiwan. http://www.
Karako-Lampert, S., Katco, D. J., Achituv, Y., Dubinsky, Z., & Stambler, N. (2004). Do clades of symbiotic
dinoflagellates in scleractinian corals of the Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea) differ from those of other coral reefs?
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 311: 301-314.
Rodriguez-Lanetty, M., Loh, W., Carter, D., & Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2001). Latitudinal variability in symbiont
specificity within the widespread scleractinian coral Plesiastrea versipora. Marine Biology 138: 1175-1181.
4. What is an acronym you can use to remember the order and categories of classification?
Watch It!
5. What are the names of the three domains?
naming nature
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
9. List two reasons why you think that taxonomy is important for scientists.
Watch It!
naming nature
We humans have probably been naming and classifying living things in our environment since we were first
able to communicate.
Whether a plant or animal was dangerous or delicious would’ve been important information for our earliest
Modern biological classification got a boost from 18th century botanist Carl Linnaeus.
Linnaeus was the first to group living things according to shared physical characteristics.
Grouping like things together still makes scientists’ jobs easier. It helps organize the study of the eight million
different species that share our planet.
These categories are like boxes that scientists put related species into.
The categories are ranked from the most general grouping, called domain, to the most specific, called
A handy way to remember these categories is with this acronym: Dear King Philip, Come Over For Great
There are three domains of living things, and all plants and animals belong in one of them.
The domains of Archaea and Bacteria contain single-celled microorganisms that have no cell nucleus.
The seagoing creature we’re classifying belongs to the multi-celled domain Eukarya.
The next category is called kingdom. The kingdoms include plants, animals, fungi, and more.
Obviously, this playful creature has the physical characteristics of an animal, so its kingdom is Animalia.
Next comes phylum, the body type category. There are about 36 phyla. This animal is grouped with other
animals that have backbones in a category called Chordata.
It’s not cold-blooded like fish and reptiles, and it doesn’t lay eggs like birds.
It belongs with animals that are warm-blooded and produce milk. That’s the Mammalia or mammal class.
Next comes order. There are dozens of orders, but only one that contains whales and porpoises, which
share many characteristics with this animal.
But there are many kinds of dolphins. This one is in the genus called Tursiops.
At this point, we’ve narrowed down this animal’s classification from all the living things in the world to a genus
that has just three species in it.
The last classification is species. Each species has a unique name. In this case it’s truncatus.
The scientific name for any creature is a combination of its genus and its species. This one is Tursiops
truncatus, but you know it as the bottlenose dolphin.
Classification helps scientists tell nature’s some eight million species apart.
It helps determine which have healthy populations, and which are at risk.
Giving names to the living things around us probably started as a way to help ourselves to nature’s
Now, scientific classification has become an important tool for helping understand and protect the natural
b. Kingdom
c. Phylum
d. Class
e. Order
f. Family
g. Genus
h. Species
4. What is an acronym you can use to remember the order and categories of classification?
a. Dear
b. King
c. Phillip
d. Come
e. Over
f. For
g. Great
h. Spaghetti
Watch It!
5. What are the names of the three domains?
naming nature
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
a. Domain Eukarya
b. Kingdom Animalia
c. Phylum Chordata
d. Class Mammalia
f. Family Delphinidae
g. Genus Tursiops
h. Species truncatus
______________________________________ Species
and ______________________________________
Tursiops truncatus
8. What is the scientific name of the bottlenose dolphin? ______________________________________
9. List two reasons why you think that taxonomy is important for scientists.
1. To help scientists learn more about organisms and where they came from in order to understand
3. To help scientists understand past relationships between organisms and their ancestors.
• Students can give a brief presentation
and/or write a paper about the animal
that they chose for this assignment.
• CCSS: RST.9-10.4, 5; RST.11-12.4
• NGSS: HS-LS4-1
• OLP: 4.B.1, 5.C.22
Lesson 1A classify this!
1. Choose an organism (plant or animal) and write its common name on the line below.
2. Write the scientific name on the line below, following the Linnaean rules of binomial nomenclature.
3. Classify it by its eight taxonomic divisions.
4. For each category, write four characteristics that are used to classify the organism.
Lesson 1A
INSTRUCTIONS: Answers may vary.
classify this!
