A New Look at The Statistics of Tailings Dam Failures
A New Look at The Statistics of Tailings Dam Failures
A New Look at The Statistics of Tailings Dam Failures
Engineering Geology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/enggeo
Keywords: Tailings dams are commonly built incrementally to increase the storage capacity of the Tailings Storage Facility
Failure modes (TSF), usually without interrupting the mining activities. Dam management practices, lack of knowledge on
Construction methods tailings behaviour and the poor performance of monitoring and management processes have resulted in disas
Dam factor
trous tailings dam failures with human and economic losses, as well as huge environmental consequences to
Released volume
ecosystems and local communities. In the literature, correlation analyses have been carried out considering
different variables: stored volume, released volume, runout distance, dam height, peak discharge. Several da
tabases of tailings dam failure are available online, each with different levels of detail. This paper computes the
statistics of tailings dam failures using an up-to-date database on failures and a catalogue of existing TSF. The
existing correlations between stored and released volumes have been verified using a larger database. The new
proposed regression analysis considers the functional relationship between released volume and characteristics
of the dam such as height and stored volume (i.e., dam factor). The effect of construction type, fill material and
failure mode on the released volume has also been evaluated as well as the frequency of tailings dam failure as
function of the construction method. Tailing dams built using the upstream construction method turn out to be
more prone to failure, and more susceptible to static and dynamic liquefaction. The new correlation provides
more reliable estimates of the expected released volume as a function of dam height and stored volume and
should prove useful for runout analyses and risk assessment of tailings dam failure. Finally, the analyses carried
out show that there is no correlation between the water pond extension and the released volume.
1. Introduction other hand, until recently, there has been little change in practices
related to management of the increased tailings volumes. The un
Tailings are the waste result of mining processes. They are a mixture certainties on physical and chemical characteristics of tailings, together
of sand and silt with high content of unrecoverable metals, chemical with dam management practices, are of growing concern (https://www.
reagents and process water employed during raw materials extraction. tailings.info/basics/tailings.htm). The lack of knowledge on tailings
Tailings are usually discharged as a slurry to a storage area commonly behaviour and the poor performance of monitoring and management
known as Tailings Storage Facility (TSF). Usually dams or embankments processes can be considered as the main predisposing factors of dam
are used to retain the stored tailings. Tailings dams are built and raised failures.
to increase the stored capacity, often without interrupting the mining Tailings dam failures have resulted in disastrous environmental and
activities. This construction approach differs from the one used for human tragedies. The different tailings dam databases considered in this
water-retaining dams, which are completely built before becoming study (ICOLD, WISE, World Mine Tailings Failures, n.d, CSP2) indicate
operational. Most of the tailings dams were built several decades ago that since 1915, a total of 257 failures have been recorded with circa
and about 45% have been constructed with the upstream method, which 2′ 650 fatalities and 250 million m3 of contaminated residues released to
is considered the least stable among the tailings dam construction the environment. Almost 50% (115 million m3) of the released volumes
methods (Wei et al., 2013). have been recorded after 2000, with circa 640 fatalities. These data
The advances in mining technology over the past 100 years have highlight that the challenge of safely storing mine waste is growing in
made it economically feasible to mine lower grades of ore and to in scale and complexity (GRIDA, 2016). The threat is further complicated
crease the excavated volumes (Bowker and Chambers, 2016). On the by the increased severity and frequency of extreme weather events due
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: luca.piciullo@ngi.no (L. Piciullo).
Received 21 November 2021; Received in revised form 30 March 2022; Accepted 5 April 2022
Available online 9 April 2022
0013-7952/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
plausible scenarios that could lead to dam failure and the consequences
of failure if the scenarios do occur. The scenarios are built up as chains of
events along the branches of the event tree. An occurrence probability
must be assigned to each event. These probabilities could be based on
detailed probabilistic analysis of the failure mechanism, statistics of
historical events for similar dams, expert judgement or all three.
The statistical analyses presented in this paper aim at achieving a
better understanding of potential tailings volume released in a failure
and providing useful statistical information to help performing runout
analyses and risk assessment for tailings dam failures.
Fig. 1. Timeline with existing databases on tailings dam failures and accidents. 2.1. Databases on tailings dam failures
to climate change (IPCC, 2021; Franks et al., 2011). Heavy rainfall has All the databases available online and described in this paper are
been identified as the trigger in 25% of global and 35% of European summarized in a timeline in Fig. 1. It should be noted that each database
tailings dam failures (Rico et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2021). is not necessarily complete for the time period it covers. Tailings dam
Materials released due to tailings dam failures can travel hundreds of failures have been documented since 1915 (ICOLD, 2001). The Inter
kilometres (Glotov et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2020; Lumbroso et al., 2021), national Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD, 2001) provides a catalogue
reaching rivers and lakes and inundating land with toxic slurry polluting of 221 tailings dam accidents, and includes the information provided in
and killing flora and fauna. An example of how catastrophic such events the databases of the US Committee on Large Dams (USCOLD, 1994) and
can be, is the Brumadinho dam failure in 2019 in Mina Córrego do the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 1996). Specif
Feijão, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The failure released around 10 million cubic ically, USCOLD gathered information on 185 cases that occurred in the
metres of mine waste (Rotta et al., 2020) towards the valley (Lumbroso USA during the period 1917–1989 and the UNEP survey collected in
et al., 2021). The slurry travelled downstream killing 270 people and formation on global tailings dam incidents for the years 1980–1996. The
causing enormous damage to the environment, local ecosystems and information on tailings dam accidents and failures in the USCOLD 1994
communities. Clarkson and Williams (2020) estimated that the eco and UNEP 1996 databases were collated with information about the TSF
nomic impact (social and environmental) of a major tailings dam failure failures that occurred in the period 1996–2001 in the ICOLD database.
can be between $750 million and $56 billion. The ICOLD database provides the following information for each entry:
However, after the recent catastrophic tailing dam failures in location, date, ore, dam type, fill material, dam height, stored volume,
Mariana in 2015 (Fundão dam) and in Brumadinho in 2019 (Dam 1 at incident type, volume released, and runout distance travelled by the
the Córrego do Feijão) Brazil, the situation is rapidly changing. A wide volume. ICOLD (2001) classified the causes of tailings dam failures in
range of guidelines, standards and regulatory documents are now nine categories: static failure (SI), seepage and internal erosion (SE),
available that can assist an operator in establishing a tailings risk structural and foundation conditions (FN), overtopping (OT), structural
assessment and management system, e.g., RIDM, 2015 (ISO 2394:2015); inadequacies (ST), seismic instability (EQ), mine subsidence (MS),
MAC, 2019; GISTM, 2020. All the major mining companies are reas external erosion (ER), unknown (U). This classification will be used for
sessing and upgrading their tailings management practices. Qualitative the analysis of causes of failures.
and/or quantitative risk assessment for the evaluation of tailings dam Other databases on tailings dam accidents and failures are available
safety is receiving increased attention and risk-informed decision-mak on internet. The database of World Information Service on Energy
ing (RIDM) is recommended as the norm in tailings management prac (WISE)-uranium project WISE Uranium Project, 2019 (https://www.
tice. RIDM, 2015 (ISO 2394:2015) quantifies the uncertainties and risks wise-uranium.org/mdaf.html) is mostly focused on the health and
to enable making a decision on whether the risk is acceptable or not. The environmental impacts of uranium mining and nuclear fuel production.
objective is always to minimize the risk of life loss, economical losses The database provides information on major tailings dam failures since
and other losses. One of the most common methods used for quantitative 1960 and the collected information is continuously updated. The
risk assessment of both tailings and water-retaining dams is the Event following data are collected for each entry: date and type of incident,
Tree Analysis (Lacasse and Höeg, 2019), where one considers all the location, ore, volume released, and impacts.
One more source of information on tailings dam failures is the
website https://worldminetailingsfailures.org/. The information in this
Table 1 database is based on the analyses of Bowker and Chambers, 2015. This
Information available in the CSP2 tailings dam incident database. catalogue includes the information provided by ICOLD (2001) and
provides information about TSF failures not presented in the WISE or
ORE TYPE ICOLD inventories. The number of failures and accidents are updated up
DAM TYPE to March 2019 and are available as an Excel file freely downloadable
DAM FILL (https://www.resolutionmineeis.us/sites/default/files/references/bow
DAM HEIGHT (meters) ker-2019.pdf).
