RT-6100 - Nidek (RT015) - Ome (Ce) - RT015-P902-B2

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Original instructions

NIDEK CO., LTD. : 34-14 Maehama, Hiroishi-cho, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0038, JAPAN
(Manufacturer) Telephone: +81-533-67-6611
URL: https://www.nidek.com/

NIDEK INC. : 2040 Corporate Court, San Jose, CA 95131, U.S.A.

(United States Agent) Telephone: +1-800-223-9044 (USA Only)
URL: https://usa.nidek.com/

NIDEK S.A. : Ecoparc, rue Benjamin Franklin, 94370 Sucy En Brie, FRANCE
(EU Authorized Representative)

Printed in Japan
C 2018 NIDEK CO., LTD.
Before Use

Be sure to read the SOFTWARE LICENSE

AGREEMENT (page 2) before using this product.

This operator’s manual includes operating procedures, safety

precautions, maintenance, and specifications for the Nidek
REFRACTOR RT-6100. Be sure to read the operator’s manual
before using the device to understand the safety precautions and
operating procedures thoroughly. Keep this manual handy for ref-
If you encounter any problems or have questions about the
device, please contact Nidek or your authorized distributor.
SD Memory Card is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation, U.S.
SanDisk Corporation, and Toshiba Corporation. Other company
names and product names included in this manual are registered
trademarks or trademarks of each company. In this manual, regis-
tered trademark and trademark symbols are omitted.


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Table of Contents

1.1 For Safe Use - - - 11
1.2 Usage Precautions - - - 12
1.3 Labels and Symbols - - - 17

2 BEFORE USE - - - 19
2.1 Device Outline - - - 19
2.2 Device Configuration and Functions - - - 21
2.2.1 Refractor head - - - 21
2.2.2 Control box - - - 23
2.2.3 Relay box - - - 29
2.2.4 Printer - - - 30
2.3 Screen Configuration and Functions - - - 31
2.3.1 Measurement screen - - - 31
2.4 Unit Connection - - - 36
2.5 Peripheral Device Connection - - - 37
2.6 Before Initial Use - - - 38

3.1 Device Startup and Shutdown - - - 41
3.1.1 Pre-use check and startup - - - 41
3.1.2 Device shutdown and after-use check - - - 42
3.2 Data Entry before Refraction - - - 45
3.2.1 Importing data from auto refractometer or lensmeter - - - 45
3.2.2 Entering data manually - - - 47
3.2.3 Reading data from Eye Care card - - - 48
3.2.4 Entering the patient’s age - - - 50
3.2.5 Specifying the dominant eye - - - 51
3.2.6 Entering patient ID - - - 52
3.3 Data Export - - - 54
3.4 Prism Entry - - - 55
3.4.1 Changing the prism display format - - - 55
3.4.2 Entering prism values in rectangular coordinates (XY) - - - 55
3.4.3 Entering prism values in polar coordinates (rθ) - - - 56
3.4.4 Removing rotary prisms - - - 57
3.5 Chart Presentation - - - 59
3.5.1 Selecting charts - - - 59
3.5.2 Selecting visual acuity charts - - - 59
3.6 Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted Black and White - - - 64
3.7 Near Vision Test - - - 67
3.7.1 Toggling between Distance mode and Near mode - - - 67
3.7.2 Setting the near point chart (excluding SSC-100) - - - 68

3.7.3 Displaying the near chart on control box touch screen - - - 70
3.8 Auxiliary Lens Placement - - - 71
3.9 Auxiliary Lens Link OFF Function - - - 74
3.10 Night Mode - - - 76
3.10.1 Toggling between Day mode and Night mode - - - 76
3.10.2 Importing AR or LM night data - - - 77
3.10.3 Day vision test / night vision test - - - 78
3.11 Printing - - - 79
3.11.1 Printing QR codes - - - 83
3.12 Measurement Modes - - - 85

4 REFRACTION - - - 87
4.1 Preparation before Refraction - - - 88
4.1.1 Adjusting the refractor head position - - - 88
4.1.2 Adjusting the pupillary distance and vertex distance - - - 89
4.1.3 Adjusting the chart height (SSC-330 Type T, SSC-370 only) - - - 91
4.2 Visual Acuity Test - - - 92
4.2.1 Measuring unaided visual acuity - - - 92
4.2.2 Measuring visual acuity corrected by glasses - - - 93
4.2.3 Measuring visual acuity with addition (ADD VA) - - - 94
4.2.4 Measuring pinhole visual acuity (pinhole VA) - - - 95
4.2.5 Measuring visual acuity with day data in low illumination (low illumination VA) - - - 96
4.2.6 Measuring visual acuity with glare and contrast function (glare/contrast VA) (only for
the user interface in English) - - - 97
4.2.7 Measuring visual acuity using ETDRS charts (ETDRS VA) (only for the user interface
in English) - - - 98
4.2.8 Entering correct or incorrect answers - - - 99
4.3 Spherical Power Refinement - - - 100
4.3.1 Red-green test - - - 100
4.3.2 Cross grid test for distance vision - - - 101
4.4 Cylinder Test - - - 102
4.4.1 Cylinder axis refinement with Astigmatism clock dial chart - - - 102
4.4.2 Cylinder refinement with cross cylinder - - - 104
4.4.3 Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder lens (with and without method) - - -
4.5 Binocular Visual Function Test - - - 108
4.5.1 Binocular balance test - - - 108
4.5.2 Binocular red-green test - - - 110
4.5.3 Phoria test - - - 112
4.5.4 Phoria with fixation test - - - 114
4.5.5 Mallet test (horizontal phoria) - - - 116
4.5.6 Mallet test (vertical phoria) - - - 117
4.5.7 Von Graefe test (horizontal phoria) - - - 118
4.5.8 Von Graefe test (vertical phoria) - - - 120

4.5.9 Maddox test (horizontal phoria) - - - 122
4.5.10 Maddox test (vertical phoria) - - - 123
4.5.11 Aniseikonia test (vertical phoria) - - - 124
4.5.12 Aniseikonia test (horizontal phoria) - - - 126
4.5.13 Schober test - - - 128
4.5.14 Stereo test - - - 130
4.5.15 Stereo test (triangle test) - - - 132
4.5.16 Stereo balance test - - - 133
4.5.17 Precise four-line stereo test - - - 134
4.5.18 Worth four dot test - - - 135
4.5.19 Cyclophoria test - - - 137
4.6 Divergence Test and Convergence Test - - - 139
4.6.1 Divergence test - - - 139
4.6.2 Convergence test - - - 140
4.7 Near Point of Convergence (NPC) Test - - - 142
4.8 Near Point of Accommodation (NPA) Test - - - 143
4.9 Negative Relative Accommodation (NRA) Test - - - 145
4.10 Positive Relative Accommodation (PRA) Test - - - 147
4.11 Addition (ADD) Test - - - 149
4.12 Amsler Grid Test - - - 151


5.1 Refraction Programs - - - 154
5.2 Standard Programs - - - 156
5.2.1 Refraction with Standard program A (Standard 1) - - - 156
5.2.2 Other standard programs - - - 167
5.3 Programming - - - 173
5.3.1 Deleting test items - - - 173
5.3.2 Adding test items - - - 175
5.3.3 Editing test items - - - 177
5.4 Writing or Reading Programs - - - 179
5.4.1 Writing all refraction programs to SD card - - - 179
5.4.2 Reading all refraction programs from SD card - - - 180
5.5 Power Adjustment - - - 181
5.5.1 Distance power auto adjustment - - - 181
5.5.2 Fine adjustment after auto adjustment (semi-auto adjustment) - - - 183
5.5.3 Fine adjustment after auto adjustment (manual adjustment) - - - 183
5.5.4 Manual adjustment without using auto adjustment function - - - 184
5.6 Checking Refraction Data - - - 185
5.6.1 Displaying the data list - - - 185
5.6.2 Displaying refraction diagrams of patient’s eyes - - - 187
5.6.3 Checking the range of clear vision - - - 189
5.6.4 Adjusting power while checking the range of clear vision - - - 193

5.7 Specifying Subwindow Display Data - - - 195
5.8 Displaying Descriptive Images - - - 197
5.8.1 Displaying refraction diagrams, eye diagram, visions by cases - - - 197
5.8.2 Displaying vision images by lens type - - - 199
5.8.3 Displaying images - - - 200
5.8.4 Presenting the screen to patient - - - 202
5.9 Displaying Images (SC-1600 series and SSC-100 only) - - - 203
5.10 Importing Refractor Measurement Data - - - 205
5.11 Reading or Writing Measurement Data using Eye Care Card - - - 206
5.12 Displaying OPD Images - - - 208
5.12.1 Importing OPD images - - - 208
5.12.2 Displaying OPD images - - - 209
5.13 Displaying Chart Description - - - 210
5.14 Saving Charts as Favorites - - - 211
5.14.1 Saving charts - - - 211
5.14.2 Selecting saved charts - - - 212
5.14.3 Clearing saved charts - - - 214
5.15 Tilting the Refractor Head - - - 215


6.1 Parameter Setting - - - 217
6.1.1 Changing parameter settings - - - 219
6.1.2 Changing network settings - - - 231
6.1.3 Changing barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings - - - 247
6.2 Printing Parameter Settings - - - 248
6.3 Writing Parameter Settings to SD Card - - - 250
6.4 Reading Parameter Settings from SD Card - - - 252
6.5 Setting Date and Time - - - 254
6.6 Entering Comments on Printout - - - 256

7 MAINTENANCE - - - 259
7.1 Troubleshooting - - - 259
7.2 Error Messages - - - 260
7.3 Periodical Inspection - - - 263
7.4 Touch Screen Calibration - - - 264
7.5 Printer Paper Replacement - - - 265
7.6 Cleaning - - - 267
7.6.1 Forehead rest - - - 267
7.6.2 Face shields - - - 267
7.6.3 Measuring windows - - - 268
7.6.4 Printer - - - 269
7.6.5 Eye Care card reader - - - 270

7.6.6 Exterior - - - 270
7.7 Consumable List - - - 271


8.1 Peripheral Devices Connection - - - 273
8.1.1 Connection examples - - - 273
8.2 Specifications - - - 286
8.3 Near Charts Displayable on Touch Screen - - - 291
8.4 Near Point Charts - - - 294
8.5 Power Adjustment Description - - - 296
8.6 Visual Acuity Conversion Table - - - 300
8.7 Preset Addition Table - - - 301
8.8 Relational Table of Age and Accommodation - - - 302
8.9 Estimated Visual Acuity Table - - - 303
8.10 Fog Amount in Binocular Balance - - - 304
8.11 License Information of Software Library - - - 305
8.12 EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) - - - 308

9 INDEX - - - 311


1.1 For Safe Use


The safety precautions and operating procedures must be thoroughly understood before operating
the device.
Keep this manual handy for reference.
Use of the device is limited to ophthalmologists or personnel involved in medical practice under the
ophthalmologists’ instructions.

In this manual, signal words are used to designate the degree or level of safety alerting. The defini-
tions are as follows:

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
injury or property damage accident.

Even situations indicated by CAUTION may result in serious injury under certain conditions.
Safety precautions must be strictly followed at all times.

1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Usage Precautions

1.2 Usage Precautions

Before use

• If any serious device-related incident occurs, report it to Nidek and the competent authority in the
country where the user or patient, or both reside.
• Be sure to firmly secure the refractor head so that it will not fall off.
If the device falls off, injury or device failure may result.
• Be sure to connect the power plug to a grounded power outlet.
Electric shock or fire may occur in the event of malfunction or power leakage.
• Do not modify the device. Do not remove the cover to touch the device interior.
Electric shock or malfunction may result. The device contains no user-serviceable parts other than
printer paper.

• Do not use this device for any purposes other than those intended.
Nidek is not responsible for accidents or malfunctions caused by misuse.
“♦ Intended use” (page 19)
• Be sure to use only the accessories specified by Nidek.
Use of the accessories other than specified by Nidek may cause malfunctions or adverse events.
• If the connection between devices needs to be disconnected or reconnected, contact Nidek or your
authorized distributor.
• Be sure to use only the connection cables specified by Nidek to connect with chart presenting devices.
• Install the device in a location that meets the following conditions. If the following conditions are not
met, inaccurate measurement, electric shock, malfunction, or toppling over causing injury may occur.
• Free from impact and vibration
• Level and stable
• Not exposed to water
• No dust or smoke that interferes with refraction
• No interference light such as direct sunlight or spot light directly shines on the measuring window
• No magnetic force near the device

• Install the device in an environment that meets the usage conditions.

“ Environmental conditions (during use)” (page 287)
• Check the following before use:
• The forehead rest is attached.
• The glass of the measuring windows is clean and undamaged.
• The near point chart is undamaged.
• The near point rod is securely fastened.
• The forehead rest can be moved using the forehead rest adjustment knob.
• The level of the refractor head can be adjusted.
• The refractor head tilt unit is securely fastened (only when the optional refractor head tilt unit is pro-
• The cover open button on the printer is undamaged.

• Do not damage the measuring windows, or smudge it with fingerprints or dust.

Scratch or dirt may result in an inaccurate measurement.

1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Usage Precautions

• Clean the forehead rest and face shields using a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol before refrac-

• If the glass of the measuring window is broken, do not use it.

• When handling the power supply and electrical components, observe the following precautions. Fail-
ure to do so may result in malfunction, electric shock, or fire.
• Be sure to use the supplied power cord. Also do not connect the supplied power cord to any other
• Be sure to use a power outlet that meets the specified power requirements.
• Fully insert the power plug into the power outlet.
• Install the device in a place where the power plug can be easily disconnected from the power outlet.
• Do not use power strips or extension cables for power supply.

1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Usage Precautions

During use

• Do not perform servicing or maintenance on the device during use.
• Be sure to perform a pre-use check before using the device for the first time each day.
“3.1.1 Pre-use check and startup” (page 41)
• When moving the refractor head, maintain a distance of 20 cm or more between the refractor head
and the patient’s face.
The refractor head may strike the patient’s face during movement.
• When the refractor head moves to switch between the distance vision test and near vision test, keep
the patient’s face 20 cm or more away from the refractor head.
• When changing the pupillary distance widely (including AR/LM measurement data entry), keep the
patient’s face away from the refractor head.
• Do not look directly into the near point lamp.
• Be aware that fingers are not pinched when changing the inclination of the touch screen.

• Confirm that the holder a is securely fastened to the latch b

when the near point rod is in the raised position.
An improper fastening may cause the near point rod to fall
resulting in injury.

• If the device is connected to a computer that does not comply with IEC 60601-1 (except one that uses
an AC adapter that meets the Class II requirements of IEC 60950-1), supply power to the device and
computer through an isolation transformer.
Electric shock may result. For installation of an isolation transformer, contact Nidek or your autho-
rized distributor.

• Use devices that comply with IEC 60601-1 in the

patient environment. If any device that does not
comply with IEC 60601-1 is to be used, use an iso-
lation transformer or common protective ground- 1.5 m
The volume of space (patient environment)
where contact can occur between the patient
and any part of the device (including con-
nected ones) or between the patient and any
other person(s) touching the device (including
connected ones) is as shown to the right.

2.5 m

1.5 m 1.5 m

1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Usage Precautions

Wireless LAN (when wireless LAN module is incorporated)

• The wireless LAN module incorporated in this device conforms to the radio laws of the USA and Can-
ada, and the Radio Equipment Directive. Use the device following the radio law of each country.
• Even with conformity to the regional regulations, the wireless function may be impaired depending on
the installation location or use environment (especially in a location such as an operating room or ICU
where advanced medical devices are present). Use the device following the guidelines determined by
medical institutions or optician facilities.
• Data handled via the wireless LAN is controlled by patient numbers and IDs, not by information that
directly identifies individuals. However, for security, follow the guideline determined by each facility
where the device is to be used.

• Change the channel or frequency depending on the wireless LAN use condition.
If other wireless equipment that uses the same radio frequency as this device is used at the same
time, a decrease in transfer rate or a communication error may occur and the device may not operate

After use

• Be sure to perform an after-use check.
“3.1.2 Device shutdown and after-use check” (page 42)
• Be sure to remove the near point rod from the refractor head and store it after use.
Leaving it attached may cause the near point rod to fall and cause injury.
• Turn off the device while not in use and put the dust cover on the device.
Dust and such may adversely affect the examination results.
• If the device will not be used for an extended period of time, disconnect the power cord from the power
• When changing the installation location of the device, contact Nidek or your authorized distributor.

Device movement and maintenance

• Only service personnel trained by Nidek are allowed to disassemble or repair the device.
Nidek assumes no responsibility for any adverse events resulting from improper servicing.
• Secure a sufficient work space when performing maintenance and inspection.
Work in an insufficient space may result in injury.
• Wipe the surfaces of the device (especially, the areas that the patient contacts) with a clean cloth
dampened with rubbing alcohol before maintenance or when the device is sent back to Nidek or your
authorized distributor for repair.
• To ensure the continued safe use of the device, it is recommended that the manager of this device
make sure that maintenance and preventive inspection are performed at least once a year.
“7.3 Periodical Inspection” (page 263)

1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Usage Precautions


• Follow the local ordinances and recycling regulations regarding disposal or recycling of the compo-
nents. Follow the local governing ordinances, particularly when disposing of lithium-ion batteries,
printed circuit board, plastic parts containing brominated flame retardant, LCD, or power cord.
It is recommended to entrust the disposal to a designated industrial waste disposal contractor.
Inappropriate disposal may contaminate the environment.
• When disposing of packing materials, sort them by material and follow local ordinances and recycling
Inappropriate disposal may contaminate the environment.

Connection to network

• If the medical system is to be configured using an IT network, implement IT security measures with the
network administrator, and check that the system operates properly.
Virus infection, unauthorized access, or data tampering may result.

• Use the supplied touch pen or your fingertips to operate the touch screen.
The touch screen may be irresponsive with the thin tip of the supplied touch pen. In this case, use
the thick end of the touch pen or your fingertips.
Touching with a hard object such as a ballpoint pen tip may scratch the touch screen.
In addition, pressing the touch pen excessively may damage the touch screen.
• This device uses heat-sensitive printer paper. When keeping the printed data for a long period of time,
make copies of the printouts or write down the results by hand.
The paper degrades over time and the printed characters may become illegible. If glue containing
organic solvents or adhesives such as on adhesive tape comes in contact with the printer paper, the
printed characters may become illegible.
• There may be a few dead or constantly-lit pixels on the LCD.
This does not represent failure of the LCD.
• When connecting to peripheral equipment such as a computer through LAN of a medical facility, insert
or connect an isolation transformer between the medical electrical equipment and network devices
(network switch etc.), or the network devices and other electrical equipment.
Electric shock may result. For installation of the network isolation transformer, consult Nidek or your
authorized distributor.
• Do not use the device beyond its service life.
Even with proper maintenance and inspection, after time, the device reliability or safety may become
degraded and fail to achieve the target values.
• Equipment connected to the analog or digital interfaces must be certified according to the representa-
tive appropriate national standards such as IEC 60601-1.
Furthermore, all configurations must comply with the system standard IEC 60601-1. Anyone who
connects additional equipment to the signal input part or signal output part configures a medical sys-
tem, and is therefore responsible that the system complies with the requirements of the system stan-
dard IEC 60601-1. If you have any questions, contact Nidek or your authorized distributor.
• Using the device in a noisy environment may cause improper operation because operation sounds are
hardly heard. It is recommended to use the device in a quiet environment so that operation sounds can
be heard.

1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Labels and Symbols

1.3 Labels and Symbols

To call attention to users, labels and symbols are provided on the device. If labels are peeling off,
characters are fading, or otherwise becoming illegible, contact Nidek or your authorized distributor.

Indicates that the operator is advised to refer to the related instructions in the opera-
tor’s manual.
This symbol is provided on the identification label.
Indicates that the degree of protection against electric shock is of a Type B Applied
The applied part is the forehead rest.
Indicates the power switch state. When the switch is set to this symbol position,
power is not supplied to the device.

Indicates the power switch state. When the switch is set to this symbol position,
power is supplied to the device.

Indicates that the device must be supplied only with alternating current.

Indicates the manufacturer.

This symbol is provided on the identification label.

Indicates the date of manufacture.

This symbol is provided on the identification label.

Indicates that this product shall be disposed of in a separate collection of electrical

and electronic equipment in EU.
This symbol is provided on the identification label.

Medical device

EU authorized representative

Serial number

1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : Labels and Symbols

The symbols displayed on the control box touch screen correspond to the symbols and names defined
in ISO 10341 (Ophthalmic instruments - Refractor heads) as shown in the table below.

Auxiliary lens
Touch screen ISO 10341

Horizontal/Vertical Mad-
/ MR Maddox rods

Pinhole plate with a

PH or Pinhole
hole diameter of 2 mm

Occluder BL or Occluder

PD check lens CL or Cross line

Red filter RF Red filter

Green filter GF Green filter

Polarizing filter / PF Polarizing filter

Open aperture OA Open aperture

Spherical lens for reti-

RL Retinoscope lens


2.1 Device Outline

The RT-6100 is a motorized refractor for subjective refraction designed to be connected with other
Nidek products such as the Auto Refractometer and/or Lensmeter to import their measurement data.
Measurement of refractive errors (spherical power, cylindrical power, and cylinder axis) and binocular
visual function testing are performed according to the patient’s response.

♦ Intended use
The RT-6100 is a device that provides means of positioning spherical and cylindrical lenses, prisms,
and other optical devices in front of the patient’s eyes to determine refractive error and binocular func-
tions. It can also be combined with a device that optically presents charts for distance and near vision.

♦ Intended patient population

• Age
Except babies and infants (under 3 years old)
• Health condition
Those who can sit on a chair and answer operator's questions
• Conditions - Visual function
One or both eyes are normal or diseased. Eyes that have lost the visual function are not targeted.
Those who desire application of glasses or contact lenses.

♦ Intended user profile

Any qualified personnel such as ophthalmologists, nurses, orthoptists (ORT), or optometrists (irre-
spective of nationality, culture, or style of dress)

♦ Intended use environment

Medical facility or optical store

• If the device is used outside the specified use location, intended performance and security level can-
not be maintained.

♦ Principles
The operator presents various charts to the patient to measure subjective refraction of the patient
while switching test lenses in the refractor head.

2. BEFORE USE : Device Outline

♦ Connectable devices
Space Saving Chart SSC-330 Type T, SSC-370, SSC-100

Chart presenting device Chart Projector CP-9, CP-770

System Chart SC-1600, SC-1600Pola

Lensmeter LM-1800P, LM-1800PD, LM-7, LM-7P

AR-1 series, AR-310A, AR-330A, AR-360A, AR-F, HandyRef,

Auto refractometer ARK-1 series, ARK-510A, ARK-530A, ARK-560A, ARK-F, HandyRef-K, OPD-Scan

Memory box MEM-200

*a. To connect the OPD-Scan III series, the optional memory box is required.

♦ Descriptions in this manual

● On the touch screen, the values for the right eye are a b
displayed on the left a , and the values for the left eye
are displayed on the right b .
This arrangement reflects the positions of the
patient's eyes as viewed by the operator.

● Buttons grayed out on the touch screen are those that cannot be used due to constraints of the
chart presenting device or such.

● + indicates pressing while holding .

● In this manual, objective measurement devices such as the Auto Refractometers, Auto Ref/Ker-
atometers, Tonoref, and OPD-Scan are referred to as auto refractometers (AR).
● The touch screens and chart illustrations in this manual show examples of when the chart present-
ing device SC-1600Pola Type M is used. For other chart types, the method of use is the same, but
the chart appearances and such partly differ from the illustrations.

● Depending on the chart presenting device or chart type, the appearances of the chart differ from
those in this manual, or some charts may not be included. Any charts that are not included in the
chart presenting device cannot be used. Refer to the operator’s manual of each chart presenting

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

2.2 Device Configuration and Functions

2.2.1 Refractor head

Patient’s side Operator’s side




3 2 1 2 7 6 1 6 7

1 Measuring windows
Windows through which the patient views the chart.

2 Face shields
Locations where the patient places their cheeks. Be sure to clean it before refraction.
“7.6.2 Face shields” (page 267)
3 Forehead rest
Location where the patient places their forehead. Be sure to clean it before refraction.
“7.6.1 Forehead rest” (page 267)
4 Level adjustment knob
Adjusts the level of the refractor head.

5 Level
Used to check the horizontal level of the refractor head.
Turn the level adjustment knob until the bubble is centered.

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

6 Near point lamp

Illuminates the near point chart. The lamp is lit for the near vision test.
The lamp is also illuminated by pressing the [Near Lamp] button in the side menu.
The lamp does not illuminate when the SSC-100 is connected.

7 VD check windows
Windows through which the operator can check the patient’s vertex distance.

8 Forehead rest indicator

Shows whether the patient’s forehead is properly placed against the forehead rest. The indicator lights
up when the forehead is removed from the forehead rest.

9 Forehead rest adjustment knob

Moves the forehead rest forward and backward to adjust the vertex distance.

10 Near point rod mounting knob

Secures the near point rod to the refractor head.

11 Latch
Retains the near point rod when the near point rod is in the raised position.

12 Near point chart

Used for the near vision test (except when the SSC-100 is connected).
“♦ Near point charts” (page 69)
13 Near point rod
Used to hang the near point chart (except when the SSC-100 is connected).
The scale shows the distance from the patient's eye.
“3.7.2 Setting the near point chart (excluding SSC-100)” (page 68)

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

2.2.2 Control box


6 7

1 Touch screen
This is an LCD touch screen.
Operation buttons and data are displayed.

2 Touch pen holder

Stores the touch pen a while not in use.

3 Dial button
Switches the mode among SPH, CYL, AXIS, and such.
The switching type and order of SPH, CYL, AXIS, and VA can be changed by the setting of the param-
eter “Dial switch”.

4 Power indicator
Illuminates while the power switch is on.
Blinks while the device is in Auto light off mode.

5 Control panel
“♦ Control panel” (page 25)

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

6 Dial
Changes measurement values.
The numeric value currently selected and highlighted in white can be changed.

Dial rotation Measurement value

Turning counterclockwise. Increases the value.

Turning clockwise. Decreases the value.

7 Eye Care card reader

Reads AR data or LM data using an Eye Care card.
An Eye Care card (optional) is required.

8 SD card slot
An SD memory card containing image data and such is inserted. Do not remove the SD card while the
device is in use.
Parameter settings and refraction programs can be written to the SD card.

9 USB connector
Connect the optional barcode scanner or magnetic card reader.
This connector is also used for software upgrade.

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

♦ Control panel

6 7

5 5
4 4


1 Shift button

Pressing a button or turning the dial while holding changes functions or increments.

is displayed in the upper left of the screen when is held.

“♦ Function examples with + other buttons” (page 28)
2 Program advance button
Starts each program.
Advances the program to the next test while a program is running.
+ returns to the previous test.

3 Input button
Imports data.
• Imports AR data from an auto refractometer.
“3.2.1 Importing data from auto refractometer or lensmeter” (page 45)
• Imports LM data from a lensmeter
“3.2.1 Importing data from auto refractometer or lensmeter” (page 45)
• Imports data measured with a refractor.
“5.10 Importing Refractor Measurement Data” (page 205)
• Imports image data from the OPD-Scan III.
“5.12.1 Importing OPD images” (page 208)

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

4 Cross cylinder switching buttons

Places the cross cylinder lens. The device enters Cylinder axis refinement or Cylindrical power refine-
ment mode.

Button Function

• In the cylinder axis refinement, the minus axis of the cross cylinder lens is
placed at 45 degrees to the minus axis of the cylinder lens.
Cross cylinder 1 • In the cylindrical power refinement, the minus axis of the cross cylinder lens
is placed at 90 degrees to the minus axis of the cylinder lens.
• In Prism entry mode, the prism value is cleared from the right eye.
• In the cylinder axis refinement, the minus axis of the cross cylinder lens is
placed at 135 degrees to the minus axis of the cylinder lens.
Cross cylinder 2 • In the cylindrical power refinement, the minus axis of the cross cylinder lens
is placed at 0 degrees to the minus axis of the cylinder lens.
• In Prism entry mode, the prism value is cleared from the left eye.

5 Numeric entry buttons

Changes the numeric value (functions the same as the dial).

Button Function

Increases the numeric quantity by one step of the set increment.

Decreases the numeric quantity by one step of the set increment.

Changes the numeric quantity by one step of the set increment.

6 Patient’s eye select buttons

Selects the right eye, both (binocular) eyes, or left eye.

Button Function

The right eye is uncovered and the left eye is covered. Numeric entry is possible
only for the right eye.

Both eyes are uncovered. Numeric entry is possible for both eyes.

The left eye is uncovered and the right eye is covered. Numeric entry is possible
only for the left eye.

7 Output button
Prints data or exports data to the external computer.

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

8 Mask buttons
Masks the visual acuity chart to isolate the intended letters and presents the red-green background.

Cortical vision letter

Press a mask button.

Vertical line Horizontal line Single letter Red-green filter

Button Function
Isolates the top row.
Top row isolation Moves the isolation up when a row is already isolated.

+ Isolates the top row.

Bottom row isola- Isolates the bottom row.

tion Moves the isolation down when a row is already isolated.

+ Isolates the bottom row.

Middle row isolation Isolates the middle row.

+ Applies the red-green filter to the visual acuity chart.

Single letter isolation Isolates a single letter in the upper right corner.

+ Isolates a single letter in the upper left corner of the cortical vision letter.

Isolates the left end column.

Left column isolation
Moves the isolation to the left when a column is already isolated.

Isolates a single letter in the lower left corner of the cortical vision letter or
+ vertical line.

Isolates the right end column.

Right column isolation
Moves the isolation to the right when a column is already isolated.

Isolates a single letter in the lower right corner of the cortical vision letter or
+ vertical line.

❖ For details of the mask buttons, see “3.5.2 Selecting visual acuity charts” (page 59).

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

9 Measuring window right button, Measuring window left button

Switches the measuring window Right or Left to be covered or uncovered.

♦ Function examples with + other buttons

Button Function

Enters Distance power auto adjustment mode when the parameter "Shift+Final" is
+ Final set to [Final Fit].

+ ADD Enters the mode to enter the near point of convergence (NPC).

+ Specifies the right eye as the dominant eye.

+ Specifies the left eye as the dominant eye.

+ Isolates the top row.

+ Isolates the bottom row.

Isolates a single letter in the lower left corner of the cortical vision letter or vertical
+ line.

Isolates a single letter in the lower right corner of the cortical vision letter or vertical
+ line.

Isolates a single letter in the upper left corner of the cortical vision letter or vertical
+ line.

Applies the red-green filter to the visual acuity chart.

+ Pressing these buttons again releases the filter.

+ Returns to the previous step of the program while a program is running.

Changes the clock indication to the refraction time indication. The time required for
+ refraction can be measured. When the refraction time indication is already dis-
played, the refraction time is cleared and restarts.

+ dial
+ Changes the sphere, cylinder, or axis in increments set by parameter.

Clears all data.
+ Pressing the desired measurement mode select button together with these buttons
clears the measurement data of that mode.

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

2.2.3 Relay box

3 4 5

8 7 6

1 Power inlet
Connect the power cord here.

2 Power switch
Turns on/off the power supply to the refractor head, control box, relay box, and printer.

3 Control box connector

Used to connect the control box.

4 LAN connector*1
Used to connect the auto refractometer, lensmeter, or external computer.

5 USB connector*1
Used to connect the optional barcode scanner or magnetic card reader.

6 Chart connector*1
Used to connect the chart presenting device.

7 Printer connector*1
Used to connect the printer.

8 Refractor head connector*1

Used to connect the refractor head.

*1. Equipment connected to the analog or digital interfaces must be certified according to the representative ap-
propriate national standards such as IEC 60601-1. Furthermore, all configurations must comply with the
system standard IEC 60601-1. Anyone who connects additional equipment to the signal input part or signal
output part configures a medical system, and is therefore responsible that the system complies with the re-
quirements of the system standard IEC 60601-1. If you have any questions, contact the Nidek Service De-

2. BEFORE USE : Device Configuration and Functions

2.2.4 Printer

2 3

1 Printer paper slot

Ejects printer paper from here.

2 Printer cover
3 Cover open button
Opens the printer cover.

2. BEFORE USE : Screen Configuration and Functions

2.3 Screen Configuration and Functions

2.3.1 Measurement screen

This is the screen displayed after device startup. This screen can also be displayed by pressing
End on the menu screen.

8 9 10 11

6 6

5 5


14 15 16 17 18

1 Currently presented chart

2 Operation message area
Displays the refraction operating procedure according to the selected chart.

3 Current data area

Displays the data of the lens that is currently placed in the refractor head. Press each data to change
“3.2.2 Entering data manually” (page 47)
• : Pupillary distance

• : Right or Left of auxiliary lenses

• S : Spherical power (sphere value)

• C : Cylindrical power (cylinder value)

• A : Cylinder axis (axis value)

• ADD : Addition power (addition value)

The refractor head automatically converges to the working distance of 40 cm (changeable).

• VA : Right-eye visual acuity, binocular visual acuity, and left-eye visual acuity

2. BEFORE USE : Screen Configuration and Functions

• : Base IN/OUT prism power in rectangular coordinates

• : Base UP/DOWN prism power in rectangular coordinates

• : Prism absolute values in polar coordinates

• : Prism angles in polar coordinates

4 Program message area

Displays the message written in the refraction program.

5 Subwindow 1
Displays the measurement values previously set.
Display items can also be specified. “5.7 Specifying Subwindow Display Data” (page 195)

6 Subwindow 2
Displays the measurement values set before the previous setting.
If display items are specified in Subwindow 1, the measurement values previously set are displayed.
Display items can also be specified. “5.7 Specifying Subwindow Display Data” (page 195)

7 Side menu button

Displays the side menu.
“♦ Side menu” (page 34)

8 FAR / NEAR Distance/Near toggle button

Toggles between the distance vision test and near vision test. The button indication shows the mode
currently selected.
“3.7.1 Toggling between Distance mode and Near mode” (page 67)
9 Measurement mode select buttons
Selects the mode for data entry and measurement.
The background of the button of the selected mode becomes gray.

