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DETAILED ADDM REPORT FOR TASK 'TASK_31655' WITH ID 31655 -------------------------------------------------------Analysis Period: Database ID/Instance: Database/Instance Names: Host

Name: Database Version: Snapshot Range: Database Time: Average Database Load: 23-OCT-2011 from 15:00:15 to 22:00:48 65762370/1 PROD/prod EBSPRDDB from 29411 to 29418 25900 seconds 1 active sessions

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FINDING 1: 100% impact (25900 seconds) -------------------------------------SQL statements consuming significant database time were found. RECOMMENDATION 1: SQL Tuning, 89% benefit (22950 seconds) ACTION: Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "d04w1n0ghgr1x". Refer to the "Tuning PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference" RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID d04w1n0ghgr1x BEGIN FFP175_01121970.FORMULA( :N6, :I4, :N2, :I2, :N5, :N1, :I1, :T1, :I5, :N9, :I9, :N10, :I10, :D2, :T2, :I6, :D1, :I3, :N4, :N8, :I8, :T3, :I12, :N3, :N11, :I11, :N7, :I7, :FFERLN, :FFERCD, :FFERMT); END; RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "d04w1n0ghgr1x" was executed 134 times and had an average elapsed time of 171 seconds. RECOMMENDATION 2: SQL Tuning, 87% benefit (22657 seconds)

ACTION: Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the SQL statement with SQL_ID "3rp373prdwu42". RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID 3rp373prdwu42 and PLAN_HASH 3885072400 SELECT EFFECTIVE_DATE, VALUE FROM PAY_BALANCE_VALUES_V WHERE ASSIGNMENT_ID = :B3 AND BALANCE_NAME = :B2 AND DATABASE_ITEM_SUFFIX = :B1 ORDER BY ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "3rp373prdwu42" was executed 134 times and had an average elapsed time of 171 seconds. RECOMMENDATION 3: SQL Tuning, 87% benefit (22475 seconds) ACTION: Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the SQL statement with SQL_ID "cypmzw5ss8mhd". RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID cypmzw5ss8mhd and PLAN_HASH 3725628239 SELECT fnd_number.number_to_canonical(nvl(sum(fnd_number.canonical_to _number(TARGET.result_value) * FEED.scale),0) ) FROM pay_run_result_values TARGET , pay_balance_feeds_f FEED , pay_run_results RR , pay_assignment_actions ASSACT , pay_payroll_actions PACT where ASSACT.assignment_action_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID and FEED.balance_type_id + 0 = :U1 + decode(TARGET.input_value_id ,null, 0, 0) and FEED.input_value_id = TARGET.input_value_id and nvl(TARGET.result_value,'0') != '0' and TARGET.run_result_id = RR.run_result_id and RR.assignment_action_id = ASSACT.assignment_action_id and ASSACT.payroll_action_id = PACT.payroll_action_id and PACT.effective_date between FEED.effective_start_date and FEED.effective_end_date and RR.status in ('P','PA') RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "cypmzw5ss8mhd" was executed 6511 times and had an average elapsed time of 3.5 seconds. RECOMMENDATION 4: SQL Tuning, 4.8% benefit (1235 seconds) ACTION: Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "4nb66cbkqc75h". Refer to the "Tuning PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference" RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID 4nb66cbkqc75h BEGIN FFP230_01010001.FORMULA( :D1, :I1, :N1, :N10, :I6, :N8, :N5, :I4, :N4, :D2, :N6, :I5, :N9, :N3, :I2, :D3, :I3,

