Primavera Cloud Integration Overview

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Primavera Cloud
Integration Overview

January 2024
Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration Overview
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Primary Author: Oracle Corporation

Integration Overview ......................................................................................................................... 5
About the Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration App.............................................................................. 5
About Primavera Gateway Application .................................................................................................. 5
Setting up an Integration User Account ................................................................................................ 6
Plans for Integration ......................................................................................................................... 7
Planning Integrations within Primavera Cloud User Interface ............................................................. 7
Integration with P6 EPPM ............................................................................................................ 8
Connect Directly to P6 EPPM ............................................................................................... 8
Connect Using Primavera Gateway ..................................................................................... 9
Connect Using Primavera Gateway Cloud Service ........................................................... 10
Connect Using Primavera Gateway On-Premises ............................................................. 11
In-App Integration Plan Comparison Chart ............................................................................... 12
Planning Integrations External to the Oracle Primavera Cloud User Interface................................. 15
Integration Plans Using Primavera Gateway Cloud Service Only ............................................ 16
Integration Plans Using Primavera Gateway On-Premises Only .............................................. 16
Integration Plan Comparison Chart ........................................................................................... 17
Data Exchange Methods................................................................................................................. 21
Using Generic File Formats .................................................................................................................. 21

Integration Overview
Oracle Primavera Cloud supports integration with multiple applications.
Integration with Oracle Primavera Cloud primarily depends on:
 The applications selected to integrate data with Oracle Primavera Cloud
 The availability of the selected applications as a cloud service or on-premises
 The setup and configuration of integration within Oracle Primavera Cloud application or
external to the Oracle Primavera Cloud application
This document provides a broad overview of all the integration options available for the
applications you choose to integrate with Oracle Primavera Cloud. Use this document as a guide
to understand and determine an integration plan that best addresses the needs of your

In This Section
About the Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration App ................................................... 5
About Primavera Gateway Application ...................................................................... 5
Setting up an Integration User Account ..................................................................... 6

About the Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration App

Integrations within Oracle Primavera Cloud service is accomplished using the Integration app.
The Integrations app allows you set up connections with:
Select this option to set up an Oracle Primavera Cloud - P6 EPPM integration only using a
direct connection between both application user interfaces. For more details, see Connect
Directly to P6 EPPM (on page 8).
 Primavera Gateway
Select this option to set up an Oracle Primavera Cloud integration with applications
supported by Primavera Gateway, a middleware application that facilitates integration. For
more details, see About Primavera Gateway Application (on page 5).
 Microsoft Project
Select this option to set up an Oracle Primavera Cloud integration to exchange data in XML
format by connecting to a Microsoft Project desktop application. For more details, see Data
Exchange Methods (on page 21).

About Primavera Gateway Application

Primavera Gateway provides seamless integration between your project portfolio management
solutions and other Oracle and third-party applications.

Integration Overview

Primavera Gateway is an application that facilitates sharing project, resource, and other data
between your enterprise application and Primavera applications, enabling you to combine
Oracle Primavera's management and scheduling power for projects, portfolios, and resources
with other enterprise software.
The following applications are supported in Primavera Gateway:
 Oracle Primavera Cloud (cloud only)
 EnterpriseTrack (cloud only)
 P6 EPPM (cloud and on-premises)
 Primavera Unifier (cloud and on-premises)
 Oracle E-Business Suite (on-premises only)
 Oracle Value Chain Planning (on-premises only)

Setting up an Integration User Account

An integration user account is a generic user account that is used to manage integrations
between Oracle Primavera Cloud and other applications. Based on the needs of your
organization, you can have a dedicated integration user or a tenant administrator who manages
integrations with an alias account. Creating an integration user is optional but recommended to
keep track of the data modified through integrations and to prevent integration failures upon
inadvertent changes to the shared user account. Use your identity domain to create the
integration account and later associate this account with an owning company in Primavera
To create an integration user account:
1) Log in to your identity domain. In the Admin Console, select Users, and then select Add
2) In the Add User dialog box, enter the First Name, Last Name, and User Name / Email for
the integration user account.

Note: If an existing user manages integrations, then provide an alias

email address in the User Name / Email field.

