Reviewer Microeconomics
Reviewer Microeconomics
Reviewer Microeconomics
- It is also a social science that examines the choices 3. To be an informed citizen. In today's world, it is
that people, businesses, governments, and nations more important than ever to be an informed citizen.
make to allocate resources. Economics can help us to understand the complex
issues that face our society and to make informed
- One of the key concepts in economics is scarcity. decisions about how to address them.
- This question focuses on the distribution of the - Venues where there is interaction between buyers &
goods and services that are produced. It addresses sellers.
how the benefits and access to these goods and
- fundamental institutions in economics where buyers for their land, and capitalists receive interest for their
and sellers come together to exchange goods, capital.
services, or resources.
1. Market Economy
ECONOMY -Market economies are economies in which the
production and distribution of goods and services are
determined by the forces of supply and demand. In a
market economy, businesses are free to produce
whatever they want and consumers are free to buy
whatever they want.
2. Mixed Economy
- Mixed economies are economies that combine
elements of both market economies and command
economies. In a mixed economy, the government
plays a role in the economy, but businesses and
consumers also have a significant degree of freedom.
3. Command Economy
- Command economies are economies in which the
government controls the production and distribution
of goods and services. In a command economy, the
government decides what goods and services will be
1. What to produce? produced, how much will be produced, and who will
receive them.
- Consumers dictate what goods need to be produced
by their demand. Producers choose which markets
can be profitable based on the demand of consumers.
For example, if there is a high demand for
smartphones, producers will choose to produce more
2. How to produce?
- Producers use technology to produce goods and
services with minimal costs. The prices of inputs are
based on their availability. For example, if the price
of oil increases, producers of goods that use oil will
have to find ways to reduce their costs of production
or increase their prices.
3. For whom to produce?
- Consumers decide how the produced goods are
distributed. This can be decentralized or based on the
contribution of the members of the society. For
example, in a market economy, goods and services
are distributed based on people's willingness and
ability to pay for them.
- Producers receive payment for the use of factors of
production from consumers. For example, workers
receive wages for their labor, landowners receive rent
3. Investment Goods
-are a type of capital good that is used to increase
future production capacity. They are goods that are
ECONOMIC OUTPUT & PRODUCTION purchased by businesses with the intention of using
POSSIBILITY FRONTIER them to produce more goods and services in the
ECONOMIC OUTPUT future. (machinery, equipment, research and
development, etc.)
- the result of using various inputs, including goods
and services, in a production process driven by
technology. The "No Free Lunch" assumption CONCEPTS RELATED TO PRODUCTION IN
reminds us that there are always costs associated with AN ECONOMY
producing outputs, and efficient resource allocation is
essential for economic success. 1. Economics has limited resources
- All economies have limited resources. This means
that there is a limited amount of land, labor, capital,
PRODUCTION IN AN ECONOMY and natural resources available to produce goods and
- refers to the process of creating goods and services services. As a result, economists must make choices
that are intended to satisfy the needs and wants of about how to allocate these resources in the most
individuals and society as a whole. efficient way possible.
- Production relies on several factors of production, 2. Economic Efficiency vs. Technical Efficiency
which include: Economic efficiency refers to the allocation
Land: Natural resources, such as minerals, of resources in such a way that maximizes
water, and fertile land, used in production. the output of goods and services that society
Labor: The physical and mental effort
contributed by workers to produce goods Technical efficiency, on the other hand,
and services. refers to the production of goods and
services using the least amount of resources
Enterprise: represents the human initiative
and organization required to bring the other
factors of production together efficiently. 3. Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)
Capital: Physical capital (machinery, tools,
buildings) and financial capital (money) - is a curve that shows the maximum combinations of
used to facilitate production. two goods or services that can be produced with a
given set of resources and technology.
1. Absolute Advantage: - In this case, it's clear that both Homer and Peter
have a comparative advantage in one of the goods.
Homer Simpson can produce 8 cans of beer and 32 Homer specializes in hamburger production, while
hamburgers daily. Peter Griffin can produce 24 cans Peter specializes in beer production.
of beer and 48 hamburgers daily. Here's how it
breaks down: - This specialization allows them to trade with each
other, benefiting from each other's strengths, and
-Homer has an absolute advantage in producing ultimately increasing their overall consumption of
hamburgers because he can produce more both beer and hamburgers.
hamburgers than Peter (32 vs. 48).
- Peter has an absolute advantage in producing beer
because he can produce more beer than Homer (24 - The Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) illustrates
vs. 8). the maximum combinations of two goods that an
economy or, in this case, two individuals (Peter and
Homer) can produce with their given resources and
technology, while fully utilizing their resources
efficiently. Let's plot the PPFs for Peter and Homer
based on their production capabilities:
Homer's PPF might look like this: