The Master About The Universal White Brotherhood

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The Master about the

Universal White Brotherhood –
in talk pages .......................................... 2
Written by followers of the
Master from conversations
about the Universal White
Brotherhood....................................... 31
Bibliography .......................................... 56

The Master about
the Universal White
Brotherhood –
in talk pages
„What do we call ourselves?
Disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood. All
religions are methodologies of the Universal White
Brotherhood. By means of the religions, the
Brotherhood wants to bring all nations closer. Its
messengers create and guide religions.
And what about the philosophers and preachers of
They are members of the Dark Force. The two
groups are fighting to see which one will conquer the
world – humankind. Spiritism and theosophy are
methods of the Universal White Brotherhood and they
prepare Its path.
What about the religious teachings that have failed?
These were introductory studies. The organization
of the world is due to the Universal White
Brotherhood. If you are put to work, and you commit
an offense, or divert from the path that this

Brotherhood has stated, they will send you somewhere
that is safe for humans. For instance, the Brotherhood
sent Napoleon to the Island of St. Helena, to eliminate
feudalism and empower the Church, however, he could
not resist to the end and that's why he fell.
About the Universal White Brotherhood: Apostle
Paul alludes in his message to the Jews, Chapter 12.
And what happens to obedient and naughty ones, is
written in the Book of Job, Chapter 12. In the archives
of the Universal White Brotherhood are kept all the
secrets and everything good, nothing is omitted. The
leaders of that Brotherhood are up, in heaven, where
they are initiated, but they work down here, on Earth.
All Saints are members of that Brotherhood and they
act in the name of God, whose Spirit is manifested in
various times and with different methods – religions,
doctrines, and so on.“ (1)1


„We, the Universal White Brotherhood will not

accept anyone lying to us, no more lies! We and you,
along with the churches, we are all servants of God.
And what are you doing, that you want to lie to us, it
won't work. We know these lies. The man and the
woman before they get married, do they not pretend?

1 The source for each quote can be found at the end of the

book („Bibliography“ section)

The man pretends that he is very noble, and the
woman pretends that she is very noble. But after they
get married, they say to one another, "You do not fool
me, we know each other – the pretense was before, but
now we have gotten to know each other!" Why do we
have to be dishonest? Now, the pure truth must be
made know, so we can renew ourselves, then we can
become disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood,
in this sense, we become disciples of Christ.“ (2)


„No hesitation, no doubts! Absolutely no exception!

You say, "What if I do doubt?" If you do that – this is
something else. We are talking about what should not
be, not what should be. The mind will come fully at the
service of the greater Good; the heart will come fully at
the service of Love; the will shall come fully at the
service of Truth; and your soul will be totally in the
service of God's Wisdom. These are the laws that are
written as the testimonies inside everyone who wants
to become a disciple of the Universal White
Brotherhood, in the morality of which there are no
exceptions. And if you follow these rules, God's
blessing will be on your side and you will grow from
knowledge to knowledge; from power to power; and
your soul will gradually acquire the joys that you
want.“ (3)


„The aim of the occult school is to prepare your
minds, and your hearts to understand and apply Truth.
Now this School is also a skilled school. I am talking
about the occult School of the Universal White
Brotherhood, which will show you the way to apply
Truth in life – not to find it, but to apply it.“ (4)


„A weakness of all disciples is this: sometimes the

disciples think that they know more than their Master.
The rule in the occult school is: the disciple cannot
know more than the Master, ever. It is the Law of the
Occult School. Christ said, "The disciple is not superior
to the Master." If you start to think that you know
more than the Master – you are on the left; and if the
Master starts to think that he is not like his students,
he is on the left too. One of them uses the knowledge
only for himself, and the other one does the same. And
in the school of the Universal White Brotherhood all is
used for the Kingdom of God, in order to establish the
Kingdom of God on Earth. Once the Kingdom of God
on Earth is restored, then all students and teachers,
will have the best conditions to reveal their knowledge
and to create something better in this world.

Between you and me, I need to clear up all the

questions. Nothing more! In the future, if you do not
do as I tell you, I will turn my back and I will not look
at you anymore! This is the rule of the Universal White

Brotherhood. Why? It is an internal law. He who
dwells in us, God, has a path and will not wait for us.
The sun rises, the earth rotates and everything goes
according to the specified plan. We cannot change the
Laws of Being. You say, "I think this way!" Yes, but
God thought millions of years ago when He created the
world, and therefore, we will think and act as He
thought, and as He is acting. You sometimes want to
teach me how to operate. I do not operate from myself,
but I walk on God’s paths and I want you to walk this
way too. I will not amend the Laws of God, neither you,
nor the angels, and no being in the world is able to
alter, in anyway, the Divine paths. They are
unalterable. You can react, but to give a reverse path, it
is impossible. Then you will trip yourselves. If you
want to be a disciple, this is one of the rules of the
school. The school formed several times in Europe, but
it was closed for a more favorable time, due to the
arising of disputes. Several times it was opened and
closed, and now it can be closed again, but if I close it
again, you will you teach yourselves. I am not going to
teach you for a second time!

That is why I want you to be ready at this time, for

when those above have decided and have the grace to
teach you. I do not speak in my name, beware: I speak
in the name of the Universal White Brotherhood. If
they have the good grace toward you, then you have to
be faithful to them. You will study these great truths

from their perspective. Apply your mind, put
everything to a test.“ (5)


„Now what happens in nature, will happen within

you. If it does not happen, you are not on the right
path. If someone preaches a doctrine without
struggling, with no winds, no sleet, no hail, and no
rain, it is not the Divine teachings, this is not the
teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood. These
are principles, these are the conditions that you need
to keep in your mind and try them....
This is the doctrine that Christ taught. What we
have now is not morality. We leave the current
morality and give you New principles, which you
should keep and develop. When you develop these
principles inside your soul, you will feel strong and
courageous – you will have strength and courage to
endure everything.
Now, I will explain the word "patience" from an
occult perspective. Every disciple in the school of the
Universal White Brotherhood must be patient.“ (6)


„I must introduce you to the Brotherhood. You do

not know It yet. I want you all to call yourselves
disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood, of which
Christ is the head. Inside yourself you will say, "We are

disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood, of which
Christ is the head.” And to the others you will say the
same thing, "We are disciples of the Universal White
Brotherhood, of which Christ is the head.” Be brave
within yourself and you will see whether or not you are
going to suffer. To the outer world you may say that
you are occultists. Theosophists say, "We are disciples
of the White Lodge." What is more important – Lodge
or Brotherhood? "Brotherhood" – this is the first
name, but it has a more sacred name that now I dare
not pronounce it. Keep this name in yourself. There are
names that are not allowed to be pronounced. Where is
this Brotherhood? We will tell you where It is. The
Church says, "You are heretics!" No, we are members
of the Universal White Brotherhood, of which Christ is
the head. If Christ is the head of the Church, and we
are disciples of that head, we have a common head,
therefore, there is no reason to slander us, there is no
reason to persecute us. The One who is your leader, He
is our leader. Hence, we have a common leader. You
call Christ the head of the Church, and we call Christ
the head of the Universal White Brotherhood. Which is
the more efficient word? The Universal White
Brotherhood is the more efficient word. Because the
word “brothers” means living beings, and “church”
suggests the people inside, the content. Both are
Then you will consider the following: In the
Universal White Brotherhood three methods for work
are used. One method is that of Love by which Christ

