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Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

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Bioaugmentation as a green technology for hydrocarbon pollution

remediation. Problems and prospects
Amechi S. Nwankwegu a, b, *, Lei Zhang a, Deti Xie a, Chukwudi O. Onwosi c,
Wada I. Muhammad b, d, Chuks K. Odoh b, e, Kabari Sam f, John N. Idenyi g
College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, 1 Tiansheng Road, Beibei District, Chongqing, 400716, China
Organization of African Academic Doctors, Off Kamiti Road, P.O. Box 25305-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
College of Water Conservancy, Hohai University, No.1 Xikang Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, 210098, China
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Faculty of Environmental Management, Department of Marine Environment and Pollution Control, Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State, Nigeria
Department of Biotechnology, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki, Nigeria


Keywords: Environmental pollution mitigation measure involving bioremediation technology is a sustainable intervention
Environmental pollution for a greener ecosystem biorecovery, especially the obnoxious hydrocarbons, xenobiotics, and other environ­
Bioremediation mental pollutants induced by anthropogenic stressors. Several successful case studies have provided evidence to
this paradigm including the putative adoption that the technology is eco-friendly, cost-effective, and shows a
high tendency for total contaminants mineralization into innocuous bye-products. The present review reports
advances in bioremediation, types, and strategies conventionally adopted in contaminant clean-up. It identified
that natural attenuation and biostimulation are faced with notable limitations including the poor remedial
outcome under the natural attenuation system and the residual contamination occasion following a bio­
stimulation operation. It remarks that the use of genetically engineered microorganisms shows a potentially
promising insight as a prudent remedial approach but is currently challenged by few ethical restrictions and the
rural unavailability of the technology. It underscores that bioaugmentation, particularly the use of high cell
density assemblages referred to as microbial consortia possess promising remedial prospects thus offers a more
sustainable environmental security. The authors, therefore, recommend bioaugmentation for large scale
contaminated sites in regions where environmental degradation is commonplace.

1. Introduction management cause adverse effects on public health and the environment
(Nwankwegu et al., 2016a; Varjani et al., 2017). As a result of the acute
Environmental contamination (land and water) as a result of the and chronic impacts, over time, contaminants generated by anthropo­
geometric increase in industrialization and urbanization remains a genic processes are removed by conventional approaches such as the
global ecosystem challenge threatening environmental security and physical and chemical methods (Zebra et al., 2018). These techniques
sustainability (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii which include; evaporation, photo-oxidation, thermal extraction,
/S0959652621024598Rithuparna et al., 2021; Manral et al., 2021). incineration (Agarwal and Liu, 2015), soil washing (Agarwal and Liu,
Despite the introduction of sustainable and renewable energy forms, 2015), land farming (Brown et al., 2017a, 2017b), and dissolution are
many polluted sites requiring remediation exist. With declines in the not wholesomely sustainable. The use of dispersants/inorganic surfac­
global economic outlook, effective and efficient remediation technolo­ tants like detergents in hydrocarbon remediation of water ecosystem to
gies are sought (Chatterjee et al., 2017; Nwankwegu and Onwosi, 2017a; emulsify the oil into droplets and ease depuration is a notable remedial
Sivaperumal et al., 2017). Anthropogenic stressors including; oil min­ step. Its major principle is to increase the solubility of hydrocarbon in
ing, pipeline vandalism, accidental discharge, and poor municipal waste water for consequent rapid disappearance (Zheng and Chai, 2016).

* Corresponding author. College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, 1 Tiansheng Road, Beibei District, Chongqing, 400716, China.
E-mail address: smetchie@yahoo.com (A.S. Nwankwegu).

Received 8 August 2021; Received in revised form 26 October 2021; Accepted 13 December 2021
Available online 20 December 2021
0301-4797/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

However, the use of physicochemical remedial approaches for hy­ 2017a, 2017b). As a promising biotechnological approach, it involves
drocarbon decontamination of the environment has been challenged by the use of living things (e.g., plants and microorganisms) to decontam­
several factors, such as cost, environmental residue generations and inate polluted environments. Here, the metabolic potentials, as well as
residual risks. The high cost of technologies and applicability spectrum enzyme streams of microorganisms, are utilized to rapidly degrade
based on exposure scenarios is also a potential limitation. For example, obnoxious wastes in the soil, water, and sludge. Although literature
strategies like incineration, thermal extraction, photo-oxidation, and already exists on bioremediation, there is still a paucity of information
evaporation are not suitable for use if sources of contamination maintain on the clear-cut differences based on technology efficiencies and
proximity to residential areas. This is primarily due to the inflamma­ post-remedial sustainability among the strategies. Most available opin­
bility of most hydrocarbon fractions which threatens public health and ions are controversial and driven by the clean-up rate rather than the
property security. Soil washing involving the use of a mixture of sol­ actual ecosystems ‘post-remedial impacts and functionalities. The pre­
ubilizers and surfactants is grossly limited owing to soil characteristics sent review, therefore, evaluates the efficacy and applicability of the
(e.g., particle distribution), extra cost due to soil pretreatment, as well as various forms of bioaugmentation options for pollutants e.g., hydro­
logistics, making the process expensive with a high environmental carbon removal and soil ecosystem reclamation. Further, it addresses
burden (Liming et al., 2014; Andreolli et al., 2015). Land farming is the numerous bioremediation approaches and identifies the strengths
associated with shortcomings such as delay in time required to complete and shortcomings that characterize each remedial strategy while it
depuration due to difficulty often encountered in the control of condi­ strongly remarks that bioaugmentation offers great insight to potentially
tions directing biological processes, large space, seasonal variations, fill these gaps given the successes in large scale applications.
leaves shading and plants dieback (Odoh et al., 2019; Valipour, 2015).
Dispersion can be optimized by the supply of chemical dispersants (e.g., 2. Types and approaches of bioremediation
detergents) which induce solubility of the oil slicks through a significant
reduction of the oil surface tension (fluid-mediated force), thereby Basically, two types of bioremediation technologies notably; ex-situ
boosting effective pollutant removal. Some hydrocarbon fractions in and in situ (Table 1) are popularly employed in clean–up of pollutants e.
crude oil ranging from the heavier aromatic hydrocarbons like poly­ g., hydrocarbons (Brown et al., 2017a, 2017b). Ex-situ technology in­
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyl are volves the treatment of contaminants away from the point of generation.
not readily volatile like dual-purpose kerosene-(DPK) (Nwankwegu It is operationalized when contaminants are treated in a place other than
et al., 2016a), automobile gas oil-AGO (Nwankwegu et al., 2017), pre­ the point of occurrence owing to some ethical and environmental con­
mium motor spirit (PMS) (Nwankwegu, 2016), and diesel (Nwankwegu siderations such as the impact on inhabitants (Sam and Zabbey, 2018;
et al., 2016b; Onwosi et al., 2018), thus are rarely removed through the Zabbey et al., 2017). It involves composting, land farming, bio-piling,
natural events like; photo-oxidation and evaporation. The disadvantage and the process by bioreactors. In situ bioremediation involves the
of the use of dispersants is that it increases the exposure of the aquatic treatment of pollutants at the point of occurrence. In situ remediation
community to the oil, which could lead to massive hydrospheric disaster includes technologies like; bioventing (unsaturated/vadose zone), bio­
and a dramatic increase in the nutrient budget beyond the ecosystem sparging (saturated) and phytoremediation (Odoh et al., 2019b; Kempa
requirement. Specifically, this approach significantly increases the et al., 2013; Odoh et al., 2019; Zabbey et al., 2017). Furthermore,
aquatic ecosystem external phosphorus (P) load while exacerbating applicable bioremediation approaches are generally (i) natural attenu­
eutrophication and the episodic bloom of harmful algae (Nwankwegu ation, (ii) biostimulation, and (iii) bioaugmentation which, are
et al., 2019, 2020a, 2020b). From the foregoing, a potential prudent and conventionally adopted in environmental contaminant depurations
sustainable mitigation measure should offer a smart remedial outcome, (Ikeda-Ohtsubo et al., 2013; Suja et al., 2014; Hassanshahian et al.,
as well as cleaner environmental productivity and conservation of the 2014, 2015; Ozbayram et al., 2017; Onwosi et al., 2018). Each approach
biological components at little or no tradeoffs (Harelimana et al., 2020; shows functional variability in environmental biorestoration efficiency
Nuamah et al., 2020). with few systematic and operational challenges which essentially pre­
Bioremediation options (Fig. 1), however, are more beneficial than empt pollution experts to discern clear-cut effectiveness amongst the
these conventional approaches. It is suitable for a wide range of envi­ strategies. Natural attenuation pertains to the use of soil’s natural ability
ronmental pollutants and can circumvent the various inadequacies to degrade pollutants (Zabbey et al., 2017). Natural attenuation is a
which characterize the physicochemical treatment methods. Besides, biological process of contaminants concentration reduction. It is a very
they are cost-effective, eco-friendly, and sustainable hence often gua­ slow but ultimately cheap process. However, since the essence of
rantees complete mineralization of the targeted environmental con­ bioremediation is to significantly reduce the toxic fraction of the
taminants (Rodrigues et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2015a; Brown et al.,

