The Development of Accounting Quality of IAS and IFRS Over Time: The Case of Germany
The Development of Accounting Quality of IAS and IFRS Over Time: The Case of Germany
The Development of Accounting Quality of IAS and IFRS Over Time: The Case of Germany
Mari Paananen2
Business School
University of Hertfordshire,
College Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB
United Kingdom
Henghsiu Lin
University of Portland
Pamplin School of Business Administration
5000 North Willamette Blvd.
Portland, OR 97203
We thank the anonymous reviewers of the Journal of International Accounting Research, Dr. Eva
Jermakowicz, the participants at the AAA 2008 Semi-annual International Accounting Section meeting in
San Diego, and the participants at workshops at Göteborg University, Keele University and Warwick
University for helpful comments.
Corresponding author
companies reporting under IAS during 2000-2002 (IAS period), and IFRS during 2003-
accounting quality after the mandatory EU adoption in 2005. Our findings on earnings
smoothing and timely loss recognition corroborates largely our findings related to value
relevance of accounting information. Our results indicate that accounting quality has not
improved but worsened over time. Further analysis shows that this development is less
likely be driven by new adopters of IFRS but is driven by the changes of the standards.
Contrary to the intention with the adoption of the European adoption of IFRS, this makes
it harder for investors to base their decisions on the IFRS financial reporting.
The main objective of this study is to examine and compare the quality of
with those under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) during 2003-20063.
German companies reporting under IAS during 2000-2002 (IAS period), and IFRS during
investigate whether there is a change in accounting quality during these three time
requirements, market microstructures and regulatory environments that may confound the
Our inquiry is mainly motivated by the major revisions of IASs and the
development of new IFRSs since the implementation of the new structure with IASB
taking over the standard setting responsibilities from IASC in April 2001. The IASB has
harmonization. This has led to significant changes in standards; only 31 of the 41 IASs
remained in effect as of January 2005. In addition, by this time, IASB has issued eight
new IFRSs (IASB). Many of these revisions and new additions of accounting standards
reflect IASB’s preference for fair value measurement of assets and liabilities (Alexander
and Jermakowicz 2006; Hung and Subramanyam 2007; Schipper 2005; Whittington
2005). Considering the developments in the international standards, we predict that these
Beginning in 2005, all listed companies in the European Union (EU) are required to prepare their
consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Prior to that, using IAS/IFRS was voluntary in
many European countries.
changes are likely to affect the quality of accounting amounts as a result of IASB’s
The European Union’s (EU) adoption has made IFRS the most widely accepted
financial accounting model in the world. It is very important that current and potential
investors as well as the standard setters understand the implication of IFRS on accounting
variables. Hence, we also examine the effect of the EU’s mandatory adoption of IFRS in
2005 and 2006 on the quality of accounting. Specifically, we examine whether the
mandatory adoption of IFRS in the EU may have changed the structure of the set of
companies reporting under IFRS and how this may have impacted the overall accounting
German companies (e.g., Hung and Subramanyam 2007; Bartov and Kim 2005; Barth et
al. 2008, Barth et al. 2006). Our study differs from prior research on quality of IAS and
IFRS accounting measures in that we examine the change in quality of accounting caused
by the revisions made to IASs and the development of new IFRSs. This study compares
under IAS during 2000-2002, and IFRS during 2003-2004 and 2005-2006. Specifically,
we investigate whether there is a change in accounting quality during these three time
periods as IASB revises existing IAS and issues new IFRS to formulate a set of high
Contrary to our expectations, our results suggest a decrease in accounting quality after the
mandatory EU adoption of IFRS. We find that earnings and book value of equity are
becoming less value relevant during the IFRS periods compared to the IAS period. Our
findings on earnings smoothing and timely loss recognition largely corroborates our
findings with respect to the value relevance of accounting information. Our results
indicate that accounting quality has not improved but worsened over time. Further
analysis shows that this is less likely to be driven by new adopters of IFRS in 2005 and
more by the change in international accounting standards. When using a matched sample
financial reporting. We also analyzed the voluntary and the mandatory adopters in the
period 2005 to 2006. We found only weak indications that the decrease in quality was
caused by the mandatory adopters. Furthermore, we also investigated whether our results
were driven by a new dominating industry group, Financials. We find nothing supporting
that this is the case and our interpretation is that the decrease in accounting quality is
driven by the revisions of IASs and the addition of new of IFRSs around the time of the
European mandatory adoption. Contrary to the intention with the European adoption of
IFRS, this might make it harder for investors to base their decisions on the accounting
international standards over time on accounting quality and value relevance of accounting
measures as these standards go through revisions and new standards are issued. No
study, to our knowledge, has empirically examined this issue. Our second contribution is
that we include more recent data and investigate the effects of the mandatory EU
The remainder of our paper is organized as follows. The next section describes
the development of international accounting standards over time. Section III briefly
discusses prior research and develops hypotheses. Section IV discusses the research
design and how we examine earnings smoothing, timely loss recognition and value
relevance over time. Section V describes the sample, and the sample selection criteria.