now works. The second method is that of Wisdom, and
the third method is that of Truth. These are the three
methodologies, the three teachings that the Universal
White Brotherhood uses simultaneously. Therefore, we
operate with Love, with Wisdom, and with Truth, all at
the same time. Christians operate with Love;
Theosophists with Wisdom; and the Yogis use Truth in
the service of the will in its physical manifestation.
So, in the Brotherhood the studying of Love,
Wisdom and Truth are methodologies for establishing
the spiritual links for serving God. Christ said, "Seek
the Kingdom of God in His righteousness and
everything else will be given to you.” This is the idea.
Christ said, "Who denies Me in front of men, I will
disown him to the angels.” The members of the
Universal White Brotherhood are the servants of God,
they are the angels. This is what is implied in the line “I
will disown him” not to God, but to these brothers. You
must say, "We are preparing for discipleship, to enter
the Universal White Brotherhood, of which Christ is
the head, and in our striving we will not retreat a single
step, we will not forsake the principles of Love,
Wisdom and Truth.” This is the only way to become a
member. When you are a member you will begin real
life. I will pause at any time to talk to you about the
Brotherhood, there is much to talk about it, familiarize
yourself with the Laws of this Divine science. I will
gradually introduce you to the Brotherhood, not at
once. If you are ready, we would have to walk you

among these Brothers, for you to see them, but they do
not allow anyone else. Do you understand?“ (7)


„Now you are watching what some others did. Do

we have to look at what God has done in the world or
what people have done? The first sacred thing that I
want from you, is for you to arrange your relationship
with God. But what about the Church and everything
else? The first relationship in the Universal White
Brotherhood is the relationship between God and you.
I will prove to you why all the other relationships that
you have in the world, are unnatural relationships.
Therefore, as disciples of the Universal White
Brotherhood, you must distinguish yourselves at first
with honesty. Do you know what kind of a thing
honesty is? It refers to your personal dignity. It is not
an auxiliary character, it is something moral when you
think rationally. You should no be dishonest. When
you promise, you have to be true to your word. When
you say a word, when you make a promise, you have to
keep your word. Moreover, the disciple of the
Universal White Brotherhood has to be good, which is
already a moral quality.
As a disciple of the Brotherhood you must be so
alert that you can give anyone an answer for what you
believe in. We should also be courageous, noble, and
have a sublime, steady, and inexorable will, as constant
as the Will of God. This is my desire. This is how you

will be distinguished from the others, and when you
walk, the others should say, "The disciples of the
Universal White Brotherhood are honest people, they
are people who, no matter what they start, they
complete it.” (8)


„Do not think that if you get drunk and fall into the
mud, this is how it should have been. The fact that you
got covered with mud, is a result that was entirely up to
you. You have fallen, and you will stand up on your
own. The morality of the Universal White Brotherhood
is absolute. It says: When the Master accepts a person
as a disciple, he stops interfering with the mistakes of
the disciple. In other words, the Master is blind to the
mistakes of the disciple. Before you became a disciple,
the Master warned you about everything. As soon as
you become a disciple, the Master no longer sees your
mistakes. In turn, the disciple does not understand the
mistakes of the Master. Why? Because you cannot
correct the mistakes of the Master. Even if you see
them, you cannot correct them. Can the Master correct
the mistakes of the disciple? Sometimes the Master
cannot. Why not? Because there are some weaknesses
in people that derive from a natural law. Imagine that
the Master did not eat for ten days. What will be his
condition? Would he be as keen and cheerful as when
he ate? If the disciple does not understand that the
agitated state of the Master is due to something

unsatisfied in his organism, the disciple can attribute
that state to the will or character of the Master. For
example, if the disciple has been starving for five days,
and the Master has found some agitation in him, the
Master will understand it. If the Master starts
moralizing, it will not help. Bread is needed for the
disciple! So, the bread is able to correct the flaws of
both the Master and the disciple.

Hence, we derive the following great, absolute law

that puts things right instantly. This law state, "Every
ailment can be corrected when the connection between
the human soul and God is restored." This law is of the
Universal White Brotherhood. This connection has not
yet been restored. What should you do to restore your
relationship with God? We will say that you must love
our neighbor. How will you love your neighbor? As the
child loves the mother? The child constantly takes
from the mother - the neighbor, but in return the child
does not give anything. The mother gives and comforts
herself with the thought that one day her child will love
properly. If the expectations of mothers were to be
realized, our society would be unlike the present one.
The exchange between the mother and the child today
is not correct. The mother has love, but the child has
none. You cannot have a right relationship with anyone
else until you have a relationship with God.

Contemporary religious people talk about God, yet

they want to improve society without God. They say,

"Let us love God!" They speak generally, with words
only. In order to love God, we must connect our soul
and spirit with the Soul and the Spirit of God. Then
there will be a flow, a proper exchange between God
and us. As many good things as God has given us, so
will we give to Him. When that right relationship has
been established, then God will call upon us to be His
co-workers. He said today, "Come and work with me."
As soon as we become co-workers of God, all our
affairs will be blessed. That means having proper
leadership. In this connection you will feel inner
fullness within yourself. That is how you will study the
Divine knowledge that will bring to you, peace, inner
impulse, and the elevation of your spirit. It will create
within you such an inner good disposition, that you
will overcome all the difficulties in your life. In the
relationship between you and God, there will be no
trouble that you cannot overcome.

The first thing that is required to create this

relationship is humility. This is one of the laws of the
Brotherhood. Humility is the first quality that is
required from the disciple. In front of God you will go
not as a righteous person or a scientist, but humble.
Now I will use the following analogy. When you enter
the clear water, do you say that you will wash first and
then go into the water? No, in the Divine Life we will
enter as we are. Let God say we cannot enter. He will
tell us, “Welcome!" But when? When everyone bears
wears the inscription: “Humility” I am talking about

conscious humility. If we have this inscription in
ourselves, we have laid the cornerstone of the
relationship. What does Christ say? "Come to me, all
the working and burdened, for I am humble in heart.
Come to me, all who have lost the meaning of life.
Come to me, because I am humble.” He does not say of
Himself, “I am a scientist, I am love" but he says, "I am
humble." If you have humility, God's Love can come to
you. In the spiritual world, humility gives plasticity to
the human soul, to perceive the good things that the
Divine Spirit carries within itself. This is what the
human soul is aspiring for. Only in this state can we

Now you want to be disciples of the Universal White

Brotherhood. Your desire has its place, because there
you will learn a lot. Some ask the question, "Where is
the Brotherhood?" Within us. It is not a chimera or a
name, it is a reality. It is not enough just to want to be
disciples of the Brotherhood - work is required of you.
There are occultists who have traveled the courts of the
Brotherhood, but have not comprehended its essence.
What can a student who has never visited a professor
know? Some theosophists say that in order to achieve
initiation, you must go to India. You may have gone to
India, gone through the tests without dedicating
yourself. If you want to dedicate yourself, you can get
an initiation anywhere: both in India and here. You
can go to India, but your Master can find you here too.
Going to India can be done in five minutes. The

Masters of the Universal White Brotherhood know the
Laws of Nature. They can compress and dilute the
matter of their bodies and carry them wherever they
want. A Master of the Universal White Brotherhood
can meet you anywhere if you wish. He will lead you
through initiation and will depart.“ (9)


