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He koe R eS CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORP. our Ref : CSCE/TKL/A2.1/64.1/93/0257 17th March, 1993 Civil Engineering Office Civil Engineering Department By Fax and Mail 101 Princess Margaret Road SOCEL Kowloon ED aE S MAR 199) Attn : Mr. c. K. Lam ine RCT Dear Sir, Contract No. CV/92/03 Tseung Kwan O Landfill Stage I Extension, Seawall, Reclamation and Sanitary Landfilling Works Band Drain - Method Statement We enclose herewith method statement for installation of fabricated band drain from our sub-contractor Fong On Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. for the captioned site. Your early approval would be much appreciated. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of CSCEC Soc ans fo Y¥, T. Ho Site Agent Encl. c.c, H.O. YTH/cw ’ ' 20, China Oveses Bung, 138, messy Rox, HongKong SAR RRM RSRANAROS TRIE: 023 7882 Fax BKM: G65 $939 eer MN: <0950COBDC HK Cable BHF: 787 Hona Kong17:05 TKO LANDFILL 1 EXT.. CED + 852 725 eds PG FONG_ON CONSTRUCTION and- ENGINEERING CO LTD Contract No. CV/92/03 Toeung Kwan O Landfill Stage 1 12 February 1993 |-— METHOD STATEMENT Preamble |The proposed Engineers desig alls for the consolidation of soft marine deposits which are | overlain bya substantial thickness of refuse fill ‘material, In this situation, fill material @ {27 P Hing a complete mixture of al ype of Hefose, varying from domestic waste to steel a plates and concrete blocks, extends to @ maximum of about 40 metre below ground level. || Below the fill material soR masine clays'extend for a furiher 20m. Drain installation will |. thesefore, be:expeoted to vary from 25m depth to 65m'depth. Ground level across the site is typically sloping. “ For such a formidable task, Fong On have joint ventured with the expertise of Geotechnics ‘Aineri¢a Ine (GTA), who have considerable experience in wick drain installation across the USA. in particular and: more importantly, GTA have had to develop special installation equipment over the years to cope with the difficult and challenging ground conditions in the USA. The GTA vibro-static mast was’ subsequently. designed, tested and proved, and has now been in continuous operation in the USA for over 10 years anid in Asia for-3 years. | © Typical soil profiles on wick jobs in USA, often ‘include either compacted fill material or naturally occurring. dense'glacial deposits and-boutders rather than the soft marine clays often © RSE Ase. CTA have woried on power pant projects, lige talings dam remedial 7 ‘works and also buried refuse tips. |. Wick drain installation: equipment has deveioped-over the more recent years to cope with prevailing ground conditions. -In S:E, Asia including Hong Kong, where the majority of projects have been to install drain through’ marine clay, sometimes covered by recizimed hydraulic’ sandfill: Typical equipment therefore has comprised standard cable pull down or static rigs, capable of pushing the mandrel through to target depttis, typically no greater than © 2; 20-30 metres.” Where resistance was’ met, contractors could use the alternative method of | ©. vibrating thie mandrel through the denser. granular soils, using an hydraulic or electric vibro- ‘hammer:seated on'the mandrel and all supported. by a mast or leader. “These methods are still typical around S.E! Asia and for most jobs, Fong On-GTA have the capability to use theit own in-houSe-equipment covering all thes’ methods. continued ...PE-MOR-1933 17107 TKO LANDFILL t EXT., CED +952 705 9046 F.0d 4 = FONG ON.CONSTRUCTION and ENGINEERING CO LTD Contract No. CV/92/03 ‘Tseung Kwan O Londfill Stage 1 12 February 1993 METHOD STATEMENT a “Fong On-GTA woulé require’ a clear level: site assessable to, out. plant and equipment. Presenily, the site can best be described as a mount with the gradient of varying from 1:5 to 1:3 sloping into sea. Itis important that the leader and mandzel afé plumbed vertical for ~ the jnstallation of drains and more importantly for safe. working particulary when the leader js.extended some 65 metres high during working. At that height 2 small deviation or could ~~ cause the collapse of the crane or serious-accident rot’ to mention the requirement of the Bngiieer’s specifications. “STopographic:survey of the site and setting out lines for drain installation: wil first be carried 2 ‘out acéiurately.. The project site shali theh be terraced with suitable access roads. The gradient of access roads cannot exceed 5%." The acces$ roads must have.a minimum width ‘of 10 metres. The terraces shall have 2 mininmem width of 20, metres and be constructed as level. as possibie with 2 maximum slope of 2% in any direction. Both the acvess roads and terraces shall be capable of supporting the safe:working of moving plant weighing 200 tons, “Atleast tivo: weeks prior ‘to the installation of drainage wicks, Fong On-GTA shail submit “to the Engineer for ‘his review and’ approval. détails of the sequence ‘and’ method’ oF installation: Approval by the Engineer will not however relief the contractor of his responsibility 10 install, drainage wicks ii accordance with the specifications. Prior’ to the insulation, of drainage wicks, Fong On-GTA shall demonswate that his “equipment; method and materials produce 2 satisfactory installation in accordance with the fications. For this purpose, Fong On-GTA shall install trial wicks at locations “designated ‘by the Engineer. Payment will. not be made for installing unsatisfactory trial wicks.’ ‘Wicks: that are improperly completed. shall be rejected by the Engineer, and no. compensation will be allowed for any materials used or for any work’done on such wicks. | I \22-VAR-1983 TO LANDFILL | €XT.. CED +852 70S 924s P.O = FONG ON CONSTRUCTION and ENGINEERING CO LTD Contract No. CV/92/03 Teeung Kwan O Landfill Stage £ 12 February 1993 METHOD STATEMENT Drainage wicks shall be instdlied from the working surface to such a depth where the ground resists a reasonable effort of further penetration. The Engineer may vary the depths, spacing, of the number of wicks to be, installed, and may revise the plan limits for this work a necessary. Hf-at any time, the Engineer considers that the method of installation.does not produce @ satisfactory wick,’ the contractor shalt alter his method and/or equipment as. necessary. to comply with these specifications. ~The equipment shall be carefully checked tor plumpness ptior to advancing each, wick, and shall not deviate more than 2% from the vertical. During instalistion of wick, Fong On-GTA shall provide suitable means of determining the “depth of the drainage wick. Spliceé ot connections in the drainage wick material shall be done in a:workmantike manner and yo as-to instre continuity of wick material. The wick ‘material shall be cut neatly at its upper end. General Method of Installation.through Dense Soi ‘The prefabricated drains shall be installed using a mantirel that will be advanced through the soil to the requited depth -with approved modern equipaient. - "The ‘inandrel will’ protest the prefabricated drain ciaterial froin tears, cuts, and abrasions during installation and shall be withdrawn after the drain is anchored. The mandrel shall be rectangular in shape with 4 reinforcing rib zunning its entire length. Constant load of ‘constant rate of advancement methods are preferred. "A vibrator with an eccentric: moment of at least $5 N-m shall be available for use in areas where Constant load of constant rate of advancement methods cannot install the wicks to the design depths. Wick © drains which cannot be installed to design penetration ising only static methods shall be advanced with the use of the vibrator to be considered for compensation, The vibrator may not be ised except in cases, where design penetration cannot be achieved by using'the full -- Static push force available to the mandrel. A wick may be abandoned before reaching design penetration when the rate of installation slowed considerably or is less than 15 cm per second “with the full static force ané maximum vibrator outpat. continued ...22-MAR-1993 17112 TKO LANDFILL 1 EXT. + CED +852 705 Ga4B P28, b FONG ON CONSTRUCTION and ENGINEERING CO LTD Contract No. C¥/92/03 Teeung Kwan O Landfill Stage 1 12 February 1993 METHOD STATEMENT Our installation rigs are designed to go through very dense sub-soil and domestic refuse ifcluding thin steel plate, etc, Where obstnuctions are engountered below the working surface which cannot be penetrated by using Fong. On’s wick installation rigs, we shall attempt to install a new drain within'0:5 metres from the obstructed drain. A maximum of three attempts shall be made at ay drain location. If, however, the érain penetration cannot be achieved after three aitempts, the drain ‘will be abandoned. The injection of timited amounts of watsr shall be allowed to faciiitate the anchoring of wick drains. ‘The falling weight impact hammers will not be used. " Method of Installation Drains in Land ‘Fill Area ‘The Vibro Static mast combines both the forces of a double chain driven crowd system 2s Well as the dynamic contribution from a modified ICE 416 hydraulic vibratory hammer. The crowd force is. provided by 2 heavy chain drive belt connected to the top of the mandrel through’a Brevini gear reducing system powered by standard hydravlic motor, ‘The Brevini is sited at the base of the mast, with the double chain system running either side of the specially reinforced box-section mast. A standard crowd force of about 20 tons can be, generated by this static force alone.” In addition and sitting on the specially adapted mandrel fin bench, is.a modified ICE 416 vibrohammer having an eccentric moment of 2300 kg-m |.and operating in a frequency range of 400-1600 rpm. It is estimated that at peak operating, fange, this system Will produce a total dynamic crowd approaching 60 tons force. Such a system can therefore be used in’ sole, vibro mode wien pushing through granular materials, similarly through firm to stiff clays it may.only require the crowd or chain drive forées. However in order to produce rapid rates of installation and or penetrate particularly through difficult ground, the unit is used in combination or in “vibro-static. mode”. One of the benefits of this system is that it has been designed to work off standard medium sized ‘excavator. base. machines;. typically