STORED VOLUME (cu. meters)
Another important catalogue on tailings dam failures is provided by
Type key the Centre for Science in Public Participation (CSP2). The centre pro
Type cause vides training and technical advice to grassroots groups on water
ICOLD incident number pollution and natural resource issues, especially those related to mining
(http://www.csp2.org/). CSP2 also maintains a spreadsheet of tailings
RELEASE (cu. meters) dam failures and accidents, which is continuously updated and available
RUNOUT (km) at http://www.csp2.org/tsf-failures-from-1915. The catalogue
DEATHS comprised 351 entries (as of March 2022) divided among TSF dam wall
SOURCES failure, TSF impoundment component, TSF external component/oper
ation, other failures and significant events with tailings disposal stored.
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
2.2. Tailings facility failure data used for new statistical analyses active tailings facilities and assets, omitting some closed facilities and
the large number of abandoned facilities for which a responsible can no
The CSP2 database was used to perform the analyses described in this longer be found (Franks et al., 2021). Based on the results of this survey,
paper because it was the most detailed and updated database on tailings a searchable online database of the disclosures was published by GRID-
dam failures available online. However, it is important to underline that Arendal in January 2020 (http://tailing.grida.no). From the total
this database is likely to be incomplete and cannot be considered number of entries, a selection was carried out to consider dam structures
exhaustive of all the tailings dam incidents worldwide. Many smaller only, excluding in pit-landform and other types of tailings storage, for
incidents and some failures are never reported and remain not known. the analyses carried out in this paper.
The information gathered in the CSP2 database comprise: mine/project
and location, ore type, dam type, dam fill material, dam height, stored 3. Rationale behind the analysis and statistical approach
volume, ICOLD incident cause classifications, incident year, incident
date, volume released, runout, deaths, sources of information (Table 1). Earlier correlation analyses have been carried out considering
Among the different entries, the ‘ICOLD incident cause classifica different variables: stored volume, released volume, runout distance,
tions: Type Number’ specifies the incident type, classified according to dam height, peak discharge. The runout distance depends on many site-
the following classes: 1a. Active Dam Failure, 1b. Inactive Dam Failure, specific variables such as the type of tailings, water content, slope and
2a. Active Tailings Accident, 2b. Inactive Tailings Accident, 3. topography downstream of the dam, and the presence of paved roads or
Groundwater. When an impoundment has been completely filled, or rivers, among others. An empirical correlation between runout distance
when tailings production has ceased, the tailings dam and its retained and released volume that ignores site-specific factors can lead to erro
impoundment is described as inactive (ICOLD, 2001), otherwise it is neous interpretations and such correlation analysis has therefore not
considered active. been performed in this study. Instead, a correlation analysis between the
The analyses carried out in this paper only consider the types “1a” released volume and a weighted product of dam height and stored
and “1b”, counting actual failures and not accidents. Type “1” always volume (called the dam factor) was developed. Rico et al., 2008 corre
designates a failure in the dam itself involving an unplanned release of lated the dam factor with runout distance and peak discharge, consid
tailings (Bowker and Chambers, 2015). This selection reduced the 351 ering it as a crude index of the energy expenditure at the dam when it
tailings dam entries (accidents and failures) to 257 failures. This dataset fails (Hagen, 1982; Costa, 1988). The dam factor was also used in Costa,
was used for statistical and correlation analyses, excluding the entries 1988 to indirectly measure the potential energy (i.e., peak discharge in
where no information on significant variables was available. m3 per second) due to water-retaining dam failures. However, reliable
data on the peak discharge due to tailings dam failures is not available.
In this paper, the new proposed statistical analyses verify the existing
2.3. Tailings facilities catalogue considered for new statistical analyses correlations between stored and released volumes obtained by Rico
et al., 2008 and Larrauri and Lall., 2018, using a larger database.
In January 2020, the Investor Mining and Tailings Safety Initiative, a Moreover, a regression analysis has been conducted using a database of
group of 112 institutional investors that represent US$14 trillion in as 71 tailings dam failures. The analyses examine the functional relation
sets under management, with support from UNEP, launched a census of ship between released volume and characteristics of the dam such as
tailings dams around the world (https://tailing.grida.no/#header). The height and stored volume (i.e., dam factor). Furthermore, to inspect the
group requested specific disclosure on tailings facilities to publicly listed probability of failure, the failure dataset was compared with the cata
extraction companies. The requested information covered 20 aspects of logue of existing dams published by GRID-Arendal (see Section 2.3).