„If the Bulgarian people do not accept this doctrine,

something terrible will come for them. I will not say
what, but you have to know it. You will see what will
come. If you accept this doctrine, you will be one of the
first nations, and it will be recorded that you believed
in the resurrection of Christ. From you, the Bulgarians,
courage is required. One has to be humble. I will tell
you what it means to be humble: Never lie, be bound to
God, have a great soul, be noble and lofty in all your
manifestations. That should be the Bulgarian! We must
be as the ancestors of the Universal White Brotherhood
were, like the One who is made in the image and
likeness of God, who has inherited the whole earth:
This is Christ. He said, "I am the first one made in the
image and likeness of God. If you listen, you will have
God's blessing; you will pass from death to life, and
when I am lifted up I will draw all to myself." And all
the cultures that come into the world carry the name of
the first born brother of humankind. You will ask, "Is
there no other way out?” Today or never! Do not hope
that favorable conditions will come another time. By

the word "today" it is understood that the Divine Spirit
is now going everywhere, through all the European
nations, and says, "Regain consciousness, regain
consciousness!" Everywhere this Spirit speaks. There is
no person to whom He does not speak. He says to
everyone, "By Love, not by violence, not by murder!"
Therefore, lift your heart to God and pray. Let this
question be solved by the Orthodox Church, “Has
Christ risen in the Orthodox Church and has the
Orthodox Church accepted the Love?” There is one
church in the world. But outside the church is the
Universal White Brotherhood - It is higher than the
church, but even higher than the Universal White
Brotherhood is the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the
church is the first step; the Universal White
Brotherhood is the second step; and the Kingdom of
God is the third step. The greatest thing to be
manifested is for God's Love to live in all hearts and
minds. And when people meet each other, to know that
they are brothers and sisters, they are the children of
one Father, one Love, one Wisdom, and one Truth.“


„You must have a compelling faith without any

doubt. And when someone comes to talk to you about
any religion, as disciples of the Universal White
Brotherhood, you will say, "We exclude this question,
we do not talk about religion.” You can talk about some

public issues. Say, "No, we are not talking about it.
These are old things, and we do not deal with old
things." You should know this! I say this to all of you,
“Do not worry about old things!“ (11)


„One thing you should know: You cannot apply a

formula of the Universal White Brotherhood inside
living Nature if you have wrongdoing and misconduct.
If you do not connect with the Laws of God, with these
great forces of Nature, these formulas are worth
nothing, then these formulas will have an opposite
effects on you. You should know this!“ (12)


„There is one morality in the world - the morality of

the Universal White Brotherhood, which can be
applied if not completely, but at least in a small
amount. There are ways to apply it. This morality is
Divine. It has a magical influence on people.

The New, the Divine doctrine, as I call it, does not

deal with relative honesty, relative goodness, relative
rationality. It deals with absolute values. The Universal
White Brotherhood tells Its disciples, "Be absolutely
honest, with no exception; be absolutely good, with no
exception; be absolutely rational, with no exception."

There are two schools in the world: one is the school
of the Universal White Brotherhood, and the other is
the school of the Dark Force. The center of the first
school, the Universal White Brotherhood is on the Sun,
and the second, the Dark Force is in the center of
Earth. Each day, the Universal White Brotherhood
sends Its energy from the Sun, and the Dark Force
harvests everything it encounters in its path. As soon
as they harvest the fruits, the Dark Force goes into the
center of Earth. The wars, the decay of morality, and
the lies are exclusively due to the Dark Force. They
spoiled the world; they diverted people's thoughts from
the right path. And death is a process created by the
school of the Dark Force. The Universal White
Brotherhood, devoted Adam and Eve to true
knowledge, and told them, "On the day that you eat of
the fruit of the forbidden tree, you will die." I translate,
“On the day that you connect with the school of the
Dark Force, you will die.” Then people held the
thought that God has ordered that they have to die.
And before that they have to be judged. This is nothing
but a distorted occult truth. Humankind was not
created to die. Therefore, death is a result of the
misunderstanding of the Great Laws of God. In this
sense, death is an accidental phenomenon. Through
dying, a person is transformed; passing from one state
to another. Whoever understands the laws and applies
them, goes to the center of the Sun; goes to the realm
of life.“ (13)


„Therefore, we must use the conditions in which we

are placed. Do not whimper, but use the conditions! Do
not modify them, but refine them! And then: do not
blame anyone, do not take sides, do not fight against
anyone in the school. In the school, when someone
takes the side of another, they immediately split into
parties. There is nothing to divide into parties. Every
disciple has to learn. If the disciples begin to divide,
this work is not going to develop correctly. If you
notice that there appears to be some disagreements,
some who are aggrieved at the school, they are the
exception. In a school such as the Universal White
Brotherhood all mistakes are absolutely excluded.“ (14)


„Well, you will one day come in contact with other

cultural beings. You will not be as you are now. Some
say the Universal White Brotherhood is in Bulgaria. It
has brought a great honor to Bulgaria, if you think It is
here. The Brotherhood cannot choose such a small
nation for Its headquarter. It has not chosen England,
or France, or Germany, or Russia, Its headquarter is
elsewhere. The only thing that exists now in the world
is the Universal White Brotherhood. All other people:
writers, priests, preachers, philosophers, and so on are
all workers of the Brotherhood. The whole culture of
Justice in the world is led by the mighty power and

ability of the Brotherhood. When Christ came to Earth,
these great Brothers sent from heaven a regiment of
angels, and their officers to sing. Following them were
the three wise men, adepts from the East, who came to
worship Christ, and they were employees of the
Brotherhood too. Some people say, “The Brotherhood
does not prosper in Bulgaria.” Bulgarians should know
that their freedom is given by the Brotherhood. And if
they sin, the Universal White Brotherhood will deal
with them. There is no nation that they cannot deal
with. Let's all remember this thing! This should be
printed in your minds. The Universal White
Brotherhood is not something visible; It is not a sect; It
is not a church; It is something alive, outside of these
corrupted conditions in which people live. The way
people live now, is not a brotherhood.“ (15)


„I say, “The Universal White Brotherhood requires

the disciples of the Occult School in Bulgaria to acquire
the three great virtues; patience, charity, and love for
God, for three years.” If you take on that task, you will
have their cooperation, their help everywhere. If you
are working on this task, you will also have the support
of your Master. Under the word "Master" we
understand the great Wisdom of God, which brings
new forms, new ideas, and new feelings to life.“ (16)


„I ask, “Do you know why the occult school is now in
Bulgaria? Do you know who the chairman is, who is
the secretary of the school, the street and number
where they live?” You do not know who is the
chairman, and who is the secretary of the school, and
you want to know who its members are. You are often
talking about the Universal White Brotherhood, but
this idea is not clear to you either. Some people say, "Is
there really a Brotherhood or is it something
fictitious?" Our acquaintance, who has been in
America for a few years, now wants to find a member
of the Brotherhood, but he cannot find any. Why can
he not find them? Because they are not to be found. If
you meet a member of the Universal White
Brotherhood, he will never say he belongs to the
Brotherhood. He does not talk about himself, but he
even passes for a simple, ordinary person. This way he
tests your foresight, your knowledge. He wears the sign
of the Brotherhood, but you are blind, you will not see
it. If you have an inward preparation to comprehend
and understand, you will recover your sight and see the
sign that a member of the Universal White
Brotherhood carry. By this sign you will discern them.“


„Now you are all passing for disciples. In your

opinion, who is a disciple? What are the characteristics
of the disciple? Above all, the disciples must have a

connection with the living nature, understand its laws,
adhere to them correctly, and apply them in their lives.
There are two categories of disciples: there are those
that are disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood,
and the others are disciples of the Dark Force. Between
these two categories, there is a third, that reconciles
both categories. As for the third category, I will not say
anything because they fall outside the present life.
Disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood, and
those of the Dark Force, differ radically in their
methods of action. In order for the disciples to be
successful, regardless of which category they belong to,
the disciples must have self-control. If the smallest
incident, the least of opposition or surprise disturbs
their equanimity, they cannot hope for success in their
work.“ (18)


