Quarter 1 - Jan' - Mar'23
Quarter 1 - Jan' - Mar'23
Quarter 1 - Jan' - Mar'23
Q1. The Indian Army has handed over first- The broad categories: Focus on Women and
ever 3D printed houses for soldiers at which Marginalized section of community; Localised
city? Models; Sustainability; Cost Effective
(a) Leh (b) Ahmedabad solutions; Multi sectoral ideas and solutions
(c) Jaisalmer (d) Tawang Top 5 ideas will be rewarded with Rs. 2 Lakh
Ans: b eachAs per Railway Minister Ashwini
Vaishnaw, India will most likely get its first-ever
Explanation: Indian Army inaugurated first-
indigenous Hydrogen trains by December
ever two-storey 3-D printed dwelling unit at
Ahmedabad Cantt.
The dwelling unit has been constructed by the
Q4. In which state of India did the first IVF unit
Military Engineering Services (MES) in
for animals start?
collaboration with MiCoB Pvt. Ltd.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Bihar
incorporating the latest 3D Rapid Construction
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Gujarat
Ans: d
The disaster-resilient structures comply with
Zone-3 earthquake specifications and green Explanation: India got its first In vitro
building norms. fertilization (IVF) mobile unit for animals in
Gujarat's Amreli.
Q2. Which state commenced India’s first The mobile IVF lab was inaugurated by union
Nilgiri Tahr project? minister Purushottam Rupala.
(a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu The IVF mobile van was "dedicated in a joint
(c) Odisha (d) Karnataka venture of the Government of India and Amar
Ans: b Dairy."
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Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world Natak Akademi for her contribution to the folk
area wise after Russia, Canada, China, and the music of Bihar for 2021.
United States.
It covers almost half of the South American Q10. Which nation recently adopted Euro as
Continent. its currency?
60% of the Amazon rainforest which is (a) Croatia (b) Armenia
considered the lung of the earth lies in Brazil. (c) Belarus (d) Denmark
• Capital: Brasilia Ans: a
• Currency: Brazilian Real Explanation: Croatia has adopted the euro as
its currency with effect from 1 January 2023
Q7. How many people will be awarded the and become the 20th member of the
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards this year? eurozone.
(a) 12 (c) 27 • Croatia entered the EU in 2013.
(b) 20 (d) 25 • It becomes 27th country to join Schengen
Ans: c area.
Explanation: The 17th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas • Schengen Area: comprises 27 European
countries that have abolished all
Convention will be held in Indore, Madhya
passports and border control at their
respective mutual borders
Theme: “Diaspora: Reliable Partners for India’s • Eurozone: It is officially called the euro
Progress in Amrit Kaal”. area.
Guyana President Mohamed Irfaan Ali and • Croatia located in Balkan Peninsula.
renowned Canadian scientist Dr Vaikuntam • Capital: Zagreb
Iyer Lakshmanan are among 27 recipients • Currency: Euro
Q8. In which city does PM Modi inaugurate Q11. Who has won India’s first-ever silver
the 108th Indian Science Congress? medal in the FIDE World Blitz Chess
(a) Nagpur (b) Ahmedabad Championships in Almaty, Kazakhstan?
(c) Patna (d) Lucknow (a) Vaishali Rameshbabu
Ans: a (b) Koneru Humpy
Explanation: Theme 2023: Science and (c) Harika Dronavalli
Technology for Sustainable Development with (d) Tania Sachdev
Women Empowerment organised at Ans: b
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur Explanation: In the women's section of the
University. The first session of the Congress FIDE World Blitz Chess Championship held in
was held in 1914 Almaty, Kazakhstan.
• Koneru Humpy had won the World Rapid
Q9. Who has been appointed as the state icon Chess Championship 2019.
for Bihar by the Election Commission of India? • The men’s section was won by Magnus
(a) Shatrughan Sinha
• He became the first player in chess history
(b) Manoj Vajpayee
to hold the Classical chess world
(c) Maithili Thakur
championship, Rapid world
(d) Pawan Singh championship and the Blitz world
Ans: c Championship at the same time
Explanation: She will create awareness among
the voters for their participation in the Q12. The government of India has launched
electoral process. the ‘SMART’ programme to boost R&D in
She was recently selected for the Ustad Ayurveda. What does the S stand for in
Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar of the Sangeet SMART?
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(a) Smart (b) Science served as a director for Tata Sons, the Tata
(c) Scope (d) System Group's holding company.
Ans: c
Explanation: The National Commission for Q15. For which mission did Odisha win the
Indian System of Medicine (NCISM) and the UN-Habitat's World Habitat Awards 2023?
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic (a) Kaliya mission
Sciences (CCRAS) have launched ‘SMART’ (b) Biju Swastya Kalyan Yojana
program. (c) Amnesty scheme
• 'SMART' refers to ‘Scope for Mainstreaming (d) Jaga Mission
Ayurveda Research in Teaching Ans: d
Professionals’. Explanation: Odisha government’s slum
• Aim: To boost scientific research in priority improvement and land titling programme,
healthcare research areas through JAGA Mission has won the UN-Habitat’s World
Ayurveda colleges and hospitals. Habitat Awards 2023. This year it was awarded
• The program was launched by Vaidya Jayant the bronze medal.
Deopujari (Chairman, NCISM) and Prof. This is the second time after 2019 that the
Rabinarayan Acharya (DG, CCRAS). programme has received the UN-Habitat’s
World Habitat Award.
Q13. According to the Coffee Board of India, This award is given by World Habitat, a United
the total export of coffee from India rose by Kingdom -based organization, in partnership
how much percent to 4 lakh tonnes in 2022? with United Nation (UN)-Habitat, every year, in
(a) 1.50 % (c) 2.66 % recognition of innovative, outstanding, and
(b) 1.66 % (d) 3.50 % revolutionary ideas, projects, and programmes
Ans: b from across the world.
Explanation: Coffee Board of India mainly due
to the increase in instant coffee exports and re- Q16. Which country inaugurated the Pokhara
exports. Regional International Airport (PRIA), with
The total export in 2021 was at 3.93 lakh the support of China?
tonnes. (a) Sri Lanka
Italy, Germany and Russia are the major export (b) Bhutan
destinations for the Indian coffee. India (c) Nepal
exports both Robusta and Arabica varieties of (d) Bangladesh
coffee and also instant coffee. Ans: c
Coffee Board of India - head office at Bangalore Explanation: Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa
(1942). Kamal Dahal Prachand inaugurated the
country’s third international airport in Pokhara
Q14. R Krishnakumar passed away recently at built with Chinese assistance.
the age of 84. He was the former director of The Pokhara Regional International Airport
which company? (PRIA), a flagship project of Nepal-China Belt
and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation, was
(a) Adani Group
constructed with Chinese loan assistance.
(b) Tata Sons
(c) Reliance Industries Limited
Q17. Which state hosted the ‘National Scout
(d) Infosys Technologies
and Guide Jamboree’?
Ans: b
(a) Karnataka (c) Tamil Nadu
Explanation: R.K. Krishnakumar, a longtime
(b) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat
employee of the Tata Group and a trusted
Ans: b
advisor to Ratan Tata, fell away on Sunday
from a heart arrest in Mumbai. He was 84. He
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Explanation: The Boy Scout movement was There are 21 honours, including DSB Group
started by Major General Baden Powell of the CEO Piyush Gupta and US-based businessman
British Army in 1907. The girl’s guide’s Darshan Singh Dhaliwal.
movement was started by Major General
Powel sister’s Agnes Baden Powell in 1910 Q20. Which company has topped profit-
Bharat Scouts and Guides Movement making public-sector enterprises in 2021-22?
After Independence the Bharat Scouts and (a) BPCL (b) HPCL
Guides was set up in 1950 as a registered (c) BHEL (d) ONGC
society under Societies Registrations Act 1860. Ans: d
It is a totally voluntary, non-political and Explanation: According to the government of
secular organisation. The purpose of the India’s Public Enterprise survey 2021-22, ONGC
Movement is to contribute to the development was the top profit making central public sector
of young people in achieving their full physical, enterprises (CPSE) in 2021-22.
intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual • After ONGC the other most profit making
potentials as individuals, as responsible CPSE were Indian Oil Corporation, Power
citizens and as members of the local, national Grid, NTPC and SAIL.
and international communities. • The net profit of operating public sector
enterprises jumped 50.87 per cent to Rs 2.49
Q18. In which did Chief Minister's Residential lakh crore during 2021-22. It was Rs 1.65 lakh
crore in 2020-21.
Land Rights Scheme start?
• Major loss-making CPSEs were Bharat
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh
Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL), Mahanagar
(c) Haryana Telecom Nigam Ltd (MTNL), Air India Assets
(d) Punjab Holding Ltd, and Eastern Coalfields Ltd.
Ans: a
Explanation: Mukhyamantri Bhumi Adhikar Q21. __________ becomes the first country in
Yojna launched from Bakpura Panchayat of Asia and second in the world to launch
Tikamgarh district on 4 January 2023. Hydrogen powered Train.
The scheme will be launched in the entire (a) Pakistan (b) India
state. (c) China (d) Bangladesh
Each beneficiary family will be given a plot of Ans: c
about 600 square feet for construction of Explanation: Germany was the first country to
houses under various schemes including introduce hydrogen powered trains in
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. September 2022.
Chinese company CRRC Corporations ltd built a
Q19. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, who is a recipient train that has a top speed of 160 KM per hour
of Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award, is the and can run without refuelling for 600 Km.
President of which country?
(a) Israel (b) Guyana Hydrogen powered Trains
• Hydrogen is considered to be the green fuel
(c) Ukraine (d) UAE
of the future.
Ans: b
• The hydrogen fuel cell uses hydrogen and
Explanation: One of the 21 recipients of the air to generate electricity. The combination
17th Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Prize is of air and hydrogen will produce water as a
President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, the ninth by-product which is released by the Train.
President of Guyana (PBSA). • India is committed to achieve zero net
He will also attend the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas carbon emission by 2070.
Conference, which will be held in Indore this • Hydrogen Train in India
time. • As per Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw,
India will most likely get its first-ever
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The centre will help in improving crops in stop the expansionist thinking of a European
present climate scenarios and making them power.
more tolerant to changing environmental
conditions. It will also empower young Q29. India surpassed Japan in world ranking
researchers by providing them training and of automobile market. What is the rank of
guidance regarding its application in crops. India now?
(a) 1 (c) 3
What is Genome Editing? (b) 2 (d) 4
Genome editing, also known as gene editing, Ans: c
alters the deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) of an Explanation: In a major development, India
organism. These technologies allow genetic has surpassed Japan in terms of auto sales last
material to be added, removed, or changed at year to become the third-largest auto market
particular locations in the genome. globally for the first time.
India’s total sales of new vehicles stood at
Q27. Which start-up built the ‘AzaadiSAT’ around 4.25 million units, based on preliminary
results, topping the 4.2 million sold in Japan.
satellite, which is made by 750 school girls?
Maruti Suzuki, India’s largest carmaker
(a) Dhruv Aerospace (b) Pixxel
China continued to lead the global auto
(c) Space Kidz India (d) Astra
market, while US remained second.
Ans: c
Explanation: On February 10, the SSLV D2
Q30. Which of the following state of India has
launch vehicle of ISRO lifts out from
begun the International Kite Festival 2023?
Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh's Satish Dhawan
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat
Space Center. (ISRO attribution for photo) ISRO
(c) Rajasthan (d) Uttar Pradesh
spent months making modifications before
Ans: b
launching the SSLV D2 from Sriharikota today.
Explanation: In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, the
International Kite Festival 2023 got underway
Q28. Which state houses the world’s first
on January 8. Bhupendra Patel, the chief
Palm-leaf Manuscript Museum?
minister, opened the festival, which hasn't
(a) Karnataka (b) Kerala
been held in two years.
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Odisha
Ans: b
Q31. What’s the name of the first Kashmiri
Explanation: The museum, which is the world’s
Jhanpith awardee who died recently?
first of its kind, contains 187 manuscripts and
(a) Qurratulain Hyder
other artefacts related to the former
(b) Kedarnath Singh
Travancore kingdom from 650 AD until the end
(c) Rehman Rahi
of the 19th century. The museum gives a
(d) Ali Sardar Jafri
glimpse of the administrative, socio-cultural
Ans: c
and economic aspects of the Kingdom of
Explanation: First Jnanpith recipient from
Travancore. Apart from manuscripts, the
Kashmir, Rehman Rahi, dies at age 98.
museum also has information about the
At his home in the Nowshera region of
famous Battle of Colachel, in which the heroic
Kashmir, renowned poet Professor Rehman
king Anijam Tirunal Marthanda Varma (1729-
Rahi—the first recipient of the Jnanpith Award
58) of Travancore defeated the Dutch East
from Kashmir—passed away early on Monday.
India Company. Dutch expansion in India was
The well-known poet was 98 years old when he
halted by the victory of the Raja of Travancore
passed away.
in 1741, and under Marthanda Varma,
Travancore became the first state in Asia to
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Q32. Which Indian athlete has won the under- Q35. Who among the following has been
15 British open squash title recently? appointed as the new Managing Director and
(a) Dipika Pallikal CEO of Paytm Payments Bank?