Una Unaided mode Measures unaided visual acuity.

Imports LM data obtained by measuring current glasses using a

LM LM mode
Imports AR data obtained by measuring the patient’s eyes using an
AR AR mode
auto refractometer.

Subj Subjective mode Determines the full correction.

Final Final mode Determines the final prescription and visual acuity values.

10 / Day/Night toggle button

Toggles between the day vision test and night vision test. The button indication shows the mode cur-
rently selected.
* The button is not displayed when the CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T is connected.

2. BEFORE USE : Screen Configuration and Functions

11 Wireless LAN status

Indicates the connection status when the optional wireless LAN module is mounted to the control box.

Indication Wireless LAN connection status

Blue icon Connecting

Gray icon Disconnected

Yellow icon Connection confirmation

Gray ? icon Initializing

12 Chart select icons

Select the icon of the desired chart to present a chart.

13 Program select button

Shows the refraction program currently selected. Press the button to reselect the program included in

14 Function buttons
Measurement data and function buttons corresponding to the selected chart are displayed.

15 Chart auxiliary function select buttons

Changes the contrast and brightness of the chart.
“3.6 Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted Black and White” (page 64)
16 Chart presented in next step during refraction program
17 Help button
Displays the explanation for the presented chart.

Pressing while a standard program or a program containing questioning examples is run-

ning displays its questioning examples.

18 Favorites button
Displays a list of icons for charts added as favorites.

2. BEFORE USE : Screen Configuration and Functions

♦ Side menu
This menu is displayed by pressing in the upper left corner of the measurement screen.

4 6
5 7
12 14
15 16

1 Close button
Closes the side menu.

2 [ID] button
Used to enter the patient ID No.

3 [Age] button
Used to enter the patient’s age.

4 [Data list] button

Displays a list of measurement data.

5 [Range of Clear Vision] button

Displays the clear vision range check screen.

6 [Near chart] button

Displays the near chart screen.

7 [Amsler grid] button

Displays the Amsler grid screen.

8 [R] and [L] buttons

Displays OPD images.
[R]: Displays OPD images entered for [R] in the import data select screen.
[L]: Displays OPD images entered for [L] in the import data select screen.
These buttons are displayed only when OPD images have been imported.

9 [+] and [−] buttons

Selects a cylinder reading sign from plus reading and minus reading.

2. BEFORE USE : Screen Configuration and Functions

10 [Near Lamp] button

Turns on or off the near point lamp mounted on the refractor head.

11 [Lamp off] button

Turns off the chart lamp, touch screen backlight, and near point lamp.
To recover from lamp-off status, press any button.

12 [Ch.Lamp] button
Turns on or off the chart lamp.

13 [Link off] button

Disables auxiliary lenses or mode (SPH, CYL, AXIS) from being automatically switched when the
chart is changed.

14 [Level], , buttons
Used to align the chart height to the eye level of the patient when the SSC-330 Type T or SSC-370 is
“4.1.3 Adjusting the chart height (SSC-330 Type T, SSC-370 only)” (page 91)
15 [About Eye] button
Displays the Refraction diagram list screen.

16 [Vision through lens] button

Displays the vision image screen.

17 [Image] button
Displays the menu screen of images saved in the SD card.

18 [Setting] button
Displays the menu screen.

2. BEFORE USE : Unit Connection

2.4 Unit Connection

■ This section explains how to connect the refractor head, control box, and printer to the relay box. The
relay box is incorporated into the system table.

Control box Printer Refractor head

a b c
Printer connector

Control box connector Refractor head connector

Relay box

a Relay box - control box cable

b Printer cable

c Refractor head cable

2. BEFORE USE : Peripheral Device Connection

2.5 Peripheral Device Connection

■ The device imports measurement data (AR data, LM data) from an auto refractometer or lensmeter.
The data measured based on the imported data can be exported to an external computer.


a b c d

Connected device Connection port Function

a Nidek chart present- Chart connector

Switches charts.
ing device

b External computer LAN connector Exports measurement data.

c Nidek lensmeter LAN connector Imports LM data.

d Nidek auto refrac- LAN connector

Imports AR data. The data is used in subjective refraction.

• When connecting a computer, use a computer compatible with CISPR32.

• Ensure that the cables do not pose a risk to the patient, operator, or others when connecting this
device to other devices. Also when connecting, removing, or upgrading devices, ensure that there is
no risk to the patient, operator, or others.

2. BEFORE USE : Before Initial Use

2.6 Before Initial Use

♦ Before initial use or after movement

1 Confirm that the power cord of the system table connected is plugged into the power

2 Attach the forehead rest to the refractor head.

For the attachment procedure of the forehead rest, see “7.6.1 Forehead rest” (page 267).

3 Attach the face shields to the refractor head.

The face shields are magnetically held to the refractor head.

4 Check the horizontal level of the refractor b a

Check that the bubble in the level a is in the center. If
the bubble is not in the center, turn the level adjustment
knob b until the bubble is centered.

5 Slide the near point rod c through the near point chart d and lightly tighten the
knob e .

cm inch

cm inch

The scale of the near point rod is marked as shown in the figure to the upper right.

Marking orientation Installation orientation

Markings for “cm” are on the right as viewed from the Install the rod so that the f surface is in contact
patient’s side. with the knob.

Markings for “cm” are on the left as viewed from the Install the rod so that the g surface is in contact
patient’s side. with the knob.

2. BEFORE USE : Before Initial Use

6 Insert the near point rod c into the holder h

of the refractor head.
There are two round indentations at the base of the
near point rod. Align the indentation of the near point
rod that is the same side as the near point chart with
the knob i and fully insert the rod, then tighten the c
h i

• Confirm that the near point rod is securely fastened.

• Confirm that the holder h is securely fastened to the latch j

when the near point rod is raised.
An improper fastening may cause the near point rod to fall
resulting in injury.

7 Load the printer paper.

“7.5 Printer Paper Replacement” (page 265)

This completes the setup procedure.

2. BEFORE USE : Before Initial Use


This chapter explains the basic operations and functions for refraction.
• “3.1 Device Startup and Shutdown” (page 41)
• “3.2 Data Entry before Refraction” (page 45)
• “3.3 Data Export” (page 54)
• “3.4 Prism Entry” (page 55)
• “3.5 Chart Presentation” (page 59)
• “3.6 Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted Black and White” (page 64)
• “3.7 Near Vision Test” (page 67)
• “3.8 Auxiliary Lens Placement” (page 71)
• “3.9 Auxiliary Lens Link OFF Function” (page 74)
• “3.10 Night Mode” (page 76)
• “3.11 Printing” (page 79)

3.1 Device Startup and Shutdown

3.1.1 Pre-use check and startup

• Be sure to perform a pre-use check according to the Pre-use Checklist. It is recommended to record
the check items.
Failure to perform a pre-use check may result in an inaccurate measurement. Device malfunction
may also result.
“♦ Pre-use Checklist” (page 43)

1 Remove the dust cover from the refractor head.

2 Install the near point rod and near point chart.

“2.6 Before Initial Use” (page 38)

3 Perform the pre-use check according to the Pre-use Checklist before turning on the
“♦ Pre-use Checklist” (page 43)

4 Turn on the connected chart presenting device.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Device Startup and Shutdown

5 Turn on the power switch of the system table.

The startup screen appears in a few seconds after the device is turned on. Then, the screen returns to
the measurement screen.

6 Continue the pre-use check according to the Pre-use Checklist after turning on the

3.1.2 Device shutdown and after-use check

• Recovery from Auto light off mode

The device enters Auto light off mode when the device is idle for 15 minutes (changeable by parameter
setting). The following occur in Auto light off mode.
• The backlight of the control box touch screen goes off.
• The power indicator on the control panel blinks.
• The backlight of the chart presenting device goes off.
To recover from Auto light off mode, press any button on the control box.

• Do not turn off the device during printing. Malfunction may occur.
• When the device will not be used for an extended period of time, disconnect the power cord from the
power outlet.
“ Environmental conditions (during storage, unpacked condition)” (page 287)

1 Turn off the power switch.

Turn off the system table.

2 Remove the near point rod and near point chart from the device.

3 Clean the forehead rest, face shields, and measuring windows.

“7.6 Cleaning” (page 267)

4 If the device cover, touch screen, or control panel is dirty, wipe it with a soft cloth.
For severe stains, soak the cloth in a neutral detergent, wring well, and wipe.

5 Clean the printer or Eye Care card reader if necessary.

“7.6 Cleaning” (page 267)

6 Perform the after-use check according to the After-use Checklist.

“♦ After-use Checklist” (page 44)

7 Place the dust cover on the refractor head.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Device Startup and Shutdown

♦ Pre-use Checklist
Pre-use Checklist

Item Checked (date and by whom)

Check items before turning on the device

The power plug is fully inserted into the power outlet.

The cables of the connected devices are connected securely.

The near point rod is securely fastened.

The device is clean and undamaged (also check the printer and near
point chart).
The face shields and the forehead rest are attached to the refractor

The face shields and the forehead rest are clean.

The forehead rest can be moved using the forehead rest adjustment

The measuring windows of the refractor head are clean.

The refractor head is level.

The touch screen is clean.

Printer paper is sufficient.

The connected devices are turned on.

The refractor head is locked so that it will not move when the
optional refractor head tilt unit is equipped.

Check items after turning on the device

No error message appears when the device is turned on.

The touch screen shows the measurement screen.

The chart can be changed by the control box.

The chart presented matches that shown on the touch screen.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Device Startup and Shutdown

♦ After-use Checklist
After-use Checklist

Item Checked (date and by whom)

The device is turned off.

The connected devices are turned off.

The face shields, forehead rest, and measuring windows are clean.

The device is clean and undamaged.

Printer paper is sufficient.

Accessories are all accounted for and undamaged.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

3.2 Data Entry before Refraction

■ This section explains how to import objective (AR) data measured with an auto refractometer or the
patient’s glasses data measured with a lensmeter. The following three methods are available:
• Importing data from the auto refractometer or lensmeter via LAN.
“3.2.1 Importing data from auto refractometer or lensmeter” (page 45)
• Manually entering values of printout produced from the auto refractometer or lensmeter.
“3.2.2 Entering data manually” (page 47)
• Reading data from the Eye Care card.
“3.2.3 Reading data from Eye Care card” (page 48)

3.2.1 Importing data from auto refractometer or lensmeter

This section explains how to import AR data from the auto refractometer. The section also explains
how to import LM data from the lensmeter.
For the operating procedure of the auto refractometer or lensmeter, refer to the operator’s manual of
each device.

AR data

• It is recommended to specify Manual mode as Print mode of the auto refractometer.

Set the print parameter to the manual setting.

1 Measure the patient’s eyes with an auto refractometer or measure the patient’s
glasses with a lensmeter.

2 When measurement is complete, press the print button of the auto refractometer or
The measurement values are automatically transferred to the shared folder upon printing.

3 Press .
The import data select screen is displayed.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

4 Press the function button AR/ARK . Select desired data.


To import LM data, press LM . 


5 Select the desired data.   

a b c d
Select the patient’s data to be examined with the
refractor referring to the patient ID a , data No. b ,
date c , time d , and data e
d .
Data No. b indicates a four-digit number included S 3.50 D C 1.50 D A 176 1/1
S -3.25 D C -1.25 D A 4 Transmission source : ARK-1S

on the printout output from an auto refractometer or End AR/ARK RT history OK

lensmeter. For the OPD-Scan III series, it is the num-
ber included in the data No. for RT field on the print-
[▲], [▼]: Switches pages.

6 Press OK or the dial button.

AR data or LM data is imported and the device enters
Subjective mode.
When data is already entered in the subjective
data field with the parameter “ Preset power of
Subj 1” (page 228) set to [LM], AR data is not
automatically entered in the subjective data

♦ Button operations on control panel

The import data select screen can also be accessed by the buttons on the control panel.

Select desired data.


Move the cursor with the dial.
Select data with the dial button.

S 3.50 D C 1.50 D A 176 1/1

S -3.25 D C -1.25 D A 4 Transmission source : ARK-1S

End AR/ARK RT history OK

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

3.2.2 Entering data manually

This section explains how to enter data measured with an auto refractometer or lensmeter using the
dial (manual operation).
For the operating procedure of the auto refractometer or lensmeter, refer to the operator’s manual of
each device.

• If a PD value is entered with LM specified, it will be treated as glasses PD (PD of current glasses)
and will not be reflected on the measurement screen. To enter the patient’s PD, select a mode other
than LM .

1 Select LM or AR .
• LM : For data measured with a lensmeter
• AR : For data measured with an auto refrac-

2 Press the desired numeric field.

Pressing a numeric field highlights its background in
white, indicating that the value is changeable.

Pressing S , C , A , or ADD allows bin-

ocular value entry.

Pressing allows PD value entry.

3 Turn the dial to enter the values measured with the auto refractometer or lensmeter.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

3.2.3 Reading data from Eye Care card

This section explains how to read data measured with an auto refractometer or lensmeter using an
optional Eye Care card. For the procedure to write data measured with an auto refractometer or lens-
meter, refer to the operator’s manual of each device.

• Note the following when handling the Eye Care card:

• Do not remove the card while it is being accessed, which is indicated by displayed in the
upper right of the screen.
• Do not fold or strike the card.
• Do not allow the IC terminal (gold part of the card) to become wet or soiled.
• Do not leave the card in a location exposed to high temperatures or static electricity.
• Data measured with an auto refractometer or lensmeter in the Eye Care card is automatically cleared
when reading is complete. Use the card with all data cleared by saving or reading data for each

1 Insert an Eye Care card into the Eye Care

card slot.
Fully insert the Eye Care card in the orientation shown
to the right a .

Eye Care card

2 The Eye Care card indication is

temporarily displayed in the upper right of
the screen when the card is correctly
Measurement data is automatically read in the
AR or LM field from the Eye Care card.
The data on the Eye Care card is automatically
erased when the reading is complete.

• When the parameter “Data clear confirmation by Eye Care card insertion” is set to [Yes] and data is
read from the Eye Care card with measurement data displayed, a window is displayed asking whether
to read the Eye Care card data after all displayed data is cleared.
[Clear+Input]: Reads data from the Eye Care card after all displayed data is cleared.
[Overwrite]: Overwrites data in the Eye Care card without clearing any displayed data. Items in the
displayed data that are not included in the Eye Care card remain as they are (however, for the sub-
jective field, the setting of the parameter “Preset power of Subj 1” is applied).

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

• If measurement data of both the auto refractometer and lensmeter are written on the Eye Care card,
the setting of the parameter “ Preset power of Subj 1” (page 228) is applied. Data is automatically
entered in the subjective field and the device enters Subjective mode.

• Parameter setting is possible to allow the specified program to be automatically activated according to
the type of data read.
“ Program for imported WF data” (page 226), “ Program for imported AR data” (page 227),“ Pro-
gram for imported Night data” (page 227)

• The following data read from the Eye Care card is displayed only in the data list and printed together
with other data at the time of printing.
• Kerato data of auto ref/keratometer
• Intraocular pressure data of tonoref

3 When the test is complete, remove the Eye Care card.

♦ Importing Wave Front data

If data measured with the OPD-Scan III series is Wave Front, it is imported instead of AR data. In this
case, the indication “WF” is shown instead of “AR” on the screen or printout.
To import and use Wave Front data, set the parameter “ Program for imported WF data” (page 226) to
[C] that is available for user configuration (recommended).
After that, rewrite the program C to a program that supports Wave Front data.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

3.2.4 Entering the patient’s age

This section explains how to enter the patient’s age.

1 Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2 Press [Age].
The age entry screen is displayed.

3 Enter the patient’s age a . a

Numeric key Enter the patient’s age.

[ ] Deletes one character to the left of

the cursor.
[Clear] Clears the age entered.

[Cancel] Closes the age entry screen with-

out changing the age.
[Enter] Closes the age entry screen with
the age changed.

4 Press [Enter].

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

3.2.5 Specifying the dominant eye

Whether the patient's dominant eye is right eye or left eye can be specified.

Specify the dominant eye by pressing or while holding .

+ Specifies the right eye as the dominant eye.

+ Specifies the left eye as the dominant eye.

The dominant eye indicator a is displayed on the a

specified side.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

3.2.6 Entering patient ID

♦ Entering patient ID manually

1 Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2 Press [ID].
The ID entry screen is displayed.

3 Enter the desired patient ID a . a

Alphanumeric key Enter the patient ID.

[ ] Deletes one character to the

left of the cursor.
[Clear] Clears the patient ID

[ ←] Moves the cursor to the left.

[ →] Moves the cursor to the

[Cancel] Closes the ID entry screen
without changing the patient
[Enter] Closes the ID entry screen
with the patient ID changed.

4 Press [Enter].

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Data Entry before Refraction

♦ Reading patient ID from barcode or magnetic card

Patient ID can be read from the barcode or magnetic card using the optional barcode scanner or mag-
netic card reader.
The section of the read data used as patient ID is determined by parameter setting.
“6.1.3 Changing barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings” (page 247)

Display the measurement screen and read the barcode with the barcode scanner or read the mag-
netic card with the magnetic card reader.
The patient ID a is displayed.

• Use CODE 39 for the barcode.

• Use magnetic cards formatted with Magnetic Stripe Format: ISO 7811, AAMVA, and CA DMV.
• Only numbers, alphabetic characters, spaces, underscores, and hyphens may be used for the patient
The device does not recognize any other symbols. All unrecognized symbols are converted to “~”.


3.3 Data Export

This section explains how to export data measured with a refractor.

Pressing exports all displayed data to the shared

The connected computer acquires data through the
shared folder.

Data is exported to (1) and (2) in the table below as

well while exported to the shared folder ((2) is only for
when an Eye Care card is inserted).
Export destination Intended use Setting

(1) RT history folder *a Importing data with the RT-6100 within Set the parameter “RT history" to
the same network. (page 205) [To be used]. (page 244)

(2) Eye Care card *a Reading written measurement data with Set the parameter “Write to Eye
the RT-6100 or RT-5100. (page Care Card” to [Yes] in advance.
206) (page 229)
*a. For CYL = 0, data is exported as AXIS = 0 regardless of the AXIS value.

♦ When printing and exporting data

When the parameter “Print” is set to [Yes], printing starts along with data export.
* For CYL = 0, data is exported as AXIS = 0 regardless of the AXIS value.

♦ When exporting data after checking the data list screen

Set the parameter “Data list at output” to [Yes].

1 Press .
The data list screen is displayed.

2 Press .
The data is exported to the shared folder.


3.4 Prism Entry

3.4.1 Changing the prism display format

1 Press the prism field.

2 Select rectangular coordinates or polar coordinates.

Press the rectangular coordinates or polar coordinates . Pressing the button toggles the

Ex.— Right eye 1.0ΔBI, 1.0ΔBU 1.40Δ, BASE 45°

Left eye 2.0ΔBO, 1.5ΔBD 2.50Δ, BASE 323°

3.4.2 Entering prism values in rectangular coordinates (XY)

1 Press .
Prism values can be entered in rectangular coordi-

2 Enter the prism power in the BASE IN/OUT

Turn the dial to change the value in 0.5∆ increments.
• Turning clockwise In the BO (BASE OUT)
• Turning counterclockwise In the BI (BASE
IN) direction


3 Press .

4 Enter the prism power in the BASE UP/

DOWN direction.
Turn the dial to change the value in 0.5∆ increments.
• Turning clockwise In the left eye BD
(BASE DOWN) direction
In the right eye BU (BASE UP) direction
• Turn counterclockwise In the left eye BU
(BASE UP) direction
In the right eye BD (BASE DOWN) direction

Instead of turning the dial, pressing or changes the value in 0.1∆ increments. In addition,
pressing and holding the button changes the prism value continuously.

Turning the dial while holding changes the value in 2Δ increments.

3.4.3 Entering prism values in polar coordinates (rθ)

1 Press .

2 Enter the prism absolute value.

Turn the dial to change the value in 0.5∆ increments.

Turning the dial while holding changes the

value in 2Δ increments.

Instead of turning the dial, pressing or

changes the value in 0.1∆ increments. In addition,
pressing and holding the button changes the prism
value continuously.

3 Press .

4 Enter the angle in the prism base direction.

Turn the dial to change the value in 1° increments.

Turning the dial while holding changes the

value in 5° increments.


3.4.4 Removing rotary prisms

The rotary prisms can be temporarily removed from the view of the patient.

♦ Removing all rotary prisms

With the rotary prisms placed, press the button of the
numeric field highlighted in white among ,

, , and (when only the

numeric field of a single eye is highlighted, press its
numeric field).

The rotary prisms are removed from the measuring

The cursor on the touch screen turns green and “∆All
Off” a is displayed, indicating that the rotary prisms
are removed.
Even if the rotary prisms are removed, the selected
prism values are changeable.
Pressing the value of the selected prism reinserts the
rotary prism.

♦ Removing the selected prisms

With the rotary prisms placed, press the button of the
numeric field highlighted in white between or

while holding (when only the numeric

field of a single eye is highlighted, press its numeric
This function is disabled in polar coordinates (∆ or θ) Shift


The rotary prisms in the selected direction (horizontal

or vertical) are removed from the measuring win-
The cursor on the touch screen turns green and
“∆OFF” b is displayed, indicating that the rotary
prisms are removed.
Even if the rotary prisms are removed, the selected
prism values are changeable.

Pressing or again reinserts the

rotary prisms.

♦ Clearing prism data

Prism values can be cleared (0.00) separately for the right and left eyes.

button Clears the right-eye prism.

button Clears the left-eye prism.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Chart Presentation

3.5 Chart Presentation

This section explains how to present charts such as cortical vision letter, vertical line, horizontal line,
single letter, or red-green filter.

3.5.1 Selecting charts

Specify charts in the chart select area on the measurement screen.

1 Press one of the page buttons [1]-[4] in the

page select area a to display the icon of
the desired chart in the chart select area b .

2 Press the icon of the desired chart.

The selected chart is presented.
The presented chart can be checked in the chart dis-
play field c at the lower center of the screen.

c b a

3.5.2 Selecting visual acuity charts

Press the desired visual acuity chart icon.
The selected visual acuity chart is presented with the
cortical vision letter.

• The cortical vision letter shows multiple letters in

the order of visual acuity. The letters surrounded by
the dotted lines in the figure below indicate the
same visual acuity.




♦ Mask buttons
With the mask buttons a , the cortical vision letter can
be changed to the vertical line, horizontal line, single
letter, or red-green filter.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Chart Presentation

♦ Vertical line switching

Button Function

Displays the upper row of the presented visual acuity chart.

Displays the lower row of the presented visual acuity chart.

♦ Horizontal line
Pressing with the cortical vision letter shown displays the middle horizontal line.

Button Function
• Displays the middle horizontal line of the cortical vision letter.

• Pressing or again displays another chart with the same visual acuity
randomly (SC-1600 series and SSC-100 only).

● Mask button operation and flow for horizontal line

100 100

Cortical vision letter

80 80 80


Visual acuity values are

not presented to the pa-

70 70

The visual acuity chart is randomly

rearranged at the same visual acuity.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Chart Presentation

♦ Single letter
Pressing + or with the cortical vision letter shown displays a single letter.

Button Function

+ Displays a single letter in the upper left corner of the cortical vision letter.

Displays a single letter in the upper right corner of the cortical vision letter.

+ Displays a single letter in the lower left corner of the cortical vision letter.

+ Displays a single letter in the lower right corner of the cortical vision letter.

● Mask button operation and flow for single letter

100 100

100 Visual acuity values are not

Cortical vision letter presented to the patient.

70 70


100 100 100 100

80 80

70 70

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Chart Presentation

♦ Vertical line
Pressing or with the cortical vision letter shown displays a vertical line.

Button Function
• Displays the left end column.

• Pressing or again with the cortical vision letter shown displays the ver-
tical line on the left or right at the same visual acuity.
• Displays the right end column.

• Pressing or again with the cortical vision letter shown displays the ver-
tical line on the left or right at the same visual acuity.

● Mask button operation and flow for vertical line

Cortical vision letter 100 Visual acuity values are

not presented to the pa-
80 tient.

200 200

150 150

100 100 100 100

80 80 80 80
70 70 70 70


• For the SSC-330 Type T or SSC-370, only the following columns can be displayed.
• Middle two columns for the four-column chart
• Leftmost, middle, and rightmost three columns for the five-column chart

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Chart Presentation

♦ Releasing the vertical line, horizontal line, or single letter isolation

Selecting another chart in the chart select area releases the mask and returns to the cortical vision let-

♦ Applying the red-green filter

Pressing while holding applies the red-green filter to the visual acuity chart.

Button Function
• Applies the red-green filter to the cortical vision letter.
• Additional + releases the red-green filter.

Displays the visual acuity chart above with the red-green filter applied.

Displays the visual acuity chart below with the red-green filter applied.

● Mask button operation and flow for red-green filter

200 200
150 150

100 100
80 80

70 70
100 When the red-green filter is applied

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted Black and White

3.6 Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted Black and


This section explains , , , , ,

and displayed on the measurement screen.

● Supported functions for each chart presenting device

CP-770, SC-
SC-1600 SSC-100 SSC-370
SSC-330 1600Pola
Type T
Glare lamp No No No No
Contrast No Yes Yes (distance MCG
use only)

Low illumination No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Low illumination + glare lamp No No No No

Inverted black and white No Yes Yes Yes No

Random horizontal line No Yes Yes Yes No

Yes: Supports all chart types.

No: Does not support any chart types.
MG or MCG: Supports only Type MG or MCG.

❖ Buttons that cannot be used due to constraints of the chart presenting device are grayed out.

● : Turns on or off the glare lamp.

The state of the glare lamp is displayed on the


The glare lamp is off.

The glare lamp is on.

Low, Middle, and High indicate its
brightness. Pressing the button
toggles the indication.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted Black and White

● : Changes the chart contrast in the order of

25%, 12.5%, 6%, and 100% (normal contrast).
The contrast value is displayed on the button.

Ex.) : Contrast 25%

The contrast change function enables measure-
ment of visual acuity with low contrast condi-
This function enables evaluation of the visual
function according to contrast sensitivity and
observation of changes over time.

● : Toggles between low illumination and nor-

mal illumination.
Low illumination is used to measure visual acu-
ity in dark ambient conditions. Testing the visual
performance to recognize low intensity charts
may be used in the determination of a visual
defect such as disturbance of light sense.

The button shows during low illumination.

• The low illumination function is only available for

visual acuity charts.
• The low illumination function is not available when
the contrast is not 100% or in inverted black and

● : Turns on the glare lamp and low illumination

at the same time. Press the button again to return
to normal illumination.

The brightness of the glare lamp is .

When both glare lamp illumination and low illu-
mination are performed, the button shows .

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted Black and White

● : Inverts the black and white of the visual acu-

ity chart. Press the button again to return to its

• Inverted black and white visual acuity charts (white

letters on the black background) are used for spe-
cial testing such as amblyopia.
• The inverted black and white function is only avail-
able for visual acuity charts.
• The inverted black and white function is disabled
when the contrast is not 100% or in low illumination.

● : Randomly switches the sequence of letters

in the horizontal line.


3.7 Near Vision Test

• When switched to Distance mode or Near mode, the refractor head moves for divergence or conver-
gence. Instruct the patient to keep their face away from the refractor head before pressing FAR or
NEAR . After the movement has been completed, start refraction with the patient’s forehead touching
the forehead rest.

3.7.1 Toggling between Distance mode and Near mode

Press FAR or NEAR on the measurement screen to toggle between Distance mode and Near

FAR or NEAR shows the current mode.



Distance mode Near mode

♦ Changing to near chart (SSC-100 only)

For the SSC-100, the near chart can be changed with the control box.
1) Enter Near mode.
2) Press the icon of the desired chart in the chart
select area a .
The selected chart is presented.
The presented chart can be checked in the chart
display field b at the lower center of the

Even in Near mode, visual acuity chart selection

and mask button operation are possible in the
same manner as in Distance mode.
b a


3.7.2 Setting the near point chart (excluding SSC-100)

1 Lower the near point rod a .

2 Set the near point chart to the working dis-

tance (usually 40 cm).
1) Move the near point chart referring to the scale on
the near point rod.

2) Tighten the knob b to fasten the near point


3 Select the desired near point chart and flip it

toward the patient.
“8.4 Near Point Charts” (page 294) To the working distance
4 After measurement, raise the near point rod.

• Confirm that the near point rod is securely fastened.
An improper fastening may cause the near point rod to fall resulting in injury.


♦ Near point charts c

c Number of chart d

d Chart name on the back side

e Near point chart

Turn this part to change the near point chart. e

There are four charts on one side, eight on both
f sides. f
“8.4 Near Point Charts” (page 294)
Shifting the chart slightly to the left reveals the
g chart information.

The near point chart may be raised so that it is par-

h allel with the near point rod to keep it out of the
Flip the chart over to show the patient the near
i point chart set by the operator.
h h

• Do not grasp the frame of the window on the near point chart when flipping the near point chart.
The near point chart may be smudged and hardly visible.


3.7.3 Displaying the near chart on control box touch screen

This function is useful in the following cases:
• Trial frame test
• When the refractor head is tilted by the optional refractor head tilt unit

• Use the chart as reference only. For accurate measurement, use the supplied near point rod and near
point chart.

1 Press to display the side menu.

2 Press [Near chart].

3 Select the desired near chart with a function

The selected near chart is displayed on the touch
 “8.3 Near Charts Displayable on Touch
Screen” (page 291)

4 Show the patient the near chart at a dis-

tance of 40 cm from the touch screen.
 “5.8.4 Presenting the screen to patient”
(page 202)

5 After the test, press End .

The measurement screen is displayed.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Auxiliary Lens Placement

3.8 Auxiliary Lens Placement

This section explains how to place auxiliary lenses.

1 Display the auxiliary lens select window. a b

Press the R auxiliary lens display button a or L
auxiliary lens display button b .

2 Press the desired auxiliary lens button.

The measurement screen is displayed and the
selected auxiliary lens is placed.
Pressing [End] returns to the measurement screen
without selecting any auxiliary lenses.

Auxiliary lens Description

Open aperture


Polarizing filter 45° for the right eye and 135° for the left eye

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the left eye

Fixed cross cylinder lens for the right eye and occluder for the left eye

Occluder for the right eye and fixed cross cylinder lens for the left eye

Red filter for the right eye and green filter for the left eye

BASE UP 6∆ for the right eye

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Auxiliary Lens Placement

BASE IN 10∆ for the left eye

Horizontal Maddox rod for the right eye and open aperture for the left eye

Open aperture for the right eye and vertical Maddox rod for the left eye

Pinhole plate with a hole diameter of 2 mm

Spherical lens for retinoscope

Select the power from among 0.0, 1.5, and 2.0.

Dispersion prism for binocular balance
Change the prism amount with + or –.

Dispersion prism for horizontal phoria
Change the prism amount with + or –.

Dispersion prism for vertical phoria
Change the prism amount with + or –.

Change the fog amount with + or –.

♦ Linkage between charts and auxiliary lenses

The following explains the auxiliary lenses linked to the charts.

Auxiliary lens
Chart Mode
Right eye Left eye

Visual acuity chart SPH

Open aperture Open aperture
Astigmatism clock dial CYL/AXIS
or occluder or occluder
Red-green SPH

Cross cylinder Cross cylinder

or occluder or occluder (XC mode)

Binocular balance Polarizing filter Polarizing filter

(for the SC-1600 and SSC- (for the SC-1600 and SSC-
Binocular red-green 100, prism 3ΔBD) 100, prism 3ΔBU)

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Auxiliary Lens Placement

Auxiliary lens
Chart Mode
Right eye Left eye

Prism H/V
Phoria with fixation
Polarizing filter Polarizing filter
Vertical/Horizontal coinci-
(for the SC-1600 and SSC- (for the SC-1600 and SSC- Prism V
100, red filter ) 100, green filter )

Precise four-line stereo

Polarizing filter / Polarizing filter / N/A

Stereo (for the SC-1600 and SSC- (for the SC-1600 and SSC-
100, red filter ) 100, green filter )

Worth four-dot Red filter Green filter

Vertical line Prism 6ΔBU Open aperture Prism H

Horizontal line Open aperture Prism 10ΔBI Prism V

Horizontal Maddox Open aperture Prism H

Fixation point
Open aperture Vertical Maddox Prism V

Cross grid Fixed cross cylinder Fixed cross cylinder SPH

Schober Red filter Green filter Prism H/V

Cross grid for near vision Fixed cross cylinder lens or occluder
Near visual acuity Open aperture

❖ Prism H indicates horizontal (BI/BO) and V indicates vertical (BU/BD).

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Auxiliary Lens Link OFF Function

3.9 Auxiliary Lens Link OFF Function

This function prevents auxiliary lenses or SPH/CYL/AXIS mode setting from being switched automati-
cally when the chart is switched.

1 Press to display the side menu.

2 Press [Link off].

“LINK-OFF” is displayed in the upper right of the

measurement screen, indicating that the link off func-
tion is enabled.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Auxiliary Lens Link OFF Function

• The following occur in “link off” state:

• Auxiliary lenses are not automatically placed and SPH/CYL/AXIS mode does not change when the
chart is switched.
• Pressing a mask button does not change the visual acuity value automatically.
• Pressing while a refraction program is running only changes charts.
• Even if the link off function is enabled, the link for 30 or functions (except while a refraction pro-
gram is running).
• Even after the device is turned off, the link off setting is retained.

♦ Clearing the link OFF function

Pressing [Link off] in the side menu again clears the
link off function and returns to the normal state.