1. Choose an organism (plant or animal) and write its common name on the line below.
2. Write the scientific name on the line below, following the Linnaean rules of binomial nomenclature.
3. Classify it by its eight taxonomic divisions.
4. For each category, write four characteristics that are used to classify the organism.
Green sea turtle
Common Name: _____________________________ Chelonia mydas
Scientific Name: _____________________________
GENUS Chelonia • Only one species in this genus (see other traits below)
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions (#1-3) using the scientific names above. Then answer #4.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions (#1-3) using the scientific names above. Then answer #4.
Carcharhinus leucas and Carcharhinus melanopterus are the most closely related. They are part of
the same genus. No other animals in Part A are that closely related.
These are the sources for the macro photos of the coral skeletons.
FP 01 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 02 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 03 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 04 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 05 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 06 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 07 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 08 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 09 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
FP 10 Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World. Accessed
25 Mar 2020.
Lesson 2
“taxing” corals
With over 1,000 coral species in the ocean, identification and classification is not an easy task. That’s why
scientists use identification keys.
Often when identifying coral, samples have to be collected and transported back to the lab for further
identification. The reason is that some corals are identified by the shape of corallite structures. As you will learn
in Unit 3: Coral Anatomy, a corallite is the cup-like skeleton of an individual polyp.
Today, you are a coral ecologist working for the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. You just returned
from scuba diving in French Polynesia where you were conducting coral surveys and identifying corals. You
have taken photographs of several corals for further identification and collected samples of each. In the lab,
you have removed all of the tissue and now you are left with the corals’ skeletons. These corals need to be
identified. You will create a classification system based on the living coral photos and the corals’ skeletons.
1. Use the Brainstorming section to write down the characteristics of each unknown coral.
2. Create a classification system based on the coral’s shared characters.
3. See grading rubric for poster and presentation assessment.
4. Make a poster to illustrate your classification system.
5. Present your classification system to the class.
6. Answer the questions below.
1. What characteristics did you use to group your corals? List all of the distinguishing characteristics.
2. Were the characteristics determined by the live or dead coral photos? Explain.
5. After listening to your classmate’s presentations, would you change your classification system? Why or
why not?
Category 4 3 2 1 Score
You will be awarded one point for accurately labeling each distinguishing characteristic. /50
Lesson 2
“taxing” corals
With over 1,000 coral species in the ocean, identification and classification is not an easy task. That’s why
scientists use identification keys.
Often when identifying coral, samples have to be collected and transported back to the lab for further
identification. The reason is that some corals are identified by the shape of corallite structures. As you will learn
in Unit 3: Coral Anatomy, a corallite is the cup-like skeleton of an individual polyp.
Today, you are a coral ecologist working for the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. You just returned
from scuba diving in French Polynesia where you were conducting coral surveys and identifying corals. You
have taken photographs of several corals for further identification and collected samples of each. In the lab,
you have removed all of the tissue and now you are left with the corals’ skeletons. These corals need to be
identified. You will create a classification system based on the living coral photos and the corals’ skeletons.
1. Use the Brainstorming section to write down the characteristics of each unknown coral.
2. Create a classification system based on the coral’s shared characters.
3. See grading rubric for poster and presentation assessment.
4. Make a poster to illustrate your classification system.
5. Present your classification system to the class.
6. Answer the questions below.
1. What characteristics did you use to group your corals? List all of the distinguishing characteristics.
• Color
• Corallite shape, size, spacing
• Presence or absence of tentacles
• Presence or absence of connective tissue
• Coral shape and size
• Number, shape, size of septa/costae
• Number of polyps
2. Were the characteristics determined by the live or dead coral photos? Explain.
The characteristics that we used to classify corals came from both dead and live corals.
• From live corals I used color, shape and size of coral, approximate number of polyps, presence
or absence of tentacles, presence and absence of connective tissue
• From dead corals it was easier to tell the shape, size, number, and spacing of the corallite;
number, shape, and size of septa and costae
5. After listening to your classmate’s presentations, would you change your classification system? Why or
why not?
Answers may vary.
