A Comprehensive Review of Watershed Flood Simulation Model: Yanxia Shen Chunbo Jiang
A Comprehensive Review of Watershed Flood Simulation Model: Yanxia Shen Chunbo Jiang
A Comprehensive Review of Watershed Flood Simulation Model: Yanxia Shen Chunbo Jiang
Received: 3 January 2023 / Accepted: 31 May 2023 / Published online: 8 June 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2023
Flooding is a major threat that presents a significant risk to human survival and develop-
ment worldwide. Regarding flood risk management, flood modeling enables understanding,
assessing, and forecasting flood conditions and their impact. This paper gives an overview
of prevailing flood simulation models given their potentials and limitations for reflecting
pluvial floods in watershed settings. The existing models are categorized into hydrologic,
hydrodynamic, and coupled hydrologic-hydrodynamic models. The coupled hydrologic-
hydrodynamic model can be further classified into full, external, and internal coupling
models. The definitions, advantages, and limitations of each coupling model are discussed.
It is found that the existing coupling types cannot accurately reflect the flood evolution pro-
cesses. A dynamic bidirectional coupled hydrologic-hydrodynamic model is then detailed,
where the watershed is spatially divided into inundation and non-inundation regions. These
two regions are connected by a coupling moving interface. Only 2D hydrodynamic mod-
els are applied to the local inundation regions to ensure numerical accuracy, whereas the
fully distributed hydrologic model is applied to non-inundation regions to improve compu-
tational efficiency. Future investigation should focus on the development of a dynamic bidi-
rectional coupling procedure that can accurately represent the complex physical interac-
tions between upstream rainfall-runoff and the local inundation process. This paper would
help flood managers and potential users undertake effective flood modeling tasks, balanc-
ing their needs, model complexity, and requirements of input data and time.
DBCM Dynamic bidirectional coupled hydrologic-hydrodynamic model
USLE Universal soil loss equation
RUSL Revised universal soil loss equation
MUSLE Modified universal soil loss equation
Ann AGNPS Annualized agricultural non-point pollutant loading model
* Chunbo Jiang
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
876 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
1 Introduction
Flood has become the supreme catastrophic natural hazard with significant economic dam-
age and loss of lives. According to the statistics, in the 20 years between 2000 and 2019,
Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) recorded 7348 disaster events worldwide. Among
these disasters, floods (44%) and storms (28%) are the most frequent, and floods (41%) and
droughts (35%) are the most affected (UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction 2020), which
indicates that the flood has been increasingly understood as a major threat that has pre-
sented a significant risk for human life and infrastructure worldwide. With global climate
change, the possibility and uncertainty of extreme rainstorms and flood increase gradu-
ally, posing a huge threat to people’s life and property (Evans et al. 2004). Therefore, in
response to this adversity, it is of great significance to simulate the flooding process timely
and accurately to improve the flood risk prevention ability and reduce the loss of flood
Regarding flood risk management, flood modeling provides the distribution and extent
of inundation and its dynamics, which enables one to understand, assess and forecast
flood conditions and their impact (Bates 2022). These are helpful input information for
planning to mitigate the flood and reduce its effects. Numerous hydrologic and hydrody-
namic models have been developed for simulating flood processes. Their applications have
also been realized through commercial and open-source simulation tools (Henonin et al.
2013). Hydrodynamic modeling is a state-of-the-art approach for simulating inundation
processes, but it has computational limitations in large-scale applications (Hunter et al.
2007; Yamazaki et al. 2014). In contrast, hydrologic modeling requires less computation
time while representing the physical processes with lower resolution; therefore, it has been
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 877
widely used to simulate overland flows in flood modeling (Liu et al. 2019). Substantial
research has been conducted to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy of flood
models by coupling hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling (Wang et al. 2021).
Aiming these numerous models, from an application point of view, different applica-
tions require diverse kinds of information and level of accuracy (Bulti and Abebe 2020).
For example, flood disaster assessment in small watersheds relies on the precision of flow
velocity. The flow velocity should be sensibly modeled for flood disaster assessment, while
the maximum water depth and extent of inundation could be sufficient for hazard mapping.
As for the large-scale regions, the maximum water depth and extent of inundation may
be detailed. Moreover, a shorter computational time is needed for real-time applications.
However, it is well-known that a shorter computational time means low simulation accu-
racy, while satisfactory simulation accuracy requires more computation time. This puts
additional demands on various aspects of the underlying modeling approach to available
flood models.
This study aims to provide an overview of the flood simulation model in watersheds.
The characteristics and classification of hydrologic and hydrodynamic models were dis-
cussed. Based on this, the coupling of hydrologic and hydrodynamic models was pre-
sented, and their advantages and limitations in modeling watershed flood disasters were
introduced. Following this, a dynamic bidirectional coupled hydrologic-hydrodynamic
model (DBCM) was detailed and the advantages and current challenges of DBCM were
also discussed.
