r19 Mtech Emb Full-40-49
r19 Mtech Emb Full-40-49
r19 Mtech Emb Full-40-49
Prerequisite: None
Disaster: Definition, Factors and Significance; Difference Between Hazard and Disaster; Natural and
Manmade Disasters: Difference, Nature, Types and Magnitude.
Disaster Prone Areas in India:
Study of Seismic Zones; Areas Prone to Floods and Droughts, Landslides and Avalanches; Areas
Prone to Cyclonic and Coastal Hazards with Special Reference to Tsunami; Post-Disaster Diseases
and Epidemics
Repercussions of Disasters and Hazards:
Economic Damage, Loss of Human and Animal Life, Destruction of Ecosystem. Natural Disasters:
Earthquakes, Volcanisms, Cyclones, Tsunamis, Floods, Droughts and Famines, Landslides and
Avalanches, Man-made disaster: Nuclear Reactor Meltdown, Industrial Accidents, Oil Slicks and Spills,
Outbreaks of Disease and Epidemics, War and Conflicts.
Disaster Preparedness and Management:
Preparedness: Monitoring of Phenomena Triggering A Disaster or Hazard; Evaluation of Risk:
Application of Remote Sensing, Data from Meteorological and Other Agencies, Media Reports:
Governmental and Community Preparedness.
Risk Assessment Disaster Risk:
Concept and Elements, Disaster Risk Reduction, Global and National Disaster Risk Situation.
Techniques of Risk Assessment, Global Co-Operation in Risk Assessment and Warning, People’s
Participation in Risk Assessment. Strategies for Survival.
Disaster Mitigation:
Meaning, Concept and Strategies of Disaster Mitigation, Emerging Trends In Mitigation. Structural
Mitigation and Non-Structural Mitigation, Programs of Disaster Mitigation in India.
R22 M.Tech. Embedded Systems JNTUH
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
To get a working knowledge in illustrious Sanskrit, the scientific language in the world
Learning of Sanskrit to improve brain functioning
Learning of Sanskrit to develop the logic in mathematics, science & other subjects enhancing
the memory power
The engineering scholars equipped with Sanskrit will be able to explore the huge knowledge
from ancient literature
Alphabets in Sanskrit,
Past/Present/Future Tense, Simple Sentences
Order, Introduction of roots,
Technical information about Sanskrit Literature
Technical concepts of Engineering-Electrical, Mechanical, Architecture, Mathematics
Prerequisite: None
Values and self-development –Social values and individual attitudes. Work ethics, Indian vision of
humanism. Moral and non- moral valuation. Standards and principles. Value judgements
Importance of cultivation of values. Sense of duty. Devotion, Self-reliance. Confidence, Concentration.
Truthfulness, Cleanliness. Honesty, Humanity. Power of faith, National Unity. Patriotism. Love for
nature, Discipline
Personality and Behavior Development - Soul and Scientific attitude. Positive Thinking. Integrity and
discipline, Punctuality, Love and Kindness.
Avoid fault Thinking. Free from anger, Dignity of labour. Universal brotherhood and religious tolerance.
True friendship. Happiness Vs suffering, love for truth. Aware of self-destructive habits. Association and
Cooperation. Doing best for saving nature
Character and Competence –Holy books vs Blind faith. Self-management and Good health. Science of
reincarnation, Equality, Nonviolence, Humility, Role of Women. All religions and same message. Mind
your Mind, Self-control. Honesty, Studying effectively
Prerequisite: None
History of Making of the Indian Constitution: History Drafting Committee, (Composition & Working),
Philosophy of the Indian Constitution: Preamble, Salient Features.
Contours of Constitutional Rights & Duties: Fundamental Rights Right to Equality, Right to
Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights,
Right to Constitutional Remedies, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties.
Organs of Governance: Parliament, Composition, Qualifications and Disqualifications, Powers and
Functions, Executive, President, Governor, Council of Ministers, Judiciary, Appointment and Transfer
of Judges, Qualification, Powers and Functions.
Local Administration: District’s Administration head: Role and Importance, Municipalities:
Introduction, Mayor and role of Elected Representative, CEO of Municipal Corporation. Pachayati raj:
Introduction, PRI: Zila Pachayat. Elected officials and their roles, CEO Zila Pachayat: Position and role.
Block level: Organizational Hierarchy (Different departments), Village level: Role of Elected and
Appointed officials, Importance of grass root democracy.
Election Commission: Election Commission: Role and Functioning. Chief Election Commissioner and
Election Commissioners. State Election Commission: Role and Functioning. Institute and Bodies for the
welfare of SC/ST/OBC and women.
R22 M.Tech. Embedded Systems JNTUH
Prerequisite: None
Introduction and Methodology: Aims and rationale, Policy background, Conceptual framework and
terminology Theories of learning, Curriculum, Teacher education. Conceptual framework, Research
questions. Overview of methodology and Searching.
Thematic overview: Pedagogical practices are being used by teachers in formal and informal
classrooms in developing countries. Curriculum, Teacher education.
Evidence on the effectiveness of pedagogical practices, Methodology for the indepth stage: quality
assessment of included studies. How can teacher education (curriculum and practicum) and the scho
curriculum and guidance materials best support effective pedagogy? Theory of change. Strength and
nature of the body of evidence for effective pedagogical practices. Pedagogic theory and pedagogical
approaches. Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs and Pedagogic strategies.
Professional development: alignment with classroom practices and follow-up support, Peer support,
Support from the head teacher and the community. Curriculum and assessment, Barriers to learning:
limited resources and large class sizes
Research gaps and future directions: Research design, Contexts, Pedagogy, Teacher education,
Curriculum and assessment, Dissemination and research impact.
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
To achieve overall health of body and mind
To overcome stress
Definitions of Eight parts of yog. (Ashtanga)
Yam and Niyam.
Do`s and Don’t’s in life.
i) Ahinsa, satya, astheya, bramhacharya and aparigraha
ii) Shaucha, santosh, tapa, swadhyay, ishwarpranidhan
Asan and Pranayam
i) Various yog poses and their benefits for mind & body
ii) Regularization of breathing techniques and its effects-Types of pranayam
Neetisatakam-Holistic development of personality
Verses- 19,20,21,22 (wisdom)
Verses- 29,31,32 (pride & heroism)
Verses- 26,28,63,65 (virtue)
Neetisatakam-Holistic development of personality
Verses- 52,53,59 (dont’s)
Verses- 71,73,75,78 (do’s)
Approach to day to day work and duties.
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta: Chapter 2-Verses 41, 47,48,
Chapter 3-Verses 13, 21, 27, 35, Chapter 6-Verses 5,13,17, 23, 35,
Chapter 18-Verses 45, 46, 48.
Statements of basic knowledge.
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta: Chapter2-Verses 56, 62, 68
Chapter 12 -Verses 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18
Personality of Role model. Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta:
Chapter2-Verses 17, Chapter 3-Verses 36,37,42,
Chapter 4-Verses 18, 38,39
Chapter18 – Verses 37,38,63