25/09/2012 - FP 01 25/09/2012 - FP 02
Full Frame Photo – Live coral Full Frame Photo – Live coral
30/09/2012 - FP 03 09/10/2012 - FP 04
Full Frame Photo – Live coral Full Frame Photo – Live coral
10/10/2012 - FP 05
Full Frame Photo – Live coral Macro Photo – Live coral
15/10/2012 - FP 06 17/10/2012 - FP 07
Full Frame Photo – Live coral Full Frame Photo – Live coral
18/10/2012 - FP 08 18/10/2012 - FP 09
Full Frame Photo – Live coral Full Frame Photo – Live coral
22/10/2012 - FP 10
Full Frame Photo – Live coral
1. Corals can be solitary or colonial. An individual is called a coral polyp. A solitary coral is an individual polyp,
while colonial corals have more than one polyp. Depending on the size, a single colonial coral can have
hundreds or even thousands of polyps. All but one of the corals in this activity are colonial corals. See the
answer key for more details.
2. Corals possess certain shapes called growth forms. These growth forms help scientists to identify corals.
Growth forms include branching, columnar, encrusting, foliose, free-living, massive, phaceloid, and plating.
The growth forms for each coral are listed in the answer key. For more information, see Unit 9: Coral
3. Stony corals can be identified by their corallite. Before you understand how to identify corals, you must first
learn some coral terminology. Please refer to the graphic below.
• Corallite: cup-like skeleton that is made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
• Septa: vertical blades that are inside the corallite. When septa cross the wall outside the corallite, they
become costae.
• Costae: vertical blades on the outside of the corallite. When costae cross the wall to the inside of the
corallite, they become septa.
• Wall: the raised part of the skeletal structure. Separates corallites from each other. It also separates the
septa from the costae.
The shape, size, and pattern of the corallite can help to identify corals. Scientists do not identify corals by their
color. Here are some examples below:
• The septa, costae, and walls all have different spacing, size, and structures that help scientists to
identify corals. For example, septa can have septal teeth (projections on the septa). These teeth can be
used to help identify coral species. For example, Ctenactis spp. have large, spiky septal teeth, whereas
Trachyphyllia spp. have small teeth.
• The walls can also help to identify corals. Here are some examples below:
There is an extra step when identifying branching corals. These corals have two types of corallites:
• Axial corallite: a single corallite that is located at the tip of a branch. NOTE: not all branching corals
have axial corallites.
• Radial corallite: corallites that are typically smaller than the axial corallite that occur on the sides of
branching corals.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other structures that help scientists to identify corals. For
more information, check out the resources below.
• Kelley, R. (2009). The Australian Coral Reef Society Finder, Indo-Pacific. Published by BYOGUIDES,
Townsville, Australia.
• Veron, J.E.N. (2000). Corals of the World. Volumes 1-3. Townsville: Australian Institute of Marine
Prior Knowledge
• Students will need to understand how
to search, read, and cite scientific
• Teachers can include a speech
component where the student has to
give a short presentation about their
• Use grading rubric to evaluate this
Lesson 3
In light of New Evidence
When you think of the Baltimore oriole, you usually think of the baseball team; however, in this case, we are
talking about the bird. The Baltimore oriole, Icterus galbula, received its name due to the black and orange
plumage of its feathers that resembled the colors of the crest of Lord Baltimore (1605-1675), the English noble
credited with founding the state of Maryland. This bird was not always classified as a Baltimore oriole. In 1973,
about 200 years later, ornithologists renamed the bird after discovering that it was crossbreeding with another
species from the Great Plains called Bullock’s oriole, Icterus bullockii. The American Ornithologist’s Union
(AOU) reclassified the Bullock’s and Baltimore oriole into one species called the northern oriole. It wasn’t until
1996 that the AOU again decided to separate the two species. Genetic research showed that even though the
Baltimore orioles were migrating further west, they were rarely interbreeding with the Bullock’s orioles. The
Baltimore oriole’s name remains today.
