Trendwatching - Trend Check 2024
Trendwatching - Trend Check 2024
Trendwatching - Trend Check 2024
Time to turn fear and overwhelm into actionable hope! 👊 Receive a related, juicy
2024 opportunity!
1 2 3 4 5
Deeper shades of green in New tools enable consumer-led Reconnecting a divided world Fashion brands take a more Building financial literacy in a
beauty personalization through entertainment active role in caring for complex economic context
consumers’ health
6 7 8 9 10
Sustenance that gives back Next-gen AI chatbots alleviate Self-sustained living meets Luxury brands become One mobility option, multiple
to nature overburdened health systems modern convenience beacons of culture seamlessly integrated services
11 12 13 14 15
NGOs pioneering Eco-initiatives take center Generative AI — truth Rebuilding trust with Nurturing an AI-
next gen-AI ethics stage in retail stores friend or foe? perks and add-ons ready workforce
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Partnership aims to restore 123,000 Receipts itemize the environmental Retailer upcycles in-store
acres of rainforest in Southeast Asia cost of every clothing purchase Christmas trees into compost
Dove and Singapore-based Rimba Collective launched the Dove After buying an ASKET sweater or pair of jeans, customers In early 2023, Netherlands-based retailer Dille &
Nature Regeneration Project in July 2023 to conserve an aren't handed a regular receipt. From November 2023, Kamille replanted living Christmas trees that had decorated
impressive swath of Southeast Asian rainforest. To amplify the the Swedish clothing brand issues an 'Impact Receipt' that its stores through the 2022 holiday season. Dead trees,
campaign’s message, Dove will launch an AR experience in select itemizes the environmental cost of producing each garment. meanwhile, were collected from the retailer and local
Walmart stores that superimposes the rainforest on a shopper’s ASKET partnered with Vaayu Tech for traceable lifecycle municipalities by upcycling startup Het Grondstoffenbos.
surroundings. impact calculations that consider CO2e emissions, energy 15,000 trees were processed into compost and returned to
consumption, and water consumption. stores in August 2023 to sell as Heilige Grond, or Holy Soil.
In 2023, just 3 of the top 10 global beauty manufacturers
have committed to eradicating deforestation from their No, individuals shouldn't be tasked with solving the climate Amid soaring eco-anxiety, sustainability initiatives could
supply chains. Beyond B Corp certifications and ambitious crisis. But personal buying habits do have an enormous impact, benefit from positive storytelling. Products like Heilige Grond
climate goals, consider how to make your eco-actions as and awareness creates ripple effects. Brands need to empower enable consumers to actively engage in planetary restoration,
tangible as the products you’re selling, by using store-grown consumers with the information required for conscious offering a concrete and easily recognizable example of
ingredients, resurrecting extinct materials or hosting farm tours. purchasing decisions. circularity from the ground up.
How will you immerse consumers in the nature How can you make the environmental impact of How can you include consumers in your next
you’re trying to preserve? your product transparent, both pre- and post- circularity initiative, every step of the way?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
New tools enable consumer-led personalization
Providing students and workers with
customizable curricula
Ever since the generative AI boom, conversations about tech have dominated
public discourse. The adoption of LLMs and text-to-anything software created
a newfound willingness to play and experiment, giving rise to a CODE-
IT-YOURSELF mindset. Between highly bespoke emojis, AI assistants and Providing back-end access to your platforms
an increased tech-savvyness among consumers, the shift towards
personalized technology is clear. Your call to action? Invite your customers
to (co-)design and (re-)build your products and services. That could mean
enabling them to assemble tech of their own (it doesn’t get more custom than
that), repairing gadgets when they break or allowing them to design their
own UI. Can they build it? Yes they can! 👷
DIY browser unveils an AI upgrade DIY flashlight kit, co- Social platform lets users
for next-level optimization designed with displaced kids choose their own algorithm
Arc, from US-based developer The Browser Company, is a free Ambessa Play is a UK-based social enterprise specialized in Bluesky, the decentralized X alternative, introduced ‘custom
internet browser with customizable operating system capabilities. STEM kits to democratize education and technology. Its debut feeds’ in May 2023. These feeds allow users to prioritize
The browser reimagines traditional navigation, tabs and kit is a battery-free, DIY flashlight featuring ten parts and 16 content buckets (e.g. popular with friends, local news) in the
bookmarks; Spaces can be redesigned akin to rooms in a house; build steps. Launched on Kickstarter in March 2023, Ambessa platform's algorithm through a drag-and-drop functionality,
and Easels function as a web ‘scrapbook’. In October 2023, AI Play engaged displaced children in the design process and while it also allows for easy switching between feeds.
updates included automated page summaries and ChatGPT donates one kit per pledge. Even deeper levels of algorithmic customization are coming in
access straight from the search bar. 2024.
