10 Skills Children Learn From The Arts
10 Skills Children Learn From The Arts
10 Skills Children Learn From The Arts
For many people, stage fright is one of their greatest fears. Some
- Anne Tucker
people get physically ill at the thought of speaking in front of their DEVELOPING CONFIDENCE
colleagues or making a presentation to clients. The skills developed HOW WILL YOU KNOW?
through theatre, not only train you how to convincingly deliver a They volunteer opinions and ideas
message, but also build the confidence you need to take command
They walk with their head high and
of the stage. Experience in theatre gives children practice stepping a smile on their face
out of their comfort zone and allows them to make mistakes and
They are willing to try new things
learn from them in rehearsal. This process gives children the confidence
They are comfortable meeting
to perform in front of large audiences. Imagine what children could
new people
achieve with all the confidence they need to succeed.
Artistic creations are born through the solving of problems. How do
I turn this clay into a sculpture? How do I portray a particular emotion
through dance? How will my character react in this situation?
Without even realizing it kids that participate in the arts are
consistently being challenged to solve problems. All this practice
problem solving develops children’s skills in reasoning and
understanding. The arts teaches children to approach problems as
exciting opportunities to challenge their skills and creativity. Art is a
powerful avenue to work through problems that may occur in life. It
allows children to imagine possible solutions and test them out on
their peers. This is a valuable exercise that will help develop important
problem solving skills necessary for success in any career.
Life presents us with many challenges that require us to be
dedicated, persistent, and patient, whether it be writing a 10-page DEVELOPING PERSEVERANCE
history paper or working on a multi-layered presentation for the CEO HOW WILL YOU KNOW?
of your company. Experience in the arts helps kids understand and They see mistakes as opportunities to learn
appreciate where persistence can get you. When a child picks up a
They not give up on something they want
violin for the first time, she/he knows that playing Bach right away is to learn
not an option; however, when that child practices, learns the skills
They believe that goals are achievable even
and techniques and doesn't give up, that Bach concerto is that much though they may present challenges
closer. In an increasingly competitive world, where people are being
They ask for coaching from others
asked to continually develop new skills, perseverance is essential to more skilled then they are
achieving success.
The performing arts develops a child’s awareness of how they are HOW WILL YOU KNOW?
communicating with the world through their body language. Many
They walk tall without hunching over
people go through life unconscious of the messages they are sending
with their posture and gestures. Through experiences in theatre and They stand with their arms
dance education, children learn to breakdown the mechanics of body uncrossed
language. They experience different ways of moving and how those They make eye contact during
movements communicate different emotions. They are then coached in interactions with people they meet
performance skills to ensure they are portraying their character effectively They use their facial expressions to
to the audience. This is powerful, not only, on the stage, but in a job express positivity
Most arts disciplines are collaborative in nature. Through the arts,
children practice working together, sharing responsibility, and compromising
They are willing to make
with others to accomplish a common goal. When a child has a part to compromises to accomplish a
play in a music ensemble, or a theatre or dance production, they begin common goal
to understand that their contribution is necessary for the success of the
They value and respect the
group. There are no small parts, only small actors! Through these opinions of others in the group
experiences children gain confidence and start to learn that their
They take initiative to contribute
contributions have value even if they don’t have the biggest role. In a
work environment this skill is essential, as companies always want They feel their contributions
employees who are team players. have value
When children practice creating something collaboratively they get used to
the idea that their actions affect other people. They learn that when they are
not prepared or on-time, that other people suffer. For example, when one
person does not show-up for a dance rehearsal, it affects the progress of
the ensemble and the morale of everyone there. There is a gap, someone
without a partner and someone who will be behind when they return.
Through the arts, children also learn that it is important to admit that you
made a mistake and take responsibility for it. Because mistakes are a regular
part of the process of learning in the arts, children begin to see that
mistakes happen. We acknowledge them, learn from them and move on.
This is a crucial skill to learn early in life because it contributes to the
development of integrity of character, which every employer is seeking in a
The next time you are considering an
staff member.
extra curricular activity for your
child, make the choice that will
garner benefits long after the
HOW WILL YOU KNOW? program is over. Choose an activity
that will help your kids stand out,
They are committed to being on time and prepared be heard and dream big. Choose
They do not want to miss a rehearsal because they are aware the arts and give your kids the
that this will make things difficult for others in the group artistic edge. For that is what
young people need to succeed in
They are willing to admit they made a mistake
today’s society.
They correct mistakes quickly and use them as a opportunity
to improve