Cnhs Ipcrf For Sy 2023 2024 Template
Cnhs Ipcrf For Sy 2023 2024 Template
Cnhs Ipcrf For Sy 2023 2024 Template
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
the allotted time
2. Used a range Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
of teaching Objective 2 as shown in COT Objective 2 as shown in COT Objective 2 as shown in COT Objective 2 as shown in COT Objective 2 as shown in COT
strategies that rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
enhance learner Quality acceptable evidence was
achievement in shown
literacy and
numeracy skills. 7%
(PPST 1.4.2)
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
the allotted time
3. Applied a Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
range of Objective 3 as shown in COT Objective 3 as shown in COT Objective 3 as shown in COT Objective 3 as shown in COT Objective 3 as shown in COT
teaching rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
strategies to
acceptable evidence was
develop critical shown
and creative Quality
thinking, as well
as other higher- 7%
order thinking
(PPST 1.5.2) Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
the allotted time
4. Displayed Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
proficient use of Objective 4 as shown in COT Objective 4 as shown in COT Objective 4 as shown in COT Objective 4 as shown in COT Objective 4 as shown in COT
Mother Tongue, rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
Filipino and
Quality acceptable evidence was
English to shown
facilitate teaching
and learning.
(PPST 1.6.2) 7%
Mother Tongue,
Filipino and
English to Performance Indicators
facilitate teaching Weight Rating
MFOs KRAs andObjectives
learning. Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
per Obj. QET Actual Results
(PPST 1.6.2) 7% 5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
the allotted time
Basic Education 2. Learning 5. Established Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
Services Environment & safe and secure Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT
Diversity of learning rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
Learners environments to Quality acceptable evidence was
enhance learning shown
through the
of policies, Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
guidelines and 7% within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
procedures. the allotted time
(PPST 2.1.2)
6. Maintained Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
learning Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT
environments rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
that promote Quality acceptable evidence was
fairness,respect shown
and care to
encourage 7%
learning. (PPST
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
the allotted time
Basic Education 2. Learning 7. Established a Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
Services Environment & learner-centered Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT
Diversity of culture by using rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
Learners teaching
Quality acceptable evidence was
strategies that shown
respond to their
cultural, socio
economic and 7%
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
backgrounds. within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
(PPST 3.2.2) the allotted time
8. Adapted and Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
used culturally Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT
appropriate rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
acceptable evidence was
strategies to
Quality shown
address the
needs of
learners from 7%
8. Adapted and Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
used culturally Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 8 as shown in COT Objective 7 as shown in COT
appropriate rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
Performance Indicators rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
teaching Weight
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory acceptable
Poor evidence was Score
strategies to per Obj. Quality
QET shown Actual Results
address the 5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
needs of
learners from 7%
groups. (PPST
3.5.2) Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
the allotted time
3. Curriculum and 9. Set achievable Set learning outcomes were Set learning outcomes were Set learning outcomes were Set learning outcomes were No acceptable evidence was
Planning & and appropriate achievable and appropriate, achievable and appropriate, achievable and appropriate, not achievable or appropriate, shown
Assessment and learning and led to the attainment of and contributed to the and are aligned with the and were partially aligned with
the next related competency, understanding of the next learning competencies, as the learning competencies, as
Reporting outcomes that
as shown in the MOV related competency, as shown shown in the MOV submitted. shown in the MOV submitted.
are aligned with submitted. in the MOV submitted.
