NA - 124, 127, 129, PP - 147, 154, 157 by Iftikhar Shahid

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BEFORE THE SECRETARY, ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN, ISLAMABAD. > Objection/Representation No. /2018 IFTIKHAR SHAHID Advocate son of Siraj Din r/o 114/1. Muslim Park, Allama Iqbal road, Garhi Shahu, Lahore. PETITIONER Vs. Delimitation committee of Constituencies, election commission of Pakistan, Islamabad. RESPONDENT OBJECTION/ REPRSENTATION PETITION REGARDING DELIMITATION IN THE PROPOSED N.A.124, N.A.127, N.A.129, P.P.147, P.P.154, P.P.157 LAHORE. Respectfully Sheweth:- 1. That the petitioner being registered voter at Serial No.26, Block code No. 186210104, in the area of Fazal Street, Garhi Shahu, Lahore, U.C.124 contested general election and By-Election in the previous constituency P.P.147(N.A.122) Lahore as candidate of P.P.P.P. held in 2013 and 2015 respectively. 2. That now the respondent has.proposed afresh delimitation of Lahore and particularly N.A.124, N.A.127, N.A.129, P.P.147, P.P.154 & P.P.157 whereby the previous P.P.147 and N.A.122 have been distributed in to different pieces in different constituencies. 3. That the petitioner seeks correction and proper delimitations of the constituencies in accordance with the law on the following amongst other . GROUNDS a. That the proposals for delimitation of constituencies in Lahore are not sustainable in any manner whatsoever as the respondent Gelimitation committee travelled beyond the prescribed procedure and principles as laid down in Section 20 of the Election Act 2017, Election Rules and the Constitution. i b. That the respondent/delimitation committée has ignored during . the course of delimitation the factor of distribution of population in geographically . compact areas, existing boundaries of administrative units, facilities of communication and public convenience and other cognate factors to ensure homogeneity in the creation of the constituencies. ©: That the area of Ghari Shahu Lahore consisting of three union councils No.119, 124, 173 was never bifurcated and divided in the Past but now the area of Garhi Shahu has been bifurcated, distributed @& broken in miany pieces even the census circles and Block code falling in U.C.124° have been broken in gross contravention of law and settled printiples regarding delimitation Frt—“—SOSC——C—eE——C=—ss respondent delimitation committee has also broken the said basic unit of the area of Garhi Shahu and other relating areas. & That particularly areas Barni road Garhi Shahu, Barni Road Feroz Street, Badar Street Police Station Garhi Shahu, Baber Street, Umar Street Sieesseemsaaees 33, New abadi Garhi Shahu Street No.28 & 40, Servay colony, Larechs Colony Street No.1.2.3, Baral qead Garhi Shahu, Tariq Road behind P.S. Garhi Shai, Masjid Tajdin, Larechs Colony, Nishter Park, Larechs colony, Level crossing, and Canal Bank, Baja Line have been shown and proposed in N.A. 127 & P.P.154 whereas the same areas Nai Abadi farni Shahu Street No.8 & 40, Badar Street, Fazal Street, SS Frr—“—C—C—ET— —“i—SC—CSCOi_E=_T Street No.43, Meeran Baksh Imam din, Ahmadi Ibadat Gah’ Mein allama Iqbal road, Badar Street, Fazal Street, Larechs Colony, Fazal Street Jugian Yaseen, Tajamal Park, Sarvey Colony, Lareckg Colony Street No.1,2,3, Baber Steer, Umar Street No.30,31.32,33, Masiid Taj din, Larechs Colony, Nishter Park, Level crossing, Canal Bank, Baja Line, have been also shown and proposed’in the ooo uecncieg Natl 23)etandis se BY572e tw iichieiieny tre tal uncertainty, ambiguity and suspicion regarding the fair and impartial’ election and in case the same are not corrected in accordance with law keeping in view the boundaries of administrative and revenue units in the districts as well os Frominent geographical and physical features having regard to the distribution of population in geographically compact areas, existing boundaries of administrative units, facilities of communication and public convenience and other cognate factors fovensure homogeneity in the creation of the constituencies. The record ‘reveals that the respondent has not taken. into consideration the wrong and illegal adjustment of the aforescid areas in different constituencies mentioned above which is not warranted by the law. f That the respondent delimitation committee has damaged the geographically compact of the areas of Garhi Shahu Lahore and Railways Colony and its homogeneity which would cacse public inconvenience and lack of facilities of communication, —————— has been wrongly included in N.A.124 and P.P.147 and the area of U.C. 118 Railway Signal shop has been also wrongly included in shahu Lahore : 4. That as a matter of fact the areas of Railways colony never remained separate from the area of Garhi Shahui Lahore keeping in view the administrative and revenue units, i, That it is very essential to combine and unite the all areas of Garhi Shahu and Railway colonies in one constituency either in the Same ig Aeh127, P.P.154 or N.A.129, P.P.187 and in case the democne ot finalized, it would cause irreparable loss ts the democracy and local public, 4 That the respondent has not given cogent reason and lawful Justification regarding the said proposed constituencies and perroned the said delimitations arbitrarly, fancifully, mechanicaily, by thon, and illegally. The said proposals for delimitation: made by the respondents are liable to he oot aside, nn eviewerd vs Im view the above it is therefore most humbly prayed that proposed delimitation regarding N.A.124, PP.147, NA.127, P.P.154, N.A.129, P.P.157 may kindly be ordered to be reviewed and the all areas of Garhi Shahu Lahore along with Railway Colonies included in the previous N.A.122 ang P-P.147 may kindly be ordered to be declared in one proposed constituéncy either in N. A.127, P.P.154 or N.A.129, P.P.157 Lahore in the supreme interest of democracy and local Public, Through — JAMAL ASHRAF Advocate dja (. SYED SHAHSAWAR SHAM: Advocate

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