But how is it that scientists can change the taxonomic names of these birds? Like science, taxonomy evolves
too. There are many reasons why organisms are reclassified, including relationships between organisms
changing, animals evolving, better technology, misclassifications, and advancements in science. For instance,
advancements in genetics has allowed for the reclassification of many organisms including the Baltimore
1. Research a species that has been reclassified.
2. Investigate scientific journals for scientific evidence. There are many free journals on Google Scholar®.
3. Before writing your essay brainstorm ideas.
4. Review essay format:
a. No more than 250 words
b. Written in MLA style or preferred style
c. Title
d. Citations list
5. Write your essay. Include these items:
a. Discuss original classification. Make sure to include the organism’s original scientific name.
b. Explain why the organism was reclassified. Scientists do not rename organisms without evidence, so
make sure to back up your claim with scientific evidence and include citations. Make sure to include
the organism’s new scientific name.
c. See grading rubric for more details.
Exceptional introduction Proficient introduction that Basic introduction that Weak or no introduction of
that grabs interest of is interesting and states states topic but lacks topic. Paper’s purpose is
Introduction reader and states topic. topic. interest. unclear.
Paper is exceptionally Information relates to the Information relates to the Information has little or
Quality of researched, extremely main topic. Paper is well- main topic, few details and/ nothing to do with the
Information/ detailed, and historically researched in detail and or examples are given. topic.
Evidence accurate. from a variety of sources. Shows a limited variety of
Exceptionally clear, logical, Clear and logical order with Somewhat clear and Lacks development of
mature, and thorough good transitions between logical development with ideas with weak or no
Organization development with excellent and within paragraphs. basic transitions between transitions between and
transitions between and and within paragraphs. within paragraphs.
within paragraphs.
Excellent summary of topic Good summary of topic Basic summary of topic Lack of summary of topic.
with concluding ideas that with clear concluding with some final concluding
Conclusion impact reader. Introduces ideas. Introduces no new ideas. Introduces no new
no new information. information. information.
Style and voice are not Style and voice appropriate Style and voice somewhat Word choice is excessively
only appropriate to the to the given audience and appropriate to given redundant, clichéd, and
given audience and purpose. Word choice is audience and purpose. unspecific.
purpose, but also show specific and purposeful, Word choice is often Sentences are very
originality and creativity. and somewhat varied unspecific, generic, unclear.
Word choice is specific, throughout. Sentences are redundant, and clichéd.
purposeful, dynamic and mostly clear, active, and to Sentences are somewhat
varied. Sentences are the point. unclear; excessive use of
clear, active (subject-verb- passive voice.
object), and to the point.
Conforms to MLA rules for Conforms to MLA rules for Frequent errors in MLA Lack of MLA format/
Citation Format formatting and citation of formatting and citation of format. numerous errors.
sources are perfect. sources with minor errors.
Entries entirely correct as Entries mostly correct as to Frequent errors in MLA Lack of MLA format/
Works Cited/ to MLA format. MLA format. format. numerous errors.
• Humann, P. & DeLoach, N. (2010).
Reef Creature Identification: Tropical
Pacific. New World Publications.
• CCSS: RST.9-10.4, 5; RST.11-12.4
• NGSS: HS-LS4-1
• OLP: 4.B.1, 5.C.22
Lesson 4A
the key to ID
What is a dichotomous key? A dichotomous key is a tool used to help identify unknown organisms based
on a key. The key has a series of choices that leads the user to correctly identify organism(s). Dichotomous
means to cut into two. Each series of statements consists of two choices. These statements describe different
characteristics that the unknown organism may have. The person using the key must decide which statement
best describes the unknown organism. Once the user chooses the statement, then they follow the directions,
which will lead them to the next set of two statements. Again, the user chooses the best statement and again
follows the directions leading them to another set of two statements. This process will continue until the user is
left with the name that identifies the organism.
Why do scientists use dichotomous keys? Dichotomous keys help scientists to classify organisms into different
taxonomic levels (kingdom, phylum, family, etc.) based off of their similar characteristics. You will now learn
how to use a dichotomous key.
Scientists just got back from surveying a coral reef. They need help identifying these sea stars. Use the Sea
Star Dichotomous Key to identify these unknown species. Write your answers in the table below. The number
in the table corresponds to the number on the sea star photos.
