Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
- The financial system is the collection of markets, institutions, laws, regulations, and techniques
through which bonds, stocks, and other securities are traded, interest rates are determined, and
financial services are produced and delivered around the world.
- The primary task of the financial system is to move scarce loanable funds from those who save to
those who borrow to buy goods and services and to make investments in new equipment and
facilities, so that the global economy can grow and the standard of living can increase.
- The basic function of the economic system is to allocate scarce resources – land, labor, management
skill, and capital – to produce the goods and services needed by society.
- The global economy generates a flow of production in return for a flow of payments.
- The circular flow of production and income is interdependent and never ending.
Types of Markets
There are essentially three types of markets within the global economic system.
- The factor markets allocate the factors of production to the owners of productive resources.
- Consuming units use most of their income from factor markets to purchase goods and services in
product markets.
- The financial markets channel savings to those individuals and institutions needing more funds for
spending than are provided by their current incomes.
The Financial Markets and the Financial System: Channel for Savings and Investment
- The financial markets make possible the exchange of current income for future income and the
transformation of savings into investment so that production, employment, and income can grow.
- The suppliers of funds to the financial system can expect not only to recover their original funds but
also to earn additional income as a reward for waiting and for assuming risk.
Functions Performed by the Global Financial System and the Financial Markets
- Savings function. The global system of financial markets and institutions provides a conduit for the
public’s savings.
- Wealth function. The financial instruments sold in the money and capital markets provide an
excellent way to store wealth.
- Liquidity function. Financial markets provide liquidity for savers who hold financial instruments but
are in need of money.
- Credit function. Global financial markets furnish credit to finance consumption and investment
- Payment’s function. The global financial system provides a mechanism for making payments for
goods and services.
- Risk protection function. The financial markets around the world offer businesses, consumers, and
governments protection against life, health, property, and income risks.
- Policy function. The financial markets are a channel through which governments may attempt to
stabilize the economy and avoid inflation.
Chapter Review
The Global Economy and the Financial System
- Flows within the Global Economic System
- The Role of Markets in the Global Economic System
- Types of Markets
- The Financial Markets and the Financial System: Channel for Savings and Investment
Functions Performed by the Global Financial System and the Financial Markets
- Savings Function
- Wealth Function
- Liquidity Function
- Credit Function
- Payments Function
- Risk Protection Function
- Policy Function