The document contains costing information for various ingredients and dishes for lebaran packages. Package 1 costs Rp185,900 for ingredients like ketupat, opor ayam, telur pindang, sambal goreng ati and others. Package 2 costs Rp247,940 and includes similar dishes but with empal daging instead of telur pindang. Separate cost breakdowns are provided for individual dishes like opor ayam, telur pindang and sambal goreng ati.
The document contains costing information for various ingredients and dishes for lebaran packages. Package 1 costs Rp185,900 for ingredients like ketupat, opor ayam, telur pindang, sambal goreng ati and others. Package 2 costs Rp247,940 and includes similar dishes but with empal daging instead of telur pindang. Separate cost breakdowns are provided for individual dishes like opor ayam, telur pindang and sambal goreng ati.
The document contains costing information for various ingredients and dishes for lebaran packages. Package 1 costs Rp185,900 for ingredients like ketupat, opor ayam, telur pindang, sambal goreng ati and others. Package 2 costs Rp247,940 and includes similar dishes but with empal daging instead of telur pindang. Separate cost breakdowns are provided for individual dishes like opor ayam, telur pindang and sambal goreng ati.
The document contains costing information for various ingredients and dishes for lebaran packages. Package 1 costs Rp185,900 for ingredients like ketupat, opor ayam, telur pindang, sambal goreng ati and others. Package 2 costs Rp247,940 and includes similar dishes but with empal daging instead of telur pindang. Separate cost breakdowns are provided for individual dishes like opor ayam, telur pindang and sambal goreng ati.
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No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price
1 Ketupat 4 Port 1 Rp 2,000.00 Rp 8,000.00 2 Opor ayam 4 Port 1 Rp 10,500.00 Rp 42,000.00 3 Telur Pindang 4 Port 1 Rp 4,100.00 Rp 16,400.00 4 Sambal Goreng Ati 4 port 1 Rp 11,000.00 Rp 44,000.00 5 Sayur Godog 4 port 1 Rp 8,250.00 Rp 33,000.00 6 Kerupuk Udang 4 Port 1 Rp 1,300.00 Rp 5,200.00 7 Sambeal Terasi 4 Port 1 Rp 5,100.00 Rp 20,400.00
Sub Total Rp 169,000.00
Q Factor 10% Rp 16,900.00 Total Food Cost Rp 185,900.00 Food Cost % 35% Preliminary Selling Price Rp 531,142.86
PAKET LEBARAN 2 /4 porsi
No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price
1 Ketupat 4 Port 1 Rp 2,000.00 Rp 8,000.00 2 Empal Daging 4 Port 1 Rp 18,200.00 Rp 72,800.00 3 Opor Ayam 4 Port 1 Rp 10,500.00 Rp 42,000.00 4 Sambel Goreng Ati 4 Port 1 Rp 11,000.00 Rp 44,000.00 5 Sayur Godog 4 Port 1 Rp 8,250.00 Rp 33,000.00 6 Kerupuk udang 4 Port 1 Rp 1,300.00 Rp 5,200.00 7 Sambel terasi 4 Port 1 Rp 5,100.00 Rp 20,400.00 8
Sub Total Rp 225,400.00
Q Factor 10% Rp 22,540.00 Total Food cost Rp 247,940.00 Food Cost % 35% Premilinary Selling Price Rp 708,400.00 OPOR AYAM
No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price
1 Ayam Karkas 100 gram 1,000 Rp 30,000.00 Rp 3,000.00 2 Santan Kara 80 liter 1,000 Rp 35,000.00 Rp 2,800.00 3 Gula Jawa 35 gram 1,000 Rp 20,000.00 Rp 700.00 4 Garam 5 gram 1,000 Rp 12,500.00 Rp 62.50 5 Bawang Merah 15 gram 1,000 Rp 48,000.00 Rp 720.00 6 Bawang Putih 10 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 400.00 7 Kemiri 10 gram 1,000 Rp 58,000.00 Rp 580.00 8 Jahe 10 gram 1,000 Rp 30,000.00 Rp 300.00 9 Kunyit 10 gram 1,000 Rp 14,000.00 Rp 140.00 10 Ketumbar 5 gram 1,000 Rp 38,000.00 Rp 190.00 11 Lada Putih 4 gram 1,000 Rp 120,000.00 Rp 480.00 12 Daun Salam 2 gram 1,000 Rp 10,000.00 Rp 20.00 13 Daun Jeruk 2 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 80.00 14 Lengkuas 15 gram 1,000 Rp 14,000.00 Rp 210.00 15 Sereh 10 gram 1,000 Rp 12,000.00 Rp 120.00 Sub Total Rp 9,802.50 Q Factor 5% Rp 490.13 Total Food Cost Rp 10,292.63 10,500 Food Cost % 35% Preliminary Selling Price Rp 29,407.50 29,500
