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Direct observation of bicarbonate and water

Cite this: Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 4523
reduction on gold: understanding the potential
Open Access Article. Published on 24 March 2023. Downloaded on 10/31/2023 6:22:20 PM.

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dependent proton source during hydrogen
have been paid for by the Royal Society
of Chemistry
Gang-Hua Deng, a Quansong Zhu, b
Jaclyn Rebstock, b
Tomaz Neves-Garciab
and L. Robert Baker *b

The electrochemical conversion of CO2 represents a promising way to simultaneously reduce CO2
emissions and store chemical energy. However, the competition between CO2 reduction (CO2R) and the
H2 evolution reaction (HER) hinders the efficient conversion of CO2 in aqueous solution. In water, CO2 is
in dynamic equilibrium with H2CO3, HCO3−, and CO32−. While CO2 and its associated carbonate species
represent carbon sources for CO2R, recent studies by Koper and co-workers indicate that H2CO3 and
HCO3− also act as proton sources during HER (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 4154–4161, ACS Catal.
2021, 11, 4936–4945, J. Catal. 2022, 405, 346–354), which can favorably compete with water at certain
potentials. However, accurately distinguishing between competing reaction mechanisms as a function of
potential requires direct observation of the non-equilibrium product distribution present at the
electrode/electrolyte interface. In this study, we employ vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG)
spectroscopy to directly probe the interfacial species produced during competing HER/CO2R on Au
electrodes. The vibrational spectra at the Ar-purged Na2SO4 solution/Au interface, where only HER
occurs, show a strong peak around 3650 cm−1, which appears at the HER onset potential and is
assigned to OH−. Notably, this species is absent for the CO2-purged Na2SO4 solution/gold interface;
instead, a peak around 3400 cm−1 appears at catalytic potential, which is assigned to CO32− in the
electrochemical double layer. These spectral reporters allow us to differentiate between HER
mechanisms based on water reduction (OH− product) and HCO3− reduction (CO32− product).
Monitoring the relative intensities of these features as a function of potential in NaHCO3 electrolyte
Received 17th February 2023
Accepted 22nd March 2023
reveals that the proton donor switches from HCO3− at low overpotential to H2O at higher overpotential.
This work represents the first direct detection of OH− on a metal electrode produced during HER and
DOI: 10.1039/d3sc00897e
provides important insights into the surface reactions that mediate selectivity between HER and CO2R in
rsc.li/chemical-science aqueous solution.

for energy storage and greenhouse gas remediation is CO2

1 Introduction reduction (CO2R). However, during electrocatalytic CO2R in
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is of great importance in aqueous electrolyte, HER competes with CO2R limiting the
electrocatalysis and sustainable energy production, and a large faradaic efficiency of CO2 conversion. Therefore, to design
number of experimental and theoretical studies have sought to systems to optimize the selectivity for CO2R, it is necessary to
unravel the mechanisms of HER.1–3 Another important reaction understand the mechanism of HER. Much effort has been
devoted to control the catalyst surface properties that promote
activity and selectivity for CO2R while suppressing HER.4–12
State Key Laboratory of Information Photonic and Optical Communications and However, by comparison, less attention has been devoted to
School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), understand the role of the various interfacial species (H2O, CO2,
Beijing 100876, P. R. China
H2CO3, HCO3− and OH−) on the competition between CO2 R
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
and HER. One of the main questions is: among H2O, H2CO3 and
Ohio, 43210, USA. E-mail: baker.2364@osu.edu
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: (1) Sum frequency
HCO3−, which is the proton source for HER during CO2R?
generation setup, electrochemical and Faradaic efficiency measurements. Recently, much effort has been dedicated by Koper and co-
(2)–(4). Control experiments (5) relative concentrations of H2CO3, HCO3− and workers to study the mechanism of HER in bicarbonate solu-
CO32− as a function of pH (6) LSV curve vs. RHE. (7) Fitting results. See DOI: tions by electrokinetic measurements.13–16 They conclude that at

