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To cite this article: Tuangporn Pinudom, Dr. Siwaporn Kunnapapdeelert, Passarin Phalitnonkiat and Ms.
Suthasinee Jayankura Na Ayuaddhya (2022). The Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty of the Ride Hailing
Industry in Thailand. International Journal of Education, Business and Economics Research (IJEBER) 2 (3):
Tuangporn Pinudom, Dr. Siwaporn Kunnapapdeelert, Passarin Phalitnonkiat and Ms. Suthasinee Jayankura Na
Burapha University, International College
Identifying and creating customer loyalty is essential for business success. Understanding the
customer loyalty requires understanding value for the customers. The study of customer value is
more significant for several researches. However, many factors can affect customer value. This
research explores the relationship of product quality, product innovation, customer relationship
management, service value, supplier relationship management, and brand image, and their impacts
on customer value and customer loyalty in the ride hailing industry in Thailand. The Exploratory
Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied to the preliminary analysis of the variables. Confirmatory
Factory Analysis (CFA) conducted in AMOS revealed the relationship of 6 variables and their
impacts on customer value and customer loyalty. The research result shows that the service value
has the most positive impact to the customer value compared with other variables. Brand image is
the variable that has least positive effect on the customer value.
KEYWORDS: customer loyalty, customer value, product value, service value, brand value, ride-
hailing service.
© The Authors 2022 Published by International Journal of Education, Business and Economics Research (IJEBER)
Published Online: May 2022 (https://ijeber.com/) This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0)
license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for
both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original
publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at:
Ride hailing industry is one of the fast growing industries in several countries, including Thailand.
The passengers can hail a vehicle by using online platforms. It is one of the most comfortable
means of transportation, as it provides door-to-door services. Increasing trend of on-demand
transportation services, employment opportunities, and lower rate of car ownership are the
important factors driving the growth of ride-hailing service in several countries.
In order to gain more customer loyalty, various factors affected to build customer loyalty are
important to study. One of the important factors to build customer loyalty is customer value.
Customer value is the estimation of the products overall capacity of the products to satisfy customer
needs. This will affect to the customer tending to purchase products they feel are worth the cost
needed to obtain such product. Normally, consumers tend to know exactly what they want to
purchase (Singh, 2011).
In order to drive the customer value and customer loyalty to the brand, several factors that affect to
the customer value are examined. This paper aims to examine the relationship of each variable,
including product quality, product innovation, customer relationship management, service value,
supplier relationship management, and brand image to customer value in the ride hailing industry in
Thailand. The relationship of the customer value and customer loyalty in the ride hailing industry in
Thailand will be also studied.
Customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is defined as something that consumers may exhibit to brands, services, stores,
product categories (Uncles, Dowling, and Hammond, 2002). Many researchers studied about
customer loyalty. The customer loyalty can be in the form of a consistently favorable set of stated
beliefs towards the brand purchased. These customers’ attitudes may be measured by asking how
much people say they like the brand, feel committed to it, will recommend it to others, and have
positive beliefs and feelings about brands (Dick and Basu, 1994). Customer’s loyalty is considered
as receiving a great marketing attention (Wu and Ai, 2016). Customer’s loyalty is also regarded as a
long-term asset for organization. (Kandampully et al., 2015). Having loyal customers for an
organization is a required choice for various companies based on its important role in creating
sustainable competitive advantages (Wu and Ai, 2016).
Customer Value
Customer value is the estimation of the products to satisfy the customer needs. Today's consumers
are much more educated and informed due to the power of the internet. As such, they will tend to
purchase products they feel are worth the cost needed to obtain such product. Sustaining customers
is possible by giving customer high satisfaction. Today’s most successful companies aim for total
customer satisfaction (Singh, 2011). According to Gale (1994), customer value is considered as
market perceived quality adjusted for the relative price of your product. It is the customer’s opinion
of the products (or services) as compared to the competitors. In addition, customer value is also
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International Journal of Education, Business and Economics Research (IJEBER)
Vol. 2 (3), pp. 56-70, © 2022 IJEBER (www.ijeber.com)
considered as perceived value that is a customer’s overall assessment of the utility of a product
based on perceptions of what is received and what is given (Zeithaml, 1988)
Customer value has been found to be an antecedent of loyalty, a powerful predictor of purchase
intention, willingness-to-buy, motivation for patronage, and repeat purchase behavior. Customers’
experience of different types of customer value in service may have different influences on an
organization’s performance, such as in the area of customer loyalty (Chen, 2014). Companies that
are able to provide good customer value can make customer loyalty and high customer retention,
higher market share, and result in reduced operating costs. The customer value perceived by the
customer is higher or better, the customer loyalty will have a significant increase (Zahra, Lutfie, and
Harrie, 2017).