each tailings facility, including coordinates, raise type, current Moreover, Rourke and Luppnow, 2015 proposed an alternative
maximum height, current tailings stored and hazard categorization. The preliminary relation between released volume and water pond surface
disclosure questions were developed in consultation with independent area, with the aim of providing a better correlation for the released
technical advisors, industry experts, and four mining companies. A table volume. The correlation was then analysed considering 5 failures. In this
providing the full list of questions and the database are available in paper, the Rourke and Luppnow correlation was tested considering 9
Franks et al., 2021. Currently, there are 1′ 743 tailings facilities in the failure cases.
database, whereof 725 are active TSFs. However, this number represents
an underestimation since the dataset is concerned mainly with presently
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Fig. 3. a) Reported causes of tailings dam failures: static failure (SI), seepage and internal erosion (SE), structural and foundation conditions (FN), overtopping (OT),
structural inadequacies (ST), seismic instability (EQ), mine subsidence (MS), external erosion (ER), unknown (U); b) Reported number of failures by dam construction
method: upstream (US), downstream (DS), centreline (CL), water retention (WR), unknown (U), other type of construction; c) Number of reported failures for active
(A) and nonactive(B) tailings dams; d) Consequences in terms of categories of number of human losses.
4. Results of statistical analysis on the failure database entries containing information on both the released and the stored
volumes (71 entries) were selected for this analysis. A correlation be
4.1. Historical trends and causes of failures tween released (R) and stored volumes (V) was done using linear
regression analysis and the result was compared with the one published
The analyses carried out using the publicly available database CSP2, in Rico et al., 2008, and Larrauri and Lall, 2018. In Rico et al., 2008, the
highlights that the historical trend regarding the number of failures has authors correlated the volume released with the stored volume for 22
an average of 2.5 failures per year (Fig. 2) and an average released cases that had complete information on volumes. Subsequently, Larrauri
volume to total stored volume ratio of about 0.27. Overtopping, static and Lall, 2018, added six more cases to the database. A comparison
liquefaction and dynamic liquefaction are the most frequent causes of between the dataset used in this paper and the one published in in Rico
tailings dam failure (Fig. 3a). This finding agrees with previous findings et al., 2008, and Larrauri and Lall, 2018, is presented in Table 2. The
in ICOLD, 2001 and GRIDA, 2016. The failure mode for 52 failures of the correlation between released and stored volumes is plotted in Fig. 4.
257 cases (19%) is not known. Thus, even a larger percentage of failures The equations from Rico et al., 2008, and Larrauri and Lall, 2018, are
might be attributable to the three main failure modes (Fig. 3a). The data very similar, and so are the coefficients of determination (r2, close to
also highlights that the upstream method is the dam construction type 0.9). The r2 value is a statistical measure that represents the proportion
with the highest percentage of failure (32%). However, for half the of the variance for a dependent variable.
failures (49%) collected in the database, the construction type of the The result obtained in this study, with a larger failure dataset (70
tailings dam is unknown (Fig. 3b). Of the recorded failures, 82% entries, ID170 excluded because has a very small released volume),
involved active tailings dams (Fig. 3c). For 17% of the cases, the failures highlights that the coefficient of determination r2 for the correlation
had consequences in terms of human losses, with 4% with more than 50 between stored and released volumes reduces to 0.59 (Table 3), thus
victims (Fig. 3d). indicating a weaker correlation with a larger number of failures. This
difference in the uncertainty of the correlation is important if one is to
4.2. Released and stored tailings volumes use such correlations to assign probabilities in an event tree analysis and
other risk assessment methods or to evaluate the expected released
From the tailings dam failure database (see Section 2.1), only the volume for runout analyses.
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L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Table 2 (continued ) The dataset used for this regression was the subset of the incidents
No ID Location Year of Stored Released Height obtained by filtering the CSP2 database on missing values, either in
failure volume volume (m) released volume, dam height or stored volume. The resulting dataset
(Mm3) (Mm3) consisted of 64 entries (see Table 2). One failure (ID170) was considered
48 240 Bafokeng, South 1974 13.000 3.000 20 as an outlier and removed, because it had a very small released volume
Africa (100 m3) compared to other dam failures. More details, and a discussion
49 242 Deneen Mica 1974 0.300 0.038 18 is contained in the supplementary material. The fitted parameters along
Yancey County,
with standard error, t-statistic and the associated p-values, are shown in
North Carolina,
USA Table 4.
