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The Architectural

Work of
Le Corbusier

Nomination to the World Heritage List

« His logical and ever fresh mind offered India answers similar
to those of any of the great Indian Vastu Shastries (architects)
of the ancient and medieval times. He perhaps was showing
us a new way to see, feel and experience architecture.
An expression and experience he created out of a few base
elements, yet expressing a new vitality challenging the
traditional as well as the modern. He made tangible from
béton-brut, local stone, local crafts and exploited shadows,
patterns, the breeze and the monsoon.

For him discovery had to happen at all scales, simultaneously

and without constraints. References from earlier works
were only references and the thrust was on an approach
suitable to India where the vision had to match not only
aspirations of a free India but also the availability of skills,
techniques, resources and relate harmoniously to the
eternal cosmic cycles, cosmic elements and the resulting
life style that he had witnessed in his journeys.

To the professional fraternity and Indian society at large

Le Corbusier through his works shows us how to rediscover
our own identity, how to reconnect our works and the life
styles and how to integrate natural laws, in our daily life. In
short there is no style, nor time, nor product, it is a creation
similar to nature, which evolves and simultaneously take
roots. All the above signals are our guidelines and if we
follow them we will remain as fresh as our very ancient
monuments that we admire.

We would be privileged if such a way of thinking and

designing enshrined in his buildings should be recognized
not only as our heritage but our inheritance and legacy to
be passed onto from generation to generation. »
Balkrishna Doshi
Mai 2011
The Architectural
Work of
Le Corbusier

he nomination file for the inscription on the World Heritage List of a set of buildings

T belonging to the architectural work of Le Corbusier is the result of a joint

undertaking begun more than ten years ago. It has been drawn up by Germany,
Argentina, Belgium, France, India, Japan and Switzerland.

It is an application for Transnational Serial Nomination. The seventeen elements that

make up the proposed series is a relevant group with regard to the influence of Le Cor-
busier’s work on a worldwide level. The various constituent elements all contribute
to the Outstanding Universal Value of the series in a clear and specific manner and give
to it its internal coherence.

identification Liste chronologique des éléments constitutifs
1 1923 Maisons La Roche et Jeanneret, Paris Île-de-France France
2 1923 Petite villa au bord du lac Léman, Corseaux Vaud Suisse
3 1924 Cité Frugès, Pessac Aquitaine France
4 1926 Maison Guiette, Anvers Flandre Belgique
5 1927 Maisons de la Weissenhof-Siedlung, Stuttgart Bade-Wurtemberg Allemagne
6 1928 Villa Savoye et loge du jardinier, Poissy Île-de-France France
7 1930 Immeuble Clarté Genève Suisse
8 1931 Immeuble locatif à la Porte Molitor, Boulogne-Billancourt Île-de-France France
9 1945 Unité d’habitation, Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur France
10 1946 Manufacture à Saint-Dié, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges Lorraine France
11 1949 Maison du Docteur Curutchet, La Plata Province de Buenos-Aires Argentine
12 1950 Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Ronchamp Franche-Comté France
13 1951 Cabanon de Le Corbusier, Roquebrune–Cap-Martin Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur France
14 1952 Complexe du Capitole, Chandigarh Pendjab Inde
15 1953 Couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, Éveux Rhône-Alpes France
16 1955 Musée National des Beaux-Arts de l’Occident,Taito-Ku Tokyo Japon
17 1953 Maison de la Culture de Firminy, Firminy Rhône-Alpes France

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 1

« Le Corbusier a posé les fonda- Present State and Complexity of the Work
tions du Mouvement Moderne
au cours de la première moitié The corporate solidarity expressed by the stakeholders of the project reflects the reality of
de sa vie, en construisant les Le Corbusier’s work, the force and intelligence of which rest upon the cohesion between
maisons de la période dite all the parts. These demonstrate the “unity of thought” that, despite the contradictions
« blanche » et en réalisant
inherent in any creative work, governs the various aspects of their creator’s work.
les éléments d’urbanisme
comme l’Unité d’habitation de With about 65 buildings or groups of buildings surviving today, the architectural work is
Marseille. Après la Seconde
relatively modest in quantity. It presents in addition the following characteristics:
Guerre mondiale, pendant sa
période de maturité, sa créati- • it is highly extensive in spatial terms, distributed in eleven countries on four
vité sans limites explosa totale- continents. While the majority of the works are situated in Europe, particularly
ment et produisit des objets in France and Switzerland, some of the buildings – and not the least among them
extraordinaires comme la – are located in India, Tunisia, Japan, Iraq, Argentina and the United States;
Chapelle Notre-Dame du Haut
de Ronchamp, démonstration • these buildings differ greatly in nature and size: villas and individual houses,
exemplaire des possibilités places of worship, multi-dwelling units, office buildings, a gymnasium,a stadium,
infinies de l’architecture etc. The status of the owners also differs greatly: public authorities, associations,
moderne. private owners, joint ownerships, etc.;
Vivre c’est créer, et créer • legislation or practices on heritage protection are known to differ greatly between
c’est prendre des risques. »
the various countries.
Ando Tadao Each building is a prototype, a unique experiment, a link in the creative process as well
Tokyo, mai 2011
as a link in the time frame of restoration projects. Each of the buildings comprising the
series is a work of art in itself and represents an outstanding performance in the field
of architecture. These are moreover “high risk” performances, whether we consider
the interpretation of the programmes or the design of these buildings, which is both
architecturally and technically experimental.