(b) Krishna Mishra (a) Sachin Dixit (b) Trilok Sharma
(c) Advita Sharma (c) Vivek Arora (d) Surinder Chawla
(d) Anahat Singh Ans: d
Ans: d Explanation: The RBI approves Surinder
Explanation: Anahat Singh, an up-and-coming Chawla's appointment as managing director
squash player from India, won the girls under- and CEO of Paytm Payments Bank.
15 division of the renowned British Junior The Reserve Bank of India has given our
Open on Sunday. associate Paytm Payments Bank permission to
The 14-year-old defeated Sohaila Hazem of name seasoned banker Mr. Surinder Chawla as
Egypt 3-1 in the championship match. She was its new Managing Director (MD) and Chief
the youngest competitor from India at the Executive Officer (CEO).
2014 Commonwealth Games.
Q36. 75th Army Day will be organized in
Q33. Which Indian state has become the first which city this year?
fully digital banking state? (a) Bhopal (b) Pune
(a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Bangalore (d) Ahmedabad
(c) Gujarat (d) Karnataka Ans: b
Ans: a Explanation: On January 15, Bengaluru will
Explanation: Kerala is also the only State in celebrate the 75th anniversary of Army Day.
India that has declared ‘the right to Internet’ as The event is being run out of the national
a basic right of its citizens capital for the first time this season.
The ambitious Kerala Fibre Optic Network
(KFON) project of the state government was Q37. In which state will PM Modi inaugurate
announced recently. the 26th National Youth Festival on January
The K-FON will ensure internet facility to 12, 2023?
everyone in the state either for a cheaper price (a) Karnataka (b) Gujarat
or for free-of-cost. (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan
Ans: a
Q34. For many rupees, RBI will issue the Explanation: Karnataka Chief Minister
Sovereign Green Bonds? Basavaraj Bommai released the logo and
(a) 20,000 crores (b) 16,000 crores mascot of the National Youth Festival to be
(c) 5,000 crores (d) 10,000 crores held in Hubballi-Dharwad twin cities from the
Ans: b 12th to 16th of January in Karnataka.
Explanation: The Reserve Bank of India said The event was inaugurated by Prime Minister
that maiden Sovereign Green Bonds (SGrBs) Narendra Modi on 12th January 2023.
would be issued in two tranches of Rs 8,000 The theme - Vikasit Yuva-Vikasit Bharat.
crore each on January 25 and February 9.
The central government is issuing these Q38. The famous footballer Gareth Frank Bale
sovereign green bonds as part of its total who took retirement from football belongs to
market borrowing. which country?
These bonds are being issued to promote (a) France (b) England
green infrastructure. (c) Wales (d) Portugal
The Central Government had released the Ans: c
framework of Sovereign Green Bond on
9 November 2022.
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Q44. Where does India stand in the Henley sculpture. 15 of his sand art institute's pupils
Passport Index for 2023? helped him create this sculpture.
(a) 80 (b) 81
(c) 84 (d) 85 Q47. Where is India’s First Centre of
Ans: d Excellence in Online Gaming to be set up?
Explanation: Japan retained top position as the (a) Dehradun (b) Mumbai
most favourable passport in the world - visa- (c) Surat (d) Shillong
free entry to 193 global destinations. Ans: d
Japan is at the top for the fifth year in a row. Explanation: Digital India Startup Hub through
Singapore and South Korea are joint second in Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) will
the ranking, followed by Germany and Spain. set up India’s first centre of excellence for
Compared to last year India's position has
online gaming in Shillong by March
improved by two points. India is at 85th
The Center of Excellence in Shillong is expected
position in the ranking.
An Indian passport holder can travel visa-free to catalyse startups and entrepreneurs from
to 59 countries, although in 2022 the number India's Northeast to build the next generation
was 60. online gaming ecosystem.
MeitY will also set up a state-of-the-art facility
Q45. Who has been selected as the new Chief under the National Institute of Electronics and
Technologist of NASA? IT (NIELIT) in Shillong to impart training on
(a) AC Charania digital skills.
(b) Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar A 10-acre campus will soon be prepared for
(c) Raja Chari this.
(d) Soumya Swaminathan
Ans: a Q48. Who among the following was named as
Explanation: At NASA's headquarters in the president of the COP28 climate
Washington, A.C. Charania, the organization's conference?
new top technologist, advises Administrator (a) Shoukry bemoans
Bill Nelson on technology-related policies and (b) Sultan al-Jaber
initiatives. (c) Alok Kumar Sharma
He will guide technological advancement. (d) Carolina Schmidt
Ans: b
Q46. Renowned sand artist Sudarshan Explanation: The United Arab Emirates will
Patnaik has recently created the world’s host the 28th United Nations Climate Change
largest hockey sculpture on the banks of Conference (COP28), and Sultan Ahmed Al
which river in Odisha? Jaber has been appointed as its president
(a) Mahanadi River (UAE).
(b) Brahmani River Dubai will host the COP28 conference from
(c) Baitarani River November 30 to December 12, 2023.
(d) Subarnarekha River The UAE's Minister of Industry and High
Ans: a Technologies is presently Al Jaber (MOIAT). For
Explanation: Sudarshan Patnaik, a renowned a number of years, he has been the Special
sand artist, entered his enormous hockey stick Envoy for Climate Change.
sculpture into the India World Records. Moreover, he was the first CEO to be named
On January 10, Patnaik built a 105-foot-long President of the COP. One of the biggest oil
sand sculpture resembling a hockey stick on firms in the world, Abu Dhabi National Oil
the banks of the Mahanadi River in Cuttack. Company (ADNOC), is led by Sultan Al Jaber.
5,000 hockey balls were also part of the
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Q49. Who is the author of the book titled producer of turmeric in India. Maharashtra
Braving a Viral Storm: India’s COVID-19 produces two GI-tagged turmeric varieties
Vaccine Story? (Waigaon Turmeric, Sangli Turmeric)and one
(a) Aritra Banerjee and Suraj Sudhir GI-tagged chilli variety (Bhiwapur Chilli).
(b) Aashish Chandorkar and Suraj Sudhir • Coastal areas of Maharashtra are also known
(c) Sanjeev Sanyal and Aashish Chandorkar for the production of GI-tagged Kokum. The
(d) Sanjeev Sanyal and Aritra Banerjee state is one of the largest exporting hubs for
Ans: b spices.
Explanation: Health and Family Welfare • The first WSC was held in 1990 and has seen
Minister, Mansukh Mandaviya has officially 13 successful editions ever since in the past
launched the book titled Braving A Viral Storm: 3 decades.
India’s Covid-19 Vaccine Story.
It was co-authored by Aashish Chandorkar and Q52. Which of the following state has
Suraj Sudhir. organized ‘Ganga Sagar Mela’ on Makar
This book has explained the growth of India as Sankranti?
a self-sufficient nation where all sections of (a) Tripura (b) West Bengal
society contributed to fighting the pandemic. (c) Assam (d) Karnataka
Ans: b
Q50. India’s Fastest Payment App recently Explanation: Annually held on Sagar Island on
launched which is built on the cutting-edge the southernmost tip of West Bengal, to
technology of Web 3.0. What is the name of celebrate Makar Sankranti.
this app? The Gangasagar pilgrimage and fair is the
(a) PayBharat (b) PayRup second largest congregation of mankind after
(c) PayCash (d) PayDigital the triennial ritual bathing of Kumbha Mela.
Ans: b
Explanation: India's fastest payment app was Q53. The 28th edition of Sarang, India’s
launched on Saturday. PayRup is built by largest student-run festival has been
cutting-edge technology of web 3.0. It provides organized in which of the following IITs?
advanced digital payment experience with (a) IIT Guwahati (b) IIT Delhi
outstanding user experience. (c) IIT Madras (d) IIT Kanpur
Ans: c
Q51. In which city the 14th edition of the Explanation: The annual social and cultural
World Spice Congress (WSC) will be held from festival of IIT Madras is called Saarang, which is
16-18 February 2023? Sanskrit for "Chital" or "Spotted Deer," a
(a) Varanasi (b) New Delhi common sight on the campus. Typically held
(c) Bhubaneswar (d) Mumbai during the second week of the year, it is a 5-
Ans: d day festival. Saarang, which was established in
Explanation: The 14th edition of the World 1974, is the second-oldest college festival in
Spice Congress (WSC) is to be held in Mumbai India.
from 16-18 February 2023.
Objective – To open up newer opportunities to Q54. Vidisha, the first district for deployment
promote the international trade of Indian of innovative 5G use cases, is located in which
spices. The theme of the WSC 2023 is VISION state?
2030: S-P-I-C-E-S (Sustainability, Productivity, (a) Odisha (b) Madhya Pradesh
Innovation, Collaboration, Excellence and (c) West Bengal (d) Assam
Safety). The WSC is organized by the Spices Ans: b
Board of India. Maharashtra is one of the Explanation: Vidisha, an aspirational district of
leading states producing spices. It is the largest Madhya Pradesh became the first ever district
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in India for on ground deployment of The crown was presented to her by India’s
innovative 5G use cases offered by startups. Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu who had won in 2021
This feat has been achieved through a joint Only two Indians before Ms. Sandhu had won
initiative of Vidisha district administration and the title of Miss Universe - Sushmita Sen in
Center for Development of Telematics (C- 1994 and Lara Dutta in 2000.Divita Rai of India
DOT), Department of Telecom (DoT) under the reached the top 16, but she was unable to
guidance of Additional Secretary (Telecom) advance further. The first Miss Universe
and Administrator USOF. pageant was held in 1952 in Long Beach,
This has been accomplished to accelerate California. Armi Kuusela of Finland won the
digital transformation across socio-economic first Miss Universe title.
Q58. Who has bagged a gold medal in the 23rd
Q55. ‘Pineapple Express’ phenomenon, which National Sqay Championship?
was seen in the news, is related to which (a) Anahat Singh (b) Swasti Singh
field? (c) Falak Mumtaz (d) Anshika Singh
(a) Agriculture (b) Transport Ans: c
(c) Meteorology (d) Tourism Explanation: The 23rd National Sqay
Ans: c Championship was organized by the SQAY
Explanation: As the tail end of the atmospheric Federation of India and hosted by Jammu and
rivers, where the moisture is drawn into the Kashmir SQAY Association
atmosphere, starts near Hawaii and stretches J&K got 1st place in overall medal tally, Andhra
towards the U.S. West Coast, it is known as the Pradesh remained 2nd and Odisha clinched 3rd
place in the championship.
"Pineapple Express."
Sqay is an ancient traditional martial art of
It is a typical atmospheric occurrence that
looks like a moisture conveyor belt.
Q59. What is the name of the 21st edition of
Q56. Which district of Kerala has been the Naval Exercise between India and France?
considered the first Constitution Literate (a) Bongo Sagar (b) Varuna
District of India? (c) Naseem Al Bahr (d) Exercise Kakadu
(a) Wayanad (b) Kollam Ans: b
(c) Ernakulam (d) Kottayam Explanation: 21st edition of naval exercise
Ans: b VARUNA between India and France
Explanation: Kerala's Kollam becomes first • organized on the Western Seaboard from
constitution literate district in India. 16 -20 January 2023.
This achievement is the result of a seven- • It is the Bilateral Naval Exercise between
month long constitutional literacy campaign. India and France.
Under this campaign, more than seven lakh • This edition witnessed participation of
families of the district are being educated on indigenous guided missile stealth destroyer
the basic principles of the Constitution
INS Chennai, guided missile frigate INS Teg,
maritime patrol aircraft P-8I and Dornier,
integral helicopters and MiG29K fighter
Q57. Who has won the “Miss Universe 2023”
• It was initiated in 1993 and was christened
(a) Amanda Dudamel (b) Divita Rai
‘VARUNA’ in 2001.
(c) Andrina Martinez (d) R’Bonney Gabriel
Ans: d
Explanation: At the 71st Miss Universe
pageant organized in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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Q60. Which company bagged the Women’s Q 62. ISRO ‘Shukrayaan I’ mission to planet
IPL media rights recently? Venus reportedly shifted to ________.
(a) Viacom18 (b) Paytm (a) 2028 (b) 2029
(c) Disney Star (d) Sony (c) 2030 (d) 2031
Ans: a Ans: d
Explanation: Viacom 18 has won the bid for Explanation: ISRO 'Shukrayaan' mission to
the media rights for the Women’s IPL for Rs planet Venus reportedly shifted to 2031
951 crore for five years.
The auction for the T20 League was conducted Q63. Who among the following won the
by the Board of Control for Cricket in India Malaysia Open Super 1000 women’s singles
(BCCI) in Mumbai. titles?
BCCI will launch the Women's Indian Premier (a) Jia Yifan (b) Chen Qingchen
League in March 2023. (c) Akane Yamaguchi (d) Baek Hana
BCCI president: Roger Binny Ans:c
Explanation: Akane Yamaguchi and Viktor
Q61. What is the theme of the World Axelsen won the Malaysia Open Super 1000
Economic Forum 2023? Badminton women’s and men’s singles titles in
(a) Unity for World Health Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Yamaguchi, the
(b) Cooperation in a Fragmented World reigning world champion, registered a come-
(c) One World One Business Model from-behind win over world no. 4 An Se Young
(d) Cooperation for World Business Model to clinch the Super Series Premier title.