Table 1
Operational differences between ex situ and in situ bioremediation technology.
Factor Ex sit In situ

Response Remediation is Remediation is

point performed off-site performed on-site
Operational suitable for small suitable for large scale
scale scale contamination
Cost/area Technology is Technology is cost but requires a
expensive due to effective/no logistics large land area
extra cost -on logistics but
requires small area
Manageability The process can Process is not easily
be effectively controlled
Effectiveness Process is very Process is less effective consideration
effective often with optional for excavation
involves -excavation with
thorough and
Fig. 1. Illustration of the bioremediation, types, forms and approaches tradi­
permanent clean-up
tionally adopted in pollution abatement responses.

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

contaminants e.g., the total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) as soon as extensively studied by several researchers who provided expert and
possible following a fresh hydrocarbon spill, this strategy does not scientific views. Combinations of more than one strategy have also been
guarantee significant recovery of the polluted site. It relies principally studied in both field and laboratory scales over the years and significant
on natural processes mediated by biological transformation to dissipate successes reported.
and mineralize pollutants. In most cases, the pollutants often have
enough time to establish their irreversible and chronic ecosystem 3. Forms of bioaugmentation
toxicity while eliciting permanent sterility which causes most environ­
ments, particularly land to lose their arable potentials. This remediation Bioaugmentation exists in various forms. The adoption of each often
strategy is consequently not recommended in polluted land intended for depends on both recent and historic knowledge of the polluted sites.
use for agricultural activities upon recovery (Nwankwegu et al., 2018). Certain contaminants are recalcitrant and would require the deployment
Biostimulation on the other hands, requires the modification of the of two or more bioaugmentation forms for the total removal of such
environment via nutrient addition or electron acceptor (oxygen) into the obnoxious pollutants. The forms of bioaugmentation so far applied
polluted media to activate the autochthonous hydrocarbonoclastic mi­ include; (i) use of microorganisms indigenous to the polluted sites, (ii)
croorganisms. This approach optimizes the processes and conditions use of exogenous microorganisms (either the pure culture of known
crucial for remediation of polluted sites (Masy et al., 2016; Nwankwegu microbial species/single strain or collection of individual microorgan­
and Onwosi, 2017a). Although, the adoption of biostimulation in the isms to form a high-density cell mass called microbial consortium (iii)
recovery of polluted environment has attracted considerable attention Use of genetically engineered microorganisms (recombinant
(Nikolopoulou et al., 2013a; Nwankwegu et al., 2016a; Onwosi et al., microorganisms).
2017, 2018), it is still not without challenges. For instance, introduction
of inorganic fertilizer is limited by its high cost. Secondly, there is always 3.1. Bioaugmentation using autochthonous microorganisms (indigenous
paucity of the chemical formulations and lack of the knowledge on the microbes)
application ratio owing to the sites’ complexity and heterogeneity of
pollutants (Odoh et al., 2019). In addition, biostimulation could lead to The knowledge of the type and contaminants level is necessary but
increased cases of plant and soil toxicities, as well as certainty of not enough for successful bioaugmentation operations. Also essential is
eutrophication and algal bloom due to abundant supply of nitrogen (N) the actual microbial species in the contaminated area needing remedi­
and phosphorus (P), particularly in aquatic ecosystem (Nwankwegu ation (Mrozik and Piotrowska–Seget, 2010). Here, organisms are pro­
et al., 2016b). cedurally isolated from a specific polluted site (e.g., soil) and activated
Consequently, given that different microorganisms display differen­ through culturing under controlled conditions. Following these, the
tial preference to hydrocarbon derivatives; the introduction of different pre-adapted pure microbial strains are then seeded back to the same soil
microbial diversities from exogenous sources described as bio­ (Mrozik and Piotrowska–Seget, 2010; Nikolopoulou et al., 2013b). This
augmentation represents a more suitable alternative in addressing the method can also be referred to as soil re-inoculation with autochthonous
issues related to soil-plant toxicities and eutrophication (Lebeau et al., species. In a study that involved a single strain-bioaugmentation,
2008; Wang et al., 2014a, 2014b; Herrero and Stuckey, 2015). The Poorsoleiman et al. (2019) used the indigenous bacterial strains (Aci­
performances and the benefit-impact implication of the potential netobacter radioresistens strain KA2) isolated from oil waste sludge
bioremediation strategies are summarized in Fig. 2. Bioaugmentation is (OWS) and reported the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) removal
the use of autochthonous, allochthonous, or genetically engineered of 67.64–89.56% under eight weeks composting incubation. Again,
microbial strains to treat the contaminated environment (Sermany et al., previous studies had demonstrated the potentials of bioaugmentation
2012; Liu et al., 2015; Cycon et al., 2017). It is the introduction or for efficient removal of hydrocarbon and its congeners. Specifically,
seeding of the non-indigenous pollutant degraders (pure culture or Bento et al. (2005) adopted natural attenuation, biostimulation and,
mixed) into the polluted media for expedited contaminant removal. bioaugmentation, in a comparative study of bioremediation of soil
Bioaugmentation technology exists in different forms and each has been contaminated with diesel oil and reported the highest hydrocarbon
degradation in both the light and heavy fractions at 72.7% and 75.2%,
respectively of TPH in the re-inoculated single strain-bioaugmentation
system. In the same study, optimal microbial activity (de­
hydrogenases) was also observed in the bioaugmentation system. In a
different study by Suja et al. (2014), the effectiveness of microbial
bioaugmentation and biostimulation was evaluated. Results demon­
strated 97% of TPH removal in the topsoil seeded with inoculum
designated as MC2 in the study. Experimental microcosms were con­
ducted in both tank and field scenarios. It was again discovered that 79%
TPH was degraded in the tank which was composed of an MC3 inoculum
size of 10% and mineral salt medium (MSM). This study, however,
confirms a facilitated contaminant (hydrocarbon) removal due to
polluted media (soil) seeding with indigenous microbial species.

