Draft MOA
Draft MOA
Draft MOA
............. LIMITED
The Companies Act, 1994
Memorandum of Association
.............. LIMITED
III. The objectives for which the company is established are all or any of the
following provided that permission/approval/license from the Government
or its appropriate agency and the concerned local government authority
shall be obtained wherever it is so required by law, rules or regulations:
4. To establish, set up, own, hire, operate and run tourism related
facilities in various parts of Bangladesh including but not limited to, hotels,
motels, guesthouses, resorts and any other type of accommodation that
may be required by or for tourists and visitors;
5. To set up and operate travel agencies and carry ticketing and all
other related businesses and also to enter into agreements with foreign
airlines to run their online and off line GSA or PSA in Bangladesh;
1. To carry on business of Multi-purpose Agro-based complex, Poultry
farming, Fish Hatchery, Poultry Feed, Dairy, Fisheries, Duckery,
Agriculture farming, Cultivation of all kinds of Agro food, Plantation of
Seeds, Nursery, Hatchery, Import, Export Marketing local or abroad.
2. To carry on the business of Fisheries of High Value Fish, Nursery,
Hatchery, Hybrid seeds produce, rice seeds, Corn seeds, Potato seeds,
Vegetables seeds & Water-melon seeds and other seeds business.
3. To carry on the business of:
a) Quality fish production, hatcheries and marketing of fish.
b) Import & Export of all kinds of agricultural seeds.
c) Fish Farming
Fish Farm, Hatchery for shrimp, carp and prawn Hatchery, White Fish,
Shrimp, Prawn, Lobster & Crabs Cultivation and export of various
types of fishes, Prawn, Lobster, Shrimp, crabs, sea-fishes, dry-fish and
preservation and processing of shrimps and other fishes of both fresh
water and Sea water.
d) Dairy Farming:
Dairy Farming, Milk Processing, Milk Products, Butter, Cheese, Gee,
Ice-Cream, Chocolate & Candy, Milk Freezing, Milk Powder and their
by products with quality packaging, supply and sales in the local
market and abroad and to sell, import and export of Cows and Calves
and make provision of their breeding.
e) Fattening Farming:
Cow, Goat, Sheep and Buffaloes fattening and making provision for
their breeding freezing, packaging supplying in the local markets and
abroad and all kinds of concerned business.
f) Poultry Farming:
Layer Farm, Pullet raising Farm, Broiler Farm, Parent stock Farm.
Establishment of Poultry hatchery, Egg Processing, Broiler Processing.
g) Agriculture Farming:
Agriculture, Pisciculture, Horticultural Farm, Vegetables and Mushroom
cultivation, Processing, Packing, Marketing and sale to local market &
abroad. Flower plantation and seed production, processing of
vegetables, flowers and fruits. Establishment of packaging & canning
industries for local market requirement & for exports & undertake allied
6. To import, purchase, exchange eggs, chicks, chicken, ducks and all sorts
of high-breed and feed ingredient fowls and also to procure medicine,
vaccination, veterinarian assistance, feeds from the country and abroad
for proper maintains of the farm.
5. To buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in all kind of edible oils, oil
products and by products, other edible oil, coconut oil, palm oil and spices.
03. To work closely with ICT area with a view to enabling the
Bangladesh Software and Information Technology industry reach global
04. To acquire and take over as a going concern the business now
carried on in Bangladesh by ICT Company.
2. To buy, sell, export, import, indent, promote and deal with sewing thread,
collar bone, embroidery thread, buttons, hooks, plastic clips, chains,
labels, printed or plain boxes and any other items those may be required
for raw materials, packing materials and garments industry both home or
3. To establish and operate Knit composite mills, textile mills, sizing, dyeing
or printing mills, finishing mills both for manufacturing of knit and woven
fabrics made of cotton, synthetic, woolen, rayon and any other fibers for
100% export purpose.
5. To Set up, establish, build, construct, run, manage and install textile mills,
cotton mills, weaving, dyeing and finishing facilities, garments factory and
any other like business of spinning, knitting and or otherwise
manufacturing, bleaching, merchandising, calendering, finishing and
selling domestic method or export of cloth, yarns and other like nature of
goods and merchandise.
IV. The liability of the members is limited.
We, the several persons, whose names, addresses and descriptions are
subscribed are desirous of being formed into a company in accordance with the
Memorandum of Association, and we respectively agree to take the number of
shares in the capital of the Company set opposite to respective names below:
1. ……………..
Father …………. Mother:…………….
Age …………
Occupation………... TIN :…
2. ……………..
Father …………. Mother:…………….
Age …………
Occupation………... TIN :……………
Nationality …………..
1. 2.