2 Numerical models
2.1 Hydrologic model
The hydrologic model is used to simulate the migration and transformation process of
water in the atmosphere, surface, and soil (Sitterson et al. 2017). It is usually applied at
the basin scale and has many parameters that need to be calibrated or estimated region-
ally. Hydrologic processes consist of runoff generation and routing. The runoff generation
module transforms rainfall into surface runoff via the hydrologic processes in the vertical
direction. Laterally, these runoffs are routed to an outlet point by the runoff routing. The
runoff routing schemes can be divided into 1D way (e.g., unit hydrograph methods, linear
reservoir, and 1D kinematic wave model) (Nguyen et al. 2016; Felder et al. 2017) and 2D
way (e.g., 2D kinematic wave model) (Kim et al. 2012; Li et al. 2021).
Based on the spatial interpretation of the model’s catchment area, the hydrologic model
can be divided into lumped, semi-distributed, and distributed hydrologic models (Arnold
et al. 2010). It is easy to confuse the difference between the semi-distributed and distrib-
uted models based on these classification methods. For example, some researchers defined
the SWAT as a distributed model (Zhao et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2016), but some research-
ers considered it a semi-distributed model (Sitterson et al. 2017). Li et al. (2021) classified
the hydrologic model into process-based or fully physical models and conceptual or empir-
ical models based on the routing calculation scheme. The process-based model solves the
mathematical governing equations, while the conceptual model does not, but instead of
parsimonious expressions or simplified degrees of representations. Although there are
many ways to classify hydrologic models, not all models fit into a single category because
they are developed for a variety of purposes.
878 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
Lumped hydrologic model The computational domain is considered a unit and not discretized.
The empirical methods are used to calculate the runoff routing
Semi-distributed hydrologic model The computational domain is divided into multiple sub-catchments
and a 1D routing scheme is used to calculate the runoff routing
Distributed hydrologic model The computational domain is divided into multiple hydrologic
response units (HRUs) and a 1D routing scheme is used to calcu-
late the runoff routing
Fully distributed hydrologic model The computational domain is divided into HRUs or grids, and a 2D
routing scheme is used to calculate the runoff routing
Fig. 1 Visualization of spatial structure for each type of hydrologic model: a lump model; b semi-distrib-
uted model; c distributed model; d fully distributed model
In this work, the hydrologic model is categorized into four types based on spatial discre-
tization and its routing scheme, as shown in Table 1. Visualization of spatial structure for
each type of hydrologic model is shown in Fig. 1.
Lumped hydrologic models do not consider spatial variability within the catchment, and
the entire catchment is modeled as one unit (Singh 1995). Averaged values over the catch-
ment are used such as mean soil storage and uniform precipitation amounts (Beven 2012).
Empirical methods are used to simulate total runoff and streamflow at the outlet point in
lumped models, and no detailed information on water depth and flow is available in the
catchment. The lumped hydrologic model includes USLE, RUSL (Spaeth et al. 2003),
MUSLE (Gwapedza et al. 2021), CREAMS (Kniselw 1980), AnnAGNPS (Parajuli et al.
2009), and so on. Lumped models simulate average runoff conditions with high computa-
tional efficiency, but there are a lot of assumptions which is not ideal for flood simulation.
What is more, with this type, the individual changes exerted in one part of the catchment
cannot be accounted for spatially, and thus, assessment management within the watershed
is problematic.
In the semi-distributed hydrologic model, the computational domain is divided into
multiple sub-catchments that have similar land use, soil type, and topography-like slope
(Rinsema 2014). In each sub-catchment, the water mass is calculated by the water balance
equation. Only the average value of variables, such as the flow rate, can be obtained on
each sub-catchment. And then, the empirical equations, such as the SCS-CN curve (SCS
1972) and Muskingum equation, usually reflect the surface runoff process. HEC (Feld-
man 2000) uses the SCS curve to calculate the surface flow volume. TOPMODEL is a
semi-distributed model which uses land surface slope and soil characteristics to sub-divide
the catchment (Beven and Freer 2001). Additionally, HSPF (Becknell et al. 1993), INCA
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 879
(Rankinen and Lepisto 2002), and HYPE (Lindstrom et al. 2010) are all such an example.