3.10 Night Mode

■ This section explains how to toggle between Day mode and Night mode and to import AR or LM night

■ Night mode is for performing subjective refraction in a dark place, and presenting charts with bright-
ness for night vision.

■ Night mode is not available for the chart presenting device CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T.

3.10.1 Toggling between Day mode and Night mode

Pressing or toggles between Day mode and Night mode.

or shows the current mode.

A mark indicating Day mode or Night mode is displayed.

Day mode Night mode

When no AR or LM night data has been entered, sphere, cylinder, and axis values
in Day mode are copied.

• When the device is activated or the displayed data is cleared, the device enters Day mode.

• or is displayed in the following cases:

• Set the parameter “ Display the Day/Night switching button” (page 230) to [Yes].
• When AR/LM night data is entered with day data


3.10.2 Importing AR or LM night data

The following data can be imported as the reference used for the test in Night mode.
• Night data measured with the OPD-Scan III series
• AR large area measurement data of ARK-1 series or AR-1 series

♦ Importing data via LAN or wireless LAN

AR/LM night data can be imported along with day data.
“3.2.1 Importing data from auto refractometer or lensmeter” (page 45)

♦ Reading data with Eye Care card

The following data can be all read with one Eye Care card.
• AR day data
• AR night data a
• LM day data
To read LM night data, another Eye Care card is required.

1) Read data a .
“3.2.3 Reading data from Eye Care card” (page 48)
❖ To read LM night data as well, the following oper-
ation is required.

2) Press to put the RT-6100 into Night mode.

3) Fully insert the Eye Care card containing LM night
data is saved in the orientation shown to the right
b .
LM night data is added to the RT-6100 as the
night data. Eye Care card


3.10.3 Day vision test / night vision test

To perform the night vision test continuously after the day vision test, Program is provided in
the standard program. For details, see the following.
(page 171)

1 Import day data and night data.

The device enters Subjective mode for day vision.

2 Perform subjective refraction based on the day data.

3 Press .
The device enters Subjective mode for night vision.
The program specified by the parameter “ Program for imported Night data” (page 227) is automati-
cally activated.

4 Make the environment suitable for the night

vision test, perform subjective refraction
based on the night data, and then print mea-
surement data.
Day data
“For day” is printed above the day measurement
results, indicating that it is data for glasses to be used
in bright places.
“For night” is printed above the night measurement
results, indicating that it is data for glasses to be used Night data
in dark places.


3.11 Printing

Pressing prints data.

• Printing is not possible when the parameter “ Print” (page 224) is set to [No].
• For CYL = 0, data is exported as AXIS = 0 regardless of the AXIS value.

• This device uses heat-sensitive printer paper. When keeping the printed data for a long period of time,
make copies of the printouts.

♦ Sample printout
1 No. Item

2 1 Patient ID

2 Space for patient’s name and sex

3 Age

4 Measurement date and time

PD: Pupillary distance

NPD: Near pupillary distance
Near pupillary distance corresponding to
6 working distance

6 Unaided visual acuity values

LM values
VA: Visual acuity values corrected by
PD: Spectacle pupillary distance
8 AR values

9 KM values


10 No. Item

10 Intraocular pressure values

Subjective values
For day: Day vision test
11 FAR: Distance power
NEAR: Near power
For night: Night vision test
Prescription values
FAR: Distance power
11 12
NEAR: Near power
Far+Addition: Distance power + addition

13 Dominant eye




No. Item
14 Near point of convergence
15 Near point of accommodation

16 Negative relative accommodation


17 Positive relative accommodation

17 18 Fusion/suppression/diplopia

19 Stereopsis
20 Aniseikonia

19 21 Refraction time

22 “6.6 Entering Comments on Printout”
21 (page 256)


♦ Whether to print contact lens conversion data

The parameter “ Print CL data” (page 224) selects whether the contact lens conversion value of the
subjective data is printed together with the normal data.

♦ Whether to print trial lens data

The parameter “ Print TL data” (page 224) selects whether the trial lens data is printed together with
the normal data.

♦ Whether to clear data after printing

The parameter “ Clear after output” (page 224) selects whether the displayed data is automatically
cleared after printing.
Even if the data on the control box touch screen is cleared, it is saved in the shared folder as RT his-
tory data and can be imported.
“5.10 Importing Refractor Measurement Data” (page 205)

♦ KM measurement
To print the diopter conversion values of KM measurement, set the parameter “I/F Format” of the ARK
to [All].


3.11.1 Printing QR codes

The final data (subjective data or prescription data) can be printed as a QR code.

• The QR code may be unreadable when the paper is curled. Flatten out the paper and read it.
• For details on the QR code to be printed, contact Nidek or your authorized distributor for the QR code

♦ When the parameter “QR code” is set to [QR 1]

The final data and its QR code are printed.
“ QR code” (page 225)
Sample printout


♦ When the parameter “QR code” is set to [QR 2]

The QR code of the final data and all data are printed.
“ QR code” (page 225)
Sample printout

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Measurement Modes

3.12 Measurement Modes

This section explains five measurement modes: Unaided, LM, AR, Subjective, and Final.

The measurement screen consists of five measurement modes: Unaided, LM, AR, Subjective, and
Final, and unspecified (measurement mode not specified). For each measurement mode, Distance/
Near mode and Day/Night mode can be specified.

Measurement mode Description

None specified No measurement mode has been specified.
The device enters this mode when turned on or data is cleared.
Unaided mode Used to measure unaided visual acuity.
Pressing Una enters Unaided mode.
Sphere, cylinder, axis, addition, and prism values cannot be entered.
LM mode Used to enter LM data of the patient.
Pressing LM enters LM mode.

AR mode Used to enter AR data of the patient.

Pressing AR enters AR mode.

Subjective mode Used to perform subjective refraction.

Pressing Subj enters Subjective mode.

Final mode Used to refine the full correction determined in Subjective mode to determine the
Pressing Final enters Final mode.

● Changing measurement modes

Press Una , LM , AR , Subj , or Final to enter the desired mode.
Sphere, cylinder, axis, addition, visual acuity, and prism values are retained for each measurement
mode. Vision comparison is possible with the values of each mode. For example, after the prescription
is determined in Final mode, Subjective mode and LM mode can be switched, which allows for vision
comparison with full correction and LM values.

● Copying values
Switching to measurement mode with no value entered copies the values of sphere, cylinder, and axis
displayed before switching.
The following cases are excluded:
• When the device enters Unaided mode, the values are not copied.
• When the device enters Subjective mode, data specified by the parameter “ Preset power of Subj
1” (page 228) is copied.
• When the mode is switched with no measurement mode specified, all data is copied. However,
only visual acuity values are copied when the device is switched to Unaided mode.
Pressing LM , AR , Subj or Final while holding copies the values of sphere, cylinder, and
axis displayed before switching.

3. OPERATING PROCEDURE : Measurement Modes


This chapter explains the detailed operating procedures for refraction.

• “4.1 Preparation before Refraction” (page 88)
• “4.2 Visual Acuity Test” (page 92)
• “4.3 Spherical Power Refinement” (page 100)
• “4.4 Cylinder Test” (page 102)
• “4.5 Binocular Visual Function Test” (page 108)
• “4.11 Addition (ADD) Test” (page 149)

• Clean the device before refraction.
“7.6 Cleaning” (page 267)
• Instruct the patient not to bump their face or head against the device when they sit or stand for refrac-
• When moving the refractor head, maintain a distance of 20 cm or more between the refractor head
and the patient’s face.
The refractor head may strike the patient’s face during movement.
• Instruct the patient not to push their forehead against the forehead rest and not to move away from the
forehead rest during refraction. Refraction may not be properly performed.
• When changing the pupillary distance widely (including AR/LM measurement data entry), keep the
patient’s face away from the refractor head.
• When the refractor head switches between the distance vision test and near vision test, the refractor
head moves for divergence or convergence. Instruct the patient to keep their face 20 cm or more away
from the refractor head before switching. After the movement has been completed, start refraction with
the patient’s forehead touching the forehead rest.

❖ Depending on the chart presenting device or chart type, the appearances of charts differ from
those in this manual, or some charts may not be included. Any charts that are not included in
the chart presenting device cannot be used. Refer to the operator’s manual of each chart pre-
senting device.

4. REFRACTION : Preparation before Refraction

4.1 Preparation before Refraction

■ This section explains how to adjust the position of the refractor head, vertex distance, and pupillary

■ Provide sufficient explanation of the test purpose and method to the patient before refraction.

4.1.1 Adjusting the refractor head position

1 Instruct the patient to remove their glasses or contact lenses and sit on the chair.
Instruct the patient to keep their head away from the refractor head.

2 Align the refractor head with the patient’s eye level.

1) Instruct the patient to move their face toward the refractor head, paying attention not to contact it.
2) Align the measuring windows of the refractor head
with the patient’s eye level.

3 Instruct the patient to look through the mea-

suring windows and lean their forehead
against the forehead rest a . a

4. REFRACTION : Preparation before Refraction

4.1.2 Adjusting the pupillary distance and vertex distance

This section explains how to adjust the pupillary distance (PD) and vertex distance (VD).
The following is an explanation from the state where positioning of the refractor head has been com-
“4.1.1 Adjusting the refractor head position” (page 88)

• When changing the pupillary distance widely (including AR/LM measurement data entry), keep the
patient’s face away from the refractor head.

1 Check the pupil of the patient's eyes through

the measuring windows. If their eyes are not
located to the center of the right and left PD
check lenses, adjust the pupillary distance
of the patient.

1) Press .
The PD check lenses are placed and the
patient’s eyes are illuminated.
2) Turn the dial to locate the pupil of the patient’s
eyes to the center of each PD check lens.

2 Look through the VD check windows a from

the front to check the vertex distance.
If the VD check windows are viewed at an angle, the a
vertex distance cannot be checked correctly. The fol-
lowing is the figure that the VD check windows are a
viewed from the front.

• The circle in the front b and the circle in the

back c look concentric.
• The triangles in the front d and the upper and lower solid lines in the back e look overlap-


4. REFRACTION : Preparation before Refraction

3 Align the patient’s corneal vertex to the desired marking with the forehead rest
adjustment knob.

Turn adjustment knob Turn adjustment knob

clockwise. counterclockwise.

VD 12 mm VD 20 mm

VD increases. VD decreases. VD 13.75 mm VD 18 mm

VD 16 mm

4 Press again to exit from PD mode.

4. REFRACTION : Preparation before Refraction

4.1.3 Adjusting the chart height (SSC-330 Type T, SSC-370 only)

The chart height is automatically adjusted according to the position of the refractor head when the RT-
6100 is mounted on the system table ST-6100/ST-600.
If it is mounted on another table, the chart height needs to be adjusted. Perform the following opera-
tion for each patient.

1 Align the measuring windows with the patient’s eye level.

2 Press to display the side menu.

3 Press [Level].
The chart height of the SSC-330 Type T or SSC-370
is automatically adjusted.

♦ Manual adjustment
Instruct the patient to view the chart window of the
SSC-330 Type T or SSC-370 and adjust the chart
height until the chart is centered.

The chart moves up.

The chart moves down.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2 Visual Acuity Test

This section explains the testing method of unaided visual acuity and visual acuity corrected by

4.2.1 Measuring unaided visual acuity

To measure the unaided visual acuity of the right, left,
or both eyes

Chart used Visual acuity chart*a

Assessing the minimum visual acuity at which the

Measurement method
patient can read the chart
*a. Letters, Numbers, Tumbling E, Landolt ring, ETDRS

1 Press Una .
The device enters Unaided mode.

2 Press .
The left eye is covered.
The chart of the visual acuity estimated from AR data
is presented.
 “8.9 Estimated Visual Acuity Table” (page

3 Measure the unaided visual acuity of the

right eye.
Determine the minimum visual acuity value at which the patient can read the chart.

Press or to change the visual acuity value.

The visual acuity of the last presented chart is displayed in the VA field.
“3.5 Chart Presentation” (page 59)

4 Press to measure the unaided visual acuity of the left eye.

Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

5 Press to measure the unaided visual acuity of both eyes.

Both eyes are uncovered.
Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2.2 Measuring visual acuity corrected by glasses

The visual acuity corrected by glasses can be measured when LM data is imported.

To measure the visual acuity corrected by glasses of

the right, left, or both eyes

Chart used Visual acuity chart

Assessing the minimum visual acuity at which the

Measurement method
patient can read the chart

1 Press LM .
The device enters LM mode.
The corrective lenses are placed in the measuring
windows according to the LM data.

2 Press VA .
3 Press .
The left eye is covered.
The chart of the visual acuity estimated from the dif-
ference between AR data and LM data is presented.
“8.9 Estimated Visual Acuity Table” (page 303)

4 Measure the visual acuity corrected by glasses of the right eye.

Determine the minimum visual acuity value at which the patient can read the chart.

Press or to change the visual acuity value.

The visual acuity of the last presented chart is displayed in the VA field.

5 Press to measure the visual acuity corrected by glasses of the left eye.
Follow the same procedure as Step 4.

6 Press to measure the visual acuity corrected by glasses of both eyes.

Both eyes are uncovered.
Follow the same procedure as Step 4.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2.3 Measuring visual acuity with addition (ADD VA)

Purpose To measure the near visual acuity with addition

Near chart - 1: Letters, 4: Landolt rings, or 5: Letters

Chart used
(near chart 20/200 (0.1) - 20/20 (1.0) for the SSC-100)
Assessing the minimum visual acuity at which the
Measurement method
patient can read the chart

1 Measure the addition.

“4.11 Addition (ADD) Test” (page 149)

2 Prepare the near point chart.

3 Press
30 .

4 Press
30 again.
The device enters ADD VA mode.
The indication “VA” changes to “A-VA”.

5 Press to measure the visual acuity with addition of the right eye.
Determine the minimum visual acuity value at which the patient can read the chart.

Turn the dial to enter visual acuity. Entry using or is not possible.

6 Press to measure the visual acuity with addition of the left eye.
Follow the same procedure as Step 5.

7 Press to measure the visual acuity with addition of both eyes.

Follow the same procedure as Step 5.

• When the measurement mode is changed among LM - Final in ADD VA mode, ADD VA mode
remains. However, ADD VA mode is exited when no addition is entered in the specified mode.

8 Press S , C , or A to change the mode and exit from ADD VA mode.

Pressing 30 also exits from the mode.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2.4 Measuring pinhole visual acuity (pinhole VA)

To measure the visual acuity when the patient views
charts through a pinhole (small hole)

Chart used Visual acuity chart

Assessing the minimum visual acuity at which the

Measurement method
patient can read the chart

1 Select the desired measurement mode from

among Una - Final .
The corrective lenses of the selected mode are

2 Press .
The device enters Pinhole VA mode.
The indication “VA” changes to “PH VA”.

3 Press to measure the pinhole visual

acuity of the right eye.
Determine the minimum visual acuity value at which the patient can read the chart.

Press or to change the visual acuity value.

The visual acuity value of the last presented chart is displayed in the PH VA field on the touch screen.

4 Press to measure the pinhole visual acuity of the left eye.

Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

5 Press to measure the pinhole visual acuity of both eyes.

Both eyes are covered with pinhole lenses.
Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

6 Press S , C , or A to change the mode and exit from Pinhole VA mode.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2.5 Measuring visual acuity with day data in low illumination (low
illumination VA)
To measure the visual acuity by presenting a chart in
low illumination with the corrective lenses of day data
Purpose placed
This visual acuity is used as reference of the vision
when the day glasses are used at night.

Chart used Visual acuity chart

Assessing the minimum visual acuity at which the

Measurement method
patient can read the chart

This measurement is not available for the chart presenting device CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T.

1 Select the desired measurement mode from

among Una - Final .
The corrective lenses of the selected mode are

2 Press .
The device enters Low illumination VA mode and the
touch screen becomes dark.
The indication “VA” changes to “L-illu. VA”.

3 Press to measure the low illumination

visual acuity of the right eye.
Determine the minimum visual acuity value at which the patient can read the chart.

Press or to change the visual acuity value.

The visual acuity value of the last presented chart is displayed in the L-illu. VA field on the touch

4 Press to measure the low illumination visual acuity of the left eye.
Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

5 Press to measure the low illumination visual acuity of both eyes.

Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

6 Press to exit from Low illumination VA mode.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2.6 Measuring visual acuity with glare and contrast function (glare/
contrast VA) (only for the user interface in English)
To measure the visual acuity when the contrast func-
Purpose tion (or low illumination function) and the glare function
are used

Chart used Visual acuity chart

Assessing the minimum visual acuity at which the

Measurement method
patient can read the chart
Supported chart presenting SC-1600 Type M, SC-1600Pola Type M, SSC-100 Type M,
devices SSC-370 Type MG/MCG

1 Select the desired measurement mode.

The corrective lenses of the selected mode are

2 Turns on the contrast (or low illumination)

and the glare lamp.
 “3.6 Contrast Change, Low Illumination, Inverted
Black and White” (page 64)
Functions not available in the chart presenting device
cannot be selected.

3 Press VA while holding .

The indication “VA” changes to “G.C. VA”.

4 Press to measure the glare/contrast visual acuity of the right eye.

Determine the minimum visual acuity value at which the patient can read the chart.

Press or to change the visual acuity value.

The visual acuity value of the last presented chart is displayed in the G.C. VA field on the touch

5 Press to measure the glare/contrast visual acuity of the left eye.

Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

6 Press to measure the glare/contrast visual acuity of both eyes.

Follow the same procedure as Step 3.

● The measurement results are shown with Others3 in the data list.

“Dusk” is displayed in the contrast field when low illumination is selected.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2.7 Measuring visual acuity using ETDRS charts (ETDRS VA) (only
for the user interface in English)
Purpose To measure the visual acuity using ETDRS charts

Chart used ETDRS chart

Assessing the minimum visual acuity at which the

Measurement method
patient can read the chart
Supported chart presenting SC-1600 Type M, SC-1600Pola Type M, SSC-100 Type M,
devices SSC-370 Type M/MG/MCG, CP-770 Type M

1 Select the desired measurement mode.

The corrective lenses of the selected mode are

2 Press ETDRS
1 or ETDRS
2 to present the ETDRS

3 Press .

4 Press the function button ETDRS .

The ETDRS window is displayed.

5 Ask the patient to read the chart from the top Visual acuity
and only press the buttons when correct
answers are given.

6 Press Finish to close the ETDRS window.

Clear : Clears measurement results.

Cancel : Closes the ETDRS window without
saving any measurement results.

7 Press to measure the visual acuity of

the left eye in the same manner as Steps 4
to 6.

8 Press to measure the visual acuity of both eyes in the same manner as Steps
4 to 6.

4. REFRACTION : Visual Acuity Test

4.2.8 Entering correct or incorrect answers

The values such as “+2”, “+1”, “−1”, and “−2” can be added to the entered visual acuity values. The
number of letters that the patient was able to read or the patient failed to read can be entered.

1 Measure the visual acuity.

2 Press during the visual acuity test.

The function buttons [+] and [−] are displayed.

3 Enter the number of letters that the patient

was able to read or the patient failed to read
with [+] or [−].

Ex.— When the chart contains four letters per row,

The patient was able to read three letters out of four letters at a visual acuity of 20/20 (1.0) 1.0 − 1
The patient was able to read one letter out of four letters at a visual acuity of 20/16 (1.2) 1.0 + 1
Ex.— When the chart contains five letters per row,
The patient was able to read three letters out of five letters at a visual acuity of 20/20 (1.0) 1.0 − 2
The patient failed to read three letters out of five letters at a visual acuity of 20/16 (1.2) 1.0 + 2

4. REFRACTION : Spherical Power Refinement

4.3 Spherical Power Refinement

4.3.1 Red-green test

Purpose To refine the spherical power in the red-green test

Chart used Red-green

The letters on the red and green sides appear equally

Ideal appearance

1 Press or to select the eye to be measured.

2 Press to present the Red-green chart.

The device enters SPH mode.

3 Add +0.50 D sphere to fog the patient’s

Turn the dial counterclockwise by two steps.

4 Turn the dial clockwise to reduce the fog

until the letters on the red and green sides
appear equally sharp.
Ask the patient, “Which is sharper, the red or the

Adjust the following as necessary.

The letters on the red and green sides appear equally


The letters on the red side appear sharper. Turn the dial clockwise or press .

The letters on the green side appear sharper. Turn the dial counterclockwise or press .

4. REFRACTION : Spherical Power Refinement

4.3.2 Cross grid test for distance vision

Purpose To refine the spherical power

Chart used Cross grid

Auxiliary lens Fixed cross cylinder lens

Ideal appearance The horizontal and vertical lines appear equally clear.

1 Press Subj .

2 Press or to select the eye to be measured.

3 Press to present the Cross grid chart.

The cross cylinder lens is placed.

4 Turn the dial clockwise or counterclockwise until the horizontal and vertical lines
appear equally clear.
Ask the patient, “Which lines are clearer, the horizontal lines or the vertical lines?”
Adjust the following as necessary.

The horizontal and vertical lines appear equally


The horizontal lines appear clearer. Turn the dial counterclockwise.

The vertical lines appear clearer. Turn the dial clockwise.

4. REFRACTION : Cylinder Test

4.4 Cylinder Test

4.4.1 Cylinder axis refinement with Astigmatism clock dial chart

To test and refine the cylinder axis using the Astig-
matism clock dial chart

Chart used Astigmatism clock dial

Ideal appearance All bars appear equally clear.

1 Press or to select the eye to be measured.

2 Press to present the Astigmatism clock

dial chart.
The device enters CYL mode.

3 Fog the vision until the visual acuity

becomes approximately 20/200 (0.1).
1) When the cylinder value is not 0, change it to 0.
2) Press the sphere numeric field of the measured
eye to enter SPH mode.
3) Turn the dial counterclockwise to add plus

4 Turn the dial clockwise to reduce the fog

until the visual acuity becomes approxi-
mately 20/40 (0.5).
The numbers (1-12) beside the bars correspond to the visual acuity of 20/40 (0.5).

5 Refine the cylinder axis until all the bars appear equally clear.
Ask the patient, “Does any bar appear especially clearer than the others?” Adjust the following as nec-

All the bars appear equally clear. End

Determine the orientation of the minus cylinder axis by multiply-

One of the bars appears clearer. ing the smaller number (1-6) beside the clearer bar by 30°.
When Bar 2 appears clearer: 2×30° = 60°

4. REFRACTION : Cylinder Test

6 Enter the value of the minus cylinder axis determined in Step 5.

Press the axis numeric field of the measured eye and turn the dial.

7 Add minus cylinder in 0.25 D increments until all the bars appear equally clear.
Press the cylinder numeric field of the measured eye and turn the dial clockwise.
When adding the cylindrical power changes the clearer bar, follow the procedure below.

The clearer bar moves counterclockwise. Turn the cylinder axis clockwise.

The clearer bar moves clockwise. Turn the cylinder axis counterclockwise.

4. REFRACTION : Cylinder Test

4.4.2 Cylinder refinement with cross cylinder

To test and refine the cylinder axis and cylindrical
power using the cross cylinder lens.

Chart used Dots

Auxiliary lens Cross cylinder lens

Even if the cross cylinder lens is flipped, the clarity of

Ideal appearance
dots does not change.

1 Set the refractor head according to the AR data and press or to select the
eye to be measured.

2 Perform the red-green test.

“4.3 Spherical Power Refinement” (page 100)

3 Press to present the Dots chart.

The device enters AXIS mode.
The cross cylinder lens is placed.

4 Refine the cylinder axis until Chart 1 and

Chart 2 appear equally clear.
● When the parameter “Cross cylinder(XC) test” is
set to [Auto]:
Chart 1 and Chart 2 are presented at the same
time. The position of each chart is displayed in
the operation message field.

● When the parameter “Cross cylinder(XC) test” is

set to [±0.25] or [±0.50]

Present Chart 1 by pressing and Chart 2

by pressing , then ask the patient which is


Adjust the following as necessary.

Chart 1 appears clearer. Turn the dial counterclockwise by one step or press .

Chart 2 appears clearer. Turn the dial clockwise by one step or press .

4. REFRACTION : Cylinder Test

5 Press again.
The device enters CYL mode.
The axis of the cross cylinder lens is changed.

6 Refine the cylindrical power in the same

manner of Step 4.

• When the cylindrical power of the AR data is 0, astigmatism can be retested by the following proce-
When a message asking whether to skip the cylinder test is displayed during refraction program,
press [No].

1) After performing the red-green test, refine the cylindrical power.

2) Set a cylindrical power of 0.25 D.
3) Check the clarity in the order of 180° -> 45° -> 90°-> 135°. If the patient indicates that
Chart 1 looks clearer for all axes, set the cylindrical power as 0.
If the patient indicates that Chart 2 looks clearer for any axis, proceed to the cylinder axis refinement
for the axis in which the patient indicated that Chart 2 was clearer.

4. REFRACTION : Cylinder Test

4.4.3 Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder lens (with and
without method)
To test and refine the cylindrical power using the cross
cylinder lens

Chart used Dots

Auxiliary lens Cross cylinder lens

The Dots chart appears clearer when the cross cylin-

Ideal appearance
der lens is removed.

1 Refine the cylinder axis.

See Steps 1 to 4 of “4.4.2 Cylinder refinement with cross cylinder” (page 104).

2 Press again.
The device enters CYL mode.
The axis of the cross cylinder lens is changed.

3 Press the cross cylinder switching button to

change it to [±0.25/○].
The axis does not need to be changed when the
parameter “ Cross cylinder(XC) test” (page 221)
is set to [±0.25D/○].

4 Turn the dial to refine the cylindrical power

until the chart appears clearer when the
cross cylinder lens is removed.

● When the chart appears clearer with the cross cylinder lens placed
1) Turn the dial clockwise by one step.

2) Place or remove the cross cylinder lens by pressing and turn the dial clockwise one by one
until the chart appears clearer with the cross cylinder lens removed.

When the cross cylinder lens is placed When the cross cylinder lens is removed

4. REFRACTION : Cylinder Test

● When the chart appears clearer with the cross cylinder lens removed
When the chart appears clearer with the cross cylinder lens removed, change the orientation of the
cross cylinder lens.

1) Press to change the orientation of the cross cylinder lens.

2) Place or remove the cross cylinder lens by pressing and turn the dial counterclockwise one
by one until the chart appears clearer with the cross cylinder lens removed. The refinement is
complete when the chart appears clearer with the cross cylinder lens removed.

When the cross cylinder lens is placed When the cross cylinder lens is removed

• Pressing in Binocular mode selects the right eye automatically and the left eye is covered.
• To perform refinement with both eyes open, press the auxiliary lens indication and press [FOG] in the
auxiliary lens select window to fog the vision with both eyes open.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5 Binocular Visual Function Test

❖ Depending on the chart presenting device or chart type, the appearances of the chart differ
from those in this manual, or some charts may not be included. Any charts that are not
included in the chart presenting device cannot be used. Refer to the operator’s manual of
each chart presenting device.

4.5.1 Binocular balance test

To adjust the accommodation balance if necessary
Purpose when the best-corrected visual acuity is equal in the
right and left eyes

Chart used Binocular balance

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the
left eye
Auxiliary lens
Right eye 3ΔBD prism, left eye 3ΔBU prism (for the
SC-1600 and SSC-100)
The letters on the upper and lower rows appear
Ideal appearance
equally clear.

● SC-1600, SSC-100
Right eye Left eye Ideal appearance

● Other
Right eye Left eye Ideal appearance

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

1 Press to present the Binocular balance

The device enters SPH mode.
The auxiliary lens (polarizing filter or prism) is placed.

2 Fog both eyes.

Press and turn the dial counterclockwise until
the binocular visual acuity becomes approximately
between 20/32 (0.6) and 20/25 (0.8).
The visual acuity of each letter on the chart is 20/50
(0.4), 20/40 (0.5), 20/30 (0.63), 20/20 (1.0), and 20/
16 (1.2) from the left to right.
If the patient cannot see the chart in two rows,
the balance test cannot be performed. In this
case, present the visual acuity chart with one
eye covered and repeat for the other eye to
adjust the vision until it appears equal for the
right eye and left eye.

3 Make adjustments until the upper and lower letters appear equally clear.
Ask the patient, “Which is clearer, the upper or the lower?”
Adjust the following as necessary.

The upper letters appear clearer. Press and turn the dial counterclockwise to add +0.25 D

The lower letters appear clearer. Press and turn the dial counterclockwise to add +0.25 D
The upper and lower letters do not Determine with which eye the patient views the Binocular balance
appear equally clear. chart more clearly while referring to the LM data or dominant eye.

• If the measurement results in Subjective mode differ between the right and left visual acuity, do not
use the Binocular balance chart. Perform the binocular red-green test with the Binocular red-green
“4.5.2 Binocular red-green test” (page 110)
• If the vision differs between the right and left eyes in the binocular balance test using the Binocular bal-
ance chart, determine with which eye the patient views the Binocular balance chart more clearly while
referring to the LM data or dominant eye (page 51).

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.2 Binocular red-green test

To test and achieve accommodation balance (equal-
ization) in both eyes

Chart used Binocular red-green

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the
left eye
Auxiliary lens
Right eye 3ΔBD prism, left eye 3ΔBU prism (for the
SC-1600 and SSC-100)
All numbers and symbols on the upper and lower rows
Ideal appearance
appear equally sharp.

● SC-1600, SSC-100
Right eye Left eye Ideal appearance

● Other
Right eye Left eye Ideal appearance

• Precise balance can be achieved compared to the test using the Binocular balance chart.

1 Press to present the Binocular red-

green chart.
The measurement screen is displayed and the device
enters SPH mode.
The auxiliary lens (polarizing filter or prism) is placed.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

2 Adjust the accommodation balance for both eyes.

As in the table below, ask the appearance of numbers and symbols. Adjust the following as neces-

All the numbers and symbols on the upper

and lower rows appear equally sharp.
The red side appears sharper on the upper
Binocular balance is achieved.
and lower rows.
The green side appears sharper on the upper
and lower rows.
The green side appears sharper on the upper
Press and turn the dial counterclockwise to add +0.25
row and the red side appears sharper on the
D sphere.
lower row.
The red side appears sharper on the upper
Press and turn the dial counterclockwise to add +0.25
row and the green side appears sharper on
D sphere.
the lower row.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.3 Phoria test

Purpose To detect and correct horizontal and vertical phoria

Chart used Phoria

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye, 45° for the left eye,
and rotary prism for both eyes
Auxiliary lens Red filter for the right eye, green filter for the left eye,
and rotary prism for both eyes (for the SC-1600 and

Ideal appearance A cross is seen.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Phoria chart.

The device enters BASE IN/OUT prism entry
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Ask the patient, “Can you see four bars?”

• Yes Testing can be continued.
• No Testing cannot be continued.

3 Ask the patient, “Do the vertical and horizon-

tal bars form a cross at the center?”
• Yes Orthophoria
• No Heterophoria. Go to the next step.

4 Ask the patient, “Are the vertical bars shifted to the right or left?”
• Shifted to the right Esophoria
• Shifted to the left Exophoria
• Not horizontally shifted No horizontal phoria

5 Ask the patient, “Are the horizontal bars shifted upward or downward?”
• Shifted upward Right eye hyperphoria
• Shifted down Left eye hyperphoria
• Not vertically shifted No vertical phoria

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

6 Make adjustments until a cross is seen.

If a cross is not seen, adjust the following.

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Turn the dial clockwise to add the BO prism until the ver-
tical bars are centered in the horizontal bars.

Turn the dial counterlockwise to add the BI prism until the

vertical bars are centered in the horizontal bars.

Press . Turn the dial clockwise to add the BU prism

Left eye hyperphoria to the right eye and the BD prism to the left eye until the
horizontal bars are centered in the vertical bars.

Press . Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the

Right eye hyperphoria BD prism to the right eye and the BU prism to the left eye
until the horizontal bars are centered in the vertical bars.

Esophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ esophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Right eye hyperphoria for right eye hyperphoria.

Esophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ esophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Left eye hyperphoria for left eye hyperphoria.

Exophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ exophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Right eye hyperphoria for right eye hyperphoria.

Exophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ exophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Left eye hyperphoria for left eye hyperphoria.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.4 Phoria with fixation test

To detect and correct heterophoria by giving stimuli for

Chart used Phoria with fixation

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye, 45° for the left eye,
and rotary prism for both eyes
Auxiliary lens
Red filter for the right eye, green filter for the left eye, and
rotary prism for both eyes (for the SC-1600 and SSC-100)

Ideal appearance A cross is seen.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Phoria with fixation

The device enters BASE IN/OUT prism entry
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Ask the patient, “Can you see four bars?”

• Yes Testing can be continued.
• No Testing cannot be continued.

3 Ask the patient, “Do the vertical and horizontal bars form a cross at the center?”
• Yes Orthophoria
• No Heterophoria. Go to the next step.

4 Ask the patient, “Are the bars vertically aligned?”

• Yes No horizontal phoria
• No Horizontal phoria

5 Ask the patient, “Is the top bar shifted to the right or left of the bottom bar?”
• Shifted to the right Esophoria
• Shifted to the left Exophoria

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

6 Ask the patient, “Are the bars horizontally aligned?”

• Yes No vertical phoria
• No Vertical phoria

7 Make adjustments until a cross is seen.

If a cross is not seen, adjust the following.

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Turn the dial clockwise to add the BO prism until the bars
are vertically aligned.

Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BI prism until

the bars are vertically aligned.

Press . Turn the dial clockwise to add the BU prism

Left eye hyperphoria to the right eye and the BD prism to the left eye until the
bars are horizontally aligned.

Press . Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the

Right eye hyperphoria BD prism to the right eye and the BU prism to the left eye
until the bars are horizontally aligned.

Esophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ esophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Right eye hyperphoria for right eye hyperphoria.

Esophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ esophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Left eye hyperphoria for left eye hyperphoria.

Exophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ exophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Right eye hyperphoria for right eye hyperphoria.