© 2023 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 4523–4531 | 4523
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increasingly negative potentials, the proton donor for HER free OH stretch of interfacial water at the aqueous dielectric
changes from H2CO3 to HCO3− to H2O.15 However, because interface,38,39 but only recently has this feature been observed at
these species invariably equilibrate, direct spectroscopic the Au/electrolyte interface under applied potential.37,40 This
evidence is still needed to conrm the actual species produced feature is best described as interfacial water with one non-H-
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at the electrode/electrolyte interface in order to distinguish bonded OH group pointing toward the Au electrode.37
between these surface reactions. When the potential reaches −0.8 V near the onset of HER,
Vibrational spectra of interfacial water can be a sensitive another sharp peak appears around 3650 cm−1, which increases
indicator of structure and composition of the electrochemical in intensity as the applied potential becomes more negative,
double layer.17–24 Various methods for interface-specic vibra- eventually becoming the dominate feature in the spectrum at
tional spectroscopy, including VSFG, surface enhanced Raman potentials below −1.0 V. This feature is similar to the free OH
Open Access Article. Published on 24 March 2023. Downloaded on 10/31/2023 6:22:20 PM.

spectroscopy (SERS), and shell-isolated nanoparticle enhanced stretch, and due to its narrow line width, indicating that this
Raman spectroscopy (SHINERS) has been shown to be feature is also from non-H-bonded OH. Based on the shi in
a powerful technique to understand interfacial water structure peak position and fact that this feature only appears near the
at solid/liquid interfaces. Focusing here on electrochemical onset potential of HER, we assign this feature to the free OH
HER, it was demonstrated that the structure of the interfacial stretch of surface hydroxide (OH−).
water molecule can vary with the potential on the electrode This is consistent with previous assignments for the free
surfaces.20–23,25–27 A strong correlation between the interfacial OH− stretch observed in the gas phase41 as well as in alkali
water structure and the HER activity on a Pt surface was hydroxide solutions.42–45 To conrm this assignment, VSFG
demonstrated by Shen et al. with in situ Raman spectroscopy.26 spectra of NaOH solutions at varying concentration between 1
They nd that the rst layer of water molecules changes from and 100 mM were also measured on Au under open circuit
proton acceptors to proton donors with increasing pH and the potential as shown in Fig. 1b. In addition to the free OH stretch
reactivity of the interfacial water varied its structure. In a more of interfacial water around 3730 cm−1, these solutions show
recent study, using SHINERS, Wang et al. also showed that another sharp peak around 3635 cm−1 at increasing NaOH
structurally ordered interfacial water facilitated high efficiency concentrations, which supports the assignment of this feature
electron transfer across the interface, resulting in increased as interfacial OH−. Additional control experiments using
HER rates.25 However, despite the importance of this electro- isotope exchange, which further conrm this assignment, are
chemical reaction, direct detection of the HER products at the described in the ESI Section 2 (Fig. S1–S2).†
electrode/electrolyte interface is still missing. Specically, OH− Similar sharp peaks resulting from non-H-bonded/weakly
is the direct product of water reduction, but to date no spec- coupled OH− have been observed by VSFG at the CaF2/liquid
troscopic detection of this species on an electrode surface has interface.46–48 Based on these observations, we hypothesize that
been reported. In this study, we employ in situ VSFG to measure the OH− anion measured here resides directly on the Au surface
the interfacial water spectra during active HER in Na2SO4 and inside of the Stern layer with the H atom oriented toward the Au
NaHCO3 solutions using a Au electrode. By directly observing electrode and the O atom possibly coordinated to a Na+ cation.
the interfacial water spectrum as the system is pushed away To test whether this species is directly interacting with the Au
from equilibrium under applied potential, we seek to differen- surface, we treated a Au electrode with UV-generated ozone to
tiate between water and bicarbonate reduction and to under- form a hydrophilic surface oxide layer. The purple curve in
stand the related effects of proton source and interfacial pH Fig. 1b shows the SFG spectrum of the electrode/electrolyte
buffering on the kinetics of HER. interface using this oxidized Au electrode. As shown, the peak
at 3650 cm−1 disappears even for 100 mM NaOH solution. It
2 Results and discussion should be noted that the open circuit potential (OCP) for ozone-
treated Au surface is 210 mV which is higher than that of
VSFG is a second order nonlinear technique with surface/ normal Au surface (−100 mV). However, the 300 mV difference
interface specicity, which has been widely used to investigate of OCP should not account for the absence of the OH− peak.
molecular orientation, dynamics, and chemical reactions on When a positive potential of 0.4 V was applied for a normal Au
surfaces.28–31 The details of the instrument, including the VSFG electrode, the OH− peak still shows in the spectrum (Fig. S3†).
electrochemical cell, which provides in situ measurements of The peak begins to decrease substantially when the applied
the Au/electrolyte interface at current densities exceeding 1 mA potential reaches 0.6 V. At this potential the gold electrode
cm−2 in the absence of mass transport limitations,32,33 can be begins to oxidize and form hydrogen bonds with OH− causing
found in the ESI.† Using this instrument, we have quantied the peak intensity to decrease. Thus, we attribute the loss of this
the in situ detection limit on a Au electrode to be better than 1% free OH stretch to H-bonding of the interfacial OH− anion with
of a surface monolayer.32,33 Fig. 1a shows the VSFG spectra of the oxidized Au electrode, which cannot occur on a metallic Au
interfacial water for 0.05 M Na2SO4 saturated with Ar as surface. Note that the OH− anion should be repelled from the
a function of applied potential. Before the onset of HER at negatively charged electrode during HER, indicating that
approximately −0.8 V vs. Ag/AgCl, there is only one sharp peak detection of OH− on Au at negative potential represents a tran-
observed at 3730 cm−1. This peak corresponds to H2O that is sient, surface species formed in situ as a product of HER. The
not H-bonded with other water molecules and is assigned to transient nature of this species is conrmed by a potential jump
free OH.34–37 Using VSFG, a number of groups have reported the experiment (see Fig. S4†), where the intensity of the OH− peak