This approach is simple and feasible easily and indicates the effect of management prac-
tices within the sub-catchments. A drawback is the manipulation of input data. For exam-
ple, spatially distributed rainfall data must be averaged within the sub-catchment, or rain
gauge data at specific locations must be distributed to the area using certain interpolation
In the distributed hydrologic model, based on overlaying maps of land cover, soil group,
and elevation, the computational domain is divided into many HRUs in which the region
within the HRU responds to rainfall the same way (Rinsema 2014). The water mass is cal-
culated by the water balance equation in each HRU. Only the average value of variables,
such as the flow rate, can be obtained from each HRU. And then, similar to the semi-dis-
tributed model, the 1D routing scheme is used to reflect the surface runoff process. For
example, the 1D nonlinear reservoir model including water balance and Manning equa-
tions is used to simulate the rainfall-runoff in SWMM (Fig. 2a) (Ada et al. 2010; Rossman
2015). SWAT uses HRUs to divide the computational domain (Arnold et al. 1998), and the
SCS curve is adopted to calculate the surface flow volume. The benefits of the distributed
model are high computational efficiency and the ability to use fewer data and parameters.
But it fails to show the interaction between the HRUs as they are not internally linked
within the watershed but are all routed individually to the basin outlet. Besides, it is not
appropriate to use a 1D routing scheme to reflect surface routing as rainfall-runoff is 2D
flow (Fig. 2c). The runoff routing schemes are often oversimplified for most of the distrib-
uted hydrologic models, which is perceived as a weakness for flood forecasts.
Fig. 2 Representation of surface runoff of a SWMM (Rossman 2015); b distributed model and c actual
880 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
2.2 Hydrodynamic model
The hydrodynamic models are used to reflect the flood processes in rivers or 2D inunda-
tion regions, such as lakes and reservoirs. The hydrodynamic models are classified into
1D, 2D, and 3D hydrodynamic models. 3D hydrodynamic models are not widely used in
flood simulation due to their complexity. 1D Saint-Venant equations are used to represent
the 1D hydrodynamic model (Audusse and Bristeau 2007), which can be used to simulate
the flow in 1D regions such as rivers or pipes. 2D shallow water equations (SWEs) are used
to represent the 2D hydrodynamic model (Toro 2001), which is used to reflect the flooding
process in 2D inundation regions.
The hydrologic models are widely used for streamflow time series generation, but they are
rarely expanded to simulate the flood propagation processes, which require less computa-
tional time at the price of representing less detailed physical processes. The hydrodynamic
model played a major role in inundation processes, which are computationally prohibi-
tive for large-scale applications. Consequently, substantial research has been conducted to
develop flood simulation models by coupling hydrologic and hydrodynamic models (Wang
et al. 2021). Generally, there are two categories of methods for coupling hydrologic and
hydrodynamic models, as shown in Fig. 3. The first category is the full 2D hydrodynamic
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 881
model, where the 2D hydrodynamic model is used to simulate the overland flow (runoff
routing and flood inundation), while only the runoff generation is calculated by the hydro-
logic model and added into the source term of the 2D hydrodynamic model. The second
category uses hydrologic modeling for upland areas and hydrodynamic modeling for main
channels and flood-prone areas, and the hydrologic model provides the discharge boundary
for the hydrodynamic model. And therefore, this category can be more efficient and thus,
applied to large-scale studies. This category can be further divided into external and inter-
nal coupling models, according to whether the hydrodynamic model provides feedback to
the hydrologic model. Flowcharts for each coupling technique are shown in Fig. 4.
In this coupling type, only the runoff generation is calculated by the hydrologic model and
considered as the source term of the continuity equation of 2D hydrodynamic model, and
then, both the overland flow migration and inundation processes are all calculated by 2D
hydrodynamic model. This coupling type is also called a full 2D hydrodynamic model
(HM2D). The HM2D can be used to simulate complex flow patterns and achieve satisfac-
tory results.
To explore the trends and development of HM2D, a topic search was conducted to cap-
ture the maximum possible amount of relevant literature using the Web of Science Core
Collection database. The terms “2D shallow water equation” and “flood” are used as the
search queries. The search results were deduplicated, sorted, and irrelevant entries were
removed, and finally, 319 relevant documents were obtained as analysis data. In these pub-
lications, England and China are the wise dominance of studies using such models, and the
proportion of their publications is 18% and 17%, respectively.
Figure 5 shows the yearly distributions of papers published. It is observed that the stud-
ies of HM2D began in the 1980s. It is an initial stage for the exploration of HM2D. After
2000, publications about HM2D are fluctuating upward. The development of computer
technology facilitated the development of the model, and the HM2D was widely used to
simulate floods in different scenarios. Typical applications of HM2D in recent years are
listed in Table 2.
