XIInfo Pract S E 179

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Annual Examination 2020

Sub-Informatics Practices (065)

M.Marks-70 Time-3 Hours
1. (a)What is an operating system? Give examples . 2
(b)What is bar code? Why is a bar code reader used? 2
(c) What is the difference between RAM and ROM? 1
2. (a) What will be the output produced by the following code fragments- 2
w, x, y, z = 21, 2, 3, 21
(b) Predict the output- 2
(c) Write a program in python to find the largest among three inputted numbers. 2
Write a program in python to accept a character from the user and display whether it is vowel
or consonant.
(d) Predict the output: 2+2
(i) m=2
while m<10:
(ii) for k in range(13,3,-2):
print(k* 2)

3. (a)Define string in python .Which operator returns true if a character/substring exists in a given string?
(b) What is a string slice? How is it useful? 2
(c) Write the uses of following functions in string- 2
(b) Consider the string str=”South Point School”, Write statements in python to implement the following:
(i) To display the last three characters.
(ii) To display 1st to 5th characters .
(iii)To display first character in upper case letter.
(iv) To repeat the string 2 times.
(c) What will be the output of the following programming code? 2
Str1=”Class11 Final Examination”
print(Str1([2: ])
print(Str1([2:15:3 ])
print(Str1([ :17 ])
print(Str1([-17:-3 ])
4.(a) Define a list in python. Write command to create a empty list. 2
(b) Consider the following list-
Write commands for the following: 5
i. Add 20 at last
ii. Insert 4 at third position
iii. Sort the elements of the list
iv. Count how many times 6 is available
v. Delete all elements from 3rd to 9th position
vi. Delete 11 from the list
vii. Search the position of 13 in the list
viii. Find the maximum value of the list
ix. Find the length of the list
x. Delete all the elements of the list

(c) Write the outputs :- 3

Nlist = ['p','r','o','b','l','e','m']

5. (a)What is a dictionary in Python? Give example. 2

(b) Suppose Dic1={1:’south’,2:’ponit’,3:’school’}
Write the output of the following code: 3
i. print( Dic1.items())
ii. print( Dic2.keys())
iii. print( Dic1.values())
iv. print( Dic1.update(Dic2))
v. print( len(Dic2))
vi. Dic2.clear()
(c) Define NumPy in Python. Write command to create an array of 5 zeros. 2
(d) Write the use of following functions in NumPy with example - 3
Write a NumPy program to convert a 1D array into 2D array with 2 rows and 3 columns.
6. (i) How is DELETE statement different from DROP statement in MySQL? 1
(ii) A table “Students” has 3 columns and 4 rows in it. What is its degree ? What is its cardinality? What
will be its cardinality if 5 rows are added in the table? 1
(iii) Define- Primary Key,Alternate Key,DML 3
(iv) . Create a table -VOTER with following structure and Insert at least four rows into it. 2+2+6
Filed name Date Type/size
Vno Integer(4)
Vname Varchar(30)
Age Integer(3)
Address Varchar(30)
Phone Double(16)

Write the SQLs for the followings:

(a) To list Vno,Vname,Age for all the the voters. This information should be sorted on Age.
(b) To list all the voters where address is “Guwahati”
(c ) To add one new column named VGender datatype char(1) .
(d) To list voters where address is “Delhi” but age between 20 and 30.
(e) To delete the records of all those voters who are either residing in “Delhi” or whose Age >35.
(f) To change the age to 45 where Vname contains the word “Kumar”.

7.(i) What is cyber safety ? What should you do to protect your identity on Internet? 2
(ii) What are the merits and demerits of social networking ? 2
(iii) Write short notes 6
Cyber Bullying, IP Address, Denial of Service Attacks, Adware, Cybercrime,Hacker

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