4524 | Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 4523–4531 © 2023 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry
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Open Access Article. Published on 24 March 2023. Downloaded on 10/31/2023 6:22:20 PM.

Fig. 1 (a) VSFG spectra of Na2SO4 (0.05 M) purged with Ar as a function of potential vs. Ag/AgCl. (b) VSFG spectra of NaOH solutions (red: 1 mM,
blue: 10 mM, and green: 100 mM) at open circuit potential. The purple curve in panel b shows the spectrum of 100 mM NaOH on Au following
ozone treatment resulting in slight surface oxidation of the Au electrode.

immediately decreases to near zero once the potential is step- The experiments above represent direct observation of HER
ped more positive, and active HER stops. This nding is in the absence of CO2R. We now consider the interfacial water
consistent with recent theoretical predictions by Li et al. of non- spectrum measured in CO2-purged Na2SO4 electrolyte where
H-bonded OH− produced at the metal/electrolyte interface HER is in competition with CO2R, and H2CO3 and HCO3−
inside the outer Helmholtz plane during HER.49 To our knowl- represent additional proton donors, which are not present in
edge, this is the rst direct observation of OH− produced inside the Ar-purged electrolyte. VSFG spectra of 0.05 M Na2SO4 solu-
the Helmholtz plane during HER. Blue shi of the OH− peak tion saturated with CO2 are shown in Fig. 2a as a function of
around 3650 cm−1 is observed as shown in Table S1.† The shi potential. At potentials more positive than −0.6 V, we observe
is only 2 cm−1 from −0.85 V to −1.1 V, which is smaller than the two main features: free OH at 3730 cm−1 and a broad peak
spectral resolution of our instrument (∼10 cm−1). The absence around 3630 cm−1, which is assigned to a weakly hydrogen-
of a signicant Stark shi for this species is consistent with bonded or singly hydrogen-bonded water.36,40 The absence of
a previous study by Tong et al.37 The reason that OH− shows peaks at lower frequency, which are usually observed at air/
such a small Stark shi may be due to direct interactions of liquid34,36,53 or solid/liquid interface54–56 indicates a relatively
OH− with alkali cations in the Stern layer such that it probes disordered water structure at the Au electrode surface.18 As more
local rather than average electric elds. However, conrming negative potential is applied, an additional peak around
this hypothesis will require further investigation. 3400 cm−1 appears that increases with negative potential. This
Since the OH− peak around 3650 cm−1 represents the local peak can be assigned either to liquid-like water34 or to a H-
concentration of OH−, it is related to the local pH. In fact, it may bonding water network with a net lower coordination
be possible in the future to use this OH− signature as an indi- compared to tetrahedral water around 3200 cm−1.53,55,56 Overall,
cator to quantitatively measure the local pH of the electrode the spectra of Na2SO4 solution saturated with CO2 exhibit very
surface. At present, as demonstrated above the surface OH− different features compared to Ar-saturated electrolyte. Speci-
resides in the rst molecular layer at the electrode surface. Aer cally, the sharp peak corresponding to surface OH− at
the surface OH− diffuses away from the surface, it forms 3650 cm−1 is not observed in CO2-saturated electrolyte, and the
hydrogen bonds with the surrounding water molecules, and the peak around 3400 cm−1, which is absent for Ar-purged elec-
feature around 3650 cm−1 disappears. A number of other trolyte, becomes signicant under catalytic potentials in CO2-
techniques have been used to study the local pH near the saturated electrolyte.
electrode/electrolyte interface, such as SEIRAS,50 and RRDE The feature at 3400 cm−1 cannot be attributed solely to the
based local pH measurements.51,52 Although each of these inuence of Na+ or SO42− on the interfacial water structure
techniques measures related signals, they each sample different because these species are present in both Ar- and CO2-purged
regions away from the actual interfaces (approximately 10 nm electrolyte. In addition to Na+ and SO42−, CO2-saturated elec-
for SEIRAS and mm to mm scale for RRDE) and provide different trolyte contains H2CO3, HCO3−, and CO32−, which is absent in
but complementary information. Ar-purged electrolyte, and the equilibrium concentration of