(PPST 4.2.2)
Efficiency All of the learning Majority of the learning At least half of the Less than half of the No acceptable evidence
outcomes set were outcomes set were learning outcomes set learning outcomes set was shown
aligned with the aligned with the were aligned with the were aligned with the
learning competencies learning competencies learning competencies learning competencies
as shown in the MOV as shown in the MOV as shown in the MOV as shown in the MOV
submitted submitted submitted submitted
Basic Education 10. Used Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in Demonstrated Level 3 in
Services strategies for Objective 10 as shown in COT Objective 10 as shown in COT Objective 10 as shown in COT Objective 10 as shown in COT Objective 10 as shown in COT
providing timely, rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
accurate and
acceptable evidence was
constructive shown
feedback to Quality
improve learner
(PPST 5.3.2)
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was shown
the allotted time
11. Utilized Implemented a teaching and Developed materials based on Planned for a teaching and Analyzed learners’ mastered No acceptable evidence was
assessment data to learning strategy / program learners’ assessment data as learning strategy and/or skills based on the frequency shown
inform the using materials based on evidenced by a list of program based on learners’ of errors and correct
modification of learners’ assessment data as identified least / most assessment data as responses as evidenced by a
teaching and evidenced by a list of mastered skills with evidenced by a list of list of identified least / most
learning practices identified least / most supporting MOV No. 2 identified least / most mastered skills
and programs. Quality mastered skills with mastered skills with
(PPST 5.5.2) supporting MOV No. 1 supporting MOV No. 3
(PPST 5.5.2)
Performance Indicators
Weight Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
per Obj. QET Actual Results
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Timeliness Submitted MOV/s Submitted MOV/s Submitted MOV/s Submitted MOV/s No acceptable evidence
show/s monitoring and show/s monitoring and show/s monitoring and show/s monitoring and
evaluation done across evaluation done across evaluation done across evaluation done in only
4 quarters 3 quarters 2 quarters 1 quarter
4. Personal 12. Build Sustained engagement Sustained engagement with Secured collaboration with Communicated with and No acceptable evidence was
Growth and relationships with through regular parents/guardians and/or parents/guardians and/or obtained response from shown
Professional parents/guardian communication of learners’ wider school community to wider school community to parents/guardians and/or
needs, progress and facilitate involvement in the facilitate involvement in the wider school community to
Development s and the wider
achievement to key educative process as educative process as facilitate involvement in the
school stakeholders, including evidenced by 2 or more of evidenced by one MOV no. 1 educative process as
community to parents/guardians, as shown MOV no. 1 or 2 or 2 evidenced by MOV No. 3
facilitate in the MOV submitted
involvement in Quality
the educative
process. (PPST
Timeliness Showed Showed Showed Showed No acceptable evidence
engagement with engagement with engagement with engagement with
parents/guardians parents/guardians parents/guardians parents/guardians
and the wider and the wider and the wider and the wider
school community school community school community school community only
across 4 quarters across 3 quarters across 2 quarters 1 quarter
Basic Education 13. Participated Participated in any Participated in any Participated in any Participated in any No acceptable evidence was
Services in professional professional network/activity professional network/activity professional network/activity professional network/activity shown
networks to that requires output* and proof that requires output* and proof that requires output* to share that does not requires output*
of implementation** within the of implementation** within the knowledge and to enhance to share knowledge and to
share knowledge
school to share knowledge department / grade level to practice as evidenced by the enhance practice as
and to enhance and to enhance practice as share knowledge and to submitted MOV evidenced by the submitted
practice. (PPST evidenced by the submitted enhance practice as MOV
7.3.2) MOV evidenced by the submitted
Quality MOV
Timeliness Participated in Participated in Participated in Participated in No acceptable evidence
professional networks professional networks professional networks professional networks
to share knowledge and to share knowledge and to share knowledge and to share knowledge and
to enhance practice to enhance practice to enhance practice to enhance practice in
across 4 quarters across 3 quarters across 2 quarters only 1 quarter
14. Developed a Updated professional Discussed progress on Set professional development Accomplished the e-SAT at No acceptable evidence was
personal development goals during professional development goals based on e-SAT results the beginning of the school shown
improvement Phase II of the RPMS Cycle goals with the rater during the as evidenced by MOV 2 year as evidenced by MOV 1
as evidenced by MOV 4 mid-year review as evidenced
plan based on
by MOV 3
reflection of
one’s practice
and ongoing
learning. (PPST
7.4.2) 7%
reflection of
one’s practice
and ongoing Performance Indicators
professional Weight Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives
learning. (PPST Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
per Obj. QET Actual Results
7.4.2) 7% 5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Submitted 4 acceptable Submitted 3 acceptable Submitted 2 acceptable Submitted 1 acceptable No acceptable evidence
MOVs MOVs MOVs MOVs was shown
Timeliness All four (4) submitted Three (3) of the Two (2) of the Only one (1) of the No acceptable evidence
MOVs were submitted MOVs were submitted MOVs were submitted MOVs was was shown
accomplished within the accomplished within the accomplished within the accomplished within the
prescribed RPMS prescribed RPMS prescribed RPMS prescribed RPMS
Phase Phase Phase Phase
Basic Education 5: Plus Factor 15. Performed Performed at least one (1) Performed at least one (1) Performed at least one (1) Performed at least one (1) No acceptable evidence was
Services various related related work/ activity that related work/ activity that related work/ activity that related work/ activity that shown
works/ activities contributed to the teaching- contributed to the teaching- contributed to the teaching- contributed to the teaching-
learning process beyond the learning process within the learning process within the learning process within the
that contribute to
school/ Community Learning school/ Community Learning learning/ department as class as evidenced by the
the teaching Center (CLC) as evidenced by Center (CLC) as evidenced by evidenced by the submitted submitted MOV.
learning process. the submitted MOV. the submitted MOV. MOV.