Ambessa Play's story serves as a reminder that all children
With Arc, users control every pixel. Don’t like Gmail’s ‘Compose’ possess untapped ideas and inventiveness, capable of When it comes to consumer expectations, the goalposts
button? Change the font and edit the copy! Over YouTube creating new technologies rather than merely consuming are always moving. While TikTok’s personalized algorithm is
shorts? Delete the section from the site. For the more tentative them. As 65% of today's primary school children are predicted generally viewed as the holy grail, Bluesky takes it further by
users, downloadable templates showcase how others are to pursue careers in fields that do not yet exist, training for handing the reins entirely to consumers. Executed well, anyone
remixing their UI. inherent ingenuity is essential. who can operate a smartphone can be in control of their feed.
How will you consider various levels of tech literacy in How will you provide students and workers Beyond consumer-led algorithms, what does
your own CODE-IT-YOURSELF initiatives? with the agency over your curriculum? back-end access to your brand experience look
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Reconnecting a divided world through entertainment
Facilitating casual convos about intricate
For entertainment brands who want to captivate diverse audiences, taking
a definitive stance risks alienating audiences and inadvertently deepening
polarized societies. For example, there is a near-equal split in the US in
viewing the economic impact of immigrants as positive (38%) and negative Leveraging AI to bridge comprehension
(39%), underscoring the diversity of opinions (a phenomenon not confined barriers
to the US, obviously). Rather than contributing to the discord, how about
connecting opponents on both sides of the divide instead? As tensions spill
over at a global and local level, entertainment brands are turning to universal
mediums of expression – laughter, music, gaming – to remind consumers
of their shared humanity. The essence is to provide content that transcends
polarities, offering a refuge of connection in an otherwise fragmented world.
Fortnite game teaches gamers Hair stylists trained to have eco- AI image generation personalizes
to protect Indigenous land conversations with customers communication for autism
To mark August 2023’s International Indigenous Peoples Day, Paloma, a Sydney hair salon, is inviting its customers to engage To improve communication with autistic people, the Brazil-
Fortnite launched its first map of Indigenous lands, with Latin in discussions around climate change with a storefront poster based Association of Autistic Friends (AMA) partnered with
American e-sports team Hero Base. Developed for the NGO SOS that reads, "love, life & climate action". As of March 2023, over telco Vivo to launch ‘The Autism Journey’. Based on the
Amazônia, O Mapa Originário brings real-world challenges faced 400 hairdressers had attended workshops as part of the "A standardized Picture Exchange Communication System, the
by Indigenous communities to the virtual realm, such as fighting Brush With Climate" project, spearheaded by Paloma's owner. partnership developed an AI-driven platform for families to
forest fires and obstructing illegal logging. The training was delivered by climate scientists. personalize visual communication cards based on their child’s
interests, such as their favorite superhero. Launched in May
Fortnite’s Indigenous map translates what can seem an abstract As a result of apocalypse fatigue, sustainability isn’t something
2023, cards can be printed or used on mobile devices.
problem to many Western players, into a language they can consumers are always comfortable talking about. However, as
understand – an approach followed by others such as VR long as ‘what does sustainability mean?’ is still one of the most We’ve seen NGOs use AI to highlight systematic biases and
experience Body of Mine and WWF. If you still associate ‘gaming’ Googled sustainability-related phrases, it becomes apparent the consequences of human actions, but here, AMA’s initiative
tech with Call of Duty, think again. there is a tension here. is a beautiful example of how AI can be used for mutual
How can you convey complex messages beyond Whether it is among themselves or through How might you leverage AI to bridge
just words? Show, don’t tell! brand interaction, how can you encourage comprehension barriers?
people to have casual convos about intricate
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Deeper shades of green in beauty
Providing longevity-focused sustenance
Supermarket puts cancer awareness Life-extending 'Blue Zone' Paint brand gives school canteens a
messaging on underwear labels meals hit the freezer aisle fresh coat to stop kids from getting sick
In August 2023, the UK supermarket Morrisons forged Silicon Valley elites have long favored Blue Zone diets, Open-air dining spots in Indonesia can harbor disease-
a partnership with the National Health Service (NHS) to champion believed to extend lifespans, but accessibility and cost hinder carrying flies. In response, Dulux Indonesia initiated the Yellow
cancer awareness. As part of this initiative, QR codes are featured widespread adoption. A US-based food manufacturer, Blue Canteen project in schools, inspired by the University of
on Nutmeg-branded underwear labels, providing direct access Zones Kitchen, aims to change this with its plant-based frozen Florida's finding that flies are repelled by the color yellow.