„Now as I speak to you, many will say, "What is the

purpose of the Master to speak to us this way?" I say,
"The only purpose I have, is to help you become worthy
members of the Universal White Brotherhood.”
Someone will say, "Here they talk about members of a
new society." The Brotherhood that I am speaking to
you about, is not a new society; it has existed since
time immemorial, and still exists today. To be worthy
of this good, you must pray, work hard on yourself
until your heart is completely calm: all the storms and
winds, all the roughness of the sea within ceases. If

your heart is quiet, the dawn of your sun will come, it
will become a bright day for your sky, with no clouds,
and no shadows. If the sun of your life rises, your heart
will tremble, and you will hear the voice of the Spirit of
God, all the angels, and all the advanced brothers. And
then you will enter the Great City, between the sublime
and Rational beings. If you succeed in this, your joy
will be indescribable.“ (19)


„So, this inner relationship with God must be

created. In the Bulgarian, this connection is very weak.
One of the tasks of the disciple of the Universal White
Brotherhood is to raise the religious feeling in the
Bulgarians, not only in form, but in a radical way. We
are not interested in the outer form, but we should first
produce a conversion within us, and then through us.
Afterwards, this spiritual stream will flow into the
whole Bulgarian nation and a general elevation of the
people will happen. The first thing is to make an
interconnectedness, an inner link between the Divine
world and the human soul. This relationship is not yet
strong in all of you. Take, for example, how easy you
loose faith! Sometimes you say, "Is there a God, or is
there no God?" You doubt. This shows how weak your
relationship is. The most beautiful thing, however, is to
live in God. He will give us an inner impulse for
everything. When people live in God, they can do
anything, everything is spiritualized. I say, the psalmist

that wrote "Praise the name of God" understood this
thing.“ (20)


„True achievement is found in the connection that

you make with all the noble, lofty beings who work in
scientific societies. You will certainly draw something
from them. Therefore, when you say that you are a
member of the Universal White Brotherhood, you have
to ask yourself what this Brotherhood is and what you
will use from it. The Divine Doctrine of the
Brotherhood is not appearing now. The Brotherhood
has existed since time immemorial, since the
beginning of the creation of the world. It has existed
since the Universe existed. The Brotherhood has taken
part in the creation of the world, the whole of the
cosmos. Every member of this Brotherhood is a
manifestation of God.
Therefore, as disciples of the Universal White
Brotherhood, you must follow Its path, follow the lives
of its members. Did you study their lives and how they
came to this knowledge, to this Love? They have
achieved all this through hard work, not as an
inheritance. If you study the lives of these Brothers,
you will see what sacrifice they have given to the world.
If someone were to describe their life as a novel, you
would immediately follow their path.“ (21)


„What is Love without Light? Did not all Old
Testament people have Love without Light? What did
they gain? What is Light without Peace? Did not all
New Testament people have Light without Peace?
What did they gain? Therefore, you must properly
understand the inner process of life. Once you obtain
knowledge, that knowledge must give you Light. Is that
really so? You have a lot of knowledge, but you are
unhappy with your life, you have no Peace in yourself.
Religious people accept that they do not have Peace in
themselves, they have no Joy. Therefore, when
religious and scientific people tell about some of their
experiences, their views and conclusions are ordinary.
When a disciple speaks about an experience, he can tell
about an experience of Love where there is Light. The
disciple can tell about an experience of Light in which
there is Peace. The disciple can tell of an experience of
Peace, which brings Joy to the soul. All disciples of the
Universal White Brotherhood lived between the Old
Testament people and the New Testament people.
Today they live among the righteous.“ (22)


„I wish you now, to make an inner connection to

the First Cause of things, by thinking and applying the
constant quantities in your life. Work on yourself so
that the angels carry you, both in this world and in that
world. Many are afraid the angels will not come and
take them. No, the angels can only carry those who are

connected to God. Only those who have been
associated with the higher world, with the Universal
White Brotherhood can ascend, and develop their gifts
and abilities, Whoever wants to develop quickly, must
be connected with the Great World. This relationship
can turn the simple person into a scientist, and the
ordinary person into a genius. The reconciliation of
this relationship is not through violence, but
voluntarily, through love. When can this happen?
Whenever a person sincerely wants. To create this
relationship consciously, this means awakening your
To awaken the consciousness of humankind means
resurrection. When all people make a connection with
the higher world, when their consciousness awakens, it
means the world will be illuminated from all sides,
from all four corners. Then all false theories and
doctrines will fall, all doubts and delusions will
disappear, and people will get rid of evil smoke and
soot, of the influence of the Dark Force. They will begin
to eat the pure food of the Word; breathe fresh, clean
air; drink pure, crystal clear water; embrace the Divine
light; and enjoy the New Life, the New Science, the
New Love, the New Wisdom, and Truth.
Aspire to restore the intimate relationship with God,
with the Rational world. The New Year, 1929 that
comes, favors relationships with advanced beings,
beings of the Divine world.“ (23)


„One must understand the laws, in order to use
wisely the conditions of life. Those who do not
understand the laws think they can achieve everything
magically, like Moses. Indeed, Moses waved his staff
and did something, but he had knowledge. Moses
studied in the Great Occult School in Egypt, he was
initiated. He had to be born a Jew, to be put into the
water where the Pharaoh's daughter could see him and
love him. Moses was not an ordinary child. Even as a
baby in the basket, he was open-eyed, aware. The royal
daughter loved him and wished to take care of him as
her child. This combination of conditions was provided
by the Invisible world so that Moses could go to Egypt,
to study at the School of the Universal White
Brotherhood, which was located there during that
time.“ (24)


„Today, all of you have the support of God, as well

as the support of Christ, all the saints, all the great
Masters of the Universal White Brotherhood, and the
sublime beings who have completed their
development. We will all work to build the New culture
and when we build it, only then we can say, as the
blind man said in the time of Christ, "I was blind once,
but now I see clearly." Everything that God sows
grows. Everything good and exalted that your soul
desires will be accomplished, but your consciousness
must be awake, not to interrupt the relationship.“ (25)


„Now, you must all be truth lovers, be burning

candles, because you are missionaries of the Divine
Doctrine. This teaching was not born now, it has
existed since the beginning of genesis. If anyone wants
to know why the world was created, you must know
that the world was created to manifest God's Love,
Wisdom and Truth. When you go among people in the
world, you will not tell them why the world was
created, but you will be the carriers of God's Love,
Wisdom and Truth. From what you preach, people
have to find the reasons for the creation of the world
on their own. Only then your sermon will give fruit.
Should the Englishman boast that he is an
Englishman? As he behaved, everyone must know he is
an Englishman. Should you praise yourself that you are
a disciple of the Universal White Brotherhood? From
your deeds, they will know who you are.“ (26)

„And so, if the present life with suffering, good, and
evil are not reasons for a person to get onto the right
path, toward Heaven, then time is lost. Everything in
life must be turned into conditions, possibilities and
achievements for a someone. That means to be a
disciple. This is the student’s path in the inner school,
in the school of the Universal White Brotherhood.