Efficiency Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that No acceptable evidence
details the achieved details the perceived shows reasonable shows considerable was
positive contribution to positive contribution to interlap with the actual overlap with, hence shown
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning teaching-learning significantly affecting
process, as evidenced process, as evidenced process, as evidenced the performance of the
by the annotation by the annotation by the annotation actual teaching-learning
provided. provided. provided. process.
Timeliness Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were No acceptable evidence
distributed across 4 distributed across 3 distributed across 2 distributed in only 1 was
quarters quarters quarters quarter shown
Position: Position:
Rating Period:
Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
the allotted time instruction exceeded the was shown
allotted time
2. Evaluated with Guided colleagues in Synthesized discussions with Evaluated with colleagues Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence
colleagues the planning for the evaluation colleagues on the evaluation of the effectiveness of mentoring sessions/ was shown
effectiveness of of the effectiveness of effectiveness of teaching teaching strategies that meetings/LAC sessions /
teaching strategies teaching strategies that strategies that promote learner promote learner FGDs / other collegial
that promote learner promote learner achievement in literacy and achievement in literacy discussions that evaluate
achievement in achievement in literacy numeracy during and numeracy during effectiveness of teaching
literacy and and numeracy during meetings/LAC sessions / meetings/LAC sessions / strategies that promote
numeracy. (PPST meetings/LAC sessions / FGDs / other collegial FGDs / other collegial learner achievement in
1.4.3) Quality FGDs / other collegial discussions, as shown in MOV discussions, as shown in literacy and numeracy, as
discussions, as shown in 3 MOV 2 shown in MOV 1
Evaluated with colleagues Evaluated with colleagues the Evaluated with colleagues Evaluated with colleagues No acceptable evidence
the effectiveness of effectiveness of teaching the effectiveness of the effectiveness of was shown
teaching strategies that strategies that promote learner teaching strategies that teaching strategies that
promote learner achievement in literacy and promote learner promote learner
achievement in literacy numeracy across 3 quarters achievement in literacy achievement in literacy
and numeracy across 4 and numeracy across 2 and numeracy only 1
quarters quarters quarter
3. Developed and Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
applied effective Objective 3 as shown in Objective 3 as shown in COT Objective 3 as shown in Objective 3 as shown in Objective 3 as shown in
teaching strategies COT rating sheets /inter- rating sheets /inter-observer COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter-
to promote critical observer agreement forms agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms
and creative Quality or No acceptable evidence
thinking, as well as was
other higher-order shown
thinking skills.
(PPST 1.5.3)
teaching strategies
to promote critical
and creative
Performance Indicators
thinking, as well as Rating
other Objectives
higher-order Weight per
MFOs KRAs Timeline Unsatisfactory Score
thinking skills. Obj. QET Outstanding 5 Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 1 Actual Results
2 Q E T Average
(PPST 1.5.3)
Efficiency Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
the allotted time instruction exceeded the was
7% allotted time shown
Basic Education 2. Learning 4. Modeled and Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services Environment & supported Objective 4 as shown in Objective 4 as shown in COT Objective 4 as shown in Objective 4 as shown in Objective 4 as shown in
Diversity of colleagues in the COT rating sheets /inter- rating sheets /inter-observer COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter-
Learners proficient use of observer agreement forms agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms
Mother Tongue, or No acceptable evidence
Filipino and English was shown
to improve teaching
and learning, as well
as to develop the
learners’ pride of
their language,
heritage and culture. Quality
(PPST 1.6.3)
Efficiency Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
the allotted time instruction exceeded the was
allotted time shown
Basic Education 5. Exhibited Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services effective strategies Objective 5 as shown in Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in Objective 5 as shown in Objective 5 as shown in
that ensure safe and COT rating sheets /inter- rating sheets /inter-observer COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter-
secure learning observer agreement forms agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms
environments to Quality or No acceptable evidence
enhance learning was shown
through the
implementation of
policies, guidelines Efficiency Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
and procedures. the allotted time instruction exceeded the was
(PPST 2.1.3) allotted time shown
Performance Indicators
Weight per
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Unsatisfactory Score
Obj. QET Outstanding 5 Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 1 Actual Results
2 Q E T Average
6. Exhibited Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
effective practices to Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in
foster learning COT rating sheets /inter- rating sheets /inter-observer COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter-
environments that observer agreement forms agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms
promote fairness, Quality or No acceptable evidence
respect and care to was shown
encourage learning.