Ans: b Yamaguchi won her maiden Super Series
Explanation: The five-day annual meeting of Premier title at the China Open in 2017.
53rd edition of the World Economic Forum
(WEF) from16-20 January 2023 in Davos, Q64. In which state is the Korwa Ordnance
Switzerland. factory situated where the production of
Theme - ‘Cooperation in a Fragmented World’. Kalashnikov AK-203 assault rifles began?
Aim: To address the pressing issues the world (a). Uttar Pradesh (b). Maharashtra
is facing and promote innovative solutions (c). Gujarat (d). Madhya Pradesh
World Economic Forum (WEF) Ans:a
• WEF is a Swiss non-profit organisation. Explanation: The manufacturing of Kalashnikov
• Establishment: 1971 AK-203 assault rifles has recently started in
• Headquarters: Cologny (Switzerland). Amethi, Uttar Pradesh by an Indo-Russian joint
• Founder and Executive Chairman: Klaus venture.
Schwab. Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited plans to
Major reports published by WEF ensure 100 percent production of AK-203 rifles
• Global Gender Gap Report in India.
• Global Risk Report
India is the first country to start production of
• Global Travel and Tourism Report
the world famous brand AK-200-series assault
• Energy Transition Index (ETI)
• Global Competitiveness Report rifles. The AK-203 assault rifle is considered to
be the latest and most advanced version of the
AK-47 rifle. This variant will replace the Indian
Small Arms System (INSAS) 5.56×45mm assault
rifle, which is currently being used by the Army,
Navy and Air Force besides other security
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medal. He is pioneer in delivering high-quality Q74. Which of the following airport won the
microsurgical procedures in remote eye camps. prestigious “Best Sustainable Greenfield
Airport” award?
Q71. Who has been appointed as the director (a) Cochin International Airport
of the National Health Authority? (b) Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
(a). Dr. Indu Bhusan (c) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International
(b). Dr. R.S Sharma Airport
(c). Mukesh Kumar Khetan (d) Goa Manohar International Airport
(d). Praveen Sharma Ans:d
Ans:d Explanation: The New Goa Manohar
Explanation: For five years International Airport (MIA), built by the GMR
National Health Authority (NHA) is the apex Goa International Airport Ltd (GGIAL), a
body responsible for implementing India’s subsidiary of GMR Airports Infrastructure
flagship public health insurance/assurance Limited, won the prestigious “Best Sustainable
scheme called “Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Greenfield Airport” award under Aviation
Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana” under the Ministry Sustainability and Environment at ASSOCHAM
of Health & Family Welfare. 14th International Conference-cum-Awards for
Civil Aviation 2023 at New Delhi.
Q72. India is currently participating in an
international tourism trade fair. International Q75. NASA-JAXA Geotail Studied about
Tourism Fair FITUR 2023 held in? Earth’s Protective bubble in:
(a) Madrid (b) Barcelona (a) Exosphere (b) Mesosphere
(c) Seville (d) Bilbao (c) Stratosphere (d) Magnetosphere
Ans:a Ans:d
Explanation: India is currently participating in Explanation: After 30 years in orbit mission,
an international tourism trade fair in Madrid to NASA–JAXA Geotail spacecraft have signed off,
help expedite the recovery of the country's after the failure of the spacecraft’s remaining
inbound tourism to the pre-pandemic levels. data recorder. Since its launch on July 24, 1992,
Geotail orbited Earth, gathering an immense
Q73. ________ made history by becoming the dataset on the structure and dynamics of the
first Indian-American politician to be elected magnetosphere, Earth’s protective magnetic
as the lieutenant governor of the US state of bubble.
(a) Pratibha Singh Q76. Which institution releases the ‘Annual
(b) Roshni Sharma Status of Education Report (ASER)’?
(c) Ravena Prasad [A] NITI Aayog
(d) Aruna Miller [B] Pratham
Ans:d [C] Oxfam International
Explanation: Aruna Miller has scripted history [D] UNICEF
by becoming the first Indian-American Ans:B
politician to be sworn in as the Lieutenant Explanation: The Annual Status of Education
Governor in the state of Maryland, adjoining Report (ASER) 2022 has been released by the
the US capital. Aruna, 58, a former delegate to NGO Pratham. As per the report, student
the Maryland House, made history when the enrolments increased to more than pre-
Democrat became the 10th Lieutenant pandemic levels. The report however warned
Governor of the state. that the learning gap widened for foundational
skills in reading and arithmetic, reversing
several years of improvement.
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Q77. To whom Director-General of UNESCO, Q80. India’s first Made In India mobile
Audrey Azoulay has decided to dedicate the operating system “BharOS” has been
2023 International Day of Education (January successfully tested in which IIT institution?
24)? (a). IIT Delhi (b). IIT Madras
(a) To Afghan girls and women (c). IIT Mumbai (d). IIT Varanasi
(b) To Syrian girls and women Ans:b
(c) To Yemen girls and women Explanation: The government successfully
(d) To women who are living in wartime tested "BharOS," a homegrown smartphone
Ans:a operating system created by the Indian
Explanation: UNESCO dedicates the 2023 Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT). New
International Day of Education to Afghan girls mobile operating system BharOS has a strong
and women. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General emphasis on security and privacy. A mobile
of UNESCO, has decided to dedicate the 2023 operating system, such as Android by Google
International Day of Education (January 24) to or iOS by Apple, is a piece of software that
Afghan girls and women. serves as the main user interface on a
Q78. What is the name of the fifth Kalvari class
submarine inducted into the Indian Navy? Q81. How many students have been awarded
(a). INS Kalvari (b). INS Vagir the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar?
(c). INS Khanderi (d). INS Vela (a). 09 (b). 10
Ans:b (c). 11 (d). 12
Explanation: ndian Navy is set to commission Ans:c
the fifth Kalvari class submarine Vagir on 23 Jan Explanation: The President of India, Smt.
2023. The Chief of the Naval Staff Adm R Hari Droupadi Murmu conferred the Pradhan
Kumar will be the Chief Guest for the Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) 2023 to
ceremony. These submarines are being built in 11 exceptional children in an award ceremony
India by the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders held on January 23, 2023. PMRBP - 2023 was
Limited (MDL) Mumbai, under collaboration conferred upon children selected from all
with M/s Naval Group, France. regions of the country for their exceptional
achievement in the field of Art and Culture (4),
Q79. India is set to start supplying diesel to Bravery (1), Innovation (2), Social Service (1),
which country through a Friendship pipeline? and Sports (3). Out of the 11 awardees, 5 are
[A] Japan [B] Nepal Girls and 6 are boys.
[C] Sri Lanka [D] Bangladesh
Ans:d Q82. Who won the women’s singles final in
Explanation: The India-Bangladesh Friendship the India Open Badminton Championship?
pipeline (IBFPL) will start supplying diesel to (a) An Seyoung (b) Akane Yamaguchi
Bangladesh on an experimental basis for June (c) Chen Qingchen (d) Jia Yifan.
this year. Ans:a
About 131.5 kilometre long pipeline is funded Explanation: Korean sensation an
by India. Out of this, 126.5 kilometre pipeline is Seyoung wins the women's singles final in the
in Bangladesh and 5 kilometre line is in India. India Open Badminton Championship held at
The international pipeline will carry diesel from D. Jadhav Indoor Stadium in New Delhi. An
the Siliguri based marketing terminal of the Seyoung defeated the World No. 1 Japanese
Numaligarh Refinery Limited to Parbatipur Akane Yamaguchi 15-21, 21-16, and 21-12 at
depot of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation the India Open Badminton Championship.
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Q83. Which armed force started the ‘Ops [A] Kazakhstan [B] Italy
Alert’ exercise to enhance security? [C] Israel [D] India
[A] Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force Ans:a
[B] Border Security Force Explanation: According to FIDE's calendar, the
[C] Central Railway Protection Force first game of the 2023 World Chess
[D] Central Industrial Security Force Championship will take place on April 9, 2023,
Ans:B with the match going as far as April 30 in case
Explanation: The Border Security Force has it goes to tiebreakers. On January 19, FIDE
started an "Ops Alert'' exercise to enhance announced that the World Championship will
security along the India-Pakistan border in happen in Astana, the capital city of
Kutch district of Gujarat and Barmer in Kazakhstan.
Rajasthan in view of the upcoming Republic
Day celebrations. Q87. What is the name of the World’s first
intranasal COVID-19 vaccine?
Q84. Chris Hipkins has sworn in as the Prime (a). iNNCOVACC (b). COVAXIN
Minister of which country? (c). HNVAC (d). Comvac 5
[A] France [B] Australia Ans:a
[C] New Zealand [D] Brazil Explanation: World’s first intra-nasal vaccine
Ans:c for COVID developed by India has got approval
Explanation: New Zealand’s former minister from the Central Drugs Standard Control
for COVID-19, Chris Hipkins has been Organisation (CDSCO) for restricted use in
confirmed as the country’s next prime minister. emergency situations in the age group of 18
Hipkins was the only candidate to replace and above. The vaccine, called iNCOVACC, has
Jacinda Ardern, who announced she was been developed by Hyderabad-based
resigning after more than five years as the pharmaceutical company Bharat Biotech and is
Prime Minister. He will have less than nine India's first indigenously made nasal Covid-19
months before contesting a general election. vaccine.
Q85. Which state has received Subhash Q88. Who has been named Women’s
Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Puraskar- Emerging Cricketer of the Year 2022?
2023 for excellence in disaster management (a) Harleen Deol
for the year 2023? (b) Harmanpreet Kaur
(a) Maharashtra (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Renuka Singh
(c) Odisha (d) Andhra Pradesh (d) Smriti Mandhana
Ans:c Ans:c
Explanation: Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Explanation: India pacer Renuka Singh
Prabandhan Puraskar winner for 2023 are- Thakur was named as the Emerging Women's
Odisha State Disaster Management Authority Cricketer of the Year 2022 by the world
(OSDMA) and governing body, International Cricket Council
Lunglei Fire Station (LFS), Mizoram (ICC). Thakur, 26, emerged as India's primary
Both Odisha State Disaster Management seam bowler last calendar year with veteran
Authority (OSDMA) and Lunglei Fire Station Jhulan Goswami stepping aside.
(LFS), Mizoram have been selected in the
Institutional category for their excellent work Q89. The Monument Mitra scheme was
in Disaster Management. transferred from the Ministry of Tourism to
which Ministry?
Q86. Which country is the host of the ‘FIDE [A] Ministry of Culture
World Championship 2023’? [B] Ministry of Home Affairs
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the Financial Years 2022-23 to 2025-26 Q98. Who is the President of the World
with financial allocation of Rs. 4800 Crore. Bank, who announced his resignation
Comprehensive development of villages of before the end of his five-year term?
blocks on northern border thus improving (a) Ben S. Bernanke
the quality of life of people living in (b) David Malpass
identified border villages. This will help in (c) Jim Yong Kim
encouraging people to stay in their native (d) Kenneth Rogoff
locations in border areas and reversing the Ans: b
outmigration from these villages adding to Explanation: David Malpass announced his
improved security of the border. resignation nearly a year early. He ending a
tenure at the head of the development
Q96. Which company has recently lender that was clouded by questions over
launched India's first ChatGPT-powered AI his climate stance. The veteran of
Chatbot ‘Lexi’? Republican administrations in the United
(a) Axio (b) Lentra States was appointed to the role in 2019
(c) Velocity (d) Razorpay when Donald Trump was president and
Ans: c previously served as Under Secretary of
Explanation: Lexi, a ChatGPT-powered AI the Treasury for international affairs.
chatbot, has arrived in India. Velocity, a Malpass’s term would have originally
financial technology firm, launched the ended in 2024.
chatbot to assist e-commerce owners by
presenting them with business information Q99. Which Indian American has been
in a simplified manner. Velocity insights, selected as the new CEO of YouTube?
Velocity’s proprietary analytics platform, (a) Shantanu Narayan
has been linked with the chatbot. (b) Neal Mohan
(c) George Kurian
Q97. India’s which tech-startup (d) Raj Subramaniam
showcased Solar Power Drone ‘Suraj’ at Ans: b
Aero India 2023 show? Explanation: Indian-American Neal Mohan
(a) Alpha Design Technologies appointed as the new CEO of YouTube. He
(b) Garuda Aerospace will replace the current head, Susan
(c) Ideaforge Technology Wojcicki.
(d) Drone Acharya Aerial Innovation
Ans: b Q100. K Satyanarayana Raju has been
Explanation: Drone startup Garuda appointed as the new MD and CEO of
Aerospace has unveiled its solar-powered which bank?
drone “SURAJ”, designed specifically for (a) State Bank of India
surveillance operations, at Aero India (b) Axis Bank
2023. SURAJ is an ISR (intelligence, (c) Yes Bank
surveillance, reconnaissance) high-altitude (d) Canara Bank
drone designed specifically for surveillance Ans: d
operations. Recently, Garuda Aerospace Explanation: Canara bank appoints as the
had raised USD 22 Million, the “largest new MD and CEO. He has replaced L V
ever” Series A funding in the drone sector. Prabhakar, who resigned on 31 December
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Q101. Who has been awarded the Golden development. Permanent Representative
Book Awards 2023 for the book ‘Now You of India to the United Nations, Ambassador
Breathe’? Ruchira Kamboj expressed gratitude on
(a) Amartya Sen behalf of India. “It is an honor for me to be
(b) Rakhi Kapoor elected, on behalf of India, as Chair of the
(c) Shashi Tharoor 62nd session of the Commission for Social
(d) Chetan Bhagat Development,” said the Ambassador.