When you enter the school, then will come the
Now you have come to the possibilities of life, but
not to the achievements. None of you know what
achievements you will have in the future.
Achievements mean seeing. You have not reached the
phase to see things clearly. I have spoken many things
to you, but everything needs to be sifted, in order to
leave only what you need. And you have many desires,
but they are ice that will melt and disappear, like the
water that sinks into the ground. Do not feel sorry for
what will drain. Do not feel sorry for the bran. For you
what is important is the flour.
It is important for you to use the time for your
mind, your heart, your soul and your spirit. Do not
think about why misery, sorrow, or unhappiness
comes. Do not waste your time thinking about them.
Say, “Let God's Will be done!” By coming to Earth, you
have received something.
Physical life is a condition for obtaining the
spiritual; spiritual life is a condition for acquiring the
Divine. Only in the Divine life can one find all the
opportunities for attaining what the human soul
desires. “ (27)


„The real Brotherhood is above. Where is the

station of the Brotherhood? The station of the
Universal White Brotherhood is between the thumb

and the index finger. Through this station you will
perceive whatever the Brotherhood speaks about. As I
am watching a preacher when he is talking about God,
if the gap between his thumb and the index finger is
open, he perceives and emits. When the sun shines on
you it is one thing, but when those lamps are glowing
on you, it is a different thing. Now, I do not want what
I am talking to conflict with what you have. I do not
want to break what you have, not in the least. Your
feelings, what you believe in, and what you have
achieved thus far is in place. But for what will be
coming today, you have to listen. From what you
already have, you will attain something new. The New
that is coming today, the entire day, you will perceive
between the thumb and the forefinger. That which you
have to learn, you will not learn from me, but
throughout the whole day, while the sun is shining
until the next day, you will perceive. The day will be
formed according to your perception.“ (28)

Written by followers
of the Master from
conversations about
the Universal White
Conscious Emanation

„The methods of the Universal White Brotherhood

gives the disciple the opportunity to acquire
clairvoyance in a higher area of the Invisible world, in
the superior worlds. Clairvoyance is not an easy job. A
person who is clairvoyant, will have difficulties, will
have temptations, because when he looks into
someone, he will also see the past, and will know that
in the past the person may have been a criminal; and
he must have great spiritual strength, to be able to still
treat the person well, with a sacred feeling - not only
outwardly, but inwardly as well. This should not
change his attitude toward the person.“ (29)


Selfless Serving

„One brother asked, "What is the fundamental

feature of the school of the Universal White
The Path of Love, the Path of Wisdom, and the Path
of Truth enter simultaneously in the Doctrine of the
Universal White Brotherhood and the Brotherhood
gathers these three paths in one. The disciple
periodically goes through the waves of Love, Wisdom
and Truth, repeats them again and so on.“ (29)


The Universal White Brotherhood

„During a private conversation between the Master

and a disciple question was raised about the Universal
White Brotherhood.
The churches of people are many, but God's church
is one. Those who belong to Gods’ church, have one
heart. It is said, "I will give them one heart and one
shepherd." Apply what Christ taught, not what people
teach in the name of Christ.
There is one God of the people in the world, and He
is the great reality; all prophets, saints and mystics
have originated from Him. The advanced beings are
organized and they form the Universal White
Brotherhood. And today they work on a plan to fix
humankind. The Universal White Brotherhood should

not be impeded, because the consequences will be bad.
The true Brotherhood exists - the advanced beings who
form it, live rationally and we must manifest, and
proclaim the Universal Brotherhood through us. The
brothers have completed their evolution on Earth and
know the principles of human thought.
What is the modern weapon compared with the
power of the Brotherhood? The Universal White
Brotherhood has mainly inner strength, while the Dark
Force has only an external manifestation. This is why
the Dark Force can have only external achievements,
while the Universal White Brotherhood which
conquers first from inside, has the opportunity for all
outer and inner developments, and is stronger.
The words Universal White Brotherhood must be
free from misconceptions - this is a Divine impulse. A
member of the Universal White Brotherhood is anyone
who is credited. Currently, the Universal White
Brotherhood prevails in the world, but another epoch
is coming, the Sixth humankind will come. Today, the
power is already in the knowledge.
A member of the Universal White Brotherhood can
pierce the darkness, but a member of the Dark Force
cannot pierce the light. Those righteous souls that will
come to Earth with fiery swords, have resurrected
thousands and thousands of years ago. Now they are in
the Invisible world.
The society of the Universal White Brotherhood is
in three places: in the physical world, on Earth, in
Agartha; in the Spiritual world; and in the Divine

world. The members of the Brotherhood work in three
places and those three places are interconnected.
Agartha has many doors. There is a door to Agartha
in Rila. Except for the advanced Brothers who live in
the places where Agartha is located, there are other
members of Agartha who travel from place to place.
The advanced beings who live in Bulgaria, are in a
physical body. How many times you have met them?
But because people are afraid of the inhabitants of the
other world, the advanced beings do not appear
frequently to avoid disturbance. A member of Agartha
will appear to you, like he has resided here for
centuries, otherwise you will be overwhelmed.
Among the modern humankind there are people
who are distinguished by their ideal artificial body,
because they live an absolutely pure and sacred life,
and they are helping with the development of
humankind. Such people are all over the world. They
live 200, 300, 400, 500 years. A member of the
Brotherhood will live in one location for 50-60 years,
then will go somewhere else to help, maybe changing
names or not.
The Universal White Brotherhood has worked in
India, Egypt, Persia, Palestine, Babylon, the Rome
Empire, Greece, Italy, and France. After the
Brotherhood left Italy and France, It went to work in
England and in Germany. From England and
Germany, the Brotherhood moved on to the Slavic
people where it is working now. In every nation where
the Universal White Brotherhood works, It always

leaves something precious. This Brotherhood started
with India and will finish with Russia, because they are
touching, and this is how a circle, a cycle completes.
The British were surprised that the Hindus in India
knew the news before them. And the fact of the event is
in this: the devoted ones served as a live radio, a
What is written in the occult books today, is only 25
percent true, while the rest, the meaningful is known to
the initiates in India and they hide it.
A brother was interested in the commonality of the
different mystical Brotherhoods around the world.
One is the path that leads to the Kingdom of God.
The ideal is the Kingdom of God, brotherhood and
love. The difference between the understandings
depends on the stage of development. All the
understandings are in their place, but because the
humankind is progressing and is evolving, so the
understandings are different. We are pleased with all
those who carry the Divine, no matter where they come
from. Every movement is in service, the Brotherhood is
in its place and forms part of a whole; God has the
philosophy of the Whole.
The Greeks actually conquered Rome. All the
Romans knew the Greeks; the Universal White
Brotherhood was in Greece. When Alexander the Great
entered Jerusalem, he released the people because the
Universal White Brotherhood was there. But when the
Brotherhood departed, Jerusalem fell. The

Brotherhood also departed Greece and now it has
faded away.
If you only know how great the Divine plan is! The
ideas of the Universal White Brotherhood will be
accepted. Not by everyone, but only the ones who are
ready, and the others will accept them in another age.
All those who will accept the New ideas are appointed
and will come. Now, we do not have to win them - they
are of the path, we only need to wake them up. They
are sleeping and when they wake up, they will say, "We
are ready!" And those who are still not ready, will find
themselves wondering and will say that they are not
ready. Leave them, when they come, they will do
nothing. The prepared ones are specified. Christ says,
"You are not of this world, as I am not" they are the
prepared ones. Apostle Paul explains this thought as
follows, "The ones that God had foreknown, them He
foreordained.” The souls that are ready have worked in
the past. Apostle Paul says, "In the womb of my
mother, God has chosen me” it means from the deep
past, that is, all the souls that have worked diligently in
the past, God sees it and choses them. From time to
time they might have deviated slightly, but they have
never deviated completely. And when Elijah became
despaired and complained to God that he was alone,
God told him, "There are seven thousand people that
have not bowed before Baal."“ (30)