Quality is defined as a zero error rate. It can be defined as the ability to produce a perfect product
on the first try (Parasuraman et al., 1985). Quality is considered as the producer’s ability to meet
expectations (Crosby, 1979). Quality can be defined as the quality perceived from the basis of the
consumer’s decision on the overall excellence or superiority of the product (Zeithaml, 1988).The
concept model developed by Zeithaml (1988), which suggested that there is a causal relationship
between price and quality with value customers. Munisih and Soliha (2015) also proved that
product quality could influence customer value.
Afuah (2003) explained innovation as a use of new knowledge to offer a new product or service
that customers want. Herregodts (2014) defined that an innovation is the multi-stage process which
organizations transform ideas into new or improved products or services in order to lead, compete,
and differentiate themselves successfully in the market. Payne and Frow (2005) concluded that
innovations would more effective and efficient to influence customer value. Nasution and Mavondo
(2008) suggested that determinants of customer value are associated with the implementation
innovative products and innovative processes. The measure of customer value based on the product
efficiency can be viewed from the customer perspective towards the ratio of outputs that the
customers obtain to the input that the customers need to deliver. Therefore, the customer value is
related with new product or brand innovation (Rajagopal, 2006).
According to Richards and Jones (2008), customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as
the process that identifies customers, creates customer knowledge, builds customer relationships,
and shapes customers' perceptions of company and its products and/or services. CRM is considered
as a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring, retaining, and partnering with selective
customers to create better value for the company and the customer (Parvatiyar and Sheth, 2001).
CRM aligns business processes with customer strategies to build customer loyalty and increase
more profits to the company (Rigby, Reichheld, & Schefter, 2002).
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) is the process of engaging in activities of setting up,
developing, stabilizing and dissolving relationships with in-suppliers as well as the out-suppliers to
create and enhance value within relationships (Benoit, Klose, and Fassnacht, 2006). Supplier
Relationship Management (SRM) is a systematic, the assessment of suppliers’ assets and
capabilities in view of the organizations overall business strategy, a determination of what activities
to engage in with suppliers, and planning and execution of all interactions with suppliers, to
maximize the value realized through those interactions. The focus of SRM is to develop two-way,
mutually beneficial relationships with strategic supply partners to deliver innovation and
competitive advantage than through a traditional and transactional purchasing arrangement (SDI,
Brand Image
Brand image can be defined as the observations around a brand as reflected by the brand association
held in consumer’s memory (Keller, 1993). According to Kotler (1988) and Meenaghan (1995),
brand image is defined as set of customer’s beliefs towards the brand. Moreover, brand image
considered a highly important concept when it relates with consumer behavior. Therefore, if a
company is constantly maintaining a positive and ideal image by the public it would affect to gain a
better market place, increasing competitive advantage, and finally increasing higher market share
(Park et al., 1986). According to Wu (2011), corporate image has been as an important antecedent
of loyalty. Martineau (1958) stated that if consumers prefer image of the store, they will probably
develop a certain degree of loyalty.
Ride-Hailing Service
The ride-hailing is based on internet technology to organize supply and demand information on
travel orders and provide a service platform for booking travelling service. Ride-hailing is operated
by the company, and the main goal is to maximize profits for the company (Chen, Sun, Chen,
Although the ride-hailing platform seems to be useful for users, it has also led to much argument. In
2016, when Thailand recognized the legitimacy of the ride-hailing platform, it was not clear
whether the platform must strictly control the industry. As a result, the ride-hailing platform was
under the condition of weak supervision, relying on providing lower prices. In addition, the
government is lack of supervision, so there is high competition in the market. Platforms in the
market have engaged in price wars and eliminated a large number of competitors. These have a
great impact on the development of the online car platform (Sun, He, Wang, & Ma, 2019).