to comprehensive information about symptoms related to breast meals, introduced at Expo East in September 2023, featuring Started in November 2023, the project involves repainting
and testicular cancer. Morrisons, which owns the Nutmeg brand, lean protein and whole grains. school tables, seats and walls in yellow.
is implementing the strategy across 240 of its stores.
From IV drips to cold exposure therapy, interest in life- COVID-19 renewed focus on preventative care, prompting
Fashion brands can help increase awareness of symptoms, extending products is going mainstream. One key driver proactive measures. Dulux expands its products’ benefits
but health-related initiatives should always align with health is a loss of faith in public health services, triggered by the beyond aesthetics with the Yellow Canteen, using paint to
professionals and robust research. On TikTok, where healthcare- pandemic. As a result, over half of global consumers (51%) tackle health risks in schools. Health and wellness serve as an
related content is growing in popularity, claims often quoted as now turn to diverse meals to remedy their health issues. imperative that informs buying behavior across sectors.
“evidence-based” have no associated sources.
How will you verify the BRANDCARE you’re Are consumers reaching for your brand in What practical steps can your brand take to
providing? search of longevity-focused fuel? enhance public health and become a trusted
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Building financial literacy in a complex economic context
Turning skill-building in an immersive
As the world grapples with widening economic disparities, record debt and
a lack of affordable housing, there's a clamor for financial literacy. Many
consider personal finance an enigma, evidenced by global financial illiteracy
rates. In response, financial services need to move beyond transactions Turning financial flummox to financial fun
and share their knowledge riches. One surprising source of aid comes from
TikTok: #deinfluencing (encouraging consumers not to buy) just surpassed
1B views, indicating a demand for those who promote skills and knowledge
over products. While 80% globally believe businesses should assist customers
during the cost-of-living crisis, only a small fraction of consumers received
advice from their banks in the past year. How will you instill cash confidence?
Bank launches a board game Beauty brand taps into gen Z's Campaign offers personality-
to teach financial literacy entrepreneurial spirit through gaming based advice to achieve life goals
Brazil-based financial platform Nubank has introduced its version In November 2023, e.l.f. Cosmetics launched a virtual world on A joint campaign between Pinterest and American financial
of the classic board game Game of Life. Centered around Nu's game creation system Roblox, to teach entrepreneurial skills service provider Northwestern Mutual empowers Pinterest
services, users can familiarize themselves with actions related to and financial literacy to gen Z customers. E.l.f. Up! allows users users to turn their life ambitions into reality. After completing
investing, insurance, and cryptocurrencies. A livestream on Twitch to create their own startups that represent places and causes a personality test, NorthWestern Mutual provides step-by-step
promoted the June 2023 launch, featuring popular streamers they care about most. The virtual venues include a recording advice for different personality types to achieve their goals.
Mylon, esAcarry, Jimelol and Loadcomics engaging in gameplay. studio, marine life charity and an art gallery. Additional features ‘From Pinning to Planning’ launched in March 2023.
will be rolled out in the future.
When ideating your next financial literacy initiative, consider Finances can be stressful but through the right environment,
that money still remains a sensitive topic. From challenging E.l.f. Up!, Essence’s Color dare, and La Roche-Posay’s Minecraft gaining money skills can be a positive experience. Whether
filial duties and financial infidelity, explore how you can help initiative all use popular gaming platforms to educate young using familiar channels like Pinterest, launching a platform or
consumers discuss their financial situation. How? Provide shared consumers about important or complex issues. As a media creating a game show, make sure your initiative transforms
investment portfolios or set up community-first wealth initiatives. brand, you’re well-placed to bring information to life in new financial confusion into an enjoyable and educational
exciting ways. experience.
How will you turn skill-building in an How can you turn financial flummox
How can you help people to talk money?
immersive experience? to financial fun?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Sustenance that gives back to nature
Developing ECO-BOOSTING construction
A new wave of food and beverage consumers don’t want to just ‘cause
less harm’, they want to go further, returning more to nature than they take.