50 243 Silver King, Idaho, 1974 0.037 0.014 9 The t-value is the rate between estimate and the standard error. The
USA p-value is the probability of obtaining an estimate deviating more than
51 250 (unidentified), 1973 0.500 0.170 43 the observed estimate under the zero hypothesis. The r2 value for the
Southwestern USA
52 253 Brunita Mine, 1972 1.080 0.070 25
regression quantifies the proportion of the variance explained by the
Caragena, Spain model and was calculated to be 0.64. The standard deviation of the re
(SMM Penaroya) siduals is 0.55. Hence, according to the model, about 93% of the pre
53 254 Buffalo Creek, West 1972 0.500 0.500 16 dicted released volume lies within a factor of 10 (see supplementary
Virginia, USA
material) of the actual released volume. A comparison between observed
(Pittson Coal Co.)
54 256 Cities Service, Fort 1971 12.340 9.000 15 and predicted released volume is shown in Fig. 5.
Meade, Florida, Generally, a p-value smaller than 0.05 is taken to mean that the es
phosphate timate is statistically significant. Both p-values for β1 and β2 are lower
55 264 Mufulira, Zambia 1970 1.000 0.068 50 than 1 per thousand, indicating that it is natural to include both height
(Roan Consolidated
and volume in the model. The insignificant p-value for the constant just
56 276 Hokkaido, Japan 1968 0.300 0.090 12 means that the constant for the model is not significantly different from
57 287 Mir mine, 1966 1.520 0.450 45 zero. This may occur when the area of interest is far from the origin. As
Sgurigrad, Bulgaria already discussed, one may join the height and volume into a single
58 289 Gypsum Tailings 1966 6.360 0.130 16
variable by taking their product, labeled here as the dam factor. The
Dam (Texas, USA)
59 293 El Cobre Old Dam 1965 4.250 1.900 35 result of the multivariate regression displayed in Table 4 indicates that
60 294 El Cobre New Dam 1965 0.350 0.350 19 simply taking the product is suboptimal with respect to the prediction of
61 297 Los Maquis No. 3 1965 0.043 0.021 15 released volume, since the difference between β1 and β2 is considerable
62 298 Bellavista, Chile 1965 0.450 0.070 20 (see section 1.7 of the supplementary material “predicting release vol
63 308 Cerro Negro No. (3 1965 0.500 0.085 20
ume”). Instead of taking the product, the above weights could be used to
of 5)
64 315 Castano Viejo Mine, 1964 0.027 0.017 9 define an adjusted dam factor (ADF):
San Juan,
log(ADF) = β1 log(V) + β2 log(H) (3)
65 317 Louisville, USA 1963 0.910 0.667 31
66 318 Huogudu, Yunnan 1962 5.420 3.300 19 Eq. (1) will be:
Tin Group Co.,
Yunnan log(R) = β0 + log(ADF) + ε (4)
67 324 Jupille, Belgium 1961 0.550 0.136 46
68 325 La Luciana, Reocín 1960 1.250 0.100 24
To visualize the rationale behind the adjusted dam factor, a scatter
(Santander), plot of the incidents in the log-stored-volume and log-height plane was
Cantabria, Spain prepared in Fig. 6, with the size of the marker indicating the released
69 328 Mailuu-Suu #7 1958 1.200 0.600 NA volume. The contour lines of the adjusted dam factor are also included.
tailings dam
The angle of the contour lines is determined by the relation between β1
70 347 Los Cedros, 1937 11.480 2.500 35 and β2 (note the scaling of the axis). From the figure one may observe
Tlalpujahua, how the adjusted dam factor is fitted so as to capture the increasing
Michoacán, México released volume as a function of both dam height and stored volume.
71 349 Barahona, Chile 1928 20.000 2.800 61 In Fig. 7, the log of the released volume is plotted versus the log of the
adjusted dam factor. Note that by definition, the slope of the fitted linear
4.3. Predicting released volume from dam height and stored volume model is unity. While Fig. 6 reveals how incidents are scattered with
respect to height and stored volume, it is easier to spot the extent to
The finding that a larger dataset on tailings dam failures leads to a which the incidents deviates from the best linear fit from Fig. 7. In
weaker correlation between stored and released volumes implies that particular, two incidents labeled 216 and 156 have low released volume
the stored volume (V) cannot be considered as the only parameter compared with adjusted-dam-factor (ADF). These are the incidents in
describing the released volume (R). The dam height (H) also plays an Mochikoshi (Japan) of 1978 and Hernando (Florida, USA) of 1988
important role. A multi-linear regression was done on the log- respectively. Both incidents may be considered as outliers, but they do
transformed values expressing released (R) and stored (V) volumes in not have a considerable leverage on the fitted model. However,
cubic meter (m3) and height (H) in meter (m), with a model of the removing these two and the one labeled 38, which has a considerable
following type: leverage (i.e., a large impact on the fitted values) the r2 increases to 0.75
(see supplementary material for the coefficients β0, β1, β2).