Accounting Standards took place. These changes are summarized in Table 1, which
outlines the revisions of existing IASs and the issuance of new IFRSs in the
chronological order these changes went into effect. Of these changes, we consider three
to have had a major impact on companies’ financial reporting and thereby the possibility
of a major impact on the value relevance on book value of equity and earnings. Theses
changes are related to IAS 36, Impairment of assets, IAS 38, Intangible assets, and IFRS
with an indefinite useful life for impairment, and measurement of recoverable amounts
statement. IAS 38 requires the recognition of an intangible asset when it is probable that
future benefits of an intangible asset will benefit the company, and the cost of the
intangible asset can be measured reliably. In addition, intangible assets should also be
assessed for impairment in accordance with IAS 36. IFRS 3 allows only the purchase
method for business combinations. All identifiable assets and liabilities are valued at fair
value. Goodwill is not amortized, but subject to an impairment test annually. Negative
goodwill is recognized immediately in the income statement. Since the changes in these
accounting standards are all fair-value oriented, we expect the informativeness of IFRS
earnings and book values to increase compared to that of IAS earnings and book values.
As noted earlier, some recent studies compare IAS accounting measures to those
under other GAAPs. Hung and Subramanyam (2007) compare the financial statement
effects of using IAS to those using German GAAP for a sample of German companies
that elected to adopt IAS by examining these companies’ restatements of prior years
accounting numbers in the adoption year. They find that the adjustments between the
two reporting systems are value relevant for book values of equity, but not for earnings.
But they do not find any difference in value relevance of book value of equity and
earnings under IAS and German GAAP. They also find that total assets and book value
of equity are significantly higher under IAS and that there is a higher variability in book
value of equity and earnings under IAS. Finally, they find that IAS adopters exhibit
larger loss provisions. Bartov et al. (2005) also examine and compare the value relevance
of earnings based US GAAP, IAS and German GAAP. They, on the other hand, find that
IAS earnings are more value relevant than those based on German GAAP. The
difference in the results of these two studies may be found in that Bartov et al. (2005)
exclude loss-firm observations in their estimations while these are included in the Hung
GAAP over the period 1995 to 2004. Specifically, they investigate the usefulness,
proxied as value relevance, before and after the adoption of these GAAPs and the
perceived benefits and costs related to the process of implementing IFRS among the
DAX-30 companies.4 They find a significant increase in the value relevance of earnings
after the adoption of these GAAPs. They also find that the key challenges related to the
adoption of IFRS are the complexity of IFRS, the costs involved, and the lack of
Jermakowicz et al. (2007) and Soderstrom and Sun (2007) may explain the findings of
Christensen et al. (2007). Christensen et al. (2007) investigate the change in earnings
management and timely loss recognition among German firms that voluntarily adopt
IFRS and those who wait until the adoption of IFRS is mandatory. They find that
companies that voluntarily adopt are less prone to earnings management and recognize
losses more timely compared to those that resist and wait until the adoption of IFRS
becomes mandatory. They interpret their findings as a sign of how certain companies (i.e.
insider oriented companies) have less incentive to adopt IFRS since they will not benefit
Finally, Barth et al. (2008) also study IAS adopters from a number of countries,
whereof Germany is one of the countries with greatest representation in the sample.
They find that firms that adopt IAS are less prone to engage in earnings smoothing and
There are also other recent studies on the effect of German and other GAAPs’ on
accounting quality and cost of capital. Leuz and Verrecchia (2000) investigate the bid-
ask spreads, trading volume, and stock return volatility as proxies for the information
asymmetry part of cost of capital. Comparing the above proxies for German companies
DAX-30 (Deutscher Aktien IndeX 30 (formerly Deutscher Aktien-Index-30) is a Blue Chip stock market
index consisting of the 30 major German companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
which switch from German GAAP to either IAS or US GAAP, as they predict, they find
that the bid-asked spread decreases, and the trading volume increases, however they find
no reduction in stock return volatility. Daske (2006) builds on Leuz and Verrecchia’s
(2000) study using data from 1993 and 2002. He, on the other hand, does not find any
sign of a lower cost of capital for companies that switch to IAS or US GAAP. On the
contrary, Daske (2006) finds an increase in cost of capital for these companies. Finally,
Platikanova and Nobes (2006) compare the information asymmetry component of the
bid-ask spread among companies before and after EU’s adoption of IFRS in 2005. They
find a larger volatility in the information asymmetry for UK and German companies.
