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Project 2023 Pharma

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F I N A L P R O J E C T : BU S I N E S S E N T E R P R I S E


The objective of this final project is to incorporate word processing, spreadsheet and
presentation that have been learned in this course to create documents for a upcoming
new business venture/enterprise of your choice.


Using creativity and personal interest, establish a business enterprise.

You start with NOTHING. You must:
 Advertise/hire personnel for all required departments
 Advertise/produce desired products/services
 Contact/retain potential customers.
 Create appropriate financial documents

The business MUST consist of a minimum of THREE departments, a minimum of SIX

employees, and a minimum of FIVE customers.
Following activities has to be done to complete the final project.

Activity # Description
Create a Logo for your business. You may use drawing tools,
shapes, clip art, words, etc. Be creative but remember, a good logo
helps customers remember your business/product.
Use your logo consistently in all your documents.
1 Create and print a Business Letterhead.
Minimum: Business data, logo and sidebar or footer.
Create and print Business Cards reflecting your business and
Minimum: Your name, business address, phone and related data
plus your logo.
Create a Slide Show Presentation describing your business and
2 products/services.
( Slides Project 1) Minimum: Title slide, transitions between slides, clips on at least
2 slides (one will be your picture.), animation and word art.
(Minimum of 6 slides)
Prepare and print a Proposal with Title Page
(one page, double-spaced and justified aligned) describing your
business enterprise for potential customers. Include a bulleted list
and table. You must interview an individual who currently operates
the type of business you have selected. Use the answers to your
(Word Project 1)
interview questions to help guide you in preparing the proposal.
Attach the interview question sheet to the proposal.
Minimum: Business objective, services/products, location, pricing
strategies and why prospective customers should patronize your
business. Include any other information you feel is necessary.
Create a Promotional Letter introducing your business to the
public. The letter will be sent to prospective customers notifying
4 them of the opening of your new business. Be sure to type the letter
(Word Project 2) on your letterhead.
Minimum: Three paragraph letter using block style format with a
bulleted list. (Block style means no indents.)
Create a personal Resume using the resume wizard in MS-Word.
Minimum: Resume style of your choice completed with your
(Word Project 3)
personal information.
Create a Calendar for the month of January and Jun 2023 using the
calendar wizard in Word.
(Word Project 4)
Minimum: Choose your own style and direction.
Create and print Newspaper Classified Advertisements for the
employment positions available with your new business enterprise.
Minimum: Two different ads (all on one sheet of paper) with an
(Word Project 5)
optional graphics image including the position, job description,
education requirements and how to apply for the job.
Prepare a Quarterly Sales Spreadsheet for May, June and July.
You must have at least 5 services or items in the sales column.
Minimum: Title for spreadsheet “Company name Quarterly Sales
8 Report”, column headings (Sales, May, June, July, Totals), the last
(Excel Project 1) row should also contain totals. Start these calculations in the last
row-- min, max and average for every column except total.
Use AutoFormat to format the body of the worksheet. Create a
column chart with a title that displays the total sales for each month.
Create a spreadsheet to calculate the Weekly Payroll of all your
Tax data  Federal Tax = 17.5%, Local Tax = 2.5%
9 Minimum: Columns for each of the following fields: Name,
(Excel Project 2) Hourly Rate, Hours Worked, Gross Pay, Federal Tax, Local Tax,
Total Deductions, Net Pay. Have a “Totals” row for all numeric
columns. Create a column chart that includes the employees’
names, and hours worked. Place the chart beneath the spreadsheet.
Create and print a Completed Sales Invoice for one of your
10 customer’s bill.
(Excel Project 3) Minimum: Company data, customer data, product/service data, total
bill amount, and a graphic. You can use the sales invoice template.
Total 10 points for each of the TEN activities exercise: 100 Points

F INAL P ROJECT T ENTATIVE D UE D ATE : 10 th January 2024

You will be graded based upon the following criteria:

 Documents meet minimum standards

 Documents are error-free and high quality
 Documents are original and reflect creativity
 Features/functions learned in class are included in the documents
 Attitude/Effort put forth in creating your business documents


Complied By: Muzammil Ahmad Khan

muza mmil.ahmad @iqra.edu.pk

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