3.2. Allochthonous seeders in bioaugmentation

The selection of efficient microbial culture (pure culture) for

increased hydrocarbon biodegradation should take into consideration
the following microbial characteristics; microbial stability (survivabil­
ity) over a wide range of environmental conditions (stress-tolerant mi­
Fig. 2. Total benefit -environmental impact evaluation (percentage) of the
available bioremediation approaches. NA= Natural attenuation, BG = Bio­ croorganisms), ability to withstand high concentration of the
augmentation, BS = Biostimulation. ET = Environmental toxicity, RC = Re­ contaminants without exhibiting signs of cytotoxicity, fast growth, and
sidual contamination, PRAP = post-remedial arable potential (usability of the easily culturable. The “heirloom” microorganisms (microbial genera­
soil/media following clean-up), C = Cost, MPR = Multiple pollutant removal tion) which are specifically grown and handed down over the years and
(tendency to tackle a wide range of pollutants), CS = Clean-up speed. are particularly adapted for bioaugmentation operations often show

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

remarkable importance (Bento et al., 2005; Singer and Van der Gast., Furthermore, the effect of Pseudomonas sp strain WBC-3 on soil
2005; Zhang et al., 2015). Abena et al. (2019) recently evaluated the contaminated with methyl parathion (MP) was evaluated by Liming
efficacy of bioaugmentation involving exogenous bacteria in the biore­ et al. (2014). The bacterial strain was seeded into a lab-scale MP
mediation of highly polluted sites and reported the removal efficiency of contaminated soil initiating a bio-augmentation treatment. Removal of
48.10% under a half-life of 41.76 d. In the same study, the authors MP from the polluted soil impregnated with the bacterial strain was
showed that site enrichment with the allochthonous bacteria expedited significantly accelerated compared to treatment without microbial
the TPH removal in the heavily polluted soil sample with a net TPH inoculation. Total removal of 0.36 mg g− 1 dry soil in the bio­
reduction of 59,934 mg kg− 1 (25.34%) of dry soil in 40 d. In a large-scale augmentation system with production of secondary metabolites at the
treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater by Poi et al. idiophasic microbial growth profile within 15 d was also reported. The
(2018), a significant reduction in the TPH levels of >100 mg kg− 1 was seeded bacterial strain survived without perturbation (undisturbed) in
reported indicating a successful bioremediation outcome as revealed by the microcosm while bioremediation action lasted as confirmed by
the phytotoxicity bioassay. Nwankwegu et al. (2016c) while using the DGGE and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses. In the
bacterial isolates from palm oil mill effluent from Southeastern Nigeria same vein, monitoring the level of interactions between microbial
to evaluate the ex-situ biodegradation of crude oil reported 98% community and functional environmental factors through a standard
(7653.69–153.07 mg kg− 1), 83% (7653.69–1301.13 mg kg− 1), and 75% redundancy analysis demonstrated that the structure of the indigenous
(7653.69–1913.42 mg kg− 1) hydrocarbon removal by Escherichia fer­ bacterial population was significantly (P = 0.002) influenced by the
gosonii, Klesiella variicola, and Micrococcus luteus, respectively within 15 inoculation of strain WBC-3.
d incubation relative to the control which showed only 43% Again, the effect of bioaugmentation by Paracoccus spp HPD-2 on the
(7653.69–4362.60 mg kg− 1) removal efficiency under similar incuba­ soil microbial diversities, as well as PAHs removal from old PAH
tion period. When bioremediation is targeted to sites polluted with contaminated soil was performed by Teng et al. (2010). Their results
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyl indicated the residual PAHs concentration of 2304 μg kg− 1 dry soil
(PAHs and PCBs, respectively), it is often recommended that strains able which is directly equivalent to 23.20% PAH immediate removal from its
to produce biosurfactants are inoculated as this increases the bioavail­ initial concentration of 9942 μg kg− 1 to 7638 μg kg− 1 dry soil in four
ability of the contaminants for the effective cleanup process. Species of weeks. This significant reduction in average PAH concentration was
Pseudomonas and Bacillus are known to produce rhamnolipids and sur­ completely attributed to bioaugmentation treatment. Removal effi­
factin, respectively. Bioaugmentation involving allochthonous micro­ ciencies of 35.10%, 20.70%, and 24.30% PAHs fractions (intermediates)
bial sources could be a single strain or collection of different microbial were also reported for 3–4, 4–5, and 5–6 ringed PAHs, respectively. High
species known as consortia. performances of all studied parameters such as enzyme assay (dehy­
drogenase activity), total heterotrophic microbial cell density (cfug− 1)
3.2.1. Single strain as well as total culturable PAH degrading bacteria (cfug− 1) were re­
In this case, a specific microbial species is introduced into the ported in the bio-augmentation system. Average well-colour develop­
polluted media. When contaminants do not include multiple and ment (AWCD) and specific biodiversity footprint evaluated through the
recalcitrant hydrocarbon fractions, its removal using single strain hy­ use of BIOLOG Ecoplate assay and Shannon–Weaver index (H) depicted
drocarbon degrader proceeds faster with a short half-life and high cor­ a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the microcosm seeded with bacte­
relation coefficient (R2) but if contaminants consist of pollutants of rium relative to the control. The single strain bioaugmentation treat­
different fractions/congeners, removal using single strain microor­ ment and control microcosm were clear and elaborate as revealed by the
ganism becomes significantly slow and almost impossible. Varjani et al. data generated from the principal component of the BIOLOG. This
(2020) currently studied the bioremediation of oily sludge polluted soil further confirmed that the significant biorestoration of the microbio­
and reported 92.97 ± 0.92% hydrocarbon removal efficiency and logical functions, as well as the total arable recovery of the PAH
80.95% germination index (%IG) of Vigna radiata using a single inoc­ contaminated soil, was largely attributed to bioaugmentation treatment.
ulum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 56 d. The use of single strain The study, however, posited that Paracoccus sp. strain HPD-2 is an
biosurfactant-producing and hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria desig­ effective seeder for aged PAH polluted soil towards effective bioreme­
nated as P1 in bioremediation of petroleum polluted seawater led to diation action.
>70% removal efficiency under 45 d incubation (Shi et al., 2020).
Similarly, Roy et al. (2018) in a different study also reported a 57–75% 3.2.2. Microbial consortia
reduction of total petroleum hydrocarbon due to bioaugmentation Bioremediation is mediated by a biodegradation process involving
treatment with biosurfactant producing and hydrocarbon utilizing the conversion or transformation of pollutants from one intermediate to
indigenous Bacillus strain during bioremediation of oil refinery sludge. another. These intermediates often require different arrays of microbial
Further, Nwankwegu and Onwosi (2017b) studied bioremediation of enzymes and metabolic mechanisms from different microorganisms for
gasoline impacted arable soil using single microbial strains of Micro­ complete contaminant breakdown through cometabolism. Thus, the
coccus luteus (AJ536198) and Rhizopus arrhizus (JN942919) previously deployment of an assemblage of high-density cell masses called con­
isolated from a diesel oil impacted soil and reported the removal effi­ sortia (Table 2) is usually of paramount importance for effective reme­
ciencies of 75.70% and 71.10%, respectively after 8 weeks incubation. dial outcomes. During bioremediation, one organism gratuitously
In the same study, eco-monitoring assessment indexed by dehydroge­ produces a particular intermediate which it does not utilize via micro­
nase activity confirmed optimal soil recovery for immediate cultivation. bial metabolism and enzymatic conversion. Such metabolic products
Again, several previous studies involving hydrocarbon removal by single could either be innocuous or deleterious to the functioning of such
strain microorganisms also have been reported. For instance, Milena primary microbial producers but could constitute a vital source of en­
et al. (2011) carried out a feasibility study involving the biorestoration ergy and carbon for other microorganisms in the complex ecosystem
of polyaromatic hydrocarbon contaminated soil by autochthonous (Mrozik and Piotrowska–Seget, 2010). For example, during the micro­
microflora seeded with Sphingobium chlorophenolicum strain C3R. It was bial degradation of cyclohexane by Mycobacterium vaccae (Fig. 3). The
reported therein that the seeded bacterial strain C3R effectively cyclohexane is gratuitously oxidized to cyclohexanone by the M. vaccae
removed phenanthrene alone or co-contaminated with molecular growing on propane as a source of carbon and energy. The bacterium
weight PAHs, as well as cadmium and arsenate. A biomonitoring assay gains no energy and assimilates no carbon from the metabolic trans­
indexed by the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed formation from cyclohexane to cyclohexanone. Instead, the cyclohexa­
the persistence of the seeded CR3 strain in the inoculated media and none is utilized by other microbial populations within the polluted
adequately outcompeted the autochthonous bacteria. community e.g., Pseudomonas sp. as a source of energy and carbon. This