:N7, :N2, :FFERLN, :FFERCD, :FFERMT); END; RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "4nb66cbkqc75h" was executed 300 times and had an average elapsed time of 5 seconds. RECOMMENDATION 5: SQL Tuning, 4.6% benefit (1185 seconds) ACTION: Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "df687kw7a26kr". Refer to the "Tuning PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference" RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID df687kw7a26kr BEGIN FFP228_01121970.FORMULA;END; RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "df687kw7a26kr" was executed 300 times and had an average elapsed time of 4.9 seconds. FINDING 2: 94% impact (24410 seconds) ------------------------------------Time spent on the CPU by the instance was responsible for a substantial part of database time. RECOMMENDATION 1: SQL Tuning, 87% benefit (22657 seconds) ACTION: Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the SQL statement with SQL_ID "3rp373prdwu42". RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID 3rp373prdwu42 and PLAN_HASH 3885072400 SELECT EFFECTIVE_DATE, VALUE FROM PAY_BALANCE_VALUES_V WHERE ASSIGNMENT_ID = :B3 AND BALANCE_NAME = :B2 AND DATABASE_ITEM_SUFFIX = :B1 ORDER BY ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "3rp373prdwu42" was executed 134 times and had an average elapsed time of 171 seconds. RATIONALE: Average CPU used per execution was 168 seconds. RECOMMENDATION 2: SQL Tuning, 4.5% benefit (1168 seconds) ACTION: Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "df687kw7a26kr". Refer to the "Tuning PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference" RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID df687kw7a26kr BEGIN FFP228_01121970.FORMULA;END; RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "df687kw7a26kr" was executed 300 times and had an average elapsed time of 4.9 seconds. RATIONALE: Average CPU used per execution was 3.8 seconds. RECOMMENDATION 3: SQL Tuning, 2.6% benefit (677 seconds) ACTION: Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the SQL statement with SQL_ID "3sxmjmxtz9mt8". RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID 3sxmjmxtz9mt8 and PLAN_HASH 341022301 INSERT INTO FND_LOG_MESSAGES ( ECID_ID, ECID_SEQ, CALLSTACK, ERRORSTACK, MODULE, LOG_LEVEL, MESSAGE_TEXT, SESSION_ID, USER_ID, TIMESTAMP, LOG_SEQUENCE, ENCODED, NODE, NODE_IP_ADDRESS, PROCESS_ID, JVM_ID, THREAD_ID, AUDSID, DB_INSTANCE, TRANSACTION_CONTEXT_ID ) VALUES ( SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'ECID_ID'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'ECID_SEQ'), :B16 , :B15 , SUBSTRB(:B14 ,1,255), :B13 , SUBSTRB(:B12 , 1, 4000), :B11 , NVL(:B10 , -1), SYSDATE, FND_LOG_MESSAGES_S.NEXTVAL, :B9 , SUBSTRB(:B8 ,1,60), SUBSTRB(:B7 ,1,30), SUBSTRB(:B6 ,1,120), SUBSTRB(:B5 ,1,120), SUBSTRB(:B4 ,1,120), :B3 , :B2 , :B1 ) RETURNING LOG_SEQUENCE INTO :O0 RATIONALE: SQL statement with SQL_ID "3sxmjmxtz9mt8" was executed 5337183 times and had an average elapsed time of 0.00014 seconds.

RATIONALE: Average CPU used per execution was 0.00011 seconds. FINDING 3: 2.1% impact (554 seconds) -----------------------------------Wait class "User I/O" was consuming significant database time. NO RECOMMENDATIONS AVAILABLE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Waits for I/O to temporary tablespaces were not consuming significant database time. The throughput of the I/O subsystem was not significantly lower than expected. The SGA was adequately sized. FINDING 4: 2% impact (529 seconds) ---------------------------------Waits on event "log file sync" while performing COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations were consuming significant database time. RECOMMENDATION 1: DB Configuration, 2% benefit (529 seconds) ACTION: Tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA was found in backup mode. Verify that it was appropriate. RELEVANT OBJECT: tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA with id 24 ACTION: Tablespace APPS_TS_TX_IDX was found in backup mode. Verify that it was appropriate. RELEVANT OBJECT: tablespace APPS_TS_TX_IDX with id 25 RATIONALE: DML to tablespaces in hot backup mode causes generation of additional redo. RATIONALE: Reducing the size of redo generated by the application may reduce the wait time on "log file sync" events. RECOMMENDATION 2: Application Analysis, 2% benefit (529 seconds) ACTION: Investigate application logic for possible reduction in the number of COMMIT operations by increasing the size of transactions. RATIONALE: The application was performing 12737 transactions per minute with an average redo size of 2028 bytes per transaction. RECOMMENDATION 3: Host Configuration, 2% benefit (529 seconds) ACTION: Investigate the possibility of improving the performance of I/O to the online redo log files. RATIONALE: The average size of writes to the online redo log files was 6 K and the average time per write was 1 milliseconds. SYMPTOMS THAT LED TO THE FINDING: SYMPTOM: Wait class "Commit" was consuming significant database time. (2% impact [529 seconds]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------Wait class "Application" was not consuming significant database time. Wait class "Concurrency" was not consuming significant database time. Wait class "Configuration" was not consuming significant database time. Wait class "Network" was not consuming significant database time. Session connect and disconnect calls were not consuming significant database time.

Hard parsing of SQL statements was not consuming significant database time. The database's maintenance windows were active during 100% of the analysis period. The analysis of I/O performance is based on the default assumption that the average read time for one database block is 10000 micro-seconds. An explanation of the terminology used in this report is available when you run the report with the 'ALL' level of detail.

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