Experimental Skills - Revision Notes For JEE Main 2023-24

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1. Measuring Instruments for length:

(A) Instruments with linear scale:
(i) Metre scale and
(ii) Vernier callipers
(iii) Trowelling microscope

(B) Instruments with circular scales:

(i) Screw gauge (ii) Spherometer
Each measuring instrument has what is known as vernier
constant also known as least count.
In case of linear scale, the vernier constant is given by
Vernier constant = 1 M.S.D. – 1 V.S.D.
In case of circular scales: The vernier constant is given by
Vernier calliper =
number of divisions on the circular scale

Where, pitch the linear distance moved on the main scale in

one rotation.

2. Simple pendulum: In absence of loss of energy the
amplitude of oscillations remains constant and the total
energy of the bob (or the system) is given by
T .E.  mw2 A2

and the time period is given by T  2
. However, when
energy losses are present, the amplitude of oscillations keeps
on decreasing and in case of weak damping forces, the
amplitude decreases experimentally.

3. Young’s modulus: To measure the Young’s modulus of the

material of wire, we use searle’s apparatus. It consists of
Auxiliary wire and experimental wire. Auxiliary wire is used
for comparison of the length. The wires (both experimental
and auxiliary) should be initially of same length and same

4. Surface tension and viscosity: Surface tension of liquid is

determined by capillary rise method. The relevant formula is
2cos 

where symbols have their usual meanings. To measure the

viscosity of liquid (with relatively higher viscosity), a long
liquid column is used in which a small metallic spherical
object (lead shots) is allowed to fall. After some time it
attains terminal velocity. Measuring this terminal velocity its
viscosity can be calculated
2r 2 (  ) g

where r radius of spherical body
 density of solid
 density of liquid
vt  terminal velocity.

5. Specific heat: Specific heat of liquid is generally measured

using cooling curve method. It is based on Newton’s law of
cooling according to which
 (  0 )

Method of mixtures cannot also be used to measure the

specific heats of solids and liquids. It is based on principle of

6. Resonance tube: To determine the speed of sound in air at

room temperature, resonance tube is used. Let l1 and l2 be the
lengths of air column for the first and second resonance
respectively with a tuning fork v.
C  v  2(l2  l1 )

7. Resistance measurement: Resistance of a wire is measured

using Ohm’s law, Post office box, Metre Bridge. Post Office
Box and Metre Bridge are based on Wheatstone Bridge
principle. In case of electrical experiments, the voltmeter is
always used in parallel and Ammeter is used in series. In case

of Metre Bridge, the resistances in the gaps are interchanged
to eliminate the end corrections.

8. Potentiometer: It works on the principle that when a current

flows through a wire of uniform thickness and material, the
potential difference between its two points is directly
proportional to the length of the wire between the two points.
It is used
(i) to compare the E.M.F of two cells
(ii) to compare the two resistances
(iii) to measure the internal resistance of the cell.
In case of potentiometer experiments the e.m.f. of the driving
cell (cell in the main circuit) should be greater than that of the
cells in the auxiliary circuits.

9. Focal lengths: To measure the focal lengths of concave

mirror, convex mirror and convex lens, we use what is known
as optical bench. In case of concave mirror and convex lens,
there is real image formation and hence one can use parallax
method. Focal lengths of these two can also be calculated
graphically after finding the image positions corresponding
various object positions.
In case of convex mirror, convex lens is also used because
convex mirror always forms a virtual image.

10. Refractive index: In case of glass slab, the refractive
index can be measured using the concept of real depth and
apparent depth.
In case of prism, we use deviation method. The deviation
produced in the ray of light while passing through the prism,
depends on the angle of incidence. For a certain angle of
incidence, deviation produced is minimum, then refractive
index is given by
 A  Dm 
sin  
µ  2 
 A
sin  

where A angle of prism

Dm  minimum deviation

11. Diodes and Transistors: For the diode to conduct the

anode should be +ve w.r.t. cathode. The Zener diode is
always used in reverse biased condition. Zener diode is
generally used as voltage regulators.
For the proper working of transistors, the (b  e) pair should be
forward biased and (b  c) pair should be reverse biased. Here
we have three types of study (i) input characteristics (ii)
output characteristics (iii) mutual or transfer characteristics.

12. Multimeter: Multimeters can be used to identify diode,

LED, NPN transistor and PNP transistor.
In case of diodes, the resistance indicated in multimeter will
be very low if multimeter leads are connected is one way

(+ve lead to anode and –ve lead to cathode) and very high
resistance when connected opposite way. Whereas in case of
resistors it same for both the ways. The identification of
transistor (it is three terminal device) is also possible. If a
multimeter is connected between emitter and base and then
between base and collector, conduction takes place in both
the cases then the terminal which is common in both cases is
the base.

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