Religious and Values Education (Grade 11 STEM - 1st Semester)
Religious and Values Education (Grade 11 STEM - 1st Semester)
Religious and Values Education (Grade 11 STEM - 1st Semester)
1ST DAY – God created light “day”. He separated it from darkness “night”.
2ND DAY – God created the sky.
3RD DAY – God created the land and the sea. He also created plants and trees that bear fruit.
4TH DAY – God created the Sun, Moon, and other stars.
5TH DAY – God created sea animals and flying creatures.
6TH DAY – God created land animals. Finally, He created humans after his own
Moral Likeness – knowing what’s right or wrong
Social Likeness – loving one another
7TH DAY – God made it holy as he rested from all the work.
- “Creator of heaven and earth” (Apostles’ Creed)
- “Of all that is seen and unseen” (Nicene Creed)
– Hebrew “Bara”
- community of persons.
- moral values are taught and the spiritual and cultural heritage of society are passed
- founded on marriage between a man and a woman is important both for natural
reasons, as the principal place of interpersonal relationships, and also for
supernatural reasons, as a divine institution.
“Don’t forget that the family that prays together, remains together.” – Pope Francis
- Jacob’s second and beloved wife
- Mother of Joseph (Joseph the Dreamer) and Benjamin
Jacob's favoritism
- evident through the "coat of many colors" he gave to Joseph,
symbolizing his deep affection.
- led to tension and jealousy among Joseph's brothers.
-Joseph's brothers plotted against him and sold him into slavery in Egypt.
- Jacob, devastated by the loss of his beloved son, was led to believe that Joseph had
been killed by a wild animal.
- Years later, during a famine, Joseph's brothers traveled to Egypt seeking food,
unaware that they would encounter Joseph, who had risen to a position of
- When Jacob learns that Joseph is alive, he experiences profound joy and longs to
be reunited with his son.
- It reminds us to be mindful of the dynamics within our own families and the
significance of healing and reconciliation
- great leader like Moses
- great spirituality manifested through his trust in God
- son of Nun
Jordan River
- needed to cross to enter the Promised Land ( Land of Canaan).
- Just as God assisted the Israelites when they crossed the Sea of Reeds in Egypt.
(used the staff of Moses to divide it), He did the same thing when crossing the
Jordan River (used the Ark of Covenant carried by priests, the Levites).
- After crossing, they set up 12 memorial stones (for them to remember and tell the
future generations about God’s power and active presence).
After the conquest of Canaan and when Joshua was already old, the land was divided so
that each of the twelve tribes of Israel was given a portion except the tribe of Levi (became
the priestly clan dedicated to serve God)