Yes, 83% of people across G20 countries want to do more to restore nature
in the future and impact-driven F&B businesses are recognizing that active Taking responsibility for negative impact
regeneration benefits both the planet and company profits. The F&B sector, across supply chains
particularly brands tied to agriculture, is uniquely positioned for leadership
and can pioneer change by adopting a blend of (forgotten) regenerative
wisdom and high-tech innovations. This includes practices like carbon
sequestration and biodiversity monitoring. To spearhead the ECO-BOOSTERS
revolution, empower people to replenish the earth with every bite and sip.
Brewery debuts offset-free, Carbon negative bricks set to Luxury jeweler joins
carbon-negative craft beer roll out of Belgium in early 2024 regenerative mining initiative
July 2023 saw London brewery Gipsy Hill release an offset- Belgium-based brick manufacturer Vandersanden has In May 2023, Canada-based luxury jeweler Mejuri became
free, carbon-negative beer. The brewing process uses 100% developed Pirrouet: a new carbon-negative building material. the first jewelry partner of the regenerative mining social
recaptured and reused hops, and certified regenerative barley Instead of being fired in energy-intensive kilns, Pirouett bricks enterprise Regeneration. Initiated by Resolve and others –
is harvested from the end-to-end Wildfarmed community. are cured in CO2-filled chambers whereby CO2 permanently including mining company Rio Tinto and Apple – Regeneration
Independent carbon accounting firm Zevero calculated the life binds to calcium, a waste product from the steel industry. extracts waste minerals from mining for jewelry, technology
cycle of two Gipsy Hill beers, 'Trail' and 'Swell', releasing -40g Vandersanden generates renewable energy on-site and aims and the energy transition. Earnings from Regeneration fund
CO2e and -30g CO2e per pint respectively. to roll the bricks out in early 2024. habitat restoration and mine closure activities.
Implementing regenerative agricultural practices requires According to UN-Habitat, 3 billion people will need access to Mejuri’s mining partnership signals how the regenerative
substantial upfront costs, with savings made further down the adequate housing by 2030, equating to 96,000 new affordable movement is expanding to other industries (so far seen mainly
line. F&B brands can support farmers to make the transition homes built every day. Meanwhile, construction materials in agriculture and carbon capture initiatives) and how brands
less challenging, while keeping customers up to date with the account for approximately 9% of all energy-related CO2 are taking responsibility for their supply chains. Your industry
process. emissions. will be next!
How can you invest in farmers’ first steps to help What will you do to support the development How can you take responsibility for the
the transition to regenerative? of ECO-BOOSTING construction methods? environment and people you impact, both
directly and indirectly?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Doctors develop AI chatbot for Poetic AI chatbot encourages Platform allows everyone to
evidence-based decision-making end-of-life planning create their own AI assistants
Pāṇini, an AI-powered chatbot, was launched to healthcare End-of-life planning is an emotionally charged subject. In July The AI Foundation – a US-based AI research lab – has
clinicians across India in June 2023. Developed by the healthtech 2023, Netherlands-based funeral provider Monuta launched launched AI.XYZ: a platform that allows users to create a digital
platform DocPlix, the chatbot aims to empower clinicians to 'Ronald GiphA.I.rt', an AI chatbot that guides users through twin who can carry out mundane tasks, like drafting follow-up
improve precision and reduce medical judgment errors. The planning their final chapter. In collaboration with author Ronald emails and setting reminders. The process involves feeding the
chatbot is built on evidence-based medical literature and peer- Giphart, it engages users on personal preferences, generating companion with data via a simple drag-and-drop interface, or
reviewed algorithms. a poetic summary with an AI image reflecting their wishes. by pasting URLs or content into its 'brain.' In June 2023, the
platform went into public beta and has since become available
Medical experts favor ChatGPT’s answers over those While not profoundly in-depth, this inventive and light-hearted
to everyone.
provided by a physician in 78.6% of cases. Patients feel less concept prompts users to contemplate their final chapter. As
comfortable (just 28% of US respondents to be exact). Pāṇini LLMs mature, companies that seize AI will have a potent tool Wishing for a body double is no longer an impossible longing,
can be a practitioner’s secret superpower, acting as a copilot to for understanding, engaging with and ultimately satisfying the it’s a promise! AI.XYZ redefines productivity by allowing
revolutionize precision while maintaining a human touch. needs of their audiences. consumers to offload robotic tasks to digital twins, leaving
more room for deeply human and creative work.
