Abnormalities in Pregnancy

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High risk Prenatal Client 20th week of pregnancy and the

end of the first week after delivery.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) - can cause proteinuria edema.
- is defined as any degree of glucose
intolerance with onset or first OGTT - oral glucose tolerance test.
recognition during pregnancy
Rh incompatibility
Post-term pregnancy - is a condition that develops when a
- is defined as pregnancy that has pregnant woman has Rh-negative
extended to or beyond 42 weeks of blood and the baby in her womb
gestation (294 days), or estimated has Rh-positive blood.
date of delivery (EDD) + 14 days.
- more than 40 weeks. Gestational Conditions such as:
- can cause macrocephaly.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Hyperglycemia in Diabetes Mellitus - morning sickness.
- In people who have diabetes, - increasing human chorionic
glucose tends to build up in the gonadotropin (HCG).
bloodstream. This condition is
called hyperglycemia. It may reach Ectopic Pregnancy
dangerously high levels if it is not - most often occurs in a fallopian
treated properly. tube.

Hypertension Gestational Trophoblastic disease (GTD)

- The cause of gestational - a group of rare diseases in which
hypertension is unknown. abnormal trophoblast cells grow
- Eating a balanced diet and keeping inside the uterus after conception.
your salt intake low can help to
reduce blood pressure. Hydatidiform mole (H Mole) is the most
common type of GTD.
Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)
- is hypertension that occurs after Incompetent cervix
20 weeks of gestation in women - happens when weak cervical tissue
with previously normal blood causes or plays a part in a
pressure. premature birth or the loss of a
healthy pregnancy.
Protein - Albumin - Edema - Hypertension
Spontaneous Abortion
Hypertension can cause - is pregnancy loss before 20 weeks
- Eclampsia gestation.
- Pre-eclampsia
Placenta Previa
Eclampsia -a condition in which the placenta lies
- is the development of convulsive very low in the uterus and covers all or
seizures or coma without other part of the opening to the cervical
causes during that same time opening that sits at the top of the vagina.
frame. Placenta previa happens in about 1 in 200
- can cause cerebral edema. pregnancies.
- it can lower your oxygen.
Pre-eclampsia Placental abruption
- is development of high blood - means the placenta has detached
pressure, swelling or high levels of from the wall of the uterus, either
albumin in the urine between the partly or totally.
Premature rupture of membranes
- is the rupture of gestational
membranes prior to the onset of

Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)

- is defined as systolic blood
pressure (SBP) >140 mmHg and
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) >90

1st Trimester
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum,
Spontaneous Abortion and Ectopic

2nd Trimester
- Hydatidiform mole (H Mole), and
Incompetent cervix.

3rd Trimester
- Placenta previa, Placental
abruption, Premature rupture of
membranes (PROM) and
Pregnancy-induced hypertension

Pre-term is less than 37 weeks.

Normal is between 37 - 40 weeks.

Post term is more than 40 weeks.

Labor and Birth Process

Passenger (fetus)
Position (maternal)
Passageway (the pelvis and maternal soft
Power (uterine contractions)
Psyche (maternal psychological status)

SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome.

A - appearance.
P - pulse.
G - grimace.
A - activity.
R - respiration

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