Mr. and Ms. Intrams News Article. Edited
Mr. and Ms. Intrams News Article. Edited
Mr. and Ms. Intrams News Article. Edited
The Annual Search for Mr. and Ms. Intramural happened on October 25, 2023,
in the DBPMCF gymnasium, showcasing the talents, intellect, and charisma of the
candidates who represented the various departments. The venue was filled with
fervent crowds of students, faculty, parents, and supporters eager to witness their
After a fierce battle of wit and athleticism among the cadidates who were eager
to secure the Mr. and Ms. Intramural 2023 title, two have stood out in the end. John
Joed Bonaobra, the representative of the AB and Education Department, earned the
title of Mr. Intramural 2023. On the other hand, Julia Vanessa Bandola, representing
the Commerce department, was crowned Ms. Intramural 2023. Their combined
intellect and charisma were the primary factors that led to their victory.
“Success is not just reaching the ultimate goal but also appreciating each small step
we take in our daily existence --the little victories we often overlook. I believe these
often tiny accomplishments are what truly propel us to the top,” said John Joed
Bonabra, Mr. Intramural 2023 .
“Education is often referred to as the great equalizer. It can open doors to jobs,
resources, and skills that not only help people to survive but also to thrive,” stated
Julia Vanessa Bandola, Ms. Intramural 2023.
The first runners-up were Jose Angelo Beronio from the Commerce Department
and Ayee Canosa from the Accountancy department. The second runners-up were
Renji Bolilan from the Accountancy department and Charisse Guenn Benosa of the
Criminology Department. The third-runners up were Mackien Quitasol from the
Criminology Department and Abegail Bonaos from the Ab & Education Department.
In conclusion, all of the candidates have uniquely stood out and won the crowd's
hearts because they have confidently and proudly represented their departments to the
best of their abilities.