Contrary to expectations, they also find that companies from countries where earnings
compared to other groups of countries. They interpret this result as income smoothing
Overall, the results of these studies do not provide clear evidence on how the
recent development in the global accounting standards impacts the quality of the
accounting amounts. For instance, Barth et al. (2008) and Jermakowicz et al. (2007)
cover a period including both IAS and IFRS data, which makes it difficult to interpret
their results regarding the impact on accounting quality as the international accounting
standards go through changes over time. In addition, the fact that Bartov et al. (2005)
exclude loss-firm observations and obtain a result different from Hung and Subramanyam
(2005) suggests that certain characteristics of the companies reporting under international
accounting standards may drive the results. This notion is supported by the findings of
both Jermakowicz et al. (2007) and Christensen et al. (2007). Jermakowicz et al. (2007)
results suggests that the value relevance of earnings increases after companies adopt
IFRS or US GAAP, a notion that make sense considering the sample used in the study
(DAX-30 companies), a set of companies that are most likely to be able to cope with the
complexity of implementing these GAAPs. They also find that, in spite of these
companies’ ability to cope with an adoption to a more complex GAAP, they still find the
adoption of IFRS to be a major challenge due to its complexity, high cost, and the lack of
implementation guidance. Christensen et al.’s (2007) results suggests that companies that
have an incentive to implement a more challenging GAAP are more likely to maintain a
higher accounting quality (proxied as earnings management and timely loss recognition)
have led to changes in the quality of financial reporting over time. Therefore, the
question remains whether the accounting quality is higher as a result of the IASB’s
initiatives and actions. As the IASB reduces the allowable alternative accounting
measurement for the goal of developing a single set of high quality international
accounting standards, we predict that these changes in recent years improve the quality of
accounting as evidenced by higher value relevance of earnings and book value of equity,
stock prices and earnings and book value of equity for firms with higher quality of
reported accounting numbers. Moreover, we expect that firms with less earnings
smoothing will exhibit more variability in change in net income, a higher ratio of the
variability of change in net income to variability of change in cash flow, a less negative
correlation between accruals and cash flows and less frequency of reporting small
positive earnings as the accounting quality improves. With respect to timely loss
recognition, we predict that firms with higher accounting quality show a larger frequency
of large losses.
We follow Barth et al. (2008) and Lang et al. 2005) when testing our predictions
of higher quality of accounting as the IASB revises IAS and issues new IFRS in the
recent years, we divide our study period (2000-2006) to three time periods: the IAS
period ranging from 2000-2002; the IFRSvoluntary period ranging from 2003-2004 and the
Four measures of earnings smoothing are used in this study. They are the
variability of the change in net income, the ratio of the variability of the change in net
income to the variability of the change in operating cash flows, the correlation between
accruals and cash flows and the frequency of small positive net income (Lang et al. 2005;
Barth et al. 2006, 2008). Our first earnings smoothing metric is the variability of the
change in net income scaled by total assets, ∆NI (Barth et al. 2006, 2008; Lang et al.
2006). To control for other economic factors that affect earnings variability unrelated to
the financial reporting system, we regress ∆NI on a number of control variables identified
in prior literature (Ashbaugh 2001; Pagano et al., 2002; Lang et al., 2003; Tarca 2004;
Lang et al. 2006; Barth et al., 2006, 2008), and the variances of the residuals of the
regression is our measure of the earnings variability. The ∆NI is estimated as follows:
CFO = the cash flow from operating activities scaled by total assets
AUD= a dummy variable taking the value one if the firm’s auditor is PwC, KPMG,
XLIST = a dummy variable taking the value one if the firm is listed on a U.S. stock
exchange (the U.S. not being the primary exchange) and zero otherwise.
FF = the average number of shares traded the last day of the month during the fiscal year
We estimate equation (1) pooling observations in each of the three time periods examined
and compare the variances of the residuals of the regression for each time period using a
Our second measure of earnings smoothing is the ratio of the variability of the
change in net income, ∆NI, to the variability of the change in operating cash flows,
∆CFO (Barth et al., 2006; Lang et al., 2006). ∆CFO is the change in cash flows scaled by
total assets. As with ∆NI, to control for other economic factors that affect cash flows
control variables similar to equation (1), but with ∆CFO as the dependent variable.
The variability of the change in cash flows is the variance of residuals from equation (2).
Then the second measure of earnings smoothing is the ratio of the variability of ∆NI to
the variability of ∆CFO. The rationale for using this ratio is that it is plausible that the
variability of net income is affected by the firm-specific volatility of cash flows and by
using the ratio we control for this (Barth et al. 2006, 2008; Lang et al. 2006). We measure
the difference between these ratios across time periods using ranksum test of the
permuted dataset.
accruals and cash flows. As with the previous tests, to control for economic factors
unrelated to earnings smoothing, we run separate regressions of accruals and cash flows
We then compare and test the correlation of the residuals from equations (3) and (4)
between the three time periods based on Cramer’s (1987) squared correlation test.
To test managing towards positive earnings, we run the following model
including two periods (IAS vs. IFRSvoluntary and IFRSvoluntary vs. IFRSmandatory) at a time to
examine if firms in one period are more likely to manage towards positive earnings
(Barth et al., 2006; Lang et al., 2006) than the other. The coefficient on the small positive
IAS(0,1) in the first estimation is equal to 1 for the IAS period and zero for the
IFRSvoluntary period and in the second estimation, the IAS(0,1) is equal to 1 for the
IFRSvoluntary and zero for the IFRSmandatory period. SPO is a binary variable equal to 1 if
net income scaled by total assets is between 0 and 0.01 (Barth et al., 2006; Lang et al.,
2006; Lang et al., 2003). A positive coefficient on SPO in the estimation covering the
IAS (IFRSvoluntary) period and the IFRSvoluntary (IFRSmandatory) period indicates that firms in
the IAS (IFRSvoluntary) period manage earnings toward small positive amounts more
similar to equation (5) and (6), but replacing SPO with LNEG.
LNEG is a binary variable taking on the value of 1 for observations with annual earnings
scaled by total assets less than negative 0.2, and zero otherwise. The coefficient on
indicates that firms in the IAS (IFRSvoluntary) period recognize large losses more
dummy variable for bad news (negative returns), annual return, and an interaction
variable of return and the dummy variable for bad news. We expect that more timely loss
recognition will result in a larger coefficient on bad news earnings. We compare the
magnitude of the interaction coefficient across the three periods to evaluate the timeliness
of bad news reflected in earnings. A larger coefficient indicates more timely loss
by Ohlson (1995) where a firm’s share price is a function of both earnings and book
value of equity.
where Pit is the market price per share three months after fiscal year end in year t of
companyi, and Eit, and BVEit are earnings before extraordinary items, and book value of
stockholders’ equity per share, respectively, and εit is the other value-relevant information
of company i in year t. The regression model’s R2 indicates the strength of the
We also use a reverse regression with earnings as the dependent variable and
returns as the independent variable. We expect that if losses are recognized in a timely
manner, the association between returns and earnings is stronger, mirroring that more
information about earnings reaches the equity market on in the period the loss occurs and
not later (Basu 1997). Hence, we predict an increase in the association between earnings
The initial sample consists of all industrial German listed companies found in the
Datastream database in the years 2000 – 2002, 2003 – 2004 and 2005-2006, indicating
IAS/IFRS as their primary accounting standards.5 German companies often are traded on
more than one domestic stock exchange; we choose the common stock issue of the
highest market value as the company’s primary stock issue, and use the stock price of that
issue when a company has multiple issues of common stocks. For the value relevance
test, the sample selection process yields a German IAS sample of 187 firm-year
observations and companies. Table 2 outlines our sample selection procedures for the
regression estimations, we match the sample firms in one period with the same firms in
We include all firms where the applied accounting standards are either international accounting standards
or IFRS.
the next period, and re-run all equations with the matched sample. This procedure yields
159 observations (92 companies) under the IAS period, 92 observations (92 companies)
for the IFRSvoluntary period, and 90 observations (90 companies) under the IFRSmandatory
As shown in Table 3 below, the Electronic industry is the largest industry cluster
in the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods, and Financials is the largest in the IFRSmandatory
period. The Financials industry is the second largest industry during the IAS period, and
the Financials and Machinery and Equipment firms are both the second largest industries
during the IFRSvoluntary period and Financials during the IFRSmandatory period. One of the
in the IFRSmandatory period. It seems that most of the Financials firms were not using the
IAS/IFRS until the mandatory adoption of IFRS in 2005. Another change is the steady
recognition metrics, and value relevance, followed by the control variables.6 The earnings
per share (EPS) increases significantly across the periods, which is plausible considering
the economic upturn between 2003 and 2006. There is a significant increase in book
value of shareholders’ equity per share (BVPS) between the IFRSvoluntary period and the
IFRSmandatory period. The change in net income (∆NI) increases significantly from the IAS
period to the IFRSvoluntary periods. The ∆NI then decreases between the IFRSvoluntary period
and the IFRSmandatory period. There is no significant difference in change in cash flows
Variables in all our analyzes are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles to control for outliers.
from operations (∆CFO) between the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods, while there is a
significant decrease between the the IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory periods. There is a
significant increase in accruals (ACC), measured as net income minus cash flow from
operations scaled by total assets, between the IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory periods,
reporting of small positive earnings (SPOS) across the three periods. There is a
significant decrease in the reporting of large negative earnings (Lneg) across the IAS and
behavior; however, this development could also be driven by the economic situation
during the IAS period and the ongoing upturn during the two following period. The
descriptive statistics on the control variables suggests that there is a decrease in growth
between the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods but an increase in growth between the
IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory periods (measured as change in sales). The latter
increase could be related to the new companies adopting IFRS in 2005. There is no
statistically significant difference in change in common stock over the three periods.
There is no significant difference in changes in total liabilities (Dissue) between the IAS
and the IFRSvoluntary periods but there is significant increase between the IFRSvoluntary and
the IFRSmandatory periods. The significant increase in the IFRSmandatory period could be
driven by the fact that many more companies now must adopt IFRS and this result in the
inclusion of companies that are less capital market oriented and more reliant on debt in
the three periods. There is a statistically significant increase in the asset turnover rate
between the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods. Although, this is development is reversed
between the IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory periods. The latter is most likely a
consequence of the inclusion of a large number of new IFRS adopters in the sample
group. The size of the sample companies (measured as the natural log of total assets)
decreases significantly between the IAS period and the IFRSvoluntary period. This could be
driven by a lot of write downs during the IAS period due to the economic situation at that
time, which is corroborated by the fact that in this period there was a significantly higher
prevalence of reporting of large negative earnings. Finally, the cash flow from operations
increased significantly between the IAS period and the IFRSvoluntary period, this may also
the cash flow from operations decreased significantly between the IFRSvoluntary and the
IFRSmandatory periods, which could be related to the inclusion of a large number of new
IFRS adopters in the sample group. Finally, there is a significant decrease in the free float
V. Results
Earnings Smoothing
As reported in Table 5, Panel A, the results of the tests of earnings smoothing are
contrary to our expectations in some instances. The variability in the change in net
income, ∆NI*, does increase significantly between the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods,
however, there is a significant decrease between the IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory
periods, suggesting an increase in income smoothing behavior. We also control for the
firm-specific volatility in cash flow from operations by using the ratio of income
variability and cash flow from operations variability. As predicted, the variability
increases significantly between the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods but decrease sharply
and end up below the IAS level in the IFRSmandatory period, however, in this test the
increase in income smoothing behavior. The correlation between the residuals from the
regression on accruals (ACC) and cash flow from operations CFO shows an increase in
management across the three periods. It should be noted that the correlation between
ACC and CFO is positive in the IAS period. We interpret this as a sign that companies
are growing and the growth is driving both an increase in CFO and a buildup of accruals.
This notion is also confirmed by the measure of growth that was significantly larger in
this period compared to the later two. Finally, there is no significant difference between
the small positive income variable (SPOS) across the three periods.
earnings. As previously pointed out, the change in reporting of large negative earnings
may be the result of an improvement of the economic conditions since the IAS period.
However, most of our tests support the notion that the quality of accounting has
decreased among German companies reporting under IAS and IFRS over time.
Furthermore, the coefficient of the interaction variable of return and bad news shows a
significant increase between the IAS period and the IFRSvoluntary period, as predicted.