Exiting of the Thirteenth Sphere

„The heads of people are not ripe. Now is the siege

of Jerusalem. The Christian world is Jerusalem. Today,
the whole world is under siege, the advanced beings
from the Invisible world have come down to Earth and
occupy it. Their plan will be fulfilled.
You must believe in the plan that exists and has
been created above. The Heavenly host is now here and
has occupied the Earth. The Universal White
Brotherhood has its members all over the Earth and
holds everything in its hands. It will not become what
this or that one wants, but will become what has been
determined by the Universal White Brotherhood.
There will not be a triumph of this or that country, but
the triumph will be the plan of the Universal White
Brotherhood. There is no force that can oppose to the
Universal White Brotherhood.” (30)


The Sages from the East

„Who are the beings that are behind Christ and

constantly promote His Cause? In the following text is
announced the existence of the Great Universal White
Brotherhood, "But you have come to Mount Zion, to
the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You
have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in
joyful assembly, to the church of the first-born, whose

names are written in heaven. You have come to God,
the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made
perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and
to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than
the blood of Abel.” (Hebrews 12:22-24)
This is written by a devoted one, as was the Apostle
Paul. Under Mount Zion, in the city of the living God,
in the heavenly Jerusalem is apparent that Rational
centre that works through spiritual sources in the
Nature. By mentioning the innumerable company of
angels and the council of the firstborn, are meant the
members of the Universal White Brotherhood.
They stood above the humankind long ago: in prior
universes, they have completed their human evolution,
and now they lead the building processes in Nature
through their spiritual essence.
The spirits of the righteous ones made perfect are
beings of the current humankind who have completed
their human evolution and are already helping in the
great creative work of the Universal White
Brotherhood. With the phrase, “Jesus the mediator of a
new covenant" is defined His mission, related to the
ascension of humanity, while the lower expression,
“The sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than
the blood of Abel” implies the sacrifice that Christ
made through Love in the name of abundant life for
humanity.“ (30)


At Dawn

„The dawn itself is a sign that the Divine manifests

and brings abundance. Through the dawn is illustrated
the appearance of Christ as a great event in human
history, and as a border between the involutional and
the evolutional period of humankind. There are bright
souls and great geniuses from whom comes all the
bright impulses of the humankind.
When humanity sinks into a deep night, then from
the great centre of the Universal White Brotherhood,
whose head is Christ, comes the Light and brings the
dawn. The New culture that is manifesting, will be the
realization of the Christ impulse. And all the past
cultures have prepared the human consciousness and
its ripening to perceive this impulse. And when
humankind follows the Christ impulse, it will not be
possible to pull in the net because of the many fishes,
then the results will come.“ (30)



„Paneurhythmy is sacred. Through it, spiritual

values are created that are infused into the universal
culture. There is a need for spiritual centers, through
which the Divine will ascend to awaken the souls of the
world, to renew them and to introduce the New culture
of the Spirit. Paneurhythmy is adapted to express the

New ideas and to pass them on through music,
movements, and words, awakening the Divine in
human nature.
Paneurhythmy is not an ordinary dance - in its
movements are embodied the ideas that today are
building and constructing the New Culture. In its
movements are hidden springs with magical power,
which will put into motion the creative forces of the
human soul - forces that are awaiting their
The Universal White Brotherhood brings the New
into the world, not only through the thoughts, the
feelings, and actions, but through movement as well.
After all, when the wind blows its spirit stirs the leaves
and thus, makes possible the sap, right? The
movements of Paneurhythmy have an inner power and
spiritual influence over humankind. Every place where
Paneurhythmy is practiced, becomes a centre for
sending bright ideas into the world.“ (30)



„This chapter in the Bible is clearly talking about the

Universal White Brotherhood, namely in the Epistle of
Paul to the Hebrews 12:22-24, "But you have come to
Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly
Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon
thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of

the first-born, whose names are written in heaven. You
have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the
righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new
covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a
better word than the blood of Abel.”
The mystical brotherhood will have the support of
the above organization, if they are bearers of the Divine
principles, and then through the Universal White
Brotherhood they will be united. The external
rapprochement between the mystical brotherhoods can
and should be. The acquaintance will visit each other,
have delicate friendly relations, and will be able to see
what each has been given from above.
Does not every prophet say what is revealed to
him? In this there will be no monotony. In such an
inner exchange, the sap of each of them circulate to the
others without any difficulties, just like the vital juices
in the organism.
On the other hand, international assemblies of all
the mystical brotherhoods and mystical souls in the
world, can be convened on the mountains, in the Alps
or Rila. But these assemblies are only for mutual
acquaintance.“ (30)


Victory is On Our Side

„All of the first Christians have been waking up very

early to pray, at 4 a.m. they were on their feet. Also, the

Bogomils (Beloved of God) have welcomed the Sun,
and this is a tradition of the Universal White
Brotherhood. It has visited all the nations, it has been
in Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and in Palestine.
Now, the Universal White Brotherhood is among
the European nations. Among the Caucasian people
there are people from the Red and from the Black race,
and each takes such a function that suits them. The
headquarters of the Universal White Brotherhood was
first in Atlantis, from there it moved to Egypt, and after
Egypt it moved to the Himalayas, which is a newer
Africa and Asia were once connected, but they
divided into two continents. From the Himalaya
branches they are sent to the different nations.
A spiritual hunger is coming, but you are already
prepared for the days when you will need to help the
world with New ideas. And how will you look then, and
how will they look for you?“ (30)



„There is a movement of the Universal White

Brotherhood everywhere around the world and it is in
contact with us.“ (30)


Some words about the first steps of the

„I, The Master said once during a conversation,

"One cannot enter the Divine School of the Universal
White Brotherhood by one’s own wish.” Someone may
say, "I am free, if I want, I will get in." No, when the
Universal White Brotherhood sees that you are ready,
they will accept you up there. And then, on Earth a
desire to enter the Divine School will emerge from
inside you. If you are not accepted above, no desire to
get in the school will emerge." (31)


The Master about Christ

„The coming of Christ to Earth is such a great event.

Christ cannot be compared with the other masters. In
Atlantis there were Occult Schools and then the
masters were saying, “There will come a Divine being
who will give an impulse for the uplifting of
humankind and it will bring something precious to
Earth." This is what they said in the Occult Schools of
India. In Egypt also, they have waited for the coming of
this great event on Earth.
If this is so, then what meaning did the religions
have before Christ? Christ is the central figure, all the
religions originate from Him. Now we are going to read
the Epistle to the Hebrews 12:22-24. There it speaks

about the Universal White Brotherhood in relation to
The "Joyful angels” spoken of in this chapter, are
the most sublime beings. “The spirits of the righteous
made perfect,” are advanced people. We speak of
Angelic beings who work for human evolution. All
these beings spoken about in those verses, form the
Universal White Brotherhood and work under the
guidance of Christ.
Everything that happens in nature is guided from
above, by the Rational world. At first glance, human
history looks chaotic, but it has a Rational guide.“ (31)


Dawn of the New Culture

„The dark age of Kali Yuga, the last and the darkest
age that has lasted thousands of years is expiring.
The Earth is moving upwards, it is escaping from
the thirteenth sphere, the thick matter, which lasted
for millions of years. When it emerges into the new
sphere, it will give a banquet and will say, "Children,
we have already escaped!" The ones who cannot move
upwards, will remain below.
All intelligent beings from the Universal White
Brotherhood are mobilized and are preparing the New
culture. The Universal White Brotherhood will turn
everything into good!“ (32)


The Universal White Brotherhood

„We celebrated the Summer Solstice on the

mountain. We were there for several days, and we used
the small hut in the foothill of Ostritza peak. Every
morning we went to the peak, we greeted the Sun, we
said the morning prayers, and we did the gymnastic
exercises. After, we would choose a sunny place on the
lawn between the rocks, and sit around our beloved
Master. One morning, the topic of the Universal White
Brotherhood who guide the humankind was discussed.
The Master said, "There is one Divine society, there is
one Divine nation. I advise you to connect strongly
with It and accept the New Light in your minds, your
hearts and your souls. I say to everyone, "We will win!
God is with us. There is no force in the world to oppose
these great principles that we serve. All good, honest,
fair and smart people; men, women, and children are
with us. All those who support the three great
principles, from any church or party they are with us."

