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Characterizing The Water Quality of The Cagayan

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Characterizing the Water Quality of the Cagayan

River: Basis for Community Action Programs

Toward Prevention of Water Pollution
Marie Grace S. Cabansag1
Department of Teacher Development, Philippine Normal University, 3306 Alicia, Isabela, Philippines

Keywords: ABSTRACT
pollution, river, wastewater, The study assessed the water quality of the Cagayan River as
water quality characterized by physical and chemical parameters to provide baseline
information for the local government to implement stricter measures on
wastewater management and in order to prevent remarkable contamination
of the renowned longest river in the country. The grab method of specimen
sampling was used in different stations with three strata. The obtained
results of the physical and chemical properties of the river were compared
to water quality standards set by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR) and the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR). The assessment showed that the Cagayan River in
the study site is contaminated with ammonia that is remarkably high and
denotes high level of nutrients from wastewater disposed into the river.
Anthropogenic activities largely contribute to the change of river water
quality. Hence, the study site is predisposed to pollution. Local dwellers
and agencies in different sectors advocating care for the environment
are encouraged to take aggressive actions to minimize the direct inflow
of waste water into the river in order to control the increasing nutrient
deposition that will bring a subsequent death of a river.

INTRODUCTION Cagayan River passes through one of the few

remaining primary forests in the Philippines.
agayan River is the longest in the It supports the lives of numerous endemic
Philippines. Its head waters start at and endangered species, like the rare fish,
the Caraballo Mountains near the locally called ludong or lobed river mullet
boundary of the present provinces of Nueva and also called president’s fish. Other fishes
Vizcaya, Quirino, Nueva Ecija, and Aurora. like itobi, aguat, maningat, and bukasing
Moving north, the Cagayan River runs for as named by yogads, the native tribe of the
some 450 km, growing stronger as it gathers municipality of Echague, recall that these
more waters from the mountains of the fishes were present along the stretch of the
Cordillera and Sierra Madre until it ends to Cagayan River in such town in the decade of
the sea in Aparri, Cagayan (Gonzales and 70’s but have disappeared starting in the 80’s.
Cuevas, 2017). Its tributaries have deposited The disappearance of these fishes could be
sediments of tertiary and quaternary origin, hypothesized as the effect of fishing patterns
mostly limestone sands and clays, throughout and practices, the possible invasion of other
the relatively flat Cagayan Valley which is species that prey on them or the increasing
surrounded by the mountains of the Cordillera effluents and waste water disposed of the river
in the west, Sierra Madre in the east and water from industrial, domestic, municipal,
the Caraballo Mountains in the south. The and agricultural activities. The waste water

NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016 17

from dressing plants, feed mills, small scale activities that possibly caused the changes in
swine farming, market places, excess pesticides the aquatic environment. The study site for
and fertilizers that drain into the river are this purpose is the stretch of the Cagayan River
among the common sources. These scenarios along the town proper of Echague , Isabela
illustrate how the human- driven causes of in Cagayan Valley region. Its classification is
the decreasing diversity of aquatic resources class C water body characterized for usage as
coupled by pollution can affect the ideal goal fishery water for the propagation and growth
of stability and sustainability of resources. of fish and other aquatic resources, it can
The rapid increase of population also be used as recreational water class II for
normally causes an exponential load of boating, fishing or other similar activities. It
domestic wastes disposed into water resources is likewise used for agriculture, irrigation and
which could limit the growth of aquatic livestock watering (DAO No. 8. 2016).
organisms. Accompanied by population The study sought to assess the
increase are the numerous socio-economic physical and chemical properties of the
activities that contribute a great stress in the Cagayan River along the stretch of local
aquatic environment. A community bound communities in the municipality of Echague,
for urbanized lifestyles as characterized Isabela and compare the obtained results to
by openness to industrialization within a water quality standards set by the Bureau of
crowding space can learn adaptation measures Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and
to keep life move normally but, the non-human the Department of Environment and Natural
factors like the physical environment suffer the Resources (DENR).
consequences. The concept of development The estimated amount of contaminants
outweighs the understanding of the holding identified in the local community of Echague,
capacity of nature; hence, environmental Isabela can bring about a wider picture of the
problems are the consequences. possibility of contaminating the vast Cagayan
Catchment areas that carry waste River in the future, should mitigating actions
waters can show the amount of contaminants will not be taken seriously. Standards of water
or pollutants that are discharged from quality that apply for natural water resources
anthropogenic activities and provide an idea serve as guide in determining concerns of
of an impending problem. In managing water aquatic ecosystem as a whole. Common
quality it is important to determine the aggregate water quality characteristics could provide
of point and non- point source pollution loads an index of an imminent problem that can be
in order to set maximum allowable loads from prevented by proper information that drives
each source that contribute to pollution of a active efforts toward early mitigating actions.
river (Yusof, Manaf and Daud, 2009). And Dissolved oxygen is probably the
an assessment of a river in a local community single most important quality factor that
that for some time in the past, have basically fishermen need to understand as part of
sustained the people for livelihood but has been sustainable fishing concerns. While the
changed by modernization and development farmers and the people of the vicinity of river
can provide the needed scenario. Routine should be informed of the nutrients disposed
monitoring programs on river water quality that harm the aquatic ecosystem. Runoff water
are of most value in determining the effects that carry residues of fertilizers and pesticides
of continuous inputs of waste waters to reflect that drain into rivers, failing septic systems,
the probability of an impending pollution wastes from domestic animals are typical
(EPA-Ireland, 2017). This paper henceforth, sources of excess nutrients in surface waters.
sought to investigate on the presence of water Excessive amounts of nutrients can lead to an
contaminants disposed from anthropogenic abundant supply of vegetation and cause low
18 NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016
DO, dissolved oxygen. A decreasing DO is the surface were obtained opposite the flow
also related to ammonia which is associated of river current. The samples from the middle
with municipal discharges. Whereas, the pH layer were taken from a depth of about 2-3
of water affects the solubility of many toxic m deep while the samples from the bottom
and nutritive chemicals hence, the availability were taken from a depth of about 5 m. Proper
of these substances in excessive amounts can labeling, handling and preservation were
adversely affect aquatic organisms. observed as strictly as possible to ensure the
Physical characteristics such as integrity of the water samples. The collection
turbidity, color, odor and temperature of of water samples was done on a sunny day
natural waters likewise bring information of February in 2015. Sawyer, C.; McCarty,
of ecological concerns. In the light of these C. and Parkin, G. (2003), and Estrada (2001)
physical and chemical parameters, the suggested that once daily grab sample is
authorities can bring about local ordinances adequate for large rivers where change occurs
enforced strictly for the prevention of slowly. The Cagayan River is large and
pollution and firm measures for the protection considered the longest river in the country
of the Cagayan River, the unifying identity which is why the once daily grab sample was
among the peoples of the Cagayan Valley. deemed suitably performed.
Standard facilities for water testing
were utilized under the supervision of a
METHODOLOGY specialist from the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Station in San
The selection of exact sampling Mateo, Isabela. Specific materials were used
stations considered the following factors as to assess the river water quality as described
suggested by Estrada (2001), these were: below:
representativeness, flow rate, accessibility
and safety, homogeneity, and sampling Physical Parameters
facilities. The sampling was done within a Transparency. The measurement of
ten-meter distance from edge of each of the transparency was done using a secchi disk
three catchment areas of wastewater (Figure attached with a calibrated rope. The disk
1) leading toward the main body of the river. was submerged into the water until it was
A collecting vessel was used to get a sample still visible to the observer and then lowered
from each of the three strata the surface, further until the disk disappeared from view.
middle and bottom layer. Water samples from The depth of disappearance and appearance

Figure 1. The three sampling stations: 1) the catchment area for industrial wastewater coming
from a feed processing plant and cornfields along the riparian zone, 2) the catchment
area for domestic and agricultural wastewater, and 3) the area where wastewater from
municipal (commercial activities) and agriculture is disposed.
NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016 19
were noted and computed to derive the each sampling station.
transparency reading of the water. Ammonia, pH, and nitrite were
Odor. The odor of the water was measured using standard laboratory
evaluated by a trained staff of the Bureau of procedures utilizing reagents specified in the
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). water analysis kit of the Bureau of Fisheries
The evaluation made use of the form for and Aquatic Resources, San Mateo station.
describing odor adapted from Estrada (2001).
Each of the water samples was described
following the legend below: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