3) Ensure to check the Use the email address as the user name check box.
4) Select Finish.
5) On the Account Information page, provide a valid email address in the Email and
Recovery Email fields.
6) In Primavera Cloud, add this integration user account to the owning company and assign it
to the Application Administrator user type. See Add a User (see Add a User - for
more information.
The integration user account should only be invited to the owning tenant.

Plans for Integration
This chapter provides an overview of the integration plans available with Oracle Primavera
Cloud and applications supported within each integration plan.
Primavera Cloud integration plans can be categorized into the following main categories:
 Integrations within the Primavera Cloud user interface
 Integrations external to the Primavera Cloud user interface
The following sections describes variations of Oracle Primavera Cloud integration plans within
each category. Use this information to determine the plan best suited for your organization.

In This Section
Planning Integrations within Primavera Cloud User Interface .................................... 7
Planning Integrations External to the Oracle Primavera Cloud User Interface ......... 15

Planning Integrations within Primavera Cloud User Interface

The Integration app within the Primavera Cloud user interface is used to set up connections
Select this option to set up a dedicated connection to P6 EPPM.
Use this option to set up only an Oracle Primavera Cloud - P6 EPPM integration from within
Primavera Cloud user interface.
For more details, see Connect Directly to P6 EPPM (on page 8).
 Primavera Gateway
Select this option to set up a connection to Primavera Gateway from within Primavera Cloud
user interface.
Use this option to set up an Oracle Primavera Cloud integration with any applications
supported by Primavera Gateway.

Note: Primavera Gateway can be a cloud service or an on-premises

installation. For more details, see Connect Using Primavera Gateway
(on page 9).

 Microsoft Project
Select this option to set up a connection to Microsoft Project desktop application from within
Primavera Cloud user interface.
Use this option to send or receive Oracle Primavera Cloud data in XML format. For more
details, see Using Generic File Formats (on page 21).
To learn about setting up any of these integrations, see Integration Overview in the Oracle
Primavera Cloud Help.

Integration Overview

Integration with P6 EPPM

In Oracle Primavera Cloud, the following options are available to plan an integration with P6
 Connect Directly to P6 EPPM (on page 8) or
 Connect Using Primavera Gateway (on page 9)

Note: Primavera Cloud is available as a cloud service only.

Connect Directly to P6 EPPM

Since P6 EPPM is available as a cloud service or an on-premises application, the following
options are available to set up a direct connection between each application's interface using
REST API. See Integrate P6 EPPM in the Oracle Primavera Cloud Help for instructions on how
to do this.

Note: If the P6 EPPM environment is hosted on-premises, the P6 EPPM

server name and the port used must be listed on the allowlist on the
Oracle Cloud to open up a connection with Primavera Cloud. To do this,
submit a service request through My Oracle Support.

Option 1: Direct Connection between Oracle Primavera Cloud and P6 EPPM Cloud

Plans for Integration

Option 2: Direct Connection between Oracle Primavera Cloud Service and P6 EPPM

Connect Using Primavera Gateway

Primavera Gateway cloud service or on-premises has provision for setting up additional
Primavera Cloud integrations with all the applications supported by Gateway. See Integrate
Primavera Gateway in the Oracle Primavera Cloud Help for instructions on how to set up
Gateway integrations.

Note: If the Primavera Gateway environment is hosted on-premises, the

Primavera Gateway server name and the port used must be listed on the
allowlist on the Oracle Cloud to open up a connection with Primavera
Cloud. To do this, submit a service request through My Oracle Support.

Primavera Cloud Integrations Using Gateway Cloud Service

Primavera Gateway cloud service supports the following applications:
 Primavera Cloud
 Unifier
 EnterpriseTrack
 File Provider
A Primavera Cloud integration with any of the above applications can be setup from within
Primavera Cloud by using Primavera Gateway cloud service. For example, use Primavera
Gateway cloud service to set up Primavera Cloud - Unifier integration from within the Primavera
Cloud user interface. For more details, see Connect Using Primavera Gateway Cloud Service
(on page 10).