Ans: b
Explanation: Rakhi Kapoor has been Q104. With whom did AICTE collaborate
awarded the most awaited Golden Book to launch the national-level hackathon
Awards 2023 for her book Now You 'Kavach-2023'?
Breathe - Overcoming Toxic Relationships (a) IIT Delhi
and Abuse in the category Powerful (b) Bureau of Police Research and
Relationship Guide. The Golden Book Development
Awards is one of Asia's prestigious award (c) Central Bureau of Investigation
programs which celebrates best works on (d) UIDAI
literature. Ans: b
Explanation: A national-level hackathon,
Q102. Who won the Kenya Ladies Open KAVACH-2023 was launched in New Delhi
title 2023 golf tournament held at Vipingo to identify innovative ideas and
Ridge, Kenya? technological solutions for addressing the
(a) Aditi Ashok cybersecurity and cybercrime challenges of
(b) Diksha Dagar the 21st century. A 36-hour long event
(c) Nelly Korda participated by youth from educational
(d) Anirban Lahiri institutions and registered start-ups. This
Ans: a Hackathon was jointly conducted by AICTE,
Explanation: Indian golf player, Aditi Ashok the Bureau of Police Research and
clinched her fourth Ladies European Tour Development, and the Indian Cyber Crime
(LET) title at the Kenya Ladies Open 2023 Coordination Centre. Chairman, AICTE: T G
golf tournament held at Vipingo Ridge, Sitharam
Kenya. She last won a Ladies European
Tour golf tournament in 2017. Q105. What is the name of the new AI
chatbot introduced by UIDAI recently?
Q103. Which country has been made (a) ‘Aadhar Sahyogi’
elected chair of the 62nd session of the (b) ‘Aadhar Mitra’
UN Commission? (c) ‘Aadhar Sathi’
(a) Germany (d) ‘Aadhar Madad’
(b) Canada Ans: b
(c) Australia Explanation: The Unique Identification
(d) India Authority of India (UIDAI) has recently
Ans: d launched a chatbot to help people get an
Explanation: India has been elected as the answer to their queries related to the
Chair of the 62nd Session of the Aadhaar card. It is called “Aadhaar Mitra”.
Commission for Social Development on 15 The Artificial Intelligence/Machine
February 2023. The announcement was Learning (AI/ML)-a based chatbot can
made at the 13th plenary meeting-61st answer queries related to Aadhaar
session of the commission for social enrolment number, PVC Card order status,
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and complaint status, among other things. Explanation: Union MoS, Science and
It is available in both English and Hindi Technology, Jitendra Singh announced that
languages. North India's first nuclear power plant
would be set up in Gorakhpur in Fatehabad
Q106. Which state’s chief minister has district, Haryana. The plant will be built on
launched the 6th phase of Sujalam- 560 hectares of land. Aim: To generate
Sufalam Jal Abhiyan at Khoraj? 2800 MW. The first phase will be
(a) Uttar Pradesh completed by 2025 and the second by
(b) Gujarat 2028. The project will be built at an
(c) Rajasthan estimated cost of Rs 20,594 crores
(d) Maharashtra
Ans: b Q109. Who has been appointed by UNICEF
Explanation: The sixth phase of Sujalam- India as its National Ambassador?
Sufalam Jal Abhiyan has been started in (a) Shatrughan Sinha
Gujarat on 17th February 2023. The state- (b) Rohit Sharma
wide campaign was launched by the (c) Amitabh Bachchan
Gujarat CM, Bhupendra Patel at Khoraj in (d) Ayushmann Khurrana
Gandhinagar. Aim: To raise the Ans: d
groundwater level and maximize the use of Explanation: UNICEF India Names
rainwater. This phase will be held for 104 Ayushmann Khurrana as Its National
days and continue till 31st May 2023. Ambassador for Child Rights. UNICEF India
works to promote and protect the rights of
Q107. The European Union recently children across the country. The
planned to ban the sale of gas and diesel partnership of UNICEF with India began in
cars. The ban will come into effect from 1949. The Ministry of Women and Child
which year? Development is a nodal agency in India.
(a) 2026
(b) 2030 Q110. Which country won the bronze
(c) 2035 medal in the Badminton Asia Mixed Team
(d) 2040 Championship?
Ans: c (a) India
Explanation: In a move to boost the (b) China
transition to electric vehicles (EVs), the (c) South Korea
European Parliament has approved the law (d) Malaysia
to ban the sale of new gas and diesel cars Ans: c
in the EU, starting in 2035. The new Explanation: India secured bronze in the
legislation sets the path towards zero CO2 Badminton Asia Mixed Team
emissions for new passenger cars and light Championship 2023. Held at the Dubai
commercial vehicles in 2035. Exhibition Centre in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) from 14 to 19 February
Q108. North India's first nuclear power 2023. Treesa Jolly and Gayatri Gopichand
plant will be set up in which state? won the Women’s Doubles. While team
(a) Himachal Pradesh China won the Gold medal, South Korea
(b) Punjab won the Silver medal.
(c) Haryana
(d) Uttarakhand
Ans: c
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Imazu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Soldiers Q119. What is the name of the indigenous
from the Garhwal Rifles Regiment of the data link communication developed by
Indian Army and an infantry regiment from the Indian Navy?
the Japan Ground Self Defense Force (a) Vayulink
(JGSDF) are participating in the exercise (b) Rakshalink
this year. (c) Radiolink
(d) Commlink
Q117. Soil Health Card Day is observed Ans: a
every year on which day? Explanation: Vayulink is an ad-hoc data
(a) 21 February link communication system that, when
(b) 20 February installed on an aircraft, transmits
(c) 23 February encrypted traffic data over a secure
(d) 19 February channel as well as the position of other
Ans: d aircraft. The jammer-proof platform
Explanation: India celebrates Soil Health 'Vayulink' data link communication uses
Card Day on February 19 every year to the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite
remember the beginning of the Soil Health System (IRNSS), also known as NAVIC.
Card (SHC) Scheme and to raise awareness
of its advantages. The seventh year from Q120. Gulab Chand Kataria took oath as
the SHC Scheme’s inception is 2022. Every the 31st Governor of which state?
two years, all farmers are to receive soil (a) Assam
health cards as part of the programme. The (b) Meghalaya
Soil Health Card (SHC) Scheme was (c) Gujarat
introduced by Prime Minister Narendra (d) Bihar
Modi on February 19, 2015, at Suratgarh, Ans: a
Rajasthan. Explanation: Gulab Chand Kataria,
Governor of Assam
Q118. Which state/UT is expected to be
the most climate-vulnerable region in Q121. Who has been selected by the BCCI
India, as per a recent report? as the title sponsor of the Women's
(a) Bihar Premier League?
(b) New Delhi (a) Tata Group
(c) Uttarakhand (b) Jio
(d) Maharashtra (c) Master Card
Ans: a (d) Dream 11
Explanation: As per the XDI’s Gross Ans: a
Domestic Climate Risk report, the Explanation: TATA Group has bagged the
economies of India, China and the US will title rights for the Women's Premier
witness the worst impact of the climate League (WPL) 2023. The first match of WPL
change. This report revealed that 14 Indian 2023 began between Gujarat Giants and
states will remain within the top 100 most Mumbai Indians on March 4 at the DY Patil
climate-risk prone territories among more Stadium. Five teams: Delhi Capitals,
than 2,600 regions in the world by 2050. Gujarat Giants, Mumbai Indians, Royal
Bihar, with a global ranking of 22, is Challengers Bangalore & UP Warriorz.
expected to be the most climate-
vulnerable region in India by 2050.
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Q123. In which state did the Indian Premier League. The franchise confirmed
Railways recently complete the the development on Thursday on its official
electrification of all broad-gauge routes? Twitter account. Markram joined SRH in
(a) Madhya Pradesh the 2022 edition of the league and was one
(b) Assam of the side's most consistent performances
(c) Bihar in an otherwise indifferent season for the
(d) Uttar Pradesh team, as it finished eighth in the table.
Ans: d
Explanation: Indian Railways achieves a Q126. Who has been appointed as the
significant milestone with electrification of new coach of the Indian boxing team?
entire Broad Gauge Network in Uttar (a) Devendro Singh
Pradesh. This will improve rail connectivity (b) Dmitry Dmitruk
in the region and will improve the speed of (c) Josh Taylor
trains in the region. With this achievement, (d) Dmitry Bivol
Indian Railways has completed Ans: b
electrification of BG routes in six zonal Explanation: Veteran boxing coach Dmitry
railways namely, East Coast Railway, North Dmitruk was roped in by the Boxing
Central Railway, North Eastern Railway, Federation of India (BFI) as India’s foreign
Eastern Railway, South Eastern Railway, coach on a two-year contract. He served as
West Central Railway. the high-performance coach in Ireland for
the last 12 years. He will work with both
Q124. Which has become the first US city men and women boxers alongside the
to ban Caste Discrimination? Indian coaches.
(a) New York
(b) Seattle Q127. The Churchgate railway station in
(c) Boston Mumbai is named after ____________.
(d) San Francisco (a) Manmohan Singh
Ans: b (b) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Explanation: Seattle has become the first (c) P. V. Narasimha Rao
city in the US to bring in legislation banning (d) CD Deshmukh
caste-based discrimination. Introduced in Ans: d
the Seattle City Council by member Explanation: Recently Maharashtra Chief
Kshama Sawant (District 3, Central Minister Eknath Shinde has passed a
Seattle), the legislation was passed resolution to rename the Churchgate
Tuesday with a 6-1 vote. railway station in Mumbai after CD
Deshmukh, the first governor of the
Q125. Who has been appointed as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). He was
new Captain of Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) knighted by the British government in 1944
ahead of IPL 2023? and awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's
(a) Mayank Agarwal highest civilian award, in 1959.
(b) Bhuvneshwar Kumar
(c) Aiden Markam Q128. Anusuiya Uikey was sworn in as the
(d) David Warner 16th Governor of which state?
Ans: c (a) Tripura
Explanation: The Sunrisers Hyderabad (b) West Bengal
announced South Africa's Aiden Markram (c) Assam
as their new captain for the 2023 Indian (d) Manipur
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Explanation: 12th World Hindi Conference Explanation: India is the world's largest
to be held in Nadi, Fiji in February 2023. milk producer, contributing 24 per cent to
The Minister of State for External Affairs V global milk production in the year 2021-22,
Muraleedharan has announced at an event according to production data from the
in New Delhi on 27 October 2022 that the Food and Agriculture Organization
12th World Hindi Conference will be held Corporate Statistics Database (FAOSTAT).
in Nadi, Fiji from 15-17 February 2023. India's milk production has registered a
growth of 51 per cent during the last eight
Q134. Which of the following company years - 2014-15 and 2021-22.
has launched #DigitalSuraksha campaign
in partnership with MeitY? Q137. Which neighbouring country of
(a) Microsoft India partnered with Russia for
(b) Apple developing nuclear power?
(c) Adobe (a) Sri Lanka
(d) Meta (b) Nepal
Ans: d (c) Myanmar
Explanation: Meta Launches (d) Bangladesh
#DigitalSuraksha campaign in partnership Ans: c
with MeitY for the G20 campaign. The Explanation: Myanmar's military-led
resources will cover themes like, Tackling government, working with Russia's state
online frauds; How to report harmful atomic energy company, has inaugurated a
content; Safety tips while interacting nuclear power information centre as a step
online and more. toward developing atomic power to fill
energy shortages in the strife-torn
Q135. The World Government Summit Southeast Asian nation.
2023 is set to begin in which city?
(a) New Delhi Q138. Which Union Ministry launched the
(b) Dubai ‘Digital Payments Utsav’?
(c) Paris (a) Ministry of Finance
(d) Tokyo (b) Ministry of Electronics and Information
Ans: b Technology
Explanation: World Government Summit (c) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
2023 to begin on February 13 in Dubai. The (d) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
World Government Summit 2023 is set to Ans: b
begin on February 13th in Dubai. The Explanation: Ashwini Vaishnaw, Minister
Summit will be held under the theme of of Electronics and Information Technology,
"Shaping Future Governments". launched a comprehensive campaign plan,
'Digital Payments Utsav, in New Delhi.
Q136. As per FAO recent database, which Digital Payments Utsav, has been planned
country ranked first in milk production this year to promote Digital Payments
across the world? across the country and to celebrate the
(a) Brazil ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ and G20
(b) India Presidency. Digital Payment Sandesh Yatra
(c) China was also flagged off to make citizens aware
(d) Argentina of digital payment solutions. DigiDhan
Ans: b awards were presented to banks that
perform well in digital payments.
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Q139. Which Indian state topped the line with ‘Make in India, Make for the
medal tally in the 5th Khelo India Youth World’ vision for a secure and prosperous
Games? future.
(a) Haryana
(b) Tamil Nadu Q142. The World Government Summit
(c) Maharashtra 2023 is set to begin in which city?