Exophoria Correct the horizontal phoria in the same manner as for

+ exophoria and the vertical phoria in the same manner as
Left eye hyperphoria for left eye hyperphoria.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.5 Mallet test (horizontal phoria)

To detect and correct heterophoria by giving stimuli for

Chart used Mallet chart (vertical bars)

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye, 45° for the left eye,
and rotary prism for both eyes
Auxiliary lens
Red filter for the right eye, green filter for the left eye, and
rotary prism for both eyes (for the SC-1600 and SSC-100)

Ideal appearance The two bars appear vertically aligned.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Mallet chart (verti-

cal bars).
The device enters BASE IN/OUT prism entry
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Have the patient look at a cross in the cen-


3 Ask the patient, “Can you see two vertical

• Yes Testing can be continued.
• No Testing cannot be continued.

4 Ask the patient, “Are the bars vertically aligned?”

• Yes No horizontal phoria
• No Horizontal phoria. Go to the next step.

5 Ask the patient, “Is the top bar shifted to the right or left of the bottom bar?”
• Shifted to the right Esophoria. Turn the dial clockwise to add the BO prism until the bars are
vertically aligned.
• Shifted to the left Exophoria. Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BI prism until the
bars are vertically aligned.

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.6 Mallet test (vertical phoria)

To detect and correct heterophoria by giving stimuli for

Chart used Mallet chart (horizontal bars)

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye, 45° for the left eye,
and rotary prism for both eyes
Auxiliary lens
Red filter for the right eye, green filter for the left eye, and
rotary prism for both eyes (for the SC-1600 and SSC-100)

Ideal appearance The two bars appear horizontally aligned.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Mallet chart (hori-

zontal bars).
The device enters BASE IN/OUT prism entry
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Have the patient look at a cross in the cen-


3 Ask the patient, “Can you see two horizontal

• Yes Testing can be continued.
• No Testing cannot be continued.

4 Ask the patient, “Are the bars horizontally aligned?”

• Yes No vertical phoria
• No Hyperphoria or hypophoria. Go to the next step.

5 Ask the patient, “Is the right bar shifted upward or downward?”
• Shifted upward Left eye hyperphoria. Turn the dial clockwise to add the BU prism to the
right eye and the BD prism to the left eye until the bars are horizontally aligned.
• Shifted downward Right eye hyperphoria. Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BD
prism to the right eye and the BU prism to the left eye until the bars are horizontally aligned.

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.7 Von Graefe test (horizontal phoria)

Purpose To detect and correct horizontal phoria V
Chart used Vertical line N

6∆BU prism for the right eye and rotary prism for the left V
Auxiliary lens R
eye C
Ideal appearance The two columns appear vertically aligned.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye




Press to present the Vertical line chart.


The 6∆BU prism is placed in the right measuring

window. The device enters BASE IN/OUT prism
entry mode.

If the Vertical line chart is not available, follow the

procedure below:
1) Display the chart with letters for the patient’s
best-corrected visual acuity or that with their
slightly larger letters in a vertical line.
2) Set the 6∆BU prism to the right eye.

3) Press .

2 Press to cover the left eye.

3 Press again to uncover the left eye.

4 Ask the patient, “Can you see two vertical columns? Are they vertically aligned?”

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

5 Make adjustments until the columns appear vertically aligned the moment the
occluder is removed.
If the position is shifted, adjust the following (use the Flashing Technique described in Steps 2 and 3).

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Esophoria (The upper N
O Add the BO prism until the two columns are vertically aligned.
column is shifted to the V Turn the dial clockwise.
left.) R

Exophoria N
O Add the BI prism until the two columns are vertically aligned.
(The upper column is
V Turn the dial counterclockwise.
shifted to the right.) R

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.8 Von Graefe test (vertical phoria)

Purpose To detect and correct vertical phoria

Chart used Horizontal line

Rotary prism for the right eye and 10∆BI prism for the
Auxiliary lens
left eye

Ideal appearance The two rows appear horizontally aligned.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye


1 Press ZSOKN
to present the Horizontal line
The 10∆BI prism is placed in the left measuring
window. The device enters BASE UP/DOWN
prism entry mode.

If the Horizontal line chart is not available, follow

the procedure below:
1) Display the chart with letters for the patient’s
best-corrected visual acuity or that with their
slightly larger letters in a horizontal line.
2) Set the 10∆BI prism to the left eye.

3) Press .

2 Ask the patient, “Can you see two horizontal rows? Are they horizontally aligned?”

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

3 Make adjustments until the rows appear horizontally aligned.

If the position is shifted, adjust the following.

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Right eye hyperphoria Turn the dial counterclockwise until the two rows are horizon-
(The left row is higher.) ZSOKN tally aligned.

Left eye hyperphoria ZSOKN

Turn the dial clockwise until the two rows are horizontally
(The right row is
ZSOKN aligned.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.9 Maddox test (horizontal phoria)

Purpose To detect and correct horizontal phoria

Chart used Fixation point

Horizontal Maddox rod for the right eye and rotary prism
Auxiliary lens
for the left eye

Ideal appearance A white spot is seen in the center.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Fixation point

The horizontal Maddox rod is placed in the right
measuring window. The device enters BASE IN/
OUT prism entry mode.

2 Make adjustments until the white spot is

Ask the patient, “Is the white spot shifted to the right
or left of the red rod? or is it on the red rod?”
If the white spot is horizontally shifted, adjust the fol-

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

(The white spot is Press . Turn the dial clockwise to add the BO prism until
shifted to the left.) the white spot appears to be completely within the red rod.

Exophoria (The white Press . Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BI
spot is shifted to the prism until the white spot appears to be completely within the
right.) red rod.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.10 Maddox test (vertical phoria)

Purpose To detect and correct vertical phoria

Chart used Fixation point

Rotary prism for the right eye and vertical Maddox rod
Auxiliary lens
for the left eye

Ideal appearance A white spot is seen in the center.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Fixation point

The horizontal Maddox rod is placed in the right
measuring window. The device enters BASE IN/
OUT prism entry mode.

2 Press again.
The horizontal Maddox rod is removed from the
right measuring window and the vertical Maddox
rod is placed in the left measuring window.
The device enters BASE UP/DOWN prism entry
mode for the left eye.

3 Make adjustments until the white spot is

Ask the patient, “Is the white spot shifted upward or
downward? or is it on the red rod?”
If the white spot is vertically shifted, adjust the following.

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Left eye hyperphoria Press . Turn the dial clockwise to add the BU prism to
(The white spot is the right eye until the white spot appears to be completely
shifted upward.) within the red rod.

Right eye hyperphoria Press . Turn the dial clockwise to add the BD prism to
(The white spot is the right eye until the white spot appears to be completely
shifted downward.) within the red rod.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.11 Aniseikonia test (vertical phoria)

Purpose To detect aniseikonia and correct vertical phoria

Chart used Vertical coincidence (vertical phoria)

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the left
Auxiliary lens
Red filter for the right eye and green filter for the left eye
(for the SC-1600 and SSC-100)
• The right and left frames appear the same in size.
Ideal appearance
• The right and left frames appear the same in height.

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye
(no aniseikonia, orthophoria)

♦ Aniseikonia detection
1 Press to present the Vertical coinci-
dence chart.
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Ask the patient, “Can you see the frames

with a dot in the center? Are the right and
left frames the same in size?”

Ex.— 3.5% aniseikonia

The width of a line corresponds to 3.5% aniseikonia.
• When the aniseikonia is due to anisometropia (refractive error differ-
ence of 2.00 D or greater between the right and left eyes), a specta-
cle lens prescription is suitable for axial anisometropia and contact
lens prescription is suitable for refractive anisometropia.

3 When the right and left frames are the same in size, press the
function button [Yes]. When the size is different, press [No].

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

♦ Vertical phoria correction

1 Press to present the Vertical coinci-
dence chart.
The device enters BASE UP/DOWN prism entry
mode for the left eye.
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Align the right and left frames vertically.

Ask the patient, “Can you see the frames with a dot in
the center? Are the right and left frames vertically
If the frames are vertically shifted, adjust the follow-

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Right eye hyperphoria Press . Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BD
(The left frame is prism to the right eye and the BU prism to the left eye until the
higher.) right and left frames are vertically aligned.

Left eye hyperphoria Press . Turn the dial clockwise to add the BU prism to
(The right row is the right eye and the BD prism to the left eye until the right
higher.) and left frames are vertically aligned.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.12 Aniseikonia test (horizontal phoria)

Purpose To detect aniseikonia and correct horizontal phoria

Chart used Horizontal coincidence (horizontal phoria)

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the left
Auxiliary lens
Red filter for the right eye and green filter for the left eye
(for the SC-1600 and SSC-100)
• The upper and lower frames appear the same in size.
Ideal appearance • The upper and lower frames appear horizontally

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye
(no aniseikonia, orthophoria)

♦ Aniseikonia detection
1 Press to present the Horizontal coinci-
dence chart.
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Ask the patient, “Can you see the frames

with a dot in the center? Are the upper and
lower frames the same in size?”

Ex.— 3.5% aniseikonia

The width of a line corresponds to 3.5% aniseikonia.
• When the aniseikonia is due to anisometropia (refractive error differ-
ence of 2.00 D or greater between the right and left eyes), a specta-
cle lens prescription is suitable for axial anisometropia and contact
lens prescription is suitable for refractive anisometropia.

3 When the upper and lower frames are the same in size, press
the function button [Yes]. When the size is different, press

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

♦ Horizontal phoria correction

1 Press to present the Horizontal coinci-
dence chart.
The device enters BASE IN/OUT prism entry
The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 Align the right and left frames horizontally.

Ask the patient, “Can you see the frames with a dot in
the center? Are the right and left frames horizontally
If the frames are horizontally shifted, adjust the fol-

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

(The upper frame is Press . Turn the dial counterclockwise until the upper
shifted to the left.) and lower frames are horizontally aligned.

(The upper frame is Press . Turn the dial clockwise until the upper and
shifted to the right.) lower frames are horizontally aligned.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.13 Schober test

Purpose To detect and correct phoria

Chart used Schober

Red filter for the right eye, green filter for the left eye,
Auxiliary lens
and rotary prism for both eyes

Ideal appearance A cross is seen in the center.

● SSC-100
Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

● Other
Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Schober chart.

The device enters BASE IN/OUT prism entry
The red filter is placed in the right measuring
window and the green filter is placed in the left
measuring window.

2 Ask the patient, “Can you see the green cir-

cles with a red cross?”
• Yes Testing can be continued.
• No Testing cannot be continued.

3 Ask the patient, “Is the cross in the center of the circle?”
• Yes Orthophoria
• No Heterophoria. Go to the next step.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4 Ask the patient, “Is the cross shifted to the right or left?”
• Shifted to the right Esophoria
• Shifted to the left Exophoria
• Not horizontally shifted No horizontal phoria

5 Ask the patient, “Is the cross shifted upward or downward?”

• Shifted upward Left eye hyperphoria
• Shifted downward Right eye hyperphoria
• Not vertically shifted No vertical phoria

If the position is shifted, adjust the following.

For fine adjustment, use or instead of the dial.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Turn the dial clockwise to add the BO prism until the cross is
(The cross is shifted to
seen in the center of the circle.
the right.)

Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BI prism to until the
(The cross is shifted to
cross is seen in the center of the circle.
the left.)

Left eye hyperphoria Press . Turn the dial clockwise to add the BU prism to
(The cross is shifted the right eye and the BD prism to the left eye until the cross is
upward.) seen in the center.

Right eye hyperphoria Press . Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BD
(The cross is shifted prism to the right eye and the BU prism to the left eye until the
downward.) cross is seen in the center.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.14 Stereo test

Purpose To detect stereoscopic vision

Chart used Stereo

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the
left eye
Auxiliary lens
Red filter for the right eye and green filter for the left
eye (for the SC-1600 and SSC-100)
The vertical bar with a circle appears closest and then
Ideal appearance in the order of the vertical bars with a star, square, and

Binocular ideal
Right eye Left eye

1 Press to present the Stereo chart.

The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-
green filter) are placed.

2 The four vertical bars should appear closer.

Test whether the patient can see the four
bars at different depths.
Ask the patient, “Do the vertical bar with a circle
appear closest and then in the order of the vertical
bars with a star, square, and triangle with respect to
the cross in the center?”

Bar position Stereoparallax

The stereoparallax from the vertical bar with a

Vertical bar with a circle
cross is 10 minutes.

The stereoparallax from the vertical bar with a

Vertical bar with a star
circle is 1 minute.

The stereoparallax from the vertical bar with a

Vertical bar with a square
star is 2 minutes.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

The stereoparallax from the vertical bar with a

Vertical bar with a triangle
square is 4 minutes.

3 Enter the test result (1', 2', 4', 10', or NG (No

Good)) with a function button.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.15 Stereo test (triangle test)

Purpose To detect stereoscopic vision

Chart used Stereo

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the left
Auxiliary lens
The upper and lower triangles appear closer than the cir-
Ideal appearance
cle in the center.

Right eye Left eye Binocular ideal (orthophoria)

1 Press to present the Stereo chart.

The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter) are

2 Test whether the patient can see the upper

and lower triangles stereoscopically.
For the stereoparallax of 10'30", refraction distance
of 5 m, and PD 60 mm, they should appear approxi-
mately 101 cm closer.

3 Enter the test result (OK or NG) with a func-

tion button.

4 Press again to test whether the patient can see the upper and lower triangles far-
ther away.
For the refraction distance of 5 m and PD 60 mm, they should appear approximately 171 cm farther

5 Repeat Steps 1 to 4 to change the stereoscopic vision.

Only pop-out is slow. Exophoria tendency

Only recession is slow. Esophoria tendency

Both pop-out and recession are slow. Hyperphoria or hypophoria tendency

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.16 Stereo balance test

Purpose To detect stereoscopic vision

Chart used Stereo balance

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the left
Auxiliary lens
The upper and lower triangles appear closer than the cir-
Ideal appearance
cle in the center.

Right eye Left eye Binocular ideal (orthophoria)

1 Press to present the Stereo chart.

The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter) are

2 Test whether the patient can see the upper

and lower triangles stereoscopically.
For the stereoparallax of 13'45", refraction distance
of 5 m, and PD 60 mm, they should appear approxi-
mately 125 cm closer.

3 Press again to test whether the patient

can see the upper and lower triangles far-
ther away.
For the refraction distance of 5 m and PD 60 mm, they should appear approximately 250 cm farther

4 Check the displacement between the upper and lower triangles and the central cir-

Displacement of pop-out > Displacement of recession Exophoria tendency

Displacement of pop-out < Displacement of recession Esophoria tendency

Displacement of pop-out = Displacement of recession Hyperphoria or hypophoria tendency

A shifted perception of the triangles to the first (inner), second (thin), or third (outer) grade means a
prevalence of the relevant eye of 20%, 60%, or 100%.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.17 Precise four-line stereo test

To detect stereoscopic vision of smaller than parallax 1

Chart used Stereo four-line

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the left
Auxiliary lens
The plus shape second from the left, square fourth from
Ideal appearance the left, triangle third from the left, and bar fourth from the
left appear closer than the other shapes.

Right eye Left eye Binocular ideal (orthophoria)

1 Press to present the Stereo four-line

The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter) are placed.

2 Test whether one of the shapes in each row

appears closer than others.
The stereo parallaxes are 4 minutes, 2 minutes, 1
minute, and 40 seconds from the top.

3 Enter the test result (40", 1', 2', 4', or NG)

with a function button.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.18 Worth four dot test

Purpose To detect fusion or suppression

Chart used Worth four dot

Auxiliary lens Red filter for the right eye and green filter for the left eye

Red diamond, green pluses, and pink or red/green cir-

Ideal appearance
cle are seen.

Right eye Left eye Binocular ideal (orthophoria)

Green pluses and green Red diamond and green pluses and pink
Red diamond and red circle
circle or red/green circle

1 Press to present the Worth four dot

The red filter is placed in the right measuring window
and the green filter is placed in the left measuring

2 Check the number, shape, and color of

bright spots.
Ask the patient, “How many bright spots can you
see? What colors are they?”

Determination Appearance Symptom

A red diamond, green pluses, and a pink or alternate red/
green circle are seen. However, if the patient has an obvious
Fusion dominant eye:
(four spots)
Right dominant eye Red circle
Left dominant eye Green circle

Right eye suppression

Two green pluses and a green circle are seen.
(three spots)

Left eye suppression

A red diamond and a red circle are seen.
(two spots)

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

(five spots) Red and green are seen at the same time.

Alternate suppression
(five spots)
Right eye suppression
and left eye suppres- Red and green appear alternately.
sion appear alter-

3 Enter the test result (number of bright spots: 2, 3, 4, 5) with a function button.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4.5.19 Cyclophoria test

Purpose To detect and correct cyclophoria

Chart used Cyclophoria

Polarizing filter 135° for the right eye and 45° for the left
Auxiliary lens
Red filter for the right eye and green filter for the left
eye (for the SSC-100)
The vertical and horizontal pointers intersect at right
Ideal appearance

Right eye Left eye Binocular ideal appearance

1 Press to present the Cyclophoria chart.

The auxiliary lenses (polarizing filter or red-green fil-
ter) are placed.

2 Ask the patient, “Can you see upper, lower,

right, and left pointers and scales?”
• Yes Testing can be continued.
• No Testing cannot be continued.

3 Ask the patient, “Do the upper, lower, right,

and left pointers point to the middle scale?”
• Yes Orthophoria
• No Heterophoria. Go to the next step.

4. REFRACTION : Binocular Visual Function Test

4 Ask the patient, “Do the vertical and horizontal pointers intersect at right angles?”
• Yes Functional cyclophoria
• Yes Optical cyclophoria

Adjust the following as necessary.

Phoria Appearance Procedure

Functional cyclophoria
(The vertical and horizon- Dysfunction of extraocular muscle is suspected. Correc-
tal pointers intersect at tion with glasses is not possible.
right angles.)

This may occur at the time of oblique astigmatism correc-

Optical cyclophoria tion or due to optical cause. Reduce the symptoms by the
(The vertical and horizon- following method:
tal pointers do not inter- • Reduce the cylindrical power.
sect at right angles.) • Bring the cylinder axis close to the horizontal or ver-
tical axis.

4. REFRACTION : Divergence Test and Convergence Test

4.6 Divergence Test and Convergence Test

■ This section explains how to assess the divergence or convergence ability.

4.6.1 Divergence test

Purpose To assess the divergence ability of the eye

Chart used Vertical line V

Auxiliary lens Rotary prism for both eyes O


Press to present the Vertical line chart.


For near vision, press and manually set the Ver-

tical line chart for near vision.
If the Vertical line chart is not available, display the
chart with letters for the patient’s best-corrected
visual acuity or that with their slightly larger letters in
a vertical line, then press .

2 Press [Phoria] to display the Divergence test


• When this test is performed following the Von

Graefe test, the prism power for correcting the hori-
zontal or vertical phoria is cleared by pressing [Pho-
• Pressing [V.P.] sets the vertical prism correspond-
ing to the vertical phoria. Press [V.P.] if necessary.

3 Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BI

prism to both eyes until the chart appears
on the control panel may also be used.

4 When the chart appears blurred, press

The prism power is entered as the blur point.
The [Blur] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the prism power has been entered.
Pressing the highlighted [Blur] again clears the
entered prism power.
When the chart does not appear blurred, go to the next step.

4. REFRACTION : Divergence Test and Convergence Test

5 Turn the dial counterclockwise to add the BI prism to both eyes until the chart
appears as two.
on the control panel may also be used.

6 When the chart appears as two, press

The prism power is entered as the break point.
The [Break] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the prism power has been entered.
Pressing the highlighted [Break] again clears the
entered prism power.

7 Turn the dial clockwise to reduce the BI

prism from both eyes until the chart appears
as one again.
on the control panel may also be used.

8 When the chart appears as one again, press [Recov].

The prism power is entered as the recovery point.

4.6.2 Convergence test

Purpose To assess the convergence ability of the eye

Chart used Vertical line V

Auxiliary lens Rotary prism for both eyes O

1 Press to present the Vertical line chart.

For near vision, press and manually set the Verti-
cal line chart for near vision.
If the Vertical line chart is not available, display the
chart with letters for the patient’s best-corrected
visual acuity or that with their slightly larger letters in
a vertical line, then press .

4. REFRACTION : Divergence Test and Convergence Test

2 Press [Phoria] twice to display the Convergence test window.

• When this test is performed following the Von

Graefe test, the prism power for correcting the hori-
zontal or vertical phoria is cleared by pressing [Pho-
• Pressing [V.P.] sets the vertical prism correspond-
ing to the vertical phoria. Press [V.P.] if necessary.

3 Turn the dial clockwise to add the BO prism

to both eyes until the chart appears blurred.
on the control panel may also be used.

4 When the chart appears blurred, press

The prism power is entered as the blur point.
The [Blur] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the prism power has been entered.
Pressing the highlighted [Blur] again clears the
entered prism power.
When the chart does not appear blurred, go to the next step (the chart seldom appears blurred in Dis-
tance mode).

5 Turn the dial clockwise to add the BO prism to both eyes until the chart appears as
on the control panel may also be used.

6 When the chart appears as two, press

The prism power is entered as the break point.
The [Break] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the prism power has been entered.
Pressing the highlighted [Break] again clears the
entered prism power.

7 Turn the dial counterclockwise to reduce the

BO prism from both eyes until the chart
appears as one again.
on the control panel may also be used.

8 When the chart appears as one again, press [Recov].

The prism power is entered as the recovery point.

4. REFRACTION : Near Point of Convergence (NPC) Test

4.7 Near Point of Convergence (NPC) Test

This test does not require a refractor head. Have the patient wear their glasses if they usually wear

Purpose To assess the convergence break point

No chart is used in this test. Use a fixation object such as the tip of a pencil or
Chart used
pen that helps to determine whether the patient has diplopia.

1 Press ADD while holding .

The device enters NPC test mode.
The device changes to Near mode when in Distance
mode and enters NPC test mode.

2 Gradually bring the tip of a pen (chart) closer to the patient’s eyes and measure the
distance from the tip of the pen to the root of the nose (posterior surface of the lens)
at the point where the image appears as two.

3 Enter the distance using the dial.

or on the control panel may also be used.
The meter angle (MA) and prism power are calcu-
lated and displayed automatically.
Ex.— Enter 7 cm as the distance when the PD is
6.4 cm.
• When the parameter “NPC calculation” is set to
MA = 1 / (0.07 + 0.025) = 10.5
Δ = MA × 6.4 = 67.4
NPC = 7 cm: 10.5 MA, 67.4Δ
• When the parameter “NPC calculation” is set to [Simple]:
A = 1/(0.07 + 0.025) = 14.3
Δ = MA × 6.4 = 91.4
NPC = 7 cm: 14.3 MA, 91.4Δ

4 Press [End] to exit from NPC test mode.

Near mode remains selected.

4. REFRACTION : Near Point of Accommodation (NPA) Test

4.8 Near Point of Accommodation (NPA) Test

This test assesses the point closest to the patient’s eye at which a chart is focused.

Purpose To assess the near point of accommodation

The minimum visual acuity letter chart that the patient can read correctly at
Chart used
the position of 40 cm away from the near point chart.

• Confirm that the parameter “SPH Far→Near” is set to [SPH+ADD].

• Use the trial frame with full corrective power including addition for the near point of accommodation
• Perform the test in Subjective mode with full corrective power entered.
If it is in another mode or data is not entered correctly, accommodation (D) will not be calculated cor-

1 Press ADD while holding .

The device enters NPC test mode.
The function buttons [NPC], [NPA], [NRA], and [PRA]
are displayed.
For cases just after the near point of convergence
test has been performed, start with the following pro-

2 Press [NPA].
The NPA window is displayed.

3 For measurement of the near point of

accommodation with one eye, press or
to select the eye to be measured.

4 Gradually bring the near point chart closer to

the patient’s eyes and measure the distance
from the blur point to the root of the nose
(posterior surface of the lens) at the point
where the chart appears blurred.

4. REFRACTION : Near Point of Accommodation (NPA) Test

5 Enter the distance using the dial.

or on the control panel may also be used.
The accommodation is calculated and displayed automatically.
Ex.— When 33 cm is entered as the distance with ADD of +2.0 D (addition is entered in Distance
Accommodation = 1/0.33 − (+2.0) = 1.03 D

6 Press [End] to exit from NPA test mode.

Near mode remains selected.

4. REFRACTION : Negative Relative Accommodation (NRA) Test

4.9 Negative Relative Accommodation (NRA) Test

To assess the negative relative accommodation when both eyes are con-
verged at a specified working distance
Near point chart with a vertical line isolation at 40 cm away from the patient’s
Chart used
eye (near point chart 7)

• Confirm that the parameter “SPH Far→Near” is set to [SPH+ADD]

1 Press ADD while holding .

The device enters NPC test mode.
The function buttons [NPC], [NPA], [NRA], and [PRA]
are displayed.
For cases just after the near point of accommodation
test has been performed, start with the following pro-

2 Press [NRA].
The NRA window is displayed.

3 For measurement of the negative relative

accommodation with one eye, press or
to select the eye to be measured.

4 Gradually turn the dial counterclockwise and

press [Blur] when the chart appears blurred.
The [Blur] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the value has been stored.

4. REFRACTION : Negative Relative Accommodation (NRA) Test

5 Gradually turn the dial clockwise and press

[Recov] when the chart appears clear again.
The [Recov] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the value has been stored.
Pressing the highlighted [Blur] or [Recov] again
clears the stored values.

6 Press [End] to exit from NRA test mode.

Near mode remains selected.

4. REFRACTION : Positive Relative Accommodation (PRA) Test

4.10 Positive Relative Accommodation (PRA) Test

To assess the positive relative accommodation when both eyes are con-
verged at a specified working distance.
Near point chart with a vertical line isolation at 40 cm away from the patient’s
Chart used
eye (near point chart 7)

• Confirm that the parameter “SPH Far→Near” is set to [SPH+ADD].

1 Press ADD while holding .

The device enters NPC test mode.
The function buttons [NPC], [NPA], [NRA], and [PRA]
are displayed.
For cases just after the negative relative accommo-
dation test has been performed, start with the follow-
ing procedure.

2 Press [PRA].

3 For measurement of the positive relative

accommodation with one eye, press or
to select the eye to be measured.

4 Gradually turn the dial clockwise and press

[Blur] when the chart appears blurred.
The [Blur] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the values have been stored.

4. REFRACTION : Positive Relative Accommodation (PRA) Test

5 Gradually turn the dial counterclockwise and

press [Recov] when the chart appears
clearly again.
The [Recov] indication is highlighted in white, which
means that the value has been stored.
Pressing the highlighted [Blur] or [Recov] again
clears the stored value.

6 Press [End] to exit from PRA test mode.

Near mode remains selected.

4. REFRACTION : Addition (ADD) Test

4.11 Addition (ADD) Test

This section explains how to measure the addition (ADD) required for the prescription of glasses for
near vision with distance vision corrected and to measure visual acuity with addition.
To measure the near addition for the right, left, or both

Chart used Cross grid

Auxiliary lens Fixed cross cylinder lens

Both the vertical and horizontal lines appear equally

Ideal appearance

1 Press
The device enters ADD mode.
Instruct the patient to keep their head away from the
refractor head while the refractor head is moving.

2 Select the patient’s age with a function but-

When the parameter “Preset ADD” is set to [No],
go to Step 3.

3 Lower the near point rod and set the Cross

grid chart for near vision to the working dis-
tance (usually 40 cm) (excluding the SSC-

4 Measure the addition.

1) Ask the patient, “Which lines are clearer, the
horizontal lines or the vertical lines? or are they
about the same?”
2) Adjust the following until they appear equally.

The horizontal and vertical lines appear

equally clear.

The horizontal lines appear clearer. Turn the dial counterclockwise.

The vertical lines appear clearer. Turn the dial clockwise.

The horizontal and vertical lines do not The horizontal lines should appear slightly clearer than the
appear equally clear. vertical lines.

4. REFRACTION : Addition (ADD) Test

5 Measure the visual acuity if necessary.

“4.2.3 Measuring visual acuity with addition (ADD VA)” (page 94)

• Pressing ADD allows the addition to be placed or

removed with the refractor head converged. The highlight
color for ADD on the touch screen changes and “ADD-OFF”
is displayed in the upper right when the addition is removed.
Pressing ADD again returns the ADD indication to its

original and the addition is placed. Pressing LM , AR , Subj or Final allows the mode to be
changed with ADD mode set.

♦ Changing the working distance (WD)

Adjust the working distance of the patient to that primarily used.
It cannot be changed when the SSC-100 is connected.
1) Press the numeric field of the working distance.
2) Select the desired working distance.

4. REFRACTION : Amsler Grid Test

4.12 Amsler Grid Test

This section explains how to present the Amsler grid chart on the touch screen and to perform the
Amsler test.
To examine the appearance of the central part (mac-
ula) of the fundus retina

Chart used Amsler grid

Trace the touch screen with the touch pen or fingers to

Measurement method
show the part that appears distorted.

• Ask the patient to wear their glasses or reading glasses if they usually wear them.

1 Press to display the side menu.

2 Press [Amsler grid].

The Amsler grid test screen is displayed on the con-
trol box touch screen.

4. REFRACTION : Amsler Grid Test

3 Press [R] or [L] to select the eye to be mea-


4 Flip the touch screen toward the patient to

show the patient the Amsler grid test screen.
Present the screen at a distance of 40 cm from the
patient’s eyes.
Ask the patient to wear their glasses or reading glasses
if they usually wear them.

5 To test with the eye specified in Step 3,

cover the opposite eye.

6 Ask the patient to look at the central point of the chart.

7 Ask the patient whether surrounding grids or

lines are distorted or broken. Trace the dis-
torted or broken areas slowly with the touch
pen or fingers.
[Clear]: Clears the traced lines.

8 Press [Output] if necessary.

(only when the “External output function” parameter is
set to [To be used])
The image is captured and exported in bmp file format.

• Switching R/L or finishing the Amsler grid test clears the traced data. To save the traced data, use the
external output function.

9 Test the opposite eye in the same procedure as Steps 3 to 8.

10 Press End to return to the measurement screen.


■ This chapter explains refraction through the standard programs and Program Day/Night.
Explanations of the following operations and functions are provided to make full use of the device.
• “5.1 Refraction Programs” (page 154)
• “5.2 Standard Programs” (page 156)
• “5.3 Programming” (page 173)
• “5.4 Writing or Reading Programs” (page 179)
• “5.6 Checking Refraction Data” (page 185)
• “5.7 Specifying Subwindow Display Data” (page 195)
• “5.8 Displaying Descriptive Images” (page 197)
• “5.9 Displaying Images (SC-1600 series and SSC-100 only)” (page 203)

• Clean the forehead rest, face shields, and measuring windows before refraction.
“7.6 Cleaning” (page 267)
• Instruct the patient not to bump their face or head against the device when they sit or stand for refrac-
• When moving the refractor head, have the patient’s hands put on their lap, maintain a distance of 20
cm or more between the refractor head and the patient’s face. Also move the refractor head while
checking the patient position.
The refractor head may strike the patient’s face during movement.
• When the refractor head switches between the distance vision test and near vision test, the refractor
head moves for divergence or convergence. Instruct the patient to keep their face 20 cm or more away
from the refractor head before switching. After the movement has been completed, start refraction with
the patient’s forehead touching the forehead rest.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Refraction Programs

5.1 Refraction Programs

This section explains how to select a refraction program, start a program, proceed to the next test, and
return to the previous test.

♦ Refraction program usage

A refraction program is a function to place charts and auxiliary lenses in a predetermined order. This
allows the operator to concentrate on refraction without switching charts and auxiliary lenses.

This device can contain up to seven refraction programs: A, B, C, D, E, MF (open), and (Day/
Night). Factory standard programs are provided for A, B, MF, and .

is not available for the chart presenting device CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T.

♦ Selecting a refraction program

Selection is possible among seven refraction programs: A, B, C, D, E, , and MF (open).

1 Press the program select button.

The program select window is displayed.

2 Select the desired refraction program.

The selected refraction program is displayed on the
program select button.
Pressing the Cancel button returns to the measure-
ment screen.

• When the same refraction program is selected while

a refraction program is in progress, the device
returns to the first test of that program.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Refraction Programs

♦ Starting a refraction program

1 Check a for the refraction program
Change the refraction program if necessary.
 “♦ Selecting a refraction program” (page

2 Press on the control panel.

A refraction program starts.
The chart and auxiliary lenses specified in the initial
test of the refraction program are placed.

3 Perform the test of the set program. c
The presented chart is shown in the chart display
b .
If a program message c and operation message
d are displayed, perform the test by referring to

d b

♦ Proceeding to next test

Press on the control panel.
The refraction program proceeds to the next test.
The chart and auxiliary lenses specified in the test are placed.

♦ Returning to previous test

Press while holding on the control panel.
The refraction program returns to the previous test.
The chart and auxiliary lenses specified in the test are placed.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

5.2 Standard Programs

■ This section explains the details of Standard programs A, B, MF and .

■ Standard 1 or Standard 2 can be selected by parameter for Standard programs A and B.

Program name Refraction purpose
Standard program A (Standard 1)

Standard program A (Standard 2)

Adjustment of full correction and determination of prescription in
Standard program B (Standard 1) subjective refraction test

Standard program B (Standard 2)

Standard program MF Adjustment of full correction and determination of prescription in sub-

jective refraction test with both eyes open
Adjustment of full correction and determination of prescription for
Standard program
bright and dark places

■ As an example, the procedure is provided to determine the prescription with Standard program A
(Standard 1).

5.2.1 Refraction with Standard program A (Standard 1)

This section explains how to determine the prescription with Program A (the following is an example of
the program).
The final data (prescription) is obtained after the monocular full correction (subjective data) is
The binocular balance test and stereo test are performed in Final mode. Then the precise addi-
tion is measured in Subjective mode.