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Fig. 2 (a) VSFG spectra of Na2SO4 (0.05 M) purged with CO2 as a function of potential vs. Ag/AgCl. (b) VSFG spectra of 50 mM Na2CO3 solutions
as a function of pH.

these species varies as a function of pH. To identify the origin of Au/electrolyte interface. It is important to note that, although
this feature, we explored the effects of various electrolyte negatively charged, HCO3− and CO32− can approach the Au
compositions on the interfacial water spectrum. Results show surface under negative potential due to ion pairing interactions
that this peak is weak in Ar-purged NaCl, but is much more with the Na+ cations comprising the Stern layer.57–60
prominent in CO2-purged NaCl as well as Ar- or CO2-purged Before further discussion, we consider the c(3) bulk contri-
NaHCO3 electrolytes (see Fig. S5†), conrming a correlation bution in the spectra measured here. As demonstrated by
between this feature and the presence of carbonate species at several previous studies,23,61–64 the c(3) bulk contribution in
the interface. Additionally, we show that at xed potential the interfacial water spectra is common at charged interfaces: ceff(2)
intensity of this feature tracks closely with the NaHCO3 elec- = cs(2) + cB(3)F, in which ceff(2) is the total SFG response, cs(2) is
trolyte concentration (see Fig. S6†). Based on these observa- the surface contribution, cB(3) is the bulk contribution induced
tions, we attribute this feature to water structure induced by by the interfacial electric eld and F is the surface potential. As
carbonate species present in the electrochemical double layer. shown in Fig. S8,† the cB(3) bulk contribution in our spectra is
To evaluate the relative contributions of H2CO3, HCO3−, and less than 20% due to the 467 fs delay time of IR and 800 nm
CO32− to this feature, Fig. 2b plots the VSFG spectra in 0.05 M beams (see the details in ESI Section 6†). The absence of
Na2CO3 electrolyte at −1.0 V as a function of pH. The spectrum interference effects between bulk contribution and free-OH
with pH = 11.3 (green curve) represents pure 0.05 M Na2CO3 peaks also suggest that the cB(3) contribution does not signi-
solution. To prepare the solution with pH = 6.7 (blue curve), cantly inuence the shape or intensity of the free OH stretch
this same solution is purged with CO2, which converts the reported here (Fig. S9†). Lastly, the peak around 3200 cm−1
majority of CO32− anions into HCO3− (see ESI Fig. S7†). To which is very pronounced in cB(3) bulk contribution61,62 is not
prepare the pH = 2.5 solution (red curve), HCl is added to seen for all the spectra in this work (Fig. S9 & S10†). This further
0.05 M Na2CO3 solution. At pH = 2.5, CO32− is almost indicates that the cB(3) contribution is small. Although the cB(3)
completely converted to H2CO3 as show in Fig. S7.† Fig. 2b bulk contribution in interfacial water spectra presented in this
shows that the spectrum obtained at pH = 11.3 includes work is small, disentangling the cB(3) bulk contribution is very
a strong feature at 3400 cm−1, as well as a peak at 3640 cm−1 important to gain a detailed physical picture of the Stern layer,
corresponding to free OH−. As pH is decreased to 6.7, we and further work is required for a quantitative analysis.
observe that the OH− peak disappears, and the 3400 cm−1 Having identied these spectral signatures, we now consider
feature decreases in intensity. At pH = 2.5 the peak at the inuence of CO2-purging on the kinetics of HER and CO2R
3400 cm−1 entirely disappears, suggesting that this feature can at the Au/electrolyte interface. The linear sweep voltammo-
be attributed to CO32− with perhaps a minor contribution from grams of Ar- and CO2- saturated Na2SO4 solution are shown in
HCO3−, but that neutral H2CO3 does not contribute. While Fig. 3a. The current densities agree with ones extracted during
additional work is required to understand the actual water SFG measurement as shown in Fig. S11.† The onset potential for
structure associated with these specic ion effects, here we use HER in Ar saturated Na2SO4 solution is around −0.8 V, but
this feature as a spectral indicator of HCO3− and CO32− at the changes to −0.6 V for CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution. Fig. 3a is