Cat 235's-or 245°s of Koehring 266 machines. The hydraulic power suppiy. of these machines ‘is such that 0 additional power packs are necessary for the full operation of the vibro-static mast. “The advantages of mobility and ease _ Of installation are also self explanatory.TKO LANDFILL I EXT.» CED 4252 705 eae P.O? FONG ON CONSTRUCTION and ED GINEERING CO LID _ Contract No. CV/92/03 ‘Teeune Kwan O Landi Stage 1 12 February 1993 -@ METHOD STATEMENT The maximum operating height using these machines ranges from about 30-35m depending on the soil condition and the state of the working surface, For deeper drains, the v-s mast has to be used-with standard pile type leader connected to heavy cranes from 80 to 150 ton size in order to reach depths of 70m. During the development of this mast, additional features, such as impact punching attachments that can run off the standard masts and'same powerpacks, have been designed and are standard tools on any difficult project. Furthermore, GTA’s experience in such difficult ground conditions and deep installations, have resulted in their producing special "heavy section masts" for depths of 70m, specially designed Strong mandrel, drain shoes, nandrel punches and down hole water jets, to ensure penetration is achieved and anchoring of crain in the most challenging soils. Examples of GTA mandrels punching through 5 inches.of concrete’ have been recorded. Key to ‘the operation ‘is not only the corréct plant, “but also the experienced installing ‘operators. GTA is proposing-to bring 5 of their key, US operators to perform the job. All these personnel have extensive experience not only with the equipment, but also in working in very ‘tough sites’ and ground conditions’. Site preparation. is also critical, and: the establishihent of.a flat and stable working suiface for crawler cranes and heavy excavators will be essential. Previous Site Experience The tender documents make no specific reference to physical properties of drain to be used. In our expérience, drain depths in excess of about 35 metres do require a stronger fabric in ‘fdr to reduce the effects of lateral soil pressure forcing the outer textile into the drainage tedium of the inner plastic core itself. ‘We would therefore propose to use AWD407 material for all drain depths to 2 maximum of 35 metres and AWD607 for drains beyond 35° metres depth. ‘This is the standard practice in the USA, for ail deep drain projects. The basit difference between AWD407- and + AWD607 is the weight of fabric: 4 oz and 6 ozstespectively.22MOR-1SSB_ L717 TkO LENDFILL 1 EXT.+ CED + 852-728 sade POS FONG ON CONSTRUCTION and ENGINEERING CO LTD a Contract No. CV/92003 Teeung Kwan 0 Lanai Staze 1 He 12 February 1993, METHOD STATEMENT Conunon Problem with Installation in Hard Ground Conditions ‘The vibrohammer and’"I" beam drain installation system 18 valid typically in granular soils of loose to medium dense relative density. This is 4 Standatd tool of Fong OF-GTA, using 2 12" beam and ICE216 vibrohammer, However problems can be encountered especially when either ‘the sand is single Sized, of when gravels and cobbles are present, and also of course when the soil becomes dense to very densé. In our experience, bigger capacity fammers are then required which of course in turn’need bigger beams to support them and the mandrel, and the probiem goes into a spiral. In ovr own experience, we have met difficulties with our vibro rig’and had the Main Contractor pré-drill using a 10° H-beam with a 8 ton capacity electrical vibrohammer. It was subsequently taking over 15 minutes per point to predrill to. Sm depth. ‘The more they tried the denser the soil became and the harder it was to penetrate. Progress is therefore slow. T'do not know what material that other Contractors have on their site, but in this situation not only is the progress slow but there is.the additional problem of actually anchoring the drain itself : w Development by'GTA ‘The advanced equipment developed by GTA ia the USA, has been abie to solve many of the typical difficulties experienced in vibrohammer installation systems. The GTA hi-speed combination rig, combines both crowd and vibration, and this capability’ has_a significant improvement oi installation capacity. The ability to concentrate both vibration and a crowd force ona narrow, specially strengthened mandrel; typically only 2° x 5* in cross section is cleatly much more efficient than applying a vibro force-only a beam of say 12" x 12" cross section. Ina direct comparison on.a project in USA, we noted that tising a standard ICE 216 Vibro rig system in Sm of very dense gravels and cobbles, it took an average of 4 minutes to penetrate ‘this material. With a ‘GTA hi-speed combination rig, the same Penttration took 19-seconds. Thete are. some additional aids that GTA use to assist penetration through difficult soils, ‘special: mandrel shoes, punches and probes, as Well-as auger drive attechments which are all available as necessary to help achieve penetration. Using this method GTA have, by accident, managed to penetrate with their mandrel a concrete box culvert of 5° concrete. i |
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