Primavera Cloud Integrations Using Gateway

Primavera Gateway on-premises supports the following applications:
 Primavera Cloud

Integration Overview

 Unifier
 EnterpriseTrack
 File Provider
 E-Business Suite (third party application)
 Value Chain Planning (third party application)
 Microsoft Project (third party application)
A Primavera Cloud integration with any of the above applications can be setup from within
Primavera Cloud by connecting to Primavera Gateway on-premises. For example, use
Primavera Gateway on-premises to set up Primavera Cloud - E-Business Suite integration from
within the Primavera Cloud user interface. For more details, see Connect Using Primavera
Gateway On-Premises (on page 11).

Connect Using Primavera Gateway Cloud Service

Set up Oracle Primavera Cloud - P6 EPPM integration by connecting to Primavera Gateway
cloud service from each application for the following combinations:
 Oracle Primavera Cloud, Primavera Gateway, and P6 EPPM are all cloud services (Option
 Oracle Primavera Cloud and Primavera Gateway are cloud services, whereas P6 EPPM is
on-premises (Option 4)

Note: Primavera Gateway cloud service is used as the middleware

application to exchange data between Oracle Primavera Cloud and P6
EPPM instead of the P6 EPPM connection described previously.

Option 3: Primavera Gateway Cloud Service Connection in Oracle Primavera Cloud and
P6 EPPM Cloud Services

Plans for Integration

Option 4: Primavera Gateway Cloud Service Connection in Oracle Primavera Cloud

Service and P6 EPPM On-Premises

Connect Using Primavera Gateway On-Premises

Set up Oracle Primavera Cloud - P6 EPPM integration by connecting to Primavera Gateway
on-premises from each application for the following combinations:
 Primavera Gateway is on-premises whereas Oracle Primavera Cloud and P6 EPPM are
cloud services (Option 5)
 Primavera Gateway and P6 EPPM are on-premises whereas Oracle Primavera Cloud is a
cloud service (Option 6)

Note: Primavera Gateway on-premises is used as the middleware

application to exchange data between Oracle Primavera Cloud and P6
EPPM instead of the direct connection described previously.

Option 5: Primavera Gateway On-Premises Connected to Oracle Primavera Cloud and P6

EPPM Cloud Services

Integration Overview

Option 6: Primavera Gateway On-Premises Connected to Oracle Primavera Cloud Service

and P6 EPPM On-Premises

In-App Integration Plan Comparison Chart

The following table compares the integration plans when set up from within the Primavera Cloud
user interface.

Integration Options 1 & 2 Options 3 & 4 Options 5 & 6

Plan Features
Integration A direct connection A connection to A Gateway on-premises
Plan between Primavera Gateway cloud connection set up in
Description Cloud and P6 EPPM service set up in Primavera Cloud and P6
user interfaces to Primavera Cloud and EPPM to exchange data.
exchange data with P6 EPPM to Note: Can be used to
P6 EPPM only. exchange data. support for future
Note: Can be used integration with other
to support for future products supported by
integration with other Gateway.
products supported
by Gateway.

Plans for Integration

Integration Options 1 & 2 Options 3 & 4 Options 5 & 6

Plan Features
Goal To set up a To use Gateway To use Gateway
dedicated direct cloud service to set on-premises to set up an
connection between up an integration integration between
each application's between Primavera Primavera Cloud and P6
user interface using Cloud and P6 EPPM EPPM applications with
out-of-the-box applications using the possibility to extend
configurations with out-of-the-box support for future
limited ability to configurations with integration with other
customize data the ability to products supported by
flows. customize data flows Gateway.
as necessary.
Required  Primavera Cloud  Primavera Cloud  Primavera Cloud
Licensed service service service
Applications  P6 EPPM cloud  P6 EPPM cloud  P6 EPPM cloud
service or service or service or
on-premises on-premises on-premises
See Connect  Gateway cloud  Gateway on-premises
Directly to P6 service See Connect Using
EPPM (on page 8) See Connect Using Primavera Gateway
Primavera Gateway On-Premises (on page
Cloud Service (on 11).
page 10).
REST API Dedicated Connect using Connect using Gateway
URLs connection to P6 Gateway REST API REST API from
EPPM from from Primavera Primavera Cloud to
Primavera Cloud Cloud to Gateway Gateway on-premises.
application. cloud service.
connection to
Primavera Cloud
from P6 EPPM
Deployment Configured in Configured in Configured in Primavera
Setup Location Primavera Cloud. Primavera Cloud. Cloud. Use the
Use the Integration Use the Integration Integration app to
App to connect to app to connect to connect to Gateway
P6 EPPM. Gateway cloud on-premises.
In P6 EPPM, set up service.
a deployment to
Primavera Cloud.

