D7896-19 15.05
D7896-19 15.05
D7896-19 15.05
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D7896 − 19
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D7896 − 19
material by 1 °C. Volumetric heat capacity is the thermal specimen are determined. Volumetric heat capacity is deter-
conductivity of a material divided by its thermal diffusivity. mined by dividing the measured thermal conductivity by the
Unit: J/m3·K. measured thermal diffusivity of the specimen.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5. Significance and Use
3.2.1 transient hot wire method, n—a method for measure-
ment of thermal properties wherein a thin wire is immersed in 5.1 This test method covers the measurement of thermal
a liquid specimen that is contained in a sampling cell. An properties for engine coolants (aqueous or non-aqueous) and
instant of current is sent through the wire, heating both the wire related fluids.
and specimen. Immediately afterward, the resistance of the 5.2 With each single measurement, the thermal conductivity
wire is measured with respect to time, while the wire cools. A (λ) and thermal diffusivity (α) are measured directly, and
temperature-time profile of the specimen is produced and from volumetric heat capacity (VHC) is determined by the relation-
this profile, thermal properties are determined. ship: dry bath, n—a temperature control peripheral with a VHC 5 λ⁄α (1)
central heating well that receives the sampling cell containing
5.3 The test method is transient and requires only a small
the liquid specimen for providing temperatures above ambient.
amount of specimen and a short duration of time (0.8 s) to run heat exchanger and circulator, n—a temperature a measurement. These attributes minimize heat convection in
control peripheral consisting of a refrigerated/heated circulator the liquid.
for heating and cooling that is connected to a heat exchanger.
5.4 The brief application of current to the sensor wire adds
The heat exchanger has a central well that receives the
very little heat to the test specimen and ten repetitive tests may
sampling cell containing the liquid specimen, for providing
be applied at 30 s intervals without causing any significant
temperatures above and below ambient.
convection or temperature drift. liquid, n—refers to the engine coolant or related
fluid sample. 6. Apparatus
4. Summary of Test Method 6.1 Transient Hotwire Liquid Thermal Conductivity Mea-
surement System:
4.1 A fluid to be tested is placed inside the sampling cell
assembly that is part of the system apparatus. The temperature NOTE 1—The descriptions and instructions contained herein are based
upon familiarity with the ThermTest, Inc. THW Lambda Transient Hot
within the sampling cell assembly is regulated by the use of a Wire Liquid Thermal Conductivity Meter.3 Other equivalent systems may
temperature control peripheral. Regardless of the test be suitable for this application.
temperature, the sample and the System sensor are allowed to
6.1.1 The apparatus for the test method (Fig. 1) consists of
equilibrate to approximately the same temperature. The sam-
a sampling cell assembly with platinum wire sensor inserted,
pling cell assembly may be pressurized by up to a gauge
and a controller containing a microprocessor. Unless the
pressure of 241 kPa (35 psig). The sensor, a thin platinum wire,
measurements are to be made at ambient temperature, the
is immersed in the liquid test sample. A current is introduced
apparatus also includes a temperature control peripheral (either
into the wire over the short test time of 0.8 s that heats both the
a dry bath or heat exchanger and circulator type). In a typical
wire and the liquid sample. The temperature of the wire and the
implementation of the System, a personal computer is used for
resistance of the wire decay rapidly once the current is
convenience and greater flexibility in operation, and software
removed. The resistance of the wire is measured with respect to
supplied by the manufacturer provides the user interface,
time and a temperature versus time profile for the liquid sample
is created. From the temperature versus time profile, the
thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the liquid 3
Shown are the controller connected to the platinum-wire sensor with the sensor residing in the sampling cell, along with the liquid specimen. For non-ambient
temperature readings, the sampling cell inserts into a temperature control peripheral (not shown). The computer downloads data from the controller for storage and for
the creation of spreadsheets and reports.
FIG. 1 Transient Hot Wire Liquid Thermal Conductivity Apparatus
D7896 − 19
control of test sequencing, data acquisition, and options for 7.8 Pressure of up to 241 kPa (35 psig) psi may be applied
working with test results in a spreadsheet program. Specific to the sampling cell assembly. An inert gas (from an argon or
operating instructions are provided in the equipment manuals. nitrogen tank) is introduced into the sampling cell assembly
6.2 Transient Hot Wire Sampling Cell Assembly: through a pressure regulator. The level of pressure introduced
6.2.1 Fig. 2 shows details of the sampling cell assembly. is manually controlled and set to the desired level for the
Fig. 3 shows what the hot wire sensor actually looks like. measurement. (Warning—Use care when applying pressure to
the cell, and ensure the proper regulator is used for the intended
7. Specimen and Test Preparations pressure range and type of inert gas to be used. See the
7.1 The sampling cell must be clean and dry before the operating manual supplied with the equipment for more
liquid to be tested is introduced into it. information on applying pressure to the sampling cell.)
The sampling cell holds the liquid sample and receives the hot wire sensor. The platinum resistance thermometer continuously measures the specimen temperature.