(d) Madhya Pradesh (a) New Delhi
Ans: c (b) Dubai
Explanation: Maharashtra topped the (c) Paris
medal tally. Khelo India Youth Games: In (d) Tokyo
the Khelo India Youth Games - 2022, Ans: b
Maharashtra was the overall champion by Explanation: The World Government
securing a total of 161 medals including 56 Summit 2023 is set to begin on 13th
gold, 55 silver and 50 bronze medals. February 2023 in Dubai. The World
Government Summit will be held under the
Q140. Who has been appointed as the theme of “Shaping Future Governments”.
new Lieutenant Governor of the Union It will bring together global thought
Territory of Ladakh? leaders, global experts, and decision-
(a) Gulab Chand Kataria makers to share and contribute to the
(b) Fagu Chauhan development of tools, policies, and models
(c) Ramesh Bais that will be critical in shaping future
(d) Dr B.D. Mishra governments.
Ans: d
Explanation: BD Mishra, a former brigadier Q143. Who is appointed as the new
of the Indian Army, and present Governor governor of Maharashtra?
of Arunachal Pradesh, has been appointed (a) Gulab Chand Kataria
as the LG of Ladakh. (b) Acharya Devvrat
(c) Ramesh Bais
Q141. PM Modi inaugurated Asia's (d) C.P. Radhakrishnan
biggest aero show “Aero India 2023”, Ans: c
what is its theme? Explanation: Ramesh Bais was appointed
(a) ‘The Runway to Billion Opportunities’ as the new Governor of Maharashtra after
(b) ‘Aero Show for Billion Opportunities’ the resignation of Bhagat Singh Koshyari.
(c) ‘The Runway of Atmanirbhar Bharat’ Bhagat Singh Koshyari stepped down after
(d) ‘Trade Expo & Defense Expo Show’ a sour relationship with Maha Vikas Aghadi
Ans: a (MVA) government led by Uddhav
Explanation: Prime Minister Shri Narendra Thackeray. Ramesh Bais has earlier served
Modi inaugurated the 14th edition of Asia’s as the Governor of Jharkhand. President
biggest aero show - Aero India 2023 – at Air Droupadi Murmu accepted the resignation
Force Station, Yelahanka in Bengaluru on of Bhagat Singh Koshyari.
February 13, 2023. The five-day event, on
the theme ‘The runway to a billion Q144. President of India Inaugurated the
opportunities’, will showcase India’s 2nd Indian Rice Congress at ______.
growth in aerospace and defence (a) Vishakhapatnam
capabilities. It will display indigenous (b) Kolkata
equipment/technologies and forge (c) Mumbai
partnerships with foreign companies, in (d) Cuttack
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Ans: d
Explanation: The 2nd Indian Rice Congress Explanation: Saudi female astronaut Rayna
2023 was inaugurated in Cuttack by Barnawi will join Saudi Ali Al-Qarni on a 10-
President Droupadi Murmu in the day mission to the International Space
presence of Odisha Governor Prof. Ganeshi Station (ISS) this year.
Lal, Union Minister of Agriculture and aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft as part
Farmers Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar, of a mission by American privately funded
and Odisha Minister of Agriculture and space infrastructure developer private
Farmers Empowerment, Fisheries, and space company Axiom Space .
Animal Resource Development, Ranendra will be launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9
Pratap Swain. President Murmu informed rocket from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's
that India is the leading consumer and Kennedy Space Center in Florida, America.
exporter of rice, for which a lot of credit
goes to the institute, but when the country Q147. Which IIT’s student from India has
became independent, the situation was won the Gold Medal at the World
different. Government Summit in Dubai?
(a) IIT Varanasi
Q145. Which country has declared (b) IIT Indore
National Emergency in view of Cyclone (c) IIT Mumbai
Gabriel? (d) IIT Delhi
(a) Indonesia Ans: b
(b) Australia Explanation: The World Government
(c) New Zealand Summit 2023 began on 13th February 2023
(d) Philippines in Dubai.
Ans: c Theme - “Shaping Future Governments”
Explanation: The New Zealand The World Government Summit is a global
government has declared a National State forum held annually in Dubai, that brings
of Emergency for just the third time in together leaders in government, business,
history as Cyclone Gabrielle causes wide technology, and civil society to discuss
spread flooding, landslides and huge ocean pressing issues facing humanity and to
swells across the North Island. Kieran shape the future of governments
McAnulty, the minister for Emergency worldwide.
Management, said in a statement on
Tuesday that widespread damage caused Q148. Which state/UT is the host of
by this cyclone means a National ‘India’s First Frozen Lake Marathon’?
declaration was needed to support those (a) Sikkim
impacted. (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Ladakh
Q146. Who is the first female astronaut (d) Uttarakhand
from Saudi Arabia who will be sent on an Ans: c
International Space Station mission? Explanation: LAHDC Leh in collaboration
(a) Jessica Meir with Adventure Sports Foundation of
(b) Rayyana Barnawi Ladakh (ASFL) organised India's first and
(c) Nora Al Matrooshi the World'sHighest Frozen Lake Half
(d) Jasmin Moghbeli Marathon at Frozen Pangong Lake, which
Ans: b witnessed the participation of around 75
runners from across the world.
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sites during the ceremonial parade at Honours by NISAU UK, in partnership with
Kartavya Path on January 26. the British Council in India and the UK’s
Department for International Trade (DIT),
Q160. According to the IMF World celebrate the achievements of Indian
Economic Outlook report, what is India’s students who studied at British universities
growth rate in 2023? and the Lifetime Achievement Honour is a
(a) 7.1% (b) 6.9% nod to Dr Singh’s academic achievements
(c) 7.0% (d) 6.1% at the Universities of Oxford and
Ans: d Cambridge.
Explanation: Growth in India is set to
decline from 6.8% in 2022 to 6.1% in 2023 Q163. How much money has been
before picking up to 6.8% in 2024, with allocated to revamp the credit guarantee
resilient domestic demand despite scheme for MSME in budget 2023?
external headwinds,” said the IMF's World (a) 1000 crore
Economic Outlook update. (b) 9000 crore
(c) 5000 crore
Q161. According to Budget 2023, how (d) 8000 crore
much capital has been allocated to the Ans: b
Indian railway? Explanation: The revamped credit
(a) 1.90 lakh crore guarantee scheme for Micro, Small and
(b) 3.00 lakh crore Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will take
(c) 2.00 lakh crore effect from April 1, through infusion
(d) 2.40 lakh crore of ₹9,000 crore in the corpus, said Union
Ans: d Finance Minister Nirmala
Explanation: The Indian Railways has been Sitharaman while presenting the Union
allocated a capital outlay of Rs 2.4 lakh Budget 2023.
crore in the Union Budget 2023-24. This is
the highest ever allocation to the national Q164. How much allocation has been
transporter and continues on the trend made for the Ministry of defense in the
followed last year with a gross budgetary India Budget 2023?
support of Rs 1.37 lakh crore in fiscal 2022- (a) 2.94 lakh crore
23. (b) 3.94 lakh crore
(c) 5.94 lakh crore
Q162. Who has been rewarded with the (d) 4.94 lakh crore
Lifetime Achievement Awards by the Ans: c
India-UK Achievers Honors? Explanation: The Budget of the Ministry of
(a) Nirmala Sitharaman Defence includes the allocation towards
(b) Manmohan Singh the three defence services along with the
(c) Piyush Goyal expenditure on research and development
(d) Raghuram Rajan and border roads. In 2023-24, the Ministry
Ans: b has been allocated Rs 5,93,538 crore.
Explanation: Former prime minister
Dr Manmohan Singh was recently Q165. How much allocation has been
conferred a Lifetime Achievement Honour made for the Ministry of Road Transport
by the India-UK Achievers Honours in and Highways in the India Budget 2023?
London for his contribution to economic (a) 2.70 lakh crore
and political life. The India-UK Achievers (b) 3.70 lakh crore
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(c) 5.70 lakh crore Q168. Where did Indian Army and CAPF
(d) 4.70 lakh crore conduct a joint training exercise "Exercise
Ans: a Trishakti Prahar"?
Explanation: The total expenditure of the (a) Tripura (b) West Bengal
Ministry in 2023-24 is estimated at (c) Assam (d) Karnataka
Rs 2,70,435 crore. This is 25% higher than Ans: b
the revised estimates for 2022-23. The Explanation: Indian Army organises
highest expenditure (60% of the total integrated exercise 'Trishakri Prahar'
expenditure) is towards NHAI. In 2023-24, in North Bengal. In order to coordinate an
NHAI is allocated Rs 1,62,207 crore, all of integrated battle, the Indian Armed
which is budgetary support. Forces and Central Armed Police Forces
(CAPF) conducted a joint training exercise
Q166. What is the sanctioned judicial called "Exercise Trishakri Prahar" in North
strength of the Supreme Court of India? Bengal from 21 to 31 January, 2023
(a) 25 (b) 28
(c) 30 (d) 34 Q169. The Adani Group has acquired the
Ans: d strategic Haifa Port for USD 1.2 billion
Explanation: The Bill was passed, and recently. Haifa Port is in which country?
consequently the Supreme Court's Judges' (a) South Korea (b) Iran
sanctioned strength was increased to 34 (c) Japan (d) Israel
Judges. Nine new judges, including three Ans: d
women, were administered oath of office Explanation: The Adani Group completed
as judges of the Supreme Court. the purchase of the Israeli port of Haifa for
This appointment has taken its strength to USD 1.2 billion on Tuesday, vowing to
33, including the Chief Justice of India, out transform the skyline of this
of the sanctioned strength of 34. This is the Mediterranean city as part of its decision to
first time in the history of the Supreme invest more in Israel, including the
Court that nine judges took oath of office, establishment of an artificial intelligence
all at the same time lab in Tel Aviv.
Q167. VIHANGAM Drone Technology is Q170. Which state has won the first
introduced by ______? National Beach Soccer Championships
(a) Mahanadi Coalfields held at Dumas Beach, Surat?
(b) Coal India (a) Maharashtra (b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Gail (c) Odisha (d) Kerala
(d) Bhel Ans: d
Ans: a Explanation: Kerala has crowned to their
Explanation: Mahanadi bulging cabinet of national football
Coalfields Ltd introduces VIHANGAM trophies, putting on a show in the final of
Drone Technology and Latest Safety the National Beach Soccer Championships
Equipment. Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd and overwhelming Punjab 13-4, to win the
(MCL), the premier CPSE under the title, at Dumas Beach, Surat.
Ministry of Coal has introduced drone
technology in coal mines by launching a Q171. Which edition of Khelo India Winter
web- based portal VIHANGAM along with a Games will be held in J&K?
drone and ground control system. (a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 4 (d) 3
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years and would offer an interest rate Q181. Who has bagged the ‘Mathrubhumi
of 7.5% Book of The Year’ award at the fourth
edition of Mathrubhumi International
Q178. Who are the beneficiaries of the Festival of Letters (MBIFL 2023)?
PM-VIKAS scheme announced in the (a) Dr Peggy Mohan
Union Budget 2023? (b) T Padmanabhan
(a) Teachers (b) MSMEs (c) Punathil Kunjabdulla
(c) Artisans (d) Students (d) Vinod Shukla.
Ans: c Ans: a
Explanation: Union Finance Minister Explanation: Author Dr Peggy Mohan has
Nirmala Sitharaman announced a new bagged the 'Mathrubhumi Book of The
initiative for empowering the Year' award at the fourth edition of
Vishwakarma community. The PM VIKAS Mathrubhumi International Festival of
(Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Kaushal Letters (MBIFL 2023)
Samman) yojana will provide support by
providing skills training to artisans and Q182. Which Union Ministry along with
craftsmen people engaged in traditional the Ministry of Social Justice &
and skilled professions. The special Empowerment implements the NAMASTE
package will help integrate them with scheme?
MSME value chain. (a) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
(b) Ministry of Rural Development
Q179. Where is India’s Fifth Nano Urea (c) Ministry of MSME
Plant located? (d) Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
(a) Odisha (b) Rajasthan Welfare
(c) Jharkhand (d) West Bengal Ans: a
Ans: c Explanation: NAMASTE Scheme was
Explanation: Union Home Minister Amit launched in 2022 as a Central Sector
Shah laid the foundation stone of a ₹450 Scheme. The scheme is being undertaken
crore nano urea plant and township of the jointly by the Ministry of Housing and
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Urban Affairs and the Ministry of Social
(IFFCO) in Deoghar, Jharkhand Justice & Empowerment (MoSJE) and aims
to eradicate unsafe sewer and septic tank
Q180. Which company in India has cleaning practices.
accepted digital currency for payments?
(a) Reliance Retail Q183. Which is the new competitor AI
(b) Tata Group Chatbot introduced by Google of
(c) Future Retail ChatGPT?
(d) Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail. (a) Bard (b) Drift
Ans: a (c) Hubspot (d) Watson Assistant
Explanation: In a major push to the Ans: a
Reserve Bank of India's (RBI's) ambitious Explanation: Google has unveiled an
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) experimental conversation AI service
project, Reliance Retail has begun called "Bard", as it races to catch up with
accepting the digital currency for the wildly popular chatbot ChatGPT from
payments at its stores. the Microsoft-backed firm OpenAI.
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Q184. ____ becomes the first civic body to Q187. BIND Scheme, which was seen in
launch green bonds. the news, is associated with which
(a) Bhopal (b) Kolkata Ministry?