2. Do you think that there are any other ways to create this dichotomous key? Provide one example.
3. Were there any species that were more difficult to identify than others? Explain.
Lesson 4A
the key to ID
What is a dichotomous key? A dichotomous key is a tool used to help identify unknown organisms based
on a key. The key has a series of choices that leads the user to correctly identify organism(s). Dichotomous
means to cut into two. Each series of statements consists of two choices. These statements describe different
characteristics that the unknown organism may have. The person using the key must decide which statement
best describes the unknown organism. Once the user chooses the statement, then they follow the directions,
which will lead them to the next set of two statements. Again, the user chooses the best statement and again
follows the directions leading them to another set of two statements. This process will continue until the user is
left with the name that identifies the organism.
Why do scientists use dichotomous keys? Dichotomous keys help scientists to classify organisms into different
taxonomic levels (kingdom, phylum, family, etc.) based off of their similar characteristics. You will now learn
how to use a dichotomous key.
Scientists just got back from surveying a coral reef. They need help identifying these sea stars. Use the Sea
Star Dichotomous Key to identify these unknown species. Write your answers in the table below. The number
in the table corresponds to the number on the sea star photos.
2. Do you think that there are any other ways to create this dichotomous key? Provide one example.
Answers may vary. Yes, there are other ways to construct dichotomous keys. For example, some
students may have started with the number of arms for the first set of steps. This would have
completely changed the structures and steps of the dichotomous key.
3. Were there any species that were more difficult to identify than others? Explain.
Answers may vary. Yes, the panamic sea star was difficult to identify because it was not clear if the
bumps were spines or not. It was also difficult to tell if Cuming’s sea star had bumps or not.
#1 #4
#7 # 10
5a Sea star has long blue lines down arms. ........................... Galapagos blue sea star
(Phataria unifascialis)
5b Sea star has black lines in circle-like pattern. ................... Indian sea star (Fromia indica)
6a Sea star is blue with cobblestone texture. ......................... Blue sea star (Linckia laevigata) – blue
6b Sea star is white. ............................................................... Blue sea star (Linckia laevigata) – white
8a Sea star has five arms. ..................................................... Panamic sea star (Pentaceraster cumingi)
8b Sea star has more than five arms. .................................... Crown-of-thorns sea star
(Acanthaster planci)
10a Sea star has large and pointed tubercles. ......................... Warty sea star (Echinaster callosus)
10b Sea star has small tubercles. ............................................ Go to step 11.
11a Sea star has small blue tubercles over entire body. .......... Watson’s sea star (Gomophia watsoni)
11b Sea star does not have blue tubercles over entire body. .. Cuming’s sea star (Neoferdina cumingi)
• Using the information from this activity,
create a field guide and/or cladogram.
• CCSS: RST.9-10.3, 4, 5, 7;
RST.11-12.3, 4
• NGSS: HS-LS4-1
• OLP: 4.B.1, 5.C.22
1. Create a dichotomous key for the corals in the photographs provided by your teacher. Follow the
instructions below titled How to create a dichotomous key?
2. Swap your dichotomous key with two other students. Use their dichotomous key to identify each of the
corals. Space is provided for your answers called Student 1 and 2 Dichotomous Key. Make sure to
include the name of each student (on the line provided) whose keys that you are using.
3. Answer the questions on your worksheet.
• Do not use characteristics that change with the seasons or are influenced by environmental factors.
• When using measurements make sure to use descriptive terms such as 3 inches or 4 yards and not
terms that are vague such as large or small and tall or short.
• Make sure that at least one organism has the characteristic before choosing to use it in the key. Do not
start off with a negative statement such as does not have or is not.
1. Observe the photos of corals. Think about how you can group each coral together. Only use observable
traits. Brainstorm your ideas in the box provided called Brainstorm Characteristics.
2. Create a yes or no flow chart as demonstrated by your teacher in class. A box is provided for your
answers called Yes or No Flow Chart.
a. In order to create the yes or no flow chart, Choose two characteristics that are very broad. Divide the
corals into each category. Let’s refer to this as division 1. NOTE: You want to be able to divide the
corals into almost two even groups. Make sure to look at all of the characteristics before creating the
yes or no flow chart.
b. Choose a new category to divide corals from division 1. Divide the corals into each category. This
process will continue until you are left with the name that identifies the organism. If you do not have
the scientific name use the title (e.g. FP 03, FP 10, etc.).