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

Table 2 90.60% of 4 and 5 ringed PAHs in a total concentration of 9362.1 μg

Potential microbial consortia for bioaugmentation deployment. kg− 1 dry soil of USEPA priority PAHs. Additions of 10% and 20% of
Consortia Pollutant Reference bacterial consortium suspensions resulted in 20.20% and 35.80% TPH
removal, respectively from the soil after 8 weeks. Studies on growth
Micrococcus luteus (AJ536198), Dual purpose Nwankwegu et al.
Rhizopus arrhizus (JN942919) kerosene (DPK) and (2016a) Nwankwegu dynamics depicted an initial increase in the soil microbial population at
gasoline and Onwosi, 2017b the beginning which decreased progressively with the incubation time.
Bacillus srainsB1F, B5A and B3G Mixture of PAHs Gentry et al. (2004) Nucleic acid determination assay via denaturing gradient gel electro­
(anthracene phoresis (DGGE) analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) generated
Bacillus subtilis, Dm – 04, Crude petroleum oil Andreolli et al. (2015)
Pseudomonas hydrocarbon Aeroginosa Mand NM
amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments which remarkably demonstrated
Rhodococcus sp. Acinetobacter PAHs (Fluorene, Gentry et al. (2004) that the soil’s DGGE profile differed clearly from control. Sequencing
sp, Pseudomonas sp pyrene analysis of DGGE bands demonstrated that the preponderance of the
Phenanthrene) dominant bacterial groups in that soil belonged to proteobacteria and
Mycobacterium fortuitum, PAHs (anthracene, Jacques et al. (2008)
sphingobacteria. The study, therefore, reported an increased PAH
Bacillus cereus phenanthrene,
pyrene) degradation due to microbial consortium incorporation into the
Microbacterium sp, Gornodia, Petroleum Mancera-Lopez et al., contaminated soil thus presenting the method as a promising hydro­
Rhizopus sp, Penicillium hydrocarbon 2008 carbon remedial tool. Isis et al. (2009) used native soil microbiota and
funiculosum Aspergillus bioaugmentation with isolated microbial consortia to evaluate the
sydowii, Rhizobiales sp,
Pseudomonassp, Brucella sp,
bioremediation of a PAH-impacted soil. According to the findings, the
Bacillus sp, Rhodococcussp, Crude oil Zhao et al. (2011) removal of PAHs was ascertained in forest soil microcosms performed
Microbacterium sp with or without bioaugmentation involving fungi and bacteria individ­
Roseomonas sp ually and then fungal consortia. The monitored parameters included
Bacillus marisflavi, Petroleum Supaphol et al., 2006
respiratory activity and metabolic intermediates. The PAH degradation
Microbacterium oxydans hydrocarbon
Pseudomonas oleovorans rate and performance indices were evaluated. The result showed that the
Ochrobactrum sp, Crude oil Varjani et al. (2015) rapid rate of removal in the early stage of the study occurred in micro­
Stenotrophomonas maltophila cosms that contained the contaminants PAHs including phenanthrene,
Rhodococcus sp CT451 anthracene, and naphthalene. Bioaugmentation efficiently improved
Methylibium petroleiphilum Gasoline Daghio et al. (2015)
both the rate and extent of PAH degradation in the system amended with
Alcanivorax borkumensis, Crude oil Suja et al. (2014) the consortium. Carbon (IV) oxide (CO2) quotient/evolution which
Thalassolituus Oleivorans varied roughly with the time rate of PAH removal was used to track the
soil’s respiratory activity. The study further confirmed the utilization of
PAHs as the primary source of limiting nutrients (energy and carbon) by
the PAH degraders. The response of the allochthonous microbial di­
versity to the contaminant (PAHs) was rapid following PAH addition
while it consequently displayed an increased affinity to effectively
degrade the PAH intermediates in the contaminated soil. Another study
by Zafra et al. (2017) also demonstrated that the use of microbial con­
sortia by induced selection in the soil during treatment of PAH polluted
soil resulted in high removal efficiency of 92% at the end of the study
period. In addition, the capacity of a specific microbial consortium
involving Mycobacterium fortuitum, Bacillus cereus, Microbacterium
polyisoprenivorans, Microbacteraceae bacterium and Fusarium oxy­
sporum to metabolize phenanthrene and pyrene in soil was evaluated by
Jacques et al. (2008). The study reported the PAH removal efficiency of
96%–99% within 70 d. A study that involved the PAH-degrading mi­
crobial consortium and its pyrene-degrading plasmids from mangrove
sediment samples in Huian, China was carried out by Yi et al. (2008) and
observed that consortium YL showed significant removal efficiencies of
92.1%, 87.6%, 92.3%, and 95.8% for pyrene, fluoranthene, phenan­
Fig. 3. Microbial community interactions through co-metabolism assisting
threne, and, fluorene, respectively at 50 mg L− 1 after 21 d incubation.
complete mineralization of hydrocarbon pollutants into carbon (iv) and water
The Bacillus cereus Py5 and B. megaterium Py6 eventually isolated from
during microbial consortium-bioaugmentation operation.
the consortium were shown to have consumed 65.8% and 33.7% of
pyrene (50 mg L− 1), respectively under 21 d. The enriched bacteria
way, the total removal (mineralization) from such environment of the (Escherichia coli DH5α) bearing the plasmid of consortium YL was re­
cyclohexane which would have been preempted by the generation of the ported to have effectively degraded 85.7% of the original pyrene con­
cyclohexanone intermediate is ensured. The synergistic interactions, centration after 21 d. Xiang et al. (2013) used a consortium consisting of
therefore, promote continuous degradation with little or no toxicity or para-nitrophenol utilizer Pseudomonas sp. strain WBC-3, meta-ni­
delayed clean up even in dealing with recalcitrant contaminants. High trophenol utilizer Cupriavidus necator JMP134 and ortho-nitrophenol
potential for PAHs degradation in contaminated soil by microbial con­ utilizer Alcaligenes sp. strain NyZ215 inoculated into soil contaminated
sortia has been reported (Zafra et al., 2017). Studies that demonstrated with three nitrophenol isomers for bioaugmentation. Accelerated
effective removal of a pollutant from the environment by consortia of removal of all nitrophenols was achieved in the inoculated soils
aromatic hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria very rapidly compared to its compared to un-inoculated soils, with total elimination of nitrophenols
single strain counterpart abound (Goux et al., 2013). Several reports
in the inoculated soils occurring between 2 and 16 d. Real-time poly­
have shown significant success in the depuration of the recalcitrant and merase chain reaction (PCR) targeting nitrophenol-degradation func­
toxic pollutants (e.g., PAHs) from soils using microbial consortia. The
tional genes demonstrated that the three strains survived and were
bioremediation of a PAH-contaminated soil was studied using a bacterial stable over time. Also, Wu et al. (2013) studied the degradation of
consortium enriched from the soil by Jian et al. (2012). Soil composed of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by microbial consortia enriched from