(c) Bhubaneshwar (d) Indore (a) Ministry of Defence
Ans: d (b) Ministry of MSME
Explanation: Indore Municipal (c) Ministry of Information and
Corporation has ranked top in cleanliness Broadcasting
survey for six consecutive years, has (d) Ministry of Power
become the country's first civic body to Ans: c
launch green bonds, seeking to raise Rs 244 Explanation: BIND Schemes is being
crore. implemented by Ministry of IT and
Broadcasting. Of the Rs 1,100 crore
Q185. Which planet beats Saturn to estimated for the Ministry of Information
become the planet with the most moons? and Broadcasting, Rs 600 crore has been
(a) Mercury (b) Venus set aside for the recently announced
(c) Uranus (d) Jupiter Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network
Ans: d Development (BIND) Scheme.
Explanation: The battle for the most
known moons in the Solar System is raging Q188. Exercise Desert Flag VIll held in
on. After losing its lead to Saturn in which of the following country?
2019, Jupiter has once again surged ahead. (a) China (b) India
Astronomers have counted 12 previously (c) Mongolia (d) UAE
unknown moons in orbit around our Solar Ans: d
System’s biggest planet, bringing the Explanation: For the first time, India’s
known total to 92, and leaving Saturn, with indigenously-made light combat aircraft
its measly count of 83, in the dust. Tejas will be participating in an
international multilateral air exercise —
Q186. Which Union Ministry implements Exercise Desert Flag VIll — in the UAE,
the ‘FAME (faster adoption and reflecting India’s increasing efforts at
manufacturing of electric vehicles) showcasing the jet at the world stage. As
scheme’? per the IAF, Exercise Desert Flag is a
(a) Ministry of Electronics and IT multilateral air exercise which will see
(b) Ministry of Heavy Industries participation from the air forces of the
(c) Ministry of Science and Technology UAE, France, Kuwait, Australia, the UK,
(d) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Bahrain, Morocco, Spain, Republic of
Ans: b Korea, and the US. The aim of the exercise
Explanation: Ministry of Heavy is to participate in diverse fighter
Industries implements the 'FAME (faster engagements and learn from the best
adoption and manufacturing of electric practices of various air forces.
vehicles) scheme'. The government has
nearly doubled its budgetary allocation for Q189. Which team won the Women’s T20
the FAME scheme to subsidise the World Cup for the sixth time when they
purchase of electric vehicles. beat South Africa?
(a) Australia (b) India
(c) Pakistan (d) England
Ans: a
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Q197. Which neighbouring country of Q200. Which country has been honoured
India signed MoU with ISA to increase use with the Government Leadership Award
of solar energy? 2023 by the GSM Association?
[A] Sri Lanka [B] Nepal (a) India (b) Singapore
[C] Bangladesh [D] Myanmar (c) China (d) Canada
Ans: C Ans:a
Explanation: The Bangladesh Government Explanation: GSMA, which represents
has announced the signing of an more than 750 mobile operators and 400
agreement with the International Solar companies in the telecom ecosystem,
Alliance (ISA) to increase the use of solar recognizes one country every
energy in the country. The agreement was year. India was declared winner in the
signed between the ISA Director General ceremony held at Mobile World
Ajay Mathur and the Bangladesh Power Congress Barcelona on 27 Feb, 2023.
Division Secretary Md. Habibur Rahman.
Q201. Who won the Women's Singles Title
Q198. Who has taken over as the new in National Badminton Championship?
Principal Director General of PIB? (a) Aakarshi Kashyap
(a) Rajesh Malhotra (b) Anupama Upadhyay
(b) Alok Sinha (c) P V Sindhu
(c) Nripendra Mishra (d) Sayali Gokhale
(d) Satyendra Prakash Ans:b
Ans:a Explanation: Anupama Upadhyay has won
Explanation: Rajesh Malhotra, has been the women's singles title for the first time
appointed as the Principal Director General by defeating Chhattisgarh's Aakarshi
of the Press Information Bureau (PIB), with
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Kashyap in the final match of Senior Q204. Exercise DUSTLIK 2023 was
National Badminton Championship 2023. organized between India and which
Q202. Who took over as the Flag Officer (a) Kyrgyzstan (b) France
Commanding-in-Chief of the Western (c) Uzbekistan (d) Brazil
Naval Command? Ans:c
(a) Dinesh K Tripathi Explanation: The fourth iteration of the
(b) Ajendra Bahadur Singh biennial training exercise DUSTLIK (2023)
(c) Satish Namdev Ghormade will be held in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand,
(d) G. Ashok Kumar from February 20, 2023 through March 5,
Ans:a 2023, as part of a military-to-military
Explanation: Vice Admiral Dinesh K exchange programme between the Indian
Tripathi on Tuesday took over as the next Army and the Uzbekistan Army.
flag officer commanding-in-chief (FOC-in-
C) of the Western Naval Command, from Q205. In which city is the ‘Pusa Krishi
Vice Admiral Ajendra Bahadur Singh, Vigyan Mela’ being organized?
PVSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, at an impressive (a) New Delhi (b) Patna
Ceremonial Parade held at INS Shikra. An (c) Chandigarh (d) Jaipur
alumnus of Sainik School Rewa and Ans:a
National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Explanation: he Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela is
he was commissioned into the Indian Navy organized every year by the Indian
on 01 Jul 1985. Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and
this year it will be held in New Delhi from
Q203. Central Government approves the 2nd to 4th March 2023. The Pusa Krishi
purchase of how many HTT-40 Basic Vigyan Mela will be inaugurated by the
Trainer Aircraft? Chief Guest, Union Minister of Agriculture
(a) 50 (b) 60 and Farmers Welfare, Narendra Singh
(c) 70 (d) 80 Tomar. This time the theme of the fair is
Ans:c “Nutrition, Food and Environmental
Explanation: The Union Cabinet has Protection with Shree Anna.
approved procurement of 70 HTT-40 Basic
Trainer Aircraft from Hindustan Q206. Who has been honoured with the
Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the Indian ‘Player of the Year Award’ by the Asian
Air Force at a cost of Rs 6,828.36 crore. The Chess Federation?
aircraft will be supplied over a period of six (a) Parimarjan Negi
years. (b) D Gukesh
The HTT-40 is a turbo prop aircraft and is (c) Krishnan Sasikiran
designed to have good low speed handling (d) Vidit Gujrathi
qualities and provide better training Ans:b
effectiveness. This fully aerobatic tandem Explanation: Asian Chess Federation
seat turbo trainer has air-conditioned confers D Gukesh with Player of the Year
cockpit, modern avionics, hot re-fueling, award. Indian Grandmaster D Gukesh has
running change over and zero-zero been honoured with Player-of-the-Year
ejection seats. The aircraft will meet the award by the Asian Chess Federation (ACF).
shortage of basic trainer aircraft of IAF for
training of newly inducted pilots.
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Q207. Who has become the first woman The 26-year-old had achieved his final GM
legislator elected to the Nagaland norm in 2017 but had to wait 6 years to
Legislative Assembly? cross the 2500-mark in order to become a
(a) Azheto Zhimomi grandmaster.
(b) Kahuli Sema
(c) Hekani Jakhalu Q210. Who has been appointed as the
(d) Sano Wamujo new coach of the Indian Men's Hockey
Ans:c team?
Explanation: Lawyer by training, NDPP's (a) Craig Fulton (b) Dilip Tirkey
Hekani Jakhalu hopes to get ministry in (c) Graham Reid (d) Mario Lemieux
Assembly, says as NGO worker could only Ans:a
do so much. On Thursday, the Nationalist Explanation: Hockey India has appointed
Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP)'s Craig Fulton of South Africa as the new
Hekani Jakhalu became the first ever head coach of the Indian men's hockey
woman to be elected to the Nagaland team. Craig Fulton will replace Graham
Legislative Assembly Reid who resigned in January 2023
following India's poor performance in the
Q208. Who has been elected as the new World Cup. Craig Fulton represented South
chairman of the Central Electricity Africa at the Atlanta 1996 and Athens 2004
Regulatory Commission (CERC)? Olympics.Fulton managed the Irish men's
(a) Ajay Singh hockey team between 2014 and 2018 and
(b) Rajiv Kumar helped them qualify for the Rio 2016
(c) Jishnu Baruah Olympics.He also won the FIH Coach of the
(d) Umesh Awasthi Year in 2015 while with the Irish team.
Explanation: ishnu Barua has become the Q211. Who has been elected as the new
new chairperson of power regulator President of Vietnam?
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (a) Vo Van Thuong
(CERC). Jishnu Barua has become the new (b) Nguyen Xuan Phuc
chairperson of power regulator Central (c) Pham Minh Chinh
Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). (d) Vuong Dinh Hue
Barua has been appointed chairperson of Ans:A
the CERC on February 27, 2023. Explanation: The country is changing its
top leadership as it continues its anti-
Q209. Who has recently become India's corruption campaign. The National
81st Chess Grandmaster? Assembly(NA) of the Socialist Republic of
(a) Vignesh N R Vietnam elected Vo Van Thuong(Võ Văn
(b) Sayantan Das Thưởng) (52 years old), a member of the
(c) Pranesh M Politburo of the Communist Party of
(d) Rahul Srivastava Vietnam, as the new President of Vietnam
Ans:b for a term running until 2026. Mr. Vo Van
Explanation: Sayantan Das became India’s Thuong took oath as the new president of
81st Chess Grandmaster as well as the 11th Vietnam during the National Assembly’s
player from West Bengal to bag the honour extraordinary meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam.
after he crossed the 2500-mark in live Vương Đình Huệ, Chairman of NA, on
ratings and won the Cannes Open on behalf of the parliament has recognised
Sunday with a score of 7.5 out of 9. the oath of the new President.
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Q212. As per the ‘Indian States’ Energy Explanation: Bola Tinubu has been
Transition’ report, which states made the associated with the 'All Progressive
most progress in transition to clean Congress Party' from which he has been
electricity? winning elections. He will become Nigeria's
[A] Karnataka and Gujarat fifth president since the country returned
[B] Telangana and Tamil Nadu to democratic rule in 1999, emerging as
[C] Gujarat and Punjab winner for the country's top job on his first
[D] Haryana and Himachal Pradesh attempt.
Explanation: Karnataka and Gujarat are Q215. Who has been appointed as the
among the major states making the most Director General of the Border - Guarding
progress in transition to clean electricity, force Sashtra Seema Bal ?
according to a new report on India's energy (a) Rashmi Shukla
transition, prepared by the Institute for (b) Pankaj Kumar
Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (c) Anish Dayal Singh
(IEEFA) along with EMBER. (d) Sujoy Lal Thousen
Q213. The Windsor framework deal Explanation: The Appointments
approved between which countries? Committee of the Cabinet has approved
(a) UK and US the appointment IPS officer of the
(b) US and UAE Maharashtra cadre, Rashmi Shukla as
(c) UAE and EU director general of Sashastra Seema Bal
(d) UK and EU (SSB) till her superannuation (30.06.2024).
Ans:d Presently, she is serving as the Additional
Explanation: After months of intensive Director General of CRPF.
talks, the United Kingdom and European
Union have unveiled an agreement on the Q216. Recently, The Indian Air Force (IAF)
Northern Ireland Protocol, called along with whom participated in Exercise
the Windsor Framework. This is not a new Shinyuu Maitri.?
protocol or a fundamental rewrite of the (a) Australia (b) Russia
current treaty. But the package announced (c) Japan (d) United Kingdom
this week is an improved deal that could Ans:c
substantively ease how the protocol will Explanation: The Indian Air Force (IAF)
operate for businesses as well as participated in Exercise Shinyuu Maitri
individuals. It is a negotiating achievement with the Japan Air Self-Defence Force
that marks a turning point in the long road (JASDF). The Exercise Shinyuu Maitri is
since Brexit for Northern Ireland. being organized on the sidelines of the
Indo-Japan Joint Army Exercise, Dharma
Q214. Who is elected as the new Guardian, which was conducted from 13
President of Nigeria? February 2023 to 02 March 2023 at
(a) Muhammadu Buhari Komatsu, Japan.
(b) Bola Tinbhu
(c) Ebele Johnthan Q31. Central Board of Irrigation and
(d) Shehu Sagari Power (CBIP) award was conferred on
Ans:b which institution?
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Modi, BJP president JP Nadda and home Q231. Who has become the first woman
minister Amit Shah. While Nationalist officer to command a fighter unit in IAF?
Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP)'s (a) Parul Goyal
Neiphiu Rio will take oath as Nagaland (b) Anshika Singh
chief minister. (c) Avani Chaturvedi
(d) Shalija Dhami
Q228. HUID Number, which was seen in Ans:d
the news, is associated with which Explanation: Group Captain Shaliza Dhami
element/product? (Ludhiana) has been selected by the Indian
[A] Rice [B] Cotton Air Force to take over a frontline combat
[C] Gold [D] Lithium unit's command in the western sector. She
Ans:c becomes the first woman officer in the
Explanation: Hallmark Unique history of the IAF to be given the frontline
Identification (HUID) number is a unique 6- combat unit command. Currently, she is
digit alphanumeric code consisting of posted in the operations branch of a
numbers and letters. It is stamped frontline command headquarters. She also
manually on a piece of jewellery to served as flight commander of a Chetak
ensure purity and fitness of gold via third unit at the Hindon air base— both firsts for
party assurance to the customers. an IAF woman officer.