How can you blend human skills with machine How can you utilize AI to address sensitive How can your VIRTUAL COMPANION help
qualities? topics, easing hesitation or dread? consumers to offload mundane tasks?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Self-sustained living meets modern convenience
Striking balance between the luxury and
In an age of polycrisis, the need for a comforting, self-sustaining home
has never been greater. Solo dwellers and multi-generational households are
reviving interest in communal living and ‘pooling’ resources, as households
find themselves at higher risks of power outages and inflation continues to Off-grid engagement through familiar
drive up energy costs faster than the minimum wage. Off-grid living is an interfaces
increasingly affordable way of life that can support various lifestyles, with
no need to forgo modern comforts. In 2024, smart technologies can offer
convenience and self-sufficiency: monitoring supplies, managing resources
and providing remote access to work and healthcare. Home & Living brands
can dispel myths about the cost and effort of energy adjustments, promoting
a lifestyle that minimizes reliance on global supply chains.
Energy enterprise offers AI tool makes off-grid travel Sim helps create virtual
solar for all homes planning a walk in the park blueprints for off-grid living
Because of their price tag, solar systems are out of reach for many AdventureGenie uses AI to help travelers plan road trips. The In a Stardew Valley-like setting, Land Lab Simulator allows
consumers. In comes PosiGen. The US-based solar company US-based platform aims to make it easier for travelers to build users to create blueprints for going off-grid in real life. Drag-
leases its panels to consumers for a monthly fee with no upfront off-grid itineraries. Drawing on historical travel data and a list and-drop modules simulate circular systems like passive
expenses, aiming to make utility bill reductions greater than of 25,000 campsites, the tool considers individual interests houses, methane digesters and black soldier fly bins. Funded
monthly costs for a net benefit. Similar initiatives have been to suggest end-to-end trips. In July 2023, AdventureGenie on Kickstarter in July 2023 and developed by US-based Acorn
launched across continents. highlighted sites recommended by other users, who had Land Labs, the app also provides DIY building plans, calculates
already contributed 300,000 points of interest. costs and includes purchase links for supplies.
Nearly all (96%) consumers globally aimed to cut costs in 2023,
and their financial concerns are likely to carry through into While not everyone wants to (or can) go entirely off-grid, many With its pixel game approach, Land Lab Simulator provides
2024. Since the investment and perceived effort required to live will appreciate tools that make self-sufficient travel easier, easy-to-grasp guidance on implementing complex systems. By
autonomously are known obstacles, those closed wallets could and 71% of those surveyed want to travel to a destination off tapping into the popularity of cozy gaming, you can lower the
stall off-grid’s momentum. the beaten path. barriers to informed choices about off-grid anything.
What steps can you take to reduce financial How will you strike a balance between How can your brand leverage a familiar
barriers to off-grid living? the pleasure of travel and the (perceived) interface to similarly engage consumers?
inconvenience of off-grid?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Watchmaker’s traveling exhibition São Paulo bookstore Heineken marks its 150th birthday
celebrates craftsmanship and local artists focuses on immigrant stories with custom-designed textiles
Hekaya 1755 was an immersive 10-exhibition by Switzerland- Since the late 19th century, the Bom Retiro neighborhood October 2023 saw Heineken celebrate its 150th anniversary
based luxury watchmaker Vacheron Constantin. The early 2023 in São Paulo has been home to Italian, Jewish and Greek by partnering with Nigerian apparel brand Dye Lab on a
experience celebrated the maison’s long standing relationship migrants, recently followed by a strong Korean and Bolivian series of limited-edition fabrics made in the traditional Yoruba
with Saudi Arabia through a showcase of its latest timepieces, presence. Aiming to reflect the cultures and stories of that technique of wax-resist block prints. Referencing Heineken-
displayed on a decorative unit that captured the timeline of the diverse group, bookstore AIGO exclusively curates books inspired motifs, the fabrics were fashioned into garments
country's architecture. about or by immigrants. The shop opened in July 2023. modeled from the Nigerian agbada to overwhelmingly positive
Through its exhibit, the brand has created an opportunity for AIGO could become a potent tool for illuminating the richness
visitors to explore the intricacies of haute horlogerie through the of Brazil's blended society, capturing the lived experiences and Booming nations like Nigeria spell opportunities for global
lens of local traditions. Experiences like this embed brand values perspectives of immigrants in their own words. For the wider players to act on domestic pride. While any semblance of
and preserve heritage through the universal language of art, community, absorbing multidimensional stories of individual appropriation will backfire, with equal partnership pay-out, a
while also demonstrating technical mastery. migrants might be the most powerful way to counter anti- symbiotic cycle of cross-cultural enrichment can flourish.
immigrant narratives.