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

three soils using two different culture media and discovered that malt pollutants over time. This metabolic evolution which often involves
yeast extract-enriched bacterial consortium demonstrated efficient mutations and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) regularly occurs but is
PAHs removal rates than the Luria broth (LB) enriched counterpart. relatively slow (Mrozik and Piotrowska–Seget, 2010). As a result,
Consortia originally from soil and seeded back to that same soil pre­ improving microbial degradative processes using the manipulations of
sented higher efficiency in degrading PAHs. Thus, the study posited that molecular biology and genetic engineering became crucial globally.
microorganisms isolated from the contaminated site, activated by Several studies on hydrocarbon degradation have been carried out using
growth in enrichment media and later transferred back to the polluted genetically modified microbial strains (Wei et al., 2008). Such modifi­
media would demonstrate sufficient removal of such pollutants over cations aimed to enhance the ability of recombinant strains to degrade a
their allochthonous counterparts. wide range of xenobiotics and increase the effectiveness of removal
relative to the wild strains. Zhao et al. (2017) reported that horizontal
3.3. Bioaugmentation using genetically engineered microorganisms gene transfer of related genes and prophages between Sphingomonas and
(GEMs) Sphingobium strains through transposase and IS coding genes of bph and
xyl gene clusters can result in increased biodegradation of PAHs. Again,
Genetic engineering otherwise referred to as recombinant DNA a transcription of either yedQ (diguanylate cyclase) or yhjH (c-di-GMP
technology has received global attention as a promising biotechnical phosphodiesterase) from E. coli to P. putida KT2440 was artificially
approach towards effective depuration of the environmental pollutants placed under the tight control of a cyclohexanone-responsive expression
especially the recalcitrant hydrocarbon fractions (Liu et al., 2019; system by Benedetti et al. (2016) and a synthetic operon, tested and
Dvorak et al., 2017; Mrozik and Piotrowska–Seget, 2010). This involves confirmed effective for enhanced 1-chlorobutane biodegradation was a
the transfer of genetic materials otherwise referred to as the biomarkers resulting strain. Similarly, bacterial strains (HLDs) that utilize xenobi­
(Table 3) bearing the desired traits through the use of appropriate otic halogenated compounds, and three archetypal HLDs, i.e., DhlA,
expression vector/plasmids from one organism (wild strain) to another DhaA, and LinB, have been extensively studied and improved substrate
(host). Several biomarkers are developed to evaluate the potency and specificities, as well as activities during the conversion of halogenated
efficiency of particular bacteria that are utilized as suitable inocula in compounds to their respective alcohols by successful engineering of
the biorestoration of polluted sites (Yi et al., 2008). Specifically, the luc HLDs (Nagata et al., 2015). Furthermore, Rodrigues et al. (2006),
gene, encoding firefly luciferase and the gfp gene, encoding the green engineered Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 using the biphenyl pathway
fluorescent protein (GFP) are common biomarkers. In tagging different by inserting in the genome, the operon ohb (oxygonenolytic orth –
microorganisms (bacteria) used in the bioremediation of hydrocarbon dehalogenation), thus providing the organism with the additional ability
pollutants such as gasoline and chlorophenols, the luc gene is usually to effectively utilize 2– chlorobenzoate and 2 –chlorobiphenyl.
employed. Soil biological activity indexed by luciferase activity on However, the use of genetically engineered microorganisms via re­
respiring microbial cells is used as a bioindicator for monitoring bacte­ combinant DNA technology although a promising and effective remedial
ria. The chlorophenols monitoring in the soil while applying the prin­ strategy is at present faced with conflicting ethical predispositions.
ciple of fluorescence of GPD protein is also performed using the gfp gene. Considering that a desirable trait of one microorganism is incorporated
Different forms of biological indicators or biomarkers can also be into another using expression vectors (e.g., plasmid vector) equipping it
adopted for the same purpose including; dehydrogenase assay, earth­ with the desired ability to express the same characteristic as though it
worm survival, carbon (iv) oxide quotient, and phyto/ecotoxicity by were the original microorganism and most times much more efficient
seed germination assay incorporating germination index and chloro­ than the wild strain (Kuppusamy et al., 2017), scientists are perturbed
phyll content estimations. Different factors influence the decision on the by its future impacts on the atmosphere and humans (Liu et al., 2019).
type of monitoring system to be adopted and these include; required The application of recombinant microorganisms (GEMs) in environ­
detection specificity, polluted site history, as well as microbial strain and mental clean-up has gained a controversial world view, a low global
specificity to pollutants (Jansson et al., 2000). The autochthonous mi­ acceptance, and considerable technological drudgery including; the cost
croorganisms upon protracted exposure to hydrocarbon pollutants of technology, the paucity of multiple plasmids with potential degra­
evolve (metabolic acclimatization) to possess the ability to degrade such dative abilities, rural reachability/availability, its long-term effect on

Table 3
Biomarkers of environmental monitoring importance from different microbial genome.
Microorganism Biomarker Potential substrate Reference

Sphingobium. Intact or partial bph and xyl gene cluster PAHs Zhao et al., 2017
Pseudomonas putida KT2440 yedQ (diguanylate cyclase),yhjH (c-di-GMP phoshodiesterase) Haloalkanes Benedetti et al. (2016)
Sphingobium chlorophenolicum L- 2 (1) Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Copley et al. (2012)
Sphingobium japonicum UT26S 2 (3) Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) Nagata et al. (2007)
Arthrobacter aurescens (NC008711) atzA atzB atzC atzD atzE atzF trzN trzD Atrazine Sagarkar et al. (2014)
Cupriavidus necatorRW112 tcbRCDEF-Genes for chlorocatechol degradation from pBJ4::4 (derived Chlorobenzoates Aroclor 1221 and Wittich and Wolff, 2007
from pP51 of Pseudomonas sp. 51),cbdABC – genes encoding 2-halo­ 1232
benzoate dioxygenase from Pseudomonas cepacia 2CGS located in
pBpc, xylXYZ – genes encoding toluate dioxygenase from TOL plasmid
ofP. putida mt-2
Pseudomonas putida PaW 340/ Genes encoding dehalogenase from Arthrobacter sp. FG1 cloned in 4-Chlorobenzoic acid Massa et al. (2009)
pDH5 pDH5
Pseudomonas fluorescensRE Chromosomal insertion of dntABDEG genes derived from Burkholderia 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Milena et al. (2011)
sp. DNT
Pseudomonas fluorescensMP Megaplasmid pJS1with dnt genes from Burkholderia sp. DNT ohb 2, 4-Dinitrotoluene Milena et al. (2011)
Burkholderia xenovoransLB400 Operon cloned into vector pRT1, yielding pRO41,
Pseudomonas putidaKT2442 encoding oxygenalytic ortho-dehalogenation enzymes Naphthalene Romen et al., 2013 pNF142::TnM,od-OTc –
enzymes, Tcr encoding naphthalene
Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 with mini-Tn5-Kmr-rrnBP1::gfp [mut3]-T0-T1 Biphenyl, polychlori randomly Chi-Wen et al., 2012
F113rifpcbrrnBP1::gfpmut3 inserted into the chromosome