However, there is a significant decrease between the IFRSvoluntary period and the
IFRSmandatory period indicating less timely loss recognition. This also may have something
explain stock prices. As shown in Table 5, Panel C, the overall R2 of the regression
models for each of the time period examined was 0.44 in the IAS period, 0.09 in the
IFRSvoluntary period, and 0.19 in the IFRSmandatory period. Cramer’s (1987) test indicates a
significant difference in R2 between all three periods. Contrary to our expectations, the
R2s of both the IFRS periods are lower than the R2 of the IAS period, indicating a lower
variable and returns as the independent variable (Basu 1997). As predicted, there seem to
be an increase in the association between earnings and returns between the IAS and the
IFRSvoluntary periods (from 0.19 to 0.28). However, this development is once again
reversed between the IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory periods (from 0.28 to 0.16).
However, only the increase between the the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods is
statistically significant. Turning to the bad news observations only, once again, we find
an expected increase in the association between the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary period.
However, contrary to expectations, this turns into a significant decrease from 0.35 to 0.11
In summary, our tests show consistent evidence that the quality of accounting
increased between the IAS period and the IFRSvoluntary but that this development reverses
Sensitivity Analysis
Our findings in the main analysis may be a result of a structural change in the type
of companies that report under IFRS since it became mandatory for most public
companies in Germany. When IFRS was a choice, certain types of firms may have had
more incentives to opt to report under IFRS than others. Germany has a large and liquid
capital market, which means that large and well established companies have relatively
less incentive to switch to IAS/IFRS to attract foreign investors since they can raise
capital reporting under German GAAP. However, small information technology and less
well established companies may not have the same access to the German capital market,
and therefore, have reasons to switch to IAS/IFRS to be able to raise capital. Also, as
the IFRSvoluntary periods when the Electronics industry dominated and the IFRSmandatory
the results we also rerun all tests using a sub-sample consisting of companies with firm-
year observations in both the IAS and the IFRS period. This sample has 159 observations
(92 companies) for the IAS period and 92 observations (92 companies) for the
IFRSvoluntary period and 90 observations (90 companies) for the IFRSmandatory period.
As shown in Table 6 Panel A, the results for tests of earnings smoothing and
timely loss recognition to some extent support the findings in the analysis using the
whole sample, although the reduction in accounting quality seems to be considerably
lesser. The variability in the change in net income, ∆NI*, increases significantly between
the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods but, as in the case with the whole sample, decreases
significantly compared to the IFRSmandatory period. When controlling for the volatility in
cash flow from operating activities, by using the ratio of net income variability and cash
flow from operations variability, we find the same pattern, a significant increase between
the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods followed by a significant between the IFRSvoluntary
and the IFRSmandatory periods. The correlation between accruals and cash flow from
operations shows a significant decrease between the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary periods.
The correlation is positive in both of these periods, although it becomes negative in the
difference in the frequency of reporting small positive earnings across the two periods.
negative earnings, indicative for less timely loss recognition. However, contrary to the
previous measure, the coefficient of the interaction variable of annual return and negative
return is significantly larger for the IFRSvoluntary period compared to the IAS period. There
Furthermore, as shown in Table 6 Panel C, the value relevance measures are also
contradicting. The overall R2 of the regression models for time periods examined was
0.47 in the IAS period and 0.15 in the IFRSvoluntary period. Cramer’s (1987) test indicates
a significant difference in R2 between the two periods on the 1% level. This is partially
reversed between the IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory periods (from 0.15 to 0.38,
significant on the 5% level). The analysis of the earnings on returns regressions shows a
significant increase between IAS period and the IFRSvoluntary periods and a decrease
between the IFRSvoluntary and the IFRSmandatory periods (though this is not significant).
When we analyze the earnings on returns regressions using bad news observations only
we find an incremental increase in the value relevance across all three periods.
and value relevance using a matched sample are neither providing evidence of an
increase nor a decrease in accounting quality between the IAS and the IFRS period.
At the time of the mandatory adoption of IFRS, there is a shift in the structure of
the sample, the largest industry group was Electronics up to the end of 2004 after the
mandatory adoption in 2005 the largest industry group is now the Financial. We,
therefore, rerun our tests excluding financial observations in order to investigate whether
the results of our main analysis is driven by companies in the financial sector. As shown
in Table 7, there is no qualitative difference in our results from these tests compared to
In order to analyze whether our results are driven by the new adopters in 2005, we
also split the sample used in the IFRSmandatory period into a mandatory and a voluntary
adopter group. Where the mandatory adopters are those who waited to adopt IFRS until it
was made mandatory in 2005 and those who adopted IFRS before are classified as
voluntary adopters. In addition, when doing this we also excluded all adopters of U.S.