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Fig. 3 (a) Linear sweep voltammograms of Ar- (red curve) and CO2- (blue curve) saturated 0.05 M Na2SO4 solution. The scan rate of the linear
sweep voltammograms is 50 mV s−1. The current is normalized to the geometric area. (b). H2 and CO faradaic efficiencies (left axis) for Ar/CO2
saturated Na2SO4/NaHCO3 solutions measured at −1.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl. The blue curves are the yield for H2 (blue cube) and CO (purple dot).

replotted vs. RHE as shown in Fig. S12† given that the pH of Ar- OH− can be indirectly produced during this process by subse-
and CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution are 7 and 5.6 respectively. quent equilibration of HCO3− and CO32− with water (i.e.,
The potential difference vs. RHE due to this change in electro- reverse reaction of eqn. (2)–(4)). Because these two pathways will
lyte pH is only 0.08 V as shown in Fig. S12.† Apparently, the eventually achieve the same equilibrium distribution of inter-
lower onset potential observed in CO2-saturated electrolyte facial species regardless of the actual proton source for HER,
cannot be explained solely by the change in bulk pH. Addi- these mechanisms can only be distinguished by monitoring
tionally, the current density is much higher for CO2-saturated surface speciation as the electrochemical double layer is pushed
Na2SO4 solution at higher overpotentials indicating an out of equilibrium during active HER.
increased rate of HER. Alternatively, CO2R, which can occur
only in CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution, could lower the onset 2H2O + 2e− # H2 + 2OH− (1)
potential and increase the current density by creating an addi-
tional reaction channel for CO2R. In order to distinguish HCO3− + OH− # H2O + CO32− (2)
between currents generated by HER and CO2R, faradaic effi-
H2CO3 + OH− # H2O + HCO3− (3)
ciencies (FE) for both reactions are measured in various Ar- and
CO2-saturated electrolytes at an applied potential of −1.2 V vs. CO2 + OH− # HCO3− (4)
Ag/AgCl. As shown in Fig. 3b, the measured FE of CO for Ar- and
CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solutions are only 0% and 18.1% 2H2CO3 + 2e− # H2 + 2HCO3− (5)
respectively. This indicates that the ∼5-fold increase in current
density observed for CO2-saturated Na2SO4 electrolyte cannot be 2HCO− −
3 + 2e # H2 + 2CO3
solely attributed to CO2R. Rather, CO2 purging signicantly
enhances the rate of HER as measured here by direct detection Above we showed the interfacial water spectrum as a func-
of H2. tion of potential in Ar- and CO2-purged Na2SO4 electrolyte. In
These measurements demonstrate that the presence of Ar-purged Na2SO4 electrolyte, we observe the production of
HCO3− and CO32− formed from CO2 purging signicantly surface OH− resulting from direct water reduction (Fig. 1). In
improves HER kinetics. This enhancement cannot be simply contrast, OH− is not observed in CO2-purged Na2SO4 electrolyte;
explained by the change in bulk pH. Instead, there are two instead, we detect the presence of CO32− in the electrochemical
possible mechanisms for HER enhancement by CO2 purging: double layer during HER (Fig. 2). In addition to the loss of
the rst is interfacial pH buffering, and the second is the direct surface OH−, CO2 purging results in an approximately 5-fold
reduction of H2CO3/HCO3− to produce H2. Considering the rst increase in the rate of HER (Fig. 3). It is not initially clear,
mechanism, as shown by eqn (1)–(4), when water serves as the whether the loss of OH− and the associated rate increase for
primary proton donor, the resulting OH− anion produced at the HER is the result of pH buffering by H2CO3/HCO3−/CO2 (eqn
Au electrode diffuses out of the Stern layer and reacts with (2)–(4)) or if H2CO3/HCO3− serve as the primary proton source
H2CO3/HCO3−/CO2. Consequently, the presence of H2CO3/ for H2 production (eqn (5) and (6)). We now consider HER in
HCO3−/CO2 may help avoid the accumulation of OH− by serving 0.1 M NaHCO3 electrolyte, which is commonly used for CO2R.
as a buffer of the interfacial pH during active HER. Considering Understanding the mechanism of H2 production in this elec-
the second mechanism, as shown by eqn (5)–(6), H2CO3 and trolyte is important, where HER is in direct competition with
HCO3− can also directly serve as the proton donor for HER. This the FE for CO2R. Below we show that in this solution HER is
mechanism does not require pH buffering since OH− is not governed by two potential-dependent regimes based on direct
directly generated as an intermediate in this reaction. However, reduction of HCO3− and water, respectively. Fig. 3b shows the
kinetics of HER and CO2R in Ar- and CO2-purged 0.1 M