Q229. ‘Bahu Balli’, the world’s first 200- Q234. Which country chaired the 19th
meter-long Bamboo Crash Barrier has BIMSTEC ministerial meeting?
been installed in which state? (a) India
[A] West Bengal [B] Maharashtra (b) Bangladesh
[C] Assam [D] Odisha (c) Thailand
Ans:B (d) Bhutan
Explanation: The Ministry of Road and Ans:c
Highways has announced the installation Explanation: The 19th BIMSTEC Ministerial
of the World's first bamboo-made crash Meeting was hosted by the chair Thailand.
barrier on the Vani-Warora Highway India’s Union Minister of State for External
in Vidarbha, Maharashtra. Affairs Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh
participated in the 19th BIMSTEC
Q230. Five day long Yaoshang festival has Ministerial Meeting. The meeting also
begun in which state? approved the draft Host Country
(a) Tripura (b) West Bengal Agreement between India and the
(c) Assam (d) Manipur BIMSTEC Secretariat for establishing
Ans:d BIMSTEC Centre for Weather and Climate
Explanation: Yaoshang, Manipur‘s version in India. BIMSTEC Bangkok Vision 2030 was
of Holi, which lasts for five days, has begun. also approved and will be launched at the
On the full moon of Lamta (February– 6th BIMSTEC Summit.
March) in the Meitei lunar calendar, the
event is observed annually. Yaosang, Q235. Sheikh Mohammed bin
sometimes referred to as the Burning of Abdulrahman Al-Thani has become the
the Straw Hut, starts just after dusk and is new Prime Minister of which country?
immediately followed by Yaoshang. In a (a) Qatar (b) Bahrain
practise known as “nakatheng,” kids solicit (c) Oman (d) United Arab Emirates
their neighbours for financial gifts. Ans:a
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became the first women from Nagaland to Q244. Which of the following state has
be elected to the Nagaland Legislative become India’s first state to launch the
Assembly. Resham Keet Bima scheme for
Q242. Who has become the first woman (a) Arunachal Pradesh
officer to command Electronics and (b) Sikkim
Mechanical Engineers (EME) unit near (c) Himachal Pradesh
China border? (d) Uttarakhand
(a) Geeta Rana Ans:d
(b) Aruna Miller Explanation: Uttarakhand become India's
(c) Apsara A Iyer first state to start insurance scheme for
(d) Janani Ramachandran sericulturists. Ganesh Joshi, the state's
Ans:A agriculture minister, said that Uttarakhand
Explanation: Colonel Geeta Rana of the launched the country's first "Resham Keet
Indian Army's Corps of Electronics and Bima" programme to safeguard its
Mechanical Engineers has become the first sericulturists.
woman officer of the Indian Army to
command a field workshop on the forward
front in eastern Ladakh. After this Colonel Q245. Who has been appointed as new
Geeta has become the first woman officer Managing Director and Chief Executive
to achieve this achievement. Colonel Geeta Officer (CEO) of Tech Mahindra?
will command the independent field (a) Krishnan Sankarasubramaniam
workshop deployed along the China (b) Rajiv Kumar
border. (c) Dixit Joshi
(d) Mohit Joshi
Q243. Which of the following metro Ans:d
becomes the first to accept digital Explanation: Former Infosys
currency for parking? President Mohit Joshi has been appointed
(a) Bengaluru Metro as the company's Managing Director and
(b) Delhi Metro Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for a term of
(c) Kochi Metro 5 years, beginning on December 20, 2023,
(d) Kolkata Metro and ending on December 19, 2028,
Ans:c according to IT services provider Tech
Explanation: Kochi Metro Rail Limited has Mahindra (both days inclusive).
become the first metro to accept the
central bank digital currency issued by the Q246. Who is organizing the third edition
RBI. Kochi Metro has prepared a system to of the ‘La Perouse’ Exercise?
pay parking charges in e-rupees. The (a) India (b) USA
service will initially be available at the (c) France (d) UK
parking lot adjacent to Thaikudam Metro Ans:c
Station. Later, the facility will be extended Explanation: The third edition of the
to other station parking lots as well. multilateral exercise La Perouse is being
Technology start-up Anantham Online has organized from 13 to 14 March 2023 in the
made this service available at Kochi Metro Indian Ocean region. This biennial exercise
Parking in collaboration with IDFC First 'La Perouse' is organized by the French
Bank. Navy. Royal Australian Navy, French Navy,
Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force,
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Royal Navy and United States Navy and Explanation: India ranked at the 8th spot
Indian Navy are participating in this in the list of world's top 10 most polluted
exercise. From the Indian side, the countries after SWISS firm IQAir released
indigenously built Guided Missile Frigate its 'World Air Quality Report' 2022.
INS Sahyadri and Fleet Tanker INS Jyoti are However, India improved its ranking as it
participating in the exercise. dropped from 5th to 8th place.
Meanwhile, in the list of most polluted
Q247. Which Union Ministry launched the cities, 39 of 50 cities are in India.
‘LEAN Scheme’?
[A] Ministry of Civil Aviation
[B] Ministry of MSME Q250. Who has become the first woman
[C] Ministry of Defence loco pilot of the Vande Bharat Express
[D] Ministry of Commerce and Industry train?
Ans:b (a) Shiva Chauhan (b) Mira Nayak
Explanation: The MSME Competitive (c) Aditi Singh (d) Surekha Yadav
(LEAN) Scheme was launched by Union Ans:d
Ministry of MSME to improve the global Explanation: Surekha Yadav started her
competitiveness of Indian MSMEs. The career as an assistant driver in 1989.
scheme will encourage MSMEs to adopt Mumbai, Maharashtra: Surekha Yadav
LEAN manufacturing practices, such as 5S, who has scripted history becoming the first
Kaizen, KANBAN, and Visual workplace. woman loco pilot of the Vande Bharat
The scheme aims to transform Indian Express train thanked the Railway
MSMEs into world-class manufacturers department for the opportunity.
through LEAN manufacturing practices.
Q251. Which company has recently got
Q248. The Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden, the status of Infrastructure Finance
which is Asia’s largest tulip garden, will Company from RBI?
open to the public on 19 March 2023. It is (a) IREDA (b) Bharat Dynamics
located in which place? (c) NTPC (d) Coal India
(a) Delhi (b) Chandigarh Ans:a
(c) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Ladakh Explanation: The Reserve Bank of India
Ans:c (RBI) has granted an 'Infrastructure
Explanation: Asia's largest tulip garden, Finance Company (IFC)' status to Indian
the Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden Renewable Energy Development Agency
was opened for travellers to admire the (IREDA) today. It was earlier classified as
beautiful flowers. It is located between Dal 'Investment and Credit Company (ICC)'.
Lake and the Zabarwan hills in Srinagar,
the garden has over 1.5 million (15 lakh) Q252. Who has been promoted to the
tulips of various colours and hues. Managing Director of LIC recently?
(a) Tablesh Pandey
Q249. What is India’s rank in the list of (b) BC Patnaik
most polluted countries on the World Air (c) Sanjeev Mehta
Quality Index? (d) Siddharth Mohanty
(a) 6th (b) 10th Ans:a
(c) 8th (d) 15th Explanation: Shri M Jagannath, has taken
Ans:c charge of the position of Managing
Director of the Corporation on 13th March
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2023," the press release stated. He had included the Best Picture award, best
taken the charge from March 13. actress, best director, best supporting
Jagannath had joined the organisation as a actor, best supporting actress, best editing
Direct Recruit Officer in 1988. and best original screenplay. Michelle
Yeoh has become only the second woman
Q253. Who has been awarded the 32nd of colour to win the best actress Oscar
Vyas Samman 2022? after 2002.
(a) Jayathmika Lakshmi
(b) Yaduraya Wodeyar Q256. What is the name of the cyclone
(c) Gyan Chaturvedi that has caused winds and torrential rain
(d) Trishika Kumari Devi in Malawi and Mozambique?
Ans:c [A] Feddy [B] Freddy
Explanation: Pagalkhana, a 2018 satirical [C] Mousie [D] Rhino
novel by renowned Hindi author Dr. Gyan Ans:B
Chaturvedi, has been chosen for the 32nd Explanation: Cyclone Freddy with
Vyas Samman. Dr. Chaturvedi’s Pagalkhana powerful winds and torrential rain has
(mental hospital) wa was chosen for the killed over 100 people in Malawi and
prestigious Vyas Samman by a selection Mozambique. Freddy is on track to become
committee led by distinguished author the longest-lasting storm on record, as per
Prof. Ramji Tiwari. the authorities. United Nations also
announced that more than 11,000 people
Q254. Which state approved the 10% were affected by the storm.
horizontal reservation to statehood
activists in state government job? Q257. Who has been selected by the US
[A] Jharkhand [B] Uttarakhand Senate as the next US Ambassador to
[C] Punjab [D] Rajasthan India?
Ans:B (a) Kenneth Juster
Explanation: Uttarakhand government (b) Atul Keshap
approved 10 % horizontal reservation for (c) Eric Garcetti
statehood activists in state govt jobs. In (d) A. Elizabeth Jones
Uttarakhand, the government has given Ans:c
approval to the 10 percent horizontal Explanation: The US Senate Committee
reservation to the statehood activists in has announced the appointment of Eric
the state government job. Garcetti as the new US Ambassador to
India. Despite being nominated by
Q255. Which film won seven awards President Joe Biden almost two years ago,
during the Oscars 2023 event? Garcetti’s appointment had been pending
[A] Everything Everywhere All at Once until now. Eric Garcetti served as the
[B] Elvis President of the City Council of Los Angeles
[C] Tar for four consecutive terms and is known to
[D] Top Gun: Maverick be a close acquaintance of President Biden.
Ans:A He has also emerged as a leader within the
Explanation: The science fiction comedy, Democratic Party. However, Garcetti’s
‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ tenure as mayor of Los Angeles lasted for
dominated the Oscars, by winning seven nine years and was not without
awards. At the 95th Academy Awards, the controversy. In 2020, there was a
film received seven awards, which
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controversial incident that occurred during Q261. Who has been appointed as the
his time in office. Chairman of the Pension Fund Regulatory
and Development Authority (PFRDA)?
Q258. According to the report of the (a) Pradeep Kharola
Stockholm International Peace Research (b) Deepak Mohanty
Institute, which is the world's largest (c) R Venkataramani
importing country of weapons? (d) Mukul Rohatgi
(a) China (b) India Ans:b
(c) France (d) Qatar Explanation: The Indian government has
Ans:b appointed Deepak Mohanty as the new
Explanation: India is still the world's chairman of Pension Fund Regulatory and
largest importer of military equipment, Development Authority (PFRDA), replacing
despite an 11% decline in arms purchases Supratim Bandyopadhyay whose term
between 2013–17 and 2018–22, according ended in January.
to a study by the Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute (Sipri). Q262. Who has been selected for
Saraswati Samman for the year 2022?
(a) Jayathmika Lakshmi
Q259. According to the Ministry of (b) Gyan Chaturvedi
Education, which of the following state (c) Sivasankari
has the lowest literacy rate in India? (d) Trishika Kumari Devi
(a) Himachal Pradesh Ans:c
(b) West Bengal Explanation: The KK Birla Foundation has
(c) Assam announced that Tamil writer Sivasankari
(d) Bihar will be the recipient of the prestigious
Ans:d Saraswati Samman award for the year
Explanation: Bihar lowest at 61.8%, Kerala 2022, for her 2019 memoir, Surya
highest at 94% According to the data Vamsam. This award is one of the most
shared by the Ministry of Education, Bihar esteemed recognitions in Indian literature,
(61.8 %) has the lowest literacy and Kerala and comes with a cash prize of Rs 15 lakh,
has the highest literacy rate in India at 94%. a plaque, and a citation.
Q260. As per the World Air Quality Report Q263. The 13th edition of a bilateral
prepared by IQAir, which of the following armour exercise, EX Bold Kurukshetra,
is the most polluted city in India? between India and which country was
(a) Guwahati concluded at Jodhpur Military Station,
(b) Delhi India?
(c) Bhiwadi (a) Tanzania (b) Bangladesh
(d) Faridabad (c) Oman (d) Singapore
Ans:c Ans:d
Explanation: The 2022 report is based on Explanation: The 13th edition of the
PM2. 5 data from 7,323 cities and 131 bilateral exercise 'Bold Kurukshetra'
countries. Abysmal statistics showed between the Indian Army and
that Bhiwadi in Rajasthan with PM levels of the Singapore Army was held at Jodhpur
92.7 was found to be the most polluted city Military Station from March 06-13, 2023
in India and third most polluted city in the
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Q264. Which airport topped the list of the Partner and marks IDFC FIRST Bank's debut
world's best airports released by Skytrax? in cricket partnerships.
(a) Munich Airport
(b) Zurich Airport Q267. Who has become the fastest Indian
(c) Singapore Changi Airport in under 21 group to swim across the Palk
(d) Indira Gandhi International Airport Strait from Talaimannar in Sri Lanka to
Ans:c Dhanuskodi in Tamil Nadu?