882 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
Fig. 5 Counts of publications of HM2D research by year based on the Web of Science database
1D hydrodynamic models have long been popular for reasons of their speed of cal-
culation, ease of parameterization, and easy representation of hydraulic structures in
the flow domain. Some researchers have also coupled the HM2D with 1D hydrody-
namic model, where the HM2D is used to simulate the runoff in 2D regions, while the
1D hydrodynamic model is used to simulate the flow in 1D rivers or pipes, as shown
in Fig. 6. Underground sewer flow, overflow to the surface, and return flow from the
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 883
Fig. 6 Diagram of a actual water flow and b coupling of HM2D and 1D hydrodynamic model
surface through the manholes are also considered bidirectionally. Mike11 and Mike21
are the typical couplings of 1D and 2D hydrodynamic models (Timbadiya et al. 2014;
Tansar et al. 2020). Some other similar models for coupling of HM2D and 1D hydro-
dynamic models can be found in Liu et al. (2015), Zhang et al. (2020), Kuiry et al.
(2010), and so on.
The rainfall-runoff was simulated by solving the 2D SWEs in HM2D, which can
better understand the full process of flood process physically. Therefore, the HM2D
has satisfactory simulation accuracy. However, as the 2D hydrodynamic equations
need to be solved in the entire watershed, the HM2D is still computationally prohibi-
tive for large-scale applications, especially in regions where the high-resolution rep-
resentation of complicated topographic features is necessary. Therefore, the HM2D is
typically applied to small and medium-sized watersheds (Table 2).
It is noted that the flood inundation region is only a part of the watershed. The 2D
hydrodynamic model can be solved in the local inundation region to ensure numerical
accuracy, and the hydrologic model can be solved in other areas (i.e., non-inundation
regions) to save computational time and resources, that is, different models are used in
different spatial region.
884 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
External coupling, also called one-way coupling, is the simplest and most common type.
This coupling type can be easily developed based on the available hydrologic and hydrody-
namic models, which have been widely used. A topic search was performed to capture the
maximum possible amount of relevant literature using the Web of Science database. The
terms “hydrodynamic model”, “hydrologic model” and “flood” are used as the search que-
ries. The search results were deduplicated, sorted, and irrelevant entries were removed, and
finally, 230 relevant documents were obtained as analysis data. In these publications, the
USA and China are the wise dominance of studies using such models, and the proportion
of their publications is 42% and 17%, respectively.
Figure 7 shows the yearly distributions of papers published. It is observed that the stud-
ies of external coupling model began in 1990s, and the publications show a steady upward
trend. There has been increasing research on external coupling models, especially in recent
years. The SWMM (Rossman 2015), SWAT (Arnold et al. 1998), HEC (Feldman 2000),
WASP (Ambrose and Wool 2017), EFDC (Hamrick 1992), etc., are the common models
used to develop the external coupling model. Typical applications of the external coupling
model are shown in Table 3.
The external coupling model utilizes hydrographs obtained from hydrologic models
as an input for hydrodynamic models, providing a one-way transition, as shown in Fig. 8.
Usually, the hydrologic model is run first and independently from the hydrodynamic
model. Then, the discharge is transferred using limited boundary nodes to the hydrody-
namic model, which is run with all the required input information and boundary condi-
tions. Finally, the results (i.e., water depth and flow velocity) from the hydrodynamic
model are analyzed and if further changes are necessary to the hydrologic model, the pro-
cess will repeat.
If the format, time, and space steps of the outputs of hydrologic models are inconsist-
ent with that of the inputs of hydrodynamic models, the coupling between hydrologic and
Fig. 7 Counts of publications of external model research by year based on the Web of Science database
Table 3 External coupling of hydrologic and hydrodynamic models
Coupling models Models used Coupling types Study area
Dargahi and Setegn (2011) SWAT Directly coupling Lake Tana (Ethiopia)
GEMSS (15,096 km2)
Bravo et al. (2012) MGB-IPH Directly coupling Paraguay River (1,095,000 k m2)
Li et al. (2014) WATLAC Directly coupling Poyang Lake (China) (162,000 km2)
Feistl et al. (2014) SCS-LR Directly coupling Gardon River (2040 k m2)
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
Wu et al. (2017) HIMS Directly coupling Hongfeng Reservoir Basin (China) (1596 km2)
Zhang et al. (2017) SWAT Directly coupling Poyang Lake basin, (China) (162,000 km2)
Delft 3D
Bhola and Leandro (2018) LARSIM Directly coupling Kulmbach
Hdeib et al. (2018) SCS-CN curve Directly coupling Awali River basin (301 k m2)
Munar et al. (2018) MGB-IPH Directly coupling Lake Mirim basin (58,400 k m2)
Li et al. (2019) TOPMODEL Directly coupling upper Pajiang River Basin (PJRB) (468 km2)
Mike Flood
Gomes et al. (2021) CAWM IV Directly coupling Capibaribe River Basin (7454 km2)
Debele and Srinivasan (2006) SWAT A separate interface program Cedar Creek watershed (5244 km2)
Betrie et al. (2011) SWAT Open MI Blue Nile River Basin (940 km2)
Hoch et al. (2018) LISFLOOD-FP BMI Amazon River basin
Delft 3D
Shin et al. (2019) SWAT Matlab code Ipjang Reservoir watershed (7.2 km2)
Table 3 (continued)
WASP Application Program Interface (API)
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 887
hydrodynamic models is not performed directly, with numerical difficulties arising in this
regard. The coupled approach can show numerical instabilities due to the different spatial
discretization often used in the hydrologic model, where a coarser computational grid is
used, and in the hydrodynamic model, where a more-refined computational grid is often
applied (Chávarri et al. 2013). Therefore, the spatial positions of the input and output
nodes generally do not coincide. To solve these problems, a data file connection method is
proposed for coupling hydrologic and hydrodynamic models. The simulation results of the
hydrologic model are stored in a data file, which can automatically convert the outputs of
the hydrologic model to the input files of the hydrodynamic model to drive the operation of
the hydrodynamic model. For instance, a set of MATLAB codes were developed by Shin
et al. (2019) to convert the SWAT output into the input files of EFDC as the boundary con-
ditions, which showed the potential to be a useful tool for the water environment. Xu et al.