How can you turn your appreciation for cultural heritage How could your company promote intercultural Which symbols, traditions or regional
and craftsmanship into a communal experience? understanding? craftsmanship would make for a natural yet
unexpected fit with your brand identity?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Smartphone syncs with automaker's EVs Integration highlights relationship Uber introduces flight bookings in the UK
between sleep and metabolism
In September 2023, car manufacturer NIO unveiled a smartphone In May 2023, Uber introduced a new feature in the UK that
designed for compatibility with its EVs. The NIO Phone offers over In June 2023, Finland-based glucose-monitoring enables users to book flights directly through the Uber app.
30 car-specific features, including remote parking and vehicle platform Veri announced a partnership with sleep tech The functionality allows domestic and international flights to be
location tracking. Three available models, exclusively released in company Oura to highlight the relationship between booked, furthering Uber’s goal of providing a seamless door-
China, are priced between USD 890 to USD 1,030. metabolism and sleep quality. Owners of Veri’s glucose to-door travel solution. The app also offers features such as
monitoring wearable can sync their device with Oura’s smart price freeze, flight disruption guarantees and VIP support.
China’s electric vehicle market is thriving: approximately
ring for deeper insights into contributing factors to poor sleep,
6 million EVs were sold in the country in 2022, more than the The brand is pursuing a super app strategy, taking cues from
such as stress, late-night meals or alcohol consumption.
rest of the world combined. However, while NIO and other APAC successes like airasia and Grab. These apps appeal to
automakers like Polestar aim to elevate the EV experience, privacy Your product, while focused on one health issue, could and the 60% of global consumers seeking a single app that saves
concerns have arisen due to data collection efforts reportedly should also address related concerns. Embrace a holistic them time, data and money. See the city of Brussels or Dubai
aimed at improving UX. approach to broaden its impact and align more closely with Taxi for other travel examples.
the intricate web of consumer wellbeing. If you lack expertise,
consider collaborating like Veri and Oura did.
How can connected smart devices continue to enhance How will you ensure your tech is as How will you optimize your traveler’s journey
the EV experience while addressing privacy worries? interconnected as consumers' wellbeing? every (physical) step of the way?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Online giving boosted with AI styling service helps users Healthcare startup streamlines
AI-generated personal stories style items in their closets processes by reducing bureaucracy
In August 2023, software developer Blackbaud introduced a Cladwell is a US-based styling app that creates outfits for users Developed by Costa Rican healthcare
generative AI-powered Story Enhancer to JustGiving, a UK-based based on items already in their wardrobe. In July 2023, the startup Huli, HuliVida harnesses generative AI to centralize
online giving platform. The technology helps fundraisers create brand added a ChatGPT-based feature, Ask Cladwell, to offer patient data into one app or platform. This makes it easier
and share personalized stories – a task many find challenging but suggestions from prompts such as ‘Put together outfits inspired for users to save and share their medical information with
can significantly impact fundraising. by the Barbie movie’. According to Cladwell, the average user insurance providers, pharmacies, labs, patients and healthcare
adds 125 items to their virtual closet selected from up to 13 centers. HuliVida is available for free.
Over 850,000 fundraising pages were created on JustGiving
million available items in-app.
in 2022. Of these, 35% used the platform’s pre-written content, Huli consolidates patients’ medical records, streamlining
despite the fact that pages including a clear and personal Is Cher Horowitz’s digital wardrobe finally a reality? Cladwell communication among various parties, and reducing the
narrative netted 65% more in funding. Just don’t forget to infuse – and similar services like Indyx – align with luxury shoppers’ chances of information being overlooked. This not only
that content with a touch of personal authenticity: this will ensure shift towards more conscious consumerism by building outfits fosters simplicity regarding patient care but also accelerates
narratives resonate with donors. based on what users already own. information sharing. Can you take it one step further
and reduce medical jargon, too?
How can gen AI help time-poor fundraisers co-craft How will your brand leverage gen AI-powered How will you utilize new-age tech to
compelling content that increases donations? tools to extend the customer journey post- reduce (medical) bureaucracy and related
purchase? communication challenges?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Eco-initiatives take center stage in retail stores
Allaying consumer concerns with eco-
Greenwashing scandals and shrinkflation have strained consumer-retailer
relations. How to regain trust? Turn in-store shopping experiences into
eco theaters that clearly communicate green credentials and validate net-
zero pledges. This isn’t about an opportunity to sell more products or shift Giving physical spaces an entertaining eco-
the onus onto consumers via in-store repair centers and waste reduction overhaul
initiatives (although these remain important). Instead, it’s a chance to create
an entertaining physical shopping experience that is centered around eco-
education and makes shoppers part of your ongoing sustainability journey.