log(R) = β0 + β1 log(V) + β2 log(H) + ε (1) In Fig. 8, the different variable distributions and the correlation
among them are shown. The figure highlights that the highest correla
where ε is assumed to be a normally distributed random variable with tion is obtained for the combination released volume (R) and adjusted
mean zero. Taking exponentials of both sides, assuming base-10 loga dam factor (ADF).
rithms, the equivalent model was obtained:
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
1.E+01 y = 0.345x1.01
r² = 0.86
Fig. 4. Correlation between released and stored volumes of TSFs: Comparison between Rico et al. (2008), 22 cases, Larrauri and Lall (2018), 28 cases and the
equations derived in this paper, 71 cases.
Observed Released Volume
1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
Predicted Released Volume
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Fig. 6. Tailings dam failures categorised after stored volume and dam height. The size of the marker indicates the released volume. The black lines are contours of
the adjusted dam factor.
Fig. 7. Correlation between released volume and adjusted dam factor. The red dotted line displays the best linear fit and the shaded region displays the 95%
confidence interval of the regression line. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
categorical variable to the regression. This yields a p-value of 0.02 volume indicated that failures of dams using mine waste (MW) as fill
indicating that the effect of this variable is statistically significant material was associated with slightly higher released volume.
(supplementary material). However, there are only three cases with the Figures are presented in the supplementary material.
CL construction method. Such finding should therefore be treated with
Failures associated with the foundation (FN) shows higher released 5.2. Dependency of failure mode on dam construction method
volume (Fig. 10). Testing the inclusion of failure mode as a categorical
variable yields a p-value of 0.03 also indicating that the failures of type This section looks at the dependency between failure mode and the
FN are indeed associated with a higher released volume after adjusting dam construction method. The analysis was carried out by making a
for volume and height. However, again, there are only three cases. contingency table that has as columns the failure modes and as rows the
Similar observations apply to the failures classified as unknown failure dam types (Table 5). The failures with unknown mode (U) are also
mode (U). A similar analysis of the effect of dam fill on the released largely not classified in terms of dam construction method.
For the analysis, all failures with unknown failure mode and
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Fig. 8. Correlation, distributions and scatter plot of the variables. The adjusted dam factor (ADF) includes the effect of both stored volume and dam height (H = dam
height; V = stored volume; R = released volume).
Fig. 9. Residuals of the regression of released volume vs adjusted dam factor as a function of dam construction method: upstream (US), downstream (DS), centreline
(CL), water retention (WR), unknown (U).
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Fig. 10. Residuals of the regression of released volume on adjusted-dam-factor as a function of failure mode: static failure (SI), seepage and internal erosion (SE),
structural and foundation conditions (FN), overtopping (OT), structural inadequacies (ST), seismic instability (EQ), mine subsidence (MS), external erosion (ER),
unknown (U).
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Table 7 Fig. 12 shows the comparison between dam height and stored vol
Result of multiple linear regression between Released volume, Stored volume ume of the two databases. It appears that the distribution of the dam
and dam Height for the subset SI-EQ considering the construction method up height is similar for the two databases. On the other hand, in terms of
stream (US). volume stored, there is a slight tendency towards smaller stored volumes
Estimate Std. Error t-value p-value in the failure dataset. Applying the mean as a test statistic, the hy
β0 − 0.157 0.497 − 0.315 0.756 pothesis that the smaller volume is simply a random artefact is rejected
β1 0.762 0.349 6.704 2.7e-06 (see supplementary material). It could be deducted that dams with
β2 0.705 0.113 2.018 0.058 smaller storage volumes are more likely to fail because dams storing
large volumes have higher standards and monitoring technologies.