An International Management Plan

This complexity is at the heart of the work’s richness. It is what largely justifies the pro-
posal for a serial inscription. It also justifies the establishment of an International Man-
agement System which, like the working method that has served for ten years in
preparing the file, will enable monitoring of the works’ conservation and the sharing of
best practices. It will likewise enable proposals for extensions to the series, to accom-
modate buildings that it has not been opportune to include in the present file.

The Standing Conference

Management and monitoring of the constituent elements of the series of Le Corbusier’s
architectural works will be ensured by the Heritage Authorities of each State Party. To
ensure consistency and transnational monitoring of selected components of the Property
Maisons doubles de la Weissenhof-
Siedlung, Stuttgart. Ph. Cemal Emden without supplanting the prerogatives of each signatory State, the International Committee
has proposed the setting up of a Standing Conference. This principle has been adopted
by the seven States Parties and the first meeting of the Conference will be held in Paris
in the first half of 2015. This meeting is a continuation of all the meetings held since the
file was launched in 2012 (ten international meetings per year, in addition to the regional
or local meetings).

The Standing Conference coordinates the management of the Property, advises States
Parties and implements actions for promotion and enhancement of the Property.

The experience of the International Committee, set up at the launching of the proposed
candidature, guarantees the quality of work undertaken by the Standing Conference.
Despite the vicissitudes of the application, solidarity and cooperation among the members
have never been put in question, and the countries that were present in 2003 are all
involved in this new application, thus demonstrating exceptional solidarity around the
work of an architect.

2 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Ronchamp. Ph. Lucien Hervé

Towards a New Architecture

Finally, it should be noted that the joint serial application, undertaken of necessity by
the seven partner countries, has led to an unprecedented realization of the work’s im-
portance as a theoretical and artistic benchmark for 20th and 21st century architecture and
equally to the realization that its representation on the UNESCO World Heritage List as
a concrete, material achievement was a matter of urgency, this being in their eyes the
best guarantee of its preservation over the long term.
« L’œuvre de Le Corbusier
The pursuit of this objective has enabled the stakeholders directly involved in the appli- constitue la clé de notre mo-
cation to further their knowledge and requirements in respect of buildings under their dernité. Tout ce qu’il a construit
responsibility, by sharing information and experience and discovering evaluations by continue à être une source
experts. The immediately perceived educational and social ambition of the undertaking d’émotions pour l’ensemble
des générations et demeure
has also proved an effective motivation for those owners or managers of Le Corbusier’s
un objet d’apprentissage
architectural works not appearing on the list submitted to the World Heritage Committee irremplaçable.
but expressing their continuing support for the project. Lastly, beyond this inner circle
Il est indispensable de maintenir
of stakeholders, it has contributed to raising the awareness and interest of many partners
son œuvre dans toute sa
with initially limited concern for Le Corbusier’s work, or to changing the merely stereo- pluralité, où qu’elle se trouve. »
typed image held by others.
Álvaro Siza
It has facilitated relations between the countries concerned, federated initiatives within Porto, avril 2011
the countries themselves, brought together the men and women who are daily involved
in it, the owners and managers and all those, whether specialists or enthusiasts of this
living work, who are eager to share their knowledge and enthusiasm.

