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2023 Ussf C Course Guide

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Preface 3

USSF Educational Philosophy and Principles 4

U.S. Soccer Educational Philosophy on Learning and Teaching
U.S. Soccer Educational Principles

Course Standards 8

Course Description 10
Course goal
Course context
Course experience and duration

Profile 11
Leadership and Managing the Performance Environment
Coaching - Game
Coaching - Training
Leading The Player
Leading The Team

Assignments 17
Leadership and Managing the Performance Environment
Coaching - Game
Coaching - Training
Leading The Player
Leading The Team

Assessment 27
Reassessment 31


U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 2

The United States Soccer Federation would like to thank you for your time and dedication to the sport of soccer.
Soccer is truly an influential sport in the lives of many people, and it will continue to grow and flourish in our nation
with the support of committed technical leaders and coaches such as yourself.

U.S. Soccer is committed to a culture of compliance, ethical conduct, and safety. In this guide, you will find policies
implemented by U.S. Soccer to ensure this culture, as well as information about your learning experience.

The profile of the coach is the connection between the competency, content, assignments, and the assessment of
the student coach. The profile will safeguard the quality and standard of the Course.

At U.S. Soccer, we believe that every coach is a valuable asset in the future development of this great game. If we all
work collectively, we can continue to grow the sport at all levels.

We wish you an enjoyable course experience! Thank you for your continued support!

U.S. Soccer Federation


The Coaching Education Department is charged with preparing the future of the game. A long-term vision is necessary
to pave the future path.
U.S. Soccer Coaching Education Department Vision Statement:
We want every learner to have access to education that helps them reach their individual potential

1. U.S. Soccer Educational Philosophy

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 3

What is an educational philosophy?
Education is the process of facilitating learning. The learning environment is defined through three tenets:
• Reality-based learning - learning in context and using problem/situation-based strategies
• Holistic approach – learner/human-centered approach and interconnection between all the tasks of the coach
• Experiential learning – experiences as a starting point to grow/improve based on the reflection on those
Why do we need a philosophy?
• Helps implement a desired culture (expected behaviors)
• Creates clarity about the optimal learning environment (competency development)
• Supports consistency across the landscape
• Allows communication (message becomes clear and repeatable)





Reality Based
• Use the game as the starting point to develop the player’s perception, decision-making and execution
• Provide learning experiences to the player through recognizable training situations
• Take both the player’s developmental stage and the context as the basis for learning
• Promote health, emotional and social, wellbeing of the player
• Develop attitudes and social skills
• Inquire about and acknowledge players’ feelings
• Connect all areas of development (person and player)
• Learning starts from the player’s experience
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 4
• Utilize analysis and organize mutual reflection on experiences and support players in sharing learning with each
• Provide process- and solution-focused feedback
Autonomy Support
• Embrace the player’s perspective
• Provide opportunities for players to take initiative and make their own decisions
• Empower the player to take ownership of their own learning process
• Provide the player choices and opportunities for collaboration with other players (player-driven)
• Provide a rationale for decisions (player & coach)

2. U.S. Soccer Educational Principles & Values

U.S. Soccer's staff and leadership outlined the following principles and core values to the Federation's identity —
what we try to demonstrate and live up to every day. These principles and values guide us in our decision-making
and our behavior.

Our Principles:
Principles help guide the organization, our behaviors, our interactions, and define and foster our culture.

We Aim High: At U.S. Soccer, we are the standard-bearers for the highest quality work and results across the
national and global soccer community

We Win Together: To ensure the ongoing progress and success of the organization, it takes all of us – proudly united as
one staff, working together with a profound purpose, clearly defined and bigger than ourselves.

We Champion Diversity: Soccer is a global sport and a great connector uniting people worldwide. At U.S. Soccer,
our responsibility is to promote diversity and foster an inclusive community representing all backgrounds,
perspectives, and cultures. We value the qualities each individual brings to the collective and create environments
for all to contribute and succeed and where everyone feels welcomed and has a sense of belonging.

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 5

Our Values:
Values help guide the individual by providing standards of behavior; they are attributes or characteristics that all
people embody and uphold. Values are one’s judgment of what is important in life. At U.S. Soccer, we consider them
a way of being or believing that we hold most important.

Integrity: We bring integrity to all we do by operating honestly, fairly, and sincerely and taking responsibility for our
actions. We are transparent, open, and effective in our communication and demonstrate unwavering adherence to
the highest ethical standards.

Commitment: We are passionate, driven and demonstrate a persistent dedication to each other and the ideals and
goals of the organization. We work hard, proactively tackling challenges with energy, seeking solutions, and doing
whatever we can to get the job done right.

Respect: We recognize and value each other. We put our colleagues first. We act with humility, kindness,
inclusivity, and treat others with respect, understanding and appreciation. We value the different qualities that
each individual contributes.

Teamwork: We take pride in always being there for one another. It’s the idea that the whole is greater than the sum
of its parts. That together, we are stronger than we are individually

Our Principles:
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 6
The Coaching Education Department further developed the principles to help guide the intentions and behaviors
for all participants in U.S. Soccer Education including educators, course administrators, student coaches, and
anyone else that is a part of the learning environment.

We Win Together
• Build trusting and respectful relationships
• Set clear expectations and support and guide each other in pursuit of them

We Aim High
• Embrace and promote autonomous, lifelong learning as the central purpose
• Engage in self-reflection

We Champion Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

• Create a safe, enjoyable, and challenging learning environment
• Value diverse perspectives by taking time to understand others’ current situations and aspirations


U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 7

Rights of Students
Each student has the following rights:
• To Learn
• To a Qualified Educator
• To Fair Assessment
• To Be Involved, Taught, and Recognized as Individuals
• To Receive Support
• To be Respected for their Differences
• To Be Treated with Respect
• To Express Themselves Freely
• To Feel Safe

The Coaching Education Department is committed to providing a safe, enjoyable, and challenging learning environment
for all. We encourage those to speak up and address issues that do not uphold U.S. Soccer’s principles.

Report a Concern:
Mandatory reporters under the Safe Sport Act are required to report child abuse to local law enforcement and the
Center for SafeSport, and to report any sexual misconduct or retaliation to the Center for SafeSport. To report
online or by telephone to the Center for SafeSport, please visit: https://uscenterforsafesport.org/report-a-

Additionally, you may report any allegation of misconduct to U.S. Soccer. To report online, please
visit: https://ussoccer.i-sight.com/portal. You may also report via telephone at 312-528-7004.