(2007) developed a coupling model, where the HSPF and CE-QUAL-W2 were connected
through the preparation of connection documents.
Besides for data file, a basic model interface (BMI) is also proposed to connect the two
independent models. The BMI is used to store and transmit calculation data for the two
software to be connected (Hoch et al. 2018). Each BMI has several functions that can be
called from external applications like, such as a Python script, and models connected to
a BMI can be updated at a user-specified time step. By design, the BMI uses only simple
data types and is easy to implement in all languages. Peckham et al. (2013) proposed the
BMI as a tool within the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) pro-
ject to exchange information between separate models at any given time step. Hoch et al.
(2018) developed a coupling of PCR-GLOBWB and Delft 3D FM using the BMI, which
showed that better results can be obtained through BMI coupling. The BMI is convenient
for developing a one-way coupling of hydrologic and hydrodynamic models.
External coupling models are powerful tools for watershed flood simulation, in particu-
lar on large spatial and temporal scales, due to their convenience in model construction.
However, the location of the boundary points limits the influence of the upland runoff on
downstream waters. The runoff generation on both sides of the river is transferred to lim-
ited points upstream of the mainstream or tributaries of the river network, resulting in an
error in the peak flow rate of the boundary points. Since the flow information is transferred
in one-way from hydrologic to hydrodynamic models, the external coupling cannot capture
the mutual interaction between runoff production and flood inundation. Mass conservation
of water through the coupling interface cannot be guaranteed.
Internal coupling is a two-way coupling, in which the governing equations of the hydro-
logic and hydrodynamic models are solved separately, with information at the shared
interface updated and exchanged at each or several computational time steps. The pro-
cess of an internal coupling technique between hydrologic and hydrodynamic models
888 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
Fig. 9 Classification of internal coupling model: a coupling of hydrologic and 1D hydrodynamic models; b
indirect coupling of hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models
can be described by the followings: (a) the discharge obtained from the hydrologic
model is transferred to the hydrodynamic model via interface condition; (b) the hydro-
dynamic model uses this discharge to calculate flood information, such as water depth
and flow velocity, and transfer this new information to hydrologic model; (c) hydrologic
model uses the received information to compute updated new results and provides it to
hydrodynamic model; (d) this process is repeated until it reaches the end of the simula-
tion period. The internal coupling model can be further classified into the coupling of
hydrologic and 1D hydrodynamic models, and the indirect coupling of hydrologic and
2D hydrodynamic models, as shown in Fig. 9.
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 889
accuracy. However, the application of 1D modeling of overland flow is limited when devel-
oping precise and reliable flood maps in 2D inundation regions.
The coupling of hydrologic and 1D hydrodynamic models cannot accurately simulate the
flood inundation processes in 2D regions, such as lakes, reservoirs, complex flows, and
estuaries where 2D or 3D computations are required. To overcome the lack of 2D hydrody-
namic simulation in type-1, the coupling of hydrologic, 1D, and 2D hydrodynamic models
is proposed.
In this coupling type, the runoff flows into the 1D river or pipes first, and the hydrologic
model is coupled with the 1D hydrodynamic model. And then, the water in 1D rivers or
pipes can overflow into low-lying areas; conversely, the water in low-lying areas can flow
to 1D regions in return. The 1D and 2D hydrodynamic models are coupled in a two-way
manner. This coupling type is an indirect coupling of hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic
models. For instance, Mike SHE and Mike11 are coupled to form Mike Urban, and Mike11
and Mike21 are dynamically coupled to form Mike Flood. The indirect coupling between
the hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models can be developed by coupling Mike Urban
and Mike Flood. The 1D hydrodynamic model is a connection channel between the hydro-
logic and the 2D hydrodynamic models. Some other similar models for indirect coupling
of the hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic model can be found in Hsu et al. (2000), Seyoum
et al. (2012) , Chen and Huang (2017, 2018), Sindhu et al. (2021).