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 3

1 Maisons La Roche et Jeanneret, Paris I FRANCE

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

4 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

2 Petite villa au bord du lac Léman, Corseaux I SUISSE
Ph. Patrick Moser
Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 5

3 Cité Frugès, Pessac I FRANCE

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

6 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

4 Maison Guiette, Anvers I BELGIQUE
Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 7

5 Maisons de la Weissenhof-Siedlung, Stuttgart I ALLEMAGNE

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

8 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

6 Villa Savoye et loge du jardinier, Poissy I FRANCE
Ph. Cemal Emden
Ph. Cemal Emden

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 9

7 Imeuble Clarté, Genève I SUISSE

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Bénédicte Gandini

Ph. Cemal Emden

10 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

8 Immeuble locatif à la Porte Molitor, Boulogne-Billancourt I FRANCE
Ph. Cemal Emden

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 11

9 Unité d’habitation, Marseille I FRANCE

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

12 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

10 Manufacture à Saint-Dié, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges I FRANCE
Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier
Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 13

11 Maison du Docteur Curutchet, La Plata I ARGENTINE

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

14 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

12 Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Ronchamp I FRANCE
Ph. Cemal Emden
Ph. Cemal Emden

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 15

14 Complexe du Capitole, Chandigarh I INDE

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden
Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

16 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

Ph. Michel Richard
Ph. Cemal Emden

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 17

13 Cabanon de Le Corbusier, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin I FRANCE

Ph. Lucien Hervé

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

18 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

15 Couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, Éveux I FRANCE
Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 19

16 Musée National des Beaux-Arts de l’Occident, Tokyo I JAPON

Ph. Cemal Emden

Ph. Cemal Emden

20 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

17 Maison de la Culture de Firminy, Firminy I FRANCE
Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier
Ph. Olivier Martin-Gambier

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 21

Draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value

(a) Brief Outline

a (i) Factual Description

The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier was designed and built between a pioneering
period in the birth of the Modern Movement – the early 1920s – and the mid 1960s, when
this architecture had begun to be challenged, having passed from avant-garde status to
that of a globally dominant architectural style. The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier
reflects the history of the Modern Movement through half a century. It demonstrates a
radical break with the styles, design methods, technologies, and construction practices
of previous centuries.

The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier is a Serial Property, as defined by Article 137 of

the guidelines of the World Heritage Convention.
It comprises 17 component parts, distributed among seven countries on three continents:
Germany, Argentina, Belgium, France, India, Japan and Switzerland. The Property has
been part of a globalized geographical zone since 1972, a unique situation, which illus-
trates the profound transformation of contemporary architecture and the architectural
Archives FLC
profession in the twentieth century. The constituent parts ofThe Architectural Work of
Le Corbusier belong to the same historico-cultural group, that of the Modern Movement.

(b) Justification des critères

(b) Justification of Criteria
1] Criterion (ii)
The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier exhibits an unprecedented interchange of human
values and a remarkable debate of ideas, on a worldwide scale lasting half a century, on
the birth and development of the Modern Movement. Faced with a world dominated by
academicism, The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier revolutionized architecture by
demonstrating, in an exceptional and pioneering manner, the invention of a new archi-
tectural language that made a break with the past. The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier
marks the birth of three major trends in modern architecture: Purism, Brutalism and
sculptural architecture. The global influence reached by The Architectural Work of Le Cor-
busier on four continents is a new phenomenon in the history of architecture and demon-
strates its unprecedented impact. The influence of the buildings comprising this series
is all the more powerful as The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier was further propa-
gated by the architect’s many writings, immediately disseminated and translated
throughout the world. This unique complementarity between the built work and the
publications made Le Corbusier the main spokesman for the new architecture and The
Architectural Work of Le Corbusier a subject of endless observation, analysis and com-
mentary as well as a worldwide source of either inspiration or constant opposition.

2] Criterion (vi)
The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier is directly and materially associated with the ideas
of the Modern Movement, of which the theories and works possessed outstanding uni-
Haute-Cour de Justice, Chandigarh.
versal significance in the twentieth century. The Property proposed represented a “New
Ph. Lucien Hervé Spirit” and tended towards a synthesis of the arts that was at a crossroads between
architecture, painting and sculpture. The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier is an
outstanding contribution to the solutions that the Modern Movement sought to apply
to the major challenges of the twentieth century:
> invent a new architectural language;
> modernize architectural techniques;
> respond to the social and human needs of modern man.

22 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier materializes Le Corbusier’s ideas, powerfully
relayed by the International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM) from 1928. The
contribution made by The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier to these major challenges
of the twentieth century is not merely the result of an exemplary achievement at a given
moment, but the outstanding sum of built and written proposals steadfastly dissemi-
nated worldwide through half a century.