Duties of Students
Each student has the following duties:
• A student has the responsibility to respect the rights and property of others, including other students, the
faculty, and U.S. Soccer officials
• A student has the responsibility to respect the opinions of others, and to contribute to a positive learning
• A student has the responsibility to be fully acquainted with the published U.S. Soccer course standards and to
comply with them, as well as federal, state, and local laws
• A student has the responsibility to recognize that student actions reflect upon the individuals involved and upon
the entire U.S. Soccer community
• A student has the responsibility to maintain a level of behavior that is consistent in supporting a positive
learning environment and to recognize U.S. Soccer’s obligation to provide an environment that fosters learning
• A student has the responsibility to be engaged and committed to their own development and learning

U.S. Soccer’s Code of Conduct:

The Code of Conduct applies to U.S. Soccer employees, independent contractors, volunteers (including board and
committee members), and U.S. Soccer licensed coaches and referees.
U.S. Soccer believes in creating the best possible learning environments for students. To achieve this, students are
required to attend all (virtual or in-person) meetings. A 100% attendance record is required in principle for all student
coaches attending a coaching course. Should unforeseen circumstances require a student to miss any portion of a
meeting, that time missed must be approved in advance by U.S. Soccer. Such absence may not surpass ten percent of the
total course hours. All outstanding hours and work must be completed in an appropriate manner that is suitable to
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 8
maintain the integrity of the course. No award shall be granted to the student coach until outstanding hours and
work are completed.

Submission of Assignments
U.S. Soccer’s Learning Center (LC) is a state-of-the-art online educational platform. The student coach must submit
assignments on or before the due date to the platform. Should unforeseen circumstances require a student coach to
need an extended period, that time must be approved in advance by U.S. Soccer. Should a student coach miss a due date
that has not been approved by U.S. Soccer, a grade of incomplete or a failure may be issued.

Collaborative learning can occur peer-to-peer or in larger groups. Peer learning, or peer instruction, is a type of
collaborative learning that involves students working in pairs or small groups to discuss concepts or find solutions to
problems. Throughout the course experience, students will be asked to collaborate.

Fraud and Plagiarism

Fraud and plagiarism are understood as any illegitimate actions of students that make it impossible to form a correct
opinion of their competencies. On the occasion of fraud and plagiarism, the student coach will be issued a red light or
failure for the appropriate section. The following actions will be classified as fraud and plagiarism:
• Copying another student’s assignment work
• Submitting non-authentic work
• The provision of false information

Refund Policy
• A full refund may be provided prior to the start of the course (virtual or in-person)
• Up to or through the first in-person meeting, a 50% refund may be provided
• After completion of the first in-person meeting, no refund will be provided
• A medical or compassionate withdrawal request may be made in extraordinary cases in which serious illness or
injury (medical) or another significant personal situation (compassionate) prevents a student from continuing
their classes, and incompletes or other arrangements with the educators are not possible. U.S. Soccer will
review these cases on an individual basis
• U.S. Soccer does not reimburse for travel related expenses

1. Course Goal

To assess, organize, design, and implement strategies for player and team development in a participation environment

2. Course Experience

Course Experience:
Minimum 80 hours (virtual + in-person meetings)

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 9

• Leadership & Managing the Performance Environment: 12h
• Coaching – Games: 19h
• Coaching – Training sessions: 32h
• Leading the Player: 11h
• Leading the Team: 7h

Course Duration:
4 Months (Including summative assessment) with four (4) in-person days
• Virtual meetings (Large group/small group)
• Videos
• Individual meetings with Coach Educator
• Independent learning and investigation/research
• Individual assignments
• Collaborative projects

U.S. Soccer will facilitate this course with a blended learning approach, which utilizes a variety of methods of content
delivery and interaction in this context:
3. Course Context

Focus Age: U13 – Senior

Learning is designed around:

U.S. Soccer Style of Play

U.S. Soccer Player Development Framework

• Ages and stages of development
• Objectives for U13-U17

U.S. Soccer Coaching Process related to training

• U.S. Soccer Methodology
• Sessions in a week – Two (2) per week

U.S. Soccer Coaching Process related to the game

• Game management
• Game analysis - Observational structure team performance analysis


The profile describes the tasks and related learning objectives and competencies the student coach should develop
throughout the course experience.

1. Profile: Leadership & Managing the Performance Environment

Learning Objectives (L.O.)

L.O.1. Understanding and applying the coach profile in relation to the participation environment
Understanding and applying an ongoing commitment to learning and self-development based on one own’s
L.O.2. coaching philosophy, beliefs, and values

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 10

Understanding how to create a positive and safe environment which champions components of Diversity,
Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
Competency: Knowledge Performance indicator (KPI)
Competency Defined: Demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of…
K.P.I.1 Leading oneself
A. Understand the purpose of coaching and the role of the coach
a. Define guiding principles and values
b. Coaching philosophy
c. Introduction of leadership
d. Mental and physical well-being
e. Self-regulated learning process
f. Self-development
K.P.I.2 Managing the performance environment
A. Understand the role of the coach connected to
a. The components of the participation environment
b. Identifying internal and external factors and stakeholders
c. Knowing your influence as a coach
d. Safety and Risk Management
e. Modeling appropriate behavior on and off the field
K.P.I.3 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)
A. Understand the importance and components of DEIB
Competency: Skill Performance indicator (SPI)
Competency Defined: demonstrates the ability to assess, plan, implement and analyze
S.P.I.1 Assess and identify goals and objectives
A. Assess your action and ability to control your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (self-regulation)
B. Assess your principles, values, and morals (coaching ethics) related to developing your coaching
philosophy (including DEIB key elements)
C. Assess your team performance environment
D. Identify goals/objectives for self-development relative to the different tasks of the profile
S.P.I.2 Plan and implement
A. Assess and plan for self-development in SMART goal format (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
Time Bound) leading to establishing professional goals/objectives
B. Connect your guiding principles, beliefs, and values to champion to DEIB within your team environment
C. Apply your guiding principles, beliefs and values
D. Apply your learning goals/objectives
S.P.I.3 Analysis and Reflection
A. Assess and reflect on your guiding principles, beliefs, and values
B. Assess and reflect on your self-development plan

2. Profile: Coaching-Game

Learning Objectives (L.O.)