No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price
1 Telur 70 gram 1,000 Rp 30,000.00 Rp 2,100.00 2 Bawang Merah 10 gram 1,000 Rp 48,000.00 Rp 480.00 3 Bawang Puith 5 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 200.00 4 Lengkuas 5 gram 1,000 Rp 14,000.00 Rp 70.00 5 daun salam 2 gram 1,000 Rp 10,000.00 Rp 20.00 6 Ketumbar 5 gram 1,000 Rp 38,000.00 Rp 190.00 7 Kecap Manis 20 ml 1,000 Rp 27,000.00 Rp 540.00 8 Gula Jawa 10 gram 1,000 Rp 20,000.00 Rp 200.00 9 Garam 3 gram 1,000 Rp 12,500.00 Rp 37.50 Sub Total Rp 3,837.50 Q Factor 5% Rp 191.88 Total Food Cost Rp 4,029.38 4,100 Food Cost % 35% Priliminary Selling Price Rp 11,512.50 11,600
No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price 1 Ati Sapi 100 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 4,000.00 2 Kentang 100 gram 1,000 Rp 18,000.00 Rp 1,800.00 3 Daun Salam 5 gram 1,000 Rp 10,000.00 Rp 50.00 4 Daun Jeruk 3 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 120.00 5 Bawang Putih 5 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 200.00 6 Bawang Merah 10 gram 1,000 Rp 48,000.00 Rp 480.00 7 Lengkuas 5 gram 1,000 Rp 14,000.00 Rp 70.00 8 Sereh 3 gram 1,000 Rp 12,000.00 Rp 36.00 9 Kemiri 5 gram 1,000 Rp 58,000.00 Rp 290.00 10 Garam 5 gram 1,000 Rp 12,500.00 Rp 62.50 11 Gula Pasir 10 gram 1,000 Rp 17,000.00 Rp 170.00 12 Lada Putih 5 gram 1,000 Rp 120,000.00 Rp 600.00 13 Cabe Merah 15 gram 1,000 Rp 38,000.00 Rp 570.00 14 Santan Kara 50 ml 1,000 Rp 35,000.00 Rp 1,750.00 Sub Total Rp 10,198.50 Q Factor 5% Rp 509.93 Total Food Cost Rp 10,708.43 11,000 Food Cost % 33% Preliminary Selling Price Rp 30,595.50 30,600
No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price
1 Labu siam 75 gram 1,000 Rp 10,000.00 Rp 750.00 2 Kunyit 15 gram 1,000 Rp 14,000.00 Rp 210.00 3 Santan Kara 100 ml 1,000 Rp 35,000.00 Rp 3,500.00 4 Bawang Merah 15 gram 1,000 Rp 48,000.00 Rp 720.00 5 Bawang Putih 10 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 400.00 6 Lengkuas 15 gram 1,000 Rp 14,000.00 Rp 210.00 7 Daun Jeruk 5 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 200.00 8 Cabe Rawit 15 gram 1,000 Rp 65,000.00 Rp 975.00 9 Buncis 50 gram 1,000 Rp 16,000.00 Rp 800.00 10 Garam 5 gram 1,000 Rp 12,500.00 Rp 62.50 Sub Total Rp 7,827.50 Q Factor 5% Rp 391.38 Total Food cost Rp 8,218.88 8,250 Food Cost % 35% Preliminary Food Cost Rp 23,482.50 23,500
No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price
1 Cabe Rawit 15 gram 1,000 Rp 65,000.00 Rp 975.00 2 Cabe Merah 30 gram 1,000 Rp 38,000.00 Rp 1,140.00 3 Bawang Merah 10 gram 1,000 Rp 48,000.00 Rp 480.00 4 Bawang Putih 5 gram 1,000 Rp 40,000.00 Rp 200.00 5 Tomat Merah 20 gram 1,000 Rp 14,000.00 Rp 280.00 6 Terasi Juek 5 gram 1,000 Rp 12,000.00 Rp 60.00 7 Gula merah 3 gram 1,000 Rp 20,000.00 Rp 60.00 8 Garam 2 gram 1,000 Rp 12,500.00 Rp 25.00 9 Sub Total Rp 3,220.00 Q Factor 5% Rp 161.00 Total Food cost Rp 3,381.00 5,100 Food Cost % 35% Preliminary Selling Price Rp 9,660.00 14,600
No Ingredient Qty Unit Size Unit Price Total Price
1 Daging Gandik 100 gram 1,000 130,000 13000 2 Ketumbar 20 gram 1,000 38,000 760 3 Bawang Putih 15 gram 1,000 40,000 600 4 Lengkuas 15 gram 1,000 14,000 210 5 Daun Salam 5 gram 1,000 10,000 50 6 Garam 5 gram 1,000 12,500 62.5 7 Gula Merah 20 gram 1,000 20,000 400 8 Asam Jawa 10 gram 1,000 14,000 140 9 Minyak goreng 100 ml 1,000 21,000 2100 10