(c) Statement of Integrity

The task of selecting the parts making up The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier led to
retaining those which, taken together as a group, contribute significantly to the attributes
that constitute the O.U.V. of the Property. The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier supplies
a unique set of responses to the major issues addressed by the Modern Movement over
a period of half a century.

Some of these constructions are formally unique while others, in contrast, show by their
modesty the preoccupations of modern architecture with the question of the greatest
number; some are aimed at standardized type of architecture, others are works of syn-
thesis or prototypes. The diversity and heterogeneity of the series cannot be interpreted
as a weakness, since these qualities are intrinsic to the architectural revolution of the
twentieth century. On the international level, this architectural revolution was creatively
orientated as much toward the everyday life of modern man as to the traditional sphere
of large public or private commissions. The uniqueness of this architecture lies precisely
in this revolution of values. This is a world heritage of a radically new kind, which has
acquired a long term character .

In this respect, The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, with its exceptional level of
integrity and authenticity, reflects much better the profound changes in twentieth century
Couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette,
architectural creation than a mere adding-up of iconic achievements by great names of
Eveux. Ph. Cemal Emden
twentieth century architecture, with the elitist aesthetical approach that this implies.

(d) Statement of Authenticity

The authenticity of the Serial Property The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier hinges on
its capacity to express its universal value when seen as a group. The series comprises
pioneering and forward-thinking solutions to the major challenges of architecture and
society, put forward on a global scale through half a century with energy and fortitude.
For a period of this length, and on such a historically unparalleled scale, the series is
unquestionably of outstanding universal impact. Within the group, each construction
makes a powerful and exemplary contribution. Their being brought together in a com-
plementary relationship amounts to an exceptional testimony to the development of the
Modern Movement.

All the component parts of the Property are constructions by Le Corbusier, designed and
completed during his lifetime in his studio.
At the present time, they all display a high level of internal and external conservation. Petite villa au bord du Lac, Corseaux.
The forms, distribution, spatial composition, colour and materiality of the works present Ph. Cemal Emden
a high level of fidelity. Moreover, with few exceptions, these constructions have retained
their original use, thereby favouring the proper care and maintenance of both the interior
spaces and the facades. Many have recently undergone restoration campaigns based
on extensive preliminary studies: these are Maisons La Roche et Jeanneret, Maisons de
la Weissenhof-Siedlung, Immeuble Clarté, Unité d’habitation de Marseille, Couvent
Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, Maison de la Culture de Firminy. The environment of some
elements in the series has changed since their construction but, on most sites, urban
and landscape control procedures have been implemented or are under consideration.

THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement 23

(e) Protection and Management Requirements
All the component parts of the Property were at an early date afforded protection under
the national legislation of the countries in which they are situated; an exceptional fact is
that some were actually given protection during the architect’s lifetime. Some benefit
from several levels of protection. The majority of them belong to private owners and
have retained their original function, this being in many cases a guarantee of good man-
agement. Most have already undergone restoration campaigns under the supervision
of the authorities for the protection of Historic Monuments in their respective countries.

Finally, in each country, preparation of the nomination file for The Architectural Work of
Le Corbusier has led to reinforcement of the level of protection and monitoring of
Le Corbusier’s works and the drawing up of local management plans. These have been
implemented on a partnership basis between owners and the cultural, heritage and
planning departments of the local authorities on whose land the works are situated.

Protection and Management, Long Term Goals

The task of preparing the nomination file of The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier has
greatly strengthened links between public and private owners and managers of the
constituent parts of the Property, but also with those of buildings not selected. Key players
in this continuing process are the Le Corbusier Foundation, the Association of
Le Corbusier Sites and the Standing Conference. Since 1968, the date of its creation, the
Fondation Le Corbusier, an organization wished for by the architect himself, constitutes
not only a well stocked resource centre that is indispensable for the knowledge and man-
agement of the Property, but also an efficient network connecting up the various sites
containing works by Le Corbusier.

As part of the preparation for this application, the network was considerably reinforced
by the creation in 2009 of the International Association of Le Corbusier Sites, comprised
of local authorities on whose land are situated the component parts of the Property and
whose primary objective has been to facilitate the coordinated implementation of local
management plans.

Finally, with a view to better management of the Property, a Standing Conference

Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut, between the seven States Parties has been set up to ensure efficient management coor-
Ronchamp, et Haute-Cour de dination of the different parts making up the series, while at the same time showing all
Justice, Chandigarh. respect for the prerogatives of each country in terms of protection, conservation and
Ph. Cemal Emden heritage management. The work group set up to prepare this nomination in 2003 prefig-
ured the Standing Conference.