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

humans, the problem of plasmid compatibility, as well as delayed mi­ 5. Principle of bioremediation
crobial reproduction due to excessive plasmid insertions (Liu et al.,
2019). These inadequacies work in tandem to substantially sabotage the Environmental pollutants e.g., crude oil is a composite mixture of
technology sustainability and security. A more prudent recombinant varying chemical compounds while the TPHs include the hydrocarbon
DNA biotechnological design is, therefore, imperative to circumvent the derivatives that bioaccumulate and bioconcentrate in the food chain
controversies associated with GEMs-mediated environmental remedial from the environment (Nwankwegu et al., 2018). Each composite is
convention. unique and being acted upon differently by specific microbes or flora.
Bioremediation proceed naturally or can be expedited by microbes or
4. Microbial stimulation by electric field exposures nutrients augmentation or both. The microbes present in the polluted
media recognize the pollutants (e.g., oil) and their congeners. The mi­
The novel approach for the manipulation of microorganisms towards crobes then secrete their solubilizing agent like; biosurfactants other­
optimizing rapid biomass productions leading to effective pollutants wise referred to as bioemulsifiers (Table 4). They attach themselves and
depuration involves the use of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic utilize the pollutants (hydrocarbon) as a source of energy and carbon
fields (ELF). Although this strategy has been rarely adopted among re­ (Chen et al., 2015b; Liu et al., 2016). The biosurfactants, biologically
searchers, especially in field-scale applications, it shows potential surface-active agents (bioemulsifers), lower the surface tension of liq­
prospects as a useful biotechnological tool. ELF is a bioenergetic stim­ uids, the intermolecular (interfacial) forces acting between liquid and
ulation technology adopted in bioremediation, particularly to stimulate soil. These can act as dispersants, solubilizing agents, or emulsifiers. For
the uptake rates of a wide range of environmental pollutants available in instance; Pseudomonas species produces a glycolipid based biosurfactant
the waste streams (Hunt et al., 2009). It primarily involves the direct known as rhamnolipid (Rekadwad et al., 2019; Sood et al., 2019; Zheng
activation of the allochthonous/autochthonous microbial diversity via et al., 2019) while a lipoprotein based biosurfactant known as surfactin
stimulating their growth and metabolic behaviour in a system under­ is produced by Bacillus subtilis (Thérien et al., 2020; Paraszkiewicz et al.,
going bioaugmentation through electric/electromagnetic exposures. 2017; Alonso and Martin, 2016; Rahman et al., 2003). Under the natural
During the field exposure regimes, several conditions often regulate the attenuation approach, the bioavailability to microorganisms of the high
biological outcomes including length of exposure, pulse shape, field molecular weight hydrocarbon is often limited due to the low adsorption
strength, frequency, magnetic intensity, and type of modulation. The and solubility. The bioemulsification offered by biosurfactants signifi­
potential positive effects of ELF exposures include biomass increase, cantly increases solubility and removal efficiencies of the pollutants,
increased resistance to environmental pollutants, stimulation of the thus, improving biodegradation actions (Anaukwu et al., 2016). The
degradation of contaminants, substrate uptake kinetics accelerations, incidence of starvation stress and consequent push of contaminant
increased denitrification/nitrification activities, increase in metabolic degrading microorganisms into the idiophasic or stationary phase of
activity/specific enzymes actions e.g., catalase, dehydrogenases, urease growth dynamics thus a remarkable delay in biodegradation action is a
etc. (Beretta et al., 2019). strong limitation synonymous to natural attenuation. To address the
However, as useful as ELF applications in environmental recovery concern, pollutants utilizing microorganisms are delivered into the
may be, organisms excited by ELF regimes could be affected either polluted environment in immobilized bioaugmentation systems
negatively or positively. The processes of metabolism and microbial (Nwankwegu and Onwosi, 2017a). The immediate resumption of
growth often show high vulnerability to ELF exposures. The negative degradation activity by microbial systems in suspension during bio­
effects usually include inhibition of bacterial growth, reduction of the augmentation directly affects positively the removal efficiency, enzyme
degradation of pollutants and/or substratum consumption, reduction in assay (e.g., dehydrogenase activity), degradation half-life, as well as
metabolic activity, and cellular membrane damage. Further, Beretta overall rate and extent of contaminant removal. This is because the
et al. (2019) identified that some of these adverse effects could be in­ seeded inocula already activated in their respective primary micro­
direct rather than direct and occur due to the modifications in the systems quickly slide into the exponential growth profile when trans­
environmental conditions e.g., the electrochemical release of toxic ferred into a polluted environment resulting in effective contaminant
species/radicals and extremes in pH conditions. Under the elec­ utilization. In this scenario, the loss of cellular respiration often dem­
tric/magnetic field-induced effects, the growth and performance of onstrates linear overlap with the disappearance rate of the targeted
bacteria are inhibited or stimulated. Specifically, Justo et al. (2006) pollutants. It is established that no known environmental contaminant
previously reported that E. coli exposed to extremely low-frequency removal option shows 100% removal efficiency. This is due to the
electromagnetic fields at 0.1 mT under 6.5 h showed some changes metabolite production by the competing microbial diversities that
relative to the unexposed cells. Significant decreases in biofilm forma­ attempt to modify the microenvironment to suit its singular metabolic
tions under exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields style slowing down the actions of other microbial populations. Apart
(ELF-MF) have been demonstrated to cause a substantial reduction in from this, another reason for the non-total contaminant degradation is
the bacterial adherence to substratum with altered permeability of the that some environmental contaminants (e.g., hydrocarbon) at the level
ionic channels of the cell membrane. Generally, exposure to the of ALARP point (As Low As Reasonably Practicable Point) become
extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) increases bacterial recalcitrant and technologically inaccessible though usually nontoxic at
growth, while it decreases both biofilm formation and viability (Justo this point. As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) point has been
et al., 2006). In the same study, inhibition of cell viability of E. coli at the
electromagnetic field of 100 mT was reported. The adverse effects are
Table 4
associated with the numerous latent parameters which are often difficult
Different biosurfactants/bioemulsofers produced by microorganisms.
to control notably sunspot events, cosmic, the orientation of Earth’s
geomagnetic field, local intensity radiations, and solar winds (Hunt Microorganism Biosurfactant Reference
et al., 2009). In effect, the use of ELF in pollution abatement could have Pseudomonas aeruginosa rhamnolipid Nwankwegu and Onwosi (2017a)
some environmental and public health consequences as exposure to Bacillus subtilis surfactin Nitschke et al., 2004
these radiations, especially high voltage powerlines could trigger Mycobacterium spp Trehalose lipids Xia et al. (2011)
Yeast sophorolipds Souza et al. (2017)
adverse environmental modifications, thymine-dimer related mutations, Thiobacillus Thioxidans phospholipids Souza et al. (2017)
and the proliferation of tumour and cancer cells. Brevibacterium spp polymixins Varjani et al., 2017
Serratia marcescens serrewettin Lai et al. (2009)
Leuconostoc messenteroids viscosin Banat et al. (2010)
Aspergillus ustus glycolipoprotein Alejandro et al. (2011)

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

described as the point at which no further significant breakdown or regions. The regional variabilities in the bioaugmentation functionality
reduction in the residual concentration of a specific contaminant can be could also be linked to other potential background factors including;
achieved both economically and substantially (Nwankwegu et al., 2018; ecosystem heterogeneity, environmental-specific microbial diversity,
Nwankwegu, 2016). In other words, the residual fraction of such pollutant characteristics, and the environmental acceptability of the
contaminant automatically loses its bioavailability and toxicity to foreign microorganisms which, are regrettably not considered and
microbiota. Therefore, to ensure significant contaminant reduction, as identified in most cases. Inherently, the existence of a variety of stra­
well as obtaining a sufficiently low ALARP point, bioremediation by tegies by microbes such as cellular membrane modification, surface-
bioaugmentation becomes ultimately imperative. The hydrocarbon active compounds (surfactant), use of efflux pumps, and the mainte­
fractions show strong variability in both physical and chemical char­ nance of biological functions, could favour compound detoxification
acteristics including solubility, volatility and susceptibility to biodeg­ inside the microbial cells (de Carvalho et al., 2009). It has also been
radation. Some compounds have a shorter half-life and are degraded highlighted that Burkholderia pickettii, P. putida PaW340/pDH5 (Massa
easily (lower molecular weight hydrocarbon fractions), most resist et al., 2009), and P. fluorescens CS are promising agents for successful
degradation under normal conditions (higher molecular weight hydro­ bioaugmentation. Studies have also shown the collaborative influence of
carbon e.g., PAHs), while others are non-biodegradable (Sublette, 2001; soil components such as insoluble organic, water content and organic
Agarwal and Liu, 2015). The removal of hydrocarbon pollutants does matter for BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes) degra­
not occur evenly, because different species of microbes often show dation. Table 5 presents the cases of the successful bioaugmentation
preference to different fractions such that the first to be degraded is a application across regions.
function of which congeners show a wide uptake preference among the
degraders (Nwankwegu et al., 2016b). In the presence of carbon sources, 7. Prospects of bioaugmentation
the process of enzymes production is triggered in degraders and these
enzymes quickly catalyze the efficient degradation of the hydrocarbon The application of specialized microorganisms at the contaminated
molecules (Gao et al., 2014; Thaoti et al., Bilal et al., 2017) into carbon site to sufficiently biodegrade contaminants to an environmentally safe
(iv) oxide and water. The hydrocarbon degradation mechanism is, level shows potential prospects vis-à-vis environmental sustainability
however, regulated by the streams of enzymes and metabolic pathways. and flexibility. This technology over the years has been proven effective,
The efficient pollutant removal is preempted by the lack of appropriate fast, and affordable greener cleanup option (Guo et al., 2010; Wang
enzymes involved in the metabolic breakdown of pollutants into their et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2015c; Zabbey et al., 2017). In a situation where
chemical intermediates during environmental depuration. biodiversity lacks the expression of appropriate enzymes and metabolic
pathways to quickly tackle the hydrocarbon contaminant following
6. Successful application of bioaugmentation across regions fresh pollution, allochthonous populations with tested and effective
metabolic capacity are introduced. This method has been described by
Bioaugmentation though can be influenced by abiotic and biotic researchers as the most effective intervention for fresh hydrocarbon
components (temperature, pH, humidity, microbial predation, and spills. The seeded microbial suspensions quickly metabolize the pollut­
bioavailability), success in large scale application could vary across ants converting them into carbon (iv) oxide and water with little or no

Table 5
Case studies of successful bioaugmentation, potential pollutants, and remedial achievements across regions.
Country Case study/compound Achievement Reference

United Waste water treatment Waste water biaugmentation using reactors and selection of valuable strains Herrero and
Kingdom or mixed cultures to improve the catabolism of specific compounds such as Stuckey (2015)
refractory organics, or overall carbon oxygen demand (COD).
Estonia Phenolic compounds Using cultivation-based Box-PCR genomic fingerprints, fingerprinting of Juhanson et al.
the 16S rRNA and lmPH genes, Pseudomonas strains was successfully apply (2009)
in the degradation of Phenolic compounds
Italy Diesel oil, phenanthrene, isoprenoids and total hydrocarbons Complete degradation of diesel oil and phenanthrene. Alisi et al. (2009)
60% and 75% reduction of isoprenoids, and total hydrocarbons
France Phenanthrene, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and Successful degradation of pollutants using Mycobacterium, Rhodococcus, Farhadian et al.
naphthalene Haemophilus, Mycobacterium, Paenibacillus and Ralstonia as microbial (2008)
India polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Haritash and
Kaushik (2009)
India refinery oily sludge Bioaugmentation presented a positive tide in the oil degradation at 90% Jasmine and
Total petroleum hydrocarbon confidence level in a microcosm study using AcinetobacterSZ-1 strain K Mukherji (2014)
F453955 (TPH-degrader). Wu et al. (2016)
AcinetobacterSZ-1 strain K F453955 shows 34% at degradation plateau of
sixth and seventh weeks of incubation
China Clay-loam soil contaminated with 16,300 mg/kg of total degraded by yeast Candida tropicalis SK21 isolated from petroleum Fan et al. (2014)
petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH); comprising of 51% saturated contaminated soil
hydrocarbons and 31% aromatic
USA pentachlorophenol (PCP) and creosote contaminated soil treated with the fungus Phanerochaete sordida Lamar et al.
USA contaminated aquifers Aquifers contaminated with chlorinated ethenes can be contained by filling Lendvay et al.
the site with competent microbial inoculants. (2003)
de Wildeman
et al., 2004
USA Trichloroethene (TCE)-contaminated aquifer Through anaerobic bio-augmentation techniques, trichloroethene (TCE)- Ellis et al. (2000)
contaminated aquifer and cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) in groundwater
were successfully converted to ethane through microbial enrichment
USA Chlorinated Solvents in trichloroethene [TCE], dichloroethene in situ bio-augmentation by treatment with Burkholderia cepacia ENV435 Steffan et al.
Groundwater ([DCE], vinyl chloride [VC]) (1999).

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

lag in growth dynamics (Wang et al., 2013; Diaz et al., 2016). The environmental footprint.
rationale behind this strategy is that the autochthonous microbial di­ However, it must be noted that authors have not exclusively claimed
versities although present may not possess the metabolic potentials to that bioaugmentation operation is without any limitation rather we
degrade broad varieties of the potential substrates present in complex essentially posit that bioaugmentation inadequacies are better
mixtures such as petroleum over a wide range of temperature and pH controlled under practical scenarios relative to other bioremediation
(Liu et al., 2017). Specifically, the commercial bacterial inoculum was strategies. For instance, previous failed attempts/or poor remedial out­
estimated to achieve 99% depuration efficiency of the targeted recalci­ comes during bioaugmentation have been linked to a few factors such as
trant chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) which, are biotic e.g., the initial adaption of the exogenous microbial species in the
resistant to degradation by the native bacterial diversity (U.S. EPA, presence of their native counterparts including predation and competi­
2010). Again, the condition under which bioaugmentation may be tion between autochthonous and allochthonous communities, abiotic
considered is when there is a paucity of indigenous hydrocarbonoclastic influences e.g., pH and temperature. These are crucial factors that could
microorganisms at the site of hydrocarbon contamination to effectively preempt bioaugmentation performances if not properly controlled.
attack the contaminants following a fresh spill. This is common to a fresh Interestingly, recent bioaugmentation steps have adequately resolved
spill in a pristine ecosystem where the allochthonous diversity often these perturbations through the process of microbial cell immobilization
requires a long period of adaptation through a slow genetic recognition (Nwankwegu and Onwosi, 2017a).
before utilizing the contaminants as the sole source of energy and car­
bon. The rate and extent of decontamination are an important footprint 8. Conclusion and future research perspectives
in evaluating and measuring the magnitude of technology effectiveness.
These microorganisms once seeded into polluted media automatically Anthropogenic activities are a driving force for the generation of
drive the microbial growth dynamics into its active troph­ enormous environmental pollutants, particularly hydrocarbons and
ophasic/logarithmic profile with little or no lag period while dealing their derivatives severely threatening the global environment. The
with the contaminants. The operational conditions for enhanced present review extensively evaluated the potential bioremediation types
degradation during bioaugmentation centrally include; ease of micro­ ranging from ex-situ to in situ technologies, as well as the approaches
bial adaptability, genetic stability, microbial motility, as well as mass including; natural attenuation, biostimulation, and, bioaugmentation. It
transfer mechanisms through the polluted system. These operational remarks that the traditional physicochemical remedial steps are costly
conditions are optimized by microbial cell immobilization of the bio­ and create chances for secondary and residual pollution possibilities.
augmentation system. The process of cell entrapment, adsorption, and The natural attenuation though essentially cost-effective is often very
encapsulation are vital immobilization techniques used to deliver the slow that the polluted environment e.g., soil loses its arable function
microbial system into the polluted environment while reducing in­ before a remedial attempt is completed. The biostimulation strategy is
adequacies (environmental perturbations) associated with initial exceptionally effective and fast leading to successful remedial in­
cellular adaptation and the ambient toxicity of the polluted environment terventions within a short time. However, aside from its high cost
to the allochthonous microbial species. Polymeric materials such as; associated with material procurements, most chemical formulations
agarose, polyacrylamide gel, K-carrageenan alginate, clay, anthracite, used as “amendment” are composed of inorganic stimulants which are
porous glass, and ceramics are suitable immobilizing agents referred to themselves more toxic than the primary pollutants. In other words, it
as hydrogel materials for cell immobilization in a bioaugmentation posits that the contaminants eventual removal often does not guarantee
system (Nwankwegu and Onwosi, 2017a). These operational advances ecosystem eventual recovery for potential agronomic functions, partic­
are currently been used to significantly increase the remedial outcome of ularly when artificial additives capable of severely altering soil’s phys­
bioaugmentation options during the environmental pollutant cleanups icochemical characteristics (e.g., pH, cation exchange capacity,
(Dai et al., 2020; Ma et al., 2020; Tao et al., 2019; Shi et al., 2018; Wang conductivity etc.) are used to expedite remedial actions. This thus makes
et al., 2014a, 2014b). The immobilizing media are also suitable most biostimulation involving inorganic stimulants parochially appli­
attachment surfaces for optimized microbial actions while improving cable in environmental reclamation (e.g., land) intended for non-
contact between the microorganisms and the pollutants. agricultural/non-residential uses e.g., industrial establishment.
The science of microorganisms in bioremediation systems directly Further, some nitrogenous and phosphorus-based “amendment” agents
simplifies the selection of microbial population(s) with potential for the are flushed into the aquatic system via runoff with a dramatic exacer­
degradation and production of the product(s) with biotechnological bation of eutrophication and the episodic outbreak of harmful algal
applications in the oil hydrocarbon and petrochemical industries (Her­ bloom (HAB) consequently threatening water quality and public health
rero and Stuckey, 2015; Diaz et al., 2016). Microorganisms are ubiqui­ while debunking the strategy effectiveness. The use of the novel ELF
tous such that environmental pollution experts engaged in approach for cellular stimulation during bioaugmentation was also
environmental decontamination processes involving bioaugmentation advised but the problems associated with ELF exposures to both envi­
technology would, therefore, require no cost in mobilizing these mi­ ronment and public health raise a threatening concern. It, therefore,
croorganisms. The use of biostimulation (chemical formulations) as a posits that the bioaugmentation approach involving the use of micro­
source of additional nutrients apart from its residual negative ecological organisms, which are ultimately ubiquitous and innocuous be priori­
impact also threatens land reclamation for potential arable functions tized. Consequently, the use of high cell density microbial assemblages
(Nwankwegu et al., 2018) due to altered eco-stoichiometry by effective referred to as the microbial consortia owing to its wide range of enzy­
but toxic biostimulants. The natural attenuation approach is the matic and degradative pathways suited for different pollutant in­
cheapest and easy ton setup pollution remedial strategy; although the termediates is the most promising bioaugmentation option which
use of soil’s natural ability to degrade contaminants is usually slow such demonstrates high efficiency in ecosystem biorecovery and the eventual
that the total sterility of polluted systems is possible before half the land use for arable purposes. The use of genetically engineered micro­
contaminant is removed (Bento et al., 2005; Nwankwegu et al., 2016b; organisms would also suggest a prudent and sustainable remedial design
Nwankwegu, 2016). Indeed, the essence and goal of bioremediation is to but at present challenged by low public acceptance and associated
remove fresh pollutants from the environments soon after contamina­ controversies due to constrained ethical considerations thus, future
tion events occur so that it does not establish the process of permanent research perspectives should be focused on developing ethical free re­
sterility. Therefore, to decide which bioremediation strategy to be combinant DNA technology for more efficient microbial engineering
adopted for rapid contaminants removal while eliminating the chances delivery that could beat the present progress and by-pass the ethical
of eutrophication and the deleterious toxicity to microbiota, bio­ issues while addressing its associated high-cost implication.
augmentation shows a promising possibility in preserving

A.S. Nwankwegu et al. Journal of Environmental Management 304 (2022) 114313

Credit author statement Chi-Wen, L., Chi-Hung, W., Chen-Ting, T., Shih-Hsien, C., 2012. Novel oxygen-releasing
immobilized cell beads for bioremediation of BTEX-contaminated water. Bioresour.
Technol. 124, 45–451.
Amechi S. Nwankwegu: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Copley, S.D., Rokicki, J., Turner, P., Daligault, H., Nolan, M., Land, M., 2012. The whole
analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft. Lei Zhang genome sequence of Sphingobium chlorophenolicum L-1: insights into the evolution
and Deti Xie: Funding acquisition, Supervision. Chukwudi O. Onwosi: of the pentachlorophenol degradation pathway. Genome Biol. Evol. 4, 184–198.
Cycon, M., Mrozik, A., Piotrowska-seget, Z., 2017. Bioaugmentation as a strategy for the
Visualization, Writing – review & editing. Wada, I. Muhammad, Chuks remediation of pesticide- polluted soil: a review. Chemosphere 172, 52–71.
K. Odoh, Kabari Sam, John N. Idenyi: Formal analysis and Visualization. Daghio, M., Tatangelo, V., Franzetti, A., Gandolfi, I., Papacchini, M., Careghini, A.,
Sezenna, E., Saponaro, S., Bestetti, G., 2015. Hydrocarbon degrading microbial
communities in bench scale aerobic biocarriers for gasoline contaminated
Declaration of competing interest groundwater treatment. Chemosphere 130, 34–39.
Dai, X., Lv, J., Yan, G., Chen, C., Guo, S., Fu, P., 2020. Bioremediation of intertidal zones
polluted by heavy oil spilling using immobilized laccase-bacteria consortium.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
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