(PPST 2.2.3)
Efficiency Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
7% the allotted time instruction exceeded the was
allotted time shown
Basic Education 3. Curriculum 7. Exhibited a Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services and Planning learner-centered Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in
culture that COT rating sheets /inter- rating sheets /inter-observer COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter-
promotes success observer agreement forms agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms
by using effective or No acceptable evidence
teaching strategies was shown
that respond to their Quality
cultural, socio
economic and
backgrounds. (PPST 7%
Efficiency Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
the allotted time instruction exceeded the was
allotted time shown
8. Developed and Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
applied teaching Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in Objective 6 as shown in
strategies to COT rating sheets /inter- rating sheets /inter-observer COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter-
address effectively observer agreement forms agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms
the needs of or No acceptable evidence
learners from Quality was shown
indigenous groups.
(PPST 3.5.3)
Efficiency Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
the allotted time instruction exceeded the was
allotted time shown
Performance Indicators
Weight per
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Unsatisfactory Score
Obj. QET Outstanding 5 Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 1 Actual Results
2 Q E T Average
9. Modeled to Guided colleagues in Synthesized with colleagues Modeled to colleagues the Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence
colleagues the planning for the setting of discussions on setting of setting of achievable and mentoring sessions/ was shown
setting of achievable achievable and achievable and challenging challenging learning meetings/LAC sessions /
and challenging challenging learning learning outcomes that are outcomes that are aligned FGDs / other collegial
learning outcomes outcomes that are aligned aligned with learning with learning discussions on the setting
that are aligned with with learning competencies, as shown in the competencies, as shown of achievable and
learning competencies, as shown MOV submitted in the MOV submitted challenging learning
competencies to in the MOV submitted outcomes that are aligned
cultivate a culture of with learning
excellence for all competencies, as shown
learners. (PPST Quality in the MOV submitted
Timeliness Modeled to colleagues the Modeled to colleagues the Modeled to colleagues the Modeled to colleagues the No acceptable evidence
setting of achievable and setting of achievable and setting of achievable and setting of achievable and was shown
challenging learning challenging learning outcomes challenging learning challenging learning
outcomes that are aligned that are aligned with learning outcomes that are aligned outcomes that are aligned
with learning competencies across 3 with learning with learning
competencies across 4 quarters competencies across 2 competencies across only
quarters quarters 1 quarter
Basic Education 4. Assessment 10. Used effective Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services and Reporting strategies for Objective 10 as shown in Objective 10 as shown in COT Objective10 as shown in Objective 10 as shown in Objective 10 as shown in
providing timely, COT rating sheets /inter- rating sheets /inter-observer COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter- COT rating sheets /inter-
accurate and observer agreement forms agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms observer agreement forms
constructive or No acceptable evidence
feedback to was shown
encourage learners
to reflect on and
improve their own
learning. (PPST
Efficiency Objective was met within Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
the allotted time instruction exceeded the was
allotted time shown
11. Worked Guided colleagues in Synthesized discussions with Conducted collaborative Planned for the conduct of No acceptable evidence
collaboratively with planning for the analysis colleagues on the analysis and discussions to analyze and coaching and mentoring was shown
colleagues to and utilization of utilization of assessment data utilize assessment data to sessions/ meetings/LAC
analyze and utilize assessment data to modify to modify practices and modify practices and sessions / FGDs / other
assessment data to practices and programs programs during coaching and programs, as evidenced collegial discussions to
modify practices and during coaching and mentoring sessions/ by the MOV 3 or MOV 4 interpret collaboratively
programs to further mentoring sessions/ meetings/LAC sessions / monitoring and evaluation
support learner meetings/LAC sessions / FGDs / other collegial strategies of attainment
progress and Quality FGDs / other collegial discussions as evidenced by data, as evidenced by the
achievement. discussions as evidenced MOV 3 or MOV 4 MOV 1 or MOV 2
(PPST 5.5.3) by MOV 4 or MOV 5
11. Worked Guided colleagues in Synthesized discussions with Conducted collaborative Planned for the conduct of No acceptable evidence
collaboratively with planning for the analysis colleagues on the analysis and discussions to analyze and coaching and mentoring was shown
colleagues to and utilization of utilization of assessment data utilize assessment
Performance data to sessions/ meetings/LAC
analyze and utilize assessment data to modify to modify practices and modify practices and sessions / FGDs / other Rating
Weight per
MFOs KRAs Objectives
assessment data to Timeline practices and programs programs during coaching and programs, as evidenced collegial discussions to
Unsatisfactory Score
Obj. QET Outstanding 5 Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 1 Actual Results
modify practices and during coaching and mentoring sessions/ by the MOV 3 or MOV 4 interpret collaboratively