With the future of physical retail still under discussion, giving shoppers a
front-row seat to your GREEN THEATRE could give your brand the edge...
Footwear brand highlights shoes' Clean energy provider highlights Hotel cuts single-use plastics with
carbon impact with clever pop-up carbon impact with pop-up café atmospheric water generators
During July and August 2023, the London department store Smart energy provider Banpu NEXT has partnered In March 2023, Delta Hotels by Marriott in Dubai Investment
Selfridges showcased a climate-focused pop-up from footwear with Roots micro-roastery to introduce the Infinite Café, a clean Park announced that it had installed two of Airowater’s
brand Allbirds. The Carbon Concept Store labeled different energy pop-up café in Bangkok. Active from July to September Atmospheric Water Generators; appliances that transform
sneakers with varying-sized black spheres representing their 2023, the café generated its own electricity, implemented air humidity into drinkable water. Each appliance generates
respective carbon footprint. Allbird’s centerpiece was the entirely intelligent waste management, offered visitors transportation between 500 and 1,000 liters of water per day, which is
carbon-neutral M0.0NSHOT prototype, set to launch in Spring via electric tuk-tuk and highlighted the carbon emissions enough to supply the entire hotel. Glass water bottles
2024 mitigated with every coffee purchase. were placed across the complex, removing plastic from the
equation. The hotel claims it saves 11,000 kg of plastic for
Despite Allbirds promoting carbon footprint awareness since Consider that 15% of APAC consumers don’t buy sustainable
every 1,000 liters of water created.
2020, only a third of their customers can confidently explain the goods because of a lack of information, and when information
meaning of carbon. Playful visuals can grab attention, but the is available, it’s often conflicting or contradictory. This means If even something as elementary as drinking
challenge is ensuring you deliver a universally clear message. making eco-credentials the star of the show while highlighting water, sitting and sidewalks can be turned into a green
how you verified your claims. spectacle, you have no excuses.
How can you communicate with clarity and ensure How will you ensure you allay consumer What parts of your physical space could
your sustainability message means the same thing to concerns with your eco-performance? do with an entertaining eco-overhaul? No
every consumer? greenwashing allowed!
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
In September 2023, TikTok launched a global tool to help To help its users identify crypto scams, in September 2023, Launched in September 2023, ChatNetZero is an AI-powered
creators label their AI-generated content, making it easier the cryptocurrency exchange Swyftx launched an ‘earn and chatbot designed by a global consortium of scientists to
for creators to comply with TikTok’s Community Guidelines’ learn’ education platform. The Australia-based company is answer climate-related questions. The chatbot is built on
synthetic media policy, introduced earlier in 2023 to combat offering participants AUD 5 in Bitcoin upon completion of the credible reports and expert-verified data to decipher complex
misinformation. The platform also started testing automatic first course on fundamental analysis. Swyftx expects 80,000 nuances surrounding net zero and determine the credibility
labeling of AI-generated content. Australians to participate in the scheme. of decarbonization plans set by businesses, governments and
financial institutions.
Digital signatures and content labeling can’t come quickly History has shown that where verified advice is slow and
enough, and social media companies are well-placed to take absent, it leaves space for misinformation and disinformation Climate is another high-interest subject for disinformation due
action. Healthcare content such as diet, exercise and sexual health to grow quickly. In a volatile market like crypto, discerning fact to its emotive nature. As extreme weather events intensify,
has proven particularly problematic due to posts with high levels from fiction is essential. Especially knowing that fake news can so too does misinformation. However, many fact-checking
of reach containing inaccurate information and racial disparities. travel six times faster than the truth. tools are developed in English and disinformation in other
languages continues to go under the radar.
Can you target crucial information topics first to help How will you incentivize truth-seeking Can you use AI to detect and moderate
consumers find trustworthy, data-backed advice? behavior? disinformation or disseminate evidence-based
information in multiple languages?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Rebuilding trust with perks and add-ons
Combining tailor-made advice with practical
steps to inspire action
Rather than clipping their wings, price inflation appears to be driving
consumer interest in travel, with the top motivation being ‘to escape the
day-to-day’. However, some brands have been exposed, exploiting this
wanderlust to recoup pandemic losses, from skip-lagging crackdowns to non- Partnering to provide personalized EV services
inclusive deals and hotel ‘junk fees’. To reaffirm trust, hospitality brands
need to implement no-nonsense shortcuts and benefits that put consumer
needs first. Trust is a valuable asset within the industry and can provide rich
returns: 48% of consumers will buy add-ons if they trust a travel provider,
and 42% will consider upgrading their package. While reprimanded brands
make bashful apologies for errant behavior, others are introducing super-
practical features to show consumers who is on their side.