Quantitative description for the severity of The Cagayan River is class C

odor freshwater body characterized for usage as
0 - No odor detected fishery water for the propagation and growth
1 - Very faint. The odor would not be of fish and other aquatic resources, it can
detected by an average consumer but also be used as recreational water class II for
would be detected by an experience boating, fishing or other similar activities.
observer. It is likewise used for agriculture, irrigation
and livestock watering (DAO No. 8. 2016);
2 - Faint. The odor might be detected by
it is relatively mature considering the size of
an average consumer but only if his/
its valleys, number of tributaries and area; it
her attention were called to it.
has been noted as home of diverse species
3 - Distinct. The odor would be readily of aquatic resources where fisher folks and
detected and might cause the water to farmers obtain food and means of livelihood.
be regarded with disfavor. The river is also a source of water to irrigate
4 - Decided. The odor would force itself farmlands during drought season and an
upon the attention and might make the accessible source of water for the entire
water unpalatable. region of Cagayan Valley for commercial and
5 - Very strong. The odor of this intensity industrial activities. Additionally, the Cagayan
would render the water absolutely unfit River is a catch basin for all small rivers in
to drink. the region; carrying flood waters during rainy
season and drain its water and nutrients to the
Color. The distinct observable color sea in Aparri, Cagayan province.
on-site provided a quick description of the The reliance of people upon the
coloration of the river water. An arbitrary bounties of the river sends a message of
symbol of a was used to describe no abnormal action to prevent its degradation and eventual
discoloration from unnatural causes. Should death. Community action programs for
unnatural color was observed, the symbol is the protection of the river can be mapped
x; the determination of color need laboratory appropriately when based on scientific data
exploration of its nature. characterizing which parameters contribute
Temperature. This parameter was to vulnerability to pollution and ultimate loss
measured using the DO meter equipped with of its resources.
temperature sensing device.
The physical and chemical characteristics
Chemical Properties of water in Cagayan River
Dissolved Oxygen. This chemical The physical water quality in station
property was measured using the DO meter 1 as shown in Table 1 is distinct of a pigpen
administered on-site at different depths in odor and high normal level of transparency.
20 NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016
The brown color (a, no abnormal coloration) that ammonia is associated with municipal
as observed on-site could be attributed to treatment discharges which could be similar
the quality of the substrate that is clay-loam with industrial treatment discharges.
soil. The average temperature (26.63°C) is The presence of high ammonia in
also within normal limit that could allow river water in its un- ionized form (NH3) can
growth of some aquatic organisms. The odor be highly toxic to aquatic life (Aquatic Life
associated to a pig pen can be related to the Criteria-Ammonia, 2013). This can cause fish
feed processing in such industrial area near the and shellfish unable to excrete sufficiently
river. However, the chemical characteristics the toxicant and eventually result to build
of the water in station 1 exceeds normal limit up in tissues and blood that end up to death.
of ammonia from surface (2 mg/L), middle Environmental factors, such as pH and
(1.8 mg/L) to bottom (1.2 mg/L) strata. The temperature, can affect ammonia toxicity to
surface has the highest level of ammonia that aquatic animals; typical events that can make
is forty times greater than the normal and a river vulnerable to water pollution.
acceptable limit (0.05mg/L) for freshwater The stressing effect of ammonia
aquatic ecosystem. The middle layer shows on aquatic organisms increase at low level
thirty six times higher than normal limit, of dissolved oxygen (Brown and Caldwill,
while the bottom layer is twenty four times 1999). This has been observed in station 1
higher than normal. The remarkable amount where most of the effluents are disposed from
of ammonia in station 1 could be a factor to industrial and agricultural activities. There is
relate with the presence of an industrial area an inverse distribution of dissolved oxygen
situated at about 500 m adjacent the Cagayan with ammonia noted from surface through the
River. This assumption is consistent with the bottom layer of the river; the surface layer has
explanation of Brown and Caldwill (1999) high ammonia but less of dissolved oxygen.