Compared with type-1, this coupling type has satisfactory and acceptable accuracy and
is widely used. As the 2D hydrodynamic model is only calculated in the local inundation
region, its computational efficiency is greatly improved in comparison with HM2D. How-
ever, in this coupling type, it is assumed that the water first discharges into the 1D rivers or
pipes, and then, flows through 1D rivers or pipes to the 2D regions, as shown in Fig. 11a.
The hydrologic model is not directly coupled with the 2D hydrodynamic model, which is
inconsistent with the actual flood processes. In reality, water may be discharged into both
1D channel and 2D waterbodies simultaneously, and the hydrologic, 1D, and 2D hydro-
dynamic models should be linked directly (Fig. 11b). Direct coupling of hydrologic and
2D hydrodynamic models can reflect the flood processes more truly, which deserves more
attention (Brewer et al. 2018).
2.4.1 Model framework
Dynamic bidirectional coupling type is defined as a model that joins the hydrologic and
hydrodynamic models into a single modeling framework by combing their code, where
the governing equations of hydrologic and hydrodynamic models are reformulated and
synchronously solved in a single code base. This means that the information exchange
between both portions of the code is performed internally within the same source code
and does not involve the exchange of external input and output files. One example of
this technique is the dynamic bidirectional coupled hydrologic-hydrodynamic models
(DBCM) (Jiang et al. 2021; Shen et al. 2021). The coupling framework of DBCM is
shown in Fig. 12, where fully distributed hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models are
890 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
Fig. 11 Runoff processes in a indirect coupling of hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models and b actual
flood process
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 891
Vin+1 − Vin
= Qx in i − Qx out i + Qy in i − Qy out i + Ai qnr i (1)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( n )
Qx in i − Qx out i = − qx Γ ⋅ nx k ΔLk
m ( )
qny Γ ⋅ ny ΔLk (3)
( ) ( )
Qy in i − Qy out i = −
1∕ 2
h5∕ 3 Sx
qx = (4)
1∕ 2
h5∕ 3 Sy
qy = (5)
(where) the( superscript n and n + 1 is the time step; V is the water volume
( of) grid( ()m );
Qx in i , Qx out i is the inflow and outflow of grid i in x direction (m /s); Qy in i , Qy out i
is the inflow and outflow of grid i in y direction (m3/s); qri indicates runoff rate of grid i
(mm/h), which is rainfall intensity minus infiltration rate; Ai is the area of grid i (m2); qx , qy
are the unit discharge stored at cell-center along x and y direction (m2/s), with h, u and v
being water depth (m), flow velocity (m/s) in x and y directions, respectively; qxΓ , qyΓ are
the unit discharge at grid boundary in x and y direction, respectively (m2/s), which are cal-
culated based on qx , qy; ΔLk is the side length of grid (m); k = 1, 2, 3,…, m is the number
of edges of cell; n is the Manning roughness coefficient; Sx and Sy are water level gradients
along x and y direction, respectively.
In DBCM, the computational domain is divided into non-inundation and inunda-
tion regions, and the area of non-inundation regions is much larger than that of inunda-
tion regions. The hydrologic model is applied to non-inundation areas with small water
depth, whereas the 2D hydrodynamic model is applied to the local inundation areas with
high water depth. When the rain intensity increased, the inundation regions expanded
because of the gradual accumulation of surface water volume. The inflow discharge
positions, flow path, and discharge values subsequently changed, as shown in Fig. 13.
Therefore, a coupling moving interface (CMI) is formed between the inundation and
non-inundation regions, and the hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models are coupled
via this CMI.
The solution of the convection flux through the CMI can be considered a local Rie-
mann problem, and special treatment on discharge through the CMI needs to be taken
based on the local flow state using the characteristic theory. A pair of the characteristic
wave at the CMI is calculated:
892 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
SL = ui − ghRi
√ (6)
SR = ui+1 + ghLi+1
where SL , SR are the characteristic wave at the CMI, ui , ui+1 are the flow velocity at the grids
i and i + 1; hRi , hLi+1 are the effective water depth at the left and right sides of the CMI.
From Fig. 14, if the characteristic speeds are all positive, the fluxes depend entirely on
the hydrologic model, and the CMI moved from non-inundation to inundation areas. If
the characteristic speeds are all negative, the fluxes depend entirely on the hydrodynamic
model, and the CMI moved from inundation to non-inundation areas. If the characteristic
speeds have a negative and positive value, both the current flow state in the hydrologic and
hydrodynamic models must be taken into consideration, and the CMI is not changed.