GAAP who waited to adopt IFRS until it was made mandatory. The reason for this is that
standards, and therefore, they are different from those companies who resist switching
from German GAAP to IFRS. As shown in Table 8, we find that there is slightly less
variability in residuals of change of net income and the variability of the ratio of the
variability of change in residuals of net income and cash flow from operations; however,
the differences are not statistically significant. There seem to be more large negative
earnings reported by the voluntary adopters but once again, the difference is not
statistically significant. The only significant difference between the two groups is found
in the value relevance tests, the resisters are consistently showing significantly lower
In order to establish that the any decrease in the quality of financial reporting is
driven by the excluded set of U.S, GAAP adopters; we also compared these observations
to the voluntary adopters. As expected, we did not find any evidence of this. On the
contrary, the U.S. GAAP adopters show a significantly higher variability in change in
residuals of net income (also when controlling for variability in change in residuals of
cash flow from operations), a positive correlation between accruals and cash flow, a
significantly lower frequency in reporting small positive incomes. However, the value
relevance among these companies was lower than that of the voluntary adopters.
VI. Conclusion
German companies reporting under IAS during 2000-2002, and IFRS during 2003-2004
quality during these three time periods as IASB revises existing IAS and issues new IFRS
to formulate a set of high quality international accounting standards for global financial
earnings smoothing, timely loss recognition, and value relevance metrics. Contrary to
our expectations, our results suggest a decrease in accounting quality over the last years.
We find that earnings and book value of equity are becoming less value relevant during
the IFRSmandatory period compared to both the IAS and the IFRSvoluntary period. The
findings on earnings smoothing and timely loss recognition corroborate largely our
findings with respect to the value relevance of accounting information. Our results
consistently indicate that accounting quality has worsened over time. When using a
matched sample we cannot find any clear indication of either an improved or a worsened
quality of financial reporting. Further analysis of the 2005 to 2006 period provides some
weak indications that this might have been partly driven by new adopters of IFRS in
2005, however, only the difference in value relevance is statistically significant. We also
investigated whether our results were driven by a new dominating industry group,
Financials. We find nothing suggesting that this is the case. In sum, it seems that the
the new adopters in 2005. The implication of this is that the last revisions of IASs and the
addition of new IFRSs have caused a decrease the quality of financial reporting in
Germany and future research needs to establish which standards drive this development.
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Table 1: Summary of Revisions of IAS and IFRS over Time
Panel A: Revisions During the IAS period
Panel B: Revisions During the IFRS voluntary period cont.
Panel B: Revisions During the IFRS voluntary period cont.
Table 2: Sample Selection Process.
Firm- Firm- Firm-
Firms Years Firms Years Firms Years
Table 3: Analysis of Industry Specialization
Aerospace 0 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Apparel 3 2% 4 2% 7 2%
Automotive 4 3% 4 2% 6 1%
Beverages 0 0% 1 0% 6 1%
Chemicals 4 4% 5 2% 12 3%
Construction 4 4% 9 4% 20 4%
Diversified 2 2% 2 1% 6 1%
Drugs, cosmetics and health care 5 5% 10 5% 21 5%
Electrical 3 3% 5 2% 11 2%
Electronics 14 13% 31 15% 55 12%
Financials 12 11% 22 11% 65 15%
Food 1 1% 1 0% 6 1%
Machinery and equipment 10 9% 23 11% 44 10%
Metal producers 1 1% 1 0% 1 0%
Metal product manufacturers 1 1% 3 1% 5 1%
Oil, gas, coal and related services 0 0% 2 1% 2 0%
Paper 0 0% 2 1% 5 1%
Printing and publishing 0 0% 2 1% 3 1%
Recreation 6 6% 10 5% 16 4%
Retailers 2 2% 7 3% 13 3%
Textiles 2 2% 2 1% 4 1%
Transportation 2 2% 2 1% 3 1%
Utilities 4 4% 6 3% 14 3%