2 Q E T Average
programs to further mentoring sessions/ meetings/LAC sessions / monitoring and evaluation
support learner meetings/LAC sessions / FGDs / other collegial strategies of attainment
progress and Quality FGDs / other collegial discussions as evidenced by data, as evidenced by the
achievement. discussions as evidenced MOV 3 or MOV 4 MOV 1 or MOV 2
(PPST 5.5.3) by MOV 4 or MOV 5
Timeliness Collaborated with Collaborated with colleagues Collaborated with Collaborated with No acceptable evidence
colleagues in the in the interpretation of colleagues in the colleagues in the was shown
interpretation of attainment attainment data across 3 interpretation of attainment interpretation of attainment
data across 4 quarters quarters data across 2 quarters data across only 1 quarter
12. Guided Guided colleagues in Synthesized discussions with Advised and guided Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence
colleagues to planning for strengthening colleagues to strengthen colleagues to strengthen mentoring sessions/ was shown
strengthen relationships with parents/ relationships with parents/ relationships with parents/ meetings/LAC sessions /
relationships with guardians and the wider guardians and the wider guardians and the wider FGDs / other collegial
parents/ guardians school community during school community, as shown school communityduring discussions
and the wider school coaching and mentoring in MOV 3 evidenced by the coaching and mentoring onstrengthening
community to sessions/ meetings/LAC submitted MOV sessions/ meetings/LAC relationships with parents/
maximize their sessions / FGDs / other sessions / FGDs / other guardians and the wider
involvement in the Quality collegial discussions as collegial discussions as school community, as
educative process. shown in MOV 4 shown in MOV 2 shown in MOV 1
(PPST 6.2.3)
Guided colleaguesa cross Guided colleagues across 3 Guided colleagues across Guided colleagues across Guided colleaguesacross No acceptable
4 quarters quarters 3 quarters 2 quarters only 1 quarter evidence was
Basic Education 5. Personal 13. Contributed Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any No acceptable evidence
Services Growth and actively to professional professional network/activity professional professional was
Professional professional network/activity that that requires output* and proof network/activity that network/activity that does shown
Development networks within and requires output* and proof of implementation**within the requires output* to share not require output to share
between schools to of implementation** within department/ grade level to knowledge and to enhance knowledge and to enhance
improve knowledge the school to share share knowledge and to practice as evidenced by practice as evidenced by
and to enhance knowledge and to enhance enhance practice as evidenced the submitted MOV the submitted MOV
practice. (PPST practice as evidenced by by the submitted MOV
7.3.3) Quality the submitted MOV
Timeliness Contributed actively to Contributed actively to Contributed actively to Contributed actively to No acceptable evidence
professional networks professional networks across 3 professional networks professional networks was
across 4 quarters quarters across 2 quarters across only 1 quarter shown
Performance Indicators
Weight per
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Unsatisfactory Score
Obj. QET Outstanding 5 Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 1 Actual Results
2 Q E T Average
14. Initiated Guided colleagues in Conducted coaching and Planned coaching and Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence
professional planning for professional mentoring sessions/ mentoring sessions/ mentoring sessions/ was shown
reflections and reflections and other meetings/LAC sessions / meetings/LAC sessions / meetings/LAC sessions /
promote learning learning opportunities to FGDs / other activities FGDs / other activities FGDs / other activities that
opportunities with improve practice during involving colleague/s in involving colleague/s in promote professional
colleagues to coaching and mentoring professional reflection and professional reflection and reflections and learning
improve practice. sessions/ meetings/LAC learning opportunities as learning opportunities as opportunities, as shown in
(PPST 7.4.3) Quality sessions /FGDs / other shown in the MOV 3, 4 or 5 shown in MOV 2 MOV 1
activities, as shown in the
MOV 4, 5 or 6
Timeliness Submitted 4 acceptable Submitted 3 acceptable MOVs Submitted 2 acceptable Submitted 1 acceptable No acceptable evidence
MOVs MOVs MOVs was shown
Basic Education 5: Plus Factor 19. Performed Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 No acceptable evidence
Services various related related work / activity that work / activity that contributed related work / activity that related work / activity that was shown
works /activities that contributed to the to the teachinglearning contributed to the contributed to the
contribute to teaching-learning process process within the school / teachinglearning process teachinglearning process
the teaching beyond the school / Community Learning Center within the learning area / within the classas
learning process Community Learning (CLC) as evidenced by department as evidenced evidenced by submitted
Quality Center (CLC) as submitted MOV by submitted MOV MOV
evidenced by submitted
Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that details Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that No acceptable evidence
details the achieved the perceived positive shows reasonable interlap shows considerable was shown
positive contribution to the contribution to the teaching with the actual teaching overlap with, hence
2% teaching learning process, learning process, as evidenced learning process, as significantly affecting the
as evidenced by the by the annotation provided. evidenced by the performance of the actual
annotation provided. annotation provided. teaching learning process.