‘Cancel For No Reason’ policy App analyzes user photos to Automaker opens luxury
sees surge in hotel reservations provide home energy-saving tips charging lounges for EV drivers
With its ‘Cancel For No Reason’ policy, the India-based booking In October 2023, Dutch DIY retailer Praxis added a July 2023 saw luxury automaker Porsche open the first Porsche
platform ClearTrip gives vacationers the ability to receive a 'Sustainability Check' to its free app. The Praxis Plus app uses Charging Lounge. Using their Porsche ID, EV and plug-in
full refund on their booking right up until check-in, with no AI algorithms and image recognition to offer an action plan, hybrid drivers can access the lounge 24/7, which features
justification and at no extra cost to the consumer. Unveiled in required tools and step-by-step video tutorials for energy- charging points, refreshments, reading material, digital media,
September 2023, the feature spurred a 220% increase in hotel efficiency home improvements, based on just one photo of a wifi and a smart mirror for workouts. Situated in Germany, the
bookings. room in the user’s house. structure relies on clean energy from its rooftop solar panel.
Dynamic pricing models can make booking accommodation Faced with skyrocketing costs for gas and electricity, 96% of As EV infrastructure builds and drivers’ range anxiety
feel more akin to a game of Russian Roulette. Consider how you Dutch households took at least one measure to lower their decreases, charging providers need to differentiate themselves
can relieve anxiety from the booking process – particularly for energy bills last winter. In 2024, brands looking to promote with faster charging speeds, unique features, or competitive
the one-third of consumers globally who filter by ‘refundable sustainability measures must go beyond an AI hook, and pricing. Consider that cross-industry expectations are now
cancellation policies’. If you can’t offer a get-out clause, at least be seamlessly streamline the consumer journey from start to finish. manifesting inside the car.
transparent about when and why your prices fluctuate.
How can you display empathy throughout every How can you combine tailor-made advice with Could you partner with a non-mobility brand to
step of the customer journey? practical steps that turn overwhelm into action? leverage personalized services for EV drivers?
Which cross-industry opportunity
will you explore first?
Reducing electrical waste Skincare brand uses ChatGPT for Retailer’s generative AI tool
through recycling and repair therapist education and upskilling expedites corporate tasks
In May 2023, super-app Rappi announced a collaboration with To enhance professional training, UK-based skincare In August 2023, Walmart unveiled a generative AI tool
Microsoft to promote digital inclusion and economic progress in brand Dermalogica integrated a ChatGPT function to called My Assistant to 50,000 of its employees. Intended for
Latin America. The ‘Tech for All’ initiative provides free education complement its skin-care treatment manual, ‘Dermalogica: the US supermarket chain’s corporate employees, the tool
in digital literacy, entrepreneurship and business administration. The Book’. The AI integration offers an efficient and tailored accelerates draft writing, provides inspiration and summarizes
Available to all Rappi delivery workers, the program aims to reach approach for therapists to learn from the brand’s knowledge documents, aiming to help employees “work faster and more
over 350,000 individuals. bank about products, applications and salon setup. efficiently” rather than replace staff members.
Consider how you can combine traditional upskilling topics Using conversational AI to help experts dive into content and Large enterprises – like global consultancy firm McKinsey –
with digital literacy, as the unicorn startup does. The next learn is a prime example of how AI technology can empower are waking up to the productivity benefits of gen AI rolled
step? Extending that knowledge to people outside of your professionals instead of replacing them. Note that the out at scale. Implementing gen AI for all employees (not just
organization: Rappi offers course material to riders’ families, too. Dermalogica book is still available in its traditional web format, a select few) ensures SKILLS FOR ALL while assuaging tech
This is what scaling for impact looks like! ensuring the brand doesn’t force people into something they anxiety: 26% of US and UK workers are worried they will be
may not be ready to use. viewed as ‘lazy’ by colleagues for using AI.
How can you help break the cycle of limited How can you enrich in-house expert knowledge How can you tackle the negative perceptions of
opportunities as a result of digital illiteracy? with generative AI tools? gen AI-enabled tools?
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