3. Use the yes or no flow chart to create your dichotomous key. You may want to use a piece of scrap
paper. Then transfer your answers to the worksheet. Place your final key in the area titled Dichotomous
NOTE: To determine how many steps are needed in the dichotomous key, count the number of
organisms that you identify. Then subtract 1. In this activity, we are identifying 10 corals. Ten minus one
is nine. You will create a sequence of 9 steps. Again, there will be two choices for each step (a and b).
4. When creating the dichotomous key, make sure to write out all of the steps to the first question (1a) until
you reach the identification of your first coral.
5. Then go back to the first place where the division stopped after step 1a. In many cases, this will probably
be step 2b.
6. Continue to create step 1a before starting to key out step 1b.
7. Once you have created the key for 1a, repeat the same steps for 1b corals.
1. Did other students come up with the same dichotomous keys? Provide an example of any step that was
the same.
2. Did other students come up with different dichotomous keys? Provide an example of any step that was
3. After completing this activity, do you think that there are multiple ways to construct dichotomous keys? Is
your key better than other students’ keys that differed?
5. Dichotomous keys are based on physical characteristics of an organism. Do you think that classification
systems that use genetics to classify organisms are more accurate than using a dichotomous key? Explain
your answer.
Round Polyps
FP2, FP3, FP5, FP6, FP9
Branching Encrusting
Irregular Polyps
FP1, FP4, FP7, FP8, FP10
1. Did other students come up with the same dichotomous keys? Provide an example of any step that was
the same.
John and I both divided corals as being solitary and colonial.
2. Did other students come up with different dichotomous keys? Provide an example of any step that was
John did not have a step that classified corals as having meandering valleys.
3. After completing this activity, do you think that there are multiple ways to construct dichotomous keys? Is
your key better than other students’ keys that differed?
Yes, there are different ways to construct a dichotomous key. I learned that there is not one way
to construct a key that is right or wrong. Other students had different ways of thinking than I did,
which is why they came up with a different dichotomous key. However, even though our keys
were different, we were still able to identify the corals correctly. Sometimes there were steps on
other students’ dichotomous keys that were more difficult to identify then mine because the other
student had more knowledge about corals then I did. This is another reason why students can have
such differences in their keys.
5. Dichotomous keys are based on physical characteristics of an organism. Do you think that classification
systems that use genetics to classify organisms are more accurate than using a dichotomous key? Explain
your answer.
We learned that modern classification is not only based on the organisms’ physical characteristics,
but also their evolutionary history. This includes their genetic makeup. Yes, I believe that including
an organism’s genetic makeup is more accurate than only using a dichotomous key. Some
organisms are misclassified when only using their physical characteristics to determine their
classification. For example, the black marlin was classified as Makaira indica and later reclassified
as Isiompax indica. By figuring out the genetics of this animal, scientists figured out that the black
marlin is actually more closely related to the striped or white marlin, than to the blue marlin, which
is why it was reclassified.
• CCSS: RST.9-10.4, 5, 7; RST.11-12.4
• NGSS: HS-LS4-1
• OLP: 4.B.1, 4.B.2, 5.C.22
Lesson 5 cladograms 1
1. Figure out the shared characters of the organisms in the chart.
2. Mark an ‘X’ in the boxes when the organism shares that characteristic.
Characters Butterflyfish Coral Flatworm Nudibranch Sea Star Sea Turtle Shark Sponge
3. Draw a cladogram based on the results from the chart. Make sure to include the organism’s name and
the shared characters.
Lesson 5 cladograms 2
1. Mark an ‘X’ in the boxes when the organism shares that characteristic.
Characters Butterflyfish Coral Flatworm Nudibranch Sea Star Sea Turtle Shark Sponge
True Coelom
Use Gills to
2. Draw a cladogram based on the results from the chart. Make sure to include the organism’s name and
the shared characters.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions based on the cladogram that you drew.
9. Are there characteristics that all of these organisms share? If so, which one(s)?
11. You discovered a new organism that has these characteristics: multi-cellular, symmetrical, triploblastic, but
does not have a true coelom or deuterostome. Where would you place the organism in your cladogram?