3.1 Hypothesis
H1.Customer value will have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty in Ride-hailing-
service industry in Thailand.
H2.Product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer value in Ride-hailing-service
industry in Thailand.
H3.Product Innovation has a positive and significant effect on customer value in Ride-hailing
industry in Thailand.
H4.Customer relationship management has a positive and significant effect on customer value in
Ride-hailing industry in Thailand.
H5.Service value has a positive and significant effect on customer value in Ride-hailing-service
industry in Thailand.
H6.Supplier relationship management has a positive and significant effect on customer value in
Ride-hailing industry in Thailand.
H7.Brand image has a positive and significant effect on customer value on Ride-hailing industry in
The survey was conducted to assess product value, service value, brand value, customer value, and
customer loyalty. The survey questions were asked to indicate on a 5-point Likert scale anchored by
‘Completely Disagree’ (1), ‘Neither Disagree nor Agree’ (3), and ‘Completely Agree with the
Statements’ (5).
customer relationship management, service value, supplier relationship management, and brand
Confirmatory Factory Analysis (CFA) conducted in AMOS revealed the relationship between the
variables and their impacts on customer value and customer loyalty in the ride hailing industry in
The model fit summary of the measurement model presented an acceptable fit to the data of n =
896(p < 0.001) 2 /df = 2.786, NFI = 0.931, CFI = 0.954, RMSEA = 0.045]. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
Measure of Sampling Adequacy is0.966. Acceptable model fit was indicated by Comparative Fit
Index (CFI) value of 0.80 or greater (Hu & Bentler, 1999), and if a smaller RMSEA value is
indicating better model fit, an acceptable is at 0.06 or less (Hair et al., 2009; Hu & Bentler, 1999).
Table 1 shows principle component analysis factor loading and composite reliability. In addition, a
Pearson correlation was used to assess the relationship among the variables of the model. All
correlations between the proposed dimensions were found to be statistically positive significant at
0.01 level (two-tailed). The correlation matrix for renew observed variables from the model was
shown in Table 2.
Figure 1 showed that all variables including product quality, product innovation, customer
relationship management, service value, supplier relationship management, and brand image, have
positive effect on customer value. The customer value also has positive effect on customer loyalty.
The study also examines the relationship among the variables. The research result shows that all the
6 variables have the significant relationship among each other. This can conclude that the factors
that affect to customer value, which includes product quality, product innovation, customer
relationship management, service value, supplier relationship management, and brand image, are
related and affect to each other.
Moreover, the relationship between customer value and customer loyalty were also examined in this
study and the research result shows that there is a positive relationship between these two variables.
This supports the research of Chen (2014), concluded that customer value has been found to be an
antecedent of loyalty, a powerful predictor of purchase intention, willingness-to-buy, motivation for
patronage, and repeat purchase behavior. It also supports the study of and Zahra, Lutfie, and Harrie,
(2017), mentioned that customer value perceived by the customer is higher; the customer loyalty
will increase significantly.
The current study will assist the business enterprises especially for the companies in the ride hailing
industry to aware of the importance of building customer values through different factors. Focusing
on these factors can help increasing customer value to the brand. As a result, the customer loyalty
will increase.
Table 1: Principle component analysis factor loading and composite reliability (re-construct
of variables)
Standardized Composite
Constructs and items (Renew)
loadings reliability
life to be easier.
manage time.
quality. 0.578
technology development.
changes to customers.
Customer Relationship(CR)
easy to understand.
Product Quality
Product 0.844*
Product quality
Product Innovation
** 0.031*
Service Value
Customer Loyalty
Relationship 0.157*
Brand Image
Assessment of (Renew) Observed Variables through Renew Model (Based on SIBE Model)
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