♦ Refraction flow with Program A (Standard 1)(factory setting)

Order Refraction item Details
No mode specified
1 AR data import Import of AR data of patient's eyes

Unaided mode
Unaided visual acuity test for right eye, left eye, and
2 Unaided visual acuity test
both eyes

LM mode
Visual acuity test with LM data for right eye, left eye, and
3 Visual acuity test with LM data
both eyes

Subjective mode
Check of whether visual acuity of AR data is at least
4 R (right eye): AR data check
approx. 20/30 (0.63)
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
5 R: Red-green test
D fogging)

6 R: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

7 R: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

8 R: Red-green test
D fogging)
R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart
Check of whether visual acuity of AR data is at least
10 L (left eye): AR data check
approx. 20/30 (0.63)
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
11 L: Red-green test
D fogging)

12 L: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

13 L: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

14 L: Red-green test
D fogging)
L: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart

Final mode
16 B (binocular eyes): Balance test Binocular balance test

17 B: Stereo test Check of stereopsis and entry of stereoparallax

18 Power adjustment (auto adjustment) Power adjustment by intended use (auto adjustment)

Near vision test in Subjective mode

19 B: Addition test Addition test with Cross grid chart for near vision

Near vision test in Final mode

20 B: Addition check Addition check with near point chart

♦ Refraction procedure
1 Measure the patient’s eyes with an auto refractometer and print the results.

2 Measure the patient’s current glasses with a lensmeter and print the results.

3 Confirm that Program A is selected on the

touch screen.

4 Press on the control panel.

Refraction program A starts.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

5 Import AR data.

1) Press on the control panel.

The import data select screen is displayed.
2) Select the desired patient data. Select desired data.


3) Press OK . 

The selected data is entered in the measure-    

ment screen.

S 3.50 D C 1.50 D A 176 1/1

S -3.25 D C -1.25 D A 4 Transmission source : ARK-1S

End AR/ARK RT history OK

Unaided mode

6 Measure unaided visual acuity.

1) Have the patient look into the chart through the
measuring windows.

2) Press or to measure the

visual acuity of the right eye.

3) Press on the control panel.

4) Press or to measure the

visual acuity of the left eye.

5) Press on the control panel.

6) Press or to measure the visual acuity of both eyes.

7 Enter whether the patient has their glasses.

1) Press .

2) Enter whether the patient has their glasses with

a function button.

Press [No].
Without glasses
Go to Step 10.

With glasses Press [Yes].

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

8 Import LM data.

1) Press .
The import data select screen is displayed.

2) Press LM . Select desired data.


3) Select the desired patient data. 


4) Press OK .   

The selected data is entered in the measure-

ment screen in LM mode.

S 3.50 D C 1.50 D A 175 1/1

S -3.25 D C -1.25 D A 5 Transmission source : LM-1800PD

End AR/ARK RT history OK

LM mode

9 Measure visual acuity corrected by glasses.

The patient may wear their glasses for the visual acu-
ity test without looking through the refractor head.

1) Press or to measure the

visual acuity of the left eye.

2) Press .

3) Press or to measure the

visual acuity of the left eye.

4) Press .

5) Press or to measure the visual acuity of both eyes.

Subjective mode

10 Start subjective refraction for the right eye.

1) Press .
The left eye is covered and the device enters
Subjective mode.
2) Ask the patient whether they can read the pre-
sented chart (visual acuity of approximately 20/
40-20/30 (0.5-0.63).
When the patient can read even one letter on the
chart, go to the next red-green test.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

11 Refine the spherical power in the red-green

 “4.3 Spherical Power Refinement” (page

1) Press .
The Red-green chart is presented and the +0.50
D sphere is added to fog the vision.
2) Turn the dial clockwise to reduce the fog gradu-
ally until the letters on the red and green sides
appear equally sharp.
Adjust the following as necessary.

The letters on the red side appear sharper. Turn the dial clockwise.

The letters on the green side appear sharper. Turn the dial counterclockwise.

The letters on the red and green sides appear equally


12 Refine the cylinder axis.

 “4.4.2 Cylinder refinement with cross cylin-
der” (page 104)
Depending on the cylinder value, the order of cylinder
axis refinement and cylindrical power refinement may
be changed automatically.
When the AR cylindrical power is 0, a message ask-
ing whether to skip the cylinder test is displayed. To
skip, press [Yes] and go to Step 14. When [No] is
pressed, if the cylindrical power becomes 0 during its
refinement, further refinement can be performed by
changing the axis. For details, see the note of (page

1) Press .
The cross cylinder lens (±0.25) is placed and the Dots chart is presented.
2) Refine the cylinder axis using the cross cylinder.

Present Chart 1 by pressing and Chart 2 by pressing , then ask the patient which is
3) Repeat the above until both charts appear equally clear.

Chart 1 appears clearer. Turn the dial counterclockwise by one step or press .

Chart 2 appears clearer. Turn the dial clockwise by one step or press .

Chart 1 and 2 appear equally clear. End

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

13 Refine the cylindrical power.

1) Press .
The axis of the cross cylinder lens is changed.
2) Refine the cylindrical power using the cross cyl-
Follow the same procedure as 2)-3) of Step 12.

14 Refine the spherical power in the red-green

test performed in Step 11 again.

15 Refine the lens power to the most plus

power that provides the best-corrected
visual acuity.

1) Press .
The visual acuity chart for visual acuity 20/20
(1.0) is presented.

2) Change the visual acuity by pressing

or to determine the best-corrected
visual acuity that the patient can see.
3) Refine the lens power to the most plus power
that provides the best-corrected visual acuity.
Ex.— Turn the dial counterclockwise to add +0.25 D sphere. If the chart appears blurred, turn back
the dial clockwise by one step.

• Instead of 2)-3) in Step 15, the following procedure is available.

1) Add approximately +0.75 D sphere of fogging.
2) Present a visual acuity chart with which the visual acuity is decreased by a few steps.

3) When the patient can read the visual acuity chart, press to increase the
visual acuity. When they cannot read the chart, add -0.25 D sphere to release the fog
and ask them to read it again.
4) Repeat the procedure to determine the best-corrected visual acuity with the most plus

❖ The full corrective power for the right eye is perfectly refined.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

16 Refine the left eye.

Follow the same procedure as Step 10 to Step 15.

❖ The full corrective power for the left eye is per-

fectly refined.

17 Press .
Three short beeps sound.

Final mode

18 Perform the binocular balance test.

“4.5.1 Binocular balance test” (page 108)
1) Press .
The Binocular balance chart is presented.
When the parameter “Fog for binocular balance”
is set to [Yes] and the visual acuity is 20/20 (0.9)
or better, the vision is automatically fogged.
2) Make the upper and lower letters appear
roughly equal.
Ask the patient, “Which is clearer, the upper or
the lower?”
Adjust the following as necessary.

The upper letters appear clearer. Press and turn the dial counterclockwise by one step.

The lower letters appear clearer. Press and turn the dial counterclockwise by one step.
The upper and lower letters appear
equally clear.
The upper and lower letters do not Determine with which eye the patient views the binocular balance
appear equally clear. chart more clearly while referring to the LM data or dominant eye.

• When the measurement results in Subjective mode differ between the right and left visual acuity, do
not use the Binocular balance chart. Perform the binocular red-green test with the Binocular red-green
“4.5.2 Binocular red-green test” (page 110)

❖ The binocular full corrective power is perfectly refined.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

19 Perform the stereo test.

“4.5.14 Stereo test” (page 130)
1) Press .
The Stereo chart is presented.

2) Test whether the patient can see the four vertical bars stereoscopically.
Ask the patient, “Do the vertical bar with a circle appear closest
and then in the order of the vertical bars with a star, square, and
triangle with respect to the cross in the center?”
3) Enter the test result (1', 2', 4', 10', or NG) with a function button.
4) For patients who cannot see those bars stereoscopically, perform
the binocular visual function test.
“4.5 Binocular Visual Function Test” (page 108)

20 Perform auto adjustment.

 “5.5.1 Distance power auto adjustment”
(page 181)

1) Press .

2) Enter the adaptability to the patient’s glasses as

[High] or [Low].
When determining the adaptability by age, sep-
arate it by around 40 years old.

The distance power is automatically adjusted

and set to Fin 1.

3) Ask the patient how it looks.

Press .
“Poorly visible.” or “The power is weak.”
The power is increased by one step and set to [Fin 2].

“The power is strong.” or “There is a Press .

uncomfortable feeling.”
The power is decreased by one step and set to [Fin 2].

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

Check and test that are not included in program

21 Measure the visual acuity with the prescription.

The patient’s vision can be compared by recalling the prescription history with function buttons such
as [Full] (full correction), [Fin 1], and [Fin 2].
If necessary, raise the refractor head, then check the visibility and visual acuity in a trial frame.

1) Press .

2) Press or to measure the visual acuity of the right eye.

3) Press .

4) Press or to measure the visual acuity of the left eye.

5) Press .

6) Press or to measure the visual acuity of both eyes.

22 Compare the patient’s vision using the values of the patient’s glasses and those of
the prescription.

1) Press LM .
According to the LM data, the corrective lenses are placed in the measuring windows.

2) Ask which is better compared to Final .

23 If the near vision test is performed next, instruct the patient to keep their head away
from the refractor head.
For the near vision test, the refractor head moves for convergence.

24 Select whether to perform the near vision


1) Press .
A message for the near vision test is displayed.
2) Select whether to perform the near vision test
with a function button.
• To perform the near vision test, press [Yes].
• To skip the near vision test, press [No].
Standard program A is complete. Go to Step 31.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

Near vision test in Subjective mode

25 Select the patient’s age with a function but-

The refractor head moves for convergence.
Instruct the patient to keep their head away from
the refractor head while the refractor head is
When the parameter “Preset ADD” is set to [No],
go to Step 24.

26 Prepare the near point chart (excluding

“3.7.2 Setting the near point chart (excluding
SSC-100)” (page 68)
1) Lower the near point rod.
2) Set the near point chart to the working distance (usually 40 cm).
3) Select the Cross grid chart for near vision.

27 Instruct the patient to lean against the forehead rest and look through the measuring

28 Measure the addition.

“4.11 Addition (ADD) Test” (page 149)
1) Ask the patient, “Which lines are clearer, the
horizontal lines or the vertical lines? or are they
about the same?”

2) Adjust the following until they appear equally clear.

The horizontal lines appear clearer. Turn the dial counterclockwise.

The vertical lines appear clearer. Turn the dial clockwise.

The horizontal and vertical lines appear

equally clear.
The horizontal and vertical lines do not The horizontal lines should appear slightly clearer than the verti-
appear equally clear. cal lines.

• To continue visual acuity test with addition, see “4.2.3 Measuring visual acuity with addition (ADD VA)”
(page 94).

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

Near vision test in Final mode

29 Measure near visual acuity.

1) Press .

2) Flip the near point chart to show the visual acu-

ity chart.
3) Ask the patient whether they can read the letters
of visual acuity 20/30 (0.63).

30 Press .

❖ This completes Standard program A.

31 Press to print the measurement data.

32 Raise the refractor head and test the final

prescription in a trial frame.
Test the final prescription referring to the printed
measurement data.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

5.2.2 Other standard programs

For the following standard programs, the tables below list the included refraction items.
• Standard program A (Standard 2)
• Standard program B (Standard 1)
• Standard program B (Standard 2)
• Standard program MF
• Standard program

♦ Refraction flow with Program A (Standard 2)(factory setting)

Order Refraction item Details
Subjective mode
1 PD check PD adjustment

Best-corrected visual acuity refinement with most plus

2 R: Spherical power refinement power after best-corrected visual acuity is determined
and vision is fogged

3 R: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

4 R: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

5 R: Red-green test
D fogging)
R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart
Best-corrected visual acuity refinement with most plus
7 L: Spherical power refinement power after best-corrected visual acuity is determined
and vision is fogged

8 L: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

9 L: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

10 L: Red-green test
D fogging)
L: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart

12 B: Balance test Binocular balance test

13 B: Visual acuity check and power adjustment Power adjustment by intended use

14 Phoria test (horizontal) Detection and correction of horizontal phoria

15 Phoria test (vertical) Detection and correction of vertical phoria

16 B: Addition test Addition test

17 B: Addition check Check of visual acuity with addition (ADD VA)

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

♦ Refraction flow with Standard program B (Standard 1) (factory set-

Order Refraction item Details
Subjective mode
Check of whether visual acuity of AR data is at least
1 R: AR data check
approx. 20/30 (0.63)
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
2 R: Red-green test
D fogging)

3 R: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

4 R: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

5 R: Red-green test
D fogging)
R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart
Check of whether visual acuity of AR data is at least
7 L: AR data check
approx. 20/30 (0.63)
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
8 L: Red-green test
D fogging)

9 L: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

10 L: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

11 L: Red-green test
D fogging)
L: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart

Final mode
13 B: Balance test Binocular balance test

14 B: Stereo test Check of stereopsis and entry of stereoparallax

B: Visual acuity check and power adjust- Power adjustment by intended use (auto adjustment
ment possible)

Near vision test in Subjective mode

16 B: Addition test Addition test with Cross grid chart for near vision

Near vision test in Final mode

17 B: Addition check Addition check with near point chart

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

♦ Refraction flow with Standard program B (Standard 2) (factory set-

Order Refraction item Details
Subjective mode
1 PD check PD entry

Best-corrected visual acuity refinement with most plus

2 R: Spherical power refinement power after best-corrected visual acuity is determined
and vision is fogged

3 R: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

4 R: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart
Best-corrected visual acuity refinement with most plus
6 L: Spherical power refinement power after best-corrected visual acuity is determined
and vision is fogged

7 L: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

8 L: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

L: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart

10 B: Visual acuity check and power adjustment Power adjustment by intended use

11 B: Addition test Addition test

12 B: Addition check Check of visual acuity with addition (ADD VA)

R: Visual acuity check in contrast or glare Visual acuity check in conditions such as twilight and
(SSC-370 Type MG/MCG only) backlighting
L: Visual acuity check in contrast or glare Visual acuity check in conditions such as twilight and
(SSC-370 Type MG/MCG only) backlighting

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

♦ Refraction flow with Standard program MF (factory setting)

Order Refraction item Details
No mode specified
1 AR data import Import of AR data of patient's eyes

Unaided mode
Unaided visual acuity test for right eye, left eye, and
2 Unaided visual acuity test
both eyes

LM mode
Visual acuity test with LM data for right eye, left eye, and
3 Visual acuity test with LM data
both eyes

Objective mode
Check that the upper row is visible with the right eye and
4 B: Balance test
the lower row with the left eye.

5 B: Visual acuity test with AR data Binocular visual acuity test with AR data

Subjective mode
Reduction of fogging until patient can read visual acuity
6 B: Check of fog amount chart of 20/30 (0.63)
Amount of fog remaining = Fog amount
Refinement of lens power to most plus power that pro-
7 R: Spherical power refinement
vides best-corrected visual acuity

8 R: Red-green test Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart

9 R: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

10 R: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Refinement of lens power to most plus power that pro-
(monocular full correction) vides best-corrected visual acuity (+1.0 fogging)
Refinement of lens power to most plus power that pro-
12 L: Spherical power refinement
vides best-corrected visual acuity

13 L: Red-green test Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart

14 L: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

15 L: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

L: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Refinement of lens power to most plus power that pro-
(monocular full correction) vides best-corrected visual acuity (+1.0 fogging)

17 B: Balance test Balance test with Red-green chart

Refinement of lens power to most plus power that pro-

18 B: Binocular full correction measurement
vides best-corrected visual acuity (+1.0 fogging)

19 B: Stereo test Check of stereopsis and entry of stereoparallax

20 Power adjustment Power adjustment by intended use

Near vision test in Subjective mode

21 B: Addition test Addition test

22 B: Addition check Check of visual acuity with addition (ADD VA)

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

♦ Refraction flow with Standard program (factory setting)

For the night vision test, the room needs to be darkened.

Standard program is not available for the chart presenting device CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330
Type T.

Order Refraction item Details

Subjective mode
Check of whether visual acuity of AR data is at least
1 R: AR data check
approx. 20/30 (0.63)
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
2 R: Red-green test
D fogging)

3 R: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

4 R: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

5 R: Red-green test
D fogging)
R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart
Check of whether visual acuity of AR data is at least
7 L: AR data check
approx. 20/30 (0.63)
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
8 L: Red-green test
D fogging)

9 L: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

10 L: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

11 L: Red-green test
D fogging)
R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart

13 B: Balance test Binocular balance test

14 B: Stereo test Check of stereopsis and entry of stereoparallax

15 Visual acuity check and power refinement Power adjustment by intended use

Near vision test in Subjective mode

16 B: Addition test Addition test with Cross grid chart for near vision

17 B: Addition check Addition check with near chart

Night vision test in Subjective mode

Day subjective visual acuity test in Night Night visual acuity test for right eye, left eye, and both
mode eyes
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
19 R: Red-green test
D fogging)

20 R: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

21 R: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

22 R: Red-green test
D fogging)

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Standard Programs

R: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart
Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5
24 L: Red-green test
D fogging)

25 L: Cross cylinder test (cylinder axis) Cylinder axis refinement with cross cylinder

26 L: Cross cylinder test (cylindrical power) Cylindrical power refinement with cross cylinder

Spherical power refinement with Red-green chart (+0.5

27 L: Red-green test
D fogging)
L: Check of best-corrected visual acuity Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
(monocular full correction) VA chart

29 B: Balance test Binocular balance test

30 B: Stereo test Check of stereopsis and entry of stereoparallax

B: Best-corrected VA check and power Best-corrected visual acuity with most plus power using
adjustment VA chart


5.3 Programming

■ This section explains how to edit refraction programs.

■ This device can contain up to seven refraction programs: A, B, C, D, E, MF, and . Factory
standard programs are provided for A, B, MF, and . C to E are freely used. All of them may be

is not available for the chart presenting device CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T.

■ To edit Program A, B, , or MF, set the parameter “Program A”, “Program B”, “Program
”, or “Program MF” to [User].

5.3.1 Deleting test items

Test items included in programs can be deleted.
Deleting all test items or the selected test items is possible.

1 Display the menu screen.

1) Press to display the side menu on the mea-

surement screen.

2) Press [Setting] to display the menu screen.


2 Press [Programming].
The Programming screen is displayed.

3 Select the program to be edited.

Press the desired button from among [A], [B], [C], [D],
[E], [MF], and [ ].

The items of the selected program are displayed in a

list (all programs are displayed blank if no program is

4 Press [Delete] or [Delete All].

● Deleting all test items of the selected program

1) Press [Delete All].
A delete confirmation message appears.
2) Press [Yes].
All items of the selected program are deleted.


● Deleting the selected test item

1) Press [Delete].
2) Select the test item to be deleted.
A delete confirmation message appears.
3) Press [Yes].
The selected test item is deleted.

5 Press End .
The Programming screen is displayed.

6 Press End .
The menu screen is displayed.

7 Press End .
The measurement screen is displayed.

5.3.2 Adding test items

Test items can be added to the program in the places specified.
They can be added before or after the selected test item.

1 Display the Programming screen.

See Steps 1 to 2 of “5.3.1 Deleting test items” (page 173).

2 Select the program to be edited.

Press the desired button from among [A], [B], [C], [D],
[E], [MF], and [ ].

The items of the selected program are displayed in a

list (all programs are displayed blank if no program is


3 Add test items.

● Inserting a test item before the selected test item

1) Press [Insert].
2) Select the test item before which a test item is to
be added.
A copy of the selected test item is inserted
before the selected test item.
The test setting window is displayed.

[Insert]: Copy before

[Add]: Copy after

● Inserting a test item after the selected test item

1) Press [Add].
2) Select the test item after which a test item is to
be added.
A copy of the selected test item is inserted after
the selected test item.
The test setting window is displayed.

4 Edit the inserted test item.

See Steps 5 to 11 of “5.3.3 Editing test items”
(page 177).


5.3.3 Editing test items

The test items in program can be edited.

1 Display the Programming screen.

See Steps 1 to 2 of “5.3.1 Deleting test items” (page 173).

2 Select the program to be edited.

Press the desired button from among [A], [B], [C], [D],
[E], [MF], and [ ].

The items of the selected program are displayed in a

list (all programs are displayed blank if no program is

3 Press [Edit].

4 Select the test item to be edited.

The test setting window is displayed.

5 Select [Far] or [Near].

6 Select measurement mode (Unaided-Final).

7 In the chart select area on the right, select

the chart to be presented.


8 Select the mode to work with when the selected chart is presented.
Select items to be included in the test setting window.
• Auxiliary lenses and fog amount can be specified.
• To display the vertical line, horizontal line, or single letter or to apply the red-green filter, specify
here. “3.5.2 Selecting visual acuity charts” (page 59)

● The following can be included.

• Charts (vertical line, horizontal line, single letter, red-green filter)
• Low illumination, contrast change, inverted black and white, glare, night vision + glare
• Measurement mode (Unaided to Final, auto adjustment)
• Day/Night mode
• Distance/Near mode
• Change mode (SPH, CYL, AXIS, etc.)
• Eye to be examined (R, L, BIN, R/L retention)
• Auxiliary lens
• Cross cylinder test
Selection of cross cylinder lens (auto cross cylinder lens, ±0.25 D, ±0.50 D, Lens retention)
Lens retention: Select this option to maintain the placed cross cylinder lens when running a refraction pro-
• Chart retention
Check this item to maintain the presented chart in the cross cylinder test.
• Beep sounds (Three beeps sound at the end of each test.)
• Fog amount (Select [FOG] and turn the dial to enter the fog amount.)
• Near point lamp ON/OFF
• Operation message
Pressing the comments field (above sample instructions) displays a list. Select one from the list.
• Program message
Pressing the sample instructions field displays a list. Select one from the list.

• Program messages can be displayed in Near mode only when the device is connected with the SSC-

9 When the current test item is complete, press [▼Next] to go to the next item.
• To return to the previous item, press [▲Back].
• If you want the selected test item to be the final test and to clear all subsequent test items, press
[Last Test].

10 Repeat Step 5 to Step 9 until the desired charts are written in the presentation order.
Up to 32 tests can be stored.

11 Press End .

12 Press End .
The menu screen is displayed.

13 Press End .
The measurement screen is displayed.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Writing or Reading Programs

5.4 Writing or Reading Programs

This section explains how to write refraction programs to SD cards or read refraction programs from
SD cards.

5.4.1 Writing all refraction programs to SD card

1 Display the Programming screen.
See Steps 1 to 2 of “5.3.1 Deleting test items” (page 173).

2 Press [Export].
A confirmation message is displayed.

3 Press [Yes].
All the current programs are written to the SD card.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Writing or Reading Programs

5.4.2 Reading all refraction programs from SD card

All refraction programs are overwritten by the read programs.

1 Display the Programming screen.

See Steps 1 to 2 of “5.3.1 Deleting test items” (page 173).

2 Press [Import].
A confirmation message is displayed.

3 Press [Yes].
All refraction programs are read from the SD card
and overwritten.


5.5 Power Adjustment

■ This section explains how to adjust the power based on the full correction (the value adjusted to the
most plus power that provides the best-corrected visual acuity for each eye).

■ Auto adjustment, semi-auto adjustment, and manual adjustment are provided.

Conditions such as spectacle values, adaptability (age), type of refractive error
(myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, oblique astigmatism, anisometropia) are auto-
Auto adjustment matically determined and wearing comfort values are obtained from the full cor-
rection of both eyes.
(This calculation function of wearing comfort values is called FinalFit.)

Semi-auto adjustment Fine adjustment of wearing comfort values obtained by auto adjustment

Power adjustment according to the determination of the operator without using

Manual adjustment the auto adjustment function. Or manual adjustment of wearing comfort values
obtained by auto adjustment.

5.5.1 Distance power auto adjustment

Refraction For auto adjustment
The program includes auto adjustment.
Standard program A (Standard 1) “5.2.1 Refraction with Standard program A (Standard 1)” (page
Perform Step 1 and later in power adjustment after binocular full cor-
Other standard programs
rection is obtained.

Other than above Perform Step 1 and later after the binocular full correction is obtained.

• The wearing comfort values in this device should be used only as a guide of power determination. The
final determination should be made by the operator based on confirmation and consent to the patient.
• When using the auto adjustment function, measure and enter the basic full correction and/or spectacle
values. If the full correction is inaccurate, LM data is not entered even though the patient has glasses,
or incorrect values are entered, the power that the patient is satisfied may not be obtained.
• The automatically adjusted wearing comfort values are a little weaker than the average ones to avoid
uncomfortable feeling. Be sure to perform the semi-auto adjustment.
• Auto adjustment is not available for night data.

1 Press Final while holding .

A message to confirm whether or not the patient has glasses is displayed.


2 Select whether or not the patient has

● With glasses
1) Press [Yes].
2) Enter LM data.
“3.2.2 Entering data manually” (page 47)

3) Press Final while holding .

● Without glasses
1) Press [No].
3 Enter the adaptability to the patient’s
glasses as [High] or [Low].
When determining the adaptability by age, separate it
by around 40 years old.

4 The distance power is automatically

adjusted and set to Fin 1.


5.5.2 Fine adjustment after auto adjustment (semi-auto adjustment)

Perform fine adjustment with the semi-auto adjustment function after the auto adjustment of distance

1 Ask the patient how it looks with Fin 1 after

auto adjustment.

2 Press or to perform fine adjustment.

“Poorly visible.” or “The power is weak.” Press .

The power is increased by one step and set to [Fin 2].

“The power is strong.” or “There is a Press .

uncomfortable feeling.”
The power is decreased by one step and set to [Fin 2].

3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 while comparing the patient’s vision.

New data is stored as Fin 3. A maximum of five prescription data sets can be stored. Exceeding
it overwrites Fin 2.

5.5.3 Fine adjustment after auto adjustment (manual adjustment)

Instead of semi-auto adjustment, manual adjustment is possible after the auto adjustment of distance

1 Select [Fin 1] and press [Copy].

Data of Fin 1 is copied to Fin 2.

2 Present the chart of the visual acuity desired

by the patient.

3 Change the sphere and cylinder to the most

plus power that allows the patient to see the
visual acuity chart.

4 Press function buttons [Fin 1] and [Fin 2]

alternately to compare the patient’s vision.


5.5.4 Manual adjustment without using auto adjustment function

Instead of auto adjustment, manual adjustment is possible.

1 Determine the full correction in Subjective mode, then press Final .

The device enters Final mode.

2 Press .

3 Present the chart of the visual acuity desired by the patient.

4 Change the sphere and cylinder to the most plus power that allows the patient to see
the visual acuity chart.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

5.6 Checking Refraction Data

This section explains how to display the data list, refraction diagram, and the range of clear vision
based on the measurement results.

5.6.1 Displaying the data list

All measurement data can be displayed in a list.

1 After measurement, press to display the

side menu.

2 Press [Data list].

The data list screen is displayed.

3 Display the desired list with a function but-


5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

Function button Displayed screen

Day distance data
A-VA: Visual acuity with addition
PH VA: Pinhole visual acuity

*a Day near data

*a Night distance data

*a Night near data

KM, NT, dominant eye, stereoparallax,

fusion, aniseikonia, NPC, NPA, NRA, PRA


L-illu. VA, CL, TL

L-illu. VA: Visual acuity with day data in low

CL: Contact lens contact lens conversion
Others2 value
TL: Trial lens data

Contrast, ETDRS visual acuity


Refraction diagram of patient’s eyes

Ref digrm

*a. Day and night are distinguished on the button only when the parameter “Display the Day/Night switch-
ing button” is set to [Yes] or when night data has been entered.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

4 Press End .
The measurement screen is displayed.

5.6.2 Displaying refraction diagrams of patient’s eyes

This section explains how to display the screen that shows the refractive status of the patient’s eyes in
diagram based on the subjective sphere and cylinder values.

• The refractive status corresponding to the patient's eyes is displayed from among eight refraction dia-
grams (emmetropia, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, simple myopic astigmatism, simple hyperopic
astigmatism, compound myopic astigmatism, compound hyperopic astigmatism). Refraction diagrams
do not exactly reflect sphere, cylinder, or axis values.
• The refractive status screen is displayed based on the subjective values (full correction). If there are no
subjective values, it is displayed based on the AR values.

1 After measurement, press to display the

side menu.

2 Press [Data list].

The data list screen is displayed.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

3 Press Ref digrm .

The refractive status screen is displayed.

Subjective data and refraction diagrams of the
patient’s eyes are displayed.
This screen shows the right eye data on the
right side the left eye on the left side.

4 Press the displayed refraction diagram.

The enlarged view of the pressed refraction diagram
and the refraction diagram corrected by spectacle
lens are displayed.

For astigmatism, the screen can be switched

between [Fig.1] and [Fig.2]. Pressing [Fig.2] displays
the diagram corrected by cylinder and the diagram
corrected by sphere and cylinder.

5 Press End .
The refractive status screen is displayed.

6 Press End .
The measurement screen is displayed.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

5.6.3 Checking the range of clear vision

This section explains the clear vision range check screen that is used to check the clearly visible
range (depth) when correction is made based on the measurement data.
It can be checked by lens type.

• To check the range of clear vision, subjective values (full correction) with addition or prescription with
addition are necessary.
If full correction or addition is inaccurately entered, the range of clear vision is not displayed cor-
• Clear vision range checking is not available for night data.

1 After measurement, press to display the

side menu.

2 Press [Range of Clear Vision].

The clear vision range check screen is displayed.

3 Enter the accommodation used for calcula-

tion of the clear vision range check with the
dial, press [ Enter].
(only when the “Accomm. power for Range of Clear
Vision” parameter is set to [Manual])

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

4 Select the measurement data for clear

vision range checking ([LM]-[Fin*]).
[LM] LM data

[Subj] Subjective data (full correction)

[Fin] Prescription data

Adjust power based on prescription


5 Select the desired lens type ([SVF]-[Bifo-

[SVF] Single vision lens for distance vision

[SVN] Single vision lens for near vision

[F/N] Progressive lens (distance-near)

[M/N] Progressive lens (intermediate-near)

[N/N] Progressive lens (near-near)

[Bifocal] Bifocal lens

6 Check the range of clear vision in the clear vision range graph.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

♦ Clear vision range check screen

5 2

6 7 8

1 Measurement data
Selects measurement data to be displayed in graph.
Pressing [▲] displays the selected measurement data. Pressing it again hides the measurement
data indication.

2 Lens type
Selects a lens type.

3 Clear vision range graph

Displays the range of clear vision for each lens type (clear depth range).
The lower side of the graph is the near point and the upper side is the distance point.
The graph of the selected lens type shows by color how much accommodation is required for clear
Blue portion of graph
Clearly visible area using less than half accommodation
( )
Green portion of graph Clearly visible area using half to two-thirds accommodation

Yellow portion of graph

Clearly visible area using two-thirds to all accommodation
( )

• In the graph of unaided vision, it is difficult to see clearly when the cylinder is 0.75 D or greater. There-
fore, changes to (the indication is not displayed if the graph is short).

• In the following cases for [Fin] or [Fin*], the blue portion of the graph turns red and changes to

• When the eye is myopic and overcorrected
• When the eye is hyperopic and the sphere prescription is a minus value with cylinder minus reading
For these cases, the vision can be improved by accommodation but it may impose eye strain. It is rec-
ommended to change the prescription so that the graph turns blue.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

● Numbers on clear vision range graph

Numbers on the clear vision range graph indicate the distance from the eyes (unit: cm).

Red number Near point (clearly visible closest point using 100% accommodation)

Blue number Position where half accommodation is used (selected lens type only)

Green number Position where two-thirds accommodation is used (selected lens type only)

Black number Distance point with unaided vision

Scale indicating the distance from the eyes. Pressing a circled number displays
30 - 100 an additional line indicating the distance on the clear vision range graph.

4 Image for range of clear vision

Displays the clearly visible range with the selected lens type.
The range or clear vision is displayed as an image for easy understanding.

5 R (right) / L (left) indication

Shows that the clear vision range graph is for the right eye or the left eye.
Pressing this button toggles between the right eye and left eye.

6 End
The screen returns to the measurement screen.

7 [Accom.]
Changes accommodation used as the basis for cal-
culation of the range of clear vision.
The accommodation used for calculation is displayed
in the upper left of the clear vision range check

Conversion is made assuming that the addition value determined by the Cross grid chart
ADD for near vision is half of full accommodation.
Accommodation = ((1/WD) − ADD) x 2 WD: working distance
The measurement values of NPA (near point of accommodation) are used.
“4.8 Near Point of Accommodation (NPA) Test” (page 143)
The accommodation estimated from the age is used.
Age “8.8 Relational Table of Age and Accommodation” (page 302)
When no age is entered, a numeric keypad appears.
Manual Accommodation is manually entered in units of diopters (D).

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

8 [Vision through lens]

Displays the vision image with the selected lens type.
Vision comparison is possible by changing the lens
type with the function buttons at the bottom of the

5.6.4 Adjusting power while checking the range of clear vision

The sphere, cylinder, addition, or working distance values can be changed when [Fin*] is selected on
the clear vision range check screen. Changed values are reflected in the clear vision range graph.
Adjust the values to suit the patient’s needs by changing the clear vision range graph based on the

1 Press [Fin*] on the clear vision range check


2 Press [▲] to display the data window.

3 Select the desired lens type ([SVF]-[Bifo-

[SVF] Single vision lens for distance vision

[SVN] Single vision lens for near vision

[F/N] Progressive lens (distance-near)

[M/N] Progressive lens (intermediate-near)

[N/N] Progressive lens (near-near)

[Bifocal] Bifocal lens

For [SVN] and [N/N], the data window for near vision is

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Checking Refraction Data

4 Select the item to be changed and change

the value with the dial.
Because the near power is fixed, values other than
those specified are also changed.