Integration Overview

Integration Options 1 & 2 Options 3 & 4 Options 5 & 6

Plan Features
Exchange data P6 EPPM only Any application Any application supported
with supported by by Gateway on-premises.
Gateway cloud These include:
service. These  P6 EPPM
include: on-premises or cloud
 P6 EPPM service
on-premises or  Unifier on-premises or
cloud service cloud service
 Unifier  EnterpriseTrack
on-premises or (cloud only)
cloud service  File Provider
 EnterpriseTrack  MSP Provider
cloud service
 E-Business Suite
 File Provider (EBS) on-premises
 Value Chain Planning
(VCP) on-premises

Plans for Integration

Integration Options 1 & 2 Options 3 & 4 Options 5 & 6

Plan Features
Supported None Gateway cloud Includes complete
Gateway service functionality Gateway on-premises
functionality only. functionality.
These include: These include:
 Automatic  Provides complete
upgrade to the control in determining
most recent what data can be
Gateway cloud integrated in flows
version between applications
 Add new fields to  Add new fields and
supported flows cross-references to
in Primavera data dictionaries for
Cloud integration
 No support for  Add or edit field
adding or editing mapping templates
cross-references, and business flows to
field mapping support data
templates, and exchange
modifying data  Customize objects,
dictionaries fields, and mapping
 No built-in templates
support for  Integrate with
third-party currently supported
applications third-party
 Need to contact applications
Oracle Support  Ability to build and
for any add new providers in
modifications Gateway to support
integration with
additional third-party

Planning Integrations External to the Oracle Primavera Cloud User Interface

Primavera Cloud integrations can be set up by simply using the Primavera Gateway user
interface to connect the two applications you want to integrate. In Primavera Gateway,
connections to each application are established by setting up Deployments.
For example, for a Primavera Cloud - P6 EPPM integration, set up the following:
 In Primavera Gateway, set up a Primavera Cloud deployment and a P6 EPPM deployment
 In P6 EPPM, connect to Gateway using the API URL.
 In Oracle Primavera Cloud, connect to Gateway using the API URL.

Integration Overview

Note: The integration plans outlined in this section do not use the
Integration app in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

Integration Plans Using Primavera Gateway Cloud Service Only

The following Primavera Cloud - P6 EPPM integration plan is available with Primavera Gateway
cloud service.

Note: This plan does not use the Integration app in Primavera Cloud.

Select this plan to integrate Primavera Cloud data with any applications supported by Primavera
Gateway cloud service.

Option 7: Integration Plans Using Primavera Gateway Cloud Service

Integration Plans Using Primavera Gateway On-Premises Only

The following Primavera Cloud - P6 EPPM integration plan is available with Primavera Gateway
on-premises installation.

Note: This plan does not use the Integration app in Primavera Cloud.

In this plan, Gateway is installed externally as a standalone on-premises application. Select this
plan to integrate Primavera Cloud data with any applications supported by Primavera Gateway
on-premises including third-party applications such as Oracle E-business Suite (EBS) or Oracle
Value Chain Planning (VCP).

Plans for Integration

Option 8: Integration Plans Using Primavera Gateway On-Premises

Integration Plan Comparison Chart

The following table compares the integration plans when set up from Gateway Cloud Service or
on-premises installations.

Integration Plan Option 7 (Using Gateway Option 8 (Using Gateway

Features Cloud Service) On-Premises)
Integration Plan A connection to Gateway A Gateway on-premises
Description cloud service set up in connection set up in Primavera
Primavera Cloud and P6 Cloud and P6 EPPM to
EPPM to exchange data. exchange data.
Note: This plan can be used Note: This plan can be used to
to support for future support for future integration with
integration with other other products supported by
products supported by Gateway.

