b) Mercator's projection
b) The equator
c) The end parallels of latitude and 2°on either side of the central meridian.
8. The chart that is generally used for navigation in polar areas is based on a?
10. On a Lambert conformal conic projection, with two standard parallels the scale is?
12. On a lamberts conical projection, the given scale is correct at __ and convergence is correct
14. The angular difference, on a Lambert conformal conic chart, between the arrival and
departure track is equal to?
16. On which of the following chart projections is it not possible to represent the north or south
17. Which one of the following, concerning great circles on a Direct Mercator chart is correct?
a) With the exception of meridians and the equator, they are curves concave to the equator
b) Straight lines
18. On a Lambert conformal conic chart, the distance between parallels Of spaced between
parallels of latitude spaced the same number Of degrees apart?
19. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the appearance of great circles.
with the exception of meridians, on a polar stereographic chart whose tangency is at the pole?
a) The higher the latitude the closer they approximate to a straight line.
b) The lower the latitude the closer they approximate to straight line.
21. What is the value of the convergence factor on a polar stereographic chart?
a) Straight lines. b) Curves concave to nearest pole. c) Curves convex to nearest pole.
24. Which of the following statements best describes how scale varies on a Mercator chart?
a) It is correct on the standard parallels, but expands outside them, and contracts within them.
25. On a Lambert Conformal chart the distance between meridians 5° apart along latitude 37°
North is 9 cm. The scale of the chart at that parallel approximates?
27. In which of the following projections will a plane surface touch the reduced earth at one of
the poles?
32. On a Lambert Conformal conic chart great circle that are not meridians are?
a) Representative fraction.
35. Nautical mile is more than a statute mile. Statue mile is more than a kilometer.
38. Maps indicate the details of the topography. Pilots can use this for:
c) Both.
a) Contours and form lines b) Spot heights and Layer tinting c) All the above
42. Map Distance = 10" ; Earth Distance = 120 nm. Find scale.
44. On a map 3 cm represent earth Distance of 200 statute mile. Find scale of map.
Scale = 1/10728960
45. On a map scale of 1: 2x106. How many km are represented by a line 4.2" long?
Scale = 213.36 km
46. On a map scale of 1: 1X106. How many inches are represented by ground Distance of 400km.
49. On a direct Mercator projection, at a certain length represents 70 NM. At latitude 30° North,
the same length represents approximately?
a) 86 nm b) 75 nm c) 45 nm.
50. At 60° N the scale of a direct Mercator chart is 1 :3000 000. What is the scale at Equator?