L.O.1 Planning and implementing an observational process for understanding team performance

L.O.2 Analyzing and reflecting on team game performance relative to the game plan

L.O.3 Planning a game plan based on the Game Model aligned with developmentally appropriate needs of players
and team relative to the training week

L.O.4 Implementing the game plan and organizing a safe and inclusive game day environment
Competency: Knowledge Performance Indicator (KPI)
Competency Defined: Demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of…
K.P.I.1 Style of Play

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 11

A. Understand the U.S. Soccer Style of Play and Game Model
a. Game Idea in the four moments of the game
b. Principles
K.P.I.2 The Coaching Process related to the game:
A. The coaching process related to the game:
a. Game plan
i. Strategies
ii. Formation
iii. Systems of Play
iv. Tactics
b. Game day process (pre, during, and post-game)
i. Game day components
1. Coaching process (assess, identify goals and objectives, plan, implement and
monitor, analyze and reflect)
ii. Playing time
iii. Managing the game environment by using positive communication in pre-game, game,
and post-game moments
K.P.I.3 Performance analysis
A. Introduction of the process of observing and analyzing performance in the game:
a. Understand how to prepare and organize for game observation within the context of the game
i. Observation
ii. Analysis
b. Introduction of tracking and reporting
K.P.I.4 Laws of the game
A. Laws of the game
Competency: Skill Performance indicator (SPI)
Competency Defined: demonstrates the ability to assess, plan, implement, and analyze
S.P.I.1 Assess and identify
A. Assess where players and team are currently based on their developmental needs
B. Identify developmentally appropriate objectives aligned with the Game Model
S.P.I.2 Plan
A. Plan a developmentally appropriate game plan to prepare your team for the game
S.P.I.3 Implement
A. Implement the game plan
a. Pre-game
i. Organize the pre-game routine and warm-up
ii. Communicate the game plan to the team aligned with the developmentally appropriate
needs of the players
b. During the game:
i. Observe and analyze team and individual performances
ii. Reflect in action and take action if necessary to support team
iii. Manage substitutions and playing time
iv. Manage half time and take action to prepare the team for 2nd half
v. Self-regulate your emotions and behavior
c. After the game:
i. Manage players post-game to prepare them for recovery and check for well-being
ii. Self-regulate your emotions and behavior to reflect on the implementation of the game
iii. Inform players about the next steps (upcoming week)
S.P.I.4 Analyze and reflect
A. Analyze and Reflect on the process of observing and analyzing performance in the game
a. Observation
i. Observe player actions and team behavior
ii. Identify qualitative and quantitative data (factual, quantifiable, measurable)
b. Analysis
i. Identify the frequency of actions and behaviors (team and behavior)
ii. Identify patterns
iii. Apply concepts of tracking and reporting
B. Analyze and Reflect on your coaching process
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 12
a. The implementation of game day plan
b. Ability to self-regulate (behavior and emotions)
c. Your influence on the team and player desired behavior

3. Profile: Coaching Training Sessions

Learning Objectives (L.O.)
L.O.1. Assessing player and team needs and identifying developmentally appropriate training goals and objectives
aligned with the Game Model
L.O.2. Planning and designing the training week, sessions, and activities aligned with the Game Model
L.O.3 Implementing and monitoring the principles of planning to program training sessions and activities within
the week aligned with the Game Model
L.O.4. Analyzing and reflecting on two (2) developmentally appropriate training sessions within the week aligned
with the Game Model
Competency: Knowledge Performance Indicator (KPI)
Competency Defined: Demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of…
K.P.I.1 The Principles of Planning
A. The principles of planning for the team:
a. Introduction of weekly planning
b. Key factors
c. The week plan with two (2) training sessions
d. Risk and safety management
e. Training load
K.P.I.2 Planning Training Sessions
A. Training session design and content- U.S. Soccer Methodology
a. Connection of U.S. Soccer Game Model and needs of players and team
b. Structure of training session
c. Organization of training session(s) and activities
d. Developmentally appropriate goals and objectives
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 13
e. Principles
f. Reality-based activities/exercises
g. Key factors in planning
a) Planning for teaching (coaching) in relation to the U.S. Soccer Methodology
K.P.I.3 Implementing training sessions
A. Implementing and analyzing training sessions - U.S. Soccer Methodology
a. Motivational climate and design for facilitating learning
b. Understanding how to create a safe and challenging training environment
c. Teaching methods appropriate to players’ levels and needs to stimulate players’ autonomy
K.P.I.4 Analyzing and Reflecting on Training Sessions
A. Analyzing and reflection
a. Post-training sessions reflection process to enhance individual and team development
Competency: Skill Performance indicator (SPI)
Competency Defined: demonstrates the ability to assess, plan, implement, and analyze
S.P.I.1 Assess and identify
A. Assess team and individual players’ qualities and experience in the game related to the U.S. Soccer
Player Development Framework and the Game Model
B. Define two (2) developmentally appropriate reality-based training session goals and objectives aligned
with the weekly plan
C. Define the identified game situation for each training session
S.P.I.2 Plan
A. Plan training sessions (2) in a weekly plan:
a. Training session loads are connected to the context of the weekly calendar.
b. Design and diagram reality-based training session plans/activities considering work and
recovery durations, repetitions, sets, tactical principles, player actions, and methodological
B. Plan for teaching:
a. Describe the intended or projected results of the planned session/activity
b. Describe the visual cues that the teams/players will identify (what to look for) to recognize the
identified game situation
c. Prepare and plan a variety of teaching (coaching) actions and behaviors to create a
developmentally appropriate reality-based learning environment (how and when) to influence
player and team in order to promote autonomous learning
C. Plan a post-training session reflection process to check for understanding to enhance individual and
team performance
S.P.I. 3 Implement
A. Organize a safe, realistic, and positive learning/training environment
B. Prepare players for the training session
C. Engage players in the activities with appropriate coaching actions and behavior to create a
developmentally appropriate reality-based learning environment
a. Organize the identified game situation and the key moment
b. Implement your plan for teaching (coaching)
c. Observe and adjust the activities/session related to player and team needs and training session
goals (reflection-in-action)
d. Check for player understanding
D. Implement post-training session reflection process
S.P.I.4 Analyze
A. Analyze and Reflect on your individual performance in the context of the training session/activities
B. Analyze and Reflect on the implementation of the session/activities and compare with the original
training session goal, objectives, and plan for teaching
C. Reassess the goal, objectives and plan for teaching in order to promote player and team learning

4. Profile: Leading the Player

Learning Objectives (L.O.)