12. Describe three pieces of information that you can obtain from a cladogram.
Lesson 5 cladograms 1 & 2
1. Mark an ‘X’ in the boxes when the organism shares that characteristic.
Characters Butterflyfish Coral Flatworm Nudibranch Sea Star Sea Turtle Shark Sponge
Development X X X X
Multicellular X X X X X X X X
Symmetrical X X X X X X X
Triploblastic X X X X X X
True Coelom X X X X X
Use Gills to
Vertebrate X X X
2. Draw a cladogram based on the results from the chart. Make sure to include the organism’s name and
the shared characters.
Sponge Coral Flatworm Nudibranch Sea Star Sea turtle Butterflyfish Shark
Gills to Skeleton
Vertebrate Breathe
Triploblastic Coelom
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions based on the cladogram that you drew.
6. Which organism(s) have a deuterostome? Sea star, sea turtle, butterflyfish, shark
Flatworms because corals and flatworms have two characteristics in common. Sponges and corals
only have one characteristic in common
9. Are there characteristics that all of these organisms share? If so, which one(s)?
Yes, all of the organisms are multicellular.
10. Which organisms are most distantly related? Sponges and sharks
11. You discovered a new organism that has these characteristics: multi-cellular, symmetrical, triploblastic, but
does not have a true coelom or deuterostome. Where would you place the organism in your cladogram?
This organism would branch from the flatworm because it has the same characteristics as the
12. Describe three pieces of information that you can obtain from a cladogram.
• Shared characteristics
• Probable relationships
• CCSS: RST.9-10.1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10;
RST.11-12.1, 2, 4, 10
• NGSS Practices: 6, 7, 8
Read It! troubling taxonomy
1. Read Troubling Taxonomy, a blog from our Palau mission (
2. While reading the blog, take notes and connect it to your prior learning. Note things that you agree or
disagree with. There is a space, below, for this.
3. Next, document what you like and dislike about this blog in the space below. Be sure to pay attention to
things like style and tone, along with the content and visual design. Be sure to explain what it is that you
do or do not like about each element.
4. Answer the questions.
2. How did scientists previously classify coral? Why has this been changed? Cite specific textual evidence to
support this.
3. How does your answer to #2, above, impact the work of the scientist who wrote the blog?
4. Did the author fully support his claim? Explain why you think this.
5. Corallite, intra/extratentacular budding, and septa are specific vocabulary for the topic of this blog. Define
them below.
7. Is this blog a reliable source for scientific information? Why or why not?
9. Describe three things that you learned while reading this blog entry (they do not have to relate to the
central idea).
10. Construct a comment to post in response to this blog. Remember that a good comment makes
connections, asks a question, or gives an opinion in a respectful manner. You might want to quote the part
of the blog that you are specifically referring to. Don’t be afraid to disagree with another writer, but be sure
to explain yourself and remain polite.
2. How did scientists previously classify coral? Why has this been changed? Cite specific textual evidence to
support this.
Corals used to be classified by their morphology, but scientists have proved through genetic
studies that many of these were inaccurate, so the classification has been rearranged. Students
should have specific quotes to back up this claim, which may vary, but might include the following:
• “…coral nomenclature is in a state of flux…”
• “Traditionally, species were described and named based on morphology…”
• “With new genetic tools, we’ve learned that many of the corals placed in certain families are
actually more closely related to other families.”
• “…growth form is not necessarily a feature that can be used to distinguish a species…”
3. How does your answer to #2, above, impact the work of the scientist who wrote the blog?
The scientists have to be sure to accurately document the organisms during a dive and spend a lot
of time at the end of the day examining evidence, so they can identify the corals they surveyed.
4. Did the author fully support his claim? Explain why you think this.
Answers may vary. Be sure they explain their reasoning.
5. Corallite, intra/extratentacular budding, and septa are specific vocabulary for the topic of this blog. Define
them below.
• Corallite: cup-like skeleton of an individual polyp.
• Intra/extratentacular budding: types of asexual reproduction where a parent polyp pinches off
to form a new individual. Intratentacular is where a bud forms from the parent polyp’s oral disk,
producing same-sized polyps within the ring of tentacles. Extratentacular is where a bud forms
outside the parent polyp’s ring of tentacles, producing a smaller polyp.