24 THE ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF LE CORBUSIER An Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement

Institution – Agence officielle locale

Nom : Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft Nom : Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
Baden-Württemberg Titre : Direction Générale des Patrimoines
Abteilung 6 Fachkräftesicherung und Quartierspolitik Adresse : 182 rue Saint-Honoré
Referat 66 Denkmalpflege und Bauberufsrecht Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : 75001, Paris, France
(Ministère des Finances et de l’Économie du Land Fax. : +33 (0) 1 40 15 80 00
de Bade-Wurtemberg)
Adresse : Schlossplatz 4, Neues Schloss, 70173 Stuttgart Nom : Fondation Le Corbusier
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : Stuttgart, Titre : Antoine Picon, Président
République Fédérale d’Allemagne Michel Richard, Directeur – Bénédicte Gandini, architecte
Tél. : +49 711-123-0 Adresse : 8-10 square du Docteur Blanche
Fax. : +49 711-123-4791 Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : 75016 Paris, France
Courriel : Tél. : +33 (0) 1 42 88 41 53
Site : Fax. : +33 (0) 1 42 88 33 17

Nom : Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart Nom : Association des sites Le Corbusier

Amt für Stadtplanung und Stadterneuerung Titre : Marc Petit, Président
(Ville de Stuttgart, capitale régionale du Land Adresse : Mairie - Place du Breuil - CS 10040
Office de l’urbanisme et du renouvellement urbain) Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : 42702 Firminy, France
Adresse : Eberhardstr. 10, 70173 Stuttgart Tél. : +33 (0) 4 77 40 50 54
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : Stuttgart, E-mail :
République Fédérale d’Allemagne
Tél. : +49 711-216-20010
Fax. : +49 711-216-9520010 INDE
Courriel : Nom : Department of Tourism, Chandigarh Administration
Site : Titre : Director
Adresse : Additional Deluxe Building, adjoining Police
Headquarters, Sector 9D, Chandigarh
ARGENTINE Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : Inde
Nom : Commission de Site Dr. Curutchet Tél. : +91 172 2740420
Titre : Institut culturel de la Province de Buenos Aires Fax. : +91 172 2740337
Adresse : Calle 5 N° 755 esquina 47 CP 1900 Courriel :
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : La Plata, Site :
Province de Buenos Aires, Argentine
Tél. Fax. : +54 +221 423 6885/86/87
Courriel : JAPON
Nom : Commission de l’éducation de la Métropole de Tokyo
Nom : Municipalité de La Plata Titre : Service des Programmes, Sous-Direction
Titre : Direction de Préservation du Patrimoine de l’Éducation Permanente
Adresse : Calle 12 entre 51 y 53 CP 1900 Adresse : 2-8-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : La Plata, Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : Japon
Province de Buenos Aires, Argentine Tél. : + 81-3-5320-6862
Tél. : +54 +221 427-2342 Fax. : + 81-3-5388-1734
Fax. : +54 +221 429-1032 Courriel :
Courriel :
Nom : Commission de l’éducation de la Ville de Taito
Titre : Division de l’Éducation Permanente
BELGIQUE Adresse : 3-25-16 Nishi-asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Nom : Agence du Patrimoine de Flandre - Anvers, Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : Japon
Adresse : Lange Kievitstraat 111/113, bus 52 Tél. : + 81-3-5246-5852
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgique Fax. : + 81-3-5246-5814
Tél. : +32 3 224 62 17 Courriel :
Fax. : +32 3 224 62 23
Courriel :
Nom : Ville d’Anvers, service des monuments • Petite villa au bord du lac Léman
et de l’archéologie Nom : Service du patrimoine et des sites
Adresse : Grote Markt 1 Adresse : Place de la Riponne 10
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgique Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : 1014 Lausanne – Suisse
Tél. : +32 3 338 66 00 Tél. : +41 21 316 73 36
Fax. : +32 3 338 20 30 Fax. : +41 21 316 73 47
Courriel :
• Immeuble Clarté
Nom : Office du patrimoine et des sites
Adresse : Case postale 22
Ville, Province/Etat, Pays : 1211 Genève 8 – Suisse
Tél. : +41 22 546 61 01
Fax. : +41 22 546 61 10

Tél. : 01 42 88 41 53 - Fax : 01 42 88 33 17
8-10 square du Docteur Blanche - 75016 Paris
Ph. 4e de couverture : Petite villa au bord du Lac, Corseaux. Cemal Emden
© FLC-ADAGP – Bernard Artal Graphisme – Imprimerie Peau – Juin 2015

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