Explanation: The Indira Gandhi (a) Sampanna Ramesh
International Airport (IGIA) in Delhi has (b) Virdhawal Khade
been named the best airport in South Asia (c) Sajan Prakash
by the UK-based consultancy, Skytrax. In (d) Sandeep Sejwal
addition, it has also received the award for Ans:a
the cleanest airport in India for the third Explanation: Sampanna Ramesh Shelar, a
consecutive year. Bachelor of Physical Education student,
has set a new record by becoming the
Q265. Who is appointed as the new CEO fastest Indian in the under-21 category to
and MD of Tata Consultancy Services swim across the Palk Strait, from
(TCS)? Talaimannar in Sri Lanka to Dhanuskodi in
(a) K. Krithivasan Tamil Nadu. He completed the 29 km
(b) Rajesh Gopinathan distance in just 5 hours and 30 minutes,
(c) Natrajan Chandrasekaran beating the previous record of 8 hours and
(d) Adar Poonawalla 26 minutes. He is coached by Mr. Jitendra
Ans:a Khasnis and plans to complete solo swims
Explanation: Rajesh Gopinathan, the across the English and Catalina Channels to
Managing Director and CEO of Tata achieve the Oceans Seven Challenge.
Consultancy Services (TCS), has announced
his decision to resign from his position in Q268. Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok
order to pursue other interests. Gehlot has announced the decision to
Gopinathan has been with the company for carve out how many new districts in the
more than two decades. TCS’s board of states?
directors has approved his request to step (a) 15 (b) 14 (c) 19 (d) 18
down and has appointed K Krithivasan as Ans:c
CEO-designate, effective from March 16, Explanation: In a significant
2023. announcement in the election year,
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has
Q266. Which bank has become the official announced the formation of 19 new
banking partner of Mumbai Indians? districts and three new divisions in the
(a) HDFC bank state, earmarking Rs 2,000 crore for
(b) IDFC First Bank infrastructure development for them
(c) State Bank of India
(d) Axis Bank Q269. Indian Railways to become Net
Ans:b Zero Carbon Emitter by which year?
Explanation: IDFC FIRST Bank, announced (a) 2025 (b) 2030
its three-year partnership with Mumbai (c) 2035 (d) 2040
Indians today. Beginning this season, IDFC Ans:b
FIRST Bank will be the Official Banking Explanation: Indian Railways has set a
target of becoming a ‘net-zero carbon
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emitter’ by 2030, said Union Railways Q272. Who is the author of the book -
Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw in a written ‘Bipin: The Man Behind the Uniform’?
reply to the Lok Sabha. The Railways plans (a) Rajdeep Sardesai
to achieve this ambitious target in two (b) Rachna Bisht Rawat
steps: A complete transition to electric (c) Chetan Bhagat
trains by December 2023 and powering the (d) Manoj Sinha
trains and stations primarily through non- Ans:b
renewable sources by 2030. Explanation: Rachna Biswat Rawat, a
journalist and writer from India, has
Q270. PM Mitra Mega Textile Park will be recently written a book called “Bipin: The
set up in how many states? Man Behind the Uniform.” The book was
(a) 05 (b) 06 (c) 07 (d) 08 presented to India’s Minister of Defence,
Ans:c Rajnath Singh, by the author. It serves as a
Explanation: Seven sites were chosen out fitting tribute to General Rawat’s life and
of 18 proposals for PM MITRA parks which achievements.
were received from 13 States. The Parks
will come up in Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Q273. Who has been appointed as the
Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Chairman and Managing Director of BPCL?
Pradesh and Maharashtra. These are (a) G Krishna Kumar (b) Anupam Munda
aimed at helping India to achieve the (c) P K Sinha (d) Kiran Pradhan
United Nations Sustainable Development Ans:a
Goal 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, Explanation: G Krishnakumar appoints as
promote sustainable industrialization and Bharat Petroleum Corporation's chairman.
foster innovation”. It is hoped that the PM Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
MITRA Parks will have world-class (BPCL), a 'Maharatna' and a Fortune Global
industrial infrastructure which would 500 Company, announced that G.
attract cutting age technology and boost Krishnakumar has taken over as the
FDI and local investment in the textiles Chairman and Managing Director of the
sector. company.
Q271. Who has become the oldest player Q274. MCF Rae Bareli Hockey Stadium is
to win the ATP Masters 1000 title? named after which women hockey
(a) Andy Murray player?
(b) Matthew Ebden (a) Gurjeet Kaur
(c) Daniil Medvedev (b) Ishika Chowdhary
(d) Rohan Bopanna (c) Rani Rampal
Ans:d (d) Sushila Chanu
Explanation: Rohan Bopanna, a 43-year- Ans:c
old Indian tennis player, and his Australian Explanation: Rani Rampal, a prominent
partner Matthew Ebden have become the player on the Indian hockey team, has
oldest duo to win an ATP Masters 1000 achieved a significant milestone as the first
title. They won the men’s doubles final at woman in the sport to have a stadium
the Indian Wells Masters 2023 tournament named after her. The MCF Rae Bareli has
in California by defeating the top-seeded renamed the hockey stadium to 'Rani's
team of Wesley Koolhof and Neil Skupski. Girls Hockey Turf' in her honor.
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Q275. Which Indian company got India's Navy launched 'Arnala', the first of the
first BIS license to make fire-resistant eight ASW-SWC in Chennai's Kattupalli.
(a) Jindal Steel Q278. Who has recently taken over as the
(b) Tata Steel CEO of the coffeehouse company
(c) Steel Authority of India Limited Starbucks?
(d) JSW Steel (a) Laxman Narasimhan
Ans:a (b) Ajay Sinha
Explanation: jindal Steel & Power has (c) Howard Schultz
received BIS certification to manufacture (d) David Howard
India's First Fire Resistant Steel Structures Ans:a
at its rail mill and special profile mill in Explanation: The coffee giant Starbucks
Raigarh, Chhattisgarh law graduates who has appointed its new Indian-origin Chief
were admitted on the rolls of the Kerala Executive Officer, Laxman Narasimhan. He
Bar Council as advocates, in the enrollment will join Starbucks on October 1, after
ceremony. replacing Howard Schultz who will
continue as interim chief until April 2023.
Q276. According to the United Nations The 55-years-old Indian, Narasimhan, has
Sustainable Development Solutions served as chief executive of Lysol and
Network report, what is the rank of India Enfamil baby formula, UK-based Reckitt
in the World Happiness Index 2023? Benckiser Group PLC.
(a) 135 (b) 126
(c) 115 (d) 95 Q279. Who has been appointed to the
Ans:b ‘Order of Australia’ for bolstering bilateral
Explanation: India ranked 126th in the ties?
World Happiness Report 2023. This is an (a) Mukesh Ambani
improvement from last year, when India's (b) Ratan Tata
position was at the 136th spot on the list, (c) Gautam Adani
but India is still behind close neighbours (d) Shiv Nadar
like Sri Lanka (112), Pakistan (108) and Ans: b
Nepal (78). At the very bottom of the list is Explanation: Ratan Tata, an Indian
Afghanistan at the 137th spot. industrialist and philanthropist, has been
named an Honorary Officer in the General
Q277. What is the name of the second Division of the Order of Australia (AO) for
Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water his outstanding contributions to
Craft (ASW SWC), which was launched the Australia-India bilateral relationship,
recently? specifically in the areas of trade,
[A] Andrea [B] Androth investment, and philanthropy. The
[C] Arnab [D] Arnala announcement was made
Ans:B by Australia’s Governor-General, following
Explanation: The INS Androth, second in a a recommendation by Australia’s High
series of eight Anti-Submarine Warfare Commissioner to India, Barry O’Farrell.
Shallow Water Craft (ASW SWC), was
launched in Kolkata. It was built by Garden Q280. Who has been appointed as the
Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) in new Chairman and Managing Director
Kolkata. In December 2022, the Indian (CMD) of the Cotton Corporation of India
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[C] West Bengal [D] Gujarat (AHF). This regulating body is greeted for
Ans:B their successful implementation of the FIH
Explanation: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Odisha Hockey Men's World Cup 2023.
recently launched the Mukhyamantri The Hockey Men’s World Cup was held in
Vriksh Sampada Yojana (Chief Minister January 2023. The hosting country was
Tree Wealth Scheme) on the occasion of Bhubaneswar-Rourkela.
World Forestry Day. Under this scheme,
the state government will provide full Q288. The Center has increased the
subsidy for tree plantation on up to 5 acres dearness allowance for all government
of land and 50 percent financial subsidy on employees from 38 percent to how much
more than 5 acres. percent?
(a) 40 (b) 42
Q286. Which country has become a new (c) 44 (d) 45
member of the BRICS New Development Ans: b
Bank? Explanation: The Centre has hiked the
(a) Egypt dearness allowance by 4 per cent for all the
(b) Argentina government employees taking the total to
(c) New Zealand 42 per cent from 38 per cent. The Centre
(d) South Korea will spend Rs 12,815 crore to fund the hike
Ans:a in dearness allowance, or DA, which will
Explanation: According to sources familiar benefit over 1 crore employees of the
with the matter, Egypt officially joined the central government.
NDB on February 20, with a formal
notification issued. The African-Arab Q289. Who has been awarded Kerala’s
nation intends to enhance its highest civilian honour “Kerala Jyothi”?
infrastructure, and NDB funding can make (a) Jayathmika Lakshmi
a significant contribution toward achieving (b) Yaduraya Wodeyar
this goal. Following President El-Sisi’s visit (c) M T Vasudevan Nair
to India for the Republic Day celebrations, (d) Trishika Kumari Devi
the Egyptian Parliament approved the Ans:c
agreement that permitted Egypt to join the Explanation: The highest civilian honor in
NDB. The lawmakers welcomed the move, Kerala, the “Kerala Jyothi,” was awarded to
recognizing it as a means of reducing the the writer M T Vasudevan Nair. The
need for US dollars. second-highest award, “Kerala Prabha,”
was shared by actor Mammootty, former
Q287. Which country's hockey federation civil service officer T Madhava Menon, and
has been awarded the 'Best Organizer writer Omchery NN Pillai. Arif Muhammad
Award' by the Asian Hockey Federation? Khan, the Governor of Kerala, has
(a) Malaysia presented the inaugural edition of the
(b) Netherlands “Kerala Puraskarngal” awards, which
(c) India recognize individuals who have made
(d) Australia notable contributions to various aspects of
Ans:c social life.
Explanation: Hockey India, the main
executing body of the Hockey game has Q290. Recently, who has won the Abel
been honoured with the ‘Best Organizer Prize for maths?
Award’ by the Asian Hockey Federation (a) Luis Caffarelli (b) Ovidiu Savin
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(c) Weinan E (d) Ovidiu Savinc and Sites International Science Committee
Ans:a to Black Mesa Trust (BMT) – a Hopi
Explanation: Luis Caffarelli, 74, has won grassroots organization.
the 2023 Abel Prize for his seminal
contributions to regularity theory for Q293. Which team has won the Women's
nonlinear partial differential equations Premier League 2023 title?
including free-boundary problems and the (a) Delhi Capitals
Monge-Ampère equation. (b) UP Warriors
First awarded in 2003, the Abel prize (c) Mumbai Indians
recognises pioneering scientific (d) Royal Challengers Bangalore
achievements in mathematics. It is named Ans:c
after Norwegian mathematician Niels Explanation: Team Mumbai Indians
Henrik Abel (1802-29), who in his short life emerged as the First Ever Winning Team of
made pioneering contributions in a the Women’s Premier League (Cricket)
multitude of fields. against Delhi Capitals. The Women’s
Premier League (Cricket) was played from
Q291. India and which country hold joint 4th March 2023 to 26th March 2023
maritime exercise ‘Konkan’ in the Arabian between 5 teams.
(a) USA (b) China Q294. Who has been selected as the new
(c) Russia (d) UK head of the New Development Bank
Ans:d (NDB)?
Explanation: The annual bilateral maritime (a) N K Singh
exercise called Konkan 2023 was (b) Dilma Rousseff
conducted between the Indian Navy and (c) Marcos Prado Troyjo
the Royal Navy from 20th to 22nd March (d) Amitabh Kant
2023 off the Konkan coast in the Arabian Ans:b
Sea. The Royal Navy is the United Explanation: Former Brazilian President
Kingdom’s naval warfare force. The Dilma Rousseff has been elected as
exercise involved INS Trishul, a guided the new President of the New
missile frigate, and HMS Lancaster, a Type Development Bank (NDB), also known as
23 guided missile frigate, and aimed to the BRICS Bank. She replaced Marcus
improve cooperation and learn best Troyjo as the President of NDB. Rousseff is
practices through various maritime drills. an economist who served as the President
of Brazil for two consecutive terms from
Q292. Hopi which was seen in the news, is January 2011 to August 2016. During her
an ethnic group of people living in which presidency, Rousseff prioritised social
country? policies, including poverty reduction and
[A] Russia [B] USA increased access to education and
[C] Italy [D] Turkey healthcare.
Explanation: Hopi are a Native American Q295. Which bank has acquired 'all
ethnic group who primarily live on the Hopi deposits and loans' of Silicon Valley Bank?
Reservation in north-eastern Arizona, (a) Citi Group
United States. The Water and Heritage (b) First Citizens Bank
Shield was conferred recently by the (c) Bank of America
International Committee On Monuments (d) Wells Fargo
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