In DBCM, the results of hydrologic model affect the 2D hydrodynamic computation,
and the results of hydrodynamic model also affect hydrologic computation, which can take
into account effects due to overflowing in the floodplain, backwater effects at the conflu-
ences. Compared with existing coupling models, the DBCM can fully consider the flow
states with both mass and momentum transfer. It had better simulation accuracy than exter-
nal coupling models. Compared with HM2D, it can save computation time and had better
numerical stability, especially in thin-layer water regions (Kim et al. 2012).
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 893
Fig. 14 The flux calculation depends on the a hydrologic model; b hydrodynamic model and c hydrologic
and hydrodynamic models
894 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
In DBCM and M-DBCM, a fully distributed hydrologic model is adopted to couple with
the 2D hydrodynamic model. In a fully distributed hydrologic model, a 2D routing scheme
including 2D water balance and Manning equations is used to calculate the surface flow.
Compared with a distributed hydrologic model where the runoff routing is considered
as 1D way, the 2D routing scheme adopted in the fully distributed hydrologic model is
more consistent with the actual runoff routing, which can achieve satisfactory simulation
It is difficult to directly couple semi-distributed or distributed hydrologic models with
a 2D hydrodynamic model because of the 1D runoff routing scheme adopted in these
models, such as SWMM, and SWAT. Generally, the semi-distributed or distributed hydro-
logic model is coupled with a 1D hydrodynamic model first and then, coupled with the
2D hydrodynamic model. Therefore, the indirect coupling of hydrologic and 2D hydro-
dynamic models is developed, which is not consistent with the actual runoff path. What is
more, although the 2D surface flow is simulated based on girds in certain fully distributed
hydrological models, such as Mike SHE, and CASC2D, it also fails to develop the direct
coupling of hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models.
Based on the fully distributed hydrologic model, a direct coupling of hydrologic and
2D hydrodynamic models is developed in DBCM. The hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic
model is dynamically and bidirectionally coupled by means of CMI. The computational
regions of hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models change over time. In the dynamic
bidirectional coupling approach, overland flow can be discharged from the non-inundation
to 2D inundation regions, and the effects owing to the overflow of the floodplain and back-
water effects at the river confluences are also considered. The position of coupling inter-
face does not keep fixed in advance during the calculation process. The location where
the runoff enters the inundation region varies dynamically, and the flood level can also
submerge the original inflow points and regenerate a new coupling interface. Such an alter-
nation mechanism is close to natural flow processes. And the mass and momentum conser-
vation through the CMI can be ensured.
Researchers and professionals have been devoted to developing various coupling models
of hydrologic and hydrodynamic models for watershed flood simulation, but few studies
reported such a dynamic bidirectional coupling model due to the complication of refor-
mulating and simultaneously solving governing equations in a single code base (Liu et al.
2019). For such a coupling model, researchers may worry about the complexity and com-
putational efficiency.
In DBCM, the hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models are coded in one software
operated synchronously in time. The CMI is proposed to couple the hydrologic and 2D
hydrodynamic models. If the range of reservoirs, lakes, and other water-bearing areas
changes little, the coupling interface of hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models can also
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 895
Two separately running models are coupled in external and internal coupling models. In
external coupling models, the computations obtained from the hydrologic model are used
as input in the hydrodynamic model. Since the two separate models are coupled, the data
transfer between these models needs manual processing. This coupling compromises its
timely data delivery for emergency responders. In internal coupling models, separately
running models are coupled iteratively using information exchange. In DBCM, the gov-
erning equations of hydrologic and hydrodynamic models are reformulated and simultane-
ously solved in a single code base, which can save computation time and resources.
The DBCM is fully functional and has advantages over other coupling types. It includes
the functions of external and internal coupling models; conversely, the external and inter-
nal coupling types do not have the functions of DBCM, because the CMI is unique to the
DBCM. The DBCM can be converted to other models by changing input parameters. For
example, if DBCM does not take the impacts of the hydrodynamic models on hydrologic
model into account, it can be converted to an external coupling model. Conversely, the
external coupling models do not have the functions of DBCM, because the two separate
models are used and the fixed boundary nodes are adopted in external coupling models.
If the surface flow over the entire watershed is calculated by hydrologic model, the
DBCM can be converted to hydrologic model. If the 2D hydrodynamic model is used to
simulate surface flow over the entire watershed, the DBCM can be converted to HM2D.
But the HM2D cannot be converted to DBCM, due to the no calculation of hydrological
runoff routing in the hydrodynamic model.