However, this assumption is not justified by the dam height distribu
Performing a regression of log-released volume and log-adjusted dam
tions. Another explanation can be that the stored volume is systemati
factor on the subset of SI and EQ failure modes reveals a better fit and the
cally underestimated or underreported in the failure database. However,
fitted values are provided in Table 7. Originally, the SI-EQ subset con
it is important to underline that tailings dams grow with age and that a
tained 21 entries. It yielded an r2 value of 0.82. Random subsampling of
failure is an incident in time. The discrepancy here may be a result of
datasets of the same size reveals that the observed r2 value of 0.87 is
how time affects the two databases and can be also influenced by the
among the top 6%. The standard deviation of the residuals is 0.27. In
percentage of active and closed tailings dams in the two databases. The
Fig. 11, the log-released volume is plotted against the log of adjusted-
failure database is a static record of tailings dam characteristics at the
dam-factor for the failure modes SI and EQ considering the construc
time of the failure, while the catalogue of tailings dams is a picture of the
tion method upstream (US).
situation at the time of the census.
Joining the databases on failures and existing dams, the fraction of
6. Cases of failure and non-failure failures as a function of the dam construction method has been
computed (Fig. 13). From Fig. 13 we observe that for a relatively high
The catalogue of existing tailings facilities and the database on fail fraction of the incidents in the failure database the construction method
ures were used for comparative analyses. The two databases have was not known (see Section 4.1). For the tailings dam failures with a
overlapping variables, such as dam height, stored volume, and con documented construction method, a higher frequency (relative to total
struction method. It should be kept in mind that a failure is an incident number of dams in the catalogue of tailings dams) is observed for the
in time, while the catalogue of existing tailings dams is a record of the upstream method (0.13), followed by the centreline construction
situation at the time of the census. The number of both failures and method (0.11) and the downstream construction method (0.07). This
existing tailings facilities can be underestimated. Probably the catalogue result partially confirms what is stated in ICOLD 2001 and Rico et al.,
of existing dams has a higher underestimation of number of dams than 2008b, and shown in terms of percentage in Section 4.1. An analysis
the catalogue of failures. The number of existing tailings dams today is with the failure database only (Fig. 3b) suggests that the downstream
estimated to be about 8000 (Franks et al., 2021), so four times the method is second in term of number of failures. (ICOLD, 2001; Rico
current number in the database; combined with missing data on the age et al., 2008). The analysis presented in Fig. 13, using failure and non-
of the failed dams, an estimate on the failure rate is a difficult task. Still, failure databases, shows that the frequency of failures is lower for the
it is by comparing the overlapping features of the two databases that a downstream method compared to the centreline. This result agrees with
mean of associating features with failures can be obtained.
Fig. 11. Relation between released volume and adjusted dam factor for the failure modes SI and EQ subset, considering the construction method upstream (US).
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Fig. 12. Comparison between dam height (H) and stored volume (V) in the failure database (in green) and the catalogue of existing tailings dams (NO_FAIL in red).
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 8
Number of tailings dams classified as upstream (US), downstream (DS) and
centreline (CL) in the failure database (FAIL) and the catalogue of existing
tailings dams (NO_FAIL).
US DS CL Total
Table 9
Standardized Pearson residuals for Table 8.
Fig. 13. Fraction of dams in the failure dataset to the total number of dams in
both datasets as a function of the dam construction method. US = upstream; DS
considering the ones classified as upstream (US), downstream (DS) and
= downstream, CL = centreline; NA = not known. centreline (CL) (Table 8). To verify that the two variables may not be
considered as independent, a χ2-test was carried out. The resulting p-
value associated with the hypothesis of independence is less than
the survey carried out by Franks et al., 2021, who highlighted that active
0.0001, indicating that the hypothesis may be rejected. In Table 9, the
upstream facilities show a higher incidence of stability issues than other
associated standardized Pearson residuals are shown. The residuals
construction methods.
measure the deviation of the value in each cell of Table 8 with respect to
To further investigate the relation between failure and dam type we
the expected values under the hypothesis of independence. A residual
summarized the data in the frequency Table 8, classifying the tailings
that exceeds 2 indicates an abnormal value with respect to the hy
dams from the two databases according to construction method,
pothesis of independence. From Table 9 we may conclude that the 106
L. Piciullo et al. Engineering Geology 303 (2022) 106657
Brumadinho Fundao
Released/stored volume rao
0.4 Mt Polley
0.3 Bafokeng
Merriespruit Bafokeng
0.1 Kolontár
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pond rao
Fig. 14. Released/stored volume ratio as a function of pond ratio. In squares the values from Rourke and Luppnow (2015), in circles the data from this paper.
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