We are asked, "Who are you and how many are

you?" We are one Universal White Brotherhood, such
as the world has never seen. A Brotherhood that has
branches on Earth, in Heaven, and in the whole
Universe. Whoever serves God, is a citizen of this great
Universal White Brotherhood, which we call the

Brotherhood of God's Love, God's Wisdom, and God's
You will say, "We want to become members of this
Brotherhood.” I want you to be disciples of this
Brotherhood. To study God, this means to go through
the School of the Universal White Brotherhood. The
best professors, the best teachers are in this school.
Each of you should find it. It is not like our
universities. There are no hypothesis and theories. As
you complete this School, you will be given difficult
tasks that you have to solve correctly. For example, you
will be given the task to walk between the wild tribes
and among the underdeveloped people. Then, they will
send you among good and bad people, animals, and
plants and they will monitor how you will deal with it
and how you are accepted. At last, they will give you a
gem and a simple rock and they will see what you will
do with them. If you use well the simple rock and the
gemstone, the Universal White Brotherhood will
accept you as a member. They are very demanding of
everyone, because they will have their effect. If they
accept you once, they will always help you. Great
prospects, great future, and great achievements are
standing before you.
John the Baptist who came just before Christ, was
familiar with the Divine Science, the Divine Doctrine.
He was not from the simple people, the ignorant. He
had been dedicated, he studied at the School of the
ancient times.

The New in the world was always given by this
Great Brotherhood. The Universal White Brotherhood,
through Christ, have brought the good into the world.
If Christ had not come two thousand years ago, what
would be the situation of humankind? Everything good
in the world was brought by the Universal White
Brotherhood, who has worked for the elevation of the
The people, in whose soul and spirit God lives, are
the Great Beings, the geniuses, the Masters of
humankind and they have the highest manifestation in
music, poetry, art, and in all talents of Life everywhere.
These are the souls that drive humankind forward. For
the historical process this or that nation, this or that
person are not factors, however, the Invisible World,
the Powers that orchestrate events, and namely the
members of the Universal White Brotherhood are
factors. Those who complete their development, will
enter into this Universal Brotherhood. The good people
are connected to the Universal White Brotherhood in
an internal way. Whatever good you acquire, you bring
it to the Brotherhood. People are looking for us,
because of the capital we have.
A brother is the one who came from God and until
he returns to God, through all existences, he has been
your brother. In all the conditions of life, he was
willing to sacrifice himself for you. And he does all this
not by force, but by the great consciousness of that
Divine Spirit that lives in his soul. If all of you had such

an ideal, you will be disciples and workers of the
Universal White Brotherhood.
Thus far, such a poet or a writer who is able to write
such a novel cannot be found. Why? Because he cannot
find such beautiful images neither in his mind, nor in
his heart. Only that person knows the new philosophy
of Life, the one who has contacted the Universal White
Brothers and walks on their path.
One brother asked, "Why is the phrase “White
Brotherhood” preferred to the phrase "Advanced,
Bright Beings?”
When we say Brotherhood, it is understood that
they have feelings toward us, they are our brothers,
they are connected to us. In some of the most ordinary
events are hidden things that you do not suspect. You
meet a person whom you think is ordinary, and he is
from the Brotherhood.
"In future times, will these Brothers appear into the
world, amongst the people?"
Some of them have already emerged. The angelic
hierarchy guide humankind. The angels have
representatives on Earth. The School of the Universal
White Brotherhood is on the Sun. Every year the
Universal White Brotherhood makes an assembly
there. And the representatives of the White
Brotherhood on Earth have a gathering too. Where?
On a high peak in the Himalayas. Where is the peak? I
know it, but I cannot tell it to you, it is not allowed.
Then, the Universal White Brotherhood on the sun
express their Love to the Brotherhood on Earth, in all

their fulness, with all their energy, they send it into the
whole world. This energy is the reason for the
advancement of the religions, the sciences, the arts, for
the rebuilding of societies, improving construction and
management. The bright and beautiful days of our lives
are due to the assembly of the Universal White
Brotherhood on the Sun. When a member of the
Brotherhood on Earth passes through dedication, he
must be careful to do so on the day of the solemn
assembly on the Sun. Exactly when the Sun rays sends
something new to Earth.
A sister asked, "Can we visit the members of the
Universal White Brotherhood where they live?”
It is not that they do not want your visit, but people
are not yet ready to understand the knowledge that is
being studied there. And on the other hand, they do
not have physical bodies such as yours. They live in
etheric bodies. In time, the Universal White
Brotherhood will provide even greater assistance to
humankind and there shall be a bright era. There is a
plan in Nature that no one can alter. This plan will be
implemented and people will become free.
One brother asked, "Does the movement of the
Bogomils have a connection with our movement?"
We have not had any phase of their development.
We are a source which has come from God. Other
movements flow out of us, but we have not emerged
from another movement. The Bogomils have similar
characteristics to our movement, because we come

from the same great centre of the Universal White
In the past, we have manifested ourselves in one
way. In future, we will evolve even more perfect.“ (33)


The Rational Reality

„Always eat your breakfast after sunrise and eat

your dinner before sunset. Never go to bed until you
wash your feet with warm water. Every night before
sleeping, release the unnecessary thoughts, feelings,
and desires. Every night before you sleep say, “I am
going up to learn, to pray and to work. I wish to visit
the Heavenly School of the Universal White
Brotherhood.“ (34)


Logos of the Planet Earth

„About Universal White Brotherhood the Master

The members of the Universal White Brotherhood
are from seven hierarchies, from seven categories.
Some of them belong to the Love, they are called
Brothers of the Love. And there are those that belong
to the Wisdom and are called Brothers of the Wisdom;
they belong to the sciences and the arts. They bring the

knowledge to humankind. A third of them are called
Brothers of the Truth. These Brothers bring freedom to
the minds and hearts of humankind; introduce
freedom into their thoughts and feelings. They bring
that freedom which makes the human spirit, the
human soul, the human mind, and the human heart
completely free.
Free in the full meaning of the word. Others are
Brothers of the Justice who bring the righteousness to
the humankind and they have the invisible wealth that
the modern people need. Others are called Brothers of
Virtue, Brothers of Beauty, and the last ones are called
Jehovist or Yahwist.
These are not the real names of the Brothers. I
cannot pronounce the names, because they are sacred.
All these Brothers are not so ordinary. Each of them
can lift the Earth in their hand and throw it into space
just like a ball. Such knowledge they have. They can
pick up the Earth with a hand, because behind them is
the more powerful, who they work for. When Christ
descended to Earth, He left all his power and glory
with these Brothers, and He came alone, as a servant,
to show the people how they should live.
In the distant past, on Earth lived the First
humankind. Today, these beings are known as the
Universal White Brotherhood. These Brothers have
already completed their evolution. They are not
imaginary, but real beings. They have representatives
on Earth and are distinguished by the fact that they
fulfill the Will of God and live according to His laws,