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NaHCO3. In the case of Ar-purged electrolyte, we observe almost surface OH− observed in Fig. 4a is produced by direct water
unity FE for H2 indicating a negligible rate of CO2R, and this reduction. Consequently, the observation of the surface OH− in
nding is also consistent with a recent study by Dunwell et al.59 NaHCO3 solution provides strong evidence that the proton
With CO2-purging the yield of CO increases and the FE for CO2R source of HER in CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution is not water. As
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reaches approximately 60%. Focusing on Ar-purged NaHCO3 demonstrated above, during electrochemical water reduction,
electrolyte, where only HER occurs, we nd that the H2 yield is surface OH− is a transient, non-equilibrium species that resides
almost 3-fold higher compared to Ar-purged Na2SO4 electrolyte. at the very rst layer of the electrode surface. Due to the
Again, this enhancement can be either the result of interfacial repulsive Coulomb force, OH− is repelled by the negatively
pH buffering by the much higher concentration of HCO3− or the charged Au electrode and is expected to diffuse rapidly into the
result of direct reduction of HCO3− to produce H2. Below we electric double layer. Based on our previous works, the electric
Open Access Article. Published on 24 March 2023. Downloaded on 10/31/2023 6:22:20 PM.

show that the actual enhancement is a potential-dependent eld for 0.1 M NaHCO3 at the electrode surface at −1.0 V is as
combination of these two effects. high as ∼4 × 107 V cm−1.40,65 The intense electric eld repre-
Fig. 4a shows the water spectra taken in Ar-purged NaHCO3 sents a strong driving force for free OH− to desorb and diffuse
solution as a function of potential. At potentials more positive away from the surface. Outside of the outer Helmholtz plane
than −0.8 V, these spectra are quite similar to those of CO2- (OHP), OH− will form H-bond with surrounding water, and we
saturated Na2SO4 solution shown in Fig. 2a. As more negative can no longer observe the characteristic stretch of free OH− at
potential is applied, we observe the appearance of a strong 3650 cm−1. Consequently, we only detect free OH− generated by
feature at 3400 cm−1. Note that this peak is assigned to CO32− water reduction inside the OHP, while OH− produced indirectly
since this feature only appears at the onset potential for HER via eqn (2) and (3) occurs in the diffuse layer and beyond and
despite the high concentration of HCO3− in this electrolyte. will not be detected as free OH− as shown in Fig. S13.† There-
When the applied potential reaches −0.9 V the OH− peak at fore, without sufficient hydroxide ions generated at the surface,
3650 cm−1 also appears. The interfacial product distribution the hydroxide peak around 3650 cm−1 is not observed for the
has negligible contribution from CO2R because the FE of CO is CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution. If buffering by the HCO3−/
only about 1.2% (Fig. 3b) in Ar-saturated NaHCO3 solution. H2CO3 equilibrium (eqn (2) and (3)) for the CO2-saturated
From these observations we conclude that surface OH− is Na2SO4 solution is sufficient to consume all the surface OH−
produced either by direct water reduction or by HCO3− reduc- prior to desorption we would not be able to detect the free OH−
tion to CO32− followed by equilibration with water to produce peak for 0.1 M NaHCO3 solution (Fig. 4) since the HCO3−
OH− and HCO3− (eqn (2)). If the latter is true, we would also see concentration is much higher than HCO3−/H2CO3 in Na2SO4
the OH− peak at 3650 cm−1 for Na2CO3 solution (0.1 M) since solution (Fig. 2). The concentrations of H2CO3 and HCO3− in
the CO32− concentration in Na2CO3 solution is much higher CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution are only ∼5.6 × 10−5 M, 4.9 ×
than in NaHCO3 solution (0.1 M). As shown in Fig. S13,† there is 10−6 M respectively. The actual concentration of HCO3− in Ar-
no apparent peak for Na2CO3 solution. This indicates that the purged 0.1 M NaHCO3 is close to the 0.1 M formal