The platinum hot wire and the system electronics measure the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the specimen.
FIG. 2 Sampling Cell Assembly
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9.1.1 Date (mo./day/year) and time that each specimen laboratory, Practice E691 was followed for the design and
measurement in the report was made. analysis of the data; the details are given in ASTM Research
9.1.2 Temperature of each specimen test, °C. Report No. RR:D15-1034.
9.1.3 Thermal conductivity, W/m·K. 10.1.1 Repeatability (r)—The difference between repetitive
9.1.4 The average of the ten thermal conductivity test results obtained by the same operator in a given laboratory
iterations, W/m·K. applying the same test method with the same transient hot wire
9.1.5 Thermal diffusivity, m2/s [report as 106 × m2/s]. thermal conductivity measurement system under constant op-
9.1.6 The average of the ten thermal diffusivity test erating conditions on identical test material within short
iterations, m2/s [report as 106 × m2/s]. intervals of time would, in the long run, in the normal and
9.1.7 Volumetric heat capacity, J/m3·K, computed as: (ther- correct operation of the test method, exceed the repeatability
mal conductivity) / (thermal diffusivity) [report as kJ/m3·K]. limits (r) shown in Tables 1-3 only in one case in 20.
9.1.8 The average of the ten volumetric heat capacity
10.1.2 Reproducibility limits cannot be calculated from a
calculations, J/m3·K [report as kJ/m3·K].
single laboratory’s results.
10. Precision and Bias4 10.1.3 Any judgment in accordance with statement 10.1.1
10.1 The precision of this test method is based on an would normally have an approximate 95 % probability of being
interlaboratory study that was conducted in 2013. A single correct, however the precision statistics obtained in this ILS
laboratory participated in this study, testing five liquids for must not be treated as exact mathematical quantities which are
thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and volumetric heat applicable to all circumstances and uses. The limited number
capacity. Every “test result” represents an individual determi- of laboratories reporting replicate results essentially guarantees
nation. The laboratory reported ten replicate test results for that there will be times when differences greater than predicted
each liquid, 150 results total. Except for the use of only one by the ILS results will arise, sometimes with considerably
greater or smaller frequency than the 95 % probability limit
would imply. Consider the repeatability limit as a general
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D15-1034. Contact ASTM Customer guide, and the associated probability of 95 % as only a rough
Service at service@astm.org. indicator of what can be expected.
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TABLE 2 Thermal Diffusivity (106 × m2/s)
Repeatability Repeatability
Average Standard Deviation Limit
x̄ sr r
Dow Syltherm XLT at 40 °C 0.08072 0.00009 0.00025
2-Butoxy Ethanol at 60 °C 0.08183 0.00002 0.00006
Glycerin at 20 °C 0.10446 0.00007 0.00020
50 % Ethylene Glycol/50 % Water (by mass) at 20 °C 0.11329 0.00025 0.00070
Ethylene Glycol at 90 °C 0.08807 0.00000 0.00001
10.2 Bias—At the time of the study, there was no accepted 11. Keywords
reference material suitable for determining the bias for this test 11.1 anhydrous; aqueous engine coolants; heat transfer
method. Therefore, no statement on bias is being made. fluids; non-aqueous engine coolants; specific heat capacity;
thermal conductivity; thermal diffusivity; volumetric heat ca-
pacity; waterless
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 The specific heat capacity of the specimen can be Cp 5 VHC/ρ (A1.1)
calculated by dividing the volumetric heat capacity by the where:
density at the test temperature. Keeping the specimen at its test
Cp = specific heat capacity
temperature, determine its density by the procedure of Test
VHC = volumetric heat capacity
Method D5931. ρ = density
A2.1 The absolute pressure within the test chamber must be psia), or a gauge pressure of at least 202.9 kPa (29.4 psig).
at least three times the vapor pressure of the test sample at the Non-aqueous engine coolants, in general, have low vapor
test temperature. For example, water has a vapor pressure of pressures and in most cases, do not require pressurization at
101.4 kPa (14.7 psia) at 100 °C. To study water at 100 °C test temperatures of 100 °C or less.
would require an absolute pressure of at least 304.2 kPa (44.1
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A3.1 The System is factory-calibrated prior to shipment and liquid is known for the temperature at which you are calibrat-
it can be recalibrated at any time. A new calibration would be ing; the new platinum hot wire is entirely submerged in the
required, for example, if the platinum hot wire of the sensor reference liquid; the reference liquid is isothermal and the
were broken and a new wire installed. thermal property values on the controller are stable.
A3.2 Calibration involves the selection of a well-known and A3.4 When the System is recalibrated, the original calibra-
characterized liquid (a suggestion is distilled or deionized tion is stored and can be restored at any time.
water) and running a calibration sequence on the apparatus.
A3.5 Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for further
A3.3 Before starting a new calibration, ensure the following information regarding calibration of the system.
conditions are met: thermal conductivity of your reference
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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