Table 1. Physicochemical characteristics of Station 1, industrial and agricultural waste water

catchment area
Normal limit
Parameters Surface Middle Bottom Average (*DAO No.8. Remarks
Temperature 26.5 °C 26.4°C 27°C 26.63°C *25-31°C Passed
Transparency Appearance 25 cm 32 cm 20-40 cm Passed
Disappearance 57 cm (disappearance-
Odor Distinct smell of pigpen 3 0 Failed
Color Brown (on site) a a Passed
Chemical (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Ammonia 2 1.8 1.2 1.67 * 0.05 Failed
pH 7 7.5 8 7.5 *6.5-9 Passed
Dissolved Oxygen 4.8 5 5.5 5.1 *5(minimum) Passed
Nitrite 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.04 < 0.1 Passed
Odor: 0- no odor detected; 1-very faint; 2-faint; 3-distinct; 4-decided; 5-very strong
Color: a- no abnormal discoloration from unnatural causes; x- with abnormal discoloration
*- standard set in DENR Administrative Order No.8. 2016

NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016 21

It denotes that the source of high ammonia is of the river and similar with station 1, the
more of the disposed liquid wastes suspended level of ammonia decreased toward the
in the upper layer of the river rather than those bottom layer (surface,1.2 mg/L; middle,1.1 2
coming from fish and other aquatic organisms mg/L; bottom, 0.8 2 mg/L) but could still be
at bottom layer. Consequently, the amount considered very much higher than the normal
of dissolved oxygen at the surface is low range. It was also observed that stations 1 and
but the amount of ammonia is high so while 2 are both deficient of fish fry as compared to
the dissolved oxygen has been observed to station 3 where fish fry can be seen at nearby
increase toward the bottom layer, the amount edges of the river downstream.
of ammonia decreases. Ammonia is toxic to There is a distinct septic odor rated
many aquatic organisms that normally come unanimously as 3 by the observers because
from domestic, agricultural and industrial of the offensive smell. The description to
effluents (Ausseil, 2013). Whereas, pH, the odor was associated with the smell of a
temperature and nitrite values in station 1 are leaking septic tank. It was traced that a huge
said to be stable within normal range. canal that directly drains into the river carries
Station 2 is turbid (transparency, domestic wastewater passing through small
50 cm) as the normal transparency limit scale pig pens at the backyard of community
(20-40cm) is exceeded by 10 cm (Table 2) dwellers near the river. The domestic
but there is no abnormal discoloration from wastewater that may come from failing septic
unnatural causes. Ammonia (mean,1.03 tanks discharged to the river via drainage
mg/L) and dissolved oxygen (mean, 5.3 could be the cause of the odor.
mg/L) are almost evenly distributed among Whereas, the temperature in as
the three strata: surface, middle and bottom assessed using a DO meter equipped with

Table 2. Physicochemical characteristics of Station 2, domestic and agricultural wastewater

catchment area
Normal limit
Parameters Surface Middle Bottom Average (*DAO No.8. Remarks
Temperature 26.1°C 26.6°C 28.1°C 26.93°C *25-31°C Passed
Transparency Appearance 30 cm 50 cm 20-40 cm Failed
Disappearance 80 cm (disappearance-
Odor Faint earthy 3 0 Failed
Color Light brown (on site) a a Passed
Chemical (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Ammonia 1.2 1.1 0.8 1.03 * 0.05 Failed
pH 8 7.5 8 7.83 *6.5-9 Passed
Dissolved Oxygen 5.3 5.2 5.4 5.3 *5 (minimum) Passed
Nitrite 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.037 < 0.1 Passed
Odor: 0- no odor detected; 1-very faint; 2-faint; 3-distinct; 4-decided; 5-very strong
Color: a- no abnormal discoloration from unnatural causes; x- with abnormal discoloration
*- standard set in DENR Administrative Order No.8. 2016