L.O.1 Understanding and assessing the developmental needs of players related to the U.S. Soccer Player
Development Framework
L.O.2 Creating a player-centered and safe environment that promotes a positive coach-player relationship
Competency: Knowledge Performance Indicator (KPI)
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 14
Competency Defined: Demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of…
K.P.I.1 Player Development
A. The player development
a. Age group characteristics and developmental stages
b. U.S. Soccer Key Qualities
c. Aspects of player well-being, self-care, and welfare
d. Key concepts in development
i. Introduction of Chronological / Relative age
ii. Differences related sex/gender
K.P.I.2 Coach - Player Relationship
A. Building relationships
a. SafeSport policies and procedures
b. Person first approach
c. Define a player-centered approach
d. Create a motivational climate and positive and safe environment
e. Understanding influencing factors on the player (club, coach, family, social, etc.)
Competency: Skill Performance indicator (SPI)
Competency Defined: demonstrates the ability to assess, plan, implement, and analyze
S.P.I.1 Assess and identify
A. Assess and identify individual player developmental characteristics and needs in reference U.S. Soccer
Player Development Framework
B. Assess the influencing factors of the training environment on the player
C. Assess factors of coach-player relationships
S.P.I.2 Plan
A. Plan actions steps for individual player development to build relationships and support individuals on
and off the field including aspects of
a. Improving health/wellbeing
b. Increasing resiliency
c. Building commitment and enjoyment
d. Supporting mental health
B. Plan action steps to influence the player development related to the U.S. Soccer Player Development
Framework, Key Qualities and Positional Profile
S.P.I.3 Implement
A. Implement actions/ plan to influence a process for building relationships to support players on and off-
B. Involve and support players in understanding their development
S.P.I.4 Analyze
A. Analyze and reflect on individual’s progress and response
B. Analyze and reflect on your influence on player development

5. Leading the Team

Learning Objectives (L.O.)

L.O.1. Understanding the characteristics of the team and creating a positive team culture
Competency: Knowledge Performance Indicator (KPI)
Competency Defined: Demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of…
K.P.I.1. Team Development Process
A. Understand the team development process
a. Define team characteristics
b. Define characteristics of a positive team culture
B. Understand the connection of DEIB and team culture
K.P.I.2. Coach - Team Relationship
A. Understand the role of the coach in building relationships
a. The role of the coach
b. Understand the process of co-creating team goals and expectations
c. Establishing shared values
d. Establishing clear expectations on team behavior
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 15
Competency: Skill Performance Indicator (SPI)
Competency Defined : Demonstrates the ability to assess, plan, implement and analyze
S.P.I.1 Assess and identify
A. Assess the team dynamic in relation to the U.S. Soccer Player Development Framework
B. Identify goals/ objectives – focus on establishing a team culture with shared values and
expectations on team behavior
S.P.I.2 Plan
A. Plan action steps to influence the creation of a positive team culture
B. Plan action steps to influence the team development process
S.P.I.3 Implement
a) Implement actions/plan to influence the team culture and development process
S.P.I.4 Analyze
A. Analyze and Reflect on the team’s progress and response
B. Analyze and Reflect on your influence on the team culture and development
A Book of Experience is an important source to complete the assignments. Collecting experiences that matter will
provide the foundation and detail needed to complete the assignments. The following steps support the process of
• Write down daily experiences related to the assignments and professional development goals
• Try to identify patterns or trends. Relate them to the professional development plan
• Ask for feedback (other students, coach educators, etc.) to improve your approach as you work on the
• Use these self-reflection models from the cycle of self-regulated learning
• Reflect on the experiences at least once a week (give meaning to the experiences regarding the own learning
• Connect the outcome of the reflection with the assignments

1. Individual Assignments
The student coach works on the development of the competencies by carrying out assignments in practice and reflecting
on the execution. The coach educator will give feedback on the assignments.

Tasks Individual Assignments Due Date Assessment

Safe Sport Week 1 Required

Player Health and Safety Week 1 Required
PRE-COURSE Laws of the Game (Due by Required
week 11)
DEIB Modules (Due by Required
week 11)
LEADERSHIP & 1.1a: Professional development Plan Week 7 Formative
ENVIRONMENT 1.1b: Professional development final Week 11 Formative

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 16

2.1a: Game Observation Week 4 Formative
2.1b: Game Analysis Week 9 Formative
2.2: Gameday Coaching Week 14 Formative
2.3: Coaching Games Summative Assignment Week 13 Summative
3.1: Entry Training Session Week 2 Formative
3.2a: Planning and Designing a Training Session Week 6 Formative
COACHING - TRAINING 3.2b: Training Session Implementation and Reflection Week 10 Formative
3.3: Weekly Planning and Designing Training Sessions Week 12 Formative
3.4: Coaching Training Sessions Summative Week 15 Summative
LEADING THE PLAYER & 4.1: Community of Practice Portfolio Week 16 Formative

1. Assignments: Leadership & Managing the Performance Environment

Learning Objectives (L.O.)

L.O.1. Understanding and applying the coach profile in relation to the participation environment
Understanding and applying an ongoing commitment to learning and self-development based on one
own’s coaching philosophy, beliefs, and values
Understanding how to create a positive and safe environment which champions components of
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
1.1a Professional Development Plan Draft
The coach will utilize the SWOT Analysis method and their Coaching Philosophy as a basis to start their goal-setting
process. This will create an initial draft of their Professional Development Plan. A Professional Development Plan
(PDP) is a form of self-evaluation and reflection designed to help set meaningful goals and measure progress. Using
the template provided in the course resources, this draft should include the following components:
1. Coaching Philosophy
2. SWOT Analysis
3. Identification of two (2) self-development goals based on the task of Leadership (Profile)
4. Identification of two (2) self-development goals based on the task (Profile) of Coaching Training Sessions
a. Goals should reflect the SMART goal-setting method
b. Include an explanation of the intended/projected outcomes of each goal
After completion of the PDP draft, the coach should begin implementing the plan.
Following submission, the coach is encouraged to share their plan with two (2) other student coaches in order to
receive and provide feedback intended to guide progress.
1.1b Professional Development Plan Final
The coach will submit the final version of their Professional Development Plan and a video recording of their
presentation. The video should be a minimum of ten (10) minutes and must not be longer than fifteen (15) minutes.
The plan and video should include:

1. Potential updates on your Coaching Philosophy

2. Potential updates to original SWOT Analysis
3. Comparison of your current level of performance against your original SMART goals and their intended or
projected outcomes
4. Reflection on your learning progression through the course and anticipated challenges related to your
continued development
5. Brief reflection statement on the effectiveness of the plan/strategies used and any adjustments made. For
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 17
a. What did you learn?
b. How will you continue to improve/adapt?
c. Evaluate and Revise SMART goals as appropriate

Due date
1.1 a : Week 7
1.1 b: Week 11

2. Assignments: Coaching-Game

Learning Objectives (L.O.)

L.O.1 Planning and implementing an observational process for understanding team performance

L.O.2 Analyzing and reflecting on team game performance relative to the game plan

L.O.3 Planning a game plan based on the Game Model aligned with developmentally appropriate needs of
players and team relative to the training week
L.O.4 Implementing the game plan and organizing a safe and inclusive game day environment
2.1 a Game Observation
The coach will utilize the provided three (3) game videos for the assignment and complete game observation for the
assigned team. This assignment will assist the coach in identifying and collecting objective and measurable data
about the game. The coach will be required to create clips and screenshots as well as provide time stamps or
diagramming where necessary to support findings. Using the template provided in the course resources, the
assignment should include the following components:
1. A description of the observational process used to track and record measurable and objective data. (i.e., how
did you observe the game?)
2. Identification and categorization of the following:
a. Formation
b. Systems of play
c. Game Idea in the four moments of the game
3. Frequency of actions for individual players and the team utilizing U.S. Soccer Style of Play and Game Model
Upload document (report) for review
2.1 b Game Analysis
The coach will utilize the provided three (3) game videos for the assignment and complete game analysis for the
assigned team. This assignment will assist the coach in utilizing their observed objective and measurable data about
the game to determine the players’ and team’s identified trends and behaviors. The coach will be required to create
clips and screenshots as well as provide time stamps or diagramming where necessary to support findings. Using the
template provided in the course resources, the assignment should include the following components:

1. Describe any potential updates to the observational process used to track and record measurable and
objective data. (i.e., how did you observe the game?)
2. Identify Patterns (Analysis)
a. Describe the recurring team and player behaviors utilizing the U.S. Soccer Style of Play and Game Model
1. Style of play in the four moments of the game
2. Team principles in the four moments of the game
b. Player actions in the four moments

Upload document (report) for review

2.2 Game day Coaching

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 18

The coach will utilize a game from their own environment to complete this assignment. The assignment will assist the
coach in preparing and implementing a developmentally appropriate gameday plan relative to the U.S. Soccer Player
Development Framework. The coach will be required first to create a plan, implement it using their own team as a
reference, and provide a final reflection on the overall coaching process. This assignment includes two parts: 1.
Gameday Plan and 2. Gameday Reflection. Using the template provided in the course resources, the assignment
should include the following components:

1. Gameday Plan
a. Describe your current players and team focusing on their developmental needs aligned with the U.S.
Soccer Player Development Framework and Game Model
b. Identify two (2) general goals and developmentally appropriate game plan objectives aligned with the
Game Model. The information below serves as a basic guideline
i. Attacking: How do you want the team to progress the ball?
ii. Transition to defense: What do you want the team to do when they lose the ball?
iii. Defending: How do you get organized when defending?
iv. Transition to attack: What do you want the team to do when you win the ball?
c. How will you manage the players and team on game day (e.g., pre-game routine, warm-up,
communication of game plan, lineups, substitutions, plan for safety and well-being, adjustments
during the game, post-game routine)?
d. How will you influence the players and team toward the desired behavior?
e. How will you self-regulate yourself on game day (e.g., behaviors and emotions?)
2. Gameday Reflection- Reflect on the implementation of the gameday plan with your team using objective and
factual data and including your personal reflection.
a. How did you communicate the two (2) general goals and developmentally appropriate game plan to
the players and team?
b. Did the team achieve your planned goals and game plan?
c. Pregame
i. How did you manage the players and team leading up to the game?
ii. What were your behaviors?
d. During the game
i. How did you create a safe environment?
ii. How did you influence the players and team toward the desired behavior?
iii. How did you observe and analyze team and individual performances related to your game
iv. How did you influence the team and players at halftime?
v. How did you manage playing time?
vi. How did you self-regulate your emotions and behavior?
e. After the game
i. How did you manage the players and team to prepare them for recovery and check for well-
ii. How did you determine and communicate the next steps in the upcoming week for the
players and team?
iii. How did you self-regulate and reflect?
1. What went well?
2. What could you improve related to your planning and implementation of the gameday

2.3 Coaching Games Summative Assessment

This is the final summative assessment assignment for the task of Coaching Games. The coach will utilize the
provided six (6) game videos for the assignment and complete game observation and analysis for the assigned
team. The findings will be used to create a final technical report. The coach will be required to create short clips and
screenshots and provide time stamps or diagramming where necessary to support findings. Using the template
provided in the course resources, the assignment should include the following components:

1. Structure & Process / A description of the observational process used to track and record measurable and
objective observable data. (i.e., how did you observe the game?)
2. Observation / Identification and categorization of the following:
a. Formation
b. Systems of play
c. Game Idea in the four moments of the game

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 19

d. Frequency of actions for Individual players and the team utilizing the U.S. Soccer Style of Play and
Game Model
3. Identify Patterns (Analysis)
a. Describe the recurring team and player behaviors utilizing the U.S. Soccer Style of Play and Game
i. Style of play in the four moments of the game
ii. Team principles in the four moments of the game
iii. Player actions in the four moments

Due date
2.1 a: Week 4
2.1 b: Week 9
2.2: Week 14
2.3: (Summative Assessment): Week 13

3. Assignments: Coaching-Training Sessions

Learning Objectives (L.O.)
L.O.1. Assessing player and team needs and identifying developmentally appropriate training goals and
objectives aligned with the Game Model
L.O.2. Planning and designing the training week, sessions, and activities aligned with the Game Model

L.O.3 Implementing and monitoring the principles of planning to program training sessions and activities within
the week aligned with the Game Model
L.O.4. Analyzing and reflecting on two (2) developmentally appropriate training sessions within the week
aligned with the Game Model
3.1 Entry Training Session
This assignment will assist the coach and educator in establishing baseline competencies for the task of Coaching
Training Sessions which can then be utilized to inform and guide the coach further in their own personal development
related to this task and the Profile. The assignment includes the following components:

1. Part 1 - The coach will submit a diagram of a practice activity on the field with players and answer supporting
questions (pt. 2) by submitting a short video presentation of themselves speaking (no more than 5 mins) in
the assignment tab.
a. The activity should:
i. Be appropriate for team/players that match the C course content (U13+)
ii. The topic of the session/activity is at the discretion of the coach
iii. Graphic needs to follow and adhere to the U.S. Soccer diagraming standards
2. Part 2 - Supporting Questions video- Coach will be asked to answer the following questions by submitting a
short (no more than 5 min video) with responses to each area below. This is used to provide context on the
practice activity and /or video
a. Practice Activity Objective - Describe the intended results of the session/activity
i. Goal – What was your goal for the practice activity?
ii. Key Players- Who were the key players in your practice activity?
iii. Organization - Describe the activity, including the rules and scoring method(s), space used,
players involved
iv. Design - How did your practice activity fit into your overall practice plan?
v. Teaching (Coaching) Plan - What player/team actions were you trying to influence during your
practice activity?
3. Optional Practice Video
a. If able, the coach is encouraged to submit a video of a recent, within the last 60 days of you coaching
this diagrammed practice activity with your team. The activity should:
i. The team/players used should match the C course content (U13+)
ii. The topic of the session/activity is at the discretion of the coach
iii. The video should include audio and be at least fifteen (15) minutes in length and no more than
twenty-five (25) minutes. Preferably, the video will not be edited but will run continuously
iv. The video should include at least one (1) clear practice activity with clear coaching moments
v. Video needs to follow and adhere to the U.S. Soccer video standards

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 20

3.2 a Planning and Designing a Training Session
The coach will submit three parts for this assignment. This assignment will assist the coach in their Coaching Process
for training sessions related to planning and designing. The assignment includes the following components:

1. Part 1: Planning - The written components for this part are submitted in the assignment tab. Use the provided
training session objective statement (desired outcome) to determine the following:
a. Briefly describe your assessment of the needs of your team/players related to the training session
objective statement. Use the U.S. Soccer Player Development Framework as a guide
b. Moment/team function
i. Area of the field
ii. Principles
iii. Training session structure type
iv. Description of the identified game situation (5ws)
v. The number of activities
vi. Total session duration
vii. Training demand (e.g., low, moderate, high)
2. Part 2: Session plan - The training session plan for this part is submitted as a full training session in the
assignment tab
a. Design and diagram a reality-based training session plan based on chosen training session structure
b. The session plan must include a warm-up activity and a minimum of two (2) additional activities
c. The plan should include activities that are adapted to the position profile(s), players' level, and
player/team developmental needs
3. Part 3: Plan for teaching - The written components for this part are submitted in the assignment tab
a. Describe the intended or projected results of the planned session/activities
b. Provide a description of the cues the players and team will need to recognize related to the game
c. Describe anticipated teaching actions from the coaches toolkit that you intend to utilize to influence
players/team toward desired behavior
d. Describe the anticipated moment of application for these teaching actions and their intended
outcome to influence player/team ability to read and understand the game

3.2b Training Session Implementation and Reflection

The coach will submit three parts for this assignment including a video of themselves conducting the training session
on the field with players and answer supporting questions in the assignment tab. This assignment will assist the
coach in their Coaching Process for training sessions related to implementation and analysis/reflection. The
assignment includes the following components:

1. Part 1: Planning - After receiving feedback, resubmit the revised/updated training session plan indicating any
adjustments from the training session plan used in 3.2A in the assignment tab.
2. Part 2: Video
a. Submit a video of themselves conducting this training session from part 1.
b. The team/players used should match the C course content (U13+)
c. The topic of the session/activity should match the training session objective statement provided in
d. The video should include audio and be at least forty (40) minutes in length and no more than fifty (50)
minutes. The video will not be edited and will run continuously
e. The video should start with the coach informing the players/team about the session and progress
into the warmup activity and next activities within the allotted time
f. Video must include clear audio and visual
g. Video must show the coach engaging in the planned session/activities
h. Video must show the coach engaging the players to create the identified game situation
i. Video needs to follow and adhere to the U.S. Soccer video standards
3. Part 3 - Assess and Reflect - Using the template provided in the course resources, the assignment should
include responses to the following:
a. Compare your coaching performance and activities results against their intended or projected
b. Did your activities provide players with experience within the identified game situation (5Ws)?
Support with data and time in the video clips. Include detail with examples from the following areas:
i. Organization
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 21
ii. Game-like
iii. Repetition
iv. Challenge
c. Analyze your influence/performance: interactions with players and their response (coaching)
d. What did you do to help players to recognize the cues?
e. What were the observed changes to player/team behavior? Support with data, time stamps, and
video clips.
f. What teaching actions from the coach's toolkit did you utilize to influence players/team toward the
desired behavior? What effect did these actions have on players? Support with data and time in the
video clip
g. Did you make any adjustments? why? or why not?
h. Identify gaps and recognize areas of improvement for the next session
i. Players/team
ii. Coach

3.3 Weekly Planning and Designing Training Sessions

The coach will submit three parts for this assignment. The coach will be provided a one-week planning template to
use as the start of their technical report using their own team (U13+). This report is the first draft of what will
eventually be submitted for parts 1 & 2 for the assignment 3.4 Coaching Training Sessions Summative Assessment.
This assignment will assist the coach in their Coaching Process for training sessions in a one-week cycle related to
planning and designing. The assignment includes the following components:

1. Part 1: Technical Report planning for one week - The written components for this part are submitted in the
assignment tab. Coach should determine the training session objective statement(s) for the week (desired
outcome) to determine the following:
a. For the week, briefly describe your assessment of the needs of your team/players related to the
training session objective statement. Use the U.S. Soccer Player Development Framework as a guide
b. Design a one (1) week plan using provided the provided week template. It should include at least two
(2) reality-based training session plans. Each session should include:
i. Moment/team function
ii. Area of the field
iii. Principles
iv. Training session structure type
v. Description of the identified game situation (5ws)
vi. The number of activities
vii. Total session duration
viii. Training demand (e.g., low, moderate, high)
c. Session plans and activities must be aligned with the needs, age, and ability of players
d. Session plans and activities must be aligned with the physical and cognitive demands of the
day/weekly plan
2. Part 2: Two (2) training session plans - The two training sessions for this part are submitted as full training
sessions in the assignment tab
a. Design and diagram a minimum of two (2) reality-based training session plans based on chosen
training session structure
b. The session plans must include a warm-up activity and a minimum of two (2) additional activities
c. The session plans should include activities that are adapted to the position profile(s), players' level,
and player/team developmental needs
3. Part 3: Plan for teaching - The written components for this part are submitted in the assignment tab
a. Describe the intended or projected results for each of the two (2) planned sessions/activities
b. Provide a description of the cues the players and team will need to recognize related to the game
situation for each session
c. Describe anticipated teaching actions from the coaches’ toolkit that you intend to utilize to influence
players/team toward desired behavior
d. Describe the anticipated moment of application for these teaching actions and their intended
outcome to influence player/team ability to read and understand the game

3.4 Coaching Training Sessions Summative Assessment

This is the final summative assessment assignment for the task of Coaching Training Sessions. The coach will submit
three (3) parts for this assignment, including a video of themselves conducting the training session on the field with
players and answering supporting questions in the assignment tab. This assignment will assist the coach in their
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 22
Coaching Process for training sessions related to implementation and analysis/ reflection. The assignment includes
the following components:

1. Part 1: Weekly Planning - After receiving feedback, resubmit the revised/updated weekly plan indicating any
adjustments from 3.3. Indicate which session you will use for part 3, video
2. Part 2: Training Session Planning - After receiving feedback, resubmit the revised/updated two (2) training
session plans indicating any adjustments from 3.3
3. Part 3: Video
a. Submit a video of themselves conducting this training session from part 1.
b. The team/players used should match the C course content (U13+)
c. The topic of the session/activity should match the training session objective statement provided in
parts 1 and 2
d. The video should include audio and be at least forty (40) minutes in length and no more than fifty (50)
minutes. The video will not be edited and will run continuously
e. The video should start with the coach informing the players/team about the session and progress
into the warmup activity and next activities within the allotted time
f. The video must include clear audio and visual
g. The video must show the coach engaging in the planned session/activities
h. Video must show the coach engaging the players to create the identified game situation
i. Video needs to follow and adhere to the U.S. Soccer video standards
4. Part 4 - Assess and Reflect - Using the template provided in the course resources, the assignment should
include responses to the following:
a. Compare your coaching performance and activities results against their intended or projected
b. Did your activities provide players with experience within the identified game situation (5Ws)?
Support with data and time in the video clips. Include detail with examples from the following areas:
i. Organization
ii. Game-like
iii. Repetition
iv. Challenge
c. Analyze your influence/performance: interactions with players and their response (coaching)
d. What did you do to help players to recognize the cues?
e. What were the observed changes to player/team behavior? Support with data, time stamps, and
video clips
f. What teaching actions from the coach's toolkit did you utilize to influence players/team toward the
desired behavior? What effect did these actions have on players? Support with data and time in the
video clip
g. Did you make any adjustments? why? or why not?
h. Identify gaps and recognize areas of improvement for the next session
i. Players/team
ii. Coach

Due date
3.1: Week 2
3.2 a: Week 6
3.2 b: Week 10
3.3: Week 12
3.4: (Summative Assessment): Week 15

4 & 5. Assignments: Leading the Player & Leading the Team

Learning Objectives -Leading the Player (L.O.)
L.O.1 Understanding and assessing the developmental needs of players related to the U.S. Soccer Player
Development Framework
L.O.2 Creating a player-centered and safe environment that promotes a positive coach-player relationship
U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 23
Learning Objectives- Leading the Team (L.O.)
L.O.1. Understanding the characteristics of the team and creating a positive team culture
4.1a Community of Practice Portfolio
The coach will utilize personal reflection notes from each Community of Practice (CoP) meeting to create a final
summary portfolio report of their experience participating and leading this process. Using the template provided in the
course resources, the assignment should include the following components:

1. Individual meeting notes: Reflection on each of the four (4) Community of Practice meetings. You are
encouraged to write your reflection for each meeting within two (2) days.
a. Use the Triangle-Square-Circle method for each CoP meeting
i. Triangle (RED)- what stuck out to you?
ii. Square (BLUE)- what “squared” or made sense to you?
iii. Circle (GREEN)- what is still swirling
b. Lead Discussants will reflect on their experiences planning and leading their CoP meeting, including key
connections, takeaways, and action steps from the conversation topic/s.
c. CoP participants will reflect on their experience preparing and experiencing CoP meetings, including key
connections, takeaways, and action steps from the conversation topic/s.
2. Summary CoP notes: Reflection on the total Community of Practice course experience.
a. Use Driscoll’s Reflection method to reflect on the CoP process
i. Driscoll’s Model - What? -So what? - Now what?
1. What happened?
2. So what? So, what is the significance of that learning?
3. Now what? What’s next? What is your plan?
ii. Make connections to knowledge and skills outlined within the Tasks of Leadership, Managing the
Performance Environment, Leading the Player, and Leading the Teams
Due date
4.1: Week 16

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 24

During the course experience, there are both formative and summative assessments.

Formative assessment criteria:

The purpose of the formative assessment process is to provide timely and frequent feedback to assess learning, and
progress and to help students improve by giving them a better understanding of their strengths and areas of growth.

Summative assessment criteria:

There is a summative assessment of learning and competencies at the end of the course. Following are the expected
competencies (minimum standard) the student is required to demonstrate at the end of the course experience:

1. Attitude:
• Full participation in course meetings
• Submit and complete assignments on time (per published due dates) *
• Demonstrate a commitment to the learning process throughout the course experience
• Respectful behavior toward players, peers, coach educators, guest speakers and others

*There are no extensions accepted beyond this date without prior approval from the assigned coach educator. Incomplete
or unsubmitted assignments will be marked as “unsatisfactory.”
*An acceptable submission is the full assignment with every section and component included as described in the course
*“Placeholder” files or uploading a prior version do not qualify. These will be marked “unsatisfactory.”
*Any assignment(s) currently in ‘Revision Requested” status may be resubmitted prior to the deadline given by the course
Lead. Additional educator feedback will not be provided for submissions after this date.
*Any formative assignment(s) that are currently in ‘Revision Requested” status may be resubmitted before the end of
Week 15. Additional Educator feedback will not be provided for submissions after this date. Any summative
assignment(s), needing revision must be submitted by the end of Week 16.