● To change the data without fixing the near


Press to display .
Changing values in this condition also changes the working distance (for prescription) and near pupil-
lary distance (for prescription). When the working distance has been changed, the near power is
changed regardless of whether is pressed. Working distance (for prescription) a and near
pupillary distance (for prescription) b values are printed in the <FINAL> field at the time of printing.


• The near pupillary distance calculated here is only a guide.

5 After power adjustment, press End to return to the measurement screen.

The values changed on the clear vision range check screen are set in [Fin*].

6 To check the vision with addition, press ADD .

Instruct the patient to keep their head away from the refractor head while the refractor head is moving.
After the convergence has been completed, have the patient look into the measuring windows with the
patient’s forehead touching the forehead rest.

7 Determine the final prescription with [Final] or [Fin*].

[Final]: Prescription data before adjustment

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Specifying Subwindow Display Data

5.7 Specifying Subwindow Display Data

This section explains how to specify items to be displayed in Subwindow 1 and 2.

• When no item is specified, the measurement data previously set in Subwindow 1 and measure-
ment data set prior to the previous one is displayed in Subwindow 2.
• When display items are specified in Subwindow 1, the measurement data previously set is dis-
played in Subwindow 2.
Right eye Left eye


A: Subwindow 1
B: Subwindow 2
* The subwindow in orange shows near data.

1 Press Subwindow 1 a or Subwindow 2 b . b a a b

• To specify items displayed in Subwindow 1,
press Subwindow 1.
• To specify items displayed in Subwindow 2,
press Subwindow 2.
The subwindow setting window c is dis-

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Specifying Subwindow Display Data

2 Specify items to be displayed in the subwin-

• [FAR]: Selects Distance mode.
• [NEAR]: Selects Near mode.

• [ ]: Selects Day mode.

• [ ]: Selects Night mode.

• [Una]: Displays unaided vision data.
• [LM]: Displays LM data.
• [AR]: Displays AR data.
• [Subj]: Displays subjective data.
• [Final]: Displays prescription data.
• [None]: Clears the display data settings in the subwindow.
• [Cancel]: Closes the subwindow setting window without changing any settings.

• Display data settings specified in the subwindow are retained once the device is turned off.

•[ ] or [ ] is not displayed depending on the setting of the parameter “Display the Day/Night
switching button” or depending on the chart presenting device to be connected.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Descriptive Images

5.8 Displaying Descriptive Images

■ This section explains how to display the following descriptive images on the control box touch screen.
• Eyes (refraction diagrams, eye diagram, visions by cases)
• Vision image
• Images (written in the SD card on the control box)
■ The touch screen can be flipped toward the patient to show those images.

5.8.1 Displaying refraction diagrams, eye diagram, visions by cases

1 Display the Refraction diagram list screen.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [About Eye].

The Refraction diagram list screen is displayed.

2 Select the figure to be displayed.

[Eye diagram] a Displays an eye diagram.

[Vision] b Displays vision images by cases.

Refraction dia- Displays the enlarged view of the

grams c pressed refraction diagram and
the refraction diagram corrected
by spectacle lens.
For astigmatism, pressing [Fig.2]
displays the diagram corrected by
cylinder and the diagram cor-
rected by sphere and cylinder.
a b c

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Descriptive Images

[About Eye]

[Eye diagram] [Vision] [Fig.2]


3 Press [TOP] to return to the measurement screen.

Pressing End returns to the Refraction diagram list screen.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Descriptive Images

5.8.2 Displaying vision images by lens type

1 Display the vision image.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Vision through lens].

The vision image screen is displayed.

2 Select the desired lens type.

The vision image with the selected lens type is dis-

3 Press End to return to the measurement


5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Descriptive Images

5.8.3 Displaying images

This section explains how to display images written in the SD card of the control box on the touch

1 Display the vision image.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Image].

2 Thumbnails of the images are displayed.

Press the thumbnail of the desired image.
The selected image is displayed.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Descriptive Images

3 Press End to return to the thumbnail list


4 Press End to return to the measurement


♦ Copying images to SD card

To display images, they need first to be copied to the SD card used by the control box. Image data can
be written as thumbnail images a and full images b .

a b

Follow the procedure below to copy images from a computer.

1) Turn off the power.
2) Gently push the card in to eject it from its slot, then pull it out.

3) Insert the SD card into the computer.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Descriptive Images

4) Copy images in the specified folder using the specified file name and image size.
The file format supports 24-bit color Windows Bitmap image files.
Input destination
Image File name* Image size

a USER\01 IMGxxyy_t.bmp 151x151 pixels

Thumbnail image

b IMGxxyy.bmp 1024x768 pixels

Full image

* xxyy of the file name indicates the position where

the thumbnail is shown on the thumbnail list dis-
xx: Two-digit value indicating the position from the
left of the screen (01 to 06)
yy: Two-digit value indicating the position from the
top of the screen (01 to 04)

For on the figure to the right, xxyy is “0102”.

5) Insert the SD card into the slot of the control box with gold contacts facing forward until it clicks
into place.

5.8.4 Presenting the screen to patient

The touch screen can be flipped toward the patient to show the patient the measurement screen and
various images. Flipping the touch screen toward the patient automatically turns the screen upside

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Images (SC-1600 series and SSC-100 only)

5.9 Displaying Images (SC-1600 series and SSC-100 only)

■ This section explains how to display images instead of charts on the chart presenting device.
■ Images in the SD card of the chart presenting device can be presented instead of charts.
1 Press one of the page buttons [1]-[4] in the
chart select area to display the icons 1 -
18 .

2 Press .
Images are displayed as a slide show.
The function to display multiple images sequentially
allows images to change every 5 seconds.

1 - 18 : Among images stored in the SD card, the

image corresponding to the number is displayed.*1

3 To finish the slide show of images, press any

chart button.

Image No.

• There is a pause of a few seconds between pressing a button and displaying the image.
The device does not respond to any operation on the control box during this time. However, this is
not an error.

*1. If images need to be added to the SD card of the SC-1600 series or SSC-100, contact Nidek or your service

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Images (SC-1600 series and SSC-100 only)

♦ Displaying thumbnails of images

Copying images to the SD card used by the control
box enables the thumbnails of images to be dis-
played on the measurement screen.

• a Thumbnails are displayed as icons in the

chart select area.
• b A full image is displayed in the lower center
of the screen instead of a number.

Remove the SD card from the control box so that it

can be used to copy images from a computer.
1) Turn off the power.
b a

2) Gently push the card in to eject it from its slot,

then pull it out.
3) Insert the SD card into the computer.

4) Copy images in the specified folder using the specified file name and image size.
The file format supports 24-bit color Windows Bitmap image files.
Input destination
folder File name *a Image size

(1) USER\Image_Far CHT01_t.bmp- 49x49 pixels

a image (for dis-
(2) CHT01.bmp- 210x110 pixels
b image (for dis-

(3) *b a image (for near) USER\Image_Near CHT01_t.bmp- 49x49 pixels


(4)* b b image (for near) CHT01.bmp- 210x110 pixels

*a. A two-digit number of the file name is the number of the corresponding button. When the
number is one digit, enter a leading “0”.
*b. Only SSC-100 for (3) and (4)

• Be sure to copy images so that they match the images presented on the chart presenting device when
the corresponding buttons are pressed.
Unmatched images may cause improper operation.

5) Insert the SD card into the slot of the control box with gold contacts facing forward until it clicks
into place.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Importing Refractor Measurement Data

5.10 Importing Refractor Measurement Data

■ This section explains how to import data measured with a refractor from the RT history folder.
■ Measurement data can be imported into not only the RT-6100 that exported its data but also other RT-
6100s on the same network.

1 Press .

2 Press the function button RT history . Select desired data.


3 Select the desired data.

Select the patient’s data to be examined with the  

refractor referring to the patient ID a , date c , a b c d

time d , and data e
d .
Data No. b is not displayed in the current version.
[▲], [▼]: Switches pages. S 3.50 D C 1.50 D A 176
e 1/1
S -3.25 D C -1.25 D A 4 Transmission source : RT-6100

4 Press OK or the dial button.

End AR/ARK RT history OK

All data displayed on the measurement screen is

cleared and the selected refractor measurement data
is imported.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Reading or Writing Measurement Data using Eye Care Card

5.11 Reading or Writing Measurement Data using Eye Care


This section explains how to read data measured with a refractor from the optional Eye Care card (IC
card) or to write data measured with a refractor to an Eye Care card.

♦ Writing refractor measurement data to Eye Care card

The displayed measurement data of the patient can be written to an Eye Care card.
The written data can be read to other RT-6100s or RT-5100s.
* For CYL = 0, data is written as AXIS = 0 regardless of the AXIS value.

• Note the following when handling the Eye Care card:

• Do not remove the card while it is being accessed, which is indicated by displayed in the
upper right of the screen.
• Do not fold or strike the card.
• Do not allow the IC terminal (gold part of the card) to become wet or soiled.
• Do not leave the card in a location exposed to high temperatures or static electricity.

• The parameter “Write to Eye Care card” needs to be set to [Yes] in advance.

• Do not write data measured with an auto refractometer or lensmeter to an Eye Care card written by the
Cards containing mixed measurement data result in abnormal data.
Clear all data on the Eye Care card before writing data measured with an auto refractometer or lens-
meter. When the Eye Care card is inserted into the Eye Care card slot on the control box, the data is
read to the RT-6100 and cleared.

1 Insert an Eye Care card into the Eye Care

card slot.
Fully insert the Eye Care card in the orientation shown
to the right a .

2 Measure the patient’s eyes with the RT-6100.


Eye Care card

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Reading or Writing Measurement Data using Eye Care Card

3 Press to write data.

“3.3 Data Export” (page 54)
The measurement data is written to the Eye Care card.
When both day data and night data are included, day
data is written first and then a message asking whether
to write night data appears.
To write night data, insert another Eye Care card. To
skip, press [Cancel].

♦ Reading refractor measurement data from Eye Care card

When an Eye Care card containing measurement data
of the RT-6100 or RT-5100 is inserted into the slot, the
measurement data is entered in the measurement
screen. At this time, the data in the EyeCare card is

• If the connected chart of the refractor with which data was written to the Eye Care card differs from that
of the refractor with which data is to be read from the Eye Care card, the visual acuity values may not
be entered correctly.
• If the data to be written includes night data, read the Eye Care card containing day data first, then read
the Eye Care card containing night data.


5.12 Displaying OPD Images

This section explains how to display images exported from the OPD-Scan III series on the touch

• If the file name of an OPD image becomes too long, it may become difficult to read due to the reduction
in font size. When exporting image files from the OPD-Scan III series, keep the following in mind for file
• Less than 20 characters when “Patient’s Name” is selected
• Less than 60 characters for manual entry

5.12.1 Importing OPD images

To display OPD images, OPD images need to be imported from the shared folder.
One image of the right eye and left eye each can be imported.

1 Press .

2 Press the function button OPD . Select desired data.

File name Data No. DATE TIME

3 Press [R].






Select the desired image data.

5 Press OK or the dial button.

6 Press . DATA

End AR/ARK RT history OK
Press [L].

8 Select the desired image data.

9 Press OK or the dial button.


5.12.2 Displaying OPD images

1 Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2 Press [R] or [L] to select the desired image.

3 OPD images are displayed.

Pressing or allows image switching

between the right-eye image and left-eye image.

4 Press the dial button to return to the mea-

surement screen.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Displaying Chart Description

5.13 Displaying Chart Description

■ This section explains how to display the help screen that provides the description of the presented

■ The near chart of the SSC-100 is not supported.

1 Press .

2 The help screen that provides the descrip-

tions of the chart presented is displayed.

• The assist message (refraction questioning) is dis-

played during refraction program.

3 Press End to return to the measurement


5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Saving Charts as Favorites

5.14 Saving Charts as Favorites

■ This section explains how to save charts that are frequently used as favorites and select them easily.
■ The following three procedures are provided:
• Saving charts as favorites
• Selecting charts saved as favorites
• Clearing charts saved as favorites

• A maximum of 15 charts can be saved as favorites.

• Charts saved as favorites are retained after the device is turned off.

5.14.1 Saving charts

1 Press .
The Favorites area is displayed.

2 Press [Edit].
The device enters Edit mode. The Favorites area
moves to the left with the cursor inside it.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Saving Charts as Favorites

3 Move the cursor to the position where a

chart is to be placed.

4 Select the icon of the desired chart in the

chart select area.
The selected chart is saved as a favorite. The icon is
displayed at the position specified in Step 3.

5 Repeat Steps 3 to 4 until all charts are

added as favorites.

6 Press [Close].
The device exits from Edit mode.

7 Press one of the page buttons [1]-[4] in the

chart select area.
The Favorites area is closed.

5.14.2 Selecting saved charts

1 Press .
The Favorites area is displayed.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Saving Charts as Favorites

2 Select the icon of the desired chart in the

Favorites area a .
The selected chart is presented.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Saving Charts as Favorites

5.14.3 Clearing saved charts

1 Press .
The Favorites area is displayed.

2 Press [Edit].
The device enters Edit mode. The Favorites area
moves to the left with the cursor inside it.

3 Select the chart icon to be cleared.

4 Press [Clear].
The saved chart is cleared. The icon selected in Step
3 is removed from the Favorites area.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Tilting the Refractor Head

5.15 Tilting the Refractor Head

■ This section explains how to tilt the refractor head using the optional refractor head tilt unit.
■ When nearby objects are viewed, the visual line is not horizontal but diagonally downward. The refrac-
tor head tilt unit is used to tilt the refractor head so that the patient can look through the refractor head
in a near vision position during the near vision test.

• Check that the refractor head is locked at the vertical position (not tilted) before turning on the device.
• When tilting the refractor head, maintain a distance of 20 cm or more between the refractor head and
the patient’s face.
• Release the lock before tilting the refractor head.
Tilting the refractor head without releasing the lock may result in malfunction.
• Check that the refractor head tilt unit is locked before refraction.
An improper refractor head movement may cause injury.

• The lever of the refractor head tilt unit is released by pulling it forward, which allows you to change its
basic position. Therefore, the position of the lever in the locked state and unlocked state may differ
from the figure in this manual.
• The lever of the refractor head tilt unit may be attached to either the patient’s side or the operator’s
side. This manual shows the figures attached to the patient’s side.

1 Turn the lever a of the refractor head tilt unit

counterclockwise to unlock it.

2 Tilt the refractor head.

As a guide of the tilting angle, markings b (0°, 10°,
20°, 30°) are provided on the side of the refractor head b
tilt unit.

5. PROGRAMMED REFRACTION : Tilting the Refractor Head

3 Turn the lever clockwise to lock the inclination

of the refractor head.

• Turn the lever clockwise to lock the inclination of the refractor head until the refractor head does not
• Hold the refractor head by hand until locked.
• Release your hand after ensuring that the refractor head is locked.
• To release the lock, turn the lever counterclockwise while holding the refractor head by hand.
• When locking the refractor head after returning the refractor head to the vertical position (no inclina-
tion), push the refractor head completely to the operator’s side and then lock it. Otherwise, the refrac-
tor head may spring back to the tilting position.
• Repeatedly overtightening the lever may weaken the lock mechanism. If the lever can be locked only
by tightening it firmly, parts replacement is necessary. Contact Nidek or your authorized distributor.


6.1 Parameter Setting

■ This section explains how to change parameter settings.

■ Parameters are divided into the following three groups. Parameter settings can be changed on each
dedicated screen.
• Refraction settings
“6.1.1 Changing parameter settings” (page 219)
• Network settings
“6.1.2 Changing network settings” (page 231)
• Barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings
“6.1.3 Changing barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings” (page 247)

1 Display the menu screen.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Setting].
The menu screen is displayed.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

2 Display the desired parameter setting

1) Press [Parameter setting].
The parameter setting screen is displayed.

2) To display the network setting screen, press

. To display the reader setting screen,

press .

3 With [▲Back] or [▼Next], display the page

on which the parameter to be changed is

4 Press the setting field of the parameter to be


● For two options

Pressing the setting field toggles the setting.

● For three options

1) A dialog box is displayed.
2) Select the desired setting button.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

● For four or more options

1) A dialog box is displayed.
2) Change the setting using the dial.
3) Press [Enter].

5 As necessary, change the parameter set-

tings in the same procedure as in Steps 3 to

6 Press End to return to the menu screen.

7 Press End to return to the measurement screen.

8 Press while holding down to reflect setting changes.

6.1.1 Changing parameter settings

This section provides parameter settings for other than barcode scanner, magnetic card reader, and
The underlined setting options in bold indicate the factory default settings.
The description contained in parentheses is printed on the printout.

♦ Sphere, cylinder, and axis settings

Parameter: Sphere/Cylinder/Axis

Parameter Setting options

SPH step 0.12 D, 0.25 D

(SPH step) Selects the sphere value increments.

0.50 D, 0.75 D, 1.00 D, 1.25 D, 1.50 D, 1.75 D, 2.00 D, 2.25 D, 2.5 D, 2.75 D,
3.00 D
SPH step (Shift)
(SPH step(Shift)) Selects the sphere value increments of when the sphere value is changed
while is held.

CYL mode +, −
(CYL mode) Sign of cylinder values

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

1.00 D, 2.00 D, 3.00 D

CYL step (Shift)
Selects the cylinder value increments of when the cylinder value is changed
(CYL step(Shift))
while is held.

AXIS step 1°, 5°

(AXIS step) Selects the axis value increments.

1° → 5° / 5° → 15°, 1° → 5° / 5° → 1°
AXIS step (Shift)
Selects the axis value increments (15° or 1°) of when the axis value is
(AXIS step(Shift))
changed while is held with the parameter “AXIS step” set to 5°.

0.00 D to 4.00 D

During cylinder axis refinement using a cross cylinder lens, the axis step
AXIS auto step becomes 5° when the cylinder value is less than this setting. The axis step
(AXIS auto step) becomes 1° when the cylinder value is this setting or greater. This value can
be changed in 0.25 D increments.
The axis step does not change regardless of the cylinder value when this set-
ting is 0.00 D.
0°, 180°
Indication of Axis 0°
(Indication of Axis 0°) Selects the axis value of when the cylinder axis is horizontal.
* 0° regardless of this setting when the cylinder value is 0.00 D.

♦ Visual acuity settings

Parameter: Visual acuity

Parameter Setting options

Normal, 5-mark record
(Normal, 5-mark record)
VA format
(VA format) Selects the notation for near or distance vision.
* “5-mark record” is a notation of visual acuity value that is mainly used in
Normal (fixed)
ADD VA format (Normal)
(ADD VA format)
Selects the notation for near vision with addition.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

1 letter, H.line, No
(1 letter, H. line, No)
Selects whether to present estimated visual acuity charts.
1 letter: Single letter display
Preset VA H.line: Horizontal line display
(Preset VA) No: Does not present estimated visual acuity charts.
* An estimated visual acuity is calculated based on AR data or LM data. A
visual acuity chart with the estimated visual acuity is presented at the start
of measurement for unaided visual acuity or visual acuity corrected by

♦ Cross cylinder and prism settings

Parameter: Cross cylinder and prism

Parameter Setting options

Auto, ±0.25 D, ±0.50 D, ±0.25 D/○
(Auto, ±0.25D, ±0.50D, ±0.25D/○)
Selects the cross cylinder lens placed in the cross cylinder test.
Cross cylinder(XC) test Auto: Auto cross cylinder lens
(Cross cylinder(XC) test) ±0.25 D: ±0.25 D flipping cross cylinder lens
±0.50 D: ±0.50 D flipping cross cylinder lens
±0.25 D: ±0.25 D switches between flipping cross cylinder lens and open
aperture. However, it cannot be switched in AXIS mode.
Yes, No
Cross cylinder lens switching (Yes, No)
button: ±0.25/○
(XC lens switch: ±0.25/○) Selects whether to display [±0.25/○] on the function button used to switch the
cross cylinder lens in the cross cylinder test.
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
XC mode S.E fix
(XC mode SE fix) Selects whether to change the sphere value automatically to retain the
spherical equivalent (SE) value when the cylinder value is changed during
cylinder refinement in the cross cylinder test.
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
CYL mode S.E fix
(CYL mode SE fix) Selects whether to change the sphere value automatically to retain the
spherical equivalent (SE) value when the cylinder value is changed during
normal cylinder refinement.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Yes, No
(Yes, No)
XC mode AXIS 90° auto change
(XC mode AXIS90° auto chg) Selects whether to automatically rotate the axis 90 degrees when a plus
reaction is given for -0.00 D during cylinder refinement in the cross cylinder
X/Y, rθ
Prism display format Selects the prism display format.
(Prism display format) X/Y: Rectangular coordinates
rθ: Polar coordinates
1.0 s, 0.7 s, 0.5 s, 0.2 s
Prism speed (0.1∆Repeat) (1.0 s, 0.7 s, 0.5 s, 0.2 s)
(Prism speed (0.1∆ inc)) Pressing and holding the + or − button changes the prism value in 0.1∆ incre-
ments continuously. Select the time required to change 0.1Δ at this time.

Prism step(Convergence/Diver- 0.20∆, 1.00∆

gence test) Selects the prism value increments during the convergence or divergence
(Prism step (Conv./Div.)) test. The setting value is for both eyes.
Yes, No
Input prism from LM (Yes, No)
(Input prism from LM) Selects whether to include prism values when LM data is imported from a

♦ Auxiliary lens settings

Parameter: Auxiliary lenses

Parameter Setting options

0.00 D to 9.00 D, Auto (default setting: 1.75 D)
Binocular open fogging
(Binocular open fogging) Specifies the fog amount placed when measurement is performed with both
eyes open.
3.0∆BD (BU) to 10.0∆BD (BU)
Dispersion prism for binocular Specifies the dispersion prism for binocular balance. BD indicates that a
balance prism is placed in the right eye and BU indicates a prism placed in the left
(Disp prism (bin balance)) eye.
ex.: 3.0∆BD (BU): R 3.0∆BD / L 3.0∆BU
3.0∆BU (BD) to 10.0∆BU (BD)
Dispersion prism for horizontal
phoria Specifies the dispersion prism for horizontal phoria. BU indicates that a prism
(Disp prism (hor phoria)) is placed in the right eye and BD indicates a prism placed in the left eye.
ex.: 3.0∆BU (BD): R 3.0∆BU / L 3.0∆BD

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Dispersion prism for vertical 5.0∆BI to 15.0∆BI

Specifies the dispersion prism for vertical phoria.
(Disp prism (ver phoria))
0.00 D, +1.50 D, +2.00 D

Lens for Retino Selects the spherical lens for retinoscope.

(Lens for Retino) Distance between the refractor head and retinoscope:
67 cm: +1.50 D
50 cm: +2.00 D

♦ Near vision test settings

Parameter: Near vision test

Parameter Setting options

Setting1(Low), Setting2(High), No
(Setting1(Low), Setting2(High), No)
Selects whether to enter the patient’s age and preset the estimated addition
(Preset ADD) when ADD , , or 30 is pressed.
Setting1(Low): Enters a low estimated addition.
Setting2(High): Enters a high estimated addition.
No: Does not enter any estimated addition.
SPH Far→Near
(SPH Far→Near) The sphere, cylinder, and axis values for distance vision are copied when the
device is switched from Distance mode to Near mode. Selects whether the
sphere value is copied as it is or the sphere value with addition is copied.
Yes, No
(-)ADD (Yes, No)
Selects whether to enter minus data as addition.

35 cm, 40 cm, 45 cm, 50 cm, 55 cm, 60 cm, 65 cm, 70 cm

Working distance(WD)
(Working distance(WD)) Selects the working distance.
* The distance is fixed to 40 cm when the SSC-100 is connected.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Detail, Simple
(Detail, Simple)
Selects whether to include the distance (0.012 + 0.013 = 0.025) between the
NPC calculation root of the patient’s nose (the inner side of glasses lens) and the cycloduction
(NPC calculation) point when the meter angle (MA) is calculated for the near point of conver-
Detail: Calculates including 0.025.
Simple: Calculates without including 0.025.
Yes, No, Other than grid
(Yes, No, Other than grid)
Selects whether to automatically turn on or off the near point lamp in conjunc-
tion with convergence.
Near lamp link Yes: The near point lamp automatically illuminates in ADD mode or Near
(Near lamp link) mode.
No: The near point lamp does not illuminate automatically.
Other than grid: The near point lamp automatically illuminates in ADD
mode or Near mode. It does not illuminate when the Grid chart for near
vision is selected.
* This setting is not supported when the SSC-100 is connected.

♦ Print settings
Parameter: Printing

Parameter Setting options

Yes, No
Print CL data (Yes, No)
(Print CL data) Selects whether to print the contact lens conversion value of the subjective
data together with regular data.
Yes, No
Print TL data (Yes, No)
(Print TL data) Selects whether to print the trial lens data based on the prescription data. If
the device does not have any prescription data, the subjective data is printed.
Yes, No
Clear after output (Yes, No)
(Clear after output) Selects whether to clear measurement data automatically after printing or
data export.
Yes, No
Print (Yes, No)
Selects whether to print the measurement data when is pressed.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

All data, w/o AR, Unaided,Subj,Final

(All data, w/o AR, Unaided, Subj, Final)

Print format Selects the contents to be printed.

(Print format) All data: All data
w/o AR: All data excluding AR values
Unaided,Subj,Final: Unaided visual acuity values, subjective values, and
prescription values data
yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy
(yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy)

Date format for print Selects the format of date to be printed (the following is an example for
(Date format for print) August 20, 2018).
yyyy/mm/dd: 2018. 8.20
mm/dd/yyyy: AUG/20/2018
dd/mm/yyyy: 20/AUG/2018
QR 1, QR 2, Off
(QR 1, QR 2, Off)

QR code Selects whether to print a QR code. Select the data to be printed together
(QR code) with the QR code as well.
QR 1: The final data (subjective or prescription data) and its QR code are
QR 2: The QR code of the final data and all data are printed.
Yes, No
(Yes, No)

Data list at output Selects whether to display the data list screen before data export or printing
(Data list at output) when is pressed.
When [Yes] is selected, confirm that there is no skipped measurement on
the data list screen, then press again.

♦ Program settings
Parameter: Refraction program

Parameter Setting options

Yes, No
Fog for binocular balance (Yes, No)
(Disp prism (bin balance)) Selects whether to fog the vision automatically in the binocular balance test
during refraction program.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Fix1, Fix2, User

(Fix 1, Fix 2, User)
Program A Program A contents
(Program A) Fix1: Pre-written program A Standard 1
Fix2: Pre-written program A Standard 2
User: Program rewritten by the user
Fix1, Fix2, User
(Fix 1, Fix 2, User)
Program B Program B contents
(Program B) Fix1: Pre-written program B Standard 1
Fix2: Pre-written program B Standard 2
User: Program rewritten by the user
Fix, User
(Fix, User)
Program contents
(Program )
Fix: Pre-written program
User: Program rewritten by the user
Fix, User
(Fix, User)
Program MF
(Program MF) Program MF (open aperture) contents
Fix: Pre-written program MF
User: Program rewritten by the user
Yes, No
Skip confirmation of program (Yes, No)
test Selects whether to display the confirmation dialog box when attempting to
(Test skip confirmation) proceed to the next test without conducting any test during refraction pro-
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
When the setting is [Yes] in the cross cylinder test of the refraction program,
the following are performed, which allows the test to be performed easily.
CYL = 0: The confirmation message asking whether to skip the cross cylin-
der test and previous red-green test appears.
Intelligent XC CYL = 0.25: The cross cylinder test is performed in the order of cylindrical
(Intelligent XC) power, cylinder axis, and cylindrical power.
When the cylinder value is 0 in the first cylinder test, the next cross cylinder
test is not performed.
CYL ≥ 0.5: The cross cylinder test is performed in the order of cylinder axis
and cylindrical power.
When the setting is [No], the cross cylinder test is performed in the pro-
grammed order regardless of the cylinder value.

A, B, C, D, E, , MF, No switching
(A, B, C, D, E, , MF, No switching)
Program for imported WF data
(Program for WF data(OPD)) Selects a program automatically set when Wave Front data is entered.
* is not displayed when the CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T is

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

A, B, C, D, E, , MF, No switching
(A, B, C, D, E, , MF, No switching)
Program for imported AR data
(Program for AR data(OPD)) Selects a program automatically set when AR median data is entered.
* is not displayed when the CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T is

A, B, C, D, E, , MF, No switching
(A, B, C, D, E, , MF, No switching)
Program for imported Night data
Selects a program automatically set when the mode is changed to Night
(Prog for night data(OPD))
mode with day and night data entered.
* is not displayed when the CP-9, CP-770, or SSC-330 Type T is

♦ Other settings
Parameter: Other 1

Parameter Setting options

ADD, NPA, Age, Manual
(ADD, NPA, Age, Manual)

Accomm. power for Range of Selects which accommodation value is used for calculation of clear vision
Clear Vision range checking.
(Acc. for clear vision) ADD: Accommodation calculated from addition value
NPA: NPA value
Age: Accommodation calculated from age
Manual: Manual value entry
Yes, No
Near indication link (Range of (Yes, No)
Clear Vision) Selects whether to switch the distance / near indication automatically along
(Clear vision near link) with the lens type when the lens type is changed with the data window dis-
played during clear vision range checking.
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Selects whether to automatically set the addition obtained by the difference
Adjust ADD Subj→Final
between sphere and cylinder values of the subjective data and prescription
(Adjust ADD Subj→Final)
data to the prescription data when ADD is pressed in Final mode.
This setting is not supported when the subjective data does not include any

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Final Fit, Copy the data

(Final Fit, Copy the data)

Shift+Final Selects the function of when Final is pressed while is held.

(Shift+Final) Final Fit: Enters Auto adjustment mode for distance vision.
“5.5.1 Distance power auto adjustment” (page 181)
Copy the data: Copies the displayed numeric values to the prescription
field regardless of whether data in Final mode is present.
(AR, LM)
Preset power of Subj 1 Selects the data to be used initially for subjective refraction when data is
(Preset power of Subj 1) entered in both the AR and LM fields. AR values are used for the pupillary
If only monocular data is entered, that data is used.
All data, CYL=0,Clear
(All data, CYL = 0, Clear)
Selects whether to use the data entered as the preset value (see “Preset
Preset power of Subj 2 power of Subj 1”) without any correction.
(Preset power of Subj 2) All: Uses all data without any correction.
CYL = 0: Enters sphere only (cylinder and axis are “0”).
Clear: Enters “0” for all data.
Entry using the dial does not function.
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Copy LM/AR data when switch-
ing from Day to Night Selects whether to copy the day data to the unentered night LM value and
(Day -> Night copy AR/LM) night AR value fields when Day mode is switched to Night mode.
It is selectable only when a chart presenting device with the night vision test
function is connected.
Display at entry list opening
(Display at list opening) Selects which data is displayed on the import data select screen when
is pressed.

Parameter: Other 2

Parameter Setting options

Yes, No
Clear confirmation at ID entry (Yes, No)
(ID entry clear confirm) Selects whether to display a message confirming to enter data after the cur-
rent measurement data is cleared when the patient ID is entered or changed.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Yes, No, Only when changed

(Yes, No, Only when changed)
Selects whether to clear the current measurement data when the patient ID
Clear at ID entry is entered or changed with the parameter “Clear confirmation at ID entry” set
(Clear at ID entry) to “No”.
Yes: Clears data.
No: Does not clear data.
Only when changed: Clears only when the patient ID is changed.
Yes, No
ID import from AR/LM (Yes, No)
(ID import from AR/LM)
Selects whether to import the patient ID of the AR or LM data.

Yes, No
Data clear confirmation by Eye (Yes, No)
Care card insertion Selects whether to display a message confirming to enter data after the cur-
(Card insert clr. confirm) rent measurement data is cleared when data is entered in the device via an
Eye Care card.
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Selects whether to use the function for writing refraction data to an Eye Care
Write to Eye Care Card card (IC card).
(Write to Eye Care Card) Selecting [Yes] writes refraction data for one person to the Eye Care card
when printing is performed or data is exported to a computer with the Eye
Care card inserted.
“5.11 Reading or Writing Measurement Data using Eye Care Card”
(page 206)

Brightness 1 to 7
(Brightness) Sets the brightness of the control box touch screen.

Parameter: Other 3

Parameter Setting options

Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Clear confirmation
(Clear confirmation) Selects whether to display the clear confirmation dialog box before data is
cleared with + .

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Subj, Prog., No
(Subj, Prog., No)

Operating timer Selects whether to display and print the refraction time.
(Operating timer) Subj: Measures the refraction time from the entry of subjective data.
Prog.: Measures the refraction time from the start of the refraction pro-
No: Does not measure the refraction time.
S/C/A, S/C/A/VA/ADD, S/C/A/VA/ADD/Prism, All data
Data copying from Subj to Final (S/C/A, S/C/A/VA/ADD, S/C/A/VA/ADD/Prism, All data)
(Subj to Final copy data) Selects the data to be copied when data is copied from Subjective mode to
Final mode.
S→ C→ A, S→C→A→VA, S→A →C, S→A→C→VA
Dial switch (S→C→A, S→C→A→VA, S→A→C, S→A→C→VA)
(Dial switch) Selects the dial switch function. Pressing the button switches the mode of
SPH, CYL, AXIS, and VA in the selected order.
Off, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min
Auto lamp off (Off, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min)
(Auto lamp off) Selects whether to enable Auto light off mode or the time setting that the
device goes into Auto light off mode when the device is idle.
High, Low, Off
Beep sound (High, Low, Off)
(Beep sound)
Selects the beep tone produced by pressing a button.

Chart link (for other than SC Yes, No

series) (Yes, No)
(Chart link) Select [Yes] when using a Nidek chart presenting device.