In the hydrologic model applied to DBCM, only the overland flow processes, i.e., runoff
generation and routing, are calculated. In a flash flood, overland flow is the most impor-
tant factor to be considered, and evaporation, vegetation interception, interflow, and under-
ground runoff can be neglected due to the short rainfall and calculation duration. How-
ever, a complete hydrologic model should include surface flow, interflow, and underground
896 Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902
runoff. Regarding the surface hydrologic model, the ignored interflow and underground
runoff processes likely lead to underestimations in flood simulation. In future works, the
interflow and underground runoff could be calculated in the hydrologic model.
In DBCM, the hydrologic and 2D hydrodynamic models are used to simulate the flooding
process in non-inundation and inundation regions, respectively. However, in a watershed,
rivers are usually narrow and the width of the river is often tens of meters or even less. To
reflect the flow process in rivers, it needs to be divided into really small grids. It is well-
known that small grids mean a high computational burden and resources. Many researchers
have devoted themselves to solving this problem and proposed indirect coupling of hydro-
logic and 2D hydrodynamic models. But in existing coupling types, the hydrologic and
2D hydrodynamic models are not coupled directly, which is not consistent with the flood
evolution process.
In reality, the runoff routing can directly enter the 1D river channel and 2D regions,
and the hydrologic model should be directly coupled with 1D and 2D hydrodynamic mod-
els. In future works, the 1D hydrodynamic would be added to the DBCM. Therefore, the
direct dynamic bidirectional coupling of hydrologic and 1D, 2D hydrodynamic models can
be developed in the DBCM, as shown in Fig. 15. Besides, in urban flood simulation, the
1D hydrodynamic model can be used to simulate the runoff routing in pipe network, and
the dynamical bidirectional coupling of hydrologic, 1D pipe, 1D river and 2D hydrody-
namic models can also be developed. Therefore, the application of DBCM can be further
extended, and it can be used for simulating both urban and watershed flood processes.
Many numerical models have been developed to simulate floods caused by extreme rain-
fall events in the past few decades. The hydrologic models have been widely used in
simulating runoff generation and routing, which are divided into lumped, semi-distrib-
uted, distributed, and fully distributed hydrologic models based on spatial representa-
tion and routing schemes. The hydrologic models require less computational time at the
Natural Hazards (2023) 118:875–902 897
price of representing less detailed physical processes, while the hydrodynamic models
in many cases are capable of detailing the flood inundation process with computational
limitations in large-scale applications.
Substantial research has been conducted to improve the computational efficiency and
accuracy of flood simulation models by coupling hydrologic and hydrodynamic mod-
eling (Wang et al. 2021). The external coupling model may be useful as an important
attempt to simulate the flooding process, as it requires less effort and computational
resources than the internal coupling model and HM2D. However, it neglects the interac-
tions between hydrologic and hydrodynamic models. Also, the hydrologic and hydrody-
namic models are coupled by fixed limited coupling nodes, which is not consistent with
the flooding process. Despite the use of an internal coupling model (i.e., coupling of
hydrologic and 1D hydrodynamic model, indirect coupling of hydrologic and 2D hydro-
dynamic model), some limitations are still encountered, such as limiting the information
exchange at a fixed boundary, forcing water flows into the 1D river and 2D inunda-
tion regions successively. Although the HM2D can solve these problems and is a state-
of-the-art approach for simulating flood processes, it has computational limitations,
especially in large-scale applications. To address the current limitations of the existing
models, a dynamic bidirectional coupling model (DBCM) was proposed, which has the
following advantages:
(1) A fully distributed hydrologic model is adopted, which is coupled with a 2D hydrody-
namic model with ease.
(2) The hydrologic and hydrodynamic models are coupled by means of CMI, and the inter-
actions between these two models are also considered. Such a coupling mechanism is
close to the natural flood evolution processes. Therefore, the DBCM has acceptable
simulation accuracy compared with the external and internal coupling models.
(3) As the 2D hydrodynamic model is used to simulate the flooding process in local inun-
dation regions, the DBCM can save more computation time and resources compared
with HM2D.
(4) The DBCM is fully functional, which includes the functions of external and internal
coupling models; conversely, the external and internal coupling types do not have the
functions of DBCM, because the CMI is unique to the DBCM.
The DBCM has potential development if further improvement is made. This model
can be further improved by adding a 1D hydrodynamic model to it. The flow in a narrow
river can be simulated using a 1D model, which may save more time than using a 2D
model. Besides, adding interflow and underground flow modules can further improve
the hydrologic model.
Acknowledgements This study was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
52179068) and the Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering (Grant No. 2021-KY-04). The authors
thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
Funding This study was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52179068) and
the Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering (Grant No. 2021-KY-04).
Competing interests All authors declare that no conflict of interest exists.
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