File 1
File 1
File 1
Introduction…………………………………………………………………... vii
1. Scope……………………………………………………………………… 1
2. Conformance …………………………………………………………… 1
2.1.General ……………………………………………………………... 1
On January 29, 2007, adobe systems incorporated announced it’s intention to release
the full portable Document Format (1.7) specification to the American National
Standard Institute (ANSI) and the enterprise Content Management association (AIIM),
for the purpose of Publication by the International Organization for Standardization
PDF has become a de facto global standard for more secure and dependable
information exchange since Adobe published the complete PDF specification in 1993.
Both government and private industry have become to rely on PDF for the volumes of
electronic records that need to be more securely and reliably shared, organized and in
some cases preserved for generations. Since 1995 adobe has participated in various
working groups that develop technical specifications for publication by ISO and
worked within the ISO process to deliver specialized subsets of PDF as standards for
specific industries and functions. Today, PDF for archive (PDF/A) and PDF for
Exchange (PDF/X) are ISO standards. Additionally, PDF for healthcare (PDF/H) is an
AIIM proposed best practice guide. AIIM serves as the administrator for PDF/A,
In the spring of 2008 the ISO 32000 document was prepared by Adobe Systems
Incorporated (based upon PDF Reference, sixth edition, Adobe Portable document
format version 1.7, November 2006) and was reviewed, edited and adopted, under a
special “fast-track procedure”, by Technical Committee ISO/TC 171, Document
management application, Subcommittee SC 2, Application issues, in parallel with its
approval by the ISO member bodies.
In January 2008, this ISO technical committee approved the final revised
documentation for PDF 1.7 as the international standard ISO 32000-1. In July 2008
the ISO document was placed for sale on the ISO web site (
This document you are now reading is a copy of the ISO 32000-1 standard. By
agreement with ISO, Adobe systems is allowed to offer this version of the ISO
standard as a free on it’s website. It is not an official ISO document but the technical
content is identical including the section numbering and page numbering.
ISO 32000 specifies a digital form for representing documents called the portable
document format or usually referred to as PDF. PDF was developed and specified by
Adobe systems incorporated beginning in 1993 and continuing until 2007 when this
ISO standard was prepared. The adobe systems version PDF 1.7 is the basis for this
ISO 32000 edition. The specifications for PDF are backward inclusive, meaning that
PDF 1.7 includes all of the functionality previously documented in the Adobe PDF
specifications for versions 1.0 through 1.6. it should be noted that where Adobe
removed certain features of PDF from their standard, they too are not contained