that is, they live under the Laws of Rational Nature.
They live on the high and low areas, between the
All the laws that governed the sacred schools in
Egypt, the initiates borrowed from other Sacred
Schools, but in the beginning all of these principles
were perceived from above. The lifting of the giant
rocks for building the Egyptian pyramids happened by
decreasing the weight of the rocks via the Laws of the
Electricity and Magnetism. The Egyptian initiates had
mastered these laws, which is unknown now.
It is worthy to be disciples of the Universal White
Brotherhood, because the Masters of the Brotherhood
keep all the archives of the Cosmos. They keep the
book of life and all of you should study this book. There
is no greater benefit than it. When you go to God in the
Great School of the Universal White Brotherhood, it is
absolutely forbidden for anyone to complain.
The Law of Love must be applied. It is the first law
of the Universal White Brotherhood. The second law is
Wisdom. Love brings Life, and Wisdom brings Light
and Knowledge. These two laws have to work together
in the world. The Universal White Brotherhood tells its
disciples: Be absolutely honest, without exception; be
absolutely good, without exception; be absolutely
intelligent; without exception. If by your life it cannot
be known that you are a disciple of the Universal White
Brotherhood, will you be recognized from a sign?
Every disciple of the Brotherhood must walk straight
like a candle, with an upright posture. The eyes should

not be dimmed, love and energy should emanate from
them: day and night, light should flow out of them. The
chest has to be opened, with shoulders back.
The face should be bright and cheerful, to show
there are virtues in you. The lips should be barely
touching each other, to see that there is life in them,
not so tight and closed. When others look at you, you
want them to say that in the face of these people there
is something prominent. Let everyone tell you that you
are special people.
Look strong, with no fear, so when you grasp your
opponents’ leg, they will know that you have caught
them. You must strive to be strong. To be strong means
to control all of your cells, to control all of your
muscles in every moment. You must have
exquisiteness in everything. Your mouth must be
always cleared and not smell bad. If your breath smells
bad then say, "In the name of God's Love, in the name
of God's Wisdom, this which smells bad in me must
By command, you will order your mouth not to
stink and one day this smell will disappear. Keep your
teeth in good condition, and eat pure food. No
impurity should remain on your teeth. This is required
of the disciple of the Universal White Brotherhood, to
have absolute purity.
Meditate daily on the advanced beings because it
makes communication and connection with them
possible. In addition to night time, suitable hours are:
11 a.m. and 12 noon, between 17:00 (5 p.m.) and 18:00

(6 p.m.), between 21:00 (9 p.m.) and 22:00 (10 p.m.),
and 24:00 (midnight) the exception.
When you are in contact with the Universal White
Brotherhood, you are in communion with them. You
have to study the laws. It is not very pleasant for them
to appear on the physical surface, because the
environment is a very thick material, unfavourable,
and they have to make great preparations to appear. It
is much better when you go to the mountain, where
there are better conditions for them to be visible. And
you have to choose not only a clean place, where
nobody else will be following you, but no one else
should know, and no one must see them appearing to
A society of harmony needs to be created, so beings
from the Invisible world, the Divine world can come
and work. When such a society is created, it becomes
the focal point for their appearance. Then, they come
into view and create intimate relationships. In the
Universal White Brotherhood everyone needs to have
unity, not to live individual lives, but to help each
other. If 10, 20, 30, or 100 people unite in one mind, in
one heart, they can successfully complete any work.
The members of the Universal White Brotherhood will
come to you themselves, you will not find them. One
Bulgarian brother, now in America asked me how to
find the Brotherhood. I told him that there is no need
to look for them, they will find him. Yes, they will find
you. Christ came and found his disciples. The law is

such and I want that when they arrive, for you to be
The teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood
you will find scattered throughout Occultism,
Theosophy, and Christianity. In this teaching there is
unity everywhere, there is no disagreement. In the
teachings of the Universal White Brotherhood there is
a special understanding of the creation of the world, a
special theory. The Universal White Brotherhood never
question the modern theories, they keep silence about
them. They tell no one, "You are not right!"
You will say, "Why do we need to enter and study at
that school, at the School of the Universal White
Brotherhood?" To learn the Laws of Happiness, the
Laws of Life, and to know how to live. There is no other
way. The New life is a path to the Universal White
Brotherhood. It will give you true methods and laws.
Our future life will be determined by the school. So you
have to go, there is no other way, because if you do not
go to learn the New Methods and ways to live, you will
be bankrupt, just as you are bankrupt now.
We are a great Brotherhood that has branches on
Earth, in Heaven, and in the whole Universe.
Sometimes the Rational advanced beings, occupy the
bodies of humankind for 10, 15, or 20 years and work.
This is more efficient, and they save time. The genius is
a collective being. One or more advanced beings
manifest through the genius. The people who the
angels dwell in, we call them geniuses.“ (35)

1. Methodologies and Responds to Inquiries about
the Brotherhood, the WB-16:30 (4:30 p.m.) -V.
Tarnovo, 22.8.1919
2. The Four Council, SB, BR-9:00 a.m. -V. Tarnovo,
3. Proper use of the Mind, the Heart and the Will in
Life, SB-9:15 a.m. -V. Tarnovo, 22.8.1921
4. Three Categories of Students, OOK-19:00 (7
p.m.) Sofia, 30.3.1922
5. Negative and Positive Features of the Disciple,
OOK-19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia, 4.4.1922
6. Natural Methods, OOK-19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia,
7. Faith and Doubt, OOK-19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia,
8. Implication, IB, BS-16:00 (4:00 p.m.) Sofia,
9. The Primary Link, EB -10:00 a.m. Sofia, June 22,
10. After Three Days, Sunday talks-10:00 a.m. Sofia,

11. Divine and Human, OOC - 19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia,
12. Manifestation of Rational Forces in Nature, OOC
- 19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia 1.7.1923
13. We Will Come to Him, Sunday talks - 10:00 a.m.
Sofia, 1.7.1923
14. School and the Development of the Disciple,
OOC - 19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia, 26.12.1923
15. And He was Writing on the Earth, Sunday talks -
10:00 a.m. Sofia, 22.2.1925
16. Living Laws of Virtues, OOC - 19:00 (7 p.m.)
Sofia, 10.3.1926
17. The Way of Desires, OOC - 19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia,
18. The Special Law, OOC - (unknown time) Sofia,
19. Think Rightly!, OOC - 19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia,
20. The Light Way of Knowledge, SB - 16:00 (4
p.m.) Sofia, 22.8.1926
21. Resistance, Pressure and Aspiration, OOC -
19:00 (7 p.m.) Sofia, 30.3.1927
22. The Path of the Student, SB - 7:00 a.m. Sofia,

23. Constant and Non-constant Quantities, OOC -
5:00 a.m. Sofia, 21.11.1928
24. Law of Opportunities - Law of Opulence, OOC -
5:00 a.m. Sofia, 9.1.1929
25. Made by God, SB - 10:00 a.m. Sofia, 25.8.1929
26. Day of God's Statement, SB, RB - 5:00 a.m. -
Seven Lakes, 7.8.1931
27. Two Principles, Common Occult class – 5:00
a.m. - Sofia, 11.1.1993
28. The Unsaid, Common Occult Class - 5:00 a.m. -
Sofia, 8.12.1937
29. Conversation at El Shaddai - Harmonizing of
The Human Soul, Volume 1 - Boyan Boev (1883 –
30. Harmonizing of The Human Soul - Volume 3 -
Boyan Boev (1883 - 1963)
31. The Good Will - Boyan Boev (1883 - 1963)
32. The Source of Good - Boyan Boev (1883 - 1963)
33. Letters from Boyan Boev - Volume 2 - Boyan
Boev (1883 - 1963)
34. And My Eyes Saw the Sunrise - Nikolay Doynov
(1904 - 1997)


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