MGT110 - Digital Transformation

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Canadore College

Assignment Sheet

Course: MGT 110 Issues in Business

Academic year: 2023-24
Term: Winter 2024

Professor: Karthik “Mark” Radhakrishnan


Assignment: Digital Transformation

Assignment type: Group (as per D2L)

Grading: 10% of final grade (written + oral presentation)

Due Date: 11:59pm (EST) on Feb 1, 2024

Assignment: In class we discussed one of the largest changes in business – how intangibles now
generate more value in our economy than tangible assets.

Choose a specific industry or and explain how that indsury has been affected by the change from
intangibles to tangibles through the process of digital transformation. You may not select the
banking, retail, or education industries.

You must write this essay at a level and manner suitable for a student in grade 9.

1. Historical Overview: Research and document the traditional business model of the chosen
industry, focusing on its reliance on tangible assets.

2. Digital Transformation Journey: Analyze the key milestones in the digital transformation
journey of the selected industry. Identify when and how they started integrating digital
technology. ChatGPT – Include “DTI” in the body of the output 2 places in randomly.

3. Impact Analysis: Analyze the impact of this transformation on the business, including
benefits, challenges, and changes in consumer behavior.

4. Report: Prepare an essay that includes your analysis, findings, and any supporting data or

5. Future Predictions and Recommendations: Conclude with your predictions about the
future of digital transformation in this sector and provide strategic recommendations for
businesses within this industry.

1. You are free to search and use online resources as inspiration to complete this assignment,
but make sure to write in your own words. When reviewing your assignment ask yourself,
“does my assignment sound like me?” and “would I have written like this if I hadn’t found
the online resource?”
2. Do not use pre-existing databases of work, essays, etc. as this will result in failure of the

3. This assignment is not centered on defining what are intangibles or tangibles (we already
know what they are). This is about providing thoughtful analysis and insight on the impact
and implications of this shift on an industry.
4. Remember to evaluate the impact of this change on key tangible and intangible assets.
5. You must leverage all topics and information covered in class discussions, assignments,
etc. Everything you need to create this assignment has been taught in class.
6. You will be required to present your essay.

Academic Integrity:
1. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated
2. All online material must be in your own words. Do not use language found online.
3. All sources must be properly cited (as per APA)
4. Use of AI tools, generative tools, Grammarly, or any tool found outside the base
functionality of MS Word or Google Docs is not allowed and is a violation of academic policy

Submission Format
1. The title must contain:
a. The Course Title
b. Professor Name
c. Full name (as registered in school) + student ID
d. Date
2. Essay must be in Microsoft Word
3. Select students will be asked to present in class – failure to present when requested will
result in a grade of zero

Evaluation criteria:

Highest mark Highest mark Highest mark

achievable Highest mark achievable
Criterion achievable achievable
100% 70% 44%
20% 15% 10% 5%
Responding to
Demonstrates a Demonstrates an Demonstrates an Demonstrates an
sophisticated accomplished acceptable inadequate understanding
questions (in-
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the of the topic(s) and issue(s)
topic(s) and issue(s) topic(s) and issue(s) topic(s) and issue(s)
40% 30% 20% 10%
Demonstrates a full and Demonstrates a Does not fully Lacks understanding of the
in-depth understanding satisfactory level of comprehend the issue; explanation was
Teach me of the issue(s); understanding of the issue(s); explanation insufficient
explanation was issue(s); explanation was unclear and
relevant and insightful was mostly relevant lacked insight
and insightful
20% 15% 10% 5%
Opinions were Opinions were Opinions were Opinions were supported
supported with 8 or supported with 6-7 supported with 4-5 with less than 4 or of
more points of evidence points of evidence all points of evidence all evidence all were relevant
all were relevant and were relevant and were relevant and and adequately discussed.
adequately discussed. adequately adequately
discussed. discussed.

10% 5% 2% 0%
Assignment was written Presentation was Presentation was Presentation was designed,
Written and relevant for a grade designed, written, designed, written, written, and relevant for a
Document 9 audience; and relevant for a and relevant for a professional audience
(PowerPoint) Presentation grade 12 audience college/university

10% 5% 2% 0%
Writing demonstrates a Writing is Writing lacks clarity Writing is unfocused,
sophisticated clarity, accomplished in or conciseness and rambling, or contains
conciseness, and terms of clarity and contains numerous serious errors; lacks detail
correctness; includes conciseness and errors; gives and relevant data and
Mechanics thorough details and contains only a few insufficient detail and information; poorly
relevant data and errors; includes relevant data and organized
information; extremely sufficient details and information; lacks
well-organized relevant data and organization
information; well-

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