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React Native Google Map

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Kirsten Swanson Follow
A creative, adventurous, and curious print again.Developer
Jul 21, 2017 · 7 min read

React Native Google Map with react-


I am using react-native-maps to render a Google map on my phone. I

was struggling through the documentation and received lots of Xcode
errors during implementation, so that spurred me to write this tutorial in
order to show you my steps that allowed me to eventually get a Google
map on my simulator and phone!

Let’s start from the very beginning. I created a new React Native repo. If
you haven’t installed the React Native command line tools I would do so
now. npm i -g react-native-cli

Next I created my project by the following command:

react-native init MapExample

(At the time of my build my react-native-maps was v0.15.3, react-native

was v0.46.4 and React was v16.0.0-alpha.12)

On a side note, you can also create projects by the command

create-react-native-app , but since we need to be linking I am using
the older command line tools instead of having to deal with ejecting and
plus I’ll have full control over my compiling.
First I’m going to cover iOS development. Now you will want to cd into
your project and run the command react-native run-ios , which
should open your iOS simulator. If you’re having trouble with running
your simulator you might need to install some other packages. Here are
the React Native docs to help with that.

We’re just going to be putting the map on the home screen of the project,
so all the code will be in the index.ios.js Jle. Now onward to

As a reference I’m following these docs, but I’ll walk you through all of
my steps and include images that will hopefully help with the whole
process of implementing a map into your project.

npm install react-native-maps --save

If you want to use the same version as I did in this repo you can
npm install react-native-maps @0.15.3 --save
I immediately got this horrible red screen yelling at me! Whenever I see
that question mark in the white diamond in an error message I know that
I need to restart the simulator. After you shut down the simulator and re-
react-native run-ios that red screen should be gone.

Now you will want to link your native dependencies with Xcode.

react-native link react-native-maps

Now we need to create our PodJle for our CocoaPods within the iOS
touch ios/Podfile and you will also need to gem install cocoapods

(you might need to sudo install). Below is the code that should go into
your PodJle. Replace ‘MapExample’ with the name of your project.

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'MapExample' do

pod 'Yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-


pod 'GoogleMaps'


You don’t need to install a React pod since you already have the React li-
brary, Including the React pod could cause conUicts within your Xcode

Next you will need to install the Pods.

cd ios and run pod install and then get back out of that folder
cd ..

Now you will no longer be using your .xcodeproj Jle, and will now be us-
ing your workspace .xcworkspace Jle since you have installed

Open your .xcworkspace Jle because now we need to add AirGoogle-

Maps to the project. Within your Finder go into your node_modules in
your project and navigate to the AirGoogleMaps folder.

Drag the AirGoogleMaps folder into your project. After dropping that
folder into your project there will be a pop-up window in which you will
specify to Create groups.
Your project Jle structure should now look like this:
And your libraries in your Build Phases should look like this:

Now navigate to your Build Settings to the Search Paths section. Double
click on the Jle path in the Header Search Paths. Another pop-up win-
dow will appear and you will want to click on the plus sign to add this
line to it:


And then don’t forget to change the non-recursive setting to recursive.

In order to use Google maps you will need to create a Google Maps API
Click the ‘Get a Key’ button and you can either create a new project or
select one of your projects already built.

Ok now let’s go back to your code! Don’t worry you’re almost there! With
your Google Maps API key you will make a couple changes in your Ap‐

pDelegate.m Jle. You’ll insert these two lines of code:

@import GoogleMaps;

[GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"YOUR_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY"];

Phew we’re done with linking your project with Xcode! Now is the fun
part of actually generating a map! Like I mentioned earlier we’re just
putting the map on the home screen, so we’re working in the in‐

dex.ios.js Jle.

Since I’m from Colorado I just input the latitude and longitude for
Denver, but feel free to play around with those coordinates! I’m using the
same latitudeDelta and longitudeDelta as the docs, but I’m still try-
ing to Jgure out the best way to calculate them…but for the time being
those numbers work. Also don’t forget to give your map dimensions by
adding some styles to it. Ok now it’s the moment of truth, reload your
simulator and hopefully there’s a beautiful map! If you’re showing a
blank screen with the Google logo in the bottom left corner you might
need to enable your Google Maps API key here.

. . .
Time for Android development. This has a much easier set-up, especially
if you ran react-native link react-native-maps since this command
does must of the heavy lifting for you.

In your android/app/build.gradle Jle make sure you have this


dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-maps')

In your android/settings.gradle Jle make sure you have these lines of


include ':react-native-maps'
project(':react-native-maps').projectDir = new
File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-

And Jnally in your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Jle

you will need to insert your API key inside the <application>.


And that’s it for the set-up…much easier than for iOS development! You
can now include a <MapView> in your index.android.js Jle. Open up
your Android Studio and make sure you have an emulator running be-
fore you run react-native run-android . But now you should have a
map rendering on an Android, hooray!
If you get an error regarding Google play services then you need to make
sure you chose an AVD that supports Google APIs.

. . .

Now for some real fun we can customize the styling of the map through
the Google style generator. Select the style you like and then copy the
json object into your code and then you can use those styles by custom‐

MapStyle .
Having fun yet?! Let’s show your current location on the map by using
the built in Geolocation when you create a project with react-native

init . And don’t worry if it shows that you’re in San Francisco that’s the
default current location. If you run the simulator through your personal
device it will show your actual current location.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, View, Dimensions } from
import MapView, { PROVIDER_GOOGLE } from 'react-native-
import RetroMapStyles from

let { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window');

const ASPECT_RATIO = width / height;

const LATITUDE = 0;
const LONGITUDE = 0;
const LATITUDE_DELTA = 0.0922;

export default class MapExample extends Component {

constructor() {

this.state = {
region: {
latitude: LATITUDE,
longitude: LONGITUDE,
latitudeDelta: LATITUDE_DELTA,
longitudeDelta: LONGITUDE_DELTA,

componentDidMount() {
position => {
region: {
latitude: position.coords.latitude,
longitude: position.coords.longitude,
latitudeDelta: LATITUDE_DELTA,
longitudeDelta: LONGITUDE_DELTA,
(error) => console.log(error.message),
{ enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 20000, maximumAge:
1000 },
this.watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
position => {
region: {
latitude: position.coords.latitude,
longitude: position.coords.longitude,
latitudeDelta: LATITUDE_DELTA,
longitudeDelta: LONGITUDE_DELTA,
componentWillUnmount() {

render() {
return (
provider={ PROVIDER_GOOGLE }
style={ styles.container }
customMapStyle={ RetroMapStyles }
showsUserLocation={ true }
region={ this.state.region }
onRegionChange={ region => this.setState({region})
onRegionChangeComplete={ region =>
this.setState({region}) }
coordinate={ this.state.region }

const styles = StyleSheet.create({

container: {
height: '100%',
width: '100%',

AppRegistry.registerComponent('MapExample', () =>

There’s lots more to maps like animated maps and rendering lots of
markers, but I just wanted to get you started! I hope you have as much
fun as I did with playing with maps!

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