Fig. 4 (a) VSFG spectra of NaHCO3 (0.1 M) purged with Ar as a function of potential vs. Ag/AgCl. (b). Relative amplitudes of CO32− feature at
approximately 3400 cm−1 (red curve) and OH− feature at 3640 cm−1 (blue curve) as a function of potential. The amplitudes are extracted from
fitting results of the curves (Table S2†). Amplitudes of both peaks are independently normalized to their maximum intensity observed in the
potential range between −0.2 to −1.4 V.

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concentration, which is several orders higher than HCO3−/ concentration of OH− and CO32− would trend in the same
H2CO3 in Na2SO4 solution. As shown in Fig. 4a, when the direction. Fig. 4b shows a measurable decrease in the intensity
applied potential reaches −0.9 V, the surface OH− peak around of the carbonate peak. If this peak is the result of buffering via
3650 cm−1 appears and becomes more intense as increasingly eqn (2) and (3) this peak should increase as potential becomes
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.

negative potentials are applied. This suggests that even in 0.1 M more negative, and eventually remain constant at the point
NaHCO3 solution, HCO3− is not sufficient to consume all the where all interfacial bicarbonate has been converted to
surface OH− generated by water reduction, not to mention carbonate. However, the decrease of this peak cannot be a result
Na2SO4 solution with much lower HCO3−/H2CO3 concentra- of CO32− production via eqn (2), where this equilibrium should
tions. Thus, the complete disappearance of the hydroxide peak cause the concentration of CO32− to increase monotonically and
for the CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution indicates that the proton then saturate. Rather the decrease in intensity of this feature at
source switched from water to H2CO3 and HCO3− otherwise the
Open Access Article. Published on 24 March 2023. Downloaded on 10/31/2023 6:22:20 PM.