• Septa: radial skeletal elements projecting inwards from the corallite wall that support the inner
folds called the mesenteries.
6. Write a sentence of your own creation that connects the three words from #5, above.
During intratentacular budding, a new coral polyp is produced in the same corallite, with the same
septa, as the original polyp.
7. Is this blog a reliable source for scientific information? Why or why not?
Yes. This is a first-hand account of what the author has seen. It is from a reputable organization
that is based on scientific research. It also links you to the author’s credentials.
9. Describe three things that you learned while reading this blog entry (they do not have to relate to the
central idea).
Answers may vary.
10. Construct a comment to post in response to this blog. Remember that a good comment makes
connections, asks a question, or gives an opinion in a respectful manner. You might want to quote the part
of the blog that you are specifically referring to. Don’t be afraid to disagree with another writer, but be sure
to explain yourself and remain polite.
Answers may vary.
Read It! blue, you Say?
1. Read Blue, You Say?, a blog from our Palau mission (
2. While reading the blog, take notes and connect it to your prior learning. Note things that you agree or
disagree with. There is a space, below, for this.
3. Next, document what you like and dislike about this blog in the space below. Be sure to pay attention to
things like style and tone, along with the content and visual design. Be sure to explain what it is that you
do or do not like about each element.
4. Answer the questions.
2. What are the mystery corals that the author found during this dive? Cite specific textual evidence to support
3. Did the author fully support his identification? Explain why you think this.
4. Taxonomically, living fossil, and overexploitation are specific vocabulary for the topic of this blog. Define
them below.
5. Write a sentence of your own creation that connects the three words from #4, above.
8. Compare and contrast the information on Blue Coral in this blog to what you have learned about the
anatomy of other soft corals (octocorals) and hard corals (hexacorals).
9. Describe three things that you learned while reading this blog entry (they do not have to relate to the
central idea).
10. Construct a comment to post in response to this blog. Remember that a good comment makes
connections, asks a question, or gives an opinion in a respectful manner. You might want to quote the part
of the blog that you are specifically referring to. Don’t be afraid to disagree with another writer, but be sure
to explain yourself and remain polite.
2. What are the mystery corals that the author found during this dive? Cite specific textual evidence to support
All of the mystery corals are Blue Coral. Students should have specific quotes to back up this
claim, which may vary but might include the following:
• “…extract iron from the surrounding seawater which it forms into a blue salt which is
incorporated into its skeleton, turning it a sky blue color…”
• “…it is the only octocoral known to produce a massive skeleton…”
• “…shows only faint hints at the tips of the underlying blue skeleton…”
3. Did the author fully support his identification? Explain why you think this.
Answers may vary.
4. Taxonomically, living fossil, and overexploitation are specific vocabulary for the topic of this blog. Define
them below.
• Taxonomically: the science of classifying organisms based off of shared characteristics.
• Living fossil: an organism that still exists today which is also found in the fossil record.
• Overexploitation: Removing too many of an organism so that it cannot maintain its population.
5. Write a sentence of your own creation that connects the three words from #4, above.
Blue Coral is a soft coral taxonomically speaking, although it produces a hard skeleton, it is a living
fossil that is at risk of overexploitation.
6. Is this blog a reliable source for scientific information? Why or why not?
Yes. This is a first-hand account of what the author has seen. It is from a reputable organization
that is based on scientific research. It also links you to the author’s credentials.
8. Compare and contrast the information on Blue Coral in this blog to what you have learned about the
anatomy of other soft corals (octocorals) and hard corals (hexacorals).
Answers may include some or all of the following:
Soft Corals Both Octocorals Blue Coral All Corals Hard Corals
• Lack a hard • 8 tentacles • Hard skeleton • Made of • Hard skeleton
skeleton made of polyps made of
aragonite calcium
• Sclerites carbonate
• 6 tentacles
9. Describe three things that you learned while reading this blog entry (they do not have to relate to the
central idea).
Answers may vary.
10. Construct a comment to post in response to this blog. Remember that a good comment makes
connections, asks a question, or gives an opinion in a respectful manner. You might want to quote the part
of the blog that you are specifically referring to. Don’t be afraid to disagree with another writer, but be sure
to explain yourself and remain polite.
Answers may vary.