Quality control is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production. ISO
9000 defines quality control as "A part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements.
The results of measurements should provide reliable information and the laboratory should be able to
prove the correctness of measurements with documented evidence. Analysts carry serious responsibilities
to produce correct and timely analytical results, and are fully accountable for the quality of their work. The
expanding national and international trade, the responsibility of national registration authorities
permitting the use of various chemicals required long ago reliable test methods, which were acceptable by
all parties concerned. A Quality Control Manager supervises staff and oversees product development
procedures to ensure that products meet quality and efficiency standards. The Quality Control
Manager will also work with clients to ensure the final products meet their needs and requirements.
Key words- Quality Control, ISO, Total Quality Management, QA/QA, Inspection.
When the expression “Quality is use we usually think in term of an excellent product or service that fulfils
or exceeds our expression”. These expection are based on the intended use & the selling price.
Quality can be defined as –
Q = P/T
Q= Quality
P= Performance
T = Expectation[1].
Quality control (QC) is a process through which a business seeks to ensure that product quality is
maintained or improved. Quality control requires the business to create an environment in which
both management and employees strive for perfection.ISO 9000 defines quality control as "A part of
quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements"[2,3].
4. Sufficient facilities, trained person & approval procedure for Sampling insection & testing of starting
material ,packaging Material ,intermediates, bulk & finished product and the test Method should be
validated [6].
5. Record should be maintained either manually or by using Recording instrument to ensure that all the
required sampling Inspection and testing procedure were conducted. If any Deviation is found it should
also be recorded & further Evaluated[2,7].
6. The result of insecption & testing of material,intermediates and Bulk & finished products should be
recorded & formally Evaluated against standards products assument should cover a Review & evalution of
relevant production documentation & an Assement or deviation from specified procedures[8].
Checklists. At its most basic, quality control requires you to check off a list of items that are
imperative to manufacture and sell your product.
Fishbone diagram. This visual is helpful for determining what causes a specific problem, be it
materials, machines, methods or manpower.
Control chart. This helps you see how processes historically change using controls. The chart
helps you find and correct problems as they happen, predict a range of outcomes and analyze
variations [5,9].
Stratification. Instead of looking at all factors together, stratification separates data so you can
identify patterns and specific problem areas.
Pareto chart. This type of bar chart provides a visual analysis of problems and causes so you can
focus on the most significant issues.
Histogram. A common graph that uses bars to identifies frequency distributions that indicate how
often defects occur [6,10].
Scatter Diagram. Plotting information along two axes on this graph can help visually identify
relationships between variables.
A quality control inspector uses one or more of the available tools or methods to do a complete
analysis of a product or service to determine where improvements can be made. An inspector
typically gets training to know what method to use and how to properly use it [11].
Quality is critical to satisfying your customers and retaining their loyalty so they continue to buy from you
in the future. Quality products make an important contribution to long-term revenue and profitability.
They also enable you to charge and maintain higher prices [7,16].
Consumers always get quality products of standard specifications to their utmost satisfaction.It is a well-
known fact that some variations are bound to exist in the nature of production in spite of careful planning.
The magnitude of variations depends upon the production process, namely, machines, materials,
operations, etc. The techniques of quality control help in the study of these variations in quality of the
product and serves as a useful tool for the solution of many manufacturing problems which cannot be
solved so well by any other method.
Thus, quality control is an important technique in the hands of management to maintain the quality of the
product [17].
3. Resource utilization
Quality control makes sure that the available resources are utilized to their fullest. Again this
ensures that the all types of inefficiencies and wastage is brought under control.
5. Increased goodwill
If quality products are made, customers are satisfied. As a result, the goodwill of the company goes
up. As a result, the company can get financed more easily.
6. Price fixation
With quality control measures, companies can make products that have the same level of quality.
As a result, the company can solve the common problem: price fixation. These are a few common
benefits of quality control that a company or firm can enjoy. Hopefully, now you have a better
understanding of the importance of quality [13,17,18].
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8. Eugeno L Grant ,Statistical Quality control , MC Graw-Hill Jaunary 1996.
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16. Teasdale Andrew ,Elder David and Nims Raymond W., ICH Quality Guideline : An
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17. Besterfield D.H ., Quality Control ; Seventh Edition pearson Education, 2006.
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