The lead or assigned educator will formally communicate to students who are not meeting the minimum criteria.

2. Knowledge and Skills:

Assignment 2.3: Coaching-Game

Learning Objectives (L.O.)
L.O.1 Planning and implementing an observational process for understanding team performance

L.O.2 Analyzing and reflecting on team game performance relative to the game plan
Competency: Knowledge and Skills Performance Indicator (KPI and SPI)
Competency Defined: Demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of…/ demonstrates the ability to assess,
plan, implement and analyze
(A) Coaching Process- Utilizes an observational process to track and measure observable data
(B) Observation- Describes team and individual player actions
(C) Analysis- Identifies and describes patterns
(D) Coaching Process- Analyzes and Reflects on the process of observing and analyzing performance in
the game

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 25

Achieving more green than yellow meets the minimum standard for Coaching-Game component

Evidence to support the final outcome and feedback for future growth:

Assignment 3.4: Coaching-Training

Learning Objectives (L.O.)

L.O.1. Assessing player and team needs and identifying developmentally appropriate training goals
and objectives aligned with the Game Model

L.O.2. Planning and designing the training week, sessions, and activities aligned with the Game

L.O.3 Implementing and monitoring the principles of planning to program training sessions and
activities within the week aligned with the Game Model

L.O.4. Analyzing and reflecting on two (2) developmentally appropriate training sessions within the
week aligned with the Game Model
Competency: Knowledge and Skills Performance Indicator (KPI and SPI)
Competency Defined: Demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of…/ demonstrates the ability to assess,
plan, implement and analyze
(A) Coaching Process- Assesses team and individual player qualities related to the U.S. Soccer Player
Development Framework
(B) Coaching Process- Identifies and plans two (2) developmentally appropriate training sessions
(C) Coaching Process- Identifies at least one (1) of the sessions with appropriate loads and demands
that align to the weekly calendar
(D) Coaching Process- Training sessions design and content include the planning of key factors related
to organization
Coaching Process- Training session design and learning activities creates the identified game
(E) situation with the appropriate level of challenge (complexity)
(F) Coaching Process- Training sessions design and content are reality-based
(G) Coaching Process- Training sessions include a plan for teaching/coaching with intended results of
planned sessions and activities, description of visual cues and intended coaching actions and
(H) Implements session that reflects plan and submits video with clear audio/visual matching the U.S.
Soccer video standards
(I) Coaching Process- Engages players in activities using a U.S. Soccer Methodology that reflects the
game situation and key moment, adjusts as needed related to player and team needs
(J) Coaching Process- Create a motivational and challenging climate to facilitate learning
(K) Creates a safe and positive learning environment*
(L) Coaching Process- Demonstrates thoughtful analysis and reflection on individual coaching process
by comparing outcomes to original session goals, objectives, and plan for teaching. Reassesses as
needed to promote personal, player and team autonomous learning
*Must be marked green

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 26

Achieving more green than Yellow meets the minimum standard for Coaching-Training component

Evidence to support the final outcome and feedback for future growth:

• If there are more green than yellow in all assessed tasks

Meets course criteria License Issued

• If there are more yellow than green in some assessed tasks

Does not meet course criteria. The student will need to complete a reassessment Provisional Status

Doesn’t understand and/or is not

Understand and is able to able to....yet!
Needs to be reassessed

Assessment Date:
Summative Assessment:

Results will be formally communicated and documented in the Learning Center at the end of the course

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 27

Students who receive a score of “Provisional Status” within one or more tasks need to be reassessed

What is Provisional Status?

Candidates may earn a final grade of Provisional Status at the end of a course and are then eligible for a Reassessment.

Once receiving a provisional status at the end of the C Course, a student coach has one (1) year to register for their
reassessment. If the reassessment attempt does not meet the evaluation criteria, then the student coach will not
receive the diploma. If the student does not pass the reassessment or does not register within the stated time, they will
be issued an incomplete and will be required to register and retake the formal course for an opportunity to earn the

Reassessment Process

If a coach received a provisional evaluation for the C Course, they are eligible to enter a reassessment process. A
student coach would be permitted to register if they received a provisional status in one or more of the following areas:

• Coaching Training Sessions

• Coaching Games

The details for the National C Reassessment assignments for each task, closely match their original process and
progression from the C Course. The educator assigned to a student coach’s reassessment will not be the same educator
who issued the original provisional status

Course Registration

There is no required waiting period for a student coach in provisional status to register for a National C Reassessment.
However, a preparation period of two months before entering the process is recommended.

Access to a team during the duration of the reassessment period is required to be able to complete the assignments.


The registration fee is $150


Travel is not required for the C assessment. The entire process is conducted in a virtual setting on the U.S. Soccer
Learning Center.

Reassessment Timeline

The reassessment will take approximately 5-8 weeks to complete depending on which assignments were placed in
provisional status. A student coach should expect to spend 8-10 hours. Shall a student not adhere to the timeline, they
will be issued an incomplete grade.


• Student coaches must have access to a team during the duration of the reassessment. A coach should only
register for a course during a time when a team is available for them to use for reassessment assignments.
• Student coaches should review all details and course dates on the registration main page prior to registering for
a Reassessment in the Learning Center.

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 28

Post Assessment Notification

• Student coaches will receive their evaluation results one week after the final assignment has been submitted.
The result will be reviewed during a 1 on 1 meeting with the educator and published in the Learning Center.

• If there are more green than yellow in the reassessed tasks

Meets course criteria Diploma Issued

• If after reassessment, there is still more yellow than green in the reassessed
tasks Diploma Not Issued
Does not meet course criteria. The student will need to retake the entire course

Doesn’t understand and/or is not

able to....
Understand and is able to
Needs to restart the education

Reassessment date:
Summative Reassessment:

Results will be formally communicated and documented in the Learning Center within one week.

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 29

U.S. Soccer C Course Guide 2023 30

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