22 NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016

thermometer and found sampling station 2 to occasionally being done. Thus, the turbidity
be within normal range of water temperature. could also be occasionally attributed to such
The laboratory tests performed on the activity.
collected water samples showed normal limit A school of small fish approaching
of pH and nitrite. Hence, the distinct odor is the drainage area could be assumed that
dependent of the waste water source and not a the level of turbidity is also on account of
result of interaction with other parameters. phytoplanktons that attract the small fish.
The third station is situated where The pH values (surface, 8 mg/L; middle, 9
discharges of wastewater from the business mg/L; bottom, 8.5 mg/L) as shown in Table
or commercial district, residential and 3, manifest normal level but within the upper
agricultural areas reach the river. The network limit. Brown and Caldwill (1999) explained
of drainage canal carrying these wastewaters in their guidebook for watershed protection
pour down the small manmade lagoon about plan that pH varies diurnally, reaching values
4 m away from the edge of the river water as high as 10 during the day when algae are
then drains gradually to the main body of using carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. The
the river as it overflows. Nevertheless, the dissolved oxygen is evenly distributed in the
water is very turbid (75 cm), exceeding the three strata despite high levels of ammonia.
transparency limit by 35 cm. The collection Nitrite on the other hand is maintained within
schedule coincided with the cement mixing normal limits below 0.1 mg/L.
for the infrastructure project of the local Other physical parameters such as
government unit. An area of the riparian temperature and color show that station 3 is
zone is utilized as storage of gravel and sand within normal range; however, a faint earthy
where mechanized mixing with cement is odor is detected as probably brought by the

Table 3. Physicochemical characteristics of Station 3, municipal and agricultural wastewater

catchment area
Normal limit
Parameters Surface Middle Bottom Average (*DAO No.8. Remarks
Temperature 27.7°C 27.5°C 27.6°C 27.6°C *25-31°C Passed
Transparency Appearance 50 cm 75 cm 20-40 cm Passed
Disappearance 125 cm (disappearance-
Odor Faint earthy 2 0 Failed
Color Light brown (on site) a a Passed
Chemical (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Ammonia 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.67 * 0.05 Failed
pH 8 9 8.5 8.5 *6.5-9 Passed
Dissolved Oxygen 5 5 5.1 5.03 *5 (minimum) Passed
Nitrite 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.037 < 0.1 Passed
Odor: 0- no odor detected; 1-very faint; 2-faint; 3-distinct; 4-decided; 5-very strong
Color: a- no abnormal discoloration from unnatural causes; x- with abnormal discoloration
*- standard set in DENR Administrative Order No.8. 2016

NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016 23

cement and gravel mixing activity in the river people within the vicinity of the river that may
bank. have contributed to the low transparency and
very high level of ammonia. The deterioration
The water quality of Cagayan River of river water quality is largely attributed to
compared to standards of natural water effluents from agricultural, domestic, and
The average physical characteristics industrial activities as also explained in the
of the Cagayan River in Echague, Isabela study of Al-Badii, F.,Shuhaini-Othman, M.,
as represented by the three sampling and Gasim, M.B. (2013).
stations in terms of temperature is within the The chemical properties of water of
standard range, its color depicts no abnormal the Cagayan river as shown in Table 5 is within
discoloration from unnatural causes but with normal limits in the amount of dissolved
distinct odor and turbidity (Table 4). The oxygen, pH level and nitrite content but
transparency value beyond 40 cm denotes high results of water analysis on ammonia showed
turbidity or low transparency. The presence of exceedingly higher than the standard range.
fine particles in water decrease transparency that The value of ammonia is consistently very
could reduce light penetration, decreasing algal high in the three sampling stations and within
growth; and low algal productivity can reduce strata. This excessive amount of ammonia
the productivity of aquatic invertebrates, as particularly in station 1, where an industrial
they serve as food source for many fish (Brown company is situated and the overall average
and Caldwill, 1999). The fine particles that range of ammonia in all the three stations can
turn water turbid can also eliminate spawning contribute to an increasing nutrient content
habitats as they fill gravel spaces where some of the natural water, henceforth, affect
species of fish and other aquatic organisms productivity of the water. It could also be
use to lay their eggs. The distinct odor of the noted that ammonia can affect water quality
river water reveals the land use activities of the within a limited amount and could affect

Table 4. The physical characteristics of the three waste water catchment areas
Physical Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Average Standard Remarks
Temperature 26.63°C 26.93°C 27.6°C 27.05°C *25-31°C Passed
Transparency 32 cm 50 cm 75 cm 52.33 cm 20-40 cm Failed
Odor 3 3 2 2.67 0 Failed
Color (on site) a a a a a Passed
Odor: 0- no odor detected; 1-very faint; 2-faint; 3-distinct; 4-decided; 5-very strong
Color: a- no abnormal discoloration from unnatural causes; x- with abnormal discoloration
*- standard set in DENR Administrative Order No.8. 2016