potentials beyond −1.1 V is best explained as a crossover from

hydroxide peak should be observed. As pointed out in a recent bicarbonate reduction at more positive applied potential to
work by Liu et al.52 the equilibrium between HCO3− and CO32− primarily water reduction at more negative applied potential.
should be established within microseconds, while it takes on Thus, Fig. 4b indicates a shi in the non-equilibrium interfacial
the order of 10 s to reach equilibrium for the CO2/HCO3− buffer product distribution as the proton source for HER switches
at pH 5.35–7.35 due to the slow hydration of CO2. In our work, from primarily HCO3− at low overpotential (CO32− product) to
the relatively fast buffer by HCO3− is not sufficient to consume H2O at higher overpotential (OH− product). This picture is also
the surface OH− (Fig. 1a). The much slower equilibration for the consistent with a recent study by Koper and co-workers where
CO2/HCO3− buffer certainly cannot be responsible for the kinetic measurements with a rotating ring disk electrode indi-
complete disappearance of the surface OH− peak of the CO2- cate that at increasing overpotential, the primary proton donor
saturated Na2SO4 solution. All these observations suggest that for HER in CO2 saturated NaHCO3 electrolyte switches from
in CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution the proton source is HCO3−/ H2CO3 to HCO3− and nally to water at increasing over-
H2CO3 rather than H2O. potential.15 They predicted the crossover from HCO3− to water
As for NaHCO3 solution, to resolve between the two above occurs at approximately −0.5 V vs. RHE, which closely matches
mentioned mechanisms, we plot the intensity of the features the crossover point shown in Fig. 4b (note that −0.5 V vs. RHE is
corresponding to OH− and CO32− as a function of potential equivalent to −1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl for Ar-saturated NaHCO3
(Fig. 4b), showing two regions with different trends. In the electrolyte where pH is 8.3). Based on these direct measure-
potential window between −0.8 V and −1.0 V, the intensity of ments of the Au/electrolyte interface, we conclude that the
OH− remains low while CO32− increases signicantly with signicantly enhanced rate of HER in NaHCO3 electrolyte is the
applied potential. In contrast, at higher overpotential beyond result of HCO3− reduction for potentials between −0.8 V to
−1.0 V, the intensity of OH− increases rapidly while the inten- −1.0 V. A transition occurs between −1.0 V and −1.2 V where
sity of CO32− decreases. The distinct behaviour in these two direct water reduction begins to occur. At potentials beyond
regions suggests that the mechanism of HER is potential −1.2 V HER kinetics appear to be dominated by direct water
dependent with −1.2 V as the approximate crossover point reduction, and any enhancement by HCO3− on the rate of HER
where the intensity of OH− becomes the dominate feature in the is assumed to be the result of interfacial pH buffering. However,
interfacial water spectrum. as shown by the crossover in Fig. 4b, pH buffering by HCO3−
Considering the relative intensities of these two features, we (eqn (2)) is unable to keep up with the kinetics of water reduc-
evaluate the two possible mechanisms for enhanced HER in tion as the overpotential increases. This nding is also consis-
NaHCO3 electrolyte. First we consider the pH buffering mech- tent with previous studies by Wuttig et al. who have shown that
anism. As long as the consumption of OH− via eqn (2) and (3) that the CO2/HCO3−/H2CO3 equilibrium suffers from slow
are faster than OH− production, no experimental technique is kinetics, making it a sluggish buffer to maintain the surface
expected to unequivocally prove the presence of direct reduc- pH.66
tion of bicarbonate to carbonate. But as we demonstrated Overall, these observations reect a competition between the
above, the consumption of OH− via eqn (2) and (3) is slower acidity of the various potential proton donors and their poten-
than OH− production, otherwise the OH− peak should be tial dependent interfacial concentrations. Specically, the pKa
observed in Fig. 2a in CO2-saturated Na2SO4 solution and the values of HCO3− and H2CO3 are 10.32 and 6.37, respectively,
OH− peak should not be observed for Ar-saturated 0.1 M while water has a much higher pKa of 14. Although water (55 M)
NaHCO3 solution in Fig. 4a. If we assume that enhanced HER is is 550 times more concentrated than HCO3− in 0.1 M NaHCO3
the result of interfacial pH buffering, then as the potential is electrolyte, HCO3− is approximately 4 orders of magnitude more
increased and the buffering kinetics of HCO3− can no longer acidic. Thus HCO3− is observed to be the major proton donor at
keep up with the rate of water reduction, we expect to see CO32− low overpotential where the electric eld is not so strong as to
and OH− features grow in intensity together and saturate as the completely repel negatively charged HCO3− anions from the
interface becomes increasingly basic. However, this is not what interface. However, as overpotential increases, direct reduction
we observe. Instead, we observe a crossover at approximately of water becomes facile, and the increasingly negative electric
−1.2 V where CO32− has decreased in intensity as the surface- eld repels anions HCO3− from the interface. As this happens,
bound OH− feature has increased signicantly. This cannot the availability of HCO3− cannot keep up with the increasing
be explained by an equilibrium reaction where the rate of HER, and water eventually replaces HCO3− as the

© 2023 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 4523–4531 | 4529
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primary proton donor. The OH− produced by water reduction Acknowledgements

subsequently diffuses out of the Helmholtz plane where it is
partially buffered by reaction with HCO3− and/or H2CO3. A This work was supported by Chemical Sciences, Geosciences
similar effect also controls the kinetics for CO2-purged Na2SO4 and Biosciences. Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences,
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.

(Fig. 2), although in this case the bulk solution pH is more Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy under DOE Grant
acidic (pH = 5.6) compared to Ar-purged NaHCO3 (pH = 8.3). No. DESC0020977. Film deposition was performed at the OSU
Due to the decrease in pH, the HCO3−/H2CO3 equilibrium is Nanotech West laboratory. We thank Prof. Heather C. Allen,
shied toward H2CO3. Because H2CO3 is more acidic than Prof. Phillip L. Geissler, Prof. David T. Limmer, and Dr Amro
HCO3− and does not carry a negative charge, the direct reduc- Dodin for helpful discussions.
tion of H2CO3 may preclude water reduction out to even more
Open Access Article. Published on 24 March 2023. Downloaded on 10/31/2023 6:22:20 PM.

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