Integration Overview

Integration Plan Option 7 (Using Gateway Option 8 (Using Gateway

Features Cloud Service) On-Premises)
Goal To use Gateway cloud To use Gateway on-premises to
service to set up integration set up integration between
between Primavera Cloud Primavera Cloud and P6 EPPM
and P6 EPPM applications applications with the possibility to
with the possibility to extend extend support for future
support for future integration integration with other products
with other products supported by Gateway.
supported by Gateway.
Required Licensed  Primavera Cloud service  Primavera Cloud service
Applications  P6 EPPM cloud service  P6 EPPM cloud service or
or on-premises on-premises
 Gateway cloud service  Gateway on-premises
See Integration Plans See Integration Plans Using
Using Primavera Gateway Primavera Gateway
Cloud Service Only (on On-Premises Only (on page 16)
page 16) (Option 7). (Option 8).
REST API URLs Connect using Gateway Connect using Gateway REST
REST API from each API from each application you
application you choose to choose to integrate with using
integrate with using Gateway on-premises.
Gateway cloud service.
Deployment Setup In Primavera Cloud use the In Primavera Cloud use the
Location Integration app to connect Integration app to connect to
to P6 EPPM deployment. Gateway on-premises.
Additional Integration Any application supported Any application supported by
Options by Gateway cloud service. Gateway on-premises. These
These include: include:
 P6 EPPM (cloud or  P6 EPPM (cloud or
on-premises) on-premises)
 Unifier (cloud or  Unifier (cloud or on-premises)
on-premises)  EnterpriseTrack (cloud only)
 EnterpriseTrack (cloud  File Provider
only)  MSP Provider (on-premises
 File Provider only)
 E-Business Suite (EBS)
(on-premises only)
 Value Chain Planning (VCP)
(on-premises only)

Plans for Integration

Integration Plan Option 7 (Using Gateway Option 8 (Using Gateway

Features Cloud Service) On-Premises)
Supported Gateway Gateway cloud service Includes complete Gateway
functionality functionality only. on-premises functionality.
These include: These include:
 Automatic upgrade to  Provides complete control in
the most recent determining what data can be
Gateway cloud version integrated in flows between
 Add new fields to applications
supported flows in  Add new fields, and
Primavera Cloud cross-references to data
 No support for adding or dictionaries for integration
editing cross-references,  Add or edit field mapping
field mapping templates, templates and business flows
and modifying data to support data exchange
dictionaries  Customize objects, fields,
 No built-in support for and mapping templates
third-party applications  Integrate with currently
 Contact Oracle Support supported third-party
for any modifications applications
 Ability to build and add new
providers in Gateway to
support integration with
additional third-party products

Data Exchange Methods
To accommodate and extend integrations beyond the applications supported in Primavera
Gateway, generic file formats are supported to facilitate data exchange between any two

Note: Explore this option if you want to plan a Primavera Cloud

integration with any third-party applications that are not supported by
default in Primavera Gateway.

In This Section
Using Generic File Formats .....................................................................................21

Using Generic File Formats

Data can be exchanged between any two applications using Primavera Gateway by using
generic file formats. The following file formats are supported:
To exchange Primavera Cloud data using any of the file formats, the following options are

Data Exchange Using XML File Format

The following methods are available to send or receive data as XML files using Primavera
 Using Primavera Cloud User Interface
If you choose this method:
a. Select the Integration app in Primavera Cloud.
b. Set up a connection to Microsoft Project Desktop application or Gateway application.

Note: The Microsoft Project desktop application allows you to perform

a one-time data import for each project only. The import is not

 Using Gateway User Interface (on-premises)

Data can be sent or received in XML format by using either MSP Provider or File Provider.
If you choose to use MSP Provider:
a. Download and install MSP provider.

Integration Overview

b. Set up a connection in Gateway to MSP provider to connect to a Microsoft Project

desktop application.
If you choose to use File Provider to send or receive data in XML format, set up a connection
in Gateway to File provider.

Data Exchange Using XLS, XLSX, or CSV Files

The following methods are available to send or receive data as XLS, XLSX, or CSV files:
 Using Primavera Cloud User Interface
If you choose this method:
a. Select the Integration app in Primavera Cloud
b. Set up a connection to Gateway application.
 Using Gateway User Interface (on-premises)
If you choose to use Primavera Gateway user interface to facilitate integrations with
Primavera Cloud data:
a. Set up a connection in Gatewayto File provider.
b. Set up a connection in Gateway to Primavera Cloud provider.


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