Cable, Wireless 1 to 8, No
(Cable, Wireless 1-8, No)

Chart link (for SC series) Selects the communication method with SC series.
(Chart link) Cable: Connected using cables.
Wireless1 to 8: Communication channel when the optional infrared com-
munication unit is used.
No: Does not communicate.
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Display the Day/Night switching
button Selects whether to display or .
(Day/Night switch display)
or is displayed regardless of this setting when day or night
data has been entered.
Off, 1 to 10
(Off, 1 to 10)
System No.
(System No.) Assigns the system No. to identify devices when multiple RT-6100s are used.
Off: Does not add a system number to the xml file to be output.
1 to 10: Assigns a system number to the xml file be output.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

6.1.2 Changing network settings

This section provides network parameter settings.
There are parameters regarding the control box (CB), relay box (RB), and other. Those parameters
are switched by function buttons.
The underlined setting options in bold indicate the factory default settings.
The description contained in parentheses is printed on the printout.

• After completing network settings, turn off and on the device to reflect setting changes.

♦ Wired LAN settings of control box

Network: CB: LAN setting

Parameter Setting options

MAC address Displays a MAC address in the wired LAN. It cannot be changed.
(MAC address)
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Use of DHCP
(Use of DHCP) When [Yes] is selected, the DHCP server assigns the IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway automatically if provided. In this case, the IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway cannot be changed.
0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting:
IP address (IPv4)
(IP address (IPv4)) Enter the IP address for the wired LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 255.255.255. 0)

Subnet mask (IPv4)
(Subnet mask (IPv4)) Enter the subnet mask for the wired LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 0. 0. 0. 0)

Default gateway (IPv4))
(Default gateway (IPv4)) Enter the default gateway for the wired LAN.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wireless LAN settings of control box

Network: CB: WLAN

Parameter Setting options

MAC address Displays MAC address in the wireless LAN. It cannot be changed.
(MAC address)
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Use of DHCP
(Use of DHCP) When [Yes] is selected, the DHCP server assigns the IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway automatically if provided. In this case, the IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway cannot be changed.
Low, Medium, High
WLAN radio wave strength (Low, Medium, High)
(WLAN radio intensity)
Selects the wireless LAN radio intensity.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting:

IP address (IPv4)
(IP address (IPv4)) Enter the subnet mask for the wireless LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 255.255.255. 0)

Subnet mask (IPv4)
(Subnet mask (IPv4))) Enter the subnet mask for the wireless LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 0. 0. 0. 0)

Default gateway (IPv4)
(Default gateway (IPv4)) Enter the default gateway for the wireless LAN.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wireless LAN settings of control box (client mode)

Network: CB: Client

Parameter Setting options

2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, Auto
Frequency band used (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, Auto)
(Frequency band used)
Selects the frequency used for the wireless LAN.

A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters (default setting: NIDEK-

Enter the SSID of the access point to be connected.

WLAN encryption method (secu- Open, WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, WEP64, WEP128
rity) (Open, WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, WEP64, WEP128)
(WLAN encrypt (security)) Select the same setting as the access point to be connected.

WPA: A maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters

WPA2: A maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters
WLAN password WEP64: 5 alphanumeric characters
(WLAN password) WEP128: 13 alphanumeric characters
Select the same setting as the access point to be connected.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wireless LAN 2.4 GHz settings of control box

Network: CB: WLAN (2.4 G)

Parameter Setting options

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (ch)
WLAN enable channel
(WLAN enable channel) Displays available channels. It cannot be changed. Available channels vary
by region.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (ch)
WLAN channel
(WLAN channel) Specifies the channel to be preferentially connected when the channel is full.

♦ Wireless LAN 5.0 GHz settings of control box

Network: CB: WLAN (5.0 G)

Parameter Setting options

36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132,
WLAN enable channel 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 (ch)
(WLAN enable channel) Displays available channels. It cannot be changed. Available channels vary
by region.
36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132,
WLAN channel 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 (ch)
(WLAN channel)
Specifies the channel to be preferentially connected when the channel is full.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Basic information settings of control box

Network: CB: Basic information 1

Parameter Setting options

RB communication device set- LAN

Displays the communication method with the relay box. It cannot be
(RB comm device setting) changed.

File access communication LAN, WLAN

device setting
Selects the communication method to export the measurement results from
(File comm device setting) the control box.
59041 Setting range: 49152-65535
MB communication port No.
(MB comm port No.) Enter the refractor communication port No.

59042 Setting range: 49152-65535

RB communication port No.
(RB comm port No.) Enter the relay box communication port No.

External control communication 62929 Setting range: 49152-65535

port No.
(Ext. ctl comm port No.) Enter the external control communication port No.

RT015_CB A maximum of 15 characters

Computer name
(Computer name) Enter the computer name of the control box.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Network: CB: Basic information 2

Parameter Setting options

WORKGROUP A maximum of 20 characters
(Domain) Enter the domain name to which the RT-6100 belongs.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wired LAN settings of relay box

Network: RB: LAN setting

Parameter Setting options

MAC address Displays MAC address in the wired LAN. It cannot be changed.
(MAC address)
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Use of DHCP
(Use of DHCP) When [Yes] is selected, the DHCP server assigns the IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway automatically if provided. In this case, the IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway cannot be changed.
0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting:
IP address (IPv4)
(IP address (IPv4)) Enter the IP address for the wired LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 255.255.255. 0)

Subnet mask (IPv4)
(Subnet mask (IPv4)) Enter the subnet mask for the wired LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 0. 0. 0. 0)

Default gateway (IPv4)
(Default gateway (IPv4)) Enter the default gateway for the wired LAN.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wireless LAN settings of relay box

Network: RB: WLAN setting

Parameter Setting options

MAC address Displays MAC address in the wireless LAN. It cannot be changed.
(MAC address)
Yes, No
(Yes, No)
Use of DHCP
(Use of DHCP) When [Yes] is selected, the DHCP server assigns the IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway automatically if provided. In this case, the IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway cannot be changed.
AP, Client, Client→AP, No
(AP, Client, Client→AP, No)
Selects the operation mode of the wireless LAN.
Client→AP : Access point (master device)
(Client→AP) : Client (receiver device)
: Wireless LAN mode automatically switches from the client to the access
point when the access point cannot be detected.
No: Does not use wireless LAN.
Low, Medium, High
WLAN radio wave strength (Low, Medium, High)
(WLAN radio intensity)
Selects the WLAN radio intensity.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting:

IP address (IPv4)
(IP address (IPv4)) Enter the subnet mask for the wireless LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 255.255.255. 0)

Subnet mask (IPv4)
(Subnet mask (IPv4)) Enter the subnet mask for the wireless LAN.

0-255. 0-255. 0-255. 0-255 (default setting: 0. 0. 0. 0)

Default gateway (IPv4)
(Default gateway (IPv4)) Enter the default gateway for the wireless LAN.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wireless LAN settings of relay box (client mode)

Network: RB: Client

Parameter Setting options

2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, Auto
Frequency band used (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, Auto)
(Frequency band used)
Selects the frequency used for the wireless LAN.

A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters (default setting: NIDEK-

Enter the SSID of the access point to be connected.

WLAN encryption method (secu- Open, WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, WEP64, WEP128
rity) (Open, WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, WEP64, WEP128)
(WLAN encrypt (security)) Select the same setting as the access point to be connected.

WPA: A maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters

WPA2: A maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters
WLAN password WEP64: 5 alphanumeric characters
(WLAN password) WEP128: 13 alphanumeric characters
Select the same setting as the access point to be connected.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wireless LAN settings of relay box (access point)

Network: RB: Access point

Parameter Setting options

2.4 GHz, 5 GHz
Frequency band used
(Frequency band used) Selects the frequency used for the wireless LAN.

A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters (default setting: NIDEK-

Enter the identifier of the access point.

Open, WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, WEP64, WEP128

WLAN encryption method (secu- (Open, WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2, WEP64, WEP128)
(WLAN encrypt (security)) Selects the wireless LAN cipher.
Open is a state without security.
WPA: A maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters
WPA2: A maximum of 63 alphanumeric characters
WLAN password WEP64: 5 alphanumeric characters
(WLAN password) WEP128: 13 alphanumeric characters
Enter PSK (Pre-Shared Key) of the security method selected in “WLAN
encryption method (security)”.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Wireless LAN 2.4 GHz settings of relay box

Network: RB: WLAN (2.4 G)

Parameter Setting options

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (ch)
WLAN enable channel
(WLAN enable channel) Displays available channels. It cannot be changed. Available channels vary
by region.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (ch)
WLAN channel
(WLAN channel) Specifies the channel to be preferentially connected when the channel is full.

♦ Wireless LAN 5.0 GHz settings of relay box

Network: RB: WLAN (5.0 G)

Parameter Setting options

36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132,
WLAN enable channel 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 (ch)
(WLAN enable channel) Displays available channels. It cannot be changed. Available channels vary
by region.
36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132,
WLAN channel 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 (ch)
(WLAN channel)
Specifies the channel to be preferentially connected when the channel is full.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Basic information settings of relay box

Network: RB: Basic information

Parameter Setting options

59041 Setting range: 49152-65535
MB communication port No.
(MB comm port No.) Displays the refractor communication port No. Use the control box to change
the setting.
59042 Setting range: 49152-65535
RB communication port No.
(RB comm port No.) Displays the relay box communication port No. Use the control box to change
the setting.
RT015_RB A maximum of 15 characters
Computer name
(Computer name) Enter the computer name of the relay box.

WORKGROUP A maximum of 16 characters

(Domain) Enter the domain name to which the RT-6100 belongs.

♦ Settings when sharing folder is placed on relay box

Network: RB: File sharing

Parameter Setting options

NIDEK A maximum of 20 characters
User name
(User name) Enter the user name to access the shared folder on the relay box.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

RT015 A maximum of 20 characters

(Password) Enter the password to access the shared folder on the relay box.

\DATA A maximum of 20 characters

Folder path
(Folder path) Enter the password of the shared folder on the relay box.

DATA A maximum of 20 characters

Share name
(Share name) Enter the share name of the shared folder on the relay box.

Yes, No
Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS Server (Yes, No)
(Enable SMB1.0/CIFS SVR)
Selects whether to enable or disable SMB 1.0/CIFS Server.

MB communication test Press [Execution] to conduct the refractor head (MB) communication test.

RB communication test Press [Execution] to conduct the relay box (RB) communication test.

♦ Shared folder settings

Network: Other: Master share 1

Parameter Setting options

Shared folder location (computer RT015_RB A maximum of 15 characters

name or IP address)
Specify the device containing the shared folder with a computer name or IP
(Shared folder location) address.
DATA A maximum of 20 characters
Folder name
(Folder name) Enter the shared folder name.

RT, MEM-200
Input folder type
(Input folder type) Selects whether the shared folder for importing is on the relay box or on the
optional MEM-200.
OpdMap A maximum of 15 characters
OPD image import
(OPD image import) Enter the shared folder name of the OPD image.

Master port 4, Port 2 of slave 1, Port 4 of slave 1, Port 2 of slave 2, Port 4 of

slave 2, Port 2 of slave 3, Port 4 of slave 3, Not to be used
Input of serial communication (Master port 4, Port 2 of slave 1, Port 4 of slave 1, Port 2 of slave 2, Port 4 of
computer data (MEM-200) slave 2, Port 2 of slave 3, Port 4 of slave 3, Not to be used)
(Ser. comm PC data input)
Selects which port of the MEM-200 is used as an input port of the serial com-
munication computer data.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

To be used, Not to be used

(To be used, Not to be used)
HDR output export
(HDR output export) To allow the patient view simulation on the OPD-Scan III (V 1.05 or later)
using the refractor measurement data, select [To be used].
Only when the import folder type is [MEM-200].
To be used, Not to be used
RT history (To be used, Not to be used)
(RT history) To enable the function for importing refractor measurement data from the RT
history folder, select [To be used].

Network: Other: Master share 2

Parameter Setting options

NIDEK A maximum of 20 characters
User name
(User name) Enter the user name used to access the shared folder.

RT015 A maximum of 20 characters

(Password) Enter the password used to access the shared folder.

WORKGROUP A maximum of 48 characters

Domain name
(Domain name) Enter the domain name to which the user name belongs.

7 Setting range:1 to 60
Number of data retention days Enter the number of days to retain data when the shared folder is placed on
(Data retention days) the relay box.
Data after the specified number of days is deleted from the shared folder.

Connection test Press [Execution] to conduct the connection test.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

♦ Settings for exporting data to external computer

Network: Other: External output setting 1

Parameter Setting options

To be used, Not to be used
External output function (To be used, Not to be used)
(External output function)
To export data to an external computer, select [To be used].

Connection destination (com- A maximum of 15 characters

puter name)
(PC connect destination) Specify the computer of the data export destination by computer name.

DATA A maximum of 20 characters

Folder name
(Folder name) Enter the shared folder name of the data export destination.

NIDEK A maximum of 20 characters

User name
(User name) Enter the user name used to access the data export destination.

RT015 A maximum of 20 characters

(Password) Enter the user name used to access the data export destination.

WORKGROUP A maximum of 48 characters

Domain name
(Domain name) Enter the domain name to which the user name belongs.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

Network: Other: External output setting 2

Parameter Setting options

(Format) Specify the network connection format.

To be used, Not to be used

(To be used, Not to be used)
External control
(External control) To use the external control function, select [To be used].
For details of the external control function, contact Nidek or your authorized

Connection test Press [Execution] to conduct the connection test.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Parameter Setting

6.1.3 Changing barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings

This section provides parameters for reading patient ID from the barcode scanner or magnetic card
The underlined setting options in bold indicate the factory default settings.
The description contained in parentheses is printed on the printout.

Reader setting 1

Parameter Setting options


Connection destination Selects the connection destination of the barcode scanner or magnetic card
(Connection destination) reader.
CB: USB connector on the control box
RB: USB connector on the relay box
1 Setting range: 1 to 250
Start at
(Start at) Specifies at which number from the left of the read characters the initial num-
ber of the patient ID is set.
20 Setting range: 1 to 20
(Length) Specifies the length of the patient ID (number of digits).

Yes, No
ID edit (Yes, No)
(ID edit) Selects whether to fill the missing digits if the reader reading length is less
than the number of digits of the patient ID.
1 Setting range: 0 to 20
Edit length
(Edit length) Specifies how many digits is used for complementation (0 indicates that ID is
not to be edited).
Addition of leading zeros, Addition of spaces
Complementary character string (Addition of leading zeros, Addition of spaces)
(Complementary character)
Specifies the characters to fill the missing digits at the beginning.

ID, All
(ID, All)
Test method
(Test method) Specifies the data to be read in the test.
ID: Reads ID.
All: Readings all data.

Test Press [Execution] to conduct the reading test.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Printing Parameter Settings

6.2 Printing Parameter Settings

Printing settings are divided into the following three groups.

• Refraction settings
• Network settings
• Barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings

1 Display the menu screen.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Setting].
The menu screen is displayed.

2 Display the desired setting screen.

1) Press [Parameter setting].
The parameter setting screen is displayed.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Printing Parameter Settings

2) Select the setting screen to be printed.

Refraction settings

Network settings

Barcode scanner or magnetic card

reader settings

3 Press .
A print confirmation message appears.

4 Press [OK].
The settings selected in Step 2 are printed.

5 Press End to return to the menu screen.

6 Press End to return to the measurement


• Parameters are printed on the printout in English.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Writing Parameter Settings to SD Card

6.3 Writing Parameter Settings to SD Card

This section explains how to write parameter settings to an SD card. Writing is performed for the fol-
lowing three parameter sets.
• Refraction settings
• Network settings
• Barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings

• Only one set of parameter settings can be written at a time. Writing a parameter set again overwrites
the previously written set.

1 Display the menu screen.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Setting].
The menu screen is displayed.

2 Display the desired setting screen.

1) Press [Parameter setting].
The parameter setting screen is displayed.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Writing Parameter Settings to SD Card

2) Select the setting screen to be written.

Refraction settings

Network settings

Barcode scanner or magnetic card

reader settings

3 Press .
A write confirmation message appears.

4 Press [OK].
The settings selected in Step 2 are written to the SD

5 Press End to return to the menu screen.

6 Press End to return to the measurement


6. PARAMETER SETTING : Reading Parameter Settings from SD Card

6.4 Reading Parameter Settings from SD Card

This section explains how to read parameter settings from an SD card. Reading is performed for the
following three parameter sets.
• Refraction settings
• Network settings
• Barcode scanner or magnetic card reader settings

• Reading settings overwrites the current settings.

• Settings can be read from the SD card in other RT-6100s to copy the settings.
• If the software version of the RT-6100 that writes settings to an SD card differs from that of the RT-
6100 that reads the settings, an error may occur and the settings may not be read. In this case, contact
Nidek or your authorized distributor.

1 Display the menu screen.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Setting].
The menu screen is displayed.

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Reading Parameter Settings from SD Card

2 Display the desired setting screen.

1) Press [Parameter setting].
The parameter setting screen is displayed.

2) Select the setting screen to be read.

Refraction settings

Network settings

Barcode scanner or magnetic card

reader settings

3 Press .
A read confirmation message appears.

4 Press [OK].
Parameter settings selected in Step 2 are overwritten
by the settings read from the SD card.

5 Press End to return to the menu screen.

6 Press End to return to the measurement


6. PARAMETER SETTING : Setting Date and Time

6.5 Setting Date and Time

This section explains how to adjust the clock inside the device.

• Date and time cannot be set while refraction time is measured.

1 Display the menu screen.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Setting].
The menu screen is displayed.

2 Press [Adjust Clock].

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Setting Date and Time

3 Press the item to be changed.

4 Enter the desired value with the numeric

keypad and press [Enter].

5 Repeat Steps 3 to 4 to set the date and time.

6 Press End to return to the menu screen.

7 Press End to return to the measurement


6. PARAMETER SETTING : Entering Comments on Printout

6.6 Entering Comments on Printout

■ This section explains how to include comments such as a retailer name together with measurement
results on the printout.

■ A maximum of 24 characters x 2 lines can be entered.

1 Display the menu screen.

1) Press .
The side menu is displayed.

2) Press [Setting].
The menu screen is displayed.

2 Press [Comments].

6. PARAMETER SETTING : Entering Comments on Printout

3 Press the square where a character is to be


4 Press the desired character.

[ ] Deletes the character to the left side of the
cursor and deletes one space.

5 Repeat Steps 3 to 4 to enter characters.

6 Press End to return to the menu screen.

7 Press End to return to the measurement


6. PARAMETER SETTING : Entering Comments on Printout


7.1 Troubleshooting

If the device does not function properly, attempt to correct the problem according to the following table
before contacting Nidek or your authorized distributor.

Symptom Remedy
The device is not activated when • Check whether the power plug is connected to the power outlet.
turned on.
The measurement screen is not • Turn off and on the power switch.
displayed and an error appears
when the device is turned on.
The control box touch screen or • The device may have gone into Auto light off mode.
chart presenting device LCD Press any button to recover from Auto light off mode.
goes out suddenly.
• Turn off and on the power switch.
No button works.

• Check whether the printer paper is not upside down.

Printing does not start when • Replace the printer paper.

is pressed.
“7.5 Printer Paper Replacement” (page 265)
• If the parameter “ Print” (page 224) is set to [No], change the setting to
The reaction of the touch screen • Adjust the detection positions of the touch screen.
is bad, or it responds at mis- “7.4 Touch Screen Calibration” (page 264)
aligned positions.
• Reading is not possible when no AR data is included.
• Reading is not possible when right or left is not specified by a lensmeter.
Data is not read when an Eye • The contact of the Eye Care card reader may be dirty. Clean the contact.
Care card is inserted. “7.6.5 Eye Care card reader” (page 270)
• If an error occurs when data is being written by an auto refractometer or
lensmeter, clean the card reader part.
• Clean the measuring windows of the refractor head.
“7.6.3 Measuring windows” (page 268)
The vision is blurry for the chart. • If the vision does not become clear even after cleaning as described
above, internal cleaning is necessary. Contact Nidek or your authorized

❖ If the symptom is not corrected by the above actions, contact Nidek or your authorized distrib-

7. MAINTENANCE : Error Messages

7.2 Error Messages

♦ Error messages and causes

One of the following messages is displayed on the touch screen when an error occurs in charts or
such. Follow the suggestions in the cause column.

Error message Cause

• Eye Care card read error
If the Eye Care card is dirty, wipe it.
Eye Care card--Read Error!! Clean the Eye Care card reader.
“7.6.5 Eye Care card reader” (page 270)
Replace the Eye Care card with a new one.
• Eye Care card write error
If the Eye Care card is dirty, wipe it.
Eye Care card--Write Error!! Clean Eye Care card reader.
“7.6.5 Eye Care card reader” (page 270)
• Communication error between the control box (CB) and refractor head
Communication Error CB-MB (MB)
Check cable connection.
• Communication error between the control box (CB) and relay box (RB)
Communication Error CB-RB
Check cable connection

No specified data!! • There is no specified data.

• Connection failure with a chart presenting device

Chart doesn't work.
Be sure to check cable connection with a chart presenting device.
• If the printer cover is open, close it securely.
Print failed. • If the printer is short of paper, refill paper.
“7.5 Printer Paper Replacement” (page 265)
Data output failed. • Data output error
Output destination: *****
Transmission destination: *****
• No SD card is inserted.
SD card--Card not found!!
Insert the supplied SD card again.
• SD card read error. Data cannot be read from the SD card.
SD card--Read Error!!
Insert the supplied SD card again.
• SD card write error. Data cannot be write to the SD card.
SD card--Write Error!!
Insert the supplied SD card again.

SD card--File Error!! • Files in the SD card cannot be read.

SD card--File not found!! • There is no file in the SD card.

Invalid value • Specify the value within the range.

Different from RB setting. • Relay box setting error

Change to setting in CB.
CB and RB IP addresses are • The IP address of the control box and the refractor is the same.
duplicated. Change either IP address.

7. MAINTENANCE : Error Messages

Error message Cause

Error: 20 ** • Relay box internal error
Error: 21 **
Error: 22 **
Error: 23 **
Error: 24 **
Error: 25 **
Error: 27 **
Error: 28 **
Error: 29 **
Error: 30 **
Error: 4001 • Shared folder related error
Error: 4002 Check the settings of [Network setting:] - [Other:] - [Shared folder].
Error: 4004

Error: 4003 • Improper image file format and size

• Data input error

The following may be causes. Input the data again.
• AR data that does not contain AR values is read.
Error: 4005
• LM data without right or left specified is read.
• The network is temporarily disconnected.
• The same data is read from another terminal at the same time.
• Error in IP acquisition from DHCP on wired LAN
Error: 5001
Consult the DHCP server administrator.
• Error in IP acquisition from DHCP on wireless LAN
Error: 5002
Consult the DHCP server administrator.
• Invalid date information error
Error: 6000
Check the date and time setting.
Error: S1 R • Refractor sensor error
Error: S1 L
Error: S2 R
Error: S2 L
Error: C1 R
Error: C1 L
Error: C2 R
Error: C2 L
Error: CA R
Error: CA L
Error: A1 R
Error: A1 L
Error: A2 R
Error: A2 L
Error: P1 R
Error: P1 L
Error: P2 R
Error: P2 L
Error: PD R
Error: PD L
Error: CON R
Error: CON L

7. MAINTENANCE : Error Messages

Error message Cause

Error:R DRIVER BOARD • Refractor board error

❖ If the symptom is not corrected by the above actions, contact Nidek or your authorized distrib-
utor. Notify Nidek of the error message and symptom as well as the serial number of your
device so that Nidek can offer appropriate service.

7. MAINTENANCE : Periodical Inspection

7.3 Periodical Inspection

Perform periodical inspection of the device once a year according to the following inspection item list.
For details of maintenance and inspection, contact Nidek or your authorized distributor. If periodical
inspection cannot be performed by the user, request assistance from Nidek or your authorized distrib-

• Only service personnel trained by Nidek are allowed to disassemble or repair the device.
Nidek assumes no responsibility for any adverse events resulting from improper servicing.
• Wipe the device exterior using a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol before maintenance and
• With the expected service life as a guide, consider planned replacement of the device.
If the expected service life of the device is exceeded, even with proper maintenance and inspection,
the device reliability or safety may become degraded and fail to achieve the target values.

Inspection items
Appearance ID label, labels, stains, scratches, LCD (scratches etc.), cover failures

Earth leakage current, touch current, protective grounding connection,

power cord, and near point chart holder
Power switch, LCD touch screen, buttons on the control panel, buttons on
the touch screen, dial, sphere/cylinder/axis switching, PD switching, auxil-
Device main body
iary lens switching, convergence, near lighting, and measurement win-
dows dirt

Manuals Software version, Operator's Manual

Environment Installation location, temperature, humidity, voltage, frequency

If there is a problem other than performance, measurement, and the

above inspection items, take appropriate measures or contact Nidek.

7. MAINTENANCE : Touch Screen Calibration

7.4 Touch Screen Calibration

■ This section explains how to calibrate the control box touch screen when the touch screen detection
position is misaligned.
If the reaction of the touch screen is bad or it responds at misaligned positions, the detection position
may be misaligned.

1 Press the dial button while holding .

A message to confirm whether to display the calibration
screen appears.

2 Press the dial button while holding .

The calibration screen is displayed.

3 Press the blue square ■ a in the upper left a


4 Press the blue square ■ in the upper right


5 Press the blue square ■ in the lower left cor-


6 Press the blue square ■ in the lower right

After all four corners ■ are complete, a message ask-
ing whether to finish the touch screen calibration appears.

7. MAINTENANCE : Printer Paper Replacement

7.5 Printer Paper Replacement

A red line appearing along the edge of the printer paper indicates that the paper is running short.
When this occurs, stop using the printer and replace the printer paper with a new roll.

• Do not touch the auto cutter a .
The auto cutter may hurt fingers.

• Do not touch the printer head b when replacing the printer

paper. b
Because the printer head immediately after printing is hot,
burns may result.

• Do not attempt to print without printer paper loaded.

• Be sure to use only the specified printer paper (part number: 8062000001).
If printer paper other than those specified is used, the printer head may be damaged due to printing
failure or paper jam.
• Do not use strong force to pull the printer paper threaded through the printer.
Printer malfunction may occur.
• If the printer paper becomes jammed, remove the paper roll by the procedure as when replacing the
printer paper. Cut off the crumpled portion and then return the paper roll.

1 Press the cover open button c to open the

printer cover d .

2 Remove the used printer paper roll.


7. MAINTENANCE : Printer Paper Replacement

3 Install a new printer paper roll in the same ori-

entation as shown to the right.

• If the roll is loaded with the paper upside down, printing is not possible.
• Confirm that there is no slack in the printer paper.
Printing failure may result.
• Confirm that printer paper is not loaded in a tilted angle and that the core of the roll is properly placed.
Printer paper may not be fed properly.

4 Close the printer cover so that a short length

of printer paper extends from the cover.

5 Press the printer cover on both sides to close

the cover securely.

• Confirm that the cover is securely closed.

If the cover is insecurely closed, the auto cutter
may not operate properly.
In addition, an error may appear and printing will
not occur when is pressed.

7. MAINTENANCE : Cleaning

7.6 Cleaning

This section explains how to clean the forehead rest, face shields, measuring windows, printer, Eye-
Care cards, and exterior.

7.6.1 Forehead rest

• Wipe the forehead rest using a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol before refraction.
• Be sure to attach the forehead rest after cleaning.
Using the device without attaching the forehead rest may cause injury.

1 Remove the forehead rest a .

1) Tilt the forehead rest upward.
2) Pull the forehead rest at an angle to remove it.

a h

2 For severe stains, dampen the cloth with a neutral detergent, wring well, and wipe.
Finally dry with a soft, dry cloth.

3 Wipe the forehead rest using a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol before refrac-

4 Press the forehead rest at an angle from above to reattach it.

7.6.2 Face shields

• Wipe the face shields using a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol before refraction.
• Hold the refractor head when removing or attaching the face shields.
An improper refractor head movement may cause injury.

• Do not wipe the inside of the face shields with neutral detergent.
If the inside is moistened, it may rust.

7. MAINTENANCE : Cleaning

1 Remove the face shields a .

The face shields are magnetically held to the refractor

2 For severe stains, dampen the cloth with a

neutral detergent, wring well, and wipe.
Finally dry with a soft, dry cloth.

3 Wipe the face shields using a cloth dampened

with rubbing alcohol before refraction.

4 Reattach the face shields. a

7.6.3 Measuring windows

• Remove any dust on the windows with a blower brush before cleaning them.
Wiping the windows with dust on may scratch the glass of the measuring windows.
• If the measuring window is dirty with fingerprints, eyelash oil, or dust, accurate measurement cannot
be performed. Be sure to check the measuring windows before refraction. Clean them if necessary.
• Clean the measuring windows before refraction.
• Do not clean the measuring windows using a cloth moistened with detergent or such.
Wiping marks may be left or the surface coating may be damaged.

1 Remove the face shields a .

2 Blow off the dust on the measuring windows

b with a blower.
Clean the measuring windows of both the patient’s side
and the operator’s side.

3 For severe stains, lightly wipe with a soft cloth

that does not scratch the protective glass of
the measuring windows.
4 Reattach the face shields. a

7. MAINTENANCE : Cleaning

● When the inside of the measuring window becomes dirty

If the inside of the measuring window becomes dirty due to condensation or such, remove the protec-
tive glass and wipe its inside.
Remove the protective glass on both the operator’s side and patient’s side with a Phillips precision
1) Remove the face shields before removing the protective glass on the patient’s side.
2) Unscrew the set screws (n = 4) c to remove the
protective glass d .
3) Reattach the protective glass after cleaning and
fasten it with the set screws removed earlier.

• Do not touch the internal lens.
• Ensure that dust does not enter the measuring win-

7.6.4 Printer
The auto cutter of the printer becomes dirty with paper residue when used for extended periods of
time. Leaving it may cause auto cutter malfunction. Clean the auto cutter.

• Do not touch the auto cutter.
The auto cutter may hurt fingers.

1 Open the printer cover and remove the printer

paper roll.
“7.5 Printer Paper Replacement” (page 265)

2 Apply the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner to the

auto cutter a to remove paper residue.
Do not blow off paper residue with a blower. If paper
residue settles on the internal working structure, mal-
function may result.

3 Reload the printer paper.

7. MAINTENANCE : Cleaning

7.6.5 Eye Care card reader

• Be sure to turn off the device before cleaning the Eye Care card reader slot.
Cleaning while power is on may cause malfunction.

Dirt may adhere to the contact area of the Eye Care card reader slot.
Clean the Eye Care card slot using a contact cleaner
(optional) a when using the Eye Care card for data
communication between devices.
The contact surfaces of the Eye Care card reader
slot is on the back. Cleaning is possible by insert-
ing and removing the card several times with the
wiper face (face with woven fabric) b of the con-
tact cleaner facing backward.
Wipe the contact surfaces of the Eye Care card with a
soft cloth as well. a

• For details on how to use the contact cleaner, refer to the instructions for use included with the contact

7.6.6 Exterior

• Do not use organic solvents such as paint thinner to clean the exterior.
• Do not use a sponge or cloth soaked in water.

1 Turn off the system table.

2 For severe stains, dampen the cloth with a neutral detergent, wring well, and wipe.

3 Finally dry with a soft, dry cloth.

7. MAINTENANCE : Consumable List

7.7 Consumable List

Part name Part number

Printer paper 8062000001

Contact cleaner (optional) 8060500023

7. MAINTENANCE : Consumable List


8.1 Peripheral Devices Connection

If the connection between devices needs to be disconnected or reconnected, contact Nidek or your
authorized distributor.

8.1.1 Connection examples

• Do not use devices other than the specified barcode scanner or magnetic card reader.
ID cannot be read correctly or device malfunction may result.
• Perform LAN connection via a network switch.
Data communication may not be properly performed.
• Set parameters of this device and computer under supervision of your network administrator before
connecting the device to the network (LAN connection).
• Ensure that the cables do not pose a risk to the patient, operator, or others when connecting this
device to other devices. Also when connecting, removing, or upgrading devices, ensure that there is
no risk to the patient, operator, or others.
• Use a computer compatible with CISPR32 when connecting a computer.

♦ Connection example 1
The following is an example of connecting this device with a computer, auto refractometer, and lens-
meter via a LAN.

Network switch Network switch

Network switch

Examination room
Refraction room


No. Connection port Function
• AR/LM data import
Computer LAN connector on relay box
Used as AR data and LM data in the sub-
LAN cable LAN connector on computer
jective refraction.
1 Network switch Network switch
• RT data export
Auto Refractometer LAN connector on auto
Measurement data is managed by data-
Lensmeter refractometer or lensmeter
base software such as NAVIS.

2 Barcode scanner
USB connector on the relay
Patient ID entry
box or control box
3 Magnetic card reader

● Location of shared folder

Import shared folder Relay box

Export shared folder Computer

● RT-6100 settings
Major item Parameter Setting
Control box LAN Use of DHCP No
IP address (IPv4)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway (IPv4)

Basic information File access communication device setting LAN

Computer name RT015_CB


Relay box (RB) LAN Use of DHCP No

IP address (IPv4)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway (IPv4)

Basic information Computer name RT015_RB


Share User name NIDEK (change-

able) a
Password RT015 (change-
able) b
Folder path \DATA

Share name DATA


Major item Parameter Setting
Other Shared folder Shared folder location (computer name or RT015_RB
IP address)
Folder name DATA

Input folder type RT

User name a
Same as
Password b
Same as
Domain name WORKGROUP

Number of data retention days 7

External output External output function To be used

Connection destination (computer name) Specify the computer of

the data output destina-
tion by computer name.
Folder name Enter the shared folder
name of the data output
User name Enter the user name
used to access the data
output destination.
Password Enter the password
used to access the data
output destination.
Domain name Enter the domain name
to which the user name

● Auto refractometer or lensmeter settings

Configure LAN and shared folder settings for auto refractometers or lensmeters.

