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OCMS EService User Guide For ICE Users

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Office of the Chief Information Officer

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

801 I Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20536

ICE eService: ICE Personnel Administration

System Overview
System Description: The ICE eService Initiative will support the real-time service of documents on the 26 Offices of
Chief Counsel while utilizing the most current technology to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of the
data being shared. ICE eService reduces the duplication of paper and electronic records, reduces costs associated with
labor and postage and ensures that trial attorneys have all necessary information needed to zealously litigate removal
cases. The ICE eService system allows secure, authenticated, authorized, encrypted communication of files and
inquiries related to ICE Alien File Legal Cases. Representatives of aliens may securely serve documents to ICE OPLA
Attorneys as well as submit inquiries. ICE OPLA Attorneys may serve documents to verified alien Representatives as well
as answer submitted inquiries.

Role – ICE Legal Support Staff:

ICE Legal Support Staff can process and approve or reject document(s) that are served by Legal
Representatives or Pro Se Individuals, by either logging in from your machine on the ICE NETWORK to
https://eservice.ice.dhs.gov/pages/ICEAdmins.aspx or by logging into your Email Inbox for your OCC and
following the link to the served document set.

1. Navigate your Internet Explorer browser to https://eservice.ice.dhs.gov/pages/ICEAdmins.aspx.

Until Single Sign-On has been established to allow you to authenticate via PIV card, you will
need to enter the OPLA AZURE domain username and password you have been provided. The
login screen displays

2. Enter your OPLA AZURE domain username and password you have been provided and click ‘OK’.

3. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use. Click ‘OK’.

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4. The ICE eService Landing Page displays with a list of Unprocessed Document sets.

5. You can filter the OCC location by selecting the ‘SELECT AN OFFICE’ drop down list.

6. Click on the link of the Document Set that you want to review the documents and process under
the ‘Name’ column.

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7. You should be taken to a screen similar to the following:

8. You may open any of the documents to review them, and click the ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ link to
accept or reject the document. All accepted documents will be sent to PLAnet when processed.

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9. Once you have accepted or rejected the documents, click the ‘Process’ button. A confirmation
screen displays:

10. Click the ‘OK’ button and confirm that you are ready to process the documents.
11. You will be redirected to the Detailed Receipt that will be sent to the Legal Representative or the Pro Se
Individual. You may add additional information on the receipt in the Subject and Message fields.
Please note there is now a listing of accepted and rejected files. Additionally, please note that you may
need to click on the Subject field and tab out of it to update the Message field. It is important to
include a message in the case of rejecting any files so that the Legal Representative or the Pro Se
Individual will understand which documents have been successfully served and why some may have
been rejected. Click the ‘Save’ button to save the Detailed Receipt.

Old Detail receipt screen New detail receipt screen shot (Sprint 5
2017Nov 30

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12. Now subject line should have additional details “-Location: OCC Location”
13. Once the detailed receipt changes are saved, the notice of the receipt of processing will be sent to the
Legal Representative or Pro Se Individual.
14. To navigate back to the home page you must reenter
https://eservice.ice.dhs.gov/pages/ICEAdmins.aspx in your browser.
15. The processed item is removed from the ‘UNPROCESSED ITEMS’ list as shown below:

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1. As an ICE User, you will be presented a ‘Receipts’ button in which you can view all receipts sent
from within a user’s ICE eService site. Please note that these receipts are automatically are sent
to PLAnet as well and associated with the Case for which the documents were sent/received.
Receipts are also associated with their A-File Case in PLAnet.

During the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Pilot phases, a UAT Feedback button will be available in
which you can enter any feedback, comments, or issues that you wish to relay to the development

Please note that you can attach files to the feedback form if you choose. Once you click ‘Save’ you will
be redirected back to the site and the feedback will have sent to the development team to review.

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To Check Documents and Receipts are received in PLAnet
Once documents are approved by ICE personnel, they are entered into a queue which is processed,
sending the APPROVED documents for the specified case to PLAnet.

Additionally, all receipts associated with a case when documents for that case are either Sent or
Received, are migrated to PLAnet and accessible within the Case record.

For Documents:

Allow up to 2 hours before a document has been approved for the document to be available in the
PLAnet case. If you are aware of the Case Number submitted, simply navigate to
https://crmaas2016.ice.dhs.gov/OCMS and search for the Case Number. You should find the ICE
eService documents with the file name prefix of “e_” within the documents section of the case. Please
note that the case must exist in the FQT PLAnet system before any documents may be sent to it.

While in the case, navigate in the upper portion of the screen to the Arrow beside the Case Number and
navigate to ‘Receipts’. Here you will see a list of Receipts associated with the Case for Sending,
Processing, or Receiving Documents.

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ICE eService: Send Documents from PLAnet
The ICE eService Send Documents from PLAnet feature allows a PLAnet user to select one or more
documents from a PLAnet case’s SharePoint document set to be shared via ICE eService. The user
provides the alien number of the case, which in turn is used to retrieve a list of the documents currently
stored in the document set. The user then selects which case document(s) are to be sent to ICE eService
for processing, and submits the request. Following the submission of the request, the user is returned
to the case document list. The check boxes for the documents sent in the preceding request are
disabled in order to prevent inadvertent re-submission.

User Interface (UI) States

The Send Documents from PLAnet is shown in the accompanying screenshots on the following page,
which describe the following UI states:

 Initial navigation to the application

 Validation states related to supplying invalid then a valid alien number
 Following case document request whose document set contains documents
 Following case document request whose document set contains no documents
 Selection of case documents for sending to ICE eService
 Post-submission of Send Documents from PLAnet request

The process for sending PLAnet case documents to eService is straightforward:

1. Navigate your Internet Explorer browser to:

2. The user supplies a valid alien number (i.e., a number 9 to 10 digits long), and clicks on the ‘Get
Case Documents’ button.
3. If documents exist in the case’s document set, they are presented in a paginated list.
4. Select one or more documents via the ‘Send to ICE eService’ checkbox on the far right. This will
enable the ‘Send (n) Documents to ICE eService’ button. The n in the button text changes as
more documents are selected.
5. Click on the ‘Send (n) Documents to ICE eService’ button to submit the request. The user will be
asked to confirm their selection. If confirmed, the request is submitted to ICE eService and the
user is returned to the PLAnet case document list. The previously-submitted documents are
disabled to prevent inadvertent resubmission.

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Initial navigation to the application

Validation states related to supplying invalid then a valid alien number

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Following case document request whose document set contains documents
Pro Se Individuals

Legal Representative (otherwise the same as Pro Se Individuals)

Following case document request whose document set contains no


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Selection of case documents for sending to ICE eService

Post-submission of Send Documents from PLAnet request

Check eService Registrations in PLAnet:

ICE eService Administrators may check eService registrations in PLAnet, and if necessary, manually vet users so
they will be assigned an eService site.

1. Navigate to https://crmaas2016.dhs.gov/OCMS

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2. Go to Settings, eServiceRegistrations

3. If the ‘Vetted’ column for a registration is ‘No’, you may manually vet the registrant by opening the
record, verifying the correctness of the information, and changing the ‘Vetted’ field from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’
and saving the record. The batch services will assign the user a site on the next batch run.

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