Brochure Unesco 2015 en
Brochure Unesco 2015 en
Brochure Unesco 2015 en
Work of
Le Corbusier
he nomination file for the inscription on the World Heritage List of a set of buildings
identification Liste chronologique des éléments constitutifs
1 1923 Maisons La Roche et Jeanneret, Paris Île-de-France France
2 1923 Petite villa au bord du lac Léman, Corseaux Vaud Suisse
3 1924 Cité Frugès, Pessac Aquitaine France
4 1926 Maison Guiette, Anvers Flandre Belgique
5 1927 Maisons de la Weissenhof-Siedlung, Stuttgart Bade-Wurtemberg Allemagne
6 1928 Villa Savoye et loge du jardinier, Poissy Île-de-France France
7 1930 Immeuble Clarté Genève Suisse
8 1931 Immeuble locatif à la Porte Molitor, Boulogne-Billancourt Île-de-France France
9 1945 Unité d’habitation, Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur France
10 1946 Manufacture à Saint-Dié, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges Lorraine France
11 1949 Maison du Docteur Curutchet, La Plata Province de Buenos-Aires Argentine
12 1950 Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Ronchamp Franche-Comté France
13 1951 Cabanon de Le Corbusier, Roquebrune–Cap-Martin Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur France
14 1952 Complexe du Capitole, Chandigarh Pendjab Inde
15 1953 Couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, Éveux Rhône-Alpes France
16 1955 Musée National des Beaux-Arts de l’Occident,Taito-Ku Tokyo Japon
17 1953 Maison de la Culture de Firminy, Firminy Rhône-Alpes France
The Standing Conference coordinates the management of the Property, advises States
Parties and implements actions for promotion and enhancement of the Property.
The experience of the International Committee, set up at the launching of the proposed
candidature, guarantees the quality of work undertaken by the Standing Conference.
Despite the vicissitudes of the application, solidarity and cooperation among the members
have never been put in question, and the countries that were present in 2003 are all
involved in this new application, thus demonstrating exceptional solidarity around the
work of an architect.
2] Criterion (vi)
The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier is directly and materially associated with the ideas
of the Modern Movement, of which the theories and works possessed outstanding uni-
Haute-Cour de Justice, Chandigarh.
versal significance in the twentieth century. The Property proposed represented a “New
Ph. Lucien Hervé Spirit” and tended towards a synthesis of the arts that was at a crossroads between
architecture, painting and sculpture. The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier is an
outstanding contribution to the solutions that the Modern Movement sought to apply
to the major challenges of the twentieth century:
> invent a new architectural language;
> modernize architectural techniques;
> respond to the social and human needs of modern man.
Some of these constructions are formally unique while others, in contrast, show by their
modesty the preoccupations of modern architecture with the question of the greatest
number; some are aimed at standardized type of architecture, others are works of syn-
thesis or prototypes. The diversity and heterogeneity of the series cannot be interpreted
as a weakness, since these qualities are intrinsic to the architectural revolution of the
twentieth century. On the international level, this architectural revolution was creatively
orientated as much toward the everyday life of modern man as to the traditional sphere
of large public or private commissions. The uniqueness of this architecture lies precisely
in this revolution of values. This is a world heritage of a radically new kind, which has
acquired a long term character .
In this respect, The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, with its exceptional level of
integrity and authenticity, reflects much better the profound changes in twentieth century
Couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette,
architectural creation than a mere adding-up of iconic achievements by great names of
Eveux. Ph. Cemal Emden
twentieth century architecture, with the elitist aesthetical approach that this implies.
All the component parts of the Property are constructions by Le Corbusier, designed and
completed during his lifetime in his studio.
At the present time, they all display a high level of internal and external conservation. Petite villa au bord du Lac, Corseaux.
The forms, distribution, spatial composition, colour and materiality of the works present Ph. Cemal Emden
a high level of fidelity. Moreover, with few exceptions, these constructions have retained
their original use, thereby favouring the proper care and maintenance of both the interior
spaces and the facades. Many have recently undergone restoration campaigns based
on extensive preliminary studies: these are Maisons La Roche et Jeanneret, Maisons de
la Weissenhof-Siedlung, Immeuble Clarté, Unité d’habitation de Marseille, Couvent
Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, Maison de la Culture de Firminy. The environment of some
elements in the series has changed since their construction but, on most sites, urban
and landscape control procedures have been implemented or are under consideration.
Finally, in each country, preparation of the nomination file for The Architectural Work of
Le Corbusier has led to reinforcement of the level of protection and monitoring of
Le Corbusier’s works and the drawing up of local management plans. These have been
implemented on a partnership basis between owners and the cultural, heritage and
planning departments of the local authorities on whose land the works are situated.
As part of the preparation for this application, the network was considerably reinforced
by the creation in 2009 of the International Association of Le Corbusier Sites, comprised
of local authorities on whose land are situated the component parts of the Property and
whose primary objective has been to facilitate the coordinated implementation of local
management plans.
Nom : Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft Nom : Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
Baden-Württemberg Titre : Direction Générale des Patrimoines
Abteilung 6 Fachkräftesicherung und Quartierspolitik Adresse : 182 rue Saint-Honoré
Referat 66 Denkmalpflege und Bauberufsrecht Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : 75001, Paris, France
(Ministère des Finances et de l’Économie du Land Fax. : +33 (0) 1 40 15 80 00
de Bade-Wurtemberg)
Adresse : Schlossplatz 4, Neues Schloss, 70173 Stuttgart Nom : Fondation Le Corbusier
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : Stuttgart, Titre : Antoine Picon, Président
République Fédérale d’Allemagne Michel Richard, Directeur – Bénédicte Gandini, architecte
Tél. : +49 711-123-0 Adresse : 8-10 square du Docteur Blanche
Fax. : +49 711-123-4791 Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : 75016 Paris, France
Courriel : Tél. : +33 (0) 1 42 88 41 53
Site : Fax. : +33 (0) 1 42 88 33 17
Tél. : 01 42 88 41 53 - Fax : 01 42 88 33 17
8-10 square du Docteur Blanche - 75016 Paris
Ph. 4e de couverture : Petite villa au bord du Lac, Corseaux. Cemal Emden
© FLC-ADAGP – Bernard Artal Graphisme – Imprimerie Peau – Juin 2015