Table 5. The chemical characteristics of the three waste water catchment areas
Chemical Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Average Normal limit* Remarks
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Ammonia 1.67 1.03 0.67 1.12 0.05 Failed
pH 7.5 7.83 8.5 7.94 6.5-9 Passed
Dissolved Oxygen 5.1 5.3 5.03 5.14 5 (minimum) Passed
Nitrite 0.04 0.037 0.037 0.038 <0.1 Passed
*DENR Administrative Order No. 34. 1990 and DENR Administrative Order 08. 2016.

24 NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016

levels of pH and dissolved oxygen. commercial activities lead to deleterious
Ammonia on surface water exists in effects on aquatic organism. Common
two forms: the unionized NH3 and the ionized sources of these nutrients disposed to river
NH4+. The latter does not easily cross fish include failing septic tanks, excess feeds and
gills and is less bioavailable; the former (NH3 fertilizers, animal manure, and industrial waste
, unionized) form can cross from water into waters hence, geology and land use determine
fish which causes cellular damage; it is this the amounts of nutrients that enter a water
chemical species that is responsible for toxic body through surface run-off (Minnesotta
effects in the body and because of this, NH3 Pollution Agency, 2008). An aggressive
is the most toxic form for aquatic life (Levit, control mechanism may be instituted to
2010). control discharge of untreated sewage direct
The toxic form of ammonia () in the into river to prevent an impeding pollution.
study site had exceeded the general effluent However, solutions that utilize soft measures
standards based on DENR Administrative are preferred according to the study of Rennie
Order 08, 2016 of less than 0.05 ppm or (2012) until such time an ecological impact
mg/L . While the pH value is within 7.5 assessment is conducted.
to 8 that is within normal limits for an A
classification freshwater but with a chance
for its temperature to increase by 1oC would CONCLUSION AND
also cause the river water to exceed ammonia RECOMMENDATIONS
values (Zamzow, 2009) hence, poisonous to
fish and other aquatic organisms. Conclusion
Stream ecologists have categorized 1. The Cagayan River in Echague, Isabela
the productivity of lakes and streams into is contaminated with ammonia. The
three classes, the first is oligatrophic that is level of ammonia is remarkably high
characterized with clear water and have very and denotes high level of nutrients from
low inputs of nutrients. Second is mesotrophic, wastewater disposed into the river from
has moderate amounts of nutrients where industrial processing, farming, domestic,
aquatic life tends to be very diverse and, and business activities. It is eutrophic in
third, is eutrophic which tends to be unstable the category of river productivity.
in chemistry and biology and as a result tends 2. The physical, chemical and biological
to have low species richness and diversity properties of water quality are
despite high biomass. This eutrophic category associated together and form the overall
most likely describe the Cagayan River along characteristics of the Cagayan River in
the its stretch in the town of Echague, Isabela. Echague as vulnerable to pollution. The
Invasive and pollution tolerant species of presence of offensive odor, high turbidity
fish like carp had been a common catch this (low transparency), and very high amount
present times in the Cagayan River and this of ammonia contributes to the growth and
could somehow tell the natural possibility of survival of pollution tolerant organisms
the loss of some species of fish like ludong in the river but the probable cause of the
(president’s fish), itobi, aguat, maningat, and gradual loss of native fish species.
bukasing as named by the indigenous peoples 3. Effluents from households, and wastewater
yogads of Echague, Isabela. Consistent to from activities in industries, commercial,
this finding has been explained by Kolawole, and farming largely contribute to the
O.M., Ajayi, K.T., Olayemi, A.B., and Okoh, change of river water quality. Nutrient
A.I. (2011) that the amount of discharge of deposition in small amounts through run-
chemicals from industry, agriculture, and off water from farms and direct waste
NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016 25
water discharge carried by municipal Brown and Caldwill (1999). Watershed
drainage can be tolerable within a couple protection plan development Guidebook.
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time. water quality criteria. Ch. III sections 68
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NVSU Research Journal Vol. III, No. 1, January - June 2016 27

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