Parameter Setting

IP address (Set not to overlap.)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway

Shared folder location (computer name or IP address) RT015 _ RB or

Folder name (for auto refractometer) DATA

Folder name (for lensmeter) DATA/LM/TXT

User name a
Same as
Password b
Same as


♦ Connection example 2
The following is an example of connecting this device with an auto refractometer and lensmeter via
wireless LAN.
The optional wireless LAN module needs to be mounted to the relay box.
The auto refractometer and lensmeter must be compatible with wireless LAN.


Wireless LAN router

(access point)

Examination room
Refraction room

No. Connection port Function
Wireless LAN router • AR or LM data input
Auto Refractometer Used as AR data and LM data in the sub-
1 Lensmeter Wireless LAN router jective refraction.
Wireless LAN module

2 Barcode scanner
USB connector on the relay
Patient ID entry
box or control box
3 Magnetic card reader

● Location of shared folder

Import shared folder Relay box

● RT-6100 settings
Major item Parameter Setting
Control box LAN Use of DHCP No
IP address (IPv4)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway (IPv4)


Major item Parameter Setting
Basic information RB communication device setting LAN

File access communication device setting WLAN

MB communication port No. 59041

RB communication device setting 59042

External control communication port No. 62929

Computer name RT015_CB


Relay box (RB) LAN Use of DHCP No

IP address (IPv4)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway (IPv4)


Client→AP Client

WLAN radio wave strength High

IP address (IPv4)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway (IPv4)

Client Frequency band used Auto

WLAN SSID Match the access point

WLAN encryption method (security)

WLAN password

Basic information Computer name RT015_RB

Share User name NIDEK (change-
able) a
Password RT015 (change-
able) b
Folder path \DATA

Share name DATA


Major item Parameter Setting
Other Shared folder Shared folder location (computer name or RT015_RB
IP address)
Folder name DATA

Input folder type RT

User name a
Same as
Password b
Same as
Domain name WORKGROUP

Number of data retention days 7

● Auto refractometer or lensmeter settings

Configure wireless LAN and shared folder settings for auto refractometers or lensmeters.

Parameter Setting

IP address (Set not to overlap.)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway

WLAN SSID Match the access point settings.

WLAN encrypt (security)

WLAN password

Shared folder location (computer name or IP address) RT015_RB or

Folder name (for auto refractometer) DATA

Folder name (for lensmeter) DATA/LM/TXT

User name a
Same as
Password b
Same as


♦ Connection example 3
The following is an example of connecting a lensmeter or auto refractometer (OPD-Scan III or such)
that has only a serial port.
The optional memory box is required.



No. Connection port Function
Memory Box (MEM- • AR/LM data import
LAN connector on relay box
1 200) • Used as AR data and LM data in the sub-
LAN connector on MEM-200
LAN cable jective refraction.

• RT data export
Computer LAN connector on computer
2 Measurement data is managed by data-
LAN cable LAN connector on MEM-200
base software such as NAVIS.

Serial port on auto rerfrac- • Exports AR data to the shared folder on

Auto Refractometer
3 tometer the MEM-200.
Communication cable
Serial port on MEM-200#1

• Exports LM data to the shared folder on

Lensmeter Serial port on lensmeter
4 the MEM-200.
Communication cable Serial port on MEM-200#2

5 Barcode scanner
USB connector on the relay
Patient ID entry
box or control box
6 Magnetic card reader


● Location of shared folder

Import shared folder MEM-200

Export shared folder Computer

● RT-6100 settings
Major item Parameter Setting
Control box LAN Use of DHCP No
IP address (IPv4)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway (IPv4)

Basic information RB communication device setting LAN

File access communication device setting LAN

MB communication port No. 59041

RB communication port No. 59042

External control communication port No. 62929

Computer name RT015_CB


Relay box (RB) LAN Use of DHCP No

IP address (IPv4)

Subnet mask (IPv4)

Default gateway (IPv4)

Basic information MB communication port No. 59041

RB communication port No. 59042

Computer name RT015_RB



Major item Parameter Setting
Other Shared folder Shared folder location (computer name or MEM-200 or IP address
IP address) of MEM-200
Folder name DATA

Input folder type MEM-200

User name nidek1

(user name a speci-
fied with MEM-200)
Password nidek1
(password b speci-
fied with MEM-200)
Domain name WORKGROUP

External output External output function To be used

Connection destination (computer name) Specify the computer of

the data output destina-
tion by computer name.
Folder name Enter the shared folder
name of the data output
User name Enter the user name
used to access the data
output destination.
Password Enter the password
used to access the data
output destination.
Domain name Enter the domain name
to which the user name


● MEM-200 settings
Configure LAN, shared folder, and serial port settings (refer to the MEM-200 Operator's Manual).

Parameter Setting
Shared folder settings Master PC name MEM-200

User name a
Password b
nidek1 (default setting)
Domain/Workgroup WORKGROUP

Folder name DATA (cannot be changed)

Wired LAN settings

Master IP address
Wired LAN settings DHCP OFF

Subnet mask

Default gateway

Serial port settings PORT#1 Specify the device connected to the serial port
PORT#2-#4 Specify the device connected to the serial ports

● Auto refractometer settings

Configure auto refractometer communication settings.

Parameter Setting
Baud rate 9600

Bit length 8

Line feed code NO


I/F format ALL

RT type 5100

● Lensmeter settings
Configure lensmeter settings.

Parameter Setting
Communication speed 9600

Bit length 8

Stop bit length 1

CR code addition No

Communication mode NIDEK/NIDEK2


♦ Connection example 4
The following is a connection example of importing OPD images from the OPD-Scan III.
To import OPD images, LAN cable connection is required.
To import measurement values from the OPD-Scan III, see “♦ Connection example 3” (page 279).


No. Connection port Function
LAN connector on OPD-Scan • Exports OPD images to shared folder on
1 III MEM-200
LAN cable
LAN connector on MEM-200

Memory box (MEM- • Imports OPD images

LAN connector on relay box
2 200)
LAN connector on MEM-200
“5.12 Displaying OPD Images” (page
LAN cable 208)

● Location of shared folder

Import shared folder MEM-200


● RT-6100 settings
Major item Parameter Setting
Other Shared folder Shared folder location (computer name or MEM-200 or IP address
IP address) of MEM-200
Folder name DATA

Input folder type MEM-200

OPD image import TEMP2

User name nidek1

(user name a speci-
fied with MEM-200)
Password nidek1
(password b speci-
fied with MEM-200)
Domain name WORKGROUP

● MEM-200 settings
Configure LAN and shared folder settings (refer to the MEM-200 Operator’s Manual).

Parameter Setting
Shared folder settings Maser PC name MEM-200

User name a
nidek1 (default setting) b
Domain/Workgroup WORKGROUP

Folder name DATA (cannot be changed)

Wired LAN settings

Master IP address
Wired LAN settings DHCP OFF

Subnet mask

Default gateway


● OPD-Scan III settings

● Configure LAN settings of the OPD-Scan III series.
Parameter Setting
OPD-Scan III IP Address

Connect PC Settings PC Name MEM-200 or IP address of MEM-200

User Name WORKGROUP\nidek1 (Insert “WORK-

GROUP\” before user name a specified with
Password nidek1
(password b specified with MEM-200)
Shared Folder 1 TEMP2

● Specify the shared folder with the OPD-Scan series.

1) Press the [Data Output] tab on the Settings screen.
2) Press the Browse button in the Common Settings field.
3) Press [Shared Folder].
4) Press the [V] button.
5) Specify the destination shared folder, then press [OK].


8.2 Specifications

Measurement range

−29.00 to +26.75 D
Spherical power
(0.12, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00 D increments)

Cylindrical power 0.00 to ±8.75 D (0.25, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 D increments)

Cylinder axis 0 to 180° (1, 5, 15° increments)

Distance PD: 48 to 80 mm
Pupillary distance Near PD (35 cm): 50 to 74 mm
Full convergence Distance PD: 54 to 80 mm

Prism 0.00 to 20.00∆ (0.1, 0.5, 2∆ increments)

Refractor head

• Cross cylinder : ±0.25D, ±0.50D, ±0.25 D auto cross

• Occluder
• Pinhole: 2.0 mm in diameter
• Color filter: Right red, Left green
• Polarizing filter: Right 135° / Left 45°, Right 45° / Left 135°
• Fixed cross cylinder: ±0.50 D
Auxiliary lens • Spherical lens for retinoscope: 0D, +1.5D, +2.0 D (selectable by setting)
• Maddox rod (red): Right horizontal, Left vertical
• Dispersion prism (fixed): Right 6∆BU, Left 10∆BI
• Dispersion prism for binocular balance: Right 3-10∆BD, Left 3-10∆BU
• Dispersion prism for horizontal phoria: Right 3-10∆BU, Left 3-10∆BD
• Dispersion prism for vertical phoria: Right 5-15∆BI, Left 5-15∆BI
• Binocular open fogging: 0.00 to +9.00 D

Near gaze distance 350 to 700 mm (can be changed in 50 mm increments)

40° (at VD = 12 mm)

Field of vision
39° (at VD = 13.75 mm)

Distance PD: 48 to 80 mm
Pupillary distance Near PD (working distance of 35 cm): 50 to 74 mm
Full convergence distance PD: 54 to 80 mm

Forehead rest adjust- 25 ±5 mm

ment range

Vertex distance scale 12, 13.75, 16, 18, 20 mm

Horizontal level ±2.5°


Control box

Touch screen 10.4-inch color LCD

Interface function

Wired LAN 3 ports on relay box

Installed in the relay box or control box (optional)

Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN interface is installed only for the countries (regions) certified by the Radio Law.


Serial interface Installed in the relay box for connecting chart presenting devices

Installed in the relay box or control box

USB Relay box: Barcode scanner or magnetic card reader connectable
Control box: Barcode scanner or magnetic card reader connectable

Dimensions and mass

Refractor head 408 (W) × 107 (D) × 277 (H) mm

Control box 260 (W) × 230 (D) × 207 (H) mm

Relay box 189 (W) × 221 (D) × 73 (H) mm

Printer 101 (W) × 86 (D) × 121 (H) mm

Refractor head 3.2 kg

Control box 2.1 kg

Relay box 1.4 kg

Printer 0.6 kg

Power supply

Voltage 100 to 240 V AC * The voltage fluctuation does not exceed ±10% of the nominal voltage.

Frequency 50/60 Hz

Power consumption Max. 90 VA

Environmental conditions (during use)

Interior (Ensure that no interference light such as direct sunlight or spot light shines on the
Installation location
measuring window front.)

Temperature 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F)

Humidity 30 to 90% (non-condensing)

Atmospheric pressure 800 to 1,060 hPa

Environmental conditions (during storage, unpacked condition)

Temperature −10 to 55°C (14 to 131°F)

Humidity 10 to 95% (non-condensing)

Atmospheric pressure 700 to 1,060 hPa

Environmental conditions (during transport, packed condition)

Temperature −30 to 70°C (−22 to 158°F)

Humidity 10 to 95% (non-condensing)

Atmospheric pressure 500 to 1,060 hPa


8 years from the date of initial operation (defined by manufacturer)

Expected service life
* Proper maintenance is necessary.

Unit per package 1 unit



Class I ME equipment
Protection against electrical shock
Type B applied part

Protection against harmful ingress of water or partic-

ulate matter

ME equipment that is not intended for use in an oxygen rich

Suitability for use in an oxygen rich environment

ME equipment that does not contain any part that needs steril-
Method(s) of sterilization

Mode of operation Continuous operation

Wireless LAN (optional wireless LAN module)

Compliance standard IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

Modulation method
Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS/CCK)

2.4 GHz: 2412 to 2472 MHz (varies depending on the region or country)
Center frequency 5 GHz: 5180 to 5320 MHz, 5500 to 5700 MHz, 5745 to 5825 MHz (varies depending on the
region or country)

Effective radiated 8.24 mW


802.11n: 6.5 to 150 Mbps

Link speed 802.11a/g: 6 to 54 Mbps
802.11b: 1 to 11 Mbps

Access method Infrastructure mode (access point, client)

Security WPA, WPA 2, WEP (64/128 bits)

The wireless LAN module incorporated in this device is certified in accordance with the
requirements stipulated by the following regulations and organizations.
Radio law (Japan), FCC (U.S.A.), Industry Canada (Canada),
2014/53/EU Radio Equipment Directive (EU)
Certification IMDA Standards (Singapore)
The following labels indicate the Dealer’s individual license in Singapore.
Complies with Complies with Complies with
IMDA Standards IMDA Standards IMDA Standards
DA107766 DA108237 DA107746


Standard accessories
Quan- Quan-
Part name Appearance Part name Appearance
tity tity

Face shields Knob

(provided with the 1 set (except for the SSC- 1
refractor head) 100)

Forehead rest 1 Power cord 1

Touch pen 1 Refractor head cable 1

Relay box - control

Printer paper 3 1
box cable

Dust cover
(except for the SSC- 1 Operator’s manual 1

Near point chart

(except for the SSC- 1 Quick reference guide 1

Near point rod

(except for the SSC- 1


Optional accessories

• Eye Care card (5 units per set)

• Infrared communication unit (except for the SSC-100)
• Refractor head tilt unit (except for the SSC-100)
• Control box stand
• Wireless LAN module
• Magnetic card reader
• Barcode scanner
• Memory box
• Polarization switching unit (except for the SSC-100)
• Space Saving Chart SSC-100
• Near point rod (except for the SSC-100)
• Relay box - control box cable 10 m
• LAN cable
• RT-6100 CB for Windows
• Fully Assisted Refraction System

8. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION : Near Charts Displayable on Touch Screen

8.3 Near Charts Displayable on Touch Screen

The following lists the near charts that can be displayed on the control box touch screen.

Visual acuity charts Astigmatism clock dial

ETDRS chart Stereo 1

Stereo 2 Vertical line

8. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION : Near Charts Displayable on Touch Screen

Horizontal line Cross grid

Phoria Phoria with fixation point

Schober Vertical coincidence

8. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION : Near Charts Displayable on Touch Screen

Horizontal coincidence Worth four-dot

Cyclophoria Amsler grid

❖ For Stereo 1, Stereo 2, Phoria, Phoria with fixation, Schober, Vertical line, Horizontal line, and
Worth four-dot, place the red filter to the right eye and the green filter to the left eye of the trial


8.4 Near Point Charts

The following lists the near point charts attached to the near point rod.

1: Letters 20/200-20/60 (0.1-0.32) (40 cm) 2: Cross grid

3: Numbers H 20/30 (0.63) (40 cm) 4: Landolt rings (40 cm)

5: Letters 20/50-20/20 (0.4-1.0) (40 cm) 6: Letters&Numbers 20/30 (0.63) (40 cm)


7: Numbers V 20/30 (0.63) (40 cm) 8: Astigmatism clock dial


8.5 Power Adjustment Description

This device is provided with auto adjustment and semi-auto adjustment functions. The following
explains the details of the adjustment functions by refractive errors.
• Auto adjustment: Adjusts the binocular full correction after binocular balance is achieved.
• Semi-auto adjustment: Performed after auto adjustment. The semi-auto adjustment is operated
by pressing or according to the patient’s response.
The Final Fit values calculated with the auto adjustment function is lower than an average prescrip-
tion. Be sure to perform the semi-auto adjustment.
Be sure to perform the semi-auto adjustment according to the patient’s intended purpose as well. Use

when high visual acuity is required for distance vision such as driving.

• Hereafter, the description is provided with Minus CYL mode. For Plus CYL mode, it is necessary to
convert the mode to Minus CYL mode once.

♦ Myopia
When the sphere values of both eyes are minus, or when the sphere value of one eye is minus and
the other is 0 D:

● First glasses
For patients who do not have their glasses.
(This adjustment is also applicable when the patient does not bring their glasses or LM data is not
entered in the refractor.)
• A certain value is reduced from each eye.
Auto adjustment
• The difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D.

0.25 D is added to each sphere value (to the minus direction).

Adjustable within the full correction. If the value attempts to be changed out of the
range, a beep sounds and the value does not change.

Semi-auto adjustment 0.25 D is reduced from each sphere value (to the plus direction).
Adjustable within 0 of each sphere value. If the value attempts to be changed out
of the range, a beep sounds and the value does not change.
• When the difference between the right and left eyes is large, the value may be
changed up to −0.25 D only. This is because the patient’s eyes do not adjust to
the glasses well with 0 D of monocular vision.

● With glasses
For patients who have their glasses.
• A certain value is reduced from each eye.
• The full correction is selected when the LM data is overcorrected.
• The difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D. However,
if the difference between the right and left eyes in the LM data is large, the
Auto adjustment
increased amount may be over 0.75 D.
• The amount increased from the LM data should be within 0.75 D. However, if the
difference between the right and left eyes in the LM data is large, the increased
amount may be over 0.75 D.


0.25 D is added to each sphere value (to the minus direction).

Adjustable within the full correction. However, the value can be adjusted within
Semi-auto adjustment
the LM data over the full correction only when the LM data is overcorrected.

Same as “First glasses”.

♦ Hyperopia
When the sphere value of each eye is plus, or when the sphere value of one eye is plus and the other
is 0 D:

● First glasses
• The full correction remains as it is basically.
Auto adjustment
• The difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D.

0.25 D is added to each sphere value (to the minus direction).

Semi-auto adjustment Adjustable within the range that each sphere value is not minus.

This button does not function basically.

● With glasses
For patients who have their glasses.
• The full correction remains as it is basically.
• The difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D. However,
Auto adjustment
if the difference between the right and left eyes in the LM data is large, the
increased amount may be over 0.75 D.

0.25 D is added to each sphere value (to the minus direction).

Adjustable within the range that each sphere value is not minus.
Semi-auto adjustment
This button does not function basically.
However, the sphere value can be adjusted to the LM data only when the data is
larger than the full correction to the plus direction.

♦ Astigmatism
● First glasses
• A certain value is reduced from each eye.
Auto adjustment
• The difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D.

0.25 D is added to each cylinder value (to the minus direction).

Adjustable within the full correction. If the value attempts to be changed out of the
range, a beep sounds and the value does not change.

Semi-auto adjustment 0.25 D is reduced from each cylinder value (to the plus direction).
Adjustable within 0 of each cylinder value. If the value attempts to be changed out
of the range, a beep sounds and the value does not change.
• If the difference between the right and left eyes is large, the value may be
changed up to −0.25 D only. This is because the patient’s eyes do not adjust to
the glasses well with 0 D of monocular vision.


● With glasses
For patients who have their glasses.
• A certain value is reduced from each eye.
• The full correction is selected when the LM data is overcorrected.
• The difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D. However,
Auto adjustment if the difference between the right and left eyes in the LM data is large, the
increased amount may be over 0.75 D.
• The amount increased from the LM data should be within 0.75 D. However, if the
difference between the right and left eyes in the LM data is large, the increased
amount may be over 0.75 D.

0.25 D is added to each cylinder value (to the minus direction).

Adjustable within the full correction. However, the value can be adjusted within
Semi-auto adjustment
the LM data over the full correction only when the LM data is overcorrected.

Same as “First glasses”.

♦ Oblique astigmatism
When the cylinder axis is 16° to 74° or 106° to 164°:

● First glasses
• The cylinder values are set to 0 for the patient who has slight astigmatism in both
eyes (C: −0.25 D, −0.50 D).
Auto adjustment
• If the value is −0.50 D or greater, a certain value is reduced from each value.
However, the difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D.

0.25 D is added to each cylinder value (to the minus direction).

Adjustable within the full correction.

The adjustment below is performed in the following order depending on

the cylinder values:
Semi-auto adjustment • 0.25 D is reduced from the cylinder value (to the plus direction).
• The cylinder axis is changed to either 90° or 180° (closer one).
• The cylinder value is reduced and the axis changes.
• If the difference between the right and left eyes is large, the value may be
changed up to −0.25 D only. This is because the patient’s eyes do not adjust to
the glasses well with 0 D of monocular vision.

● With glasses
For patients who have their glasses.
• A certain value is reduced from each eye.
• The full correction is selected when the LM data is overcorrected.
• The difference between the right and left eyes should be within 0.75 D. However,
Auto adjustment if the difference between the right and left eyes in the LM data is large, the
increased amount may be over 0.75 D.
• The amount increased from the LM data should be within 0.75 D. However, if the
difference between the right and left eyes in the LM data is large, the increased
amount may be over 0.75 D.

Semi-auto adjustment Same as “First glasses”.


♦ Myopia/hyperopia and astigmatism in combination

The adjustments described in “♦ Myopia” (page 296) - “♦ Oblique astigmatism” (page 298) can be
respectively performed in combination for the sphere and cylinder values.

♦ Anisometropia
Based on the concept that the difference between the right and left eyes is within 0.75 D, the patient
who has the difference of 1 D or greater is regarded as anisometropia. The higher value is adjusted
close to the lower one as described in “♦ Myopia” (page 296) - “♦ Oblique astigmatism” (page 298).
When LM data is entered in the refractor, the auto adjustment function adds 0.75 D to the eye with a
higher value of the LM data.

♦ One is myopia and the other is hyperopia

The auto adjustment is not performed. The indication “Dominant Far:+S→0, Dominant Near:-S→0”
If the power is low, correction may be not necessary. However, it is recommended to adjust the power
depending on the patient’s intended purpose.
• For patients who wear glasses for distance correction Adjust the plus sphere value close to 0.
• For patients who wear glasses for near correction Adjust the minus sphere value close to 0.

ex.: To correct the powers with sphere values of R +1.00 D and L −1.00 D for distance vision,

1) Press S .

2) Press .

3) Turn the dial clockwise until the desired visual acuity is obtained.
This adjustment should be performed manually by the operator. Copy the full correction and
compare the vision for easy adjustment.


8.6 Visual Acuity Conversion Table

Decimal Fraction (feet) Fraction (meters)

0.03 6/200
0.032 20/600
0.04 20/500 6/150
0.05 20/400 6/120
0.06 6/100
0.063 20/320
0.08 20/250 6/75
0.1 20/200 6/60
0.125 6/48
0.15 20/150
0.16 6/38
0.2 20/100 6/30
0.25 20/80 6/24
0.3 6/20
0.32 20/60
0.4 20/50 6/15
0.5 20/40 6/12
0.6 6/10
0.63 20/30
0.8 20/25 6/7.5
1.0 20/20 6/6
1.2 6/5
1.5 6/4
2.0 20/10 6/3


8.7 Preset Addition Table

The following is a table listing the additions to be preset based on the patient’s age.

Preset additions (D)

Setting 1(Low)*a Setting2(High)*a
45 or younger 0.75 1.00

to 50 1.25 1.75

to 55 1.50 2.00

to 60 1.75 2.25

to 65 2.00 2.50

66 or older 2.25 3.00

*a. “Setting1(Low)” or “Setting2(High)” can be set by the parameter “Preset ADD”.

❖ No addition is preset when the parameter “Preset ADD” is set to [No].

8. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION : Relational Table of Age and Accommodation

8.8 Relational Table of Age and Accommodation

For accommodation used for calculation of the range of clear vision, accommodation estimated
according to the age can be used.

Age Accommodation (D)

10 13.2

15 11.2

20 9.8

25 8.5

30 7.3

35 6.1

40 4.9

45 3.4

50 2.3

55 1.6

60 1.2

65 0.7

70 0.3

❖ Reference: Sakuyama, Fujio ed. and Izumi, Yukio, Ippankussetsukensa


8.9 Estimated Visual Acuity Table

The following explains the visual acuity chart presented first during the unaided visual acuity test or
the test of visual acuity corrected by glasses.

Measurement AR data Calculation of estimated visual acuity

Enter the spherical power of AR values (add the minus cylinder
Unaided visual acu- Provided
value if a cylinder value is included) in a of the following table.
Not provided Minimum value

Enter the spherical power of AR values – spherical power of LM

Provided values (add the minus cylinder value if a cylinder value is
Visual acuity cor-
rected by glasses included) in a of the following table.
Not provided 20/30 (0.63)

Spherical power (D) a Estimated visual acuity value

Decimal Fraction (feet) Fraction (meters) 5-mark record

From −7.25 20/600 6/200

−6.25 to −7.00 0.04 20/500 6/150

−5.25 to −6.00 0.05 20/400 6/120

−4.25 to 5.00 20/320 6/100

−3.25 to 4.00 0.08 20/250 6/75 3.9

−2.25 to −3.00 0.1 20/200 6/60 4.0

−2.00 0.2 20/100 6/30 4.3

−1.75 20/60 6/20 4.5

−1.50 0.4 20/50 6/15 4.6

−1.25 0.5 20/40 6/12 4.7

−1.00 6/10
0.63 20/30 4.8

−0.75 0.7
−0.50 0.8 20/25
−0.25 0.9
20/20 6/6
0 1.0 5.0

❖ The visual acuity in the table may not be applicable depending on the chart presenting device.
❖ The estimated visual acuity does not work when the parameter “Preset VA” is set to [No] or
when there is a value is in Final mode.


8.10 Fog Amount in Binocular Balance

The vision is fogged automatically during the binocular balance test. The following is the fog amount

Visual acuity value (subjective)

Binocular fog amount (D)
Decimal Fraction (feet) Fraction (meters)

Up to 0.8 Up to 20/25 Up to 6/7.5 0

0.9 — — +0.25

1.0 20/20 6/6 +0.25

1.2 — 6/5 +0.50

1.25 — — +0.50

— 20/15 — +0.50

1.5 — 6/4 +0.50

1.6 — — +0.50

2.0 20/10 6/3 +0.75

2.5 — — +0.75

❖ The vision is not automatically fogged when the parameter “Fog for binocular balance” is set
to [No].

8. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION : License Information of Software Library

8.11 License Information of Software Library

This section provides the license information on the MD4, MD5, and XML parser used by the RT-

◆ MD4:
Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved.
License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the
"RSA Data Security, Inc. MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material mentioning or
referencing this software or this function.
License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that such works are
identified as "derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm"
in all material mentioning or referencing the derived work.
RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either the
merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for any particular
purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of any kind.
These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation and/or

◆ MD5:
Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved.
License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the
"RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material mentioning or
referencing this software or this function.
License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that such works are
identified as "derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm"
in all material mentioning or referencing the derived work.
RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either the
merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for any particular
purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of any kind.
These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation and/or

◆ Libxml2:
Except where otherwise noted in the source code (e.g. the files hash.c, list.c and the
trio files, which are covered by a similar licence but with different Copyright notices) all
the files are:
Copyright (C) 1998-2012 Daniel Veillard. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.

8. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION : License Information of Software Library

◆ RC4:
Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Whistle Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Subject to the following obligations and disclaimer of warranty, use and redistribution
of this software, in source or object code forms, with or without modifications are
expressly permitted by Whistle Communications;
provided, however, that:
1. Any and all reproductions of the source or object code must include the copyright
notice above and the following disclaimer of warranties; and
2. No rights are granted, in any manner or form, to use Whistle Communications, Inc.
trademarks, including the mark "WHISTLE COMMUNICATIONS" on advertising,
endorsements, or otherwise except as such appears in the above copyright notice or
in the software.



8. SPECIFICATIONS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION : License Information of Software Library

◆ SHA256:
SHA256 hash implementation and interface functions
Copyright (c) 2003-2011, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>

This software may be distributed, used, and modified under the terms of BSD license:
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name(s) of the above-listed copyright holder(s) nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.




8.12 EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)

■ The device is suitable for use in stores and hospitals except for near active HF surgical equipment and
RF shielded rooms with an ME system for magnetic resonance imaging, where the intensity of electro-
magnetic disturbances is high.

• Use of accessories, cables other than those specified or provided by the manufacturer of this equip-
ment could result in increased electromagnetic emissions or decreased electromagnetic immunity of
this equipment and result improper operation.
• Do not use the device near, on, or under other electronic equipment.
Otherwise, it could result in improper operation. If such use is necessary, the device and the other
equipment should be observed to verify that they are operating normally.
• Portable RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables and external
antennas) should be used no closer than 30 cm (12 inches) to any part of the device, including the
specified or provided cables.
Otherwise, degradation of the performance of this equipment could result.

♦ Specified cables
Connector Cable
Part name Ferrite core Length (m)
shielded shielded
Power cord No No No 2.5
Refractor head cable Yes Yes No 7.0
Relay box - control box cable Yes Yes No 5.0
Printer cable Yes Yes No 2.0
Barcode scanner cable Yes Yes No 2.0
Magnetic card reader cable Yes Yes No 1.8
LAN cable (AR) Yes Yes No 5.0
LAN cable (LM) Yes Yes No 5.0
Communication cable (CP) Yes Yes Yes 15.0

♦ Specified multimedia equipment

Specified multimedia equipment Standard compliance
Network switch
CISPR 32 Class B

♦ Essential performance
Measurement of subjective refractive power


Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic emissions

The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the device should assure
that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment - guidance
RF emissions CISPR 11 Group 1 The device uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore, its RF
emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby
electronic equipment.
RF emissions CISPR 11 Class B The device is suitable for use in all establishments, including domesticࠉ
Harmonic emissions *1 establishments and those directly connected to the public low-voltage powerࠉ
IEC 61000-3-2 supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Voltage fluctuations/ Flicker *2
emissions IEC 61000-3-3

*1 For the regions where the rated voltage is 220 V or greater, this device complies with class A. For the regions where the
rated voltage is 127 V or less, this standard is not applicable.
*2 For the regions where the rated voltage is 220 V or greater, this device complies with this standard. For the regions where
the rated voltage is 127 V or less, this standard is not applicable.

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the device should
assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guidance
Electrostatic ±8 kV contact ±8 kV contact Floor should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If
Discharge (ESD) IEC ±2 kV, ±4 kV, ±8 kV, ±2 kV, ±4 kV, ±8 kV, floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative
61000-4-2 ±15 kV air ±15 kV air humidity should be at least 30%.
Electrical fast ±2 kV for power supply ±2 kV for power supply Mains power quality should be that of a typical
transient/burst lines lines commercial or hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-4 ±1 kV for input/output ±1 kV for input/output
lines lines
100 kHz repetition 100 kHz repetition
frequency frequency
Surge ±1 kV differential mode ±1 kV differential mode Mains power quality should be that of a typical
IEC 61000-4-5 ±2 kV common mode ±2 kV common mode commercial or hospital environment.
Voltage, dips, short Dips: Dips: Mains power quality should be that of a typical
interruptions and commercial or hospital environment. If the user of the
voltage variations on 0% UT in 0.5 cycle at 0°, 0% UT in 0.5 cycle at 0°, device requires continued operation during power
power supply input 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, mains interruptions, it is recommended that the device
lines IEC 61000-4-11 225°, 270°, and 315° 225°, 270°, and 315° be powered from an uninterruptible power supply or a
0% UT in 1 cycle and 70% 0% UT in 1 cycle and 70%
UT in 25/30 cycles in UT in 25/30 cycles in
single phase (at 0°) single phase (at 0°)

Short interruptions: Short interruptions:

0% UT in 250/300 cycle 0% UT in 250/300 cycle

Power frequency (50/ 30 A/m 30 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels
60 Hz) magnetic field 50 Hz or 60 Hz 50 Hz or 60 Hz characteristic of a typical location in a typical
IEC 61000-4-8 commercial or hospital environment.
NOTE UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.


Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the device should assure
that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guidance
Conducted RF 3V 3V Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used
IEC 61000-4-6 0.15 MHz to 80 MHz 0.15 MHz to 80 MHz no closer than 30 cm to any part of the device, including cables.a

6 V in ISM and 6 V in ISM and

amateur radio amateur radio
bands between 0.15 bands between 0.15
MHz and 80 MHz MHz and 80 MHz
80% AM at 1 kHz 80% AM at 1 kHz
Radiated RF 10 V/m 10 V/m
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz
80% AM at 1 kHz 80% AM at 1 kHz
Proximity field from See “Test See “Test
RF wireless specifications specifications
communications for enclosure port for enclosure port
equipment immunity to RF immunity to RF
IEC 61000-4-3 wireless wireless
communications communications
equipment”. equipment”.
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur
radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the
location in which the device is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the device should be observed to verify
normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the

Test specifications for enclosure port immunity to RF wireless communications equipment

Banda Maximum power Distance Immunity test level
frequency Servicea (W) (m) (V/m)
(MHz) (MHz)

385 380 - 390 TETRA 400 1.8 0. 3 27

450 430 - 470 GMRS 460, FRS 460 2 0.3 28
745 704 - 787 LTE Band 13, 17 0.2 0.3 9
GSM 800/900, TETRA 800,
870 800 - 960 2 0.3 28
iDEN 820, CDMA 850, LTE Band 5
GSM 1800, CDMA 1900, GSM 1900,
1,845 1,700 - 1,990 2 0.3 28
DECT; LTE Band 1, 3, 4, 25: UMTS
Bluetooth, WLAN, 802.11: b/g/n,
2,450 2,400 - 2,570 2 0.3 28
RFID 2450, LTE Band 7
WLAN 802.11
5,500 5,100 - 5,800 0.2 0.3 9
NOTE: If necessary to achieve the immunity test level, the distance between the transmitting antenna and the ME equipment or ME
system may be reduced to 1 m. The 1 m test distance is permitted by IEC 61000-4-3.
For some services, only the uplink frequencies are included.


Aniseikonia test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Auto light off mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 42, 230 Phoria test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Auxiliary lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Phoria with fixation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Power indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Precise four-line stereo test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Barcode scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274, 276, 279
Binocular balance test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Binocular red-green test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 QR code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Contact lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Schober test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
SD card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
SD card slot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Day mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Standard program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Stereo test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130, 132
Subwindow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Eye Care card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Eye Care card reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 T
Touch pen holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Trial lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Face shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 U
Forehead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 USB connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Forehead rest adjustment knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Forehead rest indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
VD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
VD check windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Von Graefe test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118, 120

Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Wave Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Level adjustment knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Worth four dot test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Link OFF function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Maddox test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122, 123
Magnetic card reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274, 276, 279
Measuring windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Near point lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Night mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

9. INDEX :


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