Timeliness Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were No acceptable evidence
distributed across 4 distributed across 3 quarters distributed across 2 distributed in only 1 was shown
quarters quarters quarter
Performance Indicators
Weight per
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Unsatisfactory Score
Obj. QET Outstanding 5 Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 1 Actual Results
2 Q E T Average
Ratee Rater Approving Authority
Name of Employee: Name of Rater:
Position: Position:
Bereau/Center/Service Division: Date of Review:
Rating Period:
2. Evaluated with Guided colleagues in planning Synthesized discussions with Evaluated with colleagues the Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence was
colleagues the for the evaluation of the colleagues on the evaluation of effectiveness of teaching mentoring sessions/ shown
effectiveness of effectiveness of teaching effectiveness of teaching strategies strategies that promote meetings/LAC sessions /
strategies that promote that promote learner achievement learner achievement in FGDs / other collegial
teaching strategies
learner achievement in in literacy and numeracy during literacy and numeracy during discussions that evaluate
that promote learner literacy and numeracy during meetings/LAC sessions / FGDs / meetings/LAC sessions / effectiveness of teaching
achievement in meetings/LAC sessions / other collegial discussions, as FGDs / other collegial strategies that promote
literacy and FGDs / other collegial shown in MOV 3 discussions, as shown in learner achievement in
numeracy. (PPST discussions, as shown in MOV 2 literacy and numeracy, as
1.4.3) Quality MOV 4 shown in MOV 1
Evaluated with Evaluated with colleagues Evaluated with Evaluated with No acceptable evidence
colleagues the the effectiveness of colleagues the colleagues the was shown
effectiveness of teaching strategies that effectiveness of effectiveness of
teaching strategies that promote learner teaching strategies that teaching strategies that
promote learner achievement in literacy and promote learner promote learner
achievement in literacy numeracy across 3 quarters achievement in literacy achievement in literacy
Timeliness and numeracy across 4 and numeracy across 2 and numeracy only 1
quarters quarters quarter
3. Developed and Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
applied effective Objective 3 as shown in COT 3 as shown in COT rating sheets Objective 3 as shown in COT Objective 3 as shown in COT Objective 3 as shown in COT
teaching strategies rating sheets /inter-observer /inter-observer agreement forms rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
to promote critical
Quality acceptable evidence was
and creative shown
thinking, as well as
other higher-order
thinking skills.
Quality acceptable evidence was
and creative shown
thinking, as well as
other higher-order
thinking skills.
(PPST 1.5.3)
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was
the allotted time shown
Performance Indicators
Weight per Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
KRA QET Actual Results
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Basic Education 2. Learning 4. Modeled and Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services Environment & supported Objective 4 as shown in COT 4 as shown in COT rating sheets Objective 4 as shown in COT Objective 4 as shown in COT Objective 4 as shown in COT
Diversity of colleagues in the rating sheets /inter-observer /inter-observer agreement forms rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
Learners proficient use of
acceptable evidence was
Mother Tongue, Quality shown
Filipino and English
to improve teaching
and learning, as well
as to develop the
learners’ pride of
their language, Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
heritage and culture. within the allotted time instruction exceeded was
(PPST 1.6.3) the allotted time shown
Basic Education 5. Exhibited Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services effective strategies Objective 5 as shown in COT 5 as shown in COT rating sheets Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT Objective 5 as shown in COT
that ensure safe and rating sheets /inter-observer /inter-observer agreement forms rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
secure learning
Quality acceptable evidence was
environments to shown
enhance learning
through the
implementation of
policies, guidelines Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
and procedures. within the allotted time instruction exceeded was
(PPST 2.1.3) the allotted time shown
6. Exhibited Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
effective practices to Objective 6 as shown in COT 6 as shown in COT rating sheets Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT
foster learning rating sheets /inter-observer /inter-observer agreement forms rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
environments that
Quality acceptable evidence was
promote fairness,
foster learning rating sheets /inter-observer /inter-observer agreement forms rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
environments that
Quality acceptable evidence was
promote fairness, shown
respect and care to
encourage learning.