Miscellaneous 27 25% 50 25% 122 27%
107 204 451
Table 4: Descriptive Statistics
IAS Firms N=187 IFRSV Firms N=204 IFRSM Firms N=448
Mean Median Standard Mean Median Standard Mean Median Standard
deviation deviation deviation
Test Variables
EPS1 -0.162 0.022 0.444 -0.034*** 0.052*** 0.300 0.019** 0.058** 0.226
2 **
BVPS 0.818 0.583 0.699 0.737 0.670 0.511 0.642 0.548*** 0.481
Return3 -36.298 -39.190 37.876 27.005*** 7.715*** 61.345 24.681 17.535*** 49.371
∆NI4 -0.054 -0.005 0.202 0.255*** 0.013*** 0.223 0.011 0.007*** 0.136
5 **
∆CFO 0.019 0.010 0.121 0.017 0.009 0.124 -0.006 -0.003*** 0.110
ACC6 -0.108 -0.051 0.197 -0.089 -0.060 0.190 -0.020*** -0.017*** 0.124
SPOS7 0.123 0.000 0.329 0.118 0.000 0.323 0.107 0.000 0.310
Lneg8 0.150 0.000 0.358 0.083** 0.000** 0.277 0.051 0.000 0.221
Control Variables
LEV9 0.579 0.614 0.252 0.578 0.608 0.263 0.557 0.575 0.246
Growth10 0.294 0.056 0.714 0.092*** 0.047* 0.350 0.184** 0.090*** 0.508
Eissue11 0.053 0.000 0.227 0.082 0.000 0.266 0.119 0.000 0.420
Dissue12 0.421 0.037 1.682 0.275 0.012 1.503 0.333 0.059*** 1.585
Turn13 1.093 0.929 0.829 1.191 1.118** 0.778 1.061 1.012** 0.716
Size14 13.354 12.384 2.721 12.467*** 11.758*** 2.634 12.479 12.053 2.358
CFO15 0.044 0.057 0.117 0.074** 0.075*** 0.123 0.046 0.055*** 0.104
NUMEX16 2.337 2.000 1.668 2.098 2.000 1.365 1.920 2.000* 1.211
AUD17 0.658 1.000 0.476 0.598 1.000 0.492 0.596 1.000 0.491
XLIST18 0.016 0.000 0.126 0.010 0.000 0.098 0.009 0.000 0.094
FF19 91.584 15.846 165,240.000 60.201** 10.541** 134,479.500 46.717 11.719 111,953.000
EPS is earnings per share at year end of the fiscal year deflated by the share price 6 months after the preceding fiscal year end.
BVPS is the book value of shareholders’ equity per share at the end of the fiscal year deflated by the share price 6 months after the preceding fiscal year end.
Return is the annual return of company i at time t.
∆NI is the change in annual earnings scaled by total assets.
∆CF is the change in cash flow from operating activities scaled by total assets.
ACC is earnings less cash flow from operating activities scaled by total assets.
SPOS is a dummy variable taking on the value 1 for observations for which the annual earnings scaled by total assets is between 0 and 0.01, and 0 otherwise.
Lneg is a dummy variable taking on the value 1 for observations for which the annual earnings scaled by total assets is less than -0.20, and 0 otherwise.
LEV is total liabilities divided by shareholders’ equity.
Growth is the percentage change in sales.
Eissue is the percentage change in common shareholders’ stock.
Dissue is the percentage change in total liabilities.
Turn is sales divided by total assets.
Size is the natural log of total assets.
CFO is the cash flow from operating activities scaled by total assets.
NUMEX is the number of stock exchange listings.
AUD is an indicator taking on the value of 1 if the firm’s auditor is PwC, KPMG, Arthur Andersen, E&Y, or D&T, and 0 otherwise.
XLIST is an indicator taking on the value of 1 if the firm is listed on any U.S. stock exchange and 0 otherwise.
FF is the free float measured as the average number of shares traded the last day of the month during the fiscal year divided by number of common shares
outstanding at the fiscal year end, divided by 1,000.
Asterisks indicate that there is significantly different from the previous time period using a two-tailed t-test: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01.
Table 5: Analysis of Accounting Quality
Panel A: Earnings IAS IFRSV IFRSM
Management N=187 N=204 N=448
Table 6: Analysis of Accounting Quality Using a Sub-Sample of voluntary IFRS adopters.
Panel A: Earnings IAS IFRSV IFRSM
Management N=159 N=92 N=90
Table 7: Analysis of Accounting Quality Excluding Firm-Year Observations from the Financial Industry
Table 8: Analysis of Accounting Quality Using Observations from the 2005-2006 Period, Comparing
Voluntary Adopters of IFRS and Mandatory Adopters of IFRS.
Panel A: Earnings IFRSV IFRSM
Management N=224 N=137
Table 9: Analysis of Accounting Quality Using Observations from the 2005-2006 Period, Comparing
Voluntary Adopters of IFRS and Adopters of IFRS Who Previously Reported Under US GAAP.
Panel A: Earnings IFRSV Pre-US
Management N=224 GAAP