(PPST 2.2.3)
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was
the allotted time shown
Performance Indicators
Weight per
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
KRA QET Actual Results
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Basic Education 3. Curriculum 7. Exhibited a learner- Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services and Planning centered culture that Objective 6 as shown in COT 6 as shown in COT rating sheets Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT
promotes success by rating sheets /inter-observer /inter-observer agreement forms rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
using effective teaching agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
strategies that respond acceptable evidence was
to their linguistic, shown
cultural, socio
economic and religious Quality
backgrounds. (PPST
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was
the allotted time shown
8. Developed and Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
applied teaching Objective 6 as shown in COT 6 as shown in COT rating sheets Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT Objective 6 as shown in COT
strategies to rating sheets /inter-observer /inter-observer agreement forms rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
address effectively
acceptable evidence was
the needs of shown
learners from
indigenous groups.
(PPST 3.5.3)
Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
within the allotted time instruction exceeded was
the allotted time shown
9. Modeled to Guided colleagues in planning Synthesized with colleagues Modeled to colleagues the Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence was
colleagues the for the setting of achievable discussions on setting of setting of achievable and mentoring sessions/ shown
setting of achievable and challenging learning achievable and challenging challenging learning outcomes meetings/LAC sessions /
outcomes that are aligned with learning outcomes that are aligned that are aligned with learning FGDs / other collegial
and challenging
learning with learning competencies, as competencies, as shown in discussions on the setting of
learning outcomes competencies, as shown in shown in the MOV submitted the MOV submitted achievable and challenging
that are aligned with the MOV submitted learning outcomes that are
learning aligned with learning
competencies to competencies, as shown in
cultivate a culture of the MOV submitted
excellence for all Quality
learners. (PPST
Timeliness Modeled to colleagues Modeled to colleagues the Modeled to colleagues Modeled to colleagues No acceptable evidence
the setting of setting of achievable and the setting of the setting of was shown
achievable and challenging learning achievable and achievable and
challenging learning outcomes that are aligned challenging learning challenging learning
outcomes that are with learning competencies outcomes that are outcomes that are
aligned with learning across 3 quarters aligned with learning aligned with learning
competencies across 4 competencies across 2 competencies across
quarters quarters only 1 quarter
Performance Indicators
Weight per Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
KRA QET Actual Results
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Basic Education 4. Assessment 10. Used effective Demonstrated Level 8 in Demonstrated Level 7 in Objective Demonstrated Level 6 in Demonstrated Level 5 in Demonstrated Level 4 in
Services and Reporting strategies for Objective 10 as shown in COT 10 as shown in COT rating Objective10 as shown in COT Objective 10 as shown in COT Objective 10 as shown in COT
providing timely, rating sheets /inter-observer sheets /inter-observer agreement rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer rating sheets /inter-observer
agreement forms forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms or No
accurate and
Quality acceptable evidence was
constructive shown
feedback to
encourage learners
to reflect on and
improve their own
learning. (PPST Efficiency Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable evidence
5.3.3) within the allotted time instruction exceeded was
the allotted time shown
11. Worked Guided colleagues in planning Synthesized discussions with Conducted collaborative Planned for the conduct of No acceptable evidence was
collaboratively with for the analysis and utilization colleagues on the analysis and discussions to analyze and coaching and mentoring shown
colleagues to of assessment data to modify utilization of assessment data to utilize assessment data to sessions/ meetings/LAC
practices and programs during modify practices and programs modify practices and sessions / FGDs / other
analyze and utilize
coaching and mentoring during coaching and mentoring programs, as evidenced by collegial discussions to
assessment data to sessions/ meetings/LAC sessions/ meetings/LAC sessions / the MOV 3 or MOV 4 interpret collaboratively
modify practices and sessions / FGDs / other FGDs / other collegial discussions monitoring and evaluation
programs to further collegial discussions as as evidenced by MOV 3 or MOV 4 strategies of attainment data,
support learner evidenced by MOV 4 or MOV as evidenced by the MOV 1 or
progress and Quality 5 MOV 2
(PPST 5.5.3)
Timeliness Collaborated with Collaborated with Collaborated with Collaborated with No acceptable evidence
colleagues in the colleagues in the colleagues in the colleagues in the was shown
interpretation of interpretation of attainment interpretation of interpretation of
attainment data across data across 3 quarters attainment data across attainment data across
4 quarters 2 quarters only 1 quarter
12. Guided Guided colleagues in planning Synthesized discussions with Advised and guided Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence was
colleagues to for strengthening relationships colleagues to strengthen colleagues to strengthen mentoring sessions/ shown
strengthen with parents/ guardians and relationships with parents/ relationships with parents/ meetings/LAC sessions /
the wider school community guardians and the wider school guardians and the wider FGDs / other collegial
relationships with
during coaching and community, as shown in MOV 3 school communityduring discussions onstrengthening
parents/ guardians mentoring sessions/ evidenced by the submitted MOV coaching and mentoring relationships with parents/
and the wider school meetings/LAC sessions / sessions/ meetings/LAC guardians and the wider
the wider school community guardians and the wider school guardians and the wider FGDs / other collegial
relationships with
during coaching and community, as shown in MOV 3 school communityduring discussions onstrengthening
parents/ guardians mentoring sessions/ evidenced by the submitted MOV coaching and mentoring relationships with parents/
and the wider school meetings/LAC sessions / sessions/ meetings/LAC guardians and the wider
community to FGDs / other collegial sessions / FGDs / other school community, as shown
maximize their discussions as shown in MOV collegial discussions as in MOV 1
involvement in the Quality 4 shown in MOV 2
educative process.
(PPST 6.2.3)
Guided colleaguesa Guided colleagues across 3 Guided colleagues Guided colleagues Guided No acceptable
cross 4 quarters quarters across 3 quarters across 2 quarters colleaguesacross only 1 evidence was
quarter shown
Performance Indicators
Weight per Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
KRA QET Actual Results
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Basic Education 5. Personal 13. Contributed Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any Contributed actively to any No acceptable evidence was
Services Growth and actively to professional network/activity professional network/activity that professional network/activity professional network/activity shown
Professional professional that requires output* and proof requires output* and proof of that requires output* to share that does not require output to
of implementation** within the implementation**within the knowledge and to enhance share knowledge and to
Development networks within and
school to share knowledge department/ grade level to share practice as evidenced by the enhance practice as
between schools to and to enhance practice as knowledge and to enhance submitted MOV evidenced by the submitted
improve knowledge evidenced by the submitted practice as evidenced by the MOV
and to enhance MOV submitted MOV
practice. (PPST
7.3.3) Quality
Timeliness Contributed actively to Contributed actively to Contributed actively to Contributed actively to No acceptable evidence
professional networks professional networks professional networks professional networks was
across 4 quarters across 3 quarters across 2 quarters across only 1 quarter shown
14. Initiated Guided colleagues in planning Conducted coaching and Planned coaching and Attended coaching and No acceptable evidence was
professional reflections for professional reflections mentoring sessions/ meetings/LAC mentoring sessions/ mentoring sessions/ shown
and promote learning and other learning sessions / FGDs / other activities meetings/LAC sessions / meetings/LAC sessions /
opportunities with opportunities to improve involving colleague/s in FGDs / other activities FGDs / other activities that
colleagues to improve practice during coaching and professional reflection and learning involving colleague/s in promote professional
practice. (PPST 7.4.3) mentoring sessions/ opportunities as shown in the MOV professional reflection and reflections and learning
meetings/LAC sessions 3, 4 or 5 learning opportunities as opportunities, as shown in
/FGDs / other activities, as shown in MOV 2 MOV 1
Quality shown in the MOV 4, 5 or 6
Timeliness Submitted 4 acceptable Submitted 3 acceptable Submitted 2 acceptable Submitted 1 acceptable No acceptable evidence
MOVs MOVs MOVs MOVs was shown
Performance Indicators
Weight per Rating
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Score
KRA QET Actual Results
5 4 3 2 1 Q E T Average
Basic Education 5: Plus Factor 19. Performed Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related work / Performed at least 1 related Performed at least 1 related No acceptable evidence was
Services various related work / activity that contributed activity that contributed to the work / activity that contributed work / activity that contributed shown
works /activities that to the teaching-learning teachinglearning process within the to the teachinglearning to the teachinglearning
process beyond the school / school / Community Learning process within the learning process within the classas
contribute to
Community Learning Center Center (CLC) as evidenced by area / department as evidenced by submitted MOV
the teaching (CLC) as evidenced by submitted MOV evidenced by submitted MOV
learning process submitted MOV
Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that details Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that No acceptable evidence
details the achieved the perceived positive shows reasonable shows considerable was shown
positive contribution to contribution to the teaching interlap with the actual overlap with, hence
the teaching learning learning process, as teaching learning significantly affecting
process, as evidenced evidenced by the process, as evidenced the performance of the
by the annotation annotation provided. by the annotation actual teaching learning
Efficiency provided. provided. process.
Timeliness Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were No acceptable evidence
distributed across 4 distributed across 3 distributed across 